Conspiracy to protect against bad people

People used enchanted objects when they had a long journey ahead of them. In those days, the roads were extremely unsafe, bandits and dashing people gathered in the forests, terrorized the surrounding area, robbed and killed travelers and traders. Based on the stories that have survived to this day, it can be judged that the owners of caps that were enchanted to counteract evil were much less likely to become victims of crime, and therefore today we can completely trust such magic.

In this article:

Any professional magician knows a large number of ways to protect yourself from evil. A conspiracy or magic ritual from bad people is simple, safe and very effective remedy, which will make the performer invulnerable to any negativity.

Our ancestors used many rituals for many centuries, and this was almost the only means of hiding from any evil.

We all remember fairy tales that featured a hat or an invisibility cloak. In fact, these magical items meant clothes that were specially charmed to counteract evil and provide shelter from negativity. If you think about it, invisibility is an ideal remedy for bad people, because they won’t see you, which means they won’t be able to harm you.

People used such enchanted objects when they had a long journey ahead of them. In those days, the roads were extremely unsafe, bandits and dashing people gathered in the forests, terrorized the surrounding area, robbed and killed travelers and traders. Based on the stories that have survived to this day, it can be judged that the owners of caps that were enchanted to counteract evil were much less likely to become victims of crime, and therefore today we can completely trust such magic.

Conspiracy of clothes

This magical ritual can be used to cast a spell on any item of clothing, for example, a hat, scarf, shirt, shoes, etc. The main thing is that you wear this particular item as often as possible. After sunset, light a church candle, pick up the enchanted object and read the words:

“May the Lord God remember me for health, and may He remember my enemies for peace. Lead me, O Lord God, among my enemies along a thin path, a path invisible to evil. Place, O Lord, my concerns on the guardian angels, and their concerns on the archangels. Let the angels stand behind me, let them cover my shoulders with an invisible veil.

They will protect me from the whole world around me, from the whole white world, from all my enemies, so that no one with evil sees me, so that no one bad notices me, so that just as the blind do not distinguish day from night, so they do not notice me.

I will calmly pass by the enemies, and they will stand up in pillars. I will disappear from under the hands of my enemies like disembodied smoke, no one will be able to grab me. Just as the wind cannot be grabbed with your hands, just as the wind cannot be held back, so no one can hold me back, and no one can harm me, the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A conspiracy working under the Christian egregor protects very effectively

To make the conspiracy work as powerfully as possible, you can write the same words on a piece of paper, fold it several times and always carry it with you.

Ritual against secret enemies

This magical ritual is suitable for you if you know that someone wishes you harm and wants to harm you, but you do not know who this person is. To perform this magical ritual you will need a new, unused towel. Wait until midnight, light a candle and, holding a towel in your hands, read the words of the conspiracy:

“I will pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, I will submit to the Lord God. On this day, at this hour, early in the morning and late at night. Like the sun rises every morning, and like the moon sets every morning. So my enemy will move from right to left, and will leave me, the servant of God (name), forever. From this day until the end of time. In the name of the Lord God, the King of Heaven. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Magic ritual to detect enemies

In addition to countering known and secret ill-wishers, magic gives us tools with which we can recognize the unknown enemy who wants to cause harm. You can recognize the enemy using a special ritual for a prophetic dream, which is carried out only on the eve of one of the holy holidays.


Before you go to bed, open the window, look at the moon, breathe in some fresh air, then concentrate on your desire to have a prophetic dream and discover the name of the enemy. After this, read the words of the conspiracy:

“I, the servant of God (name), will walk in long rows. I will look at everything with my own eyes. Among the long rows I will find Saint Samson. I will say a holy word to Samson, in the name of the eternal and one Lord God. Let Saint Samson show me a prophetic dream, let the saint show me my enemy in a dream, let his face show his evil plans. May the Most Holy Trinity help me, may the Living Trinity help me. May Jesus Christ bless my sleep and protect me from all enemies. From this day until the end of time. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the plot, you need to immediately go to bed and sleep. This night you should see a prophetic dream in which not only the name of the well-wisher will be revealed to you, but also all his insidious thoughts.

Conspiracy from the enemy at work

This magical ritual is ideal for you if one of your colleagues or superiors openly harms you, interferes with your work and career advancement. To get rid of his evil forever, wait until he leaves you, turning his back, and read the words of the conspiracy in a whisper:

“Let my honor go to the servant of God (name), let my honor torment him, beat him and bake him. Wherever my enemy (name) goes, wherever he wanders, everywhere on my account he will persecute him, he will break his bones, and take his life. You will not think about me, the servant of God (name), you will not plot evil, you will not to harm and disturb me. You will not see me in your dreams, you will not be able to keep me in your thoughts, you will forget about me, the servant of God (name), forget and not remember.

You go to your own side, stay away from me on a different path. Just as a blind man does not see and will not offend anyone, so you, servant of God (name), will not see me, and you will not be able to do evil.

Don't look in my direction, don't look at me. I lock my words with a steel key, and throw the key into a deep ravine. Just as animals cannot figure out a steel key, so no one can cancel my words. Let what is said come true. Amen".

The message to the target must be strong enough

Full moon ritual against ill-wishers

This magical ritual helps well in the fight against enemies and people who want to harm you. Wait until the full moon and, looking at the moon, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Lord, save me, God. Protect me, God’s servant (name), from enemies. First, good hour, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. In the names of the holy Apostles, and the Fathers of the Holy Church, with all the names of the most pure angels, and the most powerful archangels, I conjure you, my enemy, servant of God (name), go around From now on, fly around me like fire bypasses water, fly around me like feathers fly from birds, fear me like the devil fears the holy cross.

Just as in a clear field, in a distant field, the stone Alatyr lies, but no one can lift that stone, and no one can break it, so my words will be strong, and my will will be strong. My words will not allow my enemies to come close, they will not allow my white body to be soiled.

Even if they throw spears and arrows, even if they take out sharp sabers, even if they wave them in my direction, they still won’t reach me, they won’t fall a hair from my head, and the evil conspiracy won’t reach me. Heaven itself will be the key to my words, and the Lord God himself will guard them, and Jesus Christ himself will protect me, and protect me from enemies. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual with a wooden stick

With the help of this magical ritual, you can create a strong protective amulet that will protect your home and all your relatives from any evil. Take a small wooden stick and read the words of the spell three times:

“On the side of the forest, in the middle of a path of wild animals, an ancient old man lives, with a long staff. That staff contains strong power, good and immense power. The first time the staff will deliver you from enemies, the second time it will protect you from evil, the third time it will protect you. So in the singing staff there will be protective power, there will be true power, there will be a strong will.

Accountant Maria Stepanovna always grumbles that your salary is too high? Colleagues trying to steal your cup and swap sugar and salt? Is your boss criticizing your desktop shortcut policy? If you feel killed even before the start of the working day, do not despair! Conspiracies from enemies at work, tested by time and circumstances, will come to the rescue.

How to get rid of enemies at work forever - conspiracy

It is important to remember that conspiracy is, first of all, an understanding of human psychology, and secondly, magic. The better you understand your motives and the motives of others, the higher the chance of magic working.

There are several types of conspiracies against enemies at work.

Conspiracies on yourself

Oddly enough, it is most effective to talk yourself out of enemies. How we feel about ourselves and how confident we are in our abilities directly affects how others treat us. If you yourself feel weak and timid, stronger and tougher individuals feel them all the more and begin to treat you excellently. Conversely, if you behave confidently, your ill-wishers will poke you a couple of times with a stick and shrug their shoulders. Once they make sure you don't react, your enemies will treat you with respect. But what to do if you can’t keep yourself confident?

In order to overcome complexes and eliminate the consequences of incorrect positioning of oneself in a team, the strongest protective conspiracies from enemies, evil, damage and any harm will help. You can read them to yourself without being distracted from your work. Self-conspiracies are not so much about surrounding yourself with a protective field. It's more about adjusting the outside world through changing your own worldview. Such conspiracies are similar to good prayers or funny magic spells. They look this way specifically to raise your tone, vitality and good mood.

The most powerful self-conspiracies are often very short. But they need to be remembered and repeated often, especially in critical moments.

  • Conspiracy "I'm smart."

This conspiracy is the simplest and most natural, its goal is to surround you with a protective field impenetrable to insults and provocations. Every morning when you come to work, sit in a chair at your desk. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself inside a submarine. Mentally assume a Zen Buddhist pose and say the following magic spell:

“Everyone around me is smart, because I’m smart, amen. Everyone around me is good because I am good, amen. Everyone around me loves me because I love everyone. Amen!"

After some time, the work environment will magically change for the better.

  • Conspiracy “Speak up.”

The beginning of this conspiracy lies in the well-known magical technique “simoron”. Simoron is the most popular type of household white magic. It was created by young esoteric dervishes in the early 90s. Simoron is still a popular, fast and effective everyday magic. CONSPIRACY " Speak up “, - the shortest of most conspiracies and the brightest, - does not carry vengeful harm to the enemy. Being a magical synonym for the word “appear,” it recommends that the enemy lose interest in you. The enemy feels a desire to do more useful things than unwinding the tangle of your nerves. More full version this conspiracy is the phrase “Benefit yourself by disappearing.” This spell can be cast every time you feel a negative or unwanted influence. Already in the first ten repetitions a significant positive effect is observed.

To “aggravate” it, you can cheerfully wave a pencil or pen towards the enemy. Imagine that you are holding a magic wand. The appearance of surprise on the enemy's face will mark a successful plot.

Spell on objects

If you are great at raising your spirits using the first two methods, it’s time to move on to spells on objects.

They can be used in unlimited quantities. The time of day and the phase of the moon do not play an important role, although it is better to do this early in the morning. The most favorable phase of the moon will be the waxing one. The main thing when using magic is not to forget an important rule:

"Any conspiracy from negative energy must carry within oneself goodness and only goodness.”

  • Flower spell for office workers

Unless, of course, you are allergic, indoor plants are your best magical friend. Go to a flower shop, consult a florist and choose a beautiful plant for yourself. Small in size and pleasing to the eye. It could be your favorite flower: violet, ficus benjamina, cactus. If you are a man, buy yourself a plastic palm tree. You can buy a flower for yourself or for a colleague who particularly annoys you. First, make sure that your enemy is not allergic to pollen and act depending on this factor.

A flower spell for yourself consists of two parts: reviving an object And empowerment. To revive a flower, give it Name. Write your name on the bottom of the pot or, if you are an energetic and simple person who boldly shows the world your openness, on the side of the pot. You can also attach a leaf with a name with a decorative clothespin to the stem of the flower or a supporting skewer. Now that you have named the flower, choose how you will enchant it.

Giving positive energy. The most effective option for optimistic people is to transfer positive thoughts to the flower for subsequent feed-back. Place your flower near the monitor. Whenever you are in a good mood or something positive happens, address him with words like this:

“Dear Cactus Arkady, I am so glad that you are blooming and smelling. Today I am also blooming and smelling, because NameRek, with whom we have a difficult relationship, behaves politely all day and even offered to make me coffee in the morning.”

“Dear Violet Marusya, I give you the smile of accountant Marya Stepanovna, your namesake, who praised me for a good report. It seems that our relationship with her is improving and she no longer grumbles about my high salary, which she is tired of calculating.”

It is very important that the words are simple and human. Plants, especially charmed ones, take words literally. Like water molecules and sugar crystals, they accumulate positive emotions and give it back. Simoronists, using this technique, note an increase in energy through shortest time after the start. It is important to overpower yourself at the beginning of the journey, brushing aside any doubts that arise about the appropriateness of what you are doing (and we are not talking about work, but about magic).

The flower spell for a colleague is different in that the moment the flower is given to the recipient, the connection between you and the flower becomes thinner or disappears. Therefore, such a flower must be spoken at home or on the way to work. The conspiracy can be in free form, but it must carry a positive message and a wish for bright emotions. For example:

“Dear Ficus Benjamin, I am bringing you as a gift to a wonderful man named Imyarek Imyarekovich Imyarekov, this is my favorite boss, his desk is right across the wall from me / along the corridor to the right / in the next office. I have a wonderful relationship with him, but I would like it to be even better. Therefore, I decided to give him you, because you are a wonderful flower and you subtly feel that I wish Imyarek Imyarekovich only good things and a good mood. And also so that he scolds me less for bad work and well-performed tasks. When I bring you to the office and present you to your future owner, please try to convey these words to him. I call you “Flower” and only you and I will know this secret name and keep in touch through it. From time to time I will inquire about the health of Imyarek Imyarekovich, and pass him candy through you.”

If, upon receiving such a gift, your colleague smiled and thanked him warmly, consider that the conspiracy was a success. If the reaction could not be predicted and it turned out to be restrained-neutral, or even worse - the unfortunate ficus flew to the floor - do not be upset. There are other conspiracies that are stronger!

  • Plot for the keys to the work premises.

As you know, keys are a universal plot item. They are persuaded not only to sell a house or car, but also to create a friendly atmosphere in the unlocked room. For such a conspiracy, you will need your copy of the office keys. If it happens that you don’t have them, take a magnetic card or a tablet from the intercom. If it doesn’t work out here either, find an unnecessary key at home, a toy golden key or a key from an old girl’s diary. If you can wear it as an amulet around your neck, great!

Of course, this ritual should be performed at work, after the end of the working day, when you are alone, but if this is not possible, perform the ritual at home, before going out. Dress in work clothes and stand in front of the door of your apartment/house. Holding the charmed key at the ready, pronounce the words of the conspiracy in a conspiratorial tone:

“Key, key, listen carefully. You will open the door like a spy. You’ll seep straight into the office and disappear into the atmosphere. You will become a secret talisman, a friend to all my colleagues. And while I’m carrying you, I ask everyone to be friends with me!”

After this, pretend that you are opening the door with the key, but do not pretend to close it on the other side. The ritual should contain openness for better performance.

Come to work and don't hide the key from yourself. Let it remind you that you performed a magical ritual. Stick it in the ground near the Andrew cactus, or wear it with you around your neck as an amulet.

  • Spell for the air conditioner remote control.

One of the most famous Simoron white magic techniques is channel switching. To do this, you will need any remote control, but the remote control for a working air conditioner is best. If you feel that the situation in the office is tense, pretend to switch the temperature mode. But in reality, perform a quick magic ritual by holding the remote control in front of you and looking at the air conditioner blowers.

“The heat goes away, the negativity goes away, the calm, friendly atmosphere comes!”

Such a conspiracy will give you peace and goodwill for the whole day. The rest of your colleagues will feel it instantly. Thanks to your white magic, they will follow your example, unaware of the enchanted air conditioner.

  • Candy spell.

CAREFULLY! This conspiracy is very effective and is used only if its goals are truly bright and benevolent. When using a spell on candy for the purpose of revenge, be prepared to immediately receive a boomerang from the Higher Powers. For good magicians, the conspiracy will not be difficult to execute.

Buy different candies. Preferably chocolate ones, so they will quickly spread among colleagues and the magic will work most effectively. Pour them into a beautiful bowl and speak the spell over it three times. It is advisable to do this while in the center of an empty office.

“Chocolate candies become a magic potion. Become a wonderful potion, turn your enemies into loyal friends, bring them goodness and happiness, I conjure you with good power!”

At the beginning of the day, treat all your colleagues to candy. It is important not to miss anyone, even those who are already positively disposed towards you, this will unite their energy with the enemy. The light energy will be recharged and the magic will work even stronger. Watch the plot work with a smile.

  • Enchanted notebook.

Another very useful magical practice is called the “Enchanted Notebook”. Take any piece of writing paper, notebook, or small notepad with a cover you like. Keep it somewhere safe. No one should know about the existence of this notebook. Especially the cleaning lady, Aunt Nyura, who snoops around the drawers and plots evil against you.

For a week, write down all negative events in it. How your colleagues changed your chair to an uncomfortable one. How an accountant incorrectly calculated your salary and pretended that it was so. How your worst friend spilled coffee on your blouse and pretended it was an accident. Write everything as it is, in colors and emotions.

On the eighth day, when you leave work, take the notebook with you if you left it there. Wait until midnight and start a fire or fire in the fireplace. Tie the notebook tightly with a red thread, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“Close the notebook with black words. Don't let the thread get untied. Burn all the resentment and anger along with the paper. Turn unpleasant people into pleasant people. From now on, I let them go and wish them well. And may goodness return to me from them a hundredfold! Amen!"

Ceremoniously place the notebook in the fire. As you watch the paper burn, imagine yourself coming to work the next morning. And suddenly you discover that your enemies have become your best friends.

The effect may not be noticeable immediately, please be patient.

Every magician has magic item, concentrating its light power and endowing it with the surrounding space. It could be a personal item: a figurine, plush toy, a blanket for a chair, a shawl, a coffee table book. Listen to yourself and you will find it. This method of protecting yourself from enemies is effective in any conditions. And also, there are no allergies to such things.

Conspiracies for salt

There are two pitfalls in using traditional spells that came from antiquity. First, when studying any conspiracy, imagine it possible consequences. If the text of the conspiracy speaks of a negative result, revenge or sacrifice, the conspiracy does NOT belong to White magic. Be prepared for what good protection your enemy may be mirrored in your direction. Avoid conspiracies that have a negative connotation. Your goals should be noble - not to get rid of, not to take revenge, but to make peace and make friends.

Secondly, the most effective conspiracy is one that does not once again state your suffering. Their mention may become an unnecessary amplifier for you. A spell where suffering turns into experience, or where it is said that the caster doesn’t care about it, is best suited. Remember that your wishes are taken literally. Remember that the “not” particle is ignored by the brain. Perceiving information, all living things: children, adults, the surrounding energy hear prohibitions as direct instructions to action. Especially if you formulate the request as “don’t do this because I can’t do that.” “Please do something else, so I can do that better,” is good plot. Feel free to use it.

White magic spells have special power. It is important to make sure that you resort to them. You shouldn’t read a conspiracy from enemies at work so that bad things come back to them. Wishing evil will only increase it and ruin your own karma. On the contrary, you should wish them well, and you will see the opposite effect immediately. Of course, such conspiracies are difficult to perform and require complete dedication from the magician. But the result is worth it.

Every white magician who has achieved a certain success in his skill knows how to correctly read conspiracies from enemies. Strong conspiracy salt, which initially carries a negative message for enemies, is made lighter and more effective with the help of white magic. White conspiracy salt will take more effort and require serious preparation, but by the end of the process you will feel how everything begins to change.

You will need:

  1. Salt.
  2. Sugar.
  3. Boiling water.
  4. Photo.
  5. Food coloring.
  6. Small glass jar with stopper.
  7. Red thread.
  8. Church candles.

For this plot we will need to make a protective amulet. It's a highly personalized thing. Start making it, imagining before your eyes the one who causes you the most discomfort at work. It’s even better to have his (her) photo in front of you. Of course, without strangers.

Wait for the waxing moon. The spell for salt must be read from enemies with the help of the correct moonlight. On the night from Friday to Saturday, retire to your home. Place the prepared ingredients on the table or floor.

Take the salt from a new pack printed for the occasion. It is better to bring sugar from work, but it is not necessary. If you can’t find it there, buy loose sand at the store. A jar with a stopper can be found at any office supply store. In the absence of one, take any small container, preferably glass.

Let us repeat, the ritual is long, powerful and requires good preparation, hard work and self-confidence.

After laying out the ingredients on the floor, light five candles with a match. Sit in their light for a while, closing your eyes. Remember all the unpleasant moments associated with your enemy, imagine how you want this person to change. After his attitude changes to friendly in your thoughts, open your eyes and start making an amulet. First say the following words, trying to speak them in a warm, affectionate tone:

“On the growing moon, bringing light, I will conjure my enemy, let him become a friend as soon as he gets up in the morning.”

Wrap the bottle with red thread and tie one knot at the end.

As you add each new element, pronounce separate words for it.

“A protective thread, filled with goodness, become a talisman. I’ll tie the first knot - I’ll speak for good; I’ll tie the second knot - I’ll seal my word forever.”

Carefully pour a small amount of salt into the bottom of the jar. Add a little more sugar on top, leaving less than a third unfilled. Don't forget about space for the plug. After pouring out the salt and sugar, say the words to them:

“Salt become him (her), and sugar become me. In caustic salt, in strong offense, I dissolve sugar, a healer for the heart. As the salt melts, sugar becomes the main ingredient. As soon as they merge together, they become isolated together.”

To confirm the previous words, carefully pour a few drops of boiling water into the tub. Try to mix the salt and sugar into a paste, but not turn into liquid. Do not stir.

Carefully drop some dye into the jar. It is better to take yellow or pink, warm colors. Do not stir. Watch the contents of the jar color and melt, saying:

“How bright the colors are, so strong the threads. Just as threads are strong, so is the word sacred.”

Now carefully bring each of the candles to the jar and drop wax into it. For each one in turn, say five phrases about your expectations from the ritual. For example:

  1. I wish (enemy’s name) to become my friend.
  2. I wish (enemy's name) good mood always be.
  3. I wish (enemy’s name) to always help me in my work.
  4. I wish (enemy's name) to be kind.
  5. I wish (enemy's name) health and mental strength.

Having sealed the jar in this way, carefully insert the stopper. Now unroll the red thread / tie it around the neck, pronouncing the last words of the plot:

“From now on, salt will become sugar, from now on the thread will not untie. Was (name) an enemy, became (name) a devoted friend. My word is strong, the moon is a witness.”

Tie a second knot at the other end of the thread. Hide the amulet jar in a secluded place.

Now, the next morning, your enemy's attitude will begin to change. You carried out a very subtle and powerful conspiracy. Feel a surge of strength and extraordinary lightness.

On a pin

The Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova came up with a conspiracy to read a pin against enemies at work, it is very easy, fast and reliable, it is used everywhere. Protects mainly from the evil eye and damage. Therefore, against strong enemies it will become only an auxiliary method, and not a panacea.

You will need a new safety pin. On a moonlit night, stand in front of the window. Putting her under Moonlight, say the words of the conspiracy:

“It hurts, it cuts, it drives away enemies, it protects me from evil wishes.”

Pin the pin to your clothing and carry it with you at all times. If the pin opens and pricks you, that's a good sign. This means the conspiracy protected you from evil influence. It is recommended to repeat the ritual after this. Such protection will help not only from enemies at work, but also from other negative manifestations.

The famous Siberian healer advises in conspiracies not to wish revenge on enemies and offenders. Natalya Stepanova suggests reading conspiracies from enemies, evil and damage with a positive message, formulating requests as a request for good changes.

One of the most powerful conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova is given below. It is read once a day at sunset. For this conspiracy, it is not necessary to take into account where you and your offender are located, but it is important to know his name.

"In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Lord bless
I will call Saint Elias
With heavenly power
For help.
I will call upon the earthly power
With earthly strength
For help.
And water power
I'll call for help.
Guardian Angel
I'm calling for help.
All the mighty forces
Help me
And on me and on my enemies
And who will think
I'm angry
Forbid them to do evil.”

Slavic conspiracies from enemies, evil, damage and all harm

For help in white magic, you can resort to ancient Slavic conspiracies. Their difference is that the Slavs turned to Mother Nature for help. Therefore, for a successful Slavic conspiracy it is necessary to have a natural source of strength. Be sure to start in one of the elements: fire, water, air or earth.

Great White Magicians prefer to have a set of four vials in stock. It can be made in advance.

Take four jars similar to those used in the salt spell.

Leave the first jar empty. Pour clean, unboiled water into the second. In the third place, add a pinch of earth. Place a coal in the fourth.

Say spell words to secure the amulets:

“Mother Nature, grant me the powers of earth, fire, water and air.”

Now, when the need for a conspiracy arises, you can turn to four elements at once, for example, using this spell:

“Don’t touch me dashingly dark, there is no power over a modest maiden, there is no power over a bright maiden, roll dashingly into the hopeless distance. Don’t touch me, evil enemies, don’t touch any troubles, when you’re scorched by fire, retreat, sprinkled with water, leave me alone, don’t touch the damp earth, let the wind blow away the offenders!”

Getting rid of enemies is easy. But in order to make enemies friends, you will need real skill. Let's sum it up with a quote from the great Paulo Coelho:

The best way to know and destroy an enemy is to become his friend.

In the life of every person, it can happen that today luck will be on your side, and tomorrow it will leave you. The reason for such circumstances lies in ordinary human envy.

Because of someone else's anger and irritability, you can for a long time lose success. Often enemies do not limit themselves to silence. Most of them use the services of black magicians, and cause serious harm to those who, in their opinion, have no right to have any thing or privileges.

The basis for a successful family life can easily be destroyed with just ordinary bad thoughts envious people. Quarrels and scandals will appear in the family, money will begin to flow away in an unknown direction, children will become disobedient. This negative turn of events is due to the fact that bad people constantly send bad emotions into the family, corroding all the positive energy. You can resolve the situation if you read conspiracies from evil people.

Find out who in your environment feeds off your energy. There are people, after communicating with whom, a person begins to feel heaviness and fatigue. Do not ignore such signals from your body, this is how the body talks about an impending threat.

Consider creating a talisman for your protection.

Such a person likes to constantly introduce other people to his problems, pinning them on them. His goal is not to solve them. Very often, an energy vampire is unaware of what is happening, experiencing an irresistible need to communicate with his “victim”. Such contact allows him to replenish his strength at the expense of other people. If you cannot avoid communicating with them, the best way Crossing your arms over your chest during a conversation will serve as protection. If you want to forget forever about the encroachments of “vampires,” read conspiracies against evil people.

Conspiracy possibilities from evil people

The most destructive human feeling is envy. This feeling is endowed with powerful energy that destroys the harmony in your home or work. It can be resisted if you read a conspiracy from evil people. This way you will ward off the evil eye, damage and even a curse. This is a kind of amulet against everything bad.

You can read a conspiracy against an evil person yourself, or with the help of a performer. This could be a relative or close relative. It is important that he is friendly towards the goal and does not feel negative towards the bad person. If you have doubts about the benevolence of the performer, perform the ceremony yourself.

How to ward off the evil of unkind people?

Not knowing that intrigues are being woven against you, establish protection in advance. All existing conspiracies against evil people are quite universal; they will serve as a talisman not only against enemies, but also against troubles at work.

Luck may turn away from you if envy, anger, and irritation come towards you from an evil person.

But before that, pick up a handkerchief and read a special ritual over it to protect against evil. Before meeting with an ill-wisher, wipe your face and hands with the charmed amulet, and then boldly go to him.

Spell “From an evil person” on a scarf

“I tie knots, I put locks against the sorcerer and the sorceress, the sorcerer and the sorceress, the hexer and the hexer, I tie the knots, I close my eyes, so that you may never see the white light, and do not look at me, the servant of God (name), do not spoil, do not harm. Amen."
temple of God,
protected by all the saints,
prayed to the Lord,
let the earth become his support,
the roof of the sky, the protection of the Protection of the Mother of God.
Lord Jesus Christ, protect this temple from any evil. Queen of Heaven, protect those living in this house from sorrows and quarrels, evil words. Amen."

You can also always protect yourself from evil people with the help of a patron saint. Go to church early in the morning and buy a candle before the first service. Charm a candle for the patronage of St. George the Victorious, place a talisman on the icon of the saint, cross yourself and bow nine times.

Conspiracy for the patronage of St. George the Victorious

“Saint George the Victorious, you have defeated the evil serpent, conquer also the heart of my adversary, the servant of God (name).”
if you run into a sword, if you step on the threshold, the stove will burn you, if you cross the threshold, you will be stabbed with a spear, if you enter a room, we will drive a pitchfork into your side, if you take hold of my belongings, you will be beaten with a chain, if you decide to run away, you will be stabbed with a knife, you will be cut up with a fork, and you will be damned to hell. There is no road to my threshold, it is guarded by angels, formidable angels, archangels of God, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Jehudiel. They stand on all four sides and do not let anyone in, neither the evil nor the dashing, nor the thief, nor the villain. Just as they will stand forever, not die, and glorify God, so will my house stand forever. I said, I wrote on tablets of stone, the righteous word of God. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Dry grass will save you from evil

The following ritual will help you forget about all your ill-wishers. Weed your garden for three days, placing the torn grass in crosses. On the fourth day, burn the weeds while reading the conspiracy above the smoke.

“I burn the grass, I kill the worms. No worm, no enemy. Amen."
That thief will be cursed by my strong conspiracy, cursed by the land of the saint, by the spell of Ararat, by scorched brick, by swamp mud, by flammable ash, by a mill dam, by a bottomless house, and by a bathhouse jug. You become crooked, thief, lame, stunned, stupefied, thin."

You can get protection from bad gossip if you pick some grass and leave it to dry while reading the plot. After the grass is completely dry, throw this amulet to the gossips, then they will stop discussing you, remembering their worries.

Spell “From an evil person” on grass

“Dry, grass, dry, enemy tongue, dry, bad word, dry, evil spirit. Amen."

the most powerful conspiracy, boiling resin,
flammable ash, painful disease.
Swamp mud, pull, mill, twist and push
mortal melancholy to the grave.
Take it with a jug without a bottom,
from the first word to the last word.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

What can conspiracies lead to?

Every magical ritual cannot pass without consequences. Any conspiracy or ritual does not take you to another world parallel to the existing one. Conspiracies from unkind people cannot change the attitude of all those taking part in the situation to the situation.

You will simply become much calmer, receive a reliable amulet, and your enemies will be distracted by searching for a new target.

Thanks to conspiracies against ill-wishers, you can save a grumbler from constant grumbling, a boss from anger, and colleagues from envy. The worst thing that can happen to them is a change of job. If you never wish bad things on your enemies, everything will certainly work out.

If you are surrounded by people who wish you harm in every possible way, you can use conspiracies to remove them from your life. It is better to use white magic.


There are several spells that are believed to help.

If you know that someone wishes you harm and wants to harm you, but you don’t know who exactly this person is, this conspiracy will suit you. You need to take a new towel, light a candle at midnight and hold it in your hands. At this time you need to read the plot. You will find the words below.

There is a spell about salt. Done on a waxing moon. At midnight, take a wooden or clay container and pour salt into it. Then they light a black candle and, pouring it over, read certain words.

If the enemy appears at work, there is also a conspiracy for this case. When he moves away from the person, turning his back, you need to read the plot in a whisper. You will find his words below. It is advisable that no one sees you again.

There is a plot for a new shirt. They buy it without change and read the words. This thing needs to be worn where there is an ill-wisher. You need to repeat this plot every five years to protect yourself.

Conspiracies from enemies, from evil people, envious people

Conspiracy from attack

I’m going, I won’t look back, I’ll go, (name), I won’t falter. Holy ground under my feet. The sky of God is above your head. Christ walked through distant heavens. He leaned on the first sky. He was baptized on four sides. Baptize, Lord, my bodies and words. Bring, Lord, my bodies and words to heaven from the barbarian, the human villain. Let him fall ahead of time. So that he doesn't attack me. Let him suffer. So that I don't suffer. The robber will become a pillar. (name) will leave me alone. The whip will not lift, the knife will not throw. The ax will not take against me. (name) will move three miles away from me. He will stand like a pillar a hundred times, and (name) will never approach me with evil. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Conspiracy from enemies on candle wax

Whisper into wax and sculpt it onto a pectoral cross.

The angels of God pray to the Savior Christ for me, so that He will save me from my enemies, so that He may bless this amulet. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy from strong, pursuing enemies

“Be, my words, strong and sculpted. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel, stronger sharp knife. The lock is in the company, the key is in the ocean-sea. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. Blessed be my guardian angel on the eighth of March. Mother Mary prayed on the throne. Jesus Christ appeared to her. Mother Mary said that in a dream she saw Jesus Christ being crucified, holy blood being shed, hands being nailed to his feet, Crown of thorns they put it on your head. First thing, second thing. I, my third sister, answered Jesus Christ to Mother Mary. Whoever reads the Sunday prayer, the Lord saves him from fire, from flame, from water, from a stream, from a fierce beast, from every evil person. From the prison castle. Amen.

How you, Father David, are meek and humble, and merciful, and compassionate, and do not think of any evil, evil or grief. So for me, slave (name), the authorities and all the judges would be meek and humble, they would not think evil, they would not do evil. We would always think and guess. Just like the Tsar’s father, the Tsar’s lackey did not think evil, did not do evil, and always rejoiced and had fun. So, all the authorities and all the judges would rejoice about me, slave (name), and the enemies would not notice. I'll lock the lock, I'll lock the lock. I'll drop the key into the blue sea. There's a rock at the bottom, I won't give it to anyone. The stone stands, it will not float, it will not move from place to place. So no one could change my words. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy from the persecutors

Perform the ritual for three days in a row (without affecting Sundays). Look at the fire, read 3 times at night, the next morning read a second time (three times), looking at the water. In the evening of this day, read three times, looking at the ground:

close the eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, lips, hands, feet of my villains. Throw the key to the bottom of the sea. Whoever gets it will ruin my life. No one will get my keys, no one will ruin my life. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Pleasant of God, will not allow it. Amen. Amen. Amen."

The best conspiracies from ill-wishers and enemies and the features of their implementation

Everyone has hidden ill-wishers, and the machinations of these people can seriously ruin our existence. Haters have an extensive arsenal of nasty things, intrigues and slander. A conspiracy from enemies will help you escape - a magical ritual invented by our ancestors to destroy anger.

People are looking for Vanga's conspiracies, Slavic or Islamic rituals - all this for the sake of protection from negativity. It’s hard to get rid of enemies, but we will help you deal with them. Quite simple spells will help you punish the enemy and protect yourself from trouble. Get ready to record.

Ritual against secret enemies

This magical ritual is suitable for you if you know that someone wishes you harm and wants to harm you, but you do not know who this person is. To perform this magical ritual you will need a new, unused towel. Wait until midnight, light a candle and, holding a towel in your hands, read the words of the conspiracy:

“I will pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, I will submit to the Lord God. On this day, at this hour, early in the morning and late at night. Like the sun rises every morning, and like the moon sets every morning. So my enemy will move from right to left, and will leave me, the servant of God (name), forever. From this day until the end of time. In the name of the Lord God, the King of Heaven. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Protection methods

There are a number of methods to pacify enemies and protect against evil. First of all, this is the correct behavior of a person who has been attacked by evil people. The power of the ill-wisher's influence will decrease if you purchase consecrated personalized icons in the church and always carry them with you.

Blessed water also works well, which you can drink and wash your face with in the morning.

The machinations of ill-wishers and the damage caused are well destroyed by Thursday salt, which can be made on the night of Maundy Thursday before Easter in Holy Week. This method will help a mother remove negative influences from her son or daughter, and a wife or husband protect their “other half” from all enemies.

Thursday salt can be scattered into small containers and placed in rooms. This is a wonderful “method of expulsion” that will cleanse the house of negativity. Quarter salt can be added to the food and drink of a person who has been negatively affected.

An uninterruptible amulet - special protective prayers - will help to destroy the “evil empire” that your ill-wisher has built. Women are supposed to read such prayers on Friday and Wednesday, and men on Tuesday and Thursday.

Before performing the ritual, you must fast for at least seven days and attend church. Conspiracies against merciless enemies and various protective amulets have proven themselves to be quite good.

Salt spell

A spell for salt from enemies will help you take revenge on the offender even at a distance, making him suffer and suffer. This is a fairly strong ritual that can be aimed not only at punishing an enemy, but also at his destruction.

The best time to perform the ritual is during the waxing Moon. At midnight you need to take a wooden or clay container and pour salt into it. Then you need to light a black candle and, stirring and pouring salt, read a plot to take revenge on your enemy:

“I sprinkle salt, pour salt from the Servant of God (name of the enemy), and take away good luck. You will see neither joy nor happiness, I send only misfortunes to you. I will pour salt for you at the threshold so that you burn your feet on it. You won’t see peace now, take your failures with you. You can’t reach me, let your affairs come back to you. Let it be so".

After reading the spell, the spelled salt must be put in a bag, and then spilled at the enemy’s doorstep, so that no one sees you, while saying:

“Here is a gift from me to you.”

There is another way to get rid of enemies using salt, which will make them suffer. To perform the ritual, you need to cut a few branches from any deciduous tree. Their length should be no more than seven centimeters.

The number of branches should correspond to the number of your enemies whom you want to take revenge on. Then the sticks must be thoroughly cleaned and the name of the enemy must be written on each of them.

“Like a twig fell off a tree, my enemy has gotten rid of me forever. As soon as my twig dries up, the tongue of my enemy will dry up. Let it be so".

After reading, close the jar with a lid and place it in a dark place for seven days. After the specified period, the contents of the jar and the container itself must be thrown away out of reach of people. It is worth noting that such revenge plots for the enemy can have serious consequences not only for the victim of the ritual, but also for its customer.

Conspiracy from the enemy at work

This magical ritual is ideal for you if one of your colleagues or superiors openly harms you, interferes with your work and career advancement. To get rid of his evil forever, wait until he leaves you, turning his back, and read the words of the conspiracy in a whisper:

“Let my honor go to the servant of God (name), let my honor torment him, beat him and bake him. Wherever my enemy (name) goes, wherever he wanders, everywhere on my account he will persecute him, he will break his bones, and take his life. You will not think about me, the servant of God (name), you will not plot evil, you will not to harm and disturb me. You will not see me in your dreams, you will not be able to keep me in your thoughts, you will forget about me, the servant of God (name), forget and not remember. You go to your own side, stay away from me on a different path. Just as a blind man does not see and will not offend anyone, so you, servant of God (name), will not see me, and you will not be able to do evil. Don't look in my direction, don't look at me. I lock my words with a steel key, and throw the key into a deep ravine. Just as animals cannot figure out a steel key, so no one can cancel my words. Let what is said come true. Amen".

For a new shirt

When buying a shirt, you cannot bargain and take change. To make this conspiracy from evil people, you will need to buy a new shirt. It doesn't have to be expensive. It is important to buy it without haggling or change. In response to this thing, words from evil people are read:

“Let all bad things be reversed, let them not come to me, but into dark forests, into distant swamps, and bounce off my threshold. May I (name) walk through the meadows; there will not be a wild beast on my way, nor an evil person who thinks badly of me and plots evil. There will be no enemy, no malice towards me, no one will be able to harm me. I will lock my house with the key inside out, and I will hide the key far and securely. No one can find him or do their evil for me. Let it be so".

This enchanted item must always be carried to the place where there is an ill-wisher. This is a protective ritual that has been used for many centuries against enemies. Repeat the conspiracy against evil people every five years.

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Return Ritual

To cope with unkind people, so that all the bad things return to them, there is a simple ritual that esotericists call a boomerang. When meeting an enemy or an envious person, mentally pronounce a spell. To do this, you should learn it by heart:

“Let everything that is mine remain with me, and all anger and hatred return to you. Dark message and thoughts - yes to your body. Let it always be this way. Amen".

Usually, after the text is read, the enemy tries to end the meeting as quickly as possible. Looking after the departing enemy, say: “May yours be returned to you.”

Make a conspiracy every time so that those who wish bad things cannot negatively influence you. After the ritual, his negative message will return to him. This is how our ancestors got rid of negativity from others.


There is another well-known way to protect against negativity. This is a regular pin. They use it all the time. You need to attach a small pin to the inside of the garment. They came up with another way for the kids. Bright beads, tails, and so on are attached to the pin. The result is an amulet, small in size, but very effective.

It captures the flow of negativity and takes it to the ground. And in the event of a strong “attack”, just like a thread, it becomes unusable and breaks (sometimes lost). Such beautiful pins can now be bought in souvenir shops. Despite the fact that they are small and “ordinary”, they protect effectively.

It is customary for them to protect children, but no one bothers to use this amulet for adults.

Threshold plot

To perform the ritual, it is necessary to perform a number of magical actions.

During prayer, you need to have your hair down and without shoes. They are not difficult in terms of applying your own efforts, but they are obligatory in the order in which they are carried out. As a result, you need:

  1. Unwind your hair by removing all the pins. They are a kind of antennas for direct communication with the magical world.
  2. Put your nightgown on backwards and inside out. By this you make it clear that you are moving from the ordinary world to the unreal in the form of witchcraft.
  3. Close all windows with curtains. The ritual should not be affected by the forces of nature if one has one’s own will.
  4. Take off your shoes. The ritual is performed barefoot without your favorite house slippers.

When performing the midnight ritual you need:

  1. Wash your hands and treat them generously with soap and salt so that there is a lot of foam.
  2. Carefully collect the foam from your hands and apply to the sole of your bare right foot.
  3. Using a knife purchased in advance, carefully remove the foam from your leg and throw it on the threshold of the house.

Rub the foam before entering the home with the fist of your left hand with the words of the conspiracy:

Despite the mention of an angel and the appeal to him, this is still a conspiracy, not a prayer. Church tenets negatively evaluate rituals using black magic. This prohibition does not apply to a good desire to secure one’s peace by appealing to the saints.

To prevent uninvited guests from coming and relatives not coming without an invitation, the ritual is performed on Thursday.

Church candles

They are the strongest amulet. Know that their small lights help even those who are completely desperate and have lost faith in human kindness. You just need to light them at home every evening. Just sit and peer into the flames. Think about the good, remember the happy moments of life.

Such a simple ritual returns harmony to the soul. Believers say that an Angel stands behind you, and a feeling of confidence and security appears. And this is the most important wall against negative energy. When you feel your Angel, an invisible “suit” appears around you, from which the arrows of evil bounce off.

On a scarf

This ritual is used to protect against evil tongues and bad slander; it is also used as a strong protection against damage, the evil eye and energy vampires.

The conspiracy will help you protect yourself in advance from human envy, even if it is not yet in your life. This is a kind of magical prevention.

You will need a scarf. Ideally, it will be made from natural red fabric. Artificial materials They conduct energy worse, so the conspiracy may not be very effective.

Take the scarf in your hands and concentrate. Imagine how warmth and rays of light penetrate your body.

Then read the text of the conspiracy:

“May the Lord God remember me for health, and may He remember my enemies for peace. Lead me, O Lord God, among my enemies along a thin path, a path invisible to evil. Place, O Lord, my concerns on the guardian angels, and their concerns on the archangels. Let the angels stand behind my back, let them cover my shoulders with an invisible veil. They will protect me from the whole world around me, from the whole white light, from all my enemies, so that no one with evil sees me, so that no one bad notices me, so that like blind people They don’t know day from night, so they didn’t notice me. I will calmly pass by the enemies, and they will stand up in pillars. I will disappear from under the hands of my enemies like disembodied smoke, no one will be able to grab me. Just as the wind cannot be grabbed with your hands, just as the wind cannot be held back, so no one can hold me back, and no one can harm me, the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, the charmed scarf will serve as your protection. Always carry it near you.

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Holy, glorious and all-praised Great Martyr George! Gathered in your temple and before your holy icon, people worshiping, we pray to you, known to the desires of our intercessor, pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His mercy, may he mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not abandon all ours to salvation and life needful petitions, and grants our country victory in the face of resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, so that they will be ashamed and put to shame, and let their insolence be crushed, and let them know that we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the current situation, show your powerful intercession. Pray to the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver us from eternal torment, so that we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and we confess your intercession now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy from danger

This conspiracy is a very effective means when a person is in danger, even physical. You need to repeat the spell several times, imagining that there is a magical sphere around you that protects you from everything bad.

Usually it is enough to repeat the spell against danger three times. However, if the danger does not go away, then you can do this several more times. Visualization plays an important role here. You must clearly imagine the sphere around you and think that nothing will penetrate through it.

Sometimes it happens that a person feels the approach of something bad or some kind of trouble. This could be severe anxiety or some other bad feeling.

It is advisable to repeat the spell against trouble three times.

A harmonious combination of magic words and visualization will help you cope with many troubles. Therefore, these methods are considered very popular and effective in combating negative impacts in critical situations.

Prayer against the evil eye and damage will help everyone who is suffering and asking to get rid of the negative influence of witchcraft. If a magical attack has been committed on you or your loved ones, then it must be diagnosed and eliminated.

To get rid of the negative influence exerted by the sorcerer, you need to confirm the presence of damage or the evil eye. To do this, carry out a simple diagnostic ritual that will tell you exactly whether there is a negative impact or not.

It is possible to find out the name of the one who wishes evil.

But this is not done in order to take revenge on this person, but in order to ask the Lord to forgive this sinful person and try to protect yourself from communicating with him in order to avoid subsequent attacks.

When the text is read, throw in front of you the earth that you have been holding in your hand all this time, and cross yourself three times with a candle. Such prayer is very powerful and can remove even the most severe damage. In order for the ritual to work faster, you can combine the daily reading of this prayer with rituals for removing damage with salt.

Every person has enemies, envious people, and they may especially often envy you at work. As a result, all this accumulation of negative energy has a negative effect on a person. If you do not have strong protection (which you can do yourself). Then most likely you will often become a victim of the evil eye.

If the protective barrier has been destroyed, then at the first signs of damage, this negative impact must be urgently eliminated. This ritual is carried out for 8 days.

From one Sunday to the next. To begin, early on Sunday morning, go to the temple, buy 8 candles there and light one of them for the health of all your friends (if you are the victim).

After this, take some blessed water and go home.

When you get home, be sure to wash your face with the liquid you brought and you can drink a little of it. After this, take out all the icons that are in the house and place them in the room of the injured person.

After this, leave the candle to burn out. When it is completely extinguished, collect the remaining wax and bury it away from the house. This ritual must be repeated for 7 days.

After which, on the 8th day (Sunday), you need to go to the temple again, light a candle for the health of the victim, for the health of his enemies and buy another small candle. Place it in the house and let it burn out.

After completing the entire ceremony, try to check the person again for the presence of a negative program. In general, prayer is very powerful (you can even eliminate damage to death) and if you manage to perform the ritual correctly (you don’t skip days), then it will definitely help. If it is important to achieve the effect faster, then combine this method with removing damage to eggs or wax.

The spell must be repeated five times. Then the water is left on the windowsill for the whole day. The next morning you should get a new container of water and repeat the ritual. In total, the ritual is performed for 3 days in a row.

Once again, compare everything that happens in life with signs of damage, and if you cannot independently determine its presence, contact a professional.

Damage to illness is a powerful weapon used by black magicians. This negative program can significantly undermine the victim’s condition and turn an absolutely healthy person into a chronic patient.

If the evil eye is cast, then use this ritual. It works very effectively, but it has one drawback - it can only be applied to oneself.

When the ceremony is carried out, care should be taken to ensure that there is strong protection from outside influences. Be sure to carry out several rituals that can protect and protect your home from negative influences.

This prayer is universal. It should be used in several situations:

  • when one should be saved, protected from damage;
  • when you need to remove a negative program, eliminate its harmful effects;
  • when you feel threatened.

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First, write the text of this prayer on a piece of paper and memorize it. Always carry a piece of paper with the text with you. It will be something like a talisman. If you feel that a threat is hanging over you, then read this text quickly (you can even just say it to yourself).

You can save yourself from damage with the help of prayers. They have amazing power that can protect a person from any outside influence. If you or your loved ones are under attack and are at the mercy of evil forces, be sure to perform a ritual that will eliminate this negative impact. This needs to be done as quickly as possible.

A strong method of protection, suitable for pacifying an envious person and preventing ignorance from casting the evil eye on you. A person, out of envy, spreads rumors towards you, says bad things about you - it is better to immediately arm yourself against his envy.

The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos will come to your aid. If you already have it in your house, great, but if not, buy it at the church store. This method will allow you to get rid of envious people and not allow them to cast the evil eye or damage on you.

  • The conspiracy is done at midnight;
  • The text is read in a half-whisper;
  • You will need seven candles from the church, holy water;
  • Before you begin, wish well and good luck for your enemies, because you are turning to the Most Holy Theotokos for help, and, therefore, asking from the bottom of your heart;
  • Read the plot 7 times, looking at the burning candles:
  • Drink holy water;
  • Wait until the candles burn out, and bury the cinders in a deserted place.

The conspiracy should have an effect on your enemies; your positive wishes for happiness and good luck for them will make them forget evil speeches, stop looking in your direction with envy and spreading bad rumors. This conspiracy should protect you from the evil eye, if it has already been cast.

The ritual is strong, it uses powerful energies from the consecrated icon, holy water and church candles - it literally survives all the bad and negative things that had an impact on you.

The most powerful prayer from evil people that brings help

There is a powerful daily prayer that allows you to protect yourself from enemies. If you read it every day in the morning, then it forms a reliable protective shield around a person that no machinations of enemies can penetrate.

You should not be mistaken in thinking that you have no enemies for the simple reason that you manage to get along with the people around you. Every person has enemies and enemies. Evil people may wish you harm out of jealousy. Their evil thoughts can destroy a person’s aura and cause trouble, both at the everyday level, and harm health in general.

That is why it should become a rule for every believer to offer the following prayer every morning:

“Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal! I ask you to have mercy on me, servant of God (proper name), and grant me your strong protection. Protect me from all visible and invisible evil, cover me from human malice done, conceived or intentional. Order, Lord, to accompany me to my Guardian Angel and take away any troubles and misfortunes from me. Save and preserve me, my Angel, do not allow evil people to inflict spiritual and physical damage on me. Protect me, Almighty and All-Merciful, through kind and positive people. Amen".

There is another strong prayer against all evil, directed to the Savior of the human race, Jesus Christ. It can be read at any time of the day when you have suspicions that someone from your environment is trying to harm you.

It must be said out loud in a secluded place, but if this is not possible, then the prayer text can be spoken mentally, completely detached from the events of the outside world.

The prayer goes like this:

“Lord Almighty, Great Lover of Mankind, All-Merciful Jesus Christ! I, the servant of God (proper name), ask you to keep my mind pure. Keep my thoughts good, God, and help me to cleanse myself of the external filth that my enemies send to me. My prayer is sincere and my request comes from the depths of my heart. I believe in Your protection, Your blessing and I accept Your will. I do not ask for punishment for my enemies, I forgive them. Don’t be angry with them, Lord, but guide them to the true path and remove evil from their souls so that they can no longer harm anyone. Amen".

Strong prayer from the evil eye of evil people, damage to witchcraft to saints

From the point of view of the Christian religion, envy is tantamount to a mortal sin, which is why getting rid of its effects is quite difficult.

That is why, in order to protect yourself from negativity, it is necessary to say a prayer daily, because it is considered the only means that will help you save yourself from negative influences, and together with the spoken text of the petition, relief comes to the person, since not only his body is cleansed, but also thoughts.

Protect yourself, your children and your entire family from negative influences from the outside; Prayer against envy also helps to maintain peace and well-being in the family circle; The one who calls for help in prayer words thereby saves himself from bad influence, frees up the information field, and also becomes very calm and balanced;

The text of the petition to the Higher Powers itself is a short appeal that is fashionable to say every day and several times.

Which protects against the possible effects of evil in the future; Saving the Orthodox supplicant from the manifestation of envy and anger of people; From envy, directed at people who show these feelings.

However, it should be noted that the best treatment for black envy and anger can be considered the Christian prayer “Alive in the help of the Almighty.” The text of this request can be found in the Bible (Psalm 90); it will help not only the person asking, but also his loved ones to get rid of bad influences, but only if you say it at least 12 times and make the sign of the cross after each reading of the prayer service.

Prayer against the evil eye and envy

“He who lives in the help of the Most High will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. Yako Toy will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words. His cloak will overshadow you, and you will trust under His wing. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not come close to your body. As His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot against a stone. Tread on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver; I will cover and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him and glorify him; I will fill him with length of days, and I will show him My salvation.” God bless you!

This effective method eliminating energy programs embedded in the upper layers of the aura, introducing an imbalance in the functioning of the endocrine system, causing negative symptoms of increased nervousness and fatigue.

The evil eye reduces the quality of life, and a Christian prayer read over a sick person significantly improves his condition. For the prayer to work, you need to follow the rules recommended by traditional healers in order to really protect yourself from negative energy.

Negative programs, affecting the psyche, cause unexpected problems in all areas of life. Because of this, a person begins to realize that everything in his life is going wrong. Despite the fact that you have to work a lot, develop, make important decisions, there remains a feeling that life is cracking:

  1. At work, the simplest assignments regularly fail, projects do not function, deals are not concluded.
  2. My health leaves much to be desired. A person feels weak, physically and mentally exhausted, cannot cope with drowsiness, becomes clumsy and absent-minded, missing important things.
  3. Persistent symptoms of the disease appear, the occurrence of which is difficult to explain.
  4. Communication with close relatives and friends does not go well.
  5. Problems constantly arise in your personal life, and relationships with people are not going well.

Did you recognize yourself in this person? Are you experiencing at least some of these symptoms? Then you are faced with such an energy damage to the biofield as the evil eye or damage, which occurs due to the envy or resentment of ill-wishers.

A prayer against the evil eye and damage will help get rid of negativity and cleanse the energy field. It is a powerful means of combating negative energy evil people.

Prayers against the evil eye, envy and damage strengthen protective shells and launch the process of self-healing. It is known that a person consists of water, and the prayer word changes the structure of the water molecule, making it ideal in shape.

Christian prayers for all diseases normalize the condition of cells in the body, removing accumulated toxins from them. This cleansing leads to recovery.

The words of the sacred text create opportunities to independently get rid of signs of damage and the evil eye. Under the influence of the magical words of Christian prayer, all negative programs are removed from the shells of the aura.

Clairvoyant people claim that when the most ancient Christian texts, in which an appeal to God is heard, are repeatedly heard, black heavy clots clinging to a smoothed person gradually separate, become transparent and white, and begin to rise upward.

If you open a window, creating a draft in the room, they will all fly away into the fresh air and disappear from a person’s life forever.

The energy of prayers has amazing cleansing power.

If failures pour in like a cornucopia, then try an experiment. Read all the listed prayers into a bucket of water at a comfortable temperature, and douse yourself with the enchanted water.

After 3 days, a person notices that all the problems in his life began to go away on their own, and a white streak began.

If there are already signs of the evil eye, then in addition to the other texts, it is good to listen to the online text of the prayer calling on Cyprian to remove all witchcraft that was used on purpose or by chance, when a person was envious of someone else’s happiness.

Any prayer against the evil eye and envy, against corruption, against witchcraft, whether Orthodox or not, is, first of all, an appeal to the Lord.

By reading a prayer, you ask the person to whom it is addressed for help in solving a personal problem, getting rid of troubles and overcoming difficulties that have arisen in a special form and using a special method.

To convey this very “request”, you need to understand that the Higher Powers always hear you and will help you with any sincere request.

When a beginner reads a prayer, it is difficult for him to immediately understand what exactly is said in the text, because the sacred words were written many centuries ago.

You need to work hard to discover the meaning of each word, pass them through your soul, and then the appeal will definitely be heard. Each text of the prayer must be read 3 times. Usually they read the entire block of several prayers, and then repeat it 2 more times. If the prayers were heard, then all the requests contained in them will be fulfilled.

It would be good if it was a corner in the eastern part of the room, where icons would hang, candles would burn, and incense would be smoked.

If you need to read prayers over a smoothed child, place yours on his head or body. left hand to form a connection. Be sure to place water next to you so that after reading you can give your baby a drink and moisten his face, hands and feet with the remaining water.

If he himself harbors negativity in his soul, wishes harm to other people, envies someone or is offended, one should not expect that even the most powerful Orthodox prayer, which helps against the evil eye and damage, will solve the problem that has arisen.

Only a person who desires the good of others as much as he desires himself will receive the help he seeks.

It is also worth mentioning some material attributes that can be used when reading Orthodox prayers against witchcraft. Traditional healers recommend, when turning to the Higher Powers, to light a candle that you purchased in a church shop and burn incense.

Just as any person, regardless of his gender, age, nationality, family and social status, can be subject to negative energetic influences from the outside, so absolutely any person can use prayers against the evil eye and damage to cleanse his energy field.

There are no restrictions. Prayers against witchcraft and envy can be read by men, women, and children.

Prayer from enemies and envious people

You can protect yourself from enemies and envious people with the help of prayer. When praying, it is important not to feel hatred in your soul towards those people who are trying to harm you or are jealous. You need to start praying only after you feel that you have gotten rid of the negativity in your soul.

Prayers against envious people and enemies should always be offered in complete solitude. Lighted church candles and aromatic incense will help you get in the right mood.

The most powerful prayer appeal is considered to be the prayer to Saint Cyprian. With its help, you can not only cleanse your aura of negativity, but also provide reliable protection for the future. In order to enhance the effect of this prayer, it is necessary to say a prayer to holy water.

After finishing the prayer, you need to take a sip of water yourself and let your household drink it.

The prayer text reads as follows:

“Saint Cyprian, you are known to all believers as a comforter of suffering souls, a faithful saint of God and a true protector of righteous people from evil spells! I pray to you, servant of God (proper name), help me and do not leave me and my household in perdition. Protect us from human envy and anti-God witchcraft. Drive away from us the troubles and misfortunes directed at us by evil people. Don't let them influence our godly life. Grant us the opportunity to live in peace and harmony in order to glorify the name of our All-Merciful Lord and accept His will in everything. Saint Cyprian, hear my sincere prayer and lend a helping hand. Protect us from evil eyes and harmful words. You are my hope and I trust in you with all my heart. Amen".

If you have the feeling that there is an envious person next to you, then you should mentally turn to the Holy Matrona of Moscow for help.

The text goes something like this:

“Oh, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, hear my heartfelt prayer and respond. Ask the Lord to protect me, the Servant of God (proper name) from envious people. Help me, Matronushka, remove all obstacles from my path in life that arise from the strong envy of my enemies. Beg the Lord God for the salvation of my soul. Amen".

Psalm 26

The prayer is read in the evening; it is believed that it will help the person praying to improve matters at work and in his personal life.

You can listen to Psalm 26 - the most powerful protection from enemies and ill-wishers on the video published by the World Statistics channel.

Psalm 90

Helps believers to save themselves from visible and invisible enemies. It can be read together with Psalm 26 or independently. It is believed that it helps a person to drive away bad thoughts and become more decisive.

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. Yako Toy will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words. His cloak will cover you and you will hope under His wing: His truth will surround you with weapons. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days. From things that pass away in the darkness, from clots and the midday demon. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand; he won't come close to you. Look at your eyes and see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope. You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you. And the wound will not come close to your body. As His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. They will take you in their arms, but not when you dash your foot against a stone. Tread on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver; I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him, and I will glorify him. I will fill him with long days, and show him My salvation.

To the life-giving cross

Prayer to the Life-giving Cross helps fight demons and demonic interference. It is read after Psalms 26 and 90, and then they are baptized. If protection from dark forces is needed by loved ones, the appeal to the cross should be read in the morning and evening.

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. Like the smoke disappears; let them disappear; as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish in the face lovers of God and signifying the sign of the cross, and in joy saying: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended upon you into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Psalm 50

Praying to the Lord will help you overcome your envy. Psalm 50 is read in order not to become the cause of someone else's misfortunes.

Reading it daily will help cleanse the soul of sins that literally eat a person from the inside.

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and according to the multitude of Your mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Above all, wash me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; for I know my iniquity, and I will take away my sin before me. I have sinned against You alone and have done evil before You, so that You may be justified in Your words and triumph over the judgment of You. Behold, I was conceived in iniquities, and my mother gave birth to me in sins. Behold, you have loved the truth; You have revealed to me the unknown and secret wisdom of Yours. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. My hearing brings joy and joy; humble bones will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins and cleanse all my iniquities. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit away from me. Reward me with the joy of Your salvation and strengthen me with the Lord’s Spirit. I will teach the wicked Your way, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, God of my salvation; My tongue will rejoice in Your righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise. As if you had desired sacrifices, you would have given them: you do not favor burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; God will not despise a broken and humble heart. Bless Zion, O Lord, with Your favor, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering; Then they will place the bullock on Your altar.

Everything about religion and faith - “a prayer or conspiracy to get rid of a negative person” with detailed description and photographs.

A conspiracy from evil people will help protect yourself from human envy and maintain good luck. Very often, the cause of all problems lies precisely in the negative messages that an ill-wisher or enemy directs at you. Someone else's anger and unreasonable irritability destroy positivity and goodness, bring troubles and problems, which is why it is necessary to get rid of evil slander.

What is needed for the conspiracy to work?

For a conspiracy from evil people to be effective, you need to remember the following recommendations and tips:

  1. The conspiracy will not work if the cause of the anger directed at you is yourself. If you constantly offend someone or commit unseemly acts, no conspiracy will protect you from negative emotions. Start changes with yourself
  2. Reconsider your surroundings - perhaps you should stop communicating with critics and evil people. Surround yourself with kind and positive people who treat you well, and human anger will not touch your life
  3. You can strengthen the effect of the conspiracy with the help of special amulets. These are amulets and talismans charged with protection. They create an invisible energy barrier through which the anger and envy of strangers does not penetrate
  4. Prayers and positive meditations also increase the effectiveness of the spell. But this method is suitable only for believers who do not doubt the justice and power of the Divine plan
  5. You can read the plot either independently or ask for help. loved one, in whose good attitude you are confident. Make sure that he will not criticize you, but will support you and sincerely believe in the magical power of the conspiracy
  6. Faith. You must also absolutely believe that the spell will work. If there is any doubt, the ritual will not help, but will only worsen the situation.
  7. The words of the conspiracy must be memorized so that during the ritual you can read the text clearly and without hesitation

And finally, strictly follow all the rules for performing a magical ritual, which we will describe below. Strictly follow our advice and recommendations, then human anger will not harm your life.

Conspiracy from evil people on a scarf

This ritual is used to protect against evil tongues and bad slander. The conspiracy will help you protect yourself in advance from human envy, even if it is not yet in your life. This is a kind of magical prevention.

You will need a scarf. Ideally, it will be made from natural red fabric. Artificial materials conduct energy worse, so the spell may not be very effective.

Take the scarf in your hands and concentrate. Imagine how warmth and rays of light penetrate your body. Then read the text of the conspiracy:

You must wear a scarf every time you leave the house. This reliable amulet will protect you from any negative emotions that strangers feel towards you.

To enhance the effect of the conspiracy, you can visit the church in the morning and light a candle to the saint under whose name you were baptized.

Conspiracy-prayer from evil tongues

Believers can use prayers for conspiracy. To commit sacred rite, come to the temple early in the morning, buy a wax candle in the church shop.

Place it near the icon of St. George the Victorious and read the prayer:

At the end, be sure to cross yourself and bow nine times. This ritual can be repeated to maintain the effect of the conspiracy and reliably protect yourself from evil people.

Dry grass spell

This version of the conspiracy is suitable for people who live in a private house and have their own garden. The ritual is performed in spring or summer, when the plants have already sprouted.

You need within three days diligently weed the garden to remove weeds. Place the grass that you will collect in the aisles between the beds crosswise.

After three days, on the fourth, collect all the grass (it will dry out in the sun by this time), burn it and pronounce the words of the conspiracy over the smoke:

There is another version of a similar conspiracy. Pick herbs from the garden in advance and dry them in the sun. Then read the following words over the pile of grass:

The charmed herb needs to be planted in the house of a person whom you suspect of evil intentions towards you. It will not bring harm to ill-wishers, but will silence evil tongues. And the gossiper, instead of discussing and judging you, will take care of his own life.

Consequences of conspiracies

Like any other magical ritual, a conspiracy has its consequences. But, since it is done with good intentions, these consequences should only be positive:

  • People who treated you poorly will change their opinion for the better. This will heal both their soul and yours, and it will free you from negative influences.
  • You will become calmer, protect yourself from the evil eye and bad slander
  • Enemies and ill-wishers will switch to their own problems and stop interfering in your life, they will lose the desire to harm you
  • You will change evil people for the better: the grumbler will stop grumbling, the boss will change his anger to mercy, and colleagues will stop envying and will begin to pay attention to their own achievements

It is only important not to wish ill-wishers anything bad, but to sincerely want to heal them from destructive negative emotions towards you. Good intentions and compliance with all the rules of the magical ritual are the key to success.

Accept as truth the fact that every person who comes into your life, even with bad intentions, is a teacher, thanks to whom you learn a certain lesson. This mindset will help you get rid of your own negative emotions and protect yourself from anger that appears from the outside.

Spells work great, I’ve already used several, and I can say that before, negative things and negative people really often stuck to me, and after I used some spell rituals every day for a month, as if alternating, it opened up for me, firstly - intuition about the unwanted, and secondly - towards me interesting people began to stretch. I personally believe in the right conspiracies, and it seems to me that you need to choose them intuitively, which will suit your soul.

Everyone always has ill-wishers. And many can negatively influence us. After the conspiracy, I really felt protected.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Prayers and conspiracies from enemies

You need to be a pure angel so that you don’t have ill-wishers. And even then it’s not necessary. That's how life works. People's interests collide, generating waves of anger and subsequent aggressive actions. Therefore, conspiracies from enemies are a very popular thing. Moreover, they began to be used in ancient times. Do you need this kind of knowledge? Then let's start studying.

Why are “protection from enemies” conspiracies needed?

Of course, the question is a little strange. Any first grader will answer: “So that no one can cause harm.” So, in principle, it is. However, it is necessary to understand what exactly is considered harm in this case. Conspiracies from enemies do not help to build walls or to strike a malicious person with “fiery Gehenna.” You see, they are not erecting material bastions, but energy ones. And they cut both ways. This means that there are intrigues on the person himself, not only on the surrounding “builders.” This theory is well mastered by those who believe in prayers. A conspiracy from enemies, which is especially important, mentally endows the reader with “invisible powers.” Simply put, it gives you self-confidence. And, of course, he unleashes enemy machinations against ill-wishers. But the first one works much more powerfully. A person, by and large, does not always realize that he himself attracts negative people and circumstances, with thoughts and feelings “screaming” into space: “I am a victim, attack!” Conspiracies from enemies remove precisely this destructive state. Let's put it this way: “turn off the microphone.”

How to read conspiracies

Having become a little familiar with the philosophy of this part of magic, you can begin to practice. But here, as in school, you need to start solving a problem only after studying the basic law and mastering the concepts. After all, you don’t write in a notebook - you build your destiny! Therefore, it is advisable to beware of “blurs” and mistakes. Conspiracies from enemies, as a rule, are in demand in various circumstances. Sometimes a person finds himself in a critical situation suddenly. Then he needs a quick-acting formula. Much more often, people are immersed in a hostile environment for some time in one of the areas of their lives. It is clear that they require constant protection. In these cases, various rituals and conspiracies are used. We will talk about both of them. Let’s first list general rules reading. They are:

  • calm down and, if possible, create a positive mood;
  • speak clearly, confidently, slowly;
  • pronounce words out loud, even in a whisper, but causing vibration in the air;
  • try to imagine the energies involved in the process.

The last rule is for those who are serious about magical practices. It's quite difficult to stick to it. However, if you learn, no one will ever be able to harm you!

Conspiracy from enemies at work

Most people need a place of service to maintain material well-being and realize their talents and abilities. And how you don’t want to go there if there are ill-wishers there! They ruin everything, including reducing potential income. It is recommended not to waste energy on external struggle with people who are absolutely unable to understand you, but to read the conspiracy. Protection from enemies at work is an individual matter. That is, it is advisable to carry out the ritual for yourself personally, without trusting it to your family or friends. Moreover, it’s not a big deal. Before going to work, take a golden thing and say the formula on it. Wear it on yourself or attach it to your clothing. The words are: “In forty forty I will get rid of the shackles. The enemy's spears and words fly away from me. The shine of golden-domed domes is not new for the devil. Devils and sorcerers always ran away from him in sorrow. I surround myself with brilliance and send darkness into the distance! Amen!" This is how you should slander the same decoration for seven days. Then wear it too. Gossipers and envious people will forget about you. They will find another topic for themselves.

Fast protection

If you encounter a known enemy or a random “black eye,” then the previous method will not work. Do you agree? It also requires preparation. It is suggested to use a strong spell against enemies. It is good because its effect is instant. But it’s bad, because you should be able to concentrate. The formula is simple. You need to mentally say: “Lord, everything is Your will!” Everyone knows them. And the magic lies in the organization of energy flows. You should feel how a powerful flow of energy flows through you from heaven (from the Lord). It does not stop in the aura, but goes into the ground. Speak to the forum while simultaneously peering into this light energy. It will wash away any evil that is directed in your direction. And if that doesn’t work out, then say other words. They are as follows: “Saint Nicholas, protect me! Left and right, fun for you. Behind and ahead, protect me from evil! Amen!" The latest formula will protect for a while. But the first option is very good. Learn to see energy, no enemies will appear close. They themselves will take the tenth road.

Using the forces of nature

The ancient Slavs, as you know, were non-aggressive people. But they also tried to protect themselves from external threats. For this, their gods, who possessed powerful powers, were involved. For example, against an attack by evil people, one had to pronounce a special formula on lightning. It is like this: “Perun, the thunderer! Protect your village and the houses of your children from enemy forces with your fiery sword! Drive out the villainous tribe from the paths leading to us! Amen!" If the situation is such that there is no time to wait for a natural electrical discharge, then pronounce the words of the fire spell. Only the power of the conspiracy will be proportional to the flame. For example, you can use a candle against a gossip. And if a stronger enemy has appeared, trying to destroy your career, take away the opportunity to earn money, then feel free to light a fire. The higher and more powerful he is, the more strength there will be in the conspiracy.

Stepanova's conspiracy from enemies

Let's now look at the problem from a different angle. After all, you don’t have to face your ill-wishers. The battle can be avoided. To do this, you only need to find an “invisibility cap”. The healer Natalya Stepanova offers it in her works. Its idea is that it is necessary to move to another, more positive reality, while remaining in our physical dimension. Enemies from their position will then not see you, therefore, they will not be able to cause any harm. Say this to any item of clothing: “O Lord, remember me for my health, and cover my enemies with peace! Stand behind your back, Angels, and cover your little one with your wings. Build an invisible tent to protect yourself from the evil sorcerer! Amen!" It should be said three times. Then wear these clothes (decoration). And if you decide to change your outfit, read the plot again.

Conspiracy to make the enemy fall behind

Some magicians prefer other fighting tactics. In addition to defensive rituals, they practice attacking rituals. The point is to influence famous person in such a way that she would forget her former evil thoughts and take care of her problems. The conspiracy is read in the photo of the enemy or any object belonging to him. The words are as follows: “I send my fear and anger to (the name of the enemy), let him gnaw at him like an evil lion. You can’t escape from it, you can’t hide, you can’t even drown in the ocean. He drives you along the roads, a little away from mine. It gnaws at your bones, oppresses your flesh, and no one can sweep it away from you. Just as a baby is harmless and weak, so are you weak, my enemy and captive. You won't offend anyone anymore. Otherwise you will see your grave. Amen!" Sometimes you come across such clingy and stubborn ill-wishers that it is recommended to combine conspiracies. If you want, use everything. They do not interfere with each other, on the contrary, they help.

To protect your home

If neighbors pester you or evil “friends” get into the habit of messing up the house, then another ritual is recommended. You need to go to the park (forest) on the waning moon and pick three branches from an aspen tree. Go home with them. There, mark the walls and floors, pronouncing the formula. Then burn the branches. And the words are: “Three princes ruled the country. They were quarreled by an evil demon. They began to fight and grab their forelocks until they had to part with the blood. We sat in three corners. Yes, they made a mess for the demon. They drove as hard as they could until they fell into a hole. I invite princes into the house, I invite them to drive away demons. Stand in a circle and keep watch. Drive away the enemy, take care of your friend! Amen!" In addition, it does not hurt to read prayers to believers. Not everyone should be wary of conspiracies. From enemies they approach: “Our Father”, “May God rise again!”, prayer to the Guardian Angel.

Some magical subtleties

When you decide to protect yourself from external enemies, consider the following. They, ill-wishers and saboteurs, do not just appear in life. The person himself calls for them, without perhaps understanding this. You should check yourself. Are there any evil intentions or desires in your thoughts? Get rid of them immediately. No person needs them. It's a shame to waste your life on negativity. There are so many interesting and joyful things around! Then there will be much fewer enemies. Before you have time to look back, your little eyes will open and it will turn out that the former “evil ones” are good and decent people. As the postman Pechkin said: “I didn’t have a bicycle, that’s why I was angry!” Many miracles happen around you if you believe in goodness. Good luck!

The best conspiracies from ill-wishers and enemies and the features of their implementation

Everyone has hidden ill-wishers, and the machinations of these people can seriously ruin our existence. Haters have an extensive arsenal of nasty things, intrigues and slander. A conspiracy from enemies will help you escape - a magical ritual invented by our ancestors to destroy anger.

People are looking for Vanga's conspiracies, Slavic or Islamic rituals - all this for the sake of protection from negativity. It’s hard to get rid of enemies, but we will help you deal with them. Quite simple spells will help you punish the enemy and protect yourself from trouble. Get ready to record.

How to pacify ill-wishers

There are plenty of enemies and envious people in everyday life. Natural magic works well against ill-wishers, making them suffer and suffer. There is a proven conspiracy that relieves you of uncertainty and makes your enemies fall behind. You need to read the text three times:

“If a bad person (your name is called) covets God’s servant (your name) or a cow, a dog, or a horse, then he will be in trouble forever. I collect sand from the sea, I take away your anger. I can’t count the trees and I can’t drink all the sea water, so this man can’t defeat me. Let the joints of an evil person ache, just as the power of God breaks the roots in the forest. Let the troubles go back. Let the conspiracies and prayers of the adversaries strike with an arrow. Amen".

Magically neutralize the enemy

Some particularly powerful rituals are aimed at making the offender afraid of you. Such conspiracies from enemies are read once, with right hand, placed on the heart. So, if there are people nearby who are interfering with your life, mentally cast the spell:

“It’s not I who should suffer, but you. Lord, protect me from evil thoughts, take me away from evil deeds. Your eye sockets are empty, your bones are waxy. My prayer is strong against intrigues and unnecessary evil. Forever, adversary, get out of my way. Victory will be mine. Adonai."

Getting rid of enemies at work

Sometimes a person may need a conspiracy from enemies at work who have decided to destroy their competitor. To get rid of envious people and spiteful critics who interfere with your career advancement, get their photographs. For the spell against ill-wishers at work to be effective, the photo must be individual. You don't want black magic to do bad things to innocent people.

It happens that the picture shows 10-12 people, one of whom is your sworn enemy. To perform a magical ritual, take the scissors and remove the extra characters. If you are interested in getting rid of a group of ill-wishers, you can work with their collective image.

Reading a conspiracy against colleagues

Taking a black thread, wrap it tightly around the obtained photograph. The thread against enemies at work should be wool. Procedure:

  1. Read the spell from evil people 7 times.
  2. Tie the thread as tightly as possible (three knots is enough).
  3. Say the phrase: “I go and say - so be it.”
  4. After reading the conspiracy against the enemy, go outside and burn his photo there.

There is no need to be afraid to combine rituals. There are different conspiracies from ill-wishers; they can be used for several groups of opponents separately. Some spiteful critics cast spells on food, others – on three candles. Here is the full text of the “working” spell:

“I direct my will, I direct my word, so that many adversaries’ undertakings reach a dead end. Let (mention of a name or names) take their hands away from me, they will not achieve their task. I am winding a black thread, I wish to destroy the enemy. Let (enemy’s name) suffer from envy, but he cannot take my power. He will always wander and lag behind me. Amen".

The most powerful conspiracies

With a powerful spell you will protect yourself from enemies even at a great distance. Magic works both on Slavs and on representatives of other nations. The main thing is to know the name of the potential enemy. After waiting for sunset, say the following prayer (read three times):

“I will call upon Saint Elijah to remove misfortune and misfortune from me. Heavenly army, forces of earth and water, tell me how to get rid of an envious person. I lead the Guardian Angel into battle; all his power will punish the evil-doing adversary. Help, heavenly army, to cope with an unpleasant person. Stop anyone who thinks evil, and warn anyone who gets rid of me. The evil force will be defeated. Amen".

Spell on a scarf

In order for a strong conspiracy from enemies to bring the desired effect, you can use magical artifacts. With a charmed handkerchief you can confuse the enemy and prevent his aggressive actions. This is strong protection from enemies, but you need to cast the spell before leaving the apartment. Please note a number of points:

  • we whisper the handkerchief;
  • the optimal time for the ritual is before going to work;
  • Having wiped your face with a charmed handkerchief, hide the resulting amulet in your pocket;
  • the ritual is repeated daily;
  • the spell can restore health, ward off damage and create good conditions for business.

A scarf will create a lot of obstacles for a bad person. Anyone who reads such a slander will cease to be afraid of competitors. The ritual is not the most effective, but quite serious. Here is the text:

“Seraphim and heavenly angels. I made a feast for honest friends, the Lord's servants and unexpected guests. They will protect me from the evil eye, they will drive away evil damage from the house. What sticks will go into the scarf.”

Ritual with poppy seeds

The poppy spell is considered a preventative ritual - it is used to get rid of potential enemies. In this case, the person’s status and the degree of his closeness to you do not play a role. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Take out a handful of poppy seeds.
  2. Pour the poppy seeds into a clay container.
  3. Cross the food 3 times.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. Throw a charmed poppy to anyone who crosses the threshold of your home.

Guests do not need to sprinkle grains on their hair - just toss the grains into the pocket of their jacket or shirt. This can be done when the guest wants to go to the toilet. The well-wisher will be fine, but the potential enemy will have problems. Conspiracy text:

“I will cross the grains, I will not allow evil enemies into the house. Whoever had a bad thought immediately returned to his enemy. Let the enemies live and suffer, but do not encroach on my ruin and health. If an enemy steals anything, damn him.”

Prayer with candles

Strong spells are sometimes obtained from simple prayers. A candle spell will become a strong defense against any adversary. For the ritual you will need a glass of water and three candles. Cross yourself and drink water, light candles and begin reading the prayer:

“Lord, protect me from snares and snares, insidious ideas and evil plans, swords and poisons. Let not the Muslim blade, prison, bribery and enemy will strike me. Hot words, false promises, drowning wave, wild beast and fire, go away. Jesus and the twelve apostles are with me, they will protect me from early death, illness and an inverted cross. Mind me. Amen".

Return slander

There are slander popularly called “boomerangs”. The spell below is recited mentally in the face of an enemy arguing with you. Procedure:

  1. Learn the text by heart.
  2. Say a curse mentally.
  3. Seeing fear in your opponent’s eyes, add: “It will come back to you.”

The return spell works quickly. The enemy leaves without having time to harm you. The spell is:

“What is mine will remain with me, your evil will return to you. Dark thoughts are in your bodies. Everything will be that way. Amen".

How to make a talisman against enemies

Experienced healers recommend combining conspiracies to make enemies afraid, combined with the production of magical artifacts. Take out the loose gray poppy and start the ritual on Thursday. Important point: Change is not taken in the store when buying a poppy. The protective poppy itself crumbles at the threshold and passively protects your home from ill-wishers. Conspiracy text:

“There is a month behind us, the red sun is before our eyes. If the adversary is up to something dangerous, I will tie up with the night stars, I will not be afraid of anyone. Roll, gray poppy, to my enemies for ruin and destruction of vile plans. A key and a lock with a tongue. Evil is spreading. Amen".

We have presented the simplest and most effective rituals that have been used by our ancestors in everyday life since ancient times. There are also more complex conspiracies pronounced at midnight or on major Religious holidays. Some rituals fall into the category of dark magic, so use them carefully. Hit the enemy with a spell only as a last resort!

How I got rid of herpes using lipstick

Hi all! Previously, I suffered from herpes for 6 years. I had rashes every month. From experience in dealing with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs initially help quite well, but then the effect of treatment disappears. She was observed at a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment turned out to be ineffective. A lot of money was spent and all to no avail.

Having learned about lipstick for herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it. Used it for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days. Now there is no hint of herpes!