Every mother dreams of raising her daughter to be a feminine and sophisticated lady. So that she always dresses beautifully, is educated and knows good manners. Achieving this is not so difficult, the main thing is to always set the right example and instill the right values ​​in the girl’s mind from childhood.

What should a real lady know and be able to do?

Clothes are only the outer shell of a person, and if you dress a “tomboy” girl in Nice dress, then internally she will still turn out to be the same tomboy and slob. Therefore, it is important to teach a girl not only to dress neatly and beautifully, but also to behave appropriately. Just like girls from noble families do.

Among other things, it is very important to give your daughter a good education. But if the family’s financial situation does not allow the girl to enter a prestigious university, then it is still necessary to motivate the daughter for self-development and teach her good manners and respect for people from childhood. These qualities are always valued and characterize a person as very cultured and educated. Such people always achieve success, regardless of education.

Qualities that characterize a real lady

Personal example

Whatever one may say, children are a reflection of their parents. And if from childhood a daughter observes an intelligent and always well-groomed mother next to her, then upon reaching a conscious age, she is also more likely to take good care of her appearance and behave like a young lady. Never allow yourself to break down and yell at the girl, this will undermine her respect for you and she will forget how to trust people, because the person closest to her treats her negatively.

The role of dad in raising a little lady

Many character traits of a future woman largely depend on the behavior and attitude of her own father towards her. This behavior pattern projects relationships with men. And if a daughter always has a trusting and friendly relationship with her dad, then the likelihood of building a happy and long marriage is very high. Because she will respect and trust her husband as well as her father.

The main postulates in raising girls for dads

  • Always admire your daughter, tell her how beautiful she is, give her gifts (not necessarily expensive ones, the main thing is to show attention), kiss her and hug her, encourage tenderness in her.
  • There is no need to catch up if dad wanted a boy. If there is one child in the family and it is a girl, and the father has always dreamed of a son, this role should not be transferred to the little princess. If you want a boy, have another child, but you don’t need to take the girl fishing, teach her to play football and understand cars. Knocked knees and smeared clothes have never graced a single girl, and it’s unlikely she’ll thank you for it later. She is not a soldier or a fighter.
  • It is also impossible to punish strictly. Girls perceive punishments from their parents more keenly than boys and take them to heart. The stronger the punishment and anger from the parents, the more the girl will withdraw into herself and grow up as a downtrodden child who does not trust people.

Develop inner peace

So that it is always pleasant for other people to communicate with the girl, and she knows how to express herself through her inner world, and not just through her appearance, take care of the development of creative abilities, a love of reading and music. Thus, the horizons for communication and personal development expand. Only when a girl has a rich inner world will she be truly interesting and attractive. The ability to speak beautifully and express one’s thoughts also plays an important role. Watch the little lady’s speech, don’t let her distort words, try to read aloud to her from an early age various literature and books to develop imagination and fantasy.


To raise a sweet, friendly and modest girl, it is worth developing these qualities from a young age. Purity must be in thoughts and in appearance. This is very important for a girl.

  • Discourage excessive boasting.
  • Explain from childhood that discussing other people’s problems, much less being jealous, is not good. You need to live your life.
  • Teach to always be neat. Even if your daughter gets dirty while out for a walk or falls, when she comes home, she should immediately wash her hands and clean herself up.
  • A girl should be modest in everything. Therefore, especially from a young age, when your daughter chooses clothes for herself, try to instill in her good taste so that she does not choose too revealing outfits.

Responsibility for your actions and desires

Instill responsibility from an early age. After all, all girls in the future will also be someone’s wives and mothers. To make it easier for my daughter to adapt to adult life, teach her basic self-care skills and that she is responsible for all her actions. For example, if she wants to have a pet, she must take care of it herself. Teach your daughter to do housework. From the early age Give your daughter the opportunity to help: wash the dishes, clean her room, hang out the laundry. Learn to cook. Don't forget about praise. Show by personal example that it is more pleasant to live in a clean house. In the future, housekeeping will help in family life.


You cannot impose your opinion. But when you are asked about something and you choose a general opinion that belongs to the opinion of the majority, it is also not correct. Teach the girl to express her thoughts, encourage her successes, achievements and reasoning skills. Often in adolescence, children are very susceptible to the opinions of friends and girlfriends in the company. And they are different. To prevent your daughter from becoming a reflection of her friends, teach her to express her individuality and not follow the opinions of the crowd.

Raising a real lady from a little daughter is not difficult, the main thing is that there is a worthy example nearby in the form of a happy mother who respects herself and those around her.

Probably every mother sees in her daughter a little princess whom she always wants to protect. At the same time, each family has its own rules for raising a girl, but in the end they all come down to one result: raising a real woman.

Of course, modern psychology tells us all that each child is individual and each needs its own approach, its own upbringing. But still there is general tips for everyone that will help every parent. According to these rules for raising a girl It will really be possible to raise a real princess, to develop in her all the necessary feminine qualities. So, let's study this topic more carefully.

So what are these rules that will help in raising your little princess?


Your task, as parents, is to convey to your child that she is very beautiful and attractive. After all, it is complexes about your appearance that can bring a lot of troubles and problems in the future, especially in your personal life. Therefore, no matter what appearance nature bestows on your child, remember that she is a beauty and most importantly, she should always hear this from your lips. It's self-confidence will help raise a real lady in her face.


It is very important that she feels the love and support of her loved ones. You can’t let her doubt this for a minute. It is love that awakens all the most in a person. best qualities and character traits.


From a very early age, it is necessary to convey to the girl that she must be prudent. She must understand that it is necessary to avoid anything that could harm her life, health, or reputation. It is also necessary to frequently have conversations about different situations, troubles that happened with people you know or about which you learned from the newspaper or television. That is, the child needs to be taught how to evaluate various situations and people, what to watch out for, what to avoid, how to act correctly in a given situation. Of course, you can’t predict everything and you can’t teach everything, but you will develop in her the correct behavior and perception of the outside world. After all, the main goal is to convey that all people are different and you need to understand who you can trust and who you can’t. And with all this, do not forget that her parents should become an example of correct behavior for her. If she sees that you have no problems, she will understand that you correctly analyze all situations and do the right things. Then you will become an authoritative example for her to imitate. Plus, in the future, they will come to you for advice and support, and this is very important.

Caring, sympathy

These two qualities are very important for every person, and especially for women. That is why, from an early age, instill in your daughter care and compassion for others. It is very important to teach her to care about people who need outside help. At the same time, do not be afraid that it will be difficult for her, let her take care of you when you are sick, for example, bring tea, cover you with a blanket. That is, she needs to make it clear that caring for those who are weaker than us or sick is an important and necessary mission. You cannot ignore someone's pain and grief. Also, do not be afraid to sharply pull back or make a stern remark if your daughter laughs at other people’s injuries. Let her understand that such behavior and attitude is unacceptable. But it is not enough to teach compassion and help, you also need to convey that this is necessary for those people who really need it. After all, many can simply take advantage of the kindness and mercy of another for their own benefit. That is, the girl must understand that these feelings cannot be allowed to be used by others.


A woman is a keeper hearth and home Therefore, it is her sacred duty to be able to cope with all household chores. In family education of children, parents are simply obliged to accustom them to homework. From a young age, a girl understands that she should be like her mother, and therefore be able to do everything that she does. Therefore, when your daughter drags a stool to the sink to wash the dishes, do not stop this zeal in her. Of course, the quality of washing may be questionable, and a couple of plates may break, but she needs to learn everything from a young age. At the same time, be a mentor for your princess, tell her how to do everything correctly, if some work is difficult, do it together. Be sure to support her desire to be a housewife at a young age. So that later in adolescence there will be no problems with household responsibilities and order in the children's room.


IN kindergarten and in the lower grades, girls take the lead, since it is known that physiologically boys are slightly behind. It is already with age that boys understand their physical superiority and turn the furrows of government onto themselves. In the meantime, if your little one shows leadership qualities in every possible way, praise and support her for her initiative. All this will help her remain strong in the future, be able to cope with her difficulties and solve problems on her own. And it doesn’t matter whether she decides to be a business lady or a wife and housewife, in any case she must be able to defend her opinion and stand up for herself. After all, leadership, first of all, cultivates strength of spirit, gives confidence in oneself and one’s abilities. With such qualities, a girl will always be able to independently solve various problems and issues. More important point What you need to explain to your daughter is that it’s always easier to do everything collectively. That is, she should not become fixated on her leadership and her rightness, but she must be able to listen to other people’s opinions. After all, walking through life with your head held high, believing that only your own opinion is correct, will be very difficult.

When I was a little older than my child in kindergarten, there was no better game for me than running with the boys behind the pavilion, because you can’t go there. Dolls, hospitals and kitchenettes were left in the care of the girls from my senior group kindergarten, and the dresses so desired by my own child, my mother didn’t put them on for me because I said that it was uncomfortable for me to run and jump in them. This is me for comparison.

To tell the truth, I did not and do not intend to raise my daughter to be the heroine of a cartoon about princesses. There, of course, everything is good and rosy, but when the princess is faced with gray everyday life and ordinary everyday problems, she is discouraged (the most suitable word for a princess). Real ladies, in my understanding, are mannered ladies who never held anything heavier than a book in their hand. They look down on you if you don’t know what that 35th fork on your right is for. How can you not know such basic things? Even from mink diapers, a real lady was taught to think that she was the very best and the earth revolved around her. This excess leads to spoiling and an inability to adequately perceive criticism. And then the lady goes to school and meets Masha, who reads faster, Veronica, who dances and sings, and Vova, who at seven knows three languages.

Reality will be cruel for the young lady.

Now the pros. Real ladies are not only spoiled etiquette gurus who are interested in the most fashionable shade of lipstick of the season, but also very educated people. It is interesting to carry on a conversation with them; they are erudite and polite interlocutors. Well, who doesn’t want to see their child exactly like this?

A real lady takes care of her health. Doesn't forget about principles proper nutrition and physical activity. This is a very useful quality that I would like my daughter to carry throughout her life.

Politeness. In my understanding, a well-mannered person with good manners already falls under the concept of “a real lady/gentleman.” Politeness is attractive, and I am already working hard with my lady on this issue.

Get me this dress!

Where's the magic word?


She will decide for herself whether or not to be a real lady, but I will try to raise a happy girl who, if she wants to play Cossack-robber dress with the boys, will not hear from me: “You’re a lady!” Get this nonsense out of your head!” You need to let your child enjoy his childhood, it’s so fleeting!

Raising a girl is a whole science. Now the idea of ​​what a girl should be like has changed a lot. A lady of the 21st century should be independent, strong, but at the same time feminine and gentle. And not everyone can figure out exactly what to do, how to educate. Our article will help you find a balance and instill all these qualities.

What is femininity?

Before we start instilling any qualities, we need to figure out what exactly we want to get in the end. It sounds a little rude, but nevertheless it is true. Without an idea of ​​the result, it is difficult to formulate a strategy. Although it is important to understand that in the matter of education one can never expect a clear result. Society, character, literary works or films - everything will make its own adjustments.

And still, understanding what femininity is is very important. This is a very broad concept that includes many different human qualities. Including tenderness, gentleness, compassion, high sensitivity and even sacrifice. The concept of femininity also includes the ability to present oneself, dress beautifully, put on makeup, and select accessories.

As can be seen from the description of the concept, developing femininity is not such a simple task. Is it possible to deal with it? Of course yes. But you will have to make an effort. And the result is not always predictable.

How to develop femininity: recommendations and examples

The main recommendation for raising a girl is personal example. Only by their own example can parents show what a real lady, housewife and woman should be. A tired, tired and always sad mother shows with all her appearance that being a woman is bad, dangerous, hard, boring, sad. After such an example, girls do their best to disown their feminine qualities, trying to resemble the boys.

Therefore, a mother must first of all demonstrate self-love and love for her feminine nature. Talk about pregnancy, marriage, and your responsibilities only in a positive way and do not use the words “girl” or “woman” in a derogatory sense. For example, “wow, you look like a girl!” many can tell their son. For the daughter, this will be another brick in favor of renouncing her femininity.

If the example is bad or you think that it is not enough, use the following techniques:

● training in housekeeping and clever ways of doing it (life hacks). This will help you avoid becoming a victim of domestic life, which often destroys all femininity simply because of its severity;
● going to exhibitions, museums and concerts. They help develop sensitivity and the ability to understand art. Sensitivity in turn helps develop compassion and even empathy;
● online games. If you don't have time to engage with a girl in the real world, use the virtual one. There are many sites with a variety of flash drives that will teach a future woman how to cook, run a household, take care of herself, and choose outfits. http://www.myjulia.ru/i/newwindow.gif") 4px 4px no-repeat;" target="_blank">There your princess can find her own look or get some ideas for the home, for example, recipes.

Let's take a closer look at the games. There are several main groups that will be especially useful for the development of femininity:

● makeup. In such flash cards there is a main character that the girl needs to put on makeup. You can also choose a hairstyle, and sometimes an outfit. Such applications help you figure out which makeup is most suitable for which situation;
● fashion applications. Here, instead of makeup, the girl designs clothes. Usually there are many different items to choose from, from swimsuits to fur coats. The task is to dress the character for the event;
● maintenance applications household. Here and step by step recipes, and tidying the house, and caring for the child, and even playing at being a pregnant mommy. All these applications will help the girl form a positive attitude towards the majority women's activities, and they will not prevent her from enjoying life.

Femininity is a slightly ephemeral concept, but at the same time necessary for every lady. It is difficult to develop it, because it consists of a complex of qualities. But still, you shouldn’t give up trying to make your girl a real princess. After all, how her life will turn out in the future depends on this.

If you manage to convince a girl under five years old that she is a princess, then in the future she will be able to convince the whole world of this - very fair words that you can’t argue with! If you want to raise a real lady, go for it. The future of your little beauty is solely in your hands!

Start with yourself

First of all, evaluate your own behavior impartially. What examples does your child observe every day? It is not surprising that your princess can grow up to be a scandalous person if you demonstrate quarrels and negative emotions in a colorful manner.

It is very important that there is no swearing, swearing, or mutual insults in your home. At least in the presence of my daughter. Remember that the entire responsibility for what kind of person she will grow up to be lies entirely with you.

For example, we always talked to our universal favorite as an adult, an equal interlocutor. We tried to express ourselves elegantly and literary, without “weedy” words.

And she quickly learned this technique. Now teachers and all adults praise her for her creative and correct speech.


Strictly censor the films and cartoons she watches and the games she plays. All sources of information should develop nobility, spirituality, intellectuality and other positive traits in your daughter.

It’s better not to leave her face-to-face with the TV, considering what’s on it now. The same goes for computers and other equipment. The function of an intelligent parent as an educator is to exercise caring control.

My niece really likes to watch Zomboyashchik, which is why I’m honestly not happy. I think when I have my own children, they will receive video information in strictly measured doses and only of the highest quality. No nonsense.

That’s why I don’t allow my niece to watch TV for a long time when I’m babysitting her. And I prefer that she be inspired by instructive programs, as well as soulful videos, instead of stupid cartoons and series broadcast on TNT and similar channels.

Personally, I don’t understand those parents and educators who do not filter the information sources on which the child grows up.

Comprehensive development

It is very important that your child develops into a multifaceted personality. To do this, accustom her to work from childhood, teach her the rules of etiquette, constantly give wise, useful tips and instructions, encourage her interest in creativity and knowledge in every possible way.

Not bad if with early childhood your baby will communicate with a wide circle of people, see a large number of wonderful places on the planet, meet many friends.

For example, since childhood, my niece has become accustomed to frequently changing locations and being in contact with a huge number of people. It seems to me that this is an excellent basis for further victories in life.

It is especially important to develop aesthetic taste in a girl. Let her draw, paint, and sculpt more often. Let her combine her outfits and choose her own clothes. Remember that all women raising a little lady must also be at their best.

It is especially important that your little one is not afraid of cameras and video cameras, and is always able to show herself in all her glory, bringing to the fore the advantages of her appearance.

Our girl loves creativity very much. And perhaps this is my merit. I spent a lot of time with her, observing the creative process, and also conveying to her the importance of creativity as a way of life.

Now she can’t decide whether to go for vocals, art school or practice dancing. But still she is more inclined to drawing.

I note that she draws in a very unique way. Or maybe a little genius.

Communication with boys

The future queen should not internalize any harmful stereotypes and prejudices, especially gender ones. Protect her from any chauvinism. Explain to her that people are different, and this does not depend on gender and other similar characteristics.

Our baby has never heard stupid and embittered generalizations from us. So now she evaluates people based on their personality traits.

Your task is to teach her to love and value herself as early as possible. Plus - give smart advice on how to properly contact young representatives of the stronger sex.

For example, we taught our princess not to be afraid of the opposite sex. She can independently take the initiative, for example, when making acquaintances, but she does not cross the line, that is, she avoids obsessive behavior.

“If you want to talk to a boy, come up and talk, but if he doesn’t crave communication, then don’t be upset and look for a new victim of your charm. And never humiliate yourself before anyone.” - my niece mastered these recommendations with five points.

And now almost all the neighbors and kindergarten boys are in love with her!)

In a word, if you intend to raise a true lady, try to take everything into account in advance and not make any mistakes anywhere.

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