
March 1 - First day of spring.
Congratulations on the Beginning of Spring in verse and prose with postcards

Spring is a wonderful time of year, personifying the triumph of life, freedom and the awakening of nature from hibernation. It’s impossible not to love spring. She gives life and hope for happiness, inspires everyone with bright feelings, love and tenderness. In spring, everything is beautiful without exception: the warm rays of the sun, the primroses, and the spring thunderstorm. Every day the sun rises earlier, pleases us more and more often, and sets later. Three times "Hurray!" - Happy spring! Make way for the good sun, bright light, clear sky, ringing birds, new greenery, timid snowdrops and fragrant lilies of the valley! To everyone - radiance, joy, warmth, fun, kindness, love and happiness!
After long frosty days, the first day of spring is a real holiday! When spring comes, you want to shout about your feelings and desire to live! Congratulate your family, friends and loved ones on the beginning of spring beautiful postcards And good wishes in poetry and prose. Share your good mood and give each other spring congratulations!

Spring! Spring! Down with the frost! Goodbye blizzards and snow!

Spring gives us its first day.
Whether he is gloomy or clear, it doesn’t matter...
And the tired snow is melting,
And a ray of sunshine looks out the window!
We survived the winter, the blizzard,
Frost, slush, ice,
But they kept their love for each other -
And spring brings us its warmth!

The breeze blows lightly
Coniferous branches aroma.
The pines are dozing on the hill,
A frown wrapped in snow.
All nature is in anticipation
Warm days and spring waters...
Be patient too -
Spring will come to us soon!

Spring is coming... Make way for spring!

The first day of the beginning of spring!
And nature woke up from sleep!
We have not yet heard the songs of birds,
But the weather smiled a little!
Breathe in the freshness of spring,
Let your soul enjoy it,
Let there be no doubt -
Celebrate spring with more joy!

Spring is coming into its own,
Blizzards and blizzards are driven away.
And let, like the first flowers,
Tender, friend, you will be!

Spring came! And I wish
So that you remember the first day!
Let nature smell fragrant
Like the embodiment of beauty!

Have a joyful, fresh and extraordinary spring!

Cat month is in the yard,
Ice glistens on the puddles,
Spring is walking on the earth ‒
Say goodbye to the winter cold!
Let the snow melt, the streams run,
And that muddy stream
Takes away pain, melancholy and sadness,
All that was bad!
May there be a loaf of sunshine in the sky
The rays will warm everyone,
Let love knock on your hearts,
May life be brighter!

With the first drop, with the last snowstorm,
Happy early spring holiday
I congratulate you, I sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

I congratulate you on the first day of spring,
I wish you awakening wonderful desires!
Let them all come true in the spring,
Let life be filled with new meaning!

Spring is coming, and the traffic lights want to turn green,
but we have to blush for the quality of the roads.

Warm rays from the sun
It got bigger every day
And icicles at the window
They cry with March rain.
Birds are noisy and fun
Everyone will be awakened from sleep.
The blizzards and blizzards will subside...
Spring is fast approaching us!

Bloom and smell like spring
Be cheerful and in love!
And the days are happy all around
Let them spin you around, friend!

Happy first day of spring, guys!
At this time you are mysterious and passionate,
And that’s why we don’t dare joke:
It's dangerous for us to walk around in miniskirts!

It is no coincidence that there are only 28 days in February...
Apparently, someone really wanted spring to come!

Congratulations with the beginning of spring!
Winter's days are already numbered,
And although it’s still snowing,
And at night it threatens to get cold,
We know that spring is on the doorstep
And soon it will come in the end!
There will be sun and there will be drops,
And after March comes April!

Drive away melancholy and doubts!
Today is the first day of spring!
Let there be jokes, laughter,
And congratulations to everyone on this!
Everything awakens from sleep
And reaches out towards life!
I wish everyone optimism!
May spring come to your heart!

Happy Spring Day:
The very first, the most timid!
And from nature awakening,
With the singing of birds: playful, sonorous!
Congratulations on the update
All dreams, dreams and plans!
From my heart I wish to become
The very first, the most glorious!

Spring is the most suitable time to
sow the fields of your imagination with the seeds of fantasy!

The sun is shining brightly again
And drops ring in my soul,
It's spring again - in this wide world!
Open the door to happiness!
Life is Beautiful! Smile
Surprising everyone with yourself,
Have fun, joke, fall in love,
Laugh, rejoice and sing!

Darling! Call you wife ‒
This is joy for me, and this makes me proud!
Today I hasten to congratulate you on Spring!
May you never encounter sadness in your life!

Happy Spring, my dear husband!
I will warm my hands with the warmth,
I will be more tender than Spring ‒
She is not my competition!

Hormones are the first to start playing the hymn to spring!

Mother! Happy spring holiday
I sincerely congratulate you!
Long life, love, fun
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!
Let all misfortunes melt away,
And adversity will disappear!
I wish only happiness!
Let the years not age you!
So that you don't lose your strength,
May business be successful!
Always be so beautiful
Smiling, tender!

May everything come true soon, mom!
Let your soul sing with happiness in spring!
I wish you love and happy days,
And let no bad weather come in spring!

It's the first day of spring!
Be in a great mood!
Dad, let everything come true
And sadness will be forgotten!

If you once did not notice the arrival of Spring,
then you risk becoming simply not interesting to her!

First day of spring,
The first ray of sun...
He overtook you
Driving away the clouds.
May the spring be joyful
Let there be more light in life,
To make your head spin
From happiness, from love and from desires!

Today is a holiday - Spring is coming to us!
So let March get warmer soon!
May good luck await you in everything, brother,
Let Spring not regret success!

Spring is coming to visit us!
Sister, greet her with a smile!
Spring is the time for beautiful ladies,
She forgives all mistakes!

Now the main thing is that March does not forget that he is spring!

Spring! And time to hug
Kiss your loved ones harder,
Enjoy their gentle warmth
And listen to tremulous feelings!
May this first day of spring be
Giving love to loved ones,
Sparkles with a bright mood
And gives a surge of new strength!

The calendar smiled ‒
February is already behind us!
All the snowstorms have died down,
They sing again, the drops ring.
And streams run down
Racing against each other.
Nature awakens...
Spring is such a time of year!

Spring has come to us today,
And she shed balm on everyone’s soul!
Congratulations on the coming spring
And I wish you awakening in everything!
I wish you to be healthy
And ready for the wonders of spring,
Love everything new quickly,
Run faster towards spring!

Spring was not invented to catch spring colds!

March is coming. Nature awakens from winter sleep. Spring flies to us on the wings of cheerful birds. We are all very happy about this event. Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the arrival of the spring beauty! Let the warmth that spring gives each of us warm our hearts! May your work be easy and your life good! I wish you good health and great happiness! Let your plans be easily fulfilled, and let sadness never find a place in your home! I wish you peace, prosperity and good mood every day!

Darling! We were waiting for spring with you -
And now March is on the calendar!
We are happy in spring,
When the day is so clear and the evening so gentle.
When the trees in the park bloom,
When shoes are replaced by sneakers...
Let wonderful moments await!
I sincerely congratulate you on spring!

Spring, wake up! Winter is getting bolder!

Everything will change in the spring
To the good, to the cherished,
And they will be next to you,
Like multi-colored happiness:
Smiles, sun and flowers,
Happy moments
And you will live all the time
In a wonderful mood!

Spring to you - beautiful, tender,
Happy days and joyful dreams!
May March give you, even if it’s snowy,
Your smiles, hopes and dreams!

So the sun has woken up,
Spring smiled towards us.
The sparrows began to fuss,
The ants will come out soon.
The birches have opened their buds:
Green leaves are visible.
The sun plays like a ray,
And the snowdrop blooms.

With the first day of spring!
And let it be frosty
The patterns are so artful
Weaved on glass
But at night there are dreams
Everyone smelled like mimosa...
Yes, March has come into force ‒
Make way for Spring!

Winter can make spring late, but it can’t stop it!

The birds loudly announce their arrival,
To us again, full of recklessness,
With romance, flowers and lightning
A radiant spring has arrived!
Pragmatists all suddenly became poets,
And the nights are short, and the days are clear,
And the world blossomed! And apparently that's why I
Congratulations on the First Day of Spring!

Congratulations on March 1st,
My darling!
Let the sun shine brightly
Let it warm you!

Spring is coming through the city:
Vesna Martovna Podsnezhnikova,
Vesna Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova,
Vesna Mayevna Chereshnikova!

The first sleepy ray will break through and melt the ice by the river.
Under the hormonal sigh of spring, let's hide the winter under locks!

Happy March 1st to you - from the bottom of my heart!
Enjoy the first day of spring!
Warm days are good:
You don't have to wear ten sweaters.
The spring air smells sweet,
The street attracts you irresistibly.
Happy March 1st to you with all my heart!
Be tenderly, reverently loved!
Let your eyes shine like stars,
Let your actions be unreasonable
Only from joy - a tear,
Only from happiness - your thoughts!
Let the desire live stronger
It will be paradise from finish to start!
I wish you to love people ‒
It is very important! Happy March 1st!

The earth has not yet woken up from winter,
And the snow cover did not melt.
But a ray of sunshine, cheering our souls,
I've already released a flock of "bunnies".
Let the sunbeam press against your cheek,
Becoming the first manifestation of spring!
Let the wind get warmer, carrying lightly
Happy First Day of Spring!

Spring works wonders in nature:
She lit love in your eyes.
The spring wind looked into the heart
And opened your soul to kindness?
You are like spring, bright and good.
Everything is perfection: body and soul!
You gave me the radiance of the day and the light of the night...
Let me give you my love!

May the sky be blue
and there will be awakening in the heart!

Spring is coming! The ringing of drops whispers about this.
In the gray sky of the sun a ray will break through,
And the birds will play the flute.
May happiness smile on you!
Breath of gentle wind
Lightly touches your lips.
And the rumor will spread around the world:
"Spring came!" It's for both of us!
May the first snowdrop of March
Breaking out from under the thick snow,
Will give you my tenderness,
Care, warmth, love!

Tender air, blue sky,
The heart is like a butterfly in the chest!
Everything is in flowers, there will be no more snow ‒
Only happiness, only the sun is ahead!

Congratulations on the beginning of spring!
I wish you happiness, health and fun!
May this spring bring you
Lots of smiles, warmth and kindness!

The Ministry of Health warns: spring is contagious with the virus of love!
There is no vaccine, there never was and there never will be... And don’t get your hopes up!

I want to congratulate you
Happy First Day of Spring!
We've been waiting for her for a long time,
We are very tired.
Lack of vitamins
And the winter blues
Cold and fatigue
They tortured me.
I wish the sun
Warmed our hearts
And in the souls of our sleeping
The heat has increased!

My good! Congratulations
Happy First Day of Spring to you!
And I make wishes come true
All your dreams and dreams!
I will be gentle and beautiful,
Kind, feminine with you,
So that we become happy
A strong, golden pair!

March 1st is the beginning of spring!
We hasten to congratulate you on this.
Everyone around is happy about spring, look:
People, trees and bullfinches.
Even cats are not afraid of snow
Cats run here and there.
Happy Happy Day! Happy First Warmth Day!
And with the long-awaited arrival of Spring!

Spring has arrived - emaciated moths are feasting in the closets!

Happy March to you,
Happy raging March,
With the most affectionate,
With the most exciting!
Lasting happiness to you,
Heart happiness,
All the best,
The most eternal!

Let the spring rays on this day
People and flowers will smile at you,
And may they always go through life with you
Love, health, happiness and dreams!

The first day of spring is knocking on the windows.
The buds are starting to bloom.
Congratulations on the ringing of spring!
Let it fill you with happiness!

Spring is the Universe of happiness, expanding
until you feel full of life!

On the calendar - March 1 - the beginning of spring. And even if there is still snow, even if the frost is crackling, it still smells like spring. The sun diligently gives us gentle rays of warmth, the birds sing funny songs. Spring walks across the planet, giving us love, joy and hope. I sincerely congratulate you on wonderful holiday, the beginning of spring! Let good mood never leaves you! Let luck knock on your door every day! Let all sorrows and adversity go away with the melting snow. I wish you great human happiness, peace and tranquility in your families! May the Lord protect you from all bad things!

Let joy enter your heart forever,
Queen Spring will help with this!
I wish you happiness, smiles and light!
Let your soul be warmed with love!

Spring has arrived, sparkling
And waking everyone up from their winter dreams -
It's like the room is empty
It was suddenly filled with a roar of voices!

Spring is approaching every day.
Perhaps we should go out to meet her?!

The snow darkened and the first thawed patches appeared. Icicles “cry” under the roofs. The sky increasingly gives us its blue. The long-awaited spring is coming. And there is such joy in my soul, such relief! Let me congratulate you on the Beginning of Spring! May your life be filled with happiness and tranquility! I wish you good health for many years to come! May your soul never grow old and always remain young! Let the smiles of your family and friends shine for you every day! May prosperity and luck always go side by side! Fewer tests for you and more surprises and everything that a person needs for complete happiness!

Let the drops make noise under the windows,
The snow melted and remained in March,
It's your birthday and April,
Gives trump cards into hands.
I see in my eyes that it’s spring,
Jumps like a child in wet puddles,
Water splashes over your feet,
I admit, you are desperately needed.
And love is like breathing air,
Learn for the birthday holiday,
To receive mutual feelings,
Have a little patience.

April is close to me in terms of radiance,
It smells like fresh, blooming spring,
You are celebrating your birthday,
And I want to always be with you.
There are so few sincere people these days,
But you are a diamond among common dung,
Does the month of April affect you?
Beautiful as the sun and smelling like a rose.

Happy birthday April man,
You are as beautiful as spring thunder,
I'm looking for advice in your mouth,
The eye is like a little one in love with the personality.
And I wish you only happiness and goodness,
So that health never leaves,
Your soul was filled with love,
I didn’t bend over from sadness, I didn’t suffer.

I love April - because this month is yours,
We always meet with you on holidays,
I bow my head submissively,
Before a pure, unbending dream.
And happiness, somewhere close and easy,
He won't run away from your heart,
And maybe the feeling was lost far away,
It closed in the heart not for long, deeply.
And you will find your desires,
You will make your dreams come true and make them come true,
If only I could be patient,
Well, in the meantime, let's celebrate his birthday.

April goddess, beauty of spring,
She gave you to us, she gave you to us,
You glow with happiness, like the sun of heaven,
And you expect divine miracles on your birthday.
I congratulate you on the holiday, I wish you many years,
Where a sea of ​​charms will give you a warm blanket,
You are the best in the world, my April,
Please accept my verses for your birthday.

Look ahead and celebrate
April brings birthday,
Hot holiday - bring happiness,
Take a deep breath of the rose scent.
Kill sadness and hatred,
Live as if from the beginning
Fill your life with happiness and kindness,
So that the soul screams from love.

Outside the window you can hear a cheerful bird trill,
Warm April came to visit us,
The month is also famous because
Which brings a glorious holiday to my friend.
Happy birthday buddy, have fun
And today you have a full blast,
May your life always be pure,
May God give you good luck, peace and warmth.

The best month, joyful April,
Happy Birthday! Drops are dripping loudly,
Happy Birthday, the birds are singing merrily,
All your friends are here today.
Dear friend, happy holiday to you,
You were born in April, so you are gentle, bright,
A lot of warmth comes from you,
I wish you happiness, joy, love, goodness.

April brought us joy and fun,
April brought us a wonderful mood,
After all, this month my friend was born,
Our whole company gathered in the cafe.
Dear friend, happy birthday,
You are worthy only of admiration
May love come to you as tenderly as spring,
Joy to you, lots of smiles and warmth.

It's warm, April has come into its own,
And the flowers make the earth worthy of admiration,
My friend, like a flower, has all blossomed,
After all, spring brought her birthday.
Happy holiday dear, smile,
May life give you a pleasant surprise,
May you have a lot of happiness and good luck,
All earthly blessings, great love, goodness.

On a fine April day,
When everything around you is booming,
Celebrates birthday
My very best friend.
May your friend be lucky in everything,
Let love sparkle in your heart,
May luck knock on your door,
And will fulfill your most cherished dream.

April is coming, it's ringing,
The sun's rays warm the earth,
Everything around is blooming and booming,
The whole earth is fragrant from the singing of birds and aromas.
And in this glorious month,
My friend is celebrating her birthday
I wish you only happiness
Let life bloom and bad weather go away.

April- the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar, the second month of the Old Roman year, which began in March before Caesar’s reform.

It probably got its name from Lat. aperire - to open, because spring was opening/beginning in Italy this month.

April is the 4th month of the year according to the Julian calendar, and the 2nd month of the year according to the ancient Roman calendar. April now has 30 days, but under Julius Caesar it had only 29. During the first 2/3 of this month the sun is in the sign of Aries, in the last third - in the sign of Taurus.

For a farmer and gardener, April is one of the most active months. IN Central Europe this month the sowing of spring grains, vegetables, clover, etc. begins. At the same time, clearing and planting of trees, irrigation of meadows begins, and various vegetables are sown and replanted in vegetable gardens. In April, along with the flowering of plants, the work of bees begins. The important role that April plays in the economic life of the people is reflected in a whole host of proverbs or folk rules relating to it. Due to the frequent changes experienced by the weather this month, in the hostel the fickle weather is called April, for the same reason the frequently changing desires and whims are called April whims.

The word April comes from the Latin word for warmed, warmed by the sun, sunny.

In the old days, April was called pollen, because... the first flowers bloom this month. April - Berezozol, Berezozol, Berezozor - is bad for birches, as they begin to harvest birch sap. Harvesting sap causes deep wounds to birch trees.

This is the second month of spring. He is famous for his water. "April with water, May with grass."

There are subseasons of April.

Sunshine is 164.5 hours, the average monthly air temperature is approximately + 4 degrees Celsius. In the 3rd and 4th decades, the soil warms up to + 2 degrees Celsius.

In April, nature seems to open up its treasures. Sap flow begins in trees and plants, red willow, hazel, coltsfoot, and dandelions begin to bloom.

In the middle of the month the snow melts. Field work begins. According to the Bianchi Forest Calendar, April from 1 to 20 is the “Month of Awakening from Hibernation” (beginning on March 21). From April 21 - the beginning of the second month of spring - “The month of the return of migratory birds to their homeland.”

In April-May, birds call to each other loudly.
Anthills come to life. A badger comes out of the den. The bear wakes up. Lizards crawl out. Frogs and water rats come out. Flies and mosquitoes appear.

At the end of April - May, foxes and wolves have litters. Spring streams gurgle. People say: “April streams awaken the earth.” But summer is not coming yet, it may still be cold. And “don’t break the stove - it’s still April outside.”

According to the astronomical calendar, in April until the 14th, the sun is still in the constellation Pisces, and then in the constellation Aries. April according to the zodiac sign - Aries. Those born from April 1 to April 20 are classified as Aries according to the zodiac sign calendar, and those born from April 21 to the 30th are classified as Taurus.

According to the tree calendar, those born from April 1 to April 10 have a rowan talisman, from April 11 to April 20 - maple, from April 21 to April 30 - walnut. Start of rural work.

Proverbs, sayings, signs of April: April is a rogue, a cunning person, she gives orders in her own way. April is blowing with wind, the sky is blue - it promises warmth. The April winds are blowing into the bins. In April the earth warms up. What will be born in April will bloom and ripen in June-July, and in August it will be buried in bins and barns, and will be reduced to ashes during the long winter. Blue clouds in April mean warmth and rain. Starry nights at the end of April - for the harvest.

The first April rain is worth a cartload of gold. Hot during the day, cool at night - good weather. A lot of sap flows from a birch tree - for a rainy summer. When in the spring the ravines begin to sparkle and freeze again, it will interfere with the harvest. The weight of the first chicken egg in the spring determines the harvest.

Spring is coming!
Spring came!
Congratulations - quatrains on the first day of Spring for a loved one, girlfriend, sister, mother, colleague, husband, brother and all dear ones:

Blue and tender spring to you,
Happy days and joyful dreams!
May March give you, even if it’s snowy,
Your smiles and flowers!

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Congratulations on the beginning of spring!
I wish you happiness, health and fun!
May this spring bring you
Lots of smiles, warmth and kindness!

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Spring brings renewal
Smiles, happiness and flowers.
And I want to have a birthday on spring day
Your dreams have come true!

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I congratulate you on Spring!!!
Let Spring just seem like a dream.
I congratulate you on Spring!!!
Let your heart be excited about Spring.

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With the first day of spring!
Let her surround you with tenderness,
And decorates every day with flowers,
She brings a lot of joy
Fulfills your cherished wishes!

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The sun is shining brightly again
And drops ring in my soul.
It's spring again in this world!
Open the door to happiness!

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Happy congratulations today
And wish you well, warmth,
Spring is wonderful with you
May it bring you a lot of happiness!

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I congratulate everyone on spring,
Rejoice, friends, with me!
The spring air inspires
Gives me hope for the best!

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Congratulations on the first day of spring -
A cheerful thaw in the soul.
May all your hopes and dreams
Become reality in fate!

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Flying with happiness, young spring,
In the azure sky, among the clouds,
Playing with the rays of the cheerful sun,
Brings you faith, hope, love!

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Congratulations to you today
Happy first day of March.
We sincerely wish you happiness,
Let joy fill the house!

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Spring came! Cheers cheers!
Let's put everything aside.
May she bring us happiness
And he will give you passionate love!

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Girlfriend, let spring in
Quickly into your soul!
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
We need March to be happy!

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May it be filled with goodness and happiness,
Warm spring to every home!
And let all misfortunes melt away
Under the bright sunbeam!

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Let the sunbeam press against your cheek,
Becoming the first manifestation of spring.
Let the wind get warmer, carrying lightly
Congratulations on the first day of spring!

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Tenderness, affection and sunshine
All minutes and days will be full,
And the mood will be wonderful!
Have a bright, beautiful, magical spring!

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Happy first day of spring, friends,
Love, goodness and happiness to all.
Let all the snow melt,
Carrying away with a stream of bad weather.

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May the first day of March
It will warm you with spring joy.
A bright corner for happiness
He can find it in your soul!

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With the first day of spring!
Happiness and love,
Sun and warmth,
Peace and goodness!

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Spring came! And again dreams
They responded to my heart with happiness!
I wish that in the rays of spring
Your dreams always come true!

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Spring is a ringing, gentle song,
Time for love, renewal!
It’s so joyful to live, and so interesting,
And it stands, casting aside doubts!

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Happy spring! Nature's awakening
And a flood of bright feelings!
With hope, faith, inspiration!
Let the sadness melt under the sun.

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Let it be on the first day of spring,
The sun is shining and warming stronger,
Let spring color little by little,
Will make our world even more beautiful!

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Light snowflakes, having begun their journey in winter,
We were a little delayed on the way,
And in surprise, they will lie down on the path in front of you,
Congratulations on the first day of spring!

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I wish on the first day
Bloom and smell like a flower!
Let spring bring you
Huge love, very, very much!

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I wish you may it always be spring
Enchants with its tenderness, like in a fairy tale!
Let her be in your soul,
And it will make your whole life beautiful!

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Happiness, love! Welcome back to spring!
Sun, warmth, beauty!
So that all magical dreams come true,
Dreams come true!

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We survived the winter, the blizzard,
Frost, slush, ice.
We saved love for each other,
And spring brings us warmth!

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With the beginning of spring! Happy holiday to you,
So charming, full of generosity!
Let every day of yours be the most cherished,
May every year of yours be significant!

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WITH warm days, with a spring drop,
With the first mimosa, with the last snowstorm,
WITH gentle sunshine congratulations,
I wish you happiness, health and success!

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Spring is coming - it brings warmth,
And again nature comes to life.
Everything will bloom again soon -
I congratulate you on this!

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Happy spring holiday
I congratulate you!
I wish the sky depth.
And endless happiness!

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Open your eyes and smile -
Spring, spring has come!
May life be full of light,
And happiness and warmth!

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May the arrival of a magical, beautiful spring
All colorful dreams come true,
There will be many smiles from loved ones, friends,
There will be many happy and joyful days!

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With the first drop
With the last snowstorm,
Happy Young Spring!

Short poems congratulating you on the beginning of spring. SMS on the first day of spring.

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