Losing weight up to 7 kg in 10 days.
The average daily calorie content is 480 Kcal.

In our age of technological progress, the ecology and quality of food, to put it mildly, leave much to be desired. In addition, alcohol, fast food and similar products, stress and all sorts of negative influences do not add to our health, and often make us gain excess weight.

The cleansing diet that we will focus on today can help the body cleanse itself of waste and toxins and, if necessary, say goodbye to extra pounds. 4-7 kg can leave your body during the diet.

Requirements of a cleansing diet

By following the rules of this technique, the body says goodbye to various harmful compounds that arise from poor nutrition, abuse of food delights, consumption of food containing chemicals, lack of fiber in the menu, etc.

Slagging of the body can lead to a decrease in its defenses. Our immunity rapidly declines, there is a strong loss of energy, mental and physical performance decreases, diseases associated with the stomach and intestines and other diseases arise, and weight may also increase noticeably.

Slagging in the body can also negatively affect the condition of the skin. The skin may become dull or take on an unattractive grayish-brown tint. Acne and pimples often make themselves felt, and wrinkles actively appear (early aging of the body is observed). Hair may become dull, begin to split more than before, and even fall out. As you can see, this is not very pleasant.

To minimize the likelihood of these problems occurring, experts advise cleaning the body from time to time through a special diet. This course is aimed at preventing or eliminating the consequences of slagging, which were mentioned above.

The food ration of the diet is made up of products that are able to perfectly remove various toxins, harmful salts, reduce the effects of intoxication of the body and help reduce the volume of problem areas of the body.

To have a beneficial effect on the body and improve your figure, it is recommended refuse from eating animal products (any meat and fish), anything fatty, fried and sweet, marinades, smoked meats, pickles, fast food in any form and carbonated drinks.

Here's to the list permitted products include cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), fruits and dried fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, low-fat fermented milk drinks, low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese, homemade yogurt without additives, seeds, nuts, unsweetened fruit and vegetable juices, sugar-free compotes, green , ginger, herbal teas.

If your main goal is weight loss, pay attention to the cleansing diet for weight loss. It lasts 10 days, and during this period you can lose up to 7 kilograms of excess weight. The main component of this diet is the consumption of vegetable broth, which includes carrots, celery, cabbage (a total of 400 g of all ingredients) and one and a half liters of water. Four meals a day are provided.

In all versions of the cleansing diet, try to give up any food 3-4 hours before going to bed. Portion sizes are not clearly regulated. But if one of your main goals is to lose weight, of course, you don’t need to overdo it with the amount of food you consume and eat no more than 200-250 g at one sitting. Salting dishes is allowed, but in moderation.

If you often experience troubles associated with bowel function, you should pay attention to a special cleansing technique aimed specifically at this area of ​​the body. With this method, you need to rely on rice cereal, low-fat kefir and apples (preferably green). It is also allowed to consume 100 g of shrimp, squid or seaweed, some pears, pineapples and various citrus fruits, and lean chicken meat (no more than 150 g per day) daily. This diet lasts up to 8 days, during which you can lose up to 4 unnecessary kilograms and at the same time cleanse your intestines.

If your skin is often attacked by acne, reducing the number of acne to a minimum is a cleansing diet option aimed at directly solving this actual problem. The basis of the diet in this case is rice and buckwheat cereals, oatmeal, berries, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. This list is also supplemented by lean meat, fish and seafood. In general, you can continue this diet as long as you wish (within reasonable limits, of course). Try to eat small meals, and allow yourself other foods as an extreme exception, especially if the problem of acne and rashes is pronounced.

If your skin condition makes you sad, you should focus on the following products:
- cereals (oats, bran, barley, rice water, buckwheat);
- meat (chicken, beef);
- lean fish;
- fruits (pineapples, apples of various varieties, pomegranate, all citrus fruits);
- vegetables (carrots, cabbage, beets, turnips, cucumbers);
- low-fat or low-fat dairy and fermented milk products (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk);
- drinks (ginger and herbal teas, water with natural honey and lemon juice, parsley decoctions, various fresh fruit juices and vegetable juices).

Cleansing diet menu

Example of a cleansing diet for weight loss

Day 1
Breakfast: oatmeal with water.
Lunch: vegetable broth and cabbage salad, sprinkled with vegetable oil and lemon juice; ginger tea.
Afternoon snack: juice, freshly squeezed from carrots.
Dinner: vegetable broth; chopped or grated apple, seasoned with a small amount of low-fat yogurt; a cup of ginger tea.

Day 2
Breakfast: boiled buckwheat plus fresh non-starchy vegetables; low-fat kefir.
Lunch: vegetable broth; several medium-sized boiled or baked potatoes; fresh cucumber.
Afternoon snack: fresh apple and pear.
Dinner: salad of any fruit with the addition of pumpkin seeds; cup of herbal tea.

Day 3
Breakfast: boiled buckwheat and vegetable broth.
Lunch: boiled rice; carrot salad dressed with vegetable (preferably olive) oil; a glass of unsweetened compote.
Afternoon snack: a handful of fresh berries.
Dinner: low-fat oatmeal soup; cucumber salad with fresh white cabbage.

Day 4
Breakfast: a portion of salad of rice, dates, pears, nuts (walnuts are most in harmony with these products); low-fat kefir.
Lunch: vegetable broth; rice with dried apricots.
Afternoon snack: apricots (several pieces).
Dinner: vegetable soup with buckwheat; A glass of tomato juice.

Day 5
Breakfast: boiled or steamed rice; a cup of ginger tea.
Lunch: boiled green beans with fresh cabbage; vegetable broth.
Afternoon snack: vegetable broth.
Dinner: pilaf with stewed non-starchy vegetables; a lemon and ginger drink or just a cup of tea.

Note. At the end of the five-day course, repeat the menu again.

An example of an eight-day colon cleansing diet

Days 1 and 5
Breakfast: a portion of rice; low-fat kefir.
Lunch: rice with a small amount of boiled squid; a few slices of fresh pineapple.
Afternoon snack: 2 medium-sized kiwis.
Dinner: rice and apple and tangerine salad (you can make delicious fruit rice by mixing all these ingredients).

Days 2 and 6
Breakfast: large grated green apple, seasoned with kefir.
Lunch: pilaf with lean chicken fillet; freshly squeezed peach juice.
Afternoon snack: one small pomegranate.
Dinner: a portion of rice; fresh white cabbage salad with cucumber; a glass of low-fat kefir.

Days 3 and 7
Breakfast: rice mixed with grated carrots; low-fat kefir.
Lunch: vegetable soup without frying with rice; salad of non-starchy vegetables.
Afternoon snack: rice water.
Dinner: a few tablespoons of canned corn; boiled shrimp and a cup of tea.

Days 4 and 8
Breakfast: rice with fresh white cabbage salad; 1 orange or other citrus.
Lunch: rice pudding; pumpkin puree; a glass of low-fat kefir.
Afternoon snack: tomato salad; radish; various greens.
Dinner: boiled or baked chicken fillet; rice; freshly squeezed apple juice.

Example of an acne cleansing diet

Breakfast: any boiled cereal (cook in water); a glass of low-fat kefir.
Snack: a salad of non-starchy fruits, topped with plain yogurt or low-fat kefir.
Lunch: chicken fillet stewed with non-starchy vegetables, or simply with a fresh vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil; juice from any fruit without sugar.
Afternoon snack: carrot-rosehip unsweetened drink.
Dinner: a portion of rice; steamed or baked low-fat fish with fresh or baked non-starchy vegetables; a cup of ginger tea.

Example of a skin cleansing diet

Breakfast: oatmeal with water and low-fat milk in equal quantities, with a few slices of fruit, you can add a little honey.
Snack: large apple.
Lunch: chicken fillet, stewed with non-starchy vegetables; lemon-honey drink.
Afternoon snack: natural yogurt without additives.
Dinner: rice; salad of vegetables and herbs, sprinkled with vegetable oil.

Contraindications for a cleansing diet

  • Contraindications to the use of this type of technique are pregnancy and breastfeeding, chronic diseases, especially during exacerbation.
  • There are also age restrictions - not recommended for children under 14 years old.

Benefits of a cleansing diet

  1. The benefits of a cleansing diet are improved well-being, noticeable weight loss, and the body’s farewell to harmful substances.
  2. The condition of the skin and hair improves, and nails become stronger.
  3. The main advantage of this technique is the improvement of almost all internal organs and systems.

Disadvantages of a cleanse diet

  • There are no significant disadvantages to the cleansing diet. Yes, you will have to control your diet and deny yourself familiar foods; sweet tooth lovers may experience difficulties, but practically no method can do without this.
  • Also, adjusting your regime to fractional meals, which is recommended in most versions of the cleansing technique, may not be easy for working people whose work does not allow them to be distracted by snacks.

Repeated cleansing diet

It is not recommended to repeat an eight- or ten-day cleansing diet for the next month.

According to statistics, in 60% of cases the problem of slagging in the body can be solved with the help of special nutrition. There are products that neutralize poisons and eliminate toxins. And there are those that, on the contrary, promote their penetration into the intestines and blood, from where they are distributed throughout all systems. Based on this, various options for cleansing diets are being developed - depending on what result you want to achieve or which organ needs a spring cleaning.

Any diet for cleansing the body is based on certain rules. Simply following the recommended menu and constantly looking at the lists of permitted and prohibited foods is not enough. It is necessary to understand that this is a complex procedure. And if you want to achieve results, you need to follow the recommendations of nutritionists and doctors.

Get a medical examination and make sure everything is fine with your health. Get permission to go on a diet from your doctor or at least a nutritionist. Consider contraindications for such nutrition: oncology, pregnancy, lactation, exacerbation of chronic diseases, mental disorders, epilepsy, genetic pathologies.

Calculate the required daily volume of water. The norm is 30 ml per 1 kg of your weight. But since we are talking about cleaning, add another 1-2 glasses to the result. For example, a person weighing 70 kg normally needs 2.1 liters + another 400 ml = 2.5 liters.

Prepare fresh food for 1 day each time. The diet should not contain anything from yesterday. Food must be chewed thoroughly. For hard ones, we make at least 30 chewing movements, for soft ones (porridges, soups) - 10. Do not wash down food with drinks. Consume them either half an hour before meals, or half an hour after.

There must be food. You need to eat every 3-4 hours. Don't overeat. Never let your stomach get to the point of being full. For half an hour after eating, you need to sit quietly and relax. No physical activity. But lying down is also not recommended.

If your health worsens, you should reconsider your diet. Perhaps you just chose the wrong option.


There is a so-called universal cleansing diet based on sorbent products. It is unique in that it removes waste and toxins from almost any organs and systems, and is also good for weight loss, as it allows you to get rid of 2-3 kg of excess weight.


Slag-free, cleansing, detox diet.

The essence

It assumes the presence in the diet of only sorbent products that selectively absorb or bind harmful substances and then remove them from the body naturally. Toxic, refined foods are banned.


General slagging of the body and its individual organs.


Well tolerated. It is distinguished by a balanced diet and a varied menu, as it allows a large number of products to be consumed. In addition to the cleansing effect, it allows you to lose weight and improve your well-being. Has no contraindications. You can return to this diet 3-4 times a year. It can be safely combined with other cleansing procedures (taking laxatives or diuretics) - they will only enhance each other’s effect.

Authorized products:

  • greens: lettuce, dill, celery, parsley;
  • cereals: buckwheat, pearl barley, oats, rice;
  • drinks: dried fruit compote, decoctions of medicinal herbs, still mineral water, jelly, freshly squeezed juices, green tea, oat kvass, buttermilk;
  • vegetables: beets, carrots, all varieties of cabbage, potatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, pumpkin, eggplants;
  • bran;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • fruits: plums, green apples, cherries, lemons, peaches, durum pears, apricots, grapefruits, oranges;
  • Champignon;
  • berries: black currant, strawberry, cranberry, lingonberry, gooseberry.

Sorbent products


  • legumes;
  • bakery;
  • fried food;
  • greens: spinach, sorrel;
  • sausages;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • drinks: carbonated, alcoholic, black tea, coffee;
  • spicy dishes;
  • seasonings;
  • radish;
  • seeds;
  • sweets (sweets, marshmallows, chocolate, etc.);
  • salinities, marinades;
  • fast food;
  • shashlik.

Products that are partially (no more than 1-2 times a week) allowed in the cleansing diet:

  • grape;
  • dairy products (give preference to low-fat cottage cheese, 1% kefir and hard cheese; try to do without milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk);
  • lean meat (boiled chicken breast is allowed, its skin and other types of meat are prohibited);
  • low-fat fish (cod, flounder, pollock, tuna, blue whiting, halibut);
  • garlic;
  • eggs.

Sample menu for the week

Addition to the menu:

  • if the task is exclusively cleansing, the volume of portions is not limited, but remember one of the general rules - do not overeat;
  • in the intervals between meals, you are allowed to drink plain water and acceptable drinks;
  • Before going to bed, you can eat a green apple or drink a soothing herbal tea.

A unique diet of its kind for cleansing the body and losing weight at the same time. Upon completion, you will not only feel lightness throughout your body, but also see real numbers on the scales indicating weight loss. In addition, your well-being will improve significantly: headaches and dizziness will go away, blood pressure and sugar levels will stabilize, and digestion will normalize.


Very often, nutritionists recommend using a pectin diet to cleanse the body.

The essence

Based on products that contain a lot of pectin. This substance removes toxins, waste, radionuclides, bad cholesterol and stagnant fat cells from the body. In addition, pectin has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and promotes weight loss.


Slagging of the body and intestines. Digestive problems. Excess weight. Increased cholesterol levels.


The pectin cleansing diet is designed for 1 week. Experts do not recommend observing it for a longer period, as vitamin deficiency may begin due to the leaching of useful substances.


Contraindicated for cholecystitis, pancreatitis and stomach ulcers.

Authorized products:

  • apricots;
  • bananas;
  • beans;
  • grape;
  • walnuts;
  • green tea;
  • lemons;
  • carrot;
  • peaches;
  • beet;
  • plum;
  • pumpkin;
  • citrus zest;
  • apples of any variety and in any form (fresh, grated, baked);
  • Apple juice;
  • eggs.

Products with high pectin content


  • alcohol;
  • bakery;
  • carbonated and energy drinks;
  • sausages;
  • confectionery;
  • coffee;
  • pasta;
  • ice cream;
  • all meat products except chicken breast;
  • vegetables: zucchini, potatoes, squash, radishes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • sugar;
  • sweets;
  • fruits: pears, melon;
  • chips.

Allowed in the diet no more than 1-2 times a week:

  • cereals, porridge;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken breast;
  • low-fat fish varieties.

Sample menu for 1 day

The more apples you include in your diet, the more effective it will be. This fruit is a champion in pectin content. As for juices, also give preference to apple juice. It has a diuretic effect, so you will be able to eliminate waste and toxins naturally during this week.

On fiber

A fiber diet is no less useful for cleansing the body than a pectin diet.

The essence

The basis of her diet consists of foods rich in dietary fiber. Their distinctive feature is that they are not digested by enzymes and are excreted naturally almost unchanged. But, staying in the stomach, they improve digestion, have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, bind and carry away poisons, toxins, waste and other debris. Fiber also creates a feeling of fullness and thereby blocks hunger.


Cleansing the body as a whole. Very useful for the intestines, as it eliminates digestive problems. Excess weight.


The optimal course of complete cleansing of the intestines and body is 1 week.


Relieves the digestive tract from the processes of rotting and fermentation. Normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Improves heart function. Reduces the risk of gallstones. It is highly nutritious. Contraindicated for serious gastrointestinal diseases, pregnancy, hormonal problems, mental disorders, oncology, after abdominal surgery.

Authorized products:

  • legumes;
  • products made from coarse flour;
  • cereals: buckwheat, millet;
  • pasta from coarse wheat varieties;
  • nuts;
  • fresh herbs;
  • fresh juices;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • fresh fruits;
  • fresh berries;
  • flax seeds;
  • dried fruits;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • Champignon.

Allowed in small quantities:

  • dietary meat;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • low-fat varieties of steamed fish;
  • boiled eggs;
  • sweeteners;
  • spices and seasonings.

Other products not included in these two lists automatically become prohibited.

Sample menu for 1 day

The more you include fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs and sprouted seeds in your diet, the more effective the cleansing diet will be. Be sure to drink freshly squeezed juices to remove all waste and toxins from the body and improve digestion. And let losing 3-4 kg in a week be a pleasant bonus for you.


The most famous and popular diet that cleanses the body is diuretic. And this is understandable: how else can you remove waste and toxins? Of course, by increasing the daily volume of urine.

Other names


The essence

The basis of the diet is diuretic products, animal and vegetable protein. And those that retain fluid in the body are prohibited. This is an increased load on the kidneys and bladder, but it will be justified by the results with a well-designed menu.


Sand in the kidneys, kidney failure, slagging in the body. Excess weight. Swelling.


First of all, a diuretic diet is indicated for cleansing the kidneys. For weight loss, it will no longer be so effective. With it you can lose 1-2 kg, but the weight loss will end there, and the fat deposits will remain in place.

Authorized products:

  • watermelon;
  • artichoke;
  • melon;
  • green tea;
  • leafy greens;
  • cereals: millet, oats, buckwheat;
  • ginger root;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • almost all drinks, except alcoholic, carbonated and energy drinks;
  • radish;
  • black radish;
  • table beets;
  • asparagus;
  • pumpkin;
  • spinach;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • berries: gooseberries, rose hips, lingonberries, cranberries, viburnum.

Products with a diuretic effect


  • bakery;
  • yeast;
  • fried food;
  • fatty fish;
  • smoked meats;
  • red meat;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates: syrups, jam, preserves and other sweets;
  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine;
  • milk;
  • semi-finished meat products;
  • Wheat flour;
  • cream;
  • salt;
  • sauces;
  • chips;
  • eggs.

If the diet is three-day, you can additionally diversify the menu with such products as:

  • legumes;
  • Brown rice;
  • shrimp, squid, oysters, mussels;
  • chicken;
  • natural yogurt;
  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • skim cheese;
  • olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • soy milk.

Sample menu for 1 day

Menu Notes:

  1. Between meals you need to drink as much diuretic herbal tea and freshly squeezed juices as possible.
  2. It is advisable to puree dishes.

For the diet to be beneficial, you first need to be checked by a specialist for kidney disease. If large stones (more than 4 mm in diameter) are found in them, such nutrition is contraindicated. And in terms of side effects, there are many more problems here than in all other programs for removing toxins from the body.

Poor nutrition, constant stress, fuss and a sedentary lifestyle negatively affect our body. A diet for cleansing the intestines is very important for every modern person, because with its help you can normalize metabolism, remove all harmful toxins and wastes and lose weight, without even resorting to the help of various laxatives.

Benefits of colon cleansing diet

The intestine is one of the most sensitive organs in the body, which plays one of the main roles. If its normal activity is disrupted, unpleasant consequences follow in the form of fecal stagnation, which is fraught with the appearance of harmful substances. Irregular and unhealthy eating can lead to the fact that a person subsequently begins to feel worse, experience constant fatigue and stomach pain, and also accumulate excess weight. A cleansing diet acts as a salvation in this situation and serves not only as a way to lose weight, but also to improve your body’s health.

Proper nutrition will help cope with the symptom of a bloated belly.

To prevent the spread of toxins throughout the body, you need to cleanse the intestines from time to time, using effective methods, including a diet for cleansing the intestines. Thanks to a balanced and healthy diet, the work of colon peristalsis will return to normal, and the following results will appear:

  • weight loss;
  • getting rid of “bloated belly”;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • increasing activity level;
  • getting rid of allergic reactions of the body;
  • reduction of skin blemishes.

How to properly clean?

By starting to cleanse the intestines and switching to proper nutrition, the body will become healthier every day, and fecal stones, unhealthy toxins and mucus will come out of the intestines, gastric motility will improve and metabolism will be restored. There are rules that you can follow to start a healthy lifestyle and cleanse your gastrointestinal tract:

  • try to eat only natural products, free of preservatives;
  • include fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily menu;
  • consume any nuts and herbal teas;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • limit foods containing animal fats;
  • use spices in minimal quantities;
  • try to rest more and follow your daily routine;
  • sleep at least 8 hours;
  • exercise.

Preparing for the diet

Reducing the amount of salt consumed is an important part of the diet.

To start a diet aimed at cleansing the intestines, you need to reduce the amount of salt you consume, and also switch to products of predominantly plant origin. It is also necessary to exclude refined foods, sugar and baked goods from the menu. When switching to a diet, you should not take medications and biological supplements, the only exception being medications that were prescribed by a doctor.

Diet options for cleansing

When you decide to seriously start normalizing your health and start following a cleansing diet for the gastrointestinal tract, you need to know what menu to follow. For this purpose, many options have been compiled; we invite you to consider the 3 most popular and effective types of diet with an approximate healthy diet.

Diet for 1−3 days

This diet option can be considered a quick and less difficult way to cleanse the body; it will clearly demonstrate what kind of lifestyle you need to adhere to. Approximate diet:

  • 7:00 - drink green or herbal tea;
  • 8:00 - eat an apple or other fruit;
  • 9:00 - eat 100 grams of grapes and drink 100 grams of freshly squeezed juice;
  • 10:00 - drink green tea;
  • 11:00 - 100 grams of grapes and a glass of carrot juice;
  • 12:00 - 100 g of grapes and a glass of the same juice;
  • 14:00 - drink herbal tea;
  • 15:00 - drink a glass of carrot juice;
  • 16:00 - drink a glass of still drinking water;
  • 17:00 - eat two fresh bell peppers;
  • 18:00 - drink freshly squeezed apple juice;
  • an hour before bed, drink a mug of herbal tea.

Diet for 7 days

Everyone can create their own individual diet from allowed foods.

A stomach cleansing diet will help you maintain the right diet and develop greater willpower. Approximate menu for the week:

On the 1st, 3rd and 6th days it is necessary to consume exclusively liquid, giving preference to teas infused with herbs, diluted juices and water, which can be drunk in unlimited quantities. On day 2 you will need to limit your consumption of vegetables:

  • for breakfast you can eat grated carrots, add cabbage and season with olive oil;
  • snack on cucumber;
  • for lunch, prepare a cabbage salad with the addition of other vegetables and olive oil dressing, and you can also bake beets in the oven;
  • eat a cucumber in the afternoon;
  • For dinner, eat the same salad as during lunch.

During the 4th day you can only eat fruits:

  • eat an apple for breakfast;
  • snack on grapefruit;
  • for lunch - a few oranges or an apple that was baked with honey;
  • in the afternoon - an apple again;
  • for dinner - two grapefruits.

On day 5, you should stick to protein-rich foods:

  • drink yogurt for breakfast;
  • snack on a boiled egg;
  • for lunch - boiled chicken fillet;
  • in the afternoon - a small portion of shrimp;
  • for dinner - boiled fish.
  • eat two hard-boiled eggs for breakfast;
  • have a snack with a fruit salad of apples, bananas and grapefruit;
  • have chicken broth for lunch;
  • in the afternoon - fruit salad, as for a snack;
  • for dinner - vegetable salad.

Diet for 10 days

A diet for 10 days will help completely rid the intestines of harmful substances.

The use of this diet can give the most noticeable results, and bad substances should be completely eliminated from the body. Let's look at an approximate daily menu aimed at deep cleansing the intestines. 1st and 2nd days:

  • for breakfast - herbal tea, to which you can add a little honey;
  • snack on a couple of green apples;
  • for lunch - an apple and herbal tea;
  • in the afternoon - an apple again;
  • for dinner - herbal tea.

3rd and 4th days:

  • for breakfast, eat oatmeal without adding salt or sugar, as well as boiled carrots;
  • have a snack with herbal tea and an apple;
  • for lunch - boiled lean fish or boiled egg;
  • in the afternoon, eat 100 grams of cottage cheese or an apple;
  • for dinner - oatmeal and herbal tea.

5th and 6th days:

  • prepare oatmeal for breakfast;
  • snack on an apple;
  • for lunch - baked potatoes and vegetable salad;
  • in the afternoon - herbal tea with honey;
  • for dinner - rice porridge cooked in water.

7th and 8th days:

  • for breakfast, drink a glass of kefir or prepare oatmeal;
  • snack on an apple;
  • for lunch, eat 100 grams of cottage cheese or 200 grams of boiled fish;
  • in the afternoon - grated carrots with honey;
  • For dinner, drink a glass of kefir.

9th and 10th days:

  • for breakfast, drink a glass of kefir;
  • have a snack with an orange or an apple;
  • for lunch - boiled fish or baked potatoes with vegetable salad;
  • in the afternoon, eat an apple or kiwi;
  • For dinner, drink herbal tea with honey.

Today, most of the world's inhabitants suffer from constant stress and lack of time. As a result, people do not have time to prepare quality food. Being under a constant deadline, many people eat on the go or prefer fast food.

Such gastronomic preferences negatively affect the digestive organs: stomach, liver and intestines. Due to the lack of the required amount of fiber in the diet, the intestines do not remove toxins and gradually begin to poison the entire body with toxins.

This entails a number of negative consequences:

  • Deterioration of health.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Skin problems.
  • Intoxication.
  • Excess weight.
  • Flatulence.
  • Digestive and metabolic disorders.

To reduce the negative impact on the body, residents of large cities it is necessary to monitor proper nutrition and sometimes, with the help of specialized diets, cleanse the intestines.

Basics of proper nutrition

It must be borne in mind that any diet with the goal of losing weight or ridding the body of harmful substances will only have a temporary effect. To maintain health and youth, you need to eat right. Monitor the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, consume the amount of fiber required for your height and weight, and regularly drink vitamins and microelements (after consulting a doctor and adjusting for the climate zone of your residence).

People who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle should also monitor the amount of water they drink.

You should also, if possible, reduce or completely eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • animal fats;
  • spicy food;
  • soda;
  • products with flavor enhancers and chemical additives.

The key to the success of any diet lies in willpower and eating patterns. Follow your diet strictly. You need to eat at least 3 meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacks as desired, but with a minimum amount of sweets and starchy foods. It is better to give preference to nuts and fruits.

A special 10-day diet for gut health

Nutritionists and sports doctors have developed hundreds of diverse diets. Quite a few of them have been compiled to improve intestinal function. The main condition for such diets is often the abundance in the diet of coarse plant foods rich in fiber. However, before choosing one or another diet option for yourself, first consult with a therapist. Even the 10-day colon cleansing diet has contraindications.

The intestinal cleansing diet program lasts 10 days. As a result, you will get rid of hardened fecal deposits in the body and toxins that poison it. This course will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and speed up metabolism. Depending on individual characteristics and body type, you can lose up to 7 extra kilograms of weight.

To achieve a positive effect, you need to adhere to daily nutritional recommendations.

Two days of unloading

During the first 48 hours, you should pull yourself together and refuse any food except apples, kefir and green tea with a spoon of honey. However, it should be remembered that green tea is richer in caffeine than a cup of espresso. That's why Before going to bed, it is better to drink a glass of warm water.

Day three

For breakfast you are allowed to eat oatmeal with water, but without salt and sugar. For lunch – no more than 200 grams of boiled beef and a tomato. In the evening, treat yourself to 200 grams of rice seasoned with a small amount of olive oil.

Drinks include water and green tea with lemon.

Day four

On the fourth day, another test awaits you: there will be no lunch. But there is an afternoon snack and two apples with a glass of water. For breakfast, nutritionists recommend the same oatmeal. For dinner - also two medium apples and an orange.

Day five. Equator

The strict diet has reached the halfway point. For breakfast on this day you should limit yourself to grated raw carrots, sprinkled with lemon juice, and low-fat cottage cheese. For lunch, a salad of fresh vegetables, for example, cucumbers and tomatoes. To get the required amount of vitamins and microelements, season your lunch with a small amount of olive oil. In the evening - rice, as on the third day.

Day six

The peculiarity of this day is that both breakfast and lunch will be the same. “Native” oatmeal is waiting for you. And for dinner, rice.

Day seven

Day eight

Oatmeal with apples or oranges for tomorrow, only kefir in the afternoon. Kefir should be chosen with low fat content. For dinner you can enjoy boiled or steamed fish. It is recommended to flavor it with lemon juice. Also in the evening two oranges and green tea are allowed.

Day nine

The morning of the ninth day should begin for you with a glass of kefir. For lunch again fish and unsweetened tea. In the evening, no more than 200 grams of boiled beef with rice and apples.

Day ten. Finish

You won’t have long to suffer, and the mirror with the dial of the scales will probably tell you that so many gastronomic sacrifices have not been made in vain. For breakfast, again, you can only have a glass of kefir, and for lunch, only a cup of green tea with honey. In the evening, celebrate the last meal of this diet with boiled rice, an orange and a cup of green tea.

A diet for cleansing the intestines in 10 days is considered one of the most difficult for a person. Drastically reducing the number of calories consumed and increasing the amount of fiber are a serious test for the body. Therefore, before deciding to use it, be sure to consult your doctor.

If you gather all your will into a fist and stick to a 10-day diet, a truly amazing result awaits you: lightness and loss of extra centimeters on the thallium.

Hello! In the article we discuss a diet for cleansing the intestines. We talk about the benefits and rules of cleansing, how to choose the right products and give an example of a diet. By applying our tips, you will improve your intestinal function and improve the overall condition of your body.

The intestine is an internal organ responsible for digesting food, absorbing nutrients into the blood, and removing metabolic products from the body.

Poor environment, poor diet, alcohol and tobacco abuse lead to the deposition of waste and toxins.

The result is intoxication of the body, inflammation of the digestive system, decreased performance, and skin rashes.

To avoid this situation, a colon cleansing diet is used. The method consists of a balanced combination of nutrition, physical. exercise, sleep and giving up bad habits.

Compliance with the regime has its effects:

  • reduction in volume, body weight;
  • elimination of gas formation;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • relief from colic, abdominal pain;
  • smooth functioning of the digestive system;
  • improvement of complexion and skin;
  • getting rid of rashes;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • prevention of infectious and cardiovascular diseases;
  • increasing immunity and performance;
  • general detoxification of the body;
  • improved mood and stamina.

Cleansing rules

Before the cleansing course, you need to prepare your body. For the entire period of the diet, fatty foods, tobacco, alcohol, and the use of hot herbs and spices are prohibited.

The basic rules are:

  • consume only natural products that contain plant and dietary fiber. These are fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts;
  • eat at the same times throughout the cleansing course;
  • drink your daily amount of water. Two liters of still water per day optimally maintains water balance in the body;
  • do not use animal food or caffeine. Give preference to low-calorie dairy products;
  • do daily exercises, spend more time outdoors;
  • go to bed on time - lack of sleep slows down your metabolism;
  • Avoid stressful situations.

The duration of the intestinal cleansing diet depends on the level of intoxication in the body. It is enough to maintain the achieved effect with a fasting day once a week.

Cleansing according to this scheme is suitable for all city residents who have bad habits and lead an incorrect lifestyle and rhythm of life.

Colon cleansing is recommended for people with obesity and high blood pressure. Thanks to cleansing, the circulatory system activates metabolic processes, reduces glucose levels, and better absorbs nutrients.

Colon cleansing contraindications

Any restriction in food is a significant stress for the body. The method is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. In addition, people with chronic diseases of internal organs need to consult a doctor.

The colon cleansing diet is not recommended for other groups of people:

  • age after 55 years - restriction in food causes anemia, fainting;
  • type 1 diabetes - excessive consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts leads to a sharp jump in blood sugar;
  • acute cardiac diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  • gastritis, ulcers, colitis;
  • oncological diseases and postoperative recovery;
  • mental state disorder.

Colon cleansing diet

A diet for cleansing the intestines and losing weight requires strict adherence to all conditions. There are express diets that last 1-3 days, and long-term ones - from 7 to 10 days.

Minimizing unhealthy, fatty and animal foods will help the body cleanse itself of toxins and rebuild the body to a balanced diet.

Colon cleansing products

The daily menu should include:

  • bran;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream);
  • salads from raw vegetables (lettuce, cabbage, celery, tomatoes, cucumber, greens);
  • green apples;
  • citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit);
  • herbal infusions (chamomile, thyme, dandelion);
  • rice, whole grain cereals.

Bran serves as a choleretic agent and normalizes stool. Also, this swollen fiber removes toxins, heavy metal salts, and cholesterol from the intestines. Vegetables and fruits have similar properties. Daily consumption of fiber improves immunity, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and saturates cells with oxygen.

Freshly squeezed juices should only be consumed when made at home - store-bought packaged juices contain a lot of sugar and preservatives.

Below is an example of an express diet and a long course of cleansing.

3 day cleanse diet

The purpose of such a diet is to normalize the functioning of internal organs and detoxify the body.

1 day

  • On an empty stomach - a glass of boiled water
  • Breakfast - pearl barley porridge with bran - 250 g;
  • Snack – green apple – 1 pc. and green tea;
  • Lunch - beef with rice - 250 gr., cabbage salad with cucumber and herbs - 150 gr.;
  • Snack – grapefruit – 1 pc.;
  • Dinner - radish and herb salad with sour cream, black tea.

Day 2

  • On an empty stomach - a glass of boiled water;
  • Breakfast - 2 egg omelet, fresh cucumber, green tea;
  • Snack - cottage cheese with sour cream, green bell pepper - 150 g;
  • Lunch - vegetable lean soup, rice with vegetables;
  • Snack - yoghurt with bran;
  • Dinner - steamed fish, baked zucchini.

Day 3

  • On an empty stomach - a glass of boiled water
  • Breakfast - oatmeal on water with almonds - 250 g;
  • Snack - cottage cheese casserole - 150 gr.;
  • Lunch - beef pilaf with steamed rice, fresh salad - 250 gr.;
  • Snack - green apple, yogurt;
  • Dinner - salad of chicken fillet and lettuce with herbs and lemon juice.

It’s easier to call such a diet a fasting course. In 3 days you can lose up to 4.5 kilograms of weight, half of which is accumulated toxins. The menu can be changed at will, using products strictly from the list of permitted ones.

At the same time, an hour after eating, drink a glass of cool boiled water - this will speed up digestion and restore water balance in the body.

Diet to cleanse the colon in 10 days

This is the most optimal time interval for colon cleansing. The diet is based on eating foods rich in vitamin C, fiber and limiting carbohydrates.

A sample menu looks like this:

1-2 days

You are allowed to eat up to 2 kg. raw vegetables and fruits. Drink 2 liters of still boiled water per day. At night - a glass of kefir.

3-4 day

  • On an empty stomach - a glass of cool water with a teaspoon of honey;
  • Breakfast - whole grain porridge, steamed in the evening;
  • Snack - any fruit from the list, a dairy product;
  • Lunch - rice with vegetables, lean soup;
  • Snack - a dairy product with bran;
  • Dinner - steamed fish/meat, vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice.

5-6 day

  • Drink a glass of cool water on an empty stomach;
  • Breakfast - cottage cheese with nuts / protein omelet
  • Snack - baked apples/grapefruit;
  • Lunch - grilled chicken fillet/steamed fish, rice with vegetables;
  • Snack - dairy product;
  • Dinner - vegetable stew, omelet.

8-9 day

This is the stage of leaving the diet. The menu is similar to day 3-4. At the same time, you can season salads with cold-pressed olive oil.

10 day

Final day of the course. You can create your own menu based on your preferences. Use the products from the list.

In 10 days of such a diet, you can completely cleanse the body of harmful impurities. In addition, a large amount of consumed fiber saturates cells with oxygen and thins the blood.

The result is prevention of cardiovascular diseases, loss of up to 8 kg. weight, increased immunity.

In addition to a balanced diet, start your morning with a warm-up and breathing exercises. End the evening with a walk in the fresh air and a relaxing bath.

Diet after colon cleansing

To maintain the achieved effect, perform a fasting day once a week. Use the list of products listed above. It is also useful to carry out a drinking fast: during the day, drink only freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.

Don't stop adding bran to cereals and dairy products. This natural “broom” will remove impurities accumulated over 6 days without effort. Give preference to boiled, stewed meat - beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey.

Eliminate flour, fried and sweet foods. These gaps can be filled with grain bread, dried fruits, and grated fruits.

Colon cleansing diet - reviews

We interviewed several women using a colon cleansing diet. 90% of respondents noted improved gastrointestinal function, weight loss, and increased performance. 10% complained of malaise, dizziness, and weakness.

Let's list some of them.

Valentina, 25

Excellent May holidays with kebabs, pickles, pita bread ended with bloating and constipation. A friend suggested that we could “unload.” I can't stand porridge. I decided to sit on vegetables for a day. I was glad that 2 kg is possible. remember, otherwise she would have died of hunger. In the morning - a weight of 1.5 kg, the stomach has calmed down. I understand that I lost weight due to the release of water and “garbage,” but that was my goal. I will experiment once a week.

I decided to do the 7th cleanse. In the first 2 days I climbed the wall and looked into the refrigerator for sausage. I felt very dizzy and weak. The menu seems to be rich, but there was a strong desire for harmful things. It became easier on the 3rd day, when I woke up with a surge of energy and a great mood. I was surprised. The scale showed minus 3 kilograms, which made me even more happy. On the 7th day I began to love vegetables more than cakes. There are fewer acne spots on my face, my friends say that I look younger. Now I just stick to this diet. I also connected sports. And fast food is only “on holidays.”

I used a colon cleansing diet to lose weight. In 10 days I lost 8 kg. But at the same time, the menstrual cycle was disrupted. All these diets are stressful for the body. Although, the food list does not prohibit anything like this, it seems that there are both fats and proteins. But all the same... The body is apparently accustomed to all sorts of “nasties” and it rejects paragraphs. But once a week I eat apples and kefir. Purely for minimal unloading.

For normal bowel function, your diet should be rich in organic, plant-based foods that are rich in fiber and nutrients. Drink more water, exercise and don't stress. This concludes the article. Tell your friends about us, share the link on social networks.