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Methodology for successfully mastering attitudes

It is easier to assimilate the mood if you listen to it in a sound recording. You can speak the mood into a tape recorder for yourself. The tone of the presentation should be firm, businesslike, convincing, without any pathos. In the same tone, if possible, pronounce the mood out loud, but if there are no conditions, read or pronounce it from memory to yourself. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others prefer to read it. While listening, you can also do some housework. But it's better if you try not to be distracted and concentrate.

To internalize attitudes, use wasted time, for example, on the way to work and home.

Set yourself up for deep, lasting assimilation of attitudes. The following mood “To strengthen volitional attention” will help you with this, as well as the moods from the chapter “Improving the soul for healing the heart”: “To strengthen the will”, “With all the strength of my mind I believe in what I am saying about myself”, “Materializing assimilation mood”, “I am intensifying my work on myself.”

To strengthen volitional attention

With enormous, colossal power, life-giving newborn life pours into my head. Colossal creative energy flows into my head. Colossal energy of creation flows into all the billions of nerve cells in the brain. Colossal energy of rapid development flows into all the billions of nerve cells in the brain.

All my mental abilities are developing quickly, quickly and energetically, and my will is quickly strengthening.

A huge, colossal force of life-giving newborn life fills my head through and through. A newborn, young, healthy, cheerful, playful soul is born within me. A newborn, young, healthy, healthy, cheerful soul is born within me.

A healthy spirit gives birth to a strong, healthy head. With enormous, colossal power, life-giving newborn life pours into my head. A bright, bright white light pours into my head, a bright, bright white light pours into my head. A bright, bright white light pours into the back of the head, a bright, bright white light pours into the back of the head. The whole head is bright, bright, bright, light, the eyes are bright, bright, light. There is a bright, bright light in the eyes. The whole head is brightly light, the eyes are brightly bright.

With enormous, colossal power, life-giving newborn life pours into my head. Colossal energy of creation flows into all the billions of nerve cells in the brain, and colossal energy of creation flows in at once. Enormous, colossal energy of rapid, rapid development flows into all the billions of nerve cells in the brain. All my mental abilities are developing rapidly. My thinking is quickly activated, faster and more energetic thinking is born. Memory strengthens, more and more vivid, more and more powerful memory is born.

Colossal energy of creation flows into the brain mechanisms of will. Colossal energy of rapid development is poured into the brain mechanisms of will. The will is strengthened, spiritual strength increases. I am born as a man of great, enormous spiritual strength. I am born as a man of ever stronger will. More and more durable, more and more stable volitional attention is born. More and more durable, more and more stable volitional attention is born.

During the assimilation of attitudes, I completely switch off from the outside world; during the assimilation of attitudes, the entire external world ceases to exist for me. I focus entirely on the content of the mood. I focus entirely on the content of the mood. Apart from the content of the mood, there is nothing in my soul. During the assimilation of a mood, there is nothing in my soul except the content of the mood. The entire external world ceases to exist for me, the entire external world ceases to exist for me. I am completely focused on the content of the mood, I am completely and completely focused on the content of the mood. Apart from the content of the mood, there is nothing else in my soul.

Volitional attention becomes more and more strong, more and more durable. I mobilize all my strength to focus as deeply as possible on the content of the mood. Throughout the entire time of assimilation of the mood, there is nothing in my soul except the content of the mood. The entire external world ceases to exist for me during the entire period of assimilation of the mood. Volitional attention becomes more and more strong, more and more powerful, more and more durable.

Colossal energy of creation is poured into the brain mechanisms of the will; colossal energy of rapid development is poured into the brain mechanisms of the will. The brain mechanisms of will are sharply strengthened, and brain mechanisms of will of great, enormous power are born.

The will is strengthened, the character is strengthened. More and more strong self-government is born, more and more strong self-government is born. I am in complete control of all my behavior, all my thoughts, all my feelings. Complete dominance of the spirit over the body is born.

The all-conquering will shines in my eyes, enormous strength the spirit shines in my eyes, the enormous strength of the spirit shines in my eyes.

The colossal energy of creation completely fills my head. Colossal energy of creation flows into all brain mechanisms; colossal energy of rapid development flows into all brain mechanisms. All brain mechanisms are born newborn in good working order, in perfect working order, in absolutely good working order. Colossal energy of rapid development is poured into all brain mechanisms. All brain mechanisms become stronger, more energetic, stronger, more energetic.

My overall performance increases, my mental performance increases - I can concentrate on the mood I need for hours on end, without knowing fatigue. I can actively, actively and focusedly absorb the mood for hours on end, without knowing fatigue. Almost limitless mental performance is born.

Colossal energy is poured into the brain mechanisms, colossal energy of rapid development is poured, colossal energy of creation is poured. Colossal energy of creation is poured into the brain mechanisms of the will; colossal energy of rapid development is poured into the brain mechanisms of the will.

The will is strengthened, the will is strengthened, the character is strengthened. Enormous strength of spirit is now born in me. Forever, for all time, enormous strength of spirit is born in me. An all-conquering will shines in my eyes. I dare everything, I can do everything. Nothing is impossible for me. Energetic, strong brain mechanisms of will are born. The all-crushing, all-conquering power of the spirit is born in my soul. Complete dominance of the spirit over the body is born. I have unlimited control over all my behavior, all my thoughts, all my feelings.

During the period of assimilation of the moods, I completely switch off from the outside world and concentrate entirely on the content of the moods. My volitional attention is becoming more and more strong, more and more durable. Volitional attention becomes more and more strong, more and more durable.

Colossal creative energy flows into all brain mechanisms. All brain mechanisms are born newborn in good working order, in perfect working order, in absolutely good working order. I am on my way to a complete final recovery, I am on my way to a complete final recovery, and this fills me with the joy of life.

A cheerful light lights up in my eyes, a sunny, bright spring smile on my face. The whole soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life.

Regardless of whether a person knows the text by heart or not, the mood is acquired only in the process of listening or pronouncing it. You need to assimilate the mood until your state comes into full compliance with the content of the mood.

When mastering the mood, try to be as active as possible (walk better), make an effort to memorize the text. This increases absorption activity.

To internalize a mood means to bring oneself into full compliance with its content. (rather than just memorizing the text).

It is useful to listen, read or recite from memory a large number of times those fragments of text that you like best and have a special meaning. It is especially useful when listening to the mood to repeat thought after thought out loud, be sure to stop the tape recorder by pressing the “Pause” button.

It is beneficial to adopt the mood in the morning, in which case it will improve your health throughout the day.

Chapter 1. Attitudes that replace bypass surgery and prevent myocardial infarctions and strokes

1. Blood supply to the head

My gigantically, titanically strong spirit knows from God that God has laid in my heredity constant regeneration, renewal of all cells of the body, including highly differentiated cells - retina, brain, myocardium - including in my heredity the revival of an 18-year-old young body that will then continuously renew, improve, develop, remain forever young, full of health and strength. In my angelic, Divine titanically strong soul of gigantic all-conquering power, there is the conviction that my 18-year-old young body is now being reborn, which will forever remain 18-year-old, young, full of health and strength.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul there is an all-conquering conviction that there is Divinely free wide blood circulation throughout the body. The whole body lives a full-blooded, cheerful, happy, joyful life. In my angelic, Divine soul there is a constant stability of the thought that all blood vessels are Divinely free, Divinely pure, all blood supply is Divinely free, blood supply to the whole body, to all internal organs wide, free. Through all blood vessels: through all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - blood flows in a free, wide, cheerful stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood.

In my soul there is a constant stability of the thought that the blood supply to the head is Divinely regular, free, wide. In my kind angelic spiritually titanically strong soul there is an all-conquering conviction that my whole body lives a full-blooded, free, joyful life. There is an all-conquering conviction in my soul that the blood supply to the head is Divinely free and wide.

In my good angelic, Divine soul of gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, there is the conviction that all the arteries of the spine, neck, head, all arterioles, all capillaries of the head are Divinely expanded along the entire length, through all the blood vessels of the spine, neck, head, blood flows wide and free a cheerful spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood. The blood supply to the head is wide and free. All arterioles are Divinely open, Divinely free. All the capillaries of the head, all the microcirculation of the head are Divinely correct, Divinely free. All arteries of the spine, neck, head are Divinely dilated, Divinely free. Through all the arteries of the spine, neck, and head, blood flows in a free, wide, joyful stream.

Through all the arterioles of the head, through all the capillaries of the head, blood flows in a wide, free spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in high water, in a wide flood. Capillary microcirculation of the head is divinely free. All arterioles of the head are Divinely dilated, Divinely free. All the capillaries of the head are Divinely free, young, 18 years old. The capillary microcirculation of the head is divinely free and wide. All the blood vessels of the head - both in the center and on the periphery - are all Divinely infinitely expanded, open along their entire length.

Through all the arteries of the spine, neck, and head, blood flows in a free, wide spring stream.

Through all the arterioles and capillaries of the head, blood flows in a wide, free spring stream. The entire circulation of the head is wide, free, wide, free. Through all the arteries, arterioles, and capillaries of the head, blood flows in a wide, free spring stream.

The blood supply to the head is free, wide, free, wide. All capillary microcirculation of the head is divinely free and wide. The whole head is bright-bright-light through and through, and in the center and at the periphery the whole head is through and through bright-bright-light. All blood vessels both in the center of the head and on the periphery of the head are equally Divinely expanded along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the head - both in the center of the head and on the periphery - blood flows in a free, wide stream. All arterioles and capillaries on the periphery of the head are divinely infinitely expanded along their entire length.

On the periphery of the head there is a divinely free, wide, cheerful spring blood circulation. Blood carries to all nerve cells of the brain, all structures of the brain, all tissues, all cells, all hair on the head, blood carries in abundance excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones, which constantly revive the 18-year-old youthful structure of all billions of nerves brain cells, all other head cells.

In my soul there is constant stability in the thought of a free, wide blood supply to the head. The whole head through and through - both in the center and on the periphery - is all bright, bright and light through and through. There is always a bright, bright light in the eyes.

The blood, in a cheerful, joyful, rapid flow, washes and rinses the entire brain through and through - it washes out all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products from the brain. The brain is eternally divinely pure, ideally pure, biologically pure. The blood, in a cheerful, joyful, rapid flow, washes all the blood vessels of the head - it washes away all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products from the walls of the blood vessels.

The arteries of the spine Divinely expanded, eternally Divinely pure, ideally clean.

All blood vessels of the head are divinely pure. All the blood vessels of the head: all the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - the blood is washed and washed in a cheerful, joyful, rapid flow. From the walls of all blood vessels, in an eternal cheerful, joyful rapid flow of blood, it washes away all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products, constantly rinses and cleanses all the blood vessels of the head. All blood vessels of the head: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins are Divinely pure, eternally Divinely pure, ideally pure, biologically pure.

All blood circulation in the head is free, free, wide. Through all the blood vessels of the head, through all the blood vessels of the spine, neck, head, blood flows in a free, wide spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in high water, in a wide flood.

All blood circulation of the head is Divinely free. All arterioles, all capillaries of the head are eternally free, eternally Divinely expanded along their entire length. All capillary microcirculation of the head is divinely free, free, wide.

All the cells of the head, all the cells of the brain, all the cells of the retina are Divinely regenerated, renewed, revived their youthful structure. The head is forever young, the head is forever young. Eternally Divinely free, wide blood circulation throughout all blood vessels of the head. The blood supply to the head is always free, wide, and divinely correct. The whole head is eternally bright-bright-light. There is a bright, bright light in the eyes.

Through all the blood vessels of the head, blood flows in a free spring wide stream. Through all the blood vessels - both in the center of the head and on the periphery of the head - blood flows in a free, wide spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood. There is always infinite space in the head, there is always infinite space in the head, just like in the Universe. The head is always all through, all through - both in the center and on the periphery - the whole head is bright, bright, bright. There is a bright, bright light in the eyes.

The blood supply to the head is always free and wide. The capillary microcirculation of the head is always free and wide. All billions of nerve cells of the brain, all living cells, all living tissues of the head, all the hair on the head always receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones that constantly revive, constantly revive the young 18-year-old structure of all cells, all tissues , all structures of the head. The head is forever young, 18 years old, divinely beautiful, untouched by life.

My gigantically, titanically strong spirit, my angelic, Divine spiritually titanically strong soul completely, totally controls the body. My body is completely, infinitely subordinate to my gigantically strong spirit, my Divine, angelic soul. The body comes into complete, total alignment with the conviction of the soul.

All blood vessels of the spine, neck, head, by the will of God, are Divinely expanded along their entire length, Divinely free. Infinitely submitting to the spirit, soul, all blood vessels, all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins of the spine, neck, head are Divinely expanded along the entire length, Divinely free, eternally Divinely pure. By the will of God, through all the blood vessels of the spine, neck, and head, blood flows in a free, cheerful spring stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood.

In my angelic, Divine soul there is a constant stability of the thought about the eternally young free wide blood supply to the head, about the Divinely free capillary microcirculation of the head.

All structures of the head, all tissues, all cells, all nerve cells of the brain always receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones, which constantly revive the 18-year-old youthful structure of my entire body.

The entire blood supply to the head is eternally Divinely correct, Divinely free, Divinely wide. The head is always all through – both in the center and on the periphery – bright, bright, light, always light, light, absolutely weightless. There is always a bright, bright light in the eyes.

2. Blood circulation of the head and eyes. Healing from cataracts

My gigantically, titanically strong spirit knows from God that God has placed in my heredity constant regeneration, renewal of all cells of the body, including highly differentiated cells - the retina, brain, myocardium. God included in my inheritance the rebirth of an 18-year-old youthful body, which will then be continuously renewed, improved, developed, and remain eternally young for many centuries.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul of gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, there is the conviction that my 18-year-old young body is now being reborn, which will forever remain 18-year-old, young, full of health and strength. In my Divine, kind angelic soul there is a gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, the conviction that I am now a young 18-year-old handsome hero, full of health and strength. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about the eternally young 18-year-old Divine healthy body. In my Divine, kind angelic soul of gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, there is the conviction that my whole body is now young, 18 years old, that my body will remain forever young, 18 years old, Divinely healthy. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts that my eternally young body lives a full-blooded, young, energetic, joyful life.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul of gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, there is the conviction that in my entire body there is 18-year-old youthful free wide blood circulation.

My gigantically strong, titanically strong spirit, my titanically spiritually strong soul completely, totally controls my body. My body is completely, totally, infinitely subordinate to my soul, constantly coming into complete, total compliance with the soul’s conviction of a Divinely healthy 18-year-old young body.

All blood circulation is divinely free, spring-like, fast and cheerful. The entire blood circulation of the head is divinely free and wide. Through all the blood vessels of the head: through all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins - blood flows in a free, wide stream. All arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the head are Divinely opened, Divinely expanded along their entire length. Through all arteries, arterioles, capillaries, blood flows in a free, wide stream, like a cheerful spring river in flood, in a wide flood. Free wide blood supply to the head.

Through all arteries, arterioles, and capillaries of the eyes, blood flows in a free, wide stream. Blood provides all eye cells, all eye tissues, all eye structures with excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones comprehensive development. All blood vessels of the occipital lobes of the brain, all arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the occipital lobes of the brain are always dilated, free, all the time Divinely expanded along their entire length. The blood supply to the occipital lobes of the brain is divinely free and wide. All nerve cells, all structures of the occipital lobes of the brain receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, hormones, which constantly revive the 18-year-old youthful structure of all nerve cells, all structures of the occipital lobes of the brain.

A gigantic Divine power flows into the optic nerves. The optic nerves become healthier, become stronger, strengthen, are born strong, strong, titanically resistant. All eye cells, including retinal cells, are constantly renewed and regenerated, obeying the conviction of the soul. All arteries, arterioles, capillaries of the eyes are constantly, continuously, always Divinely expanded along their entire length, always Divinely free. The blood supply to the eyes is always divinely free and wide. Blood provides all cells with adequate nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, and hormones, which constantly activate regeneration and renewal of all retinal cells and all eye cells. The eyes are constantly, continuously renewed, constantly reviving their 18-year-old youthful structure. The entire anatomical and physiological neuro-cerebral apparatus of vision is 18 years old, young, gigantically energetic.

In my soul there is a gigantic, titanic all-conquering Divine power, the conviction that my vision is now 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, eagle-like. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about the continuous renewal of all cells of the anatomical and physiological neuro-brain apparatus of vision.

In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts about the eternally young 18-year-old, gigantically strong, sharp, eagle vision. My gigantically, titanically strong spirit, my young Divine, angelic soul with the brightness of lightning knows that my vision is eternally young, 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, eagle-like.

In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts that the cells of the retina of the eyes are constantly, continuously regenerating and being renewed. The retina of the eyes is constantly renewed, constantly reviving its 18-year-old Divinely healthy structure. In my soul there is a constant stability of thoughts that all the cells of the anatomical and physiological neuro-cerebral visual apparatus are constantly regenerating and being renewed. The vision is constantly, eternally young, 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, eagle-like.

The vitreous body receives an abundance of excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, and hormones for comprehensive development. The lens constantly receives excellent nutrition. The lenses of the eyes always and forever remain divinely transparent, perfectly transparent. The visual fields are eternally brightly brightly light. There is always a bright, bright light in the eyes.

All eye structures constantly receive excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, and hormones for comprehensive development. All cells, all structures constantly and eternally remain 18 years old, Divinely intact, Divinely healthy. The vision always remains 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, eagle-like. All eye structures live a full-blooded, young, cheerful, joyful life. There is always, eternally a wide free blood supply in the eyes. The vitreous body lives forever, fully provided with excellent nutrition, oxygen for breathing, enzymes, and hormones for comprehensive development. The lenses of the eyes constantly receive excellent nutrition. The lenses of the eyes always remain perfectly transparent, divinely transparent. The visual fields remain brightly bright and bright forever. The vision is eternally young, 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, eagle-like.

The lenses of the eyes are always, constantly perfectly transparent, divinely transparent. The visual fields are always brightly bright. My vision is forever young, 18 years old, gigantically strong, sharp, eagle-like.

In my Divine, kind angelic soul of gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, there is the conviction that the lenses are eternally perfectly transparent, Divinely transparent. In my angelic, Divine soul of gigantic, titanic all-conquering power, there is the conviction that the lenses are eternally perfectly transparent, Divinely transparent. The visual fields are eternally brightly brightly light.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

Thoughts that heal the heart and the entire circulatory system

Spiritual – nurturing medicine

Today's medicine does not aim to completely restore health for every disease. And a person does not set himself such a task. Therefore, today we are all witnesses of how each person has more and more new diseases layered on top of health problems that have not been fully cured, there are more and more of them, they accelerate aging. In the fight against them, vital forces are spent - they become less and less, and, in the end, a person dies prematurely.

To change this picture and increase human life expectancy, it is necessary to always achieve complete restoration of health in every disease. If a person sets himself such a task, then, as experience shows, completely different neuro-cerebral and spiritual mechanisms are included in the struggle for health, which are capable of completely restoring health. It is clear that for this a person must be included in active work above oneself for a complete recovery.

Medicine must teach a person to correctly set the goal for a complete recovery, teach him how to work on himself and guide the person until his full recovery. The doctor must be given the appropriate training to be able to do this job.

To achieve good health and maintain it throughout life, a person must constantly tune himself to speed up recovery and slow down aging. It is absolutely impossible to do this with the help of medications without the participation of the person himself. Consequently, a person must be convinced that he himself can successfully accelerate recovery, slow down aging and increase his life expectancy.

But for this, medicine must teach a person to take care of his own health, strive to lead a healthy lifestyle, and think of himself as a healthy person. A person’s thought about himself creates a body, both healthy and sick.

Modern medicine tries to study and treat a person in isolation from his thoughts. This kind of medicine has no scientific basis. Widespread implementation needed spiritual – nurturing medicine . The one who prescribes treatment must be an educator, a specialist in the field of temperament, character, abilities, will, self-education and the entire spiritual sphere of a person, and not just in the field of the structure of the physical body.

Spiritual – nurturing medicine - these are the highest spiritual technologies: techniques of self-education, self-development, self-education, self-healing, self-restoration of youth - these are the highest forms of sensations, feelings, ideas of memory and imagination, thinking and will, this is verbal-figurative emotional-volitional support.

Spiritual - educational medicine includes techniques for working on oneself, attitudes and methods of assimilating attitudes.

Mood- this is an exact verbal formulation of knowledge, a person’s precisely formulated thought about himself, which must be assimilated. The mood does not have an expiration date, which all medicines have. Mood– this is a mental, emotional-volitional self-persuasion, which is immeasurably stronger than many drugs. The possibilities of drugs are very limited, the possibilities of self-persuasion are almost limitless.

The sentiments reflect the idea of ​​healing and rejuvenation in verbal formulation. Image, feelings and volitional effort in their unity create an impulse from the brain into the internal environment of the physical body of such enormous power that it is capable of not only influencing the activity of any organ and any system, but also eliminating pathological disorders in anatomical structures. Thanks to this, without surgical operations, it is possible to remove tumors, restore the function and internal anatomical structure of any organ and system of the physical body, and revive a young body, prolonging life.

One of the most striking examples reflecting the advantages of spiritual-educating medicine over medicinal and surgical methods of treatment are the results of its use in urological and gynecological diseases. In many men, as a result of prostatitis, prostate adenoma is formed, which is very dangerous and often develops into a malignant tumor, which is why people die in their prime. So what is medicine doing now? She uses Proscar (a drug produced in the USA) and other similar drugs that turn a person completely impotent. Medicine doesn’t even ask whether a person agrees to such “treatment”! And such “treatment” is carried out in the most prestigious medical institutions. In this case, the introduction of nurturing medicine into work with the population will preserve the ability of these men to have children. The same thing happens when “treating” uterine fibroids in women - the uterus is simply radically removed surgically, making the woman infertile. Using nurturing medicine methods, it is possible to completely cure women with this disease without surgery, and they will be able to give birth to children.

To restore youth and prolong life, spiritual support is needed. It can be combined with any useful treatment: with massage, with compresses, with tablets, mixtures, injections, with all sorts of high technologies. But without spiritual support it is impossible to restore youth and prolong life.

Practice has shown that the spiritual structures of the soul determine bodily structures: the assimilation of moods of the corresponding content eliminates new formations in the entire physical body, wherever they are located. In 2006, the Americans published in the AIF a congratulation to Russian President V.V. Putin on the victory of Russian science over cancer.

It is obvious that medicine should educate a person, develop him and teach him methods of self-improvement in illness and aging. And this means that all real medicine should be spiritual - educating and developing.

The crisis in medicine is due to the lack of spirituality. The doctor must be spiritual, that is, a teacher-educator who teaches patients the highest spiritual technologies of working on themselves.

Who works directly with people? Doctor and teacher. So they need to be taught how to provide spiritual support. But for this they need to be specially prepared and given the necessary education in the field of spiritual support.

Education needs to be transformed from traumatic, as it is today, into healing.

What should a spiritual doctor-teacher-educator teach, educate, and convince the patient of? First of all, convince the patient of the need healthy image life, teach perseverance in full restoration of health. To cultivate strong-willed attention to assimilate the mood, develop the will to constantly overcome the difficulties of working on oneself, strengthen confidence in full recovery, provide the necessary knowledge, teach techniques for working on oneself, and interest in the prospects for development and a long happy life.

For such complex work, the doctor must be widely educated in the field of pedagogy, developmental psychology, general, educational and medical psychology. The doctor must have a good knowledge of physiology and anatomy and, most importantly, know the healing process and skillfully manage it.

Every patient wishes to have such a doctor! And Russia is obliged to provide its population with such doctors!

Today's organization of science cannot prepare a spiritual doctor - teacher-educator due to the fact that scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology are separated from medicine into a separate Academy of Sciences (RAS). A spiritual doctor-teacher-educator can only be prepared through the combined efforts of doctors, teachers and psychologists. To overcome the crisis in medicine, it is necessary to create an Academy of Human Sciences, including all scientific institutions involved in the study of man.

To prepare a spiritual doctor-teacher-educator, it is necessary to radically change learning programs medical educational institutions.

Today's pedagogy is in the same crisis as medicine: it traumatizes students and gives them all kinds of diseases. It is necessary to make education healthier, and for this we need to radically change the training of teachers, including the basics of spiritual support. The great K.D. Ushinsky a hundred years ago demanded the unification of medicine and pedagogy.

A reorganization of human sciences, health care and education is needed.

Compulsory secondary education should include training in higher spiritual technologies of working on oneself. To do this, it is necessary to introduce an independent educational subject “Fundamentals of Spiritual Support” in the seventh grade in the amount of 50 teaching hours.

It is necessary to familiarize the entire population of Russia with spiritual - educational medicine, so that every person can take advantage of its priceless gifts to restore youth, improve health and prolong an active, productive, creative, happy life.

/ Life-giving power G.N. Sytin

Chapter 2. Healing Attitudes

2.23. For general heart health

I have a young, healthy heart. All the blood vessels inside the heart itself are eternally, constantly fully open along their entire length. All blood vessels within the heart itself are eternally, constantly fully open along their entire length. I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. All blood vessels and the largest blood trunks inside the heart, and medium-sized blood vessels, and the finest microscopically thin blood vessels-capillaries - all blood vessels inside the heart are completely open along their entire length. Inside the heart there is free, absolutely free blood circulation. And therefore, in the area of ​​the heart there is a pleasant feeling of boundless, limitless freedom. All nerves in the heart area are calm and healthy. There is a pleasant lightness and calmness in the heart area.

I have a young, healthy heart. All blood vessels within the heart itself are eternally, constantly, completely open along their entire length. All blood vessels inside the heart itself are eternally, constantly evenly open along their entire length. Inside the heart itself there is free, absolutely free blood circulation. And my young healthy blood flows in an eternal, fast, free stream through all the blood vessels of the heart itself, and constantly, forever washes the heart clean, and nourishes the heart better and better. Everything that the heart needs for life, work and restoration of strength - everything the blood brings to it in abundance. And the young heart basks in purity and Contentment. A young heart basks in purity and contentment. And my young healthy blood always washes my heart clean. The heart is eternally pristine, newborn-pure.

My young, healthy blood always washes the heart clean and brings complete nutrition to the heart in abundance. A young heart basks in purity and contentment. A young heart is resting. A young heart rests, basks in purity and contentment. The heart accumulates young healthy energy, powerful forces mature in the young heart, and the reserve power of the heart increases. Every day, every hour, the heart accumulates more and more young energy. The spare, reserve power of the heart is constantly increasing. The spare, reserve energy of the heart is constantly increasing. And if necessary, the heart can work with enormous energy, with enormous power. I can run or walk at a brisk pace for hours on end and still maintain even, forceful, but even breathing.

I have a young, healthy heart. The heart works with enormous internal stability. Internal stability is ten times stronger, a hundred times stronger than all the harmful influences of the external environment. I try to understand as deeply as possible and fully comprehend what is being said. The internal stability of the heart is ten times stronger, a hundred times stronger than all the harmful influences of the external environment.

And therefore, through all the difficulties and adversities of life, the heart continues to work unshakably and steadily rhythmically. Through all the difficulties and adversities of life, the heart continues to work steadily and correctly. The steady rhythmic pulse remains unshakably. Rhythmic pulse means all the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. Steadily rhythmic pulse means that through a fast step or run, through physical work, all the time intervals between pulse beats are absolutely the same. Through hard physical work, the same intervals of time between pulse beats are unshakably maintained. I have a young, healthy heart. The pulse is steadily rhythmic, 72 beats per minute. I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. The pulse is steadily rhythmic - 72 beats per minute. All time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. All time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same.

Through various difficulties, through physical work, all the time intervals between pulse beats remain exactly the same. I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. I have a young, healthy, stable, healthy heart. All time intervals between pulse beats through intense physical work remain exactly the same. All pulse beats are of the same normal strength. All pulse beats are of the same normal strength of a young, healthy heart.

The brain-spinal cord with enormous, colossal stability correctly controls the functioning of the heart. I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. The brain-spinal cord with enormous, colossal stability correctly controls the functioning of the heart. And therefore, through all the unusual stress, through a very long stay in a very hot steam room, through prolonged physical work, through a long fast run or fast walk, the heart unshakably continues to work steadily normally and the normal pulse is unshakably maintained - 72 beats per minute. All time intervals between pulse beats remain exactly the same. All pulse beats are of great-equal-normal strength of a young, healthy, heroic heart.

I have a young, healthy heart. Heart sounds are clear, pure, of normal height, normal volume of a young, healthy heart. The heart continually restores its pristine youthful freshness day and night. All muscles constantly restore their pristine youthful freshness, youthful sonority, and therefore the heart sounds are constantly high, clear, clean, of normal youthful height, normal volume, day and night. Young-youthful tones of a healthy-young-youthful heart.

I have a young, healthy, strong heart. All time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. All pulse beats are of great, equal normal strength. I am trying hard to learn to suppress all my doubts that I have a young, healthy heart. I try to limitlessly believe that I have a young, healthy heart.

Constantly, continuously, the heart restores its pristine youthful freshness, accumulates more and more youthful energy. A young, young, energetic life is born again in my heart. A young, young, energetic life is born in my heart. The reserve power of the heart is constantly increasing. And it becomes easier and easier for the heart to work. It becomes absolutely easy for the heart to work, absolutely easy. And therefore, in the area of ​​the heart there is a pleasant feeling of peace and lightness. The heart is light, light, light-free. In the area of ​​the heart it is pleasantly calm. Breathe easily and freely. Your heart gets healthier and gets stronger. Continuously day and night he gets healthier, his heart gets stronger, he becomes more and more strong. A young, healthy, heroic heart easily, jokingly drives blood throughout the body. A young, heroic heart easily, jokingly, with brave prowess, drives blood throughout the body. Your heart gets healthier and gets stronger. Every day, every hour, my heart gets healthier and stronger.

All blood vessels in the entire body are eternally, constantly, equally, evenly open along their entire length. And my young, healthy blood flows in an eternal, fast, free flow through all the blood vessels and constantly, continuously, cleanses all the blood vessels. My young, healthy, energetic blood completely washes away all salt deposits and all metabolic products from all the walls of blood vessels. All blood vessels are pristinely clean, newborn-clean. I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. Throughout the body, all blood vessels are pristinely clean. Throughout the body, all blood vessels are pristinely clean. Newborn-clean all blood vessels. And my young, young, healthy blood flows in an eternal, fast, free flow through all the blood vessels, constantly, forever, cleansing all the blood vessels and restoring the pristine youthful freshness of all the blood vessels of the heart.

All blood vessels are of pristine youthful freshness, smooth and even. All blood vessels are young and energetic, like those of a healthy young person. My young, young, healthy blood continuously restores the pristine, youthful freshness of all blood vessels and fills all blood vessels with young, youthful vitality. And therefore, all the veins push blood more and more strongly and energetically to the very heart. I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. My young, young, healthy blood constantly, continuously restores the pristine, youthful freshness of all blood vessels and fills all blood vessels with more and more young, young vital energy. And therefore, every day, all the veins push blood to the heart stronger and more energetically, making the heart’s work easier and improving overall blood circulation throughout the body, throughout the body, throughout the entire body.

Throughout the body, from the crown to the tips of the fingers and toes, there is free, absolutely free blood circulation. And therefore, throughout the whole body there is a pleasant feeling of boundless, boundless freedom. The whole body seems light and weightless. The gait is light and fast. I walk as if I were flying on wings, I don’t feel the weight of my body. A young, healthy, heroic heart easily, jokingly, with great force drives blood throughout the body. A young, healthy, heroic heart with valiant prowess drives blood throughout the body and fills me with more and more young, youthful energy. Energy is in full swing, I always want to do something, work. My mental and physical performance is constantly increasing. Your heart gets healthier and gets stronger. The reserve reserve power of the heart is continuously increasing. And if necessary, the heart can work with enormous power. The young heroic heart works with
enormous, colossal internal stability.

The brain becomes more and more energetic and does not allow any harmful influences of the external environment or any worries into the heart. The heart lives and works under the eternal protection of the brain. I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. Every day, the brain becomes stronger and more energetic in preventing any harmful influences from the external environment or any worries from entering the heart. The heart lives and works under the eternal protection of the brain. The heart lives a healthy, full-blooded life under the protection of the brain. My young, young, healthy, energetic blood flows in an eternal, fast, continuous stream through all the blood vessels inside the heart itself and constantly, forever washes the heart clean. And therefore the heart inside is constantly, eternally, pristinely pure.

Blood carries abundant nutrition to the heart. Everything that the heart needs for energetic work, life and continuous, constant restoration of strength, restoration of pristine youthful freshness, all the blood brings to it in abundance. And a young, healthy heart grows stronger every day and increases its internal stability. The internal stability of the heart is ten times stronger, a hundred times stronger than all the harmful influences of the external environment. And therefore, through all the difficulties and adversities of life, the heart continues to work unshakably steadily.

Through any difficulties, through hard physical work, a normal, steadily rhythmic pulse of 72 beats per minute is unshakably maintained. All time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. Through hard physical work, all the time intervals between pulse beats unshakably remain exactly the same. All pulse beats are of the same, large-normal strength of a young, healthy, heroic heart.

Through all the difficulties of life, through hard physical work, the heart unshakably continues to work.
melting steadily is normal. The pulse is steadily rhythmic - 72 beats per minute. Heart sounds are clear, clean, normal height, normal volume. Blood pressure is stable-stable-normal 120/80.

Young-young-healthy-strong heart. I have a young, youthful, tireless, healthy heart. Every day, every hour, the heart becomes healthier and accumulates more and more young energy. Every day the heart becomes stronger, more powerful. The reserve power of the heart is constantly increasing. The reserve power of the heart is constantly increasing. And if necessary, the heart can work with enormous power.

I have a young, healthy heart. Every day, every hour, my heart gets healthier and stronger. A healthy blush on all cheeks becomes brighter and brighter. Every day, every hour, my heart gets healthier and stronger. A young, healthy blush on all cheeks becomes brighter and brighter.

Every day I become a more and more energetic person. My mental and physical performance is constantly increasing. And therefore, at the end of the working day, I feel as fresh, untired, full of strength and energy as when I woke up in the morning, as if I had not worked at all.

I have a younger, stronger heart. A young, healthy, heroic heart. I have a tireless, young, young, healthy heart. A young, tirelessly heroic heart. A young, youthful, strong heart with valiant prowess drives blood throughout the body and fills me with more and more young, youthful vital energy. And therefore I am completely filled with the triumph of a young, young life. Your heart gets healthier and gets stronger. I am completely filled with the joyful, victorious triumph of a young, young life. Your heart gets healthier and gets stronger. I am completely filled with the joyful, victorious triumph of a young, young life. A young, energetic life is born in me again.
Every day I become a healthier, stronger person. My health is becoming more and more stable every day. Sergey 03:07 31-Mar-2017:

Downloaded to try to improve heart function through mood

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Be sure to read the information below. Because this psychological trick can restore the heart rate and maintain it in a normal state without the use of drug therapy.

Mood words against arrhythmia

The words are based on the following:

  1. Doubt is completely eliminated - the author uses the boundless boldness of faith. The words are aimed at making the patient imagine himself as recovered.
  2. We are talking about rejuvenation of the entire body, which leads to mobilization and biological changes. Setting yourself up for youth, strength and excellent health is important, since the brain is directly interconnected with a person’s physical characteristics. We can recall cases when completely healthy people constantly complain of pain and poor health. As a result, diseases develop. But official medicine has also recorded situations in the world where even cancer patients were healed by the power of words and self-confidence.
  3. The text also talks about how all cells of the body are restored, especially the brain and spinal cord. After all, they help improve health, increase energy reserves, and manage organs.
  4. A lot of words have been said about the steadfastness of the heart, which is an important aspect for arrhythmia. This is the stability of the time intervals between impacts, which corresponds to the norm. This cannot be influenced by stressful situations or any other factors.
  5. It is necessary to talk about the state of the circulatory system, since common cause arrhythmia is vascular atherosclerosis. It talks about the normal passage of blood through the veins, their cleanliness and freedom of blood flow in the most small capillaries and the largest arteries. Thanks to such sayings, the heart will be fully saturated with oxygen and useful substances, which will eliminate the risk of conditions such as heart attack.
  6. You need to indicate the desired blood pressure and number of pulse beats, saying this repeatedly.
  7. The mood ends with words about a heroic, youthful heart, an easy gait and the absence of heaviness.

Listen to the recorded speech in the video presented and feel how effective Sytin’s method is:

Who is Georgy Sytin?

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is a world-famous scientist who has developed an amazing technique for improving the health of the entire body.

His academic titles and achievements:

  1. G. Sytin was the President of the All-Union Methodological Scientific Center for Psychological Support of Humanity and Non-Drug Therapy.
  2. He is a doctor of many sciences - medical, pedagogical, psychological, philosophical. And not only in Russia, but also in Brussels and Belgium.
  3. Commander and Knight of the Order of Science, Education and Culture.
  4. He holds the title of President of Sytin University of international significance in Moscow, Brussels and New York.
  5. At the World Information Distributed University he is vice-president.
  6. He is a member of scientific councils and presidiums of congresses on profession and health.
  7. In psychosomatic rehabilitation he holds the title of honorary professor of medical and social rehabilitation, and was the head of the department.

Briefly about the biography

Born on August 30, 1921 in the Kyrgyz town of Osh. He is Russian by origin, but due to the prevailing circumstances of that time (they were hiding from persecution), his parents were forced to leave the capital of their homeland - Moscow.

Sytin often asked himself various psychological questions. For example, about the line that humanity cannot cross. He was interested in the problems of prejudice - he could not understand why the majority of people adhere to stereotyped attitudes, monotonous behavior and thoughts.

He managed to contact psychologist Kornilov K.N. - author of the book “Education of the Will”, in which Georgy found many answers. The professor agreed to take Sytin as a student after receiving his education. Then the future scientist entered 3 higher educational institutions simultaneously and successfully mastered the materials of all institutes.

But soon came the Great Patriotic War. Sytin was discharged after being wounded eight times. For 3 months he was in serious condition in the hospital, after which he was assigned disability group 1. The attending doctor announced the verdict - life would soon end.

Due to his character, Georgy decided to fight and overcome his disease, which surprised the doctors after another study. However, the doctor did not accept medications, and was engaged in self-tuning. And today his technique is considered internationally recognized and well-founded.

The principle of action of the mood against arrhythmia

Since biblical times it has been known that the word has special power, so Sytin took advantage of this. The operating principle was based on studying the following:

  1. Conspiracies that healers used to treat the sick.
  2. Ancient prayers that were used by believers.
  3. Spells that witches cast.
  4. Psychology based on the perception of words.
  5. Medicine that explains why arrhythmia occurs and what promotes treatment.

It was the knowledge gained during the study of such aspects that made it possible to create a unique methodology called SOEVUS, which means management method human condition through mental and somatic speech influence.

The technique is based on concentration kind words with semantic elements. These are individual formulas with high efficiency, and it is not advisable to edit them. Phrases need to be repeated in a certain rhythm, thanks to which a mood for healing is born in the person’s brain. Then it gets stronger and stronger.

It is known that the brain is capable of storing all information about a person’s life, including the time of full health and the development of pathology. Therefore, SOEVUS controls all organs through the nervous system, which transmits impulses to the brain, after which the blood supply to the body increases, the cells are saturated with oxygen and nutrients. Energy and strength appear, the person feels healthy. But the most important thing is that the affected organs heal themselves.

The effectiveness of the mood against arrhythmia

When a person utters a phrase that his heart hurts, this indirectly creates negative energy. If he says that he has a strong will, then all doubts are suppressed. This is the basis for the effectiveness of Sytin’s technique, which gives excellent results. SOEVUS has the following effects:

  • the life position is stimulated;
  • personality is activated;
  • volitional effort develops;
  • efficiency increases;
  • self-education is carried out;
  • a sense of purpose appears;
  • mood improves;
  • confidence in recovery comes;
  • You can feel the revival of your own strength and energy reserves.

No prior preparation is required to conduct an attunement session. But there are age restrictions - up to 16 years. Children can only use the technique to overcome urinary incontinence at night.

How to properly adopt the mood?

To get a positive result, it is important to adopt the right mindset. To do this, follow these simple rules:

  1. You can pronounce the words of the technique yourself or listen to them in a sound recording or watch them in a video. How to do this is up to the patient to decide, since one person does not perceive information when listening, but for another it is The best way master the material.
  2. It is advisable to speak the text yourself so that you can hear your own voice. But first, you can use the video tutorial.
  3. The “prayer” must be stated with confidence in a firm and business-like tone. Pathos is excluded.
  4. If you don’t have the opportunity to say the text out loud or listen to it on audio throughout the day, do it silently or in a whisper.
  5. Try to use any free minute to get into the mood (for example, instead of playing computer games or lying on the couch doing nothing). You can listen and speak while preparing dinner, cleaning, etc. But do not lose focus on the words. If you have the opportunity to listen to the text through headphones, do it on the way to work.
  6. Try to remember all the words, which will help you apply the method at any time of the day and under different circumstances.
  7. But don’t just remember the mood, but try to merge with it in order to get complete compliance with it. This is the only way you can increase efficiency and speed up results.

If you do not know how to independently configure yourself to convincingly master the material, use a mindset that enhances volitional attention. You will find his words in this video:

How does official medicine relate to the technique?

Official medicine fully recognizes psychosomatic methods of therapy, and Sytin’s method of healing sets patients up for positive emotions. With his good health and long life (he turned 94 in 2015, and he was full of strength and energy), Sytin proved the effectiveness of his own method.

Over the years, scientists have conducted repeated studies of patients with arrhythmia, recording all indicators and changes. As it turned out, the result exceeded the expectations of doctors. The professor's theory was confirmed.

The effectiveness of SOEVUS has been confirmed by science, however, in many cases, in addition to psychosomatics, doctors strongly recommend the use of drug therapy. Moreover, it is unknown whether every person will be able to assimilate and accept the mood so effectively.

I try my best with God's help to be as bright as possible - as

Divinely healthy heart. Lord, I ask you, help me how

you can remember and feel your

a newborn-young, heroically powerful heart. With God's help - with

you can more vividly remember and feel your newborn-young

Divinely healthy heart. With God's help I do my best

I try to be as bright as possible - as bright as possible

remember-feel my newborn-young heroically strong

A divinely healthy heart is an ideally healthy young heart. WITH

With God's help, I try my best to be as bright as possible - as

you can more vividly remember and feel my divinely healthy youth

heart - a heroically strong young heart - Divine

strong young heart.

remember: when I run, I fly like a bird on wings, my legs are light as feathers,

the step is light and wide. I run - I fly like a bird on wings: my heart is bright

feels his heroic strength, his heart clearly feels the prowess

brave, the heart clearly feels the heroic strength. I'm trying my best

I try with God's help, I try my best to be as bright as possible

Remember as clearly as possible - feel young, cheerful, joyful

heart - newborn-young untouched heart -

newborn-young untouched heart.

Lord, I pray you: help me as brightly as possible - as much as possible

remember more vividly - feel my young Divinely strong

heart. I run - I fly like a bird on wings: my heart clearly feels the prowess

brave, the heart clearly feels the heroic strength. I'm running like a bird

I fly on wings, my legs are light as feathers, my step is light and wide. I'm running -

I’m flying like a bird on wings: I clearly feel the daring prowess, brightly

I feel heroic strength.

A divinely joyful heart is born - cheerful, cheerful, joyful

heart - cheerful-cheerful-joyful heart - cheerful-cheerful-joyful

the heart is a newborn-young untouched heart. Is born

newborn-young cheerful-cheerful-joyful heart -

merry-merry-laughing heart - merry-merry-laughing heart -

merry-merry-laughing heart - merry-merry-laughing heart.

A cheerful light glows more and more brightly in my eyes, my whole soul sings from

happiness, from the joy of life. The whole soul sings with happiness, with joy

The Lord God Himself pours silver into my head in a constant stream,

brighter than the sun, holy Divine light. All through the head

brightly brightly light, the whole head is brightly brightly light, in the eyes

always bright, bright light. There is always a bright, bright light in the eyes.

The Lord God Himself pours into my heart in a constant stream brighter than the sun

holy-silver Divine light. Permanent in my heart

the holy silvery Divine light flows in like a stream, brighter than the sun.

My heart is filled with Divine light, my heart is always, constantly

filled with light - Divine light - holy silvery, brighter

sun, the heart is filled with Divine light.

In the area of ​​the heart, easy-free - easy-calm - easy-calm in

areas of the heart.

A newborn young untouched heart is born. Is born

Divinely healthy untouched heart. Is born

newborn-young, newborn-young is born - Divine

healthy untouched heart. The divinely young untouched is born

I try my best to be as bright as possible - as bright as possible

remember-feel my newborn-young

merry-merry-joyful heart. The Lord God Himself is a constant stream

pours into me an eternally new - an eternally new Divine joy of life.

The Lord God Himself pours into my heart eternally new things in a constant stream.

Divine joy of life. A divinely joyful heart is born,

a Divine-joyful-joyful-joyful heart is born.

A merry-merry-laughing heart is born, a merry-merry laughing heart

heart. The whole soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life. Merry Light

everything is brighter - it glows more and more brightly in my eyes, my whole soul sings with happiness,

from the joy of life. I'm always, constantly completely full forever

new Divine joy of life. I'm always, constantly all through

filled with the eternally new Divine joy of life.

At the command of the Savior, a cheerful, cheerful, joyful heart is born,

merry-merry-laughing heart, merry-merry laughing heart.

Inside the heart itself, newborn-free, inside the heart itself

newborn-free - newborn-free blood circulation.

Inside the heart itself it is spacious, spacious, inside the heart itself

spacious and free. Inside the heart itself is spacious and free.

All blood vessels inside the heart itself are uniformly dilated

the entire length. Inside the heart itself, like a river in flood, blood flows

an ever wider - ever wider free joyful flow.

Like a river in flood, the blood flows inside the heart ever wider -

an ever wider free joyful flow.

The blood provides my heart with an abundance of excellent, nutritious nutrition.

Everything the heart needs for life, work, constant rejuvenation - everything

blood brings him in abundance. In complete contentment - in complete contentment

contentment, merrily and joyfully - a young heart lives merrily and joyfully.

The heart is always, constantly overflowing with eternally new Divine joy

Inside the heart itself it is spacious and spacious. Inside the heart itself

spacious and free. Inside the heart itself is spacious and free. All

the heart area is light-light-light-weightless, the entire heart area

light-light-light-weightless. I run - I fly like a bird on wings: brightly

I feel my brave prowess, I clearly feel my heroic strength.

At the command of the Lord God himself, a constant stream flows into me.

colossal energy - colossal Divine holy pure

energy. I try my best to be as bright as possible - as possible

feel the colossal energy of youth more clearly throughout your body. WITH

the inexhaustible energy of youth flows into me in a constant stream. In

the colossal inexhaustible energy of youth is in full swing throughout the body. I

more and more brightly - more and more brightly I feel like a newborn youth

energetically-fast - energetically-fast. It flows into me

newborn-youthful fast energy. A colossal

Divine pure energy. The holy Divine flows into me

the energy of life.

With God's help, I am becoming more and more bright - I feel more and more brighter

energetic - more and more energetic - more and more active - more and more

fast. With God's help I am becoming brighter - I feel more and more bright

more energetic - more and more energetic - more and more fast. WITH

With God's help, I feel more and more clearly: the colossal

the inexhaustible energy of youth flows into me in a constant stream. I

I try my best to be as bright as possible - as bright as possible

feel more and more energetic - more and more energetic - everything

more energetic.

The Lord God Himself pours into me a constant round-the-clock stream

pure holy divine power. The Lord God Himself is a constant stream

pours pure Divine holy power into me. I'm becoming more and more bright -

I feel more and more clearly the influx of ever new - ever new Divine

strength With God's help, I try my best to be as bright as possible -

feel physically stronger as much as possible -

more and more strong - more and more strong. With God's help I do my best

I try to feel as brightly as possible - to feel as brightly as possible

yourself heroic strength. I'm getting brighter - I'm feeling brighter and brighter

heroically strong. Heroic youth is born in me. By

At the command of the Lord God himself, heroic youth is born in me.

With God's help, I try my best to be as bright as possible - as

you can more clearly feel the heroic strength throughout your body.

Heroic strength is born in my shoulders - in my hands.

Heroic youth is born in my shoulders - in my hands.

Heroically strong young shoulders are born, heroically strong young shoulders are born

strong young hands. Heroic strength is born in my feet.

Heroic youth is born at my feet. I'm getting more and more bright - everything

I feel more powerfully powerful. With God's help I am

feel like a physically stronger person - more and more

A heroic, powerful, healthy force is born throughout my entire body.

A heroic, powerful, healthy heart is born. Is born

a newborn is a young, untouched heart. Is born

a newborn-young-heroic-mighty untouched heart.

A Divinely strong is born - a Divinely strong young heart.

I try my best to be as bright as possible - as much as possible

feel brightly Divinely strong - Divinely strong young

heart. I try my best to be as bright as possible - as possible

feel more clearly the Divinely powerful - Divinely powerful

healthy heart. I try my best to be as bright as possible - like

one can more clearly feel the Divinely strong - Divine

strong young heart.

I can work all day long without feeling tired. I can

work with fresh strength, with great energy all day long,

without knowing fatigue. After a whole day of work I'm human

cheerful-cheerful-fresh-energetic. After a whole day of work, all my soul

sings with happiness, with the joy of life. After a whole day of working inside me

the colossal, inexhaustible energy of youth is in full swing.

I am born heroically strong newborn-young


Divine power. The Lord God Himself pours a constant stream into my

heart the holy Divine energy of life. The Lord God Himself is constant

the saint pours into my heart like a stream, brighter than the sun, silvery

Divine Light. The Lord God Himself flows into the

my heart is holy, brighter than the sun, silvery Divine light. My

the heart is filled with Divine light. My heart is always, always

filled with Divine light.

The Lord God Himself pours into me as a saint in a constant stream

silver, brighter than the sun, holy, brighter than the sun, Divine light. I

all through and through, always, constantly filled with Divine light. I

always - constantly filled with Divine light. The whole body is fulfilled

Divine light. My heart is always, constantly filled with light -

Divine light. The entire area of ​​the heart - the entire area of ​​the heart - the entire

bright-bright-light. Whole heart area

light-light-light-weightless. Whole heart area

light-light-light-weightless. In the area of ​​the heart it is easy and free,


And the blood flows in a cheerful, joyful stream - in a cheerful, joyful stream

inside the heart. Blood in a cheerful, joyful, swift flow

washes-washes-washes the heart, washes away all the salts from the heart,

all the toxins, all the products of metabolism, washes away all the salts from the heart, all

toxins, all metabolic products are washed out of the heart. Blood

a cheerful-joyful-rushing stream washes-washes-washes

heart, washes away all salts, all toxins, all metabolic products from the heart.

A newborn - pure - Divinely pure heart is born.

Divinely pure - A divinely pure heart is born. Is born

newborn-young - newborn-young - Divine

pure untouched heart. A divinely pure heart is born -

Divinely pure untouched heart.

And the blood, in a cheerful, joyful stream, brings beautiful things to the heart in abundance.

complete nutrition. In complete contentment - in complete contentment

A young heart lives merrily and joyfully. In complete contentment - in complete

A young heart lives in contentment, merrily and joyfully. In complete contentment

In complete contentment, merrily and joyfully, merrily and joyfully, the young live

A happy heart rests carefree - Divinely happy -

newborn happy untouched heart - Divinely happy

untouched heart.

Newborn happiness - newborn happiness fills the heart. By

at the command of God, newborn happiness - newborn happiness fills

heart. Newborn happy - Divinely happy is born

heart. A divinely happy heart is born.

The Lord God Himself pours the Divine into my heart with a constant stream.

healing and rejuvenating power. The Lord God Himself is a constant stream

pours rejuvenating and healing Divine power into my heart.

The Divinely Young is born - Divinely

young - newborn-young - newborn-young -

newborn-young untouched heart. Divinely healthy is born

Newborn healthy intact heart.

A divinely healthy rhythmic-rhythmic-rhythmic heart is born.

A healthy, regular rhythmic pulse is born. Born healthy

correct rhythmic pulse 72-72 beats per minute. All intervals

time between pulse beats are the same, all time intervals between

pulse beats are the same.

All pulse beats are of the same normal strength

a young, cheerful, healthy heart. All pulse beats are the same

the normal strength of a young, healthy, cheerful heart.

All time intervals between pulse beats are the same, all beats

pulse of the same normal strength of a young heart. Is born

rhythmic-rhythmic healthy heart. Born Divine

correct - perfect correct activity hearts. Is born

Divinely correct - ideally correct work of the heart. Heart

works divinely right - perfectly right.

Day and night - around the clock the heart lives Divinely healthy

full-blooded-joyful-cheerful life, full-blooded-joyful-cheerful

life. The ideally healthy is born, the ideally healthy is born -

Divinely healthy - a newborn healthy untouched heart. I

I try my best with God's help to be as bright as possible - as

you can more vividly remember and feel my young heart,

remember-feel my newborn-young - newborn-strong

untouched heart - Divinely cheerful - Divine

merry-joyful heart, joyful-joyful-joyful heart.

The Lord God Himself flows into my heart with a constant stream of eternally new

Divine joy of life. Divinely cheerful is born -

Divinely cheerful - Divinely joyful heart. Is born

Divinely cheerful - Divinely joyful heart.

The Lord God Himself pours a constant stream of holy

Divine power. The Divinely Strong is born - Divinely

strong healthy heart. The Divinely powerful is born - Divinely

powerful healthy heart: I can walk at a brisk pace for hours on end,

without knowing fatigue. Breathing is easy and free, the step is light and wide,

the legs are light as feathers, the step is light and wide, the step is light and wide.

Breathing is light-free, silent-inaudible free breathing.

I'm walking - I'm flying like a bird on wings, I'm walking - I'm flying like a bird on wings, legs

light as feathers, light-wide step, light-wide step.

Breathing is easy - free, silent, inaudible free breathing.

I try my best to be as bright as possible - as bright as possible

remember-feel my newborn-young - newborn-young

untouched heart, divinely healthy - ideally healthy -

newborn healthy untouched heart. With God's help I'm doing my best

I try my best to always, constantly, vividly, vividly remember to feel my

newborn-young - newborn-young - newborn-young

Divinely healthy - Divinely healthy untouched heart. I'm from

I try my best to be as bright as possible - as bright as possible

feel newborn-young Divinely healthy - Divinely

healthy untouched heart, Divinely strong - Divine

strong untouched heart, Divinely powerful - Divinely powerful

untouched heart. I try my best with God's help

as brightly as possible - feel as brightly as possible in the area of ​​the heart

ease-calmness. In the area of ​​the heart it is easy and calm, in the area

hearts are easily calm.

The entire heart area is light-light-light-weightless. Entire region

hearts - all bright-bright-light through and through. The entire area of ​​the heart - the entire

through and through bright-bright-light. The entire area of ​​the heart - all the way through

filled with holy silver, brighter than the sun, Divine light

the entire area of ​​the heart is filled.

I am completely filled with Divine light, my whole body is filled

Divine light. I feel more and more vividly - I feel more and more vividly: I

completely filled with Divine light. With God's help

with help, I feel more and more clearly - I feel more and more clearly: I am completely

filled through and through with holy healing, holy silvery Divine