The son of a hero strabismus from birth. The boy is now one year and seven months old. Doctors say this is a consequence of a difficult birth. The boy was born weighing about 5 kg. They didn’t do a Caesarean section then. The child is being seen by a neurologist.

The parents turned to a neurologist and neuro-ophthalmologist in St. Petersburg. They said that only surgery would help the child. Dr. Konovalov came to the program. The child has convergent strabismus. The innervation of the extraocular muscles is impaired.


Another call was from Solnechnogorsk, in the Moscow region. The woman was diagnosed with chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy. The girl no longer has the desire to live. The girl hears from the doctors that this disease cannot be cured.

The girl lost all hope. The girl has already been examined. The girl is 25 years old, she has been sick for a year. These demyelinating brain diseases are common The sheath of nerve fibers disappears; these diseases are different.


Another letter arrived for transmission directly from Moscow. The boy contacted the program. He's worried thumb legs, The doctor diagnosed an ingrown toenail. And the boy wants to know what to do so that there is no constant inflammation around the nail.

The boy will certainly receive help during the program and the problem of ingrown toenails will be discussed in detail. The boy has already been operated on three times for an ingrown toenail. Never cut your toenails by cutting off the corners of the nail. Don't cut your nails in circles. The nail may grow in and become inflamed.


Maria from Krasnodar region. Maria's niece suffers from scoliosis. This is thoracolumbar scoliosis. The girl's chest is depressed, making it difficult to breathe. The child is suffocating, they invited him to Moscow for an operation to install a plate.

The problem is solvable. Deformation not only disfigures the body, it interferes with living and breathing normally. A titanium structure is inserted into the body. It fixes the chest in a certain position. There is a complication in this operation. Surgeon may damage the heart, it's easy to do.


There was also a call from Murmansk. The heroine's mother is 62 years old. 7 years ago, a woman’s vision began to deteriorate. As a result, his right eye went blind. A year ago, the same symptoms began to occur in the other eye. The woman loses her vision, she has myopia, cataracts, and astigmatism.

The woman wants to understand why such a pathology occurs. Is it possible to improve vision in the mother’s case or prevent it? further loss of vision. The lens becomes cloudy. With age, the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, it becomes dry and less elastic.


The heroine of the program was diagnosed with leukoplakia a year and a half ago. Bladder. There were relapses twice, there was pain and aching. The diagnosis was confirmed twice the area is not growing. The sample was taken twice. The diagnosis is confirmed. They took a sample.

Education is good quality. The heroine Small child, she wants to count on help. Leukoplakia- These are white growths on the walls of the bladder. True leukoplakia is rare and it is difficult to say that it is true.


The call was also from Tver. The man started having headaches some time ago, which radiate to his right eye. Such pains went away after sleep. And now the man on the right has severe hearing loss. The man wants to know if such problems can be cured.

The pain does not go away and is not relieved by anything. There is tinnitus. The man was given steroid hormones. But nothing helped. The man came to the program. The hearing hairs in the ear sense vibrations. They convert the signal into an electrical one and transmit it to the brain.


People often experience neck pain in their countryside. Eat simple tips that will help you. Usually the problem occurs in intervertebral discs, they get injured. Hernias come out, and inflammatory substances are also released. The vertebrae can sag and put pressure on the nerves. The muscles spasm to keep you from moving.

Many muscles in ordinary people who move little do not work. Their corset function is not feasible. They spasm. At some point, for various reasons, it occurs immobility of intervertebral segments.

On the eve of June 1, a special issue of the “Live Healthy” program “Breath of the Motherland” is dedicated to children. Today they are the main characters of the program. Seven-year-old Athena from Moscow is preparing to become a first-grader; her mother discovered that she has alopecia. Arsen from Samara is worried about his mother - she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and schoolboy Armeniy from the village of Krokhovo is worried about his dad - he has a heart condition. A girl from Noginsk near Moscow is shaking violently after an accident. right hand- She cannot write or draw. Novouralsk resident Deniska underwent surgery on his legs and dreams of swimming in the pool and doing gymnastics.

We will solve these and other problems of small patients today in our studio with specialists. Among them is the world-famous doctor, pediatric surgeon Leonid Roshal. The program is led by therapist, professor Elena Malysheva.

#livehealthy #health #medicine #healthy lifestyle #ElenaMalysheva #1tv

Breath of the Motherland. Live healthy! Special issue 05.29.2017

The program about health is hosted by Elena Malysheva, #neurologist and #therapist Dmitry #Shubin, #cardiologist German Gandelman and Vladimir Nikiforov. website
"Live healthy!" - educational television program about healthy, joyful and happy life, broadcast on Channel One. The main presenter and director of the program is Elena Malysheva.

March 29, 2017

The program “Live Healthy!” changed the format.

Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”, which airs on Channel One from Monday to Friday, has changed its format. Now on Mondays the TV show is a special episode “Breath of the Motherland.” From now on, any viewer of the program can contact the teledoctor with their medical problem and count on an answer. Elena Malysheva contacts the authors of the messages and then invites the best doctors in this profile to the studio. Subsequent examinations and treatment will not cost the patient a penny. Those who are not invited to the filming will not be forgotten either: they will receive advice in any case.

According to Malysheva, the goal of the program is to connect doctors and patients, who sometimes may not know about each other. Russia has everything - technology, medicines, personnel, but the patient may not know how to continue treatment.

In the first episode, Malysheva contacted a woman with pregnancy pathology via Skype, received a boy whose leg was drying out in the studio, and listened to a woman whose father has a rare type of lung cancer. In all cases, patients were promised face-to-face consultation and treatment from the best specialists in the country. It was emphasized that the heroes of the program would not incur any costs.

The question of why the problem of communication between doctors and patients is not solved at the level of clinics, where referrals to more experienced specialists should be issued, is not addressed in the program. Applications are accepted on the website

After the first release of “Breath of the Motherland,” questions began pouring in to the program, and most often people asked about how to get to Moscow for examination and treatment. The presenters asked this question to the Minister of Health of Moscow, professor, doctor of medical sciences Alexey Khripun. It is possible to come to Moscow for medical help, he said. Help will be provided to all citizens Russian Federation. More and more nonresident citizens are seeking such help, and Moscow clinics try not to refuse anyone. All necessary information can be found on the website of the Moscow Department of Health or on a specialized resource "Capital of Health" .

The city of Vyazma, Smolensk region. The girl was diagnosed: progressive myopia of both eyes. Over the past six months, her vision has dropped by one diopter. Doctors suggest doing scleroplasty. How effective is this operation, is there another way to solve this problem? The question is answered by Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Elena Petrovna Taruta , she works at the Institute of Eye Diseases named after. Helmholtz.

A resident of the city of Balashikha contacted the program with a problem - he had a huge birthmark, nevus. Chief dermatologist of Moscow Anna Kubanova will tell you whether the nevus poses a danger to human life and health, and whether it is possible to get rid of it.

The story of Ruzanna from Adler continued, who turned to the program for help because doctors discovered that the child she was carrying had many severe pathologies. Doctors perinatal center named after Kulakov in Moscow did everything possible to help Ruzanna...

The city of Chekhov, Moscow region. The girl had ARVI in December, then she was diagnosed with bronchopneumonia. She underwent treatment, but she still has heat . Doctors cannot determine the exact cause of this pathology. The chief pediatrician of the Moscow region answers the question Niso Odieva .

The city of Svetly, Kaliningrad region. The woman was found to have parathyroid adenoma. The parathyroid glands direct the parade of hormones and the distribution of calcium in the body. The patient wants to see a good doctor who can perform surgery to remove the adenoma. Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Timur Britvin , Head of the Department of Surgical Endocrinology, Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after. Vladimirsky (MONIKI) invited the patient for treatment and examination to his institute.

The village of Tolstovo-Vasyukovskoye, Stavropol Territory. A woman was diagnosed several years ago with postpartum thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the legs"She was prescribed conservative treatment, now she has post-thrombotic disease, she takes special medications and wears a bandage. Is it possible to quickly solve this problem? A phlebologist answers the question Dmitry Vasiliev , professor at the Russian National University. Pirogov.

Sochi. A daughter contacted the program because she was very worried about her mother. The woman had two microstroke. After the second mini-stroke, she began to fall asleep while sitting at her desk and sometimes has noise in her head. The presenters contacted specialists from the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after. S.V. Ochapovsky and asked them to help the woman. After examination, it was discovered that the woman has grade 3 obesity and suffers from chronic brain hypoxia. The cardiologist gave his recommendations to the patient Herman Gandelman .

Kursk A 37-year-old woman has irregular periods. After examination, she was diagnosed with " premature ovarian failure and endometrial hyperplasia"What to do if a woman wants to become a mother? Professor, MD, answers the question. Larisa Marchenko , she works at the Center for Obstetrics, Perinatology and Gynecology. Kulakova.

Samara. The girl has been periodically experiencing acute pain behind her eye for many years, and over time it only gets worse. Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Elena Malysheva contacted the rector of the Samara Medical Institute, academician Gennady Petrovich Kotelnikov . After examination, it turned out that the patient had - Meibomian gland dysfunction, which are responsible for the formation of tears, and treatment is prescribed.