Those who decide to get eyebrow tattooing face an important task: choosing the most suitable technique. The matter is complicated by the fact that the information on the Internet is contradictory: you look at photographs of two girls with almost identical eyebrows, and you understand that one got a classic tattoo, the other got the option you liked most with shading. Let's figure out what this method is and how it differs from others, so as not to make a mistake with the choice!

During permanent makeup, pigment is injected under the skin, where it remains for 2-3 years without changing shade. If you want to achieve the effect of a soft cosmetic pencil, eyebrow tattooing is performed with shading. In another way it is called shadow.

The artist completely fills the sketch with pigment using a shading attachment. The eyebrows turn out to be clearly defined, but not too bright, since the coloring substance does not cover them in a continuous layer, as is the case with a classic permanent.

Shaded tattooing can be done using hardware or manual techniques. In the first case, the master operates a machine with a needle, which automatically makes 1000 or more movements per minute. Punctures are made to a depth of 0.8-1 mm.

The manual method of applying permanent (microblading) is less traumatic, since the cosmetologist makes single cuts with a manipulator ending in a thin blade. A subtype of this technique is microshading. The same manipulator is used, only with a needle at the end. Incisions and punctures are made to a depth of 0.5-0.8 mm.

Difference from other methods

Another popular eyebrow tattoo technique is hair tattooing. The master makes individual strokes that imitate natural hair growth. Permanent makeup with shading differs from it according to the following criteria:

Advantages Flaws
The makeup turns out to be universal. It looks good with both casual wear and evening option make-up. You won't have to tint your eyebrows before an important event. The tattoo takes longer to heal because the pigment fills the entire space of the eyebrows.
Shading creates a rich background and visually adds thickness to the eyebrows. The pigment may fade unevenly, and this is noticeably better when shaded than on individual drawn hairs.
Tattooing smoothes out the contrast of shades between eyebrows and hair. Hair permanent does not correct the difference so well. If the master made mistakes during the session, they are more noticeable. Makeup may look unnatural due to an asymmetrical shape or incorrect shade.
You can change the shape of your eyebrows. If in the hair technique the strokes look unnatural in those areas where there is no hair, then such problems do not arise with shading. You don't have to wait for them to grow. The unsuccessful result of a permanent with shading is more difficult to correct.

Additional nuances

The result of a classic eyebrow tattoo with shading lasts 2-3 years, sometimes does not change for 5 years. The pigment can quickly fade due to oily skin type or frequent tanning.

In older women, cells regenerate slowly, so the dye does not change color longer. After microblading and microshading, the permanent lasts only 1-2 years, since the cuts and punctures are not so deep.

The method is suitable for girls who work in an office where there is a dress code. A shaded tattoo goes well with a business style of clothing and does not give envious colleagues a reason for discussion, since it looks like ordinary cosmetics.

The shadow permanent is universal - it suits girls with any color type of appearance. Usually it is done after 30 years, when a strong opinion has already been formed about what makeup should be like. Eyebrows with imitation shadows draw attention to the eyes without dragging it onto themselves.

Tattooing with shading is not suitable for those who do not want to focus on the eyebrows - in this case it is better to choose the hair technique. It goes against the principles of nude, that is, natural makeup. It is rarely chosen by young girls who only strive to emphasize natural beauty.

After a classic tattoo, eyebrows grow slower than usual and may even fall out. Due to the high frequency of punctures, the needle heats the surrounding tissue and destroys the hair follicles. You will have to grow your eyebrows for a long time to make them look more natural.


Permanent makeup is convenient - you don’t need to spend time in front of the mirror every day to achieve a symmetrical shape of eyebrows, which also refuse to grow with the desired thickness. However, the skin is damaged during the procedure, so it is not always available. Contraindications to tattooing with shading:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • period of menstruation;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • diabetes;
  • hemophilia;
  • epilepsy;
  • AIDS;
  • hepatitis;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • moles, warts and other formations near the eyebrows;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • mental disorders.

Preparation rules

Before the session, you must have a consultation with the artist who will do the tattooing. Together you will determine the shape of the eyebrows and the shade of pigment. The cosmetologist will find out if there are contraindications and tell you about the possible consequences.

Before the procedure, the following rules must be observed:

  • do not sunbathe for 2 weeks - after the natural skin tone returns, the tattoo will look brighter than desired;
  • stop taking antibiotics and blood thinners (this is discussed with your doctor);
  • do not undergo aggressive procedures using peeling or scrub, so as not to damage the skin;
  • 2-3 days before the session, stop drinking drinks containing alcohol or caffeine - they reduce the pain threshold and thin the blood;
  • the day before, do not eat spicy, fried, smoked food, do not drink a lot of water (this causes swelling of the face);
  • Do not smoke before the session to reduce sensitivity to pain.

The permanent cannot be wetted, so it is advisable to wash your hair in advance and undergo all non-aggressive facial procedures.

Stages of the procedure

During the session, the client lies on the couch so that the head is fixed in one position - this reduces the risk of errors due to accidental movements. The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Removing cosmetics, degreasing skin.
  2. Drawing the contour of the selected eyebrow shape with a cosmetic pencil.
  3. Application of local anesthesia. Usually it is a cream, less often a spray or solution.
  4. Removing hairs extending beyond the edges of the mold using tweezers or thread.
  5. Applying pigment along the contour, shading the lines with a separate nozzle.
  6. Deleting a sketch, correcting errors.
  7. Applying healing ointment.

It is advisable that during the introduction of the pigment the master shows you the result from time to time. Perhaps the coloring matter will not look the way you imagined, so it is better to correct all imperfections right away.

The session lasts 1-1.5 hours. A significant part is spent on choosing and applying a sketch, mixing shades, and maintaining anesthesia. The pure time for applying the pigment is 30-40 minutes. All this time you will have to endure unpleasant sensations. Their severity depends on the personal pain threshold, emotional threshold, and pigment application technique (classic or microblading).


After the session, the eyebrows will be a bright, unnatural color. Don't be alarmed - he will turn pale over time. You'll have to be patient with this makeup for a bit. Eyebrows must be treated with an antiseptic and healing ointment every day. A cosmetologist will recommend them. The secreted ichor needs to be blotted pointwise with a sterile napkin or cotton pad.

During recovery, the following care rules must be observed:

  1. Do not sunbathe until complete healing, otherwise the pigment will fade prematurely.
  2. Do not exercise as sweat may get on your eyebrows.
  3. Do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, or beach to avoid infection.
  4. Gently wash your face, without touching your eyebrows, with tonic or milk without alcohol.
  5. Do not wipe your face with a rough cloth - only with a soft towel.
  6. Do not use eyebrow cosmetics, even if you need to hide the healing of the tattoo.
  7. Do not use scrubs or peels to avoid damaging the skin.

4-5 days after the session, a crust forms on the eyebrows. It should not be torn off or scratched.

Gradually it will begin to fade, but unevenly - the eyebrows will look spotty. It is necessary to continue using the antiseptic and ointment until complete healing; you can only reduce the frequency of procedures to 3-4 per day.


3-4 weeks after the session, a repeat procedure is performed. On it, the master corrects the defects that arose after the crust fell off and renews the pigment. If this is not done, it may begin to fade within six months.

The following corrections are carried out when the shade begins to fade. After classic tattooing this happens after 2-2.5 years, after microblading and microshading – after 1-1.5 years.

The stages of correction do not differ from the main procedure. Only the size of the treated area changes and the duration of the session decreases.

When re-processing your eyebrows, you can adjust their shape or make the shade richer. If you did not like the work of the master during the main session, it is better to sign up with another one for correction.

Removing a Failed Result

If even an experienced master cannot save a damaged permanent during correction, it will either have to be tolerated and masked until the pigment comes off, or removed. There are several salon techniques:

  1. Camouflage lighting. Minor errors in the shape of the eyebrows are corrected by introducing a flesh-colored pigment. It is not advisable to completely mask the tattoo, as dark and light spots will appear over time.
  2. Chemical removal. A solution (usually Remover) is injected under the skin, which captures pigment particles and leaves with it through the lymph.
  3. Cryodestruction. Almost not used for permanent removal. The pigment is burned off with liquid nitrogen.
  4. Electrocoagulation. Particles of the dye are heated by the current, destroyed and excreted with the lymph. A quick but painful procedure with a long list of side effects.
  5. Laser removal. The most modern and safest way. The principle is similar to electrocoagulation, only the pigment is heated not by current, but by a laser beam.

Judging by the reviews, it is not possible to remove a bad tattoo right away. If the artist has shaded the pigment in a dense layer and introduced it too deeply to remove it, it will take from 2 to 8 procedures with a break of 1.5-2 months.

To order eyebrow tattooing with shading, use the YouDo service, where there is an extensive database of trusted cosmetologists who are ready to carry out such a cosmetic procedure at home at competitive prices.

Features of tattooing

The eyebrow shadow tattoo method helps to correct the shape and create the perfect contour. Also, such makeup has other advantages:

  • long lasting results that last 1-3 years
  • no need to do daily makeup
  • no chance of paint bleeding or fading

This technique allows you to achieve a soft line, eyebrows always look stylish and neat. In order for the shaded makeup to last for a long time, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist during healing. This will prevent discoloration of the permanent.

The appearance of scars, disruption of hair structure and allergic reactions can be attributed to the disadvantages of permanent makeup. Therefore, before starting the procedure, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Masters are ready to do tattooing at home at any time convenient for you. The cost of the procedure depends on the complexity and method of tattooing.

How to place an order

If you need eyebrow shading, fill out a simple request on the YouDo service. Indicate your tattoo wishes and requirements for the artist. Cosmetologists who are ready to perform the procedure at a low price will leave their offers.

View profiles of masters, compare examples of work and prices for services. Read customer reviews or use the rating system to find trusted cosmetologists in Moscow.

The most complete article on the topic: eyebrow shading: all methods perfect makeup and a little more for real beauties.

Stylists know that adjusting the color and shape of eyebrows greatly changes the face: for example, at the request of the client, it makes it look more serious, younger or more sophisticated. Therefore, many are interested in how to shade their eyebrows correctly, giving the face the desired features and a specific mood.

Naturalness of eyebrows and even their standard natural beauty requires regular adjustments: plucking and painting. Therefore, girls paint on their hair with cosmetics every day, and by shading (even distribution of color) they give a natural look.

Thick eyebrows with a fashionable shape and rich color are the basis for an ideal look.

Shading of morning makeup will be reduced with the help of salon tattooing. The masters explain what it is: a tinted correction of a section of the arc or its entire line, which makes it clear, but more uniform than with the hair method. And it looks natural.

The tattooed arch looks like it has been professionally tinted with cosmetics.

When adjusting the shape of the eyebrows using shaded permanent makeup (tattoo), the line is maintained for up to 3 years.

The stylists' instructions clarify the features of the method:

  • it is especially successful when your hairs are thick, and the direction of their growth is correct;
  • Masters prefer the shaded technique to give naturalness in comparison with more painstaking hair tattooing;
  • Permanent makeup eyebrow shading - a quick procedure(only 30 minutes);
  • it is preceded by a discussion with a specialist about the final result, local anesthesia;
  • the process itself is carried out using disposable tools and high-quality dyes.

For thin, sparse and light hairs, this method is much better than the hair method.

This technique with a shadow effect will masterfully correct an unnatural color from a previous tattoo or a line after laser reduction of a design. However, it requires professional selection of pigments so as not to darken the arc too much, and over time the color does not turn into blue, green or red.

Contraindications for tattoo shading:

  • feeding or bearing a child;
  • exacerbation of diseases;
  • blood clotting problem;
  • predisposition to keloid scars;
  • moles on the tattoo line;
  • weakened immunity.

Pros of tattooing:

  • saving time and money on makeup while looking perfectly groomed;
  • giving beautiful symmetry to the arcs;
  • creating a lasting effect thick eyebrows.

Stages of performing permanent makeup

The photo shows a sketch being made with pencil and shadows to see the result in advance.

With this technique, the artist mixes shades to get suitable color, which will last for a long time:

  1. The procedure is preceded by removing excess hairs with your own hands, growing beyond the border of the new line.
  2. Next is the final correction of the contour with a marker.
  3. A special machine applies the pigment.
  4. In specific areas, experts use different shades, and when shaded, they look more natural.
  5. Healing occurs in 3-5 days, which makes the eyebrows even too bright, like glued strips.

The color of the shading will finally appear after 10 days.

That's what it is correct selection colors:

  • the pigment must be identical to the shade of the hair;
  • the tone is in harmony with the eye color;
  • quality criterion is long-term preservation of intensity.

Other shading methods

An alternative to tattooing is lining your eyebrows yourself with special cosmetics.

To do makeup with shading masterfully, you need to know the main secrets of makeup artists, which take into account the features of the client’s facial features and color type, and the initial state of her eyebrows. This is what will ensure the perfect execution of arcs in shortest time and for any occasion.

The golden rule: the inner corner of the eye is in line with the base of the eyebrow.

The perfection of technology also depends on the tools that create makeup. Therefore, decorative cosmetics must be of high quality and easy to use.


A universal inexpensive tool – an eyebrow pencil with shading.

Many color variations allow you to choose the right pencil. The tool with a shading effect has a special applicator at the second end for this purpose.

Eyeliner is not suitable: it is too soft and bright.
It is better to buy a special cosmetic tool for eyebrows.

The main advantage is quick line removal and error correction, which is important for beginners and experimenters:

  1. According to the makeup rule, the ideal eyebrow color is 2 shades lighter than the eyelashes, but 1 shade darker than the curls.
  2. After applying a pencil line under the hairs, rub it to create a dark fog effect.
  3. You cannot go beyond the hair growth limit.
  4. The eyebrow should be smoothed in the direction of hair growth, then secured with gel.

Often at the other end of the pencil, instead of an applicator, there is a bottle of shadows. Although the price of the sample is a little higher, it is more convenient to have just such compact universal cosmetics.


Special shadows, developed in the right range and suitable in texture, are a very good choice.

This shadow cosmetics will outline the arches more naturally: without clear boundaries, with imperceptible, misty, smoky shades. But erroneous strokes will have to be washed away: it is impossible to clear only the incorrectly corrected area from shadows.

Applying eyeshadow with a special brush will make your hair fluffy and natural.

An interesting technique is to draw eyebrows with shadows, not linearly, but along the hairs with strokes, without painting the skin, and then combing.


A new and not yet widespread type of cosmetics is eyebrow wax.

Wax eyebrow cosmetics combine the brightness and durability of a pencil with the light gloss and naturalness of mascara. Creative solution– paint over sparse areas with wax, and then shade with shadows. Then the eyebrows look natural all day long: the wax creates a neat line, and the narrow brush perfectly colors with shadows.


Professional makeup artists know how important beautifully defined eyebrows are: they shape any facial expression and also influence the perception of its winning features. The ability to emphasize eyebrows is a clear calling card, the pride of the master. Therefore, girls strive to master the art of flawless makeup, starting with eyebrow shading.

Permanent makeup done by a qualified professional gives the effect of perfectly shaded eyebrow arches for almost 3 years. But more often women prefer decorative cosmetics. This is how a new attractive, exclusive image is formed, although a lot of time and effort is spent on this.

Which type of eyebrow retouching to prefer depends on preferences and intentions, the characteristics of natural eyebrow lines, facial features, and the desired image. The video in this article will demonstrate the execution of this technique, and if you have any questions, write them in the comments.

Natural beauty is welcomed all over the world, moreover, naturalness is fashion trend this year. Unfortunately, not every woman can boast perfect figure, correct facial features, in particular, the correct arch of the eyebrows, an expressive look from under lush eyelashes and plump, naturally scarlet lips. Modern cosmetology keeps up with the times, so any defect in appearance is corrected and eliminated. Tattooing is one of the ways to make your appearance more attractive and expressive.

What is tattooing?

Tattooing, or permanent makeup, arose on the basis ancient art tattoos, which are widespread in Eastern culture

What is common in tattooing and permanent makeup is that in both cases the skin is pierced. Unlike a regular tattoo, with permanent makeup the puncture is shallow (no more than 1 mm), and the design is short-lived and can be easily removed from the skin.

In beauty salons, eyebrows, lips and eyelash contours are tattooed in order to correct the shape of these areas, give them expressiveness and the effect of real makeup. Permanent makeup is convenient because you do not need to waste time applying cosmetics to touch up your makeup.

The coloring pigment is selected in accordance with the skin tone, hair color, and eyes. A professionally performed tattoo looks natural and neat.

For information on how lip tattooing is done, what its types are, advantages and disadvantages, as well as photos before and after tattooing and reviews of the procedure, read the article on how to get lip tattooing.

Features of eyebrow tattoo technique

Perfect eyebrows are a rarity. To give them the desired shape, women pluck out excess hairs, round and lengthen their eyebrows with a pencil. Often both eyebrows, after correction with a cosmetic pencil, turn out to be unequal; there are unevenness and other differences. In addition, doing such a procedure requires a lot of effort. Cosmetologists offer to solve the problem of imperfect eyebrows with the help of tattooing.

Tattooing will not only change the shape and length of the eyebrows, but also change the entire appearance as a whole. In addition, the eyebrow area is the least sensitive part of the face, so the procedure takes place with a minimum of pain. Local anesthesia is rarely used. Permanent eyebrow makeup is performed using several methods, suitable both for those who are doing the procedure for the first time and for those who have resorted to tattooing before.

How to tattoo eyebrows

  1. Shotting, or shading. After tattooing, eyebrows look as if they were tinted with shadows or a pencil. This method is applicable in cases where the tattoo was performed poorly or eyebrow tattoo correction is required.

Shading is suitable for women who do not want to radically change their eyebrows, but only want to lengthen them, “paint over” unevenness and “bald spots”. This technique is also called “ten-minute” permanent makeup. The effect of partial eyebrow tattooing will last about 6 months.

If shoting is carried out over the entire eyebrow, then the artist introduces a coloring pigment of a darker shade into the middle of the eyebrow and gradually switches to a lighter shade. By following these rules of application, eyebrows look natural.

The cost of eyebrow tattooing using the shading method averages 5-6 thousand rubles.

  1. The drawing method, or the “hair to hair” technique. Eyebrow hair tattoo. The eyebrow hair tattoo technique is complex and time-consuming; Only a professional can carry out the procedure efficiently. Using a special machine, the master draws hairs that imitate real ones.

Eyebrow tattooing using the hair method is performed in two ways: European and Oriental.

European technology provides for sequential drawing of hairs following each other. Only the angle of the strokes changes: at the base of the eyebrow they slightly tend upward, and towards the end they round down. The strokes are applied in thin, neat lines to create the effect of real hairs.

Eastern technology more labor-intensive and requiring special skill. Strokes are applied different lengths, inclined; they intertwine and intersect with each other; shades of strokes may differ by several tones. As a result, the eyebrows are as close to natural as possible. Oriental hair makeup is like the delicate work of a jeweler; there is no need to make corrections.

The average cost of hair-to-hair tattooing is approximately 6 thousand rubles.

  1. Mixed media or 3D tattoo. The method combines elements of the previous two techniques. It is recommended for women with expressionless, thin eyebrows or fair-haired girls whose eyebrow line practically does not stand out. The shading technique gives the eyebrows expressiveness and brightness, and due to hair tattooing, the eyebrows acquire the missing volume. The special attractiveness of 3D tattooing is achieved by mixing several shades of permanent dye. The cost of 3D tattooing is approximately the same as traditional permanent makeup techniques.

Eyebrow tattoo: before and after photos

Eyebrow tattooing using the “shotting” technique. Photos before and after

Hair method of eyebrow tattooing (European technique)

Eyebrow hair tattoo (oriental technique)

Eyebrow tattooing using the oriental hair method makes the face look much younger

Photo of permanent eyebrow makeup with 3D effect

This photo is a vivid example of how eyebrow tattooing transforms the face and restores youth

Eyebrow tattoo in mixed media Looks great combined with classic makeup! Photos before and after

Tattooing of dark eyebrows using oriental technique makes the eyes more expressive

Should I tattoo my eyebrows? Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of permanent eyebrow makeup:

  • no need to do makeup every day, spend money on eyeliner pencil and spend a lot of time in front of the mirror;
  • tattoo provides natural effect natural eyebrows;
  • The tattoo is resistant to wiping, is not afraid of moisture, and does not spread;
  • After professional eyebrow tattooing, your face looks younger and your eyes become more expressive.

Despite the advantages of permanent makeup, it has some flaws.

  • Temporary effect. Depending on the chosen tattoo technique, the effect lasts from 6 months to 3-4 years.
  • Soreness. Although the skin in the eyebrow area is not the most sensitive, cosmetologists still use anesthesia, making the procedure as comfortable as possible.
  • Care for the eyebrow area. After the procedure, the skin around the eyebrows is redder and inflamed, so the specialist must prescribe a special cream or ointment. At first, you should not be in direct sunlight. A thin crust of dead epidermal cells forms on the surface of the skin, which comes off after a few days. It is strictly forbidden to peel off the resulting crust!
  • Eyebrow tattooing is not recommended for people with diabetes mellitus, asthma, those who are allergic to permanent dyes, as well as a number of diseases in which blood clotting is reduced.

Eyebrow tattoo removal

If the tattoo was done, in your opinion, unsuccessfully, or you are simply tired of it, it can always be removed from the skin. The most common way to remove eyebrow tattoos is with a laser beam. The laser breaks down the dye pigments and removes it from the skin. Be prepared that the procedure is painful.

Where is the best place to get eyebrow tattooing and how to choose a professional?

The quality of permanent makeup directly depends on the professionalism of the artist, the equipment and dyes used. Naturally, procedures such as permanent makeup, which require intradermal penetration, require special hygienic conditions and high professionalism, so this should not be neglected, and you need to choose a salon based on quality, not price.

But it also happens that a seemingly decent salon does not justify the stated advantages and prices. The ideal option is when the artist or salon is recommended to you by friends or acquaintances who have used tattoo services before. Now, at the peak of the popularity of permanent makeup, there are many specialized salons in almost every city, and which of them are the best can be easily found out from recent reviews on the forums.

Under no circumstances should you tattoo your eyebrows at home.

Having made a choice in favor of a particular salon and come for a consultation, ask the master for a certificate or diploma confirming his qualifications. Usually tattooing is done with special permanent dyes, but some artists cheat and use tattoo dye instead of tattoo paint. As the tattoo ink fades and wears off, it acquires a greenish tint and the eyebrows, accordingly, become green.

Eyebrow tattoo: reviews

Luda, 29 years old

I got my eyebrows tattooed a week ago. The master skillfully selected the shape and color and used the hair-to-hair technique. No complaints: it didn’t hurt at all, I lubricated the skin around the eyebrows with a caring ointment, and very soon everything healed.

Vika, 34 years old

I look at my eyebrows after tattooing and I can’t be happier. Before this, I couldn’t choose the color of the pencil; it took me a long time to draw out each eyebrow. Now there is no torment, only beauty! It was slightly painful, but tolerable.

Anya, 37 years old

Girls, don't be afraid to get a tattoo. I was afraid of pain and afraid that the color would not wash off. When I made up my mind, it turned out that there was no pain, but after a year the color faded, and after 2 years it disappeared completely. Permanent makeup and tattooing are two different things.

Natasha, 31 years old

Once and for all I regretted having my eyebrows tattooed. Less than a week later, my eyebrows turned gray, rashes and pain appeared. Now I’m being treated for allergies, and I also need to somehow get my eyebrows in order. (((

Galya, 45 years old

A month has passed since the tattoo. It took a long time for the redness and swelling to go away, and when everything healed, the eyebrows turned out to be of different lengths, and for some reason one was forked. I went to another salon to fix everything and do it right. Redoing it turned out to be much more painful, so go straight to a good master.

1 Best technique

Eyebrow tattooing can be done using 2 methods: hair tattooing and shadow tattooing. Hair-based is that the master gradually draws each individual hair on the eyebrows. With its help, you can sketch the entire eyebrow or individual areas where they are missing. Immediately after applying the pigment, the eyebrows look perfectly smooth and clear, giving the impression that they are natural. True, in a few months everything will look worse: the lines will blur, and the hairs will lose their shape. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend repeating the procedure once every few months. This is an additional waste of money, time and health. For oily skin types this method not recommended.

Every woman wants to look great always and everywhere. We are used to meeting any situation, pleasant or not, face to face. The main thing is that the face is flawless. It is in recent years that permanent makeup or, as it is also called, tattooing, has become so popular. Most often, women tattoo their eyebrows, upper eyelid lines and lips. There are several techniques for creating permanent makeup.

Eyebrows can be “drawn” by shading or using the “hair” method. In this article we describe in detail eyebrow tattooing using the shading method. After this procedure, the eyebrow line becomes clear, but looks natural, and this allows you to always look good. You can tint either individual areas or the entire eyebrow, and also adjust the shape of your eyebrows to the desired one.

Eyebrow tattooing using shading method: features

  • Several days after the procedure, the final result is visible: you get the feeling that the eyebrows are simply either tinted with mascara or drawn on with a pencil for a brighter color.
  • Tattooing done using the shading method lasts for 2.5-3 years. After this time, correction is required.

Tattooing-shading: technique of execution

Execution steps:

  • Drawing a sketch. First you need to outline the boundaries of the future eyebrow using a pencil and shadows. This must be done in order to preliminarily evaluate the result, since after tattooing, no changes can be made.
  • Removing excess hair. This should be done with those hairs that extend beyond the boundaries of the new eyebrow. And they must be removed every time they grow. Otherwise, the shape will not work out, and the entire appearance will be ruined.
  • Contour correction. After removing excess hair, you need to make the final touches immediately before the procedure itself. The eyebrow is finally corrected with a special marker pencil, and if you like it, then you can proceed to the next stage.
  • Color selection. This is perhaps the most important part of the procedure. The fact is that in order for eyebrows to look natural, you need to choose the right pigment. It should be identical to your roots natural hair, match the eye color and maintain the selected color after a certain time. This is why such a method as shading tattoo is good. This is where you can mix different shades, which means the pigment color that suits you will last for a long time.
  • Application of pigment. Tattoo shading is performed with a special device. One layer after another is applied. Different shades of pigment are used in different areas. They should be slightly shaded to make the eyebrows look more natural.
  • Healing. This process lasts from 3 to 5 days. At first, the eyebrows will look very bright and artificial, like glued stripes. Therefore, a process such as tattooing and shading is recommended to be done in the first days of vacation if you do not want to appear in this form at work. But after a few days you will be able to enjoy the results.

Eyebrow tattooing using the shading method is an almost painless procedure. Its duration is 30-40 minutes.

Eyebrow tattoo - BEFORE and AFTER photos

Contraindications to tattooing using the shading method

Tattoo shading has contraindications for:

  • The period of bearing and feeding a child.
  • The period of exacerbation of any disease.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Diabetes.
  • If you are predisposed to the appearance of keloid scars.
  • The presence of malignant tumors.
  • Presence of moles in places where tattooing should be done.
  • Epilepsy.
  • A disease such as bronchial asthma.
  • Skin diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.
  • HIV disease and hepatitis.
  • Fever.
  • Colds.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Postoperative period, including plastic surgery.
  • Taking antibiotics.
  • Menstruation period or any hormonal imbalance.
  • Alcohol consumption.

Remember that any qualified specialist, before performing eyebrow tattooing with shading, should ask you about the presence of contraindications and warn you about the possible consequences.

Eyebrow tattooing using shading method: pros and cons

Pros of tattooing:

  1. Save time. Tattooing allows you to always remain well-groomed, even if you don’t have time to do makeup every day.
  2. Saving money on cosmetics.
  3. Giving symmetry to eyebrows when there is none
  4. Creating beautiful thick eyebrows for quite a long time

Cons of tattooing:

  1. Quite severe swelling in the first few days after the procedure, inability to appear in public.
  2. Discomfortable sensations, dryness, the appearance of a “crust” on the skin, pain for several days after the tattoo procedure.
  3. Some people complain about a change in eyebrow color (this happens if the artist uses low-quality pigment).

Eyebrow tattoo using shading method - reviews

  • “I got my eyebrows tattooed about 4 years ago. I still wear it and am happy. I will say this - it all depends on the master. It is advisable to see his work live before doing the procedure. After me, my friend did it in another salon. She was given just touches of brown color. After a year and a half it turned red. It was terrible. I sent her to my master, he gave her wonderful shading natural color her eyebrows, no dotted lines are visible. Well, what can I talk about if I have never had a correction done in 4 years. The eyebrows are an ash-blond color like my natural one.” Ksenia.
  • "Hi all! This is the second time I've had my eyebrows tattooed. The first one was 2 years ago, then I updated and improved the shape. My eyebrows are light and sparse, their shape is terrible, I used to pluck them and paint them with a pencil, but it’s very inconvenient, suddenly I smeared it with my hand and everything was erased, and in the summer it was a tragedy, it’s hot, if you suddenly wipe off part of your eyebrows on wet skin, you won’t be able to paint it as it was, In short, I suffered for several years until I decided to get a tattoo, now I couldn’t be happier, it looks natural, the master is a super-pro, he advised beautiful shape, and the second time they improved it even more, I’m absolutely delighted. The procedure is not long and not painful, the main thing is not to touch or wet your eyebrows for a week and 3 p. moisturize daily with a special antibacterial cream with a healing effect, the master will tell you. And I also saw a lot of unsuccessful options on the Internet, it all depends on the artist, you can’t fill it deep, the paint gets into the vessels and after that there is a red halo and a lot of different subtleties, but for those who have eyebrows, this is a real problem, tattooing - the best remedy" Anna.
  • voters: 22

Almost every woman uses makeup to highlight the advantages of her appearance and hide flaws. It should be remembered that when applying any cosmetic product, the rules for its use are taken into account. This will help avoid mistakes and spoiled appearance. When creating eyebrow makeup, women often use a pencil, as it is easy to color hairs and correct if mistakes have been made. It gives the eyebrows a natural look. When using a pencil, you need to know some nuances to create a shape in accordance with your facial features.


Choosing the right color

Eyebrows require no less attention when applying makeup than other parts of the face, because they are able to emphasize the depth of the look and make it even more expressive. Surely, every girl knows which shade suits her, but it is worth noting that there is a universal recommendation regarding the choice of pencil color: it should be slightly darker than the hair, but several tones lighter than the eyelashes.

It is important to paint your eyebrows with a pencil correctly. Do not apply it in too thick a layer. This will make your appearance unnatural and even vulgar. The main rule here is: it’s better to slightly underpaint your eyebrow than to overdo it.

How to correctly determine your eyebrow shape

One of the most important points when making eyebrows is a choice correct form. It must correspond to the features of appearance, since otherwise it can not only spoil the image, but also give the face an unnecessary expression, for example, sullenness or surprise.

Eyebrows can be smooth, they are also called raised. These eyebrows look good on an oval face. Semicircular eyebrows can visually lengthen and narrow, so they are perfect for chubby beauties. But the rounded shape is ideal for those with a too sharp chin, as it visually softens the contours of the face. Also, eyebrows can be a house or kinked. Which form is needed depends on individual characteristics and the desired result.

When creating a form, it is important to remove excess hairs, for which you need to identify three main points. All you need is tweezers and any pencil:

  1. First of all, you should determine the beginning of the eyebrow. To do this, apply the pencil to the wing of the nose perpendicular to the inner corner of the eye. This will be the first point.
  2. To determine the highest part of the eyebrow, it is necessary to draw a conditional line from the wing of the nose through the center of the pupil.
  3. The third point defines the end of the eyebrow. It is enough to draw a line from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

Stages of applying eyebrow pencil

When creating eyebrow makeup, you should be careful not to overdo it with pigment. It is recommended to use a pencil designed specifically for this purpose: it should be moderately hard so that you can draw thin, clear lines that resemble hairs. You should never use eyeliner to fill in your eyebrows. It has a too soft lead, therefore, it will be difficult to apply, and at the slightest increase in temperature it will certainly flow.

When tinting your eyebrows with a pencil, you must strictly adhere to the application sequence:

  1. Before applying the pencil, you need to moisturize the skin, and when the cream is absorbed, apply foundation.
  2. Now use a brush to comb your eyebrows so that the hairs are directed downwards.
  3. Next, use a sharpened pencil to draw short lines in the direction of hair growth. This must be done from the bridge of the nose to the temples. When applying, avoid excessive pressure.
  4. If you happen to paint your eyebrow too intensely, you can use a cotton swab to remove excess makeup.
  5. Makeup is almost ready. All that remains is to comb the eyebrows with a brush and shade the pigment a little to give the eyebrows a more natural look.

Avoid painting your eyebrows in thick, continuous lines to avoid a mask-like, vulgar face. By the way, many makeup artists recommend using two shades when tinting your eyebrows with a pencil. The darker one should be shaded on the inner part, and the lighter one should be applied to the thin outer area of ​​the eyebrows.

Eyebrow correction

Many people believe that using a pencil can only give your eyebrows a brighter and more saturated color. In fact, using this cosmetic product, it will be possible to make them more voluminous and also change their shape.

You can resort to this method in cases where there is no time to change the shape using tweezers or it cannot be done for some other reason. First of all, you need to examine the structure of the eyebrows in a magnifying mirror and determine what kind of effect you want to achieve.

Now you should apply thin strokes with a pencil to the required areas. They should be located above the eyebrow arch, which will make the makeup more natural. It is recommended to shade the most pigment in the body of the eyebrows. If it is shorter than you would like, you can draw it a little using the same principle: thin dashed lines in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

One important nuance: when correcting eyebrows with a pencil, excess hairs near the bridge of the nose, if any, are plucked out, since it will not be possible to hide them with cosmetics.

Video: Eyebrow correction and tinting at home

Secrets of proper coloring of thin eyebrows

It would seem that you can paint your eyebrows with a pencil, adhering to the above rules, regardless of their thickness. In fact, this point is very important and should be taken into account when creating the ideal image.

Those with thin eyebrows should know how to visually make them more voluminous. To do this, you need to have a pencil that is used for daily makeup, and purchase another one, but 1-2 shades lighter.

Making up thin eyebrows is quite simple: first, you should shade the light shade of the pencil along the entire length of the eyebrow using the same technique as usual. Next apply more dark color at the bottom. Finally, the pigment is shaded with a brush, which will add naturalness and make the lines invisible. This technique is used by many makeup artists when creating makeup for celebrities.

There is no single formula that could unambiguously determine how to properly create eyebrow makeup using a pencil. However, taking into account all the above recommendations, through trial and error, any girl will be able to achieve exactly the look that can highlight her look and give her appearance a special chic.

Stylists know that adjusting the color and shape of eyebrows greatly changes the face: for example, at the request of the client, it makes it more serious, younger or more sophisticated. That’s why many people are interested in how to shade their eyebrows correctly, giving the face the desired features and a specific mood.

The naturalness of eyebrows and even their standard natural beauty requires constant adjustment: plucking and coloring. That’s why girls paint on their hair with cosmetics once a day, and use shading (evenly dispersing the color) to achieve a natural look.

Thick eyebrows with a prestigious shape and rich color are the basis for a flawless look.

Shading eyebrow tattoo technique

Shading will reduce morning makeup using salon tattooing. The masters explain what it is: a tinted adjustment of a section of the arc or its entire stripe, which makes it clearer, but more uniform than with the hair method. And it looks natural.

The tattooed arc looks like it has been expertly tinted with cosmetics.

Pay attention!
When adjusting the shape of the eyebrows using the method of shaded permanent makeup (tattoo), the line is preserved for up to 3 years.

The stylists' summary clarifies the features of the method:

  • it is especially successful when your hairs are thick, and the direction of their growth is correct;
  • Masters prefer the shaded technique to give naturalness compared to more thorough hair tattooing;
  • permanent eyebrow make-up shading – a fast procedure(only 30 minutes);
  • it is preceded by a discussion with a specialist about the final result, local anesthesia;
  • the process itself is carried out using disposable tools and high-quality dyes.

For thin, sparse and light hairs, this method is even better than the hair method.

This technique with a shadow effect will masterfully correct an unnatural color from a previous tattoo or a line after laser reduction of a drawing. But he asks for a professional selection of pigments so as not to darken the arc too much, and over time the color does not turn into blue, green or red.

Contraindications for tattoo shading:

  • feeding or carrying a baby;
  • exacerbation of diseases;
  • problem of blood clotting;
  • predisposition to keloid scars;
  • moles on tattoo stripes;
  • weakened immunity.

Pros of tattooing:

  • saving time and money on makeup while looking completely well-groomed;
  • giving excellent symmetry to the arcs;
  • creating a long-lasting effect of thick eyebrows.

Stages of performing permanent makeup

In the photo - drawing a sketch with a pencil and shadows in order to see the result in advance.

With this technique, the master mixes colors to get a suitable color that will last forever:

  1. The function is preceded by the removal of excess hairs with your own hands, growing beyond the border of the new strip.
  2. Next is the final adjustment of the contour with a marker.
  3. A special machine applies the pigment.
  4. In certain areas, specialists use various colors, and shaded, they look more natural.
  5. Healing occurs in 3-5 days, which makes the eyebrows still very colorful, like glued stripes.

The color of the shading will fully appear after 10 days.

Here's what choosing the right color means:

  • the pigment should be similar to the hair color;
  • the tone is in harmony with the eye color;
  • aspect of the property is long-term retention of intensity.

Other shading methods

A candidate for tattooing is lining the eyebrows independently with special cosmetics.

To do make-up with shading professionally, you need to know the main secrets of make-up artists, which take into account the features of the client’s facial features and color type, and the initial state of her eyebrows. This will ensure flawless execution of arcs in the shortest possible time and for any option.

Golden rule: the inner corner of the eye is in the same line as the base of the eyebrow.

The perfection of technology also depends on the tools that create makeup. Therefore, decorative cosmetics should be of high quality and comfortable to use.


A universal cheap tool is an eyebrow pencil with shading.

A huge number of color options allow you to choose the right pencil. The tool with a shading effect has a special applicator at the second end for this purpose.

Eyeliner is not suitable: it is very soft and bright.
It is better to purchase a special cosmetic tool for eyebrows.

The main advantage is quick strip removal and error correction, which is important for beginners and experimenters:

  1. According to the makeup rule, the perfect eyebrow color is 2 shades lighter than the eyelashes, but 1 shade darker than the curls.
  2. After applying a pencil strip under the hairs, you need to rub it until the effect of a dark fog.
  3. You cannot go beyond the hair growth limit.
  4. The eyebrow should be smoothed in the direction of hair growth, then secured with gel.

Often, at the other end of the pencil, instead of an applicator, there is a bottle of shadows. Although the cost of the standard is a little higher, it is more convenient to have such small-sized universal cosmetics.


Special shadows, developed in a suitable palette and suitable in texture, are a very successful choice.

This shadow cosmetics will outline the arches more naturally: without clear boundaries, with inconspicuous, misty, smoky colors. But incorrect touches will have to be washed away: it is unrealistic to clear only the incorrectly corrected area from shadows.

Applying shadows with a special brush will make the hair shaggy and natural.

A fascinating technique is to draw eyebrows with shadows, not linearly, but along the hairs with strokes, without painting the skin, and then combing.


A new and not yet widespread type of cosmetics is eyebrow wax.

Wax eyebrow cosmetics combine the brightness and durability of a pencil with the light gloss and naturalness of mascara. A creative solution is to paint over sparse areas with wax, and then shade them with shadows. Then the eyebrows look natural all day long: the wax creates a neat line, and a narrow brush will completely color with shadows.


Professional stylists know how important well-defined eyebrows are: they form any facial expression and also influence the perception of its advantageous features. The ability to highlight eyebrows is an obvious calling card, the pride of the master. That’s why girls strive to master the art of perfect make-up, starting specifically with shading their eyebrows.

Permanent make-up, made by a qualified artist, gives the effect of flawless shaded eyebrow arches for almost 3 years. But more often ladies prefer decorative cosmetics. This is how a cute, exclusive image is formed, although a lot of time and effort is spent on it.

Which type of eyebrow retouching to prefer depends on preferences and goals, features of natural eyebrow lines, facial features, and the desired look. The video in this article will demonstrate how to perform this technique, and if you have any questions, write them in the comments.