A week before your birthday you need to be especially careful

For a long time it was believed that the birthday boy could communicate with higher powers. The week before a birthday is a very important period in a person’s life. At this time, it is better not to plan any new things, but to take stock of the past year. It is before that that a person’s energy protection weakens. He becomes more vulnerable and the risk of accidents increases.

This is due to the fact that the human body lives in cycles, each of which is equal to one calendar year. During birth, a child experiences enormous stress. It turns out that throughout life, the body, on its birthday, seems to re-remember its state at the moment of birth. As a result, during this period many people experience decreased immunity and increased nervousness.

I can personally say that I meet almost every birthday with some kind of problem: either I have a bad cold, or I twisted my leg, or there are some global troubles at work.

Who to invite to your birthday

In fact, a birthday is not a reason for a noisy party on a grand scale. It would be right to invite only the closest people to your birthday so that the celebration turns out to be sincere and pleasant. There should be no random people at the holiday table.

An odd number of guests is not good

It is believed that an even number of guests must be present at the celebration. A guest who comes to a birthday party without a partner can put the evil eye on the birthday boy by envying him.

If you blow out all the candles on the cake at the same time, your wish will come true

This tradition has long been rooted in many peoples of the world. The birthday person must make a wish and then blow out the candles on the cake. It is believed that the wish made will definitely come true in the coming year.

The birthday person is not allowed to change clothes during the celebration

Dressing up at a birthday party is considered bad luck. This means future losses for the birthday boy. If wine was accidentally spilled on the hero of the occasion or he got dirty at the table, then among the invited guests there is a person who wishes harm to the birthday boy.

Dishes broke at the holiday table

If dishes break during a birthday celebration, then this is a bad sign. It is possible that this year the birthday boy may have problems in his personal life.

Who congratulated

It is believed that the one who first congratulated the birthday person on his birthday will be closest to him throughout the next year. It is also believed that the first wishes and toasts made at the festive table will also come true.

Gifts for guests on their birthday

Usually gifts are given to the person who has a birthday, but if the birthday person himself prepares small souvenirs for the guests, he will thereby attract good luck and material well-being.

Please note that in the last two weeks (especially the last week) before your birthday, inexplicable sadness, apathy, and even depression may set in. There is often a loss of strength - you don’t want to do anything, arrange anything, celebrate anything, see anyone.

It often happens that on the eve of a person’s birthday, troubles haunt him: he may quarrel at home or at work, he may catch a cold, he may be in a bad mood, and in general, for most, this period is perhaps the most unfortunate period of the year.

This is fine. Your personal ends annual cycle and energy seems to be “not enough”. Let go of the situation, don’t worry, don’t dig into the reasons (there are none))) don’t blame age - it has nothing to do with it.

The hardest day is the last day before the birthday..

Do it, read about how to do it.

Sit down and write thank you letter To the Guardian Angel, to the Lord God, to whomever you want - list ALL THE GOOD things that happened this year and thank you for it. You can list the bad things, forgive yourself for your mistakes and throw this piece of paper into the fire, imagining that it is gone forever. You can write a letter to the Higher Powers asking what you would like to receive next year, seal it in an unaddressed envelope and symbolically place it in any mailbox. Or make a boat out of a leaf and send it along the river. Or bring it to the attention of the Higher Powers in any way that comes to your mind.

You can do it, read more about it. As a negative, write down all the bad things that happened last year, and as a positive, write down your wishes for the next year. This can be done in these two weeks before the birthday, on the birthday itself..

Don’t give in to the desire to give up everything - it will pass, and you will regret it later - BD happens once a year. Do not offend your friends - do not refuse the holiday (exception - 40 years for a man and 53 for a woman and 13 for a child).

On your birthday, be SURE to read it in the morning.

You can also do the following.

Prayer to the Named Icon .

There must be a personal icon in the house (an icon of your saint). Light a candle in front of the personalized icon and read the curse. The best effect is on your birthday, you can also read it on your birthday every month).

Holy icon, personal icon, protect me from all blasphemy, from empty chatter, both old and young, from gray-haired and young, from male and female language. From anger and envy, from all hatred.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

What would men like?

On the day you were born, wash your face with water and honey. slander, and then wipe the bracket and door handle with the same water.

How sweet the red dawn is to people, how sweet the clear star is to people, how sweet the honey is to the bee, so is all the love for the slave (name). Amen.

Spell to attract good luck and money.

Read in front of a lit candle on the day and hour of your birth. If you don’t know the exact time, then preferably either at sunset or dawn:

“Lord Almighty, Heavenly Father, hear my prayer!
Olya-yaksh and the devil knight himself, appear, come to my oak table, and let neither windows nor doors be an obstacle to you. Bring me precious dust from gold, and a bone from a mighty bull. Leave them to me as helpers, protectors, concealers.
From now on, I (Name) will be lucky in all my endeavors and good thoughts, luck will not go away, but gold will come.
I lock my words tightly, and whoever tries to break them will only waste their strength.”

Read this plot 12 times, according to the number of months in the year. From now on, luck will not leave you, but the money itself should flow into your hands!

In principle, since DR is a very energetic day, you can do any ritual to attract/adding something, which are usually recommended for the waxing moon. Even if it decreases that day. But then you need to read STRICTLY on the day and hour of birth.

Rules - How to celebrate a birthday correctly

You can't celebrate your birthday early or late valid date.

A man's fortieth birthday, a woman's fifty-three birthday, and a child's thirteenth birthday are not celebrated in crowds.

Guests are never invited in numbers of nine, thirteen, eighteen, twenty-one, fifty, ninety-nine and one hundred people. These numbers shorten the life of the birthday person.

If you want to put candles on the table for beauty, avoid the following numbers: three, nine, twelve and eighteen candles. It’s better not to light candles at all!

I do not recommend serving pancakes on the table on a name day if a rice dish (pilaf) is planned for the main course.

They do not put a pig's head on the table, nor do they eat pigeons. These dishes are the death of the birthday boy.

If you have a dog in your apartment, then consider the following: guests may start singing, and some dogs have a habit of howling when people sing or play musical instruments. On any other day this would have been touching: they say, the dog sings too. However, know that a howling dog invites death to the birthday boy.

The birthday person cannot borrow money on his birthday.

Dishes broken during the fun are not thrown out of the house until the last guest leaves.

It is considered a bad omen if the birthday person changes clothes twice during the celebration.

If you decide to celebrate in a cafe or canteen, ask if a wake was celebrated there the day before after a funeral. If you celebrate, look for another place or celebrate at home.

There is also an opinion that the 12 hours after your birthday accurately reflect the next 12 months. But I haven’t checked - this is only for those who EXACTLY know the time of birth. Now it’s in front of the birthing table - the clock is written right away... but then - some remember, some don’t... for some, even the date doesn’t match. In addition, you need a very deep knowledge of symbolism. Like - a dog is a friend, a bird pooped - for money... etc. But you can check the general impression.

I advise free girls and women to meet BD in a pleasant company, you can flirt with men (maybe on the way or at the next table you will find someone...) otherwise you risk hanging out with a woman like that all year...
There is a simpler fortune telling - in the DR, when you wake up, look out the window. What you see there will be the year (a man - fortunately, a janitor - to work, a cat - to ill health, a dog - to friends, a woman - to troubles, a boy - tormented, a girl - to be surprised, etc.... I wish you to see a gorgeous guy in a luxury foreign car with a huge bouquet of roses... for you))))))))))

Some kind of depression on the eve of my birthday has been affecting me for several years in a row. Last year I had an anniversary, which I celebrated in Paris. I specially planned a celebration in the most beautiful city in the world so that the delight of France would drown out the neurotic attacks of lethargy, impotence, emptiness and misanthropy. Last year I managed to deceive myself - the stress that had become common over many years passed relatively unnoticed. This year I can’t go somewhere far away for my birthday, move away from the usual routine, break out of everyday life and routine. Initially, I planned to disappear from everyone - to rush, for example, to Japan, so that new bright impressions would drown out this melancholy and sadness - but there (in Japan) for several weeks now one disaster has been worse than the other. What a journey to the land of the rising sun this is...

Scientists explain the loss of strength and depression that overcomes a person in the weeks leading up to his birthday by mental memory, which returns the body to a state close to the stress that the person experienced at the time of his birth. I have a hard time believing this hypothesis. Why then don’t animals get so nervous and become aggressive and angry? After all, they are even more instinctively oriented and sensitive creatures than we are; they would definitely be in a state of stress. Although, perhaps, this is what is happening, but none of the scientists asked such a question or observed poor hamsters and rabbits on the eve of their birthdays in order to make sure that the assumptions made were correct.

For me, the two-week eve of each birthday is my own little death. That's why I'm so painfully awaiting this day. Moreover, age does not play a significant role in this cause-and-effect relationship. It’s as if I’m being replaced: suddenly - for no reason, no reason - everything around me becomes absolutely indifferent, melancholy begins to overcome me, I don’t want to see or hear anyone, I don’t want to do anything. I want to escape from everyone to a desert island. At such moments, I can easily do things without thinking about the consequences, for example, quitting my job, deliberately quarreling with my friends and relatives, just to be left alone. All my senses seem to have atrophied. I wander around the city alone for hours, not noticing anything or anyone around me. I sharply stop any attempts at communication. And if I am forced to communicate, then I am simply rude, sarcastic and rude in response.

Moreover, right on the eve of my birthday, everything disappears as if by hand, I become myself: I happily prepare treats for my friends, choose an outfit to be the most beautiful on my holiday. I am happy about people again, I am happy about their attention, flowers, gifts; I enjoy the company of my friends and loved ones. What then is the reason for my “tightly buttoned collar” and my craving for shells and armor in these few weeks - I just can’t understand... Of course, I try to control myself on such unfavorable days. I force myself to be distracted, try to work hard, do something useful, but I don’t always succeed. The reason is promiscuity, lack of will and weakness, I understand this, but nevertheless I already feel that this “gray” period will soon come, only a few days left. I ask you in advance not to pay attention to my disappearances and not to be offended by harsh statements, perhaps I don’t think so at all, I just feel very bad at that moment and aggression is just a defensive reaction. Doesn't this ever happen to you?

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that a birthday is a holiday, but few people know that preparations for this holiday need to begin a month in advance. we receive energy that will nourish us for a whole year - until our next birthday. We are given a certain limit, and it is undesirable to squander it left and right, because this will lead to exhaustion and illness. About a month before the birthday, all people feel weakened, many chronic diseases worsen, and colds occur even in the middle of summer. Often a month before our birthday, we begin to suffer from diseases of our zodiac sign. Aries has problems with the organs of the head, such as ears, eyes or teeth; Taurus has throat problems; in Gemini - with the lungs, undesirable changes occur in the metabolic process; Cancer may have a stomach ache; Leo has a heart; in Virgo - intestines, possible unpleasant sensations in the appendix area; Libra may complain of radiculitis or kidneys; Scorpio – for pain in the genital area; Sagittarius - on the liver; Capricorn may suffer from aching bones; Aquarius – from vascular spasms; Pisces – from decreased immunity, discomfort in the feet. A month before our birthday, we are energetically weakened, and this leads to illness.

If during the year (from one birthday to the next) life was very stressful, stressful situations often occurred, there were many irritating factors, then already a few months (two to three months) before the birthday we will feel inexplicable weakness. I don’t want to scare you, but to prepare you for troubles before your birthday. Knowing about the features of this period, you can relate to its problems more easily. Do not be afraid of exacerbation of illnesses or loss of strength before your birthday.

It’s not just physical weakness that the last months of our personal year promise. Many note that they have become absent-minded, have difficulty concentrating even on their favorite activities, things fall out of their hands, apathy and an indifferent attitude to what is happening around them appear. Many people become nervous and irritable, because before a birthday, exhaustion is not only physical, but also mental. Some people feel tired of communication and quarrel with friends, provoke conflicts with loved ones.

It is always better to know about the date of birth of those with whom you often communicate, so as not to be offended by the harshness that escaped from their lips in the pre-Christmas period. If someone scolds you in their hearts, criticizes you before his birthday, know that these are just “nerves”, emotions that he will later regret.

This is a difficult time - before your birthday. But to solve the problems of this period, there is one universal remedy: rest. Throughout the year, it is important to save energy: do not get irritated, do not allow negative emotions into your soul, or at least not retain them for a long time. But before your birthday this is especially important. Imagine that every year on your birthday the cosmos gives you twelve (according to the number of months) vessels with living water. In the first, second, third... month you can still waste living water unwisely, and in three months, having spent water, for example, from five vessels, you will not feel weak. But by the last, twelfth month of your personal year, you have, for example, only one vessel, one-third full. We have to save money. And the easiest way is to save energy in calmness, developing goodwill towards others, refusing any criticism of yourself or others, or displaying aggression.

Before your birthday, it’s best to go on vacation, leaving all your business behind, and if you continue to do the same things, then relax more often, be alone, especially in nature, and sleep more. At the end of the personal year, before the next birthday, it is especially useful to eat vegetables and fruits and consume less, or better yet, completely abandon food of animal origin, since it takes a lot of the body’s energy to digest it. It is useful to take vitamins, since this is when they are especially needed.

A person’s greatest dislike for himself on his birthday manifests itself at the festive table, when he forces his exhausted body to process tasty, but, as a rule, very harmful food. Probably many will be indignant when I call for abandoning festive table, but such a call is aimed at preserving your health. At least don’t lose your head on your birthday, treat yourself to healthy, lively food - fresh fruits and vegetables.

Birthday has become such a familiar holiday, especially for those who have celebrated it more than a dozen times. But this day is truly magical, because it lays a bridge between Earth and Heaven, along which the most precious gift is rushing to us - the life-giving energy of God's love. I would like to advise everyone to spend this day quietly and calmly; you can celebrate your birthday even after. Silence and tranquility will create favorable conditions for us to accept the gift of Heaven.

Together with our birthday, we receive a task for the coming year and tips about the best way solutions to upcoming difficulties. On this day, many people's intuition sharpens and even clairaudience and clairvoyance appear. Every year on our birthday we can turn to Heaven, to God with our deepest desires and most important issues, because it is on this day of the connection of Earth and Heaven that it is easiest to receive help from above. Appreciate this unique day - your birthday, protect yourself from the fuss of the kitchen and drunken feasts - you will only benefit from this, becoming a healthier and happier person.

What characterizes the beginning?

The beginning of any cycle is characterized by build-up, a set of pace and strength to perform certain tasks. Here are some examples of the beginning of cycles. An office worker starts the day with small and pleasant things, getting into the mood of work: checking mail, making plans for the day, drinking a cup of coffee, etc. At the beginning of the film, we are introduced to the characters and their lives, so that later we can empathize with them and fully feel the emotions they experienced. When doing fitness, first there is a warm-up - warming up the body, so that later the muscles and joints can withstand maximum physical activity.

Therefore, the first time after the birthday is characterized by integration into a new cycle. From the point of view of astrology, new solar energy is being developed, which is given to solve future problems. It is recommended to observe the first 12 days, because they can give information about what awaits us next year. And each of them characterizes the month of the new year. For example, if you were born on October 10 at noon, then the first day from the 12th day of 10.10 to the 12th day of 11.10 tells how your first month will go (from October 10 to November 10).

It is worth paying attention to the general meaning of the events taking place, their emotional coloring and our attitude to what is happening. Of course, there is no clear decoding of events, but by observing the progress of affairs yourself, you can see some patterns. For example, if you are unexpectedly invited to visit on one of the days, see if in the month corresponding to that day you will be sent on a business trip or a short trip will take place, etc.

What's at the end of the cycle?

The end of the cycle is the completion of the process. In the office, at the end of the working day, the employee sums up the results, perhaps cleans up the desk, turns off the computer, says goodbye and leaves. At the end of the film, the result of the actions of the heroes is visible, the outcome of what is happening is summed up, and then the credits come - the names of those who participated in the creation of this film. At the end of the workout, after the received load, the person relaxes and rests: lies down for a couple of minutes, takes a shower, etc.

In the days before your birthday (some people set aside the whole month, others the last 12 or 7 days), you should be especially careful about your emotional and physical state. At this time, the body is characterized by exhaustion, fatigue, and irritation.

During this period, it is important not to overwork or overeat, and to devote more time to rest and recuperation. Pay attention to how we react to events and people, what irritates us? What thoughts come to mind? The state of exhaustion is good because it gives you the opportunity to meet yourself and see your attitude to what is happening. Or, perhaps, on the contrary, to realize that those situations that previously pulled the rug out from under your feet are now completely untouched. This means we have become more resilient.

An important point is summing up the results of the past year. To move forward, to start a new cycle, you need support - gratitude for what happened. Perhaps before your birthday it’s worth taking a fresh look at the events that took place in the past year. See what they brought into our lives? Realize what has changed thanks to them? Maybe the action for which we condemned ourselves led to an interesting turn in life, a new relationship, or revealed the truth of the matter, etc.

How to celebrate a birthday?

There is an opinion that on your birthday and the next 12 days you should control your emotional state - keep it positive and it (“positive”) will supposedly bring positive energies in the coming year and drive away melancholy and depression. But is it worth it to control yourself so tightly?

Sometimes a person is so eager to drive negative emotions out of his life that he cannot appreciate them and see what they give him. For example, one of his most famous paintings, “The Persistence of Memory” (1931), was created by Salvador Dali in two hours in a state of depression and jealousy of Gala. So why get rid of negative emotions? Another thing is to learn to interact with them.

And if it made sense to draw up a rule for celebrating a birthday, then it would probably sound like this: “Listen to yourself, your condition and your desires.” After all, we need everything that happens in our lives for something.