Hello reader. Today I want to talk about the characters of Pokemon. As you can see, the character in the picture is marked with the number “1” (number 2 shows where the Pokemon was caught). Each Pokemon has a character. It depends on him which stats will prevail and which will decrease. And also the character of a Pokemon affects the attitude towards Pokeblocks. In this article I will tell you what types of character there are and how they affect the Pokemon. I divided all the characters into several types, thinking that it would be more convenient. So, let's begin:

Neutral character type

Hardy (hardy) - there is no prevailing and decreasing stat. There is no favorite or least favorite pokeblock.
Docile (obedient) - there is no prevailing and decreasing stat. There is no favorite or least favorite pokeblock.
Serious (serious) - there is no prevailing and decreasing stat. There is no favorite or least favorite pokeblock.
Bashful (shy) - no prevailing and decreasing stats. There is no favorite or least favorite pokeblock.
Quirky (quirky) - no prevailing and decreasing stats. There is no favorite or least favorite pokeblock.

Attacking character type
Lonely (lonely) - attack prevails, defense decreases. Favorite pokeblock is Red, least favorite is Yellow.
Adament (persistent) - attack prevails, special decreases. attack. Favorite pokeblock is Red, least favorite is Green.
Brave (brave) - attack prevails, speed decreases. Favorite pokeblock Red (red), least favorite Blue (blue)
Naughty (mischievous) - attack prevails, special decreases. protection. Favorite pokeblock Red (red), least favorite Purple (purple)

Protective character type
Bold (brave) - defense prevails, attack decreases. Favorite pokeblock Yellow (yellow), unfavorite Red (red)
Relaxed - defense prevails, speed decreases. Favorite pokeblock Yellow (yellow), unfavorite Blue (blue)
Impish (evil) - defense prevails, special decreases. attack. Favorite pokeblock Yellow (yellow), unfavorite Green (green)

Speed ​​character type
Timid (timid) - speed prevails, attack decreases. Favorite pokeblock Blue (blue), unfavorite Red (red)
Hasty (obedient) - speed prevails, defense decreases. Favorite pokeblock Blue (blue), unfavorite Yellow (yellow)
Jolly (cheerful) - speed prevails, special decreases. attack. Favorite pokeblock Blue (blue), least favorite Green (green)
Naive (naive) - speed prevails, specials decrease. protection. Favorite pokeblock Blue (blue), least favorite Purple (purple)

Special character type
Lax (weak) - specials predominate. stats, defense decreases. Favorite pokeblock Yellow (yellow), least favorite Purple (purple)

Specialist. attacking character type
Modest (modest) - specials predominate. attack, attack decreases. Favorite pokeblock Green (green), unfavorite Red (red)
Mild (soft) - specials predominate. attack, defense decreases. Favorite pokeblock Green (green), unfavorite Yellow (yellow)
Quiet (quiet) - special predominates. attack, speed decreases. Favorite pokeblock Green (green), least favorite Blue (blue)
Rash (_) - specials dominate. attack, special decreases protection. Favorite pokeblock Green (green), least favorite Purple (purple)

Specialist. protective character type
Calm (calm) - special predominates. defense, attack decreases. Favorite pokeblock Purple (purple), least favorite Red (red)
Gentle (gentle) - specials predominate. protection, protection decreases. Favorite pokeblock Purple (purple), least favorite Yellow (yellow)
Sassy (sassy) - specials predominate. protection, speed decreases. Favorite pokeblock Purple (purple), least favorite Blue (blue)
Careful (cautious) - specials prevail. defense, decreasing special attack. Favorite pokeblock Purple (purple), least favorite Green (green)

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

Quirky redirects here. For the Pokémon Musical category, see Pokémon Musical. Relaxed redirects here. For the Pokémon Super Contest theme, see Visual Competition. Naughty redirects here. For the Natu belonging to McKenzie, see McKenzie → Naughty .

Natures性格 nature) are a mechanic that influences how a Pokémon's stats grow. They were introduced in Generation III.

A Pokémon"s Nature is displayed on the Pokémon"s summary screen. From Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver onward, the stats affected by a Pokémon's Nature are highlighted on their summary screens: the increased stat is notated in red text and the decreased stat is notated in blue text.



A Pokémon's Nature usually affects the value of two of its stats, ultimately increasing one of its non-stats (Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, or Speed) by 10% and decreasing another by 10%. Starting in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver , the stats increased or decreased by a Pokémon"s Nature have (respectively) a red or blue highlight on a Pokémon"s summary screen.

Generation VI
Generation VIII
  • Red for Attack
  • Yellow for Defense
  • Blue for Special Attack
  • Green for Special Defense
  • Pink for Speed

The first flower the player chooses determines the stat the Nature increases, and the second flower determines the stat it decreases. While the effect does last for the rest of the day, the player can change the nature at any time by paying Madam Celadon again. Due to the lack of breeding and Abilities, this is the only way to influence Natures in these games.

List of Natures

The following table lists each one of the 25 Natures and their effects on a Pokémon.

# Nature Increased stat Decreased stat Favorite flavor Disliked flavor
0 Hardy がんばりや - - - -
1 Lonely さみしがり Attack Defense Spicy Sour
2 Brave ゆうかん Attack Speed Spicy Sweet
3 Adamant いじっぱり Attack Sp. Attack Spicy Dry
4 Naughty やんちゃ Attack Sp. Defense Spicy Bitter
5 Bold ずぶとい Defense Attack Sour Spicy
6 Docile すなお - - - -
7 Relaxed のんき Defense Speed Sour Sweet
8 Impish わんぱく Defense Sp. Attack Sour Dry
9 Lax のうてんき Defense Sp. Defense Sour Bitter
10 Timid おくびょう Speed Attack Sweet Spicy
11 Hasty せっかち Speed Defense Sweet Sour
12 Serious まじめ - - - -
13 Jolly ようき Speed Sp. Attack Sweet Dry
14 Naive むじゃき Speed Sp. Defense Sweet Bitter
15 Modest ひかえめ Sp. Attack Attack Dry Spicy
16 Mild おっとり Sp. Attack Defense Dry Sour
17 Quiet れいせい Sp. Attack Speed Dry Sweet
18 Bashful てれや - - - -
19 Rash うっかりや Sp. Attack Sp. Defense Dry Bitter
20 Calm おだやか Sp. Defense Attack Bitter Spicy
21 Gentle おとなしい Sp. Defense Defense Bitter Sour
22 Sassy なまいき Sp. Defense Speed Bitter Sweet
23 Careful しんちょう Sp. Defense Sp. Attack Bitter Dry
24 Quirky きまぐれ - - - -

Stat-focused table

As each Nature uniquely boosts one stat and hinders another, the 25 Natures may also be arranged into a table such as the one shown below.

Nature table
No change ↘ Decreased stat ↓
(disliked flavor)
Increased stat
(favorite flavor)
Hardy Lonely Adamant Naughty Brave
Bold Docile Impish Lax Relaxed
Modest Mild Bashful Rash Quiet
Calm Gentle Careful Quirky Sassy
Timid Hasty Jolly Naive Serious

Other applications


"s form upon evolution is determined by its Nature.

Previous evolution Friendship evolution Later evolution
Toxel is the lowest in its line
Level 30+
(Hardy, Brave, Adamant, Naughty, Docile, Impish, Lax,
Hasty, Jolly, Naive, Rash, Sassy, ​​or Quirky Nature)

Amped Form
Toxtricity does not evolve
Level 30+
(Lonely, Bold, Relaxed, Timid, Serious, Modest
Mild, Quiet, Bashful, Calm, Gentle, or Careful Nature)

Low Key Form
Toxtricity does not evolve

Battle Palace

Main article: Battle Palace

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga

In other languages

Language Title
Cantonese 性格 Singgaak
Mandarin 性格 Xìnggé
Hungarian Termeszet
성격 Seonggyeok
Portuguese Natureza
Russian Character Kharakter
Turkish Mizaç
Vietnamese Tinh ách

Specific Natures

Kana Rōmaji Hangul Romanized Hanzì Romanized
Adamant いじっぱり Ijippari Rigide Hart Decisa Firme 고집 Gojip 固執 / 固执 Gùzhí / Gujāp
Bashful てれや Tereya Pudique Zaghaft Ritrosa Timida 수줍음 Sujup-eum 害羞 Hàixiū / Hoihsāu
Bold ずぶとい Zubutoi Assure Kuhn Sicura Osada 대담 Daedam 大膽 / 大胆 Dàdǎn / Daaihdáam
Brave ゆうかん Yūkan Brave Mutig Audace Audaz 용감 Yonggam 勇敢 Yǒnggǎn / Yúhnggám
Calm おだやか Odayaka Calme Still Calma Serena 차분 Chabun 溫和 / 温和 Wēnhé/Wānwòh
Careful しんちょう Shincho Prudent Sacht Cauta Cauta 신중 Sinjung 慎重 Shènzhòng / Sahnjuhng
Docile すなお Sunao Docile Sanft Docile Docil 온순 Onsun 坦率 Tǎnshuài / Táansēut
Gentle おとなしい Otonashii Gentil Zart Gentile Amable 얌전 Yamjeon 溫順 / 温顺 Wēnshùn / Wānseuhn
Hardy がんばりや Ganbariya Hardi Robust Ardita Fuerte 노력 Noryeok 勤奮 / 勤奋 Qínfèn/Kàhnfáhn
Hasty せっかち Sekkachi Pressé Hastig Lesta Activa 성급 Seonggeup 急躁 Jizào/Gapchou
Impish わんぱく Wanpaku Malin Pfiffig Scaltra Agitada 장난꾸러기 Jangnankkureogi 淘氣 / 淘气 Táoqì / Tòuhhei
Jolly ようき Yōki Jovial Froh Allegra Alegre 명랑 Myeongrang 爽朗 Shuǎnglǎng / Sónglóhng
Lax のうてんき Nōtenki Lâche Lasch Fiacca Floja 촐랑 Chullang 樂天 / 乐天 Lètiān / Lohktīn
Lonely さみしがり Samishigari Solo Solo Schiva Huraña 외로움 Oeroum 怕寂寞 Pàjímò / Pàjìmò / Pajihkmohk
Mild おっとり Ottori Doux Mild Mite Afable 의젓 Yijeot 慢吞吞 Màntūntūn / Maahntāntān
Modest ひかえめ Hikaeme Modest Mäßig Modesta Modesta 조심 Josim 內斂 / 内敛 Nèiliàn / Nèiliǎn / Noihlihm
Naive むじゃき Mujaki Naïf Naiv Ingenua Ingenua 천진난만 Cheonjinnanman 天真 Tiānzhēn / Tīnjān
Naughty やんちゃ Yancha Mauvais Frech Birbona Picara 개구쟁이 Gaegujaeng-i 頑皮 / 顽皮 Wánpí/Wàahnpèih
Quiet れいせい Reisei Discreet Ruhig Quieta Mansa 냉정 Naengjeong 冷靜 / 冷静 Lěngjìng / Láahngjihng
Quirky きまぐれ Kimagure Bizarre Kauzig Furba Rara 변덕 Byeongdeok 浮躁 Fúzào / Fàuhchou
Rash うっかりや Ukkariya Foufou Hitzig Ardente Alocada 덜렁 Deolleong 馬虎 / 马虎 Mǎhū / Mǎhu / Māfū
Relaxed のんき Nonki Relax Locker Placida Placida 무사태평 Musataepyeong 悠閒 / 悠闲 Yōuxian / Yàuhhàahn
Sassy なまいき Namaiki Malpoli Forsch Vivace Grosera 건방 Geonbang 自大 Zìdà/Jihdaaih
Serious まじめ Majime Serieux Ernst Seria Seria 성실 Seongsil 認真 / 认真 Rènzhēn / Yihngjān
Timid おくびょう Okubyō Timide Scheu Timida Miedosa 겁쟁이 Geopjaeng-i 膽小 / 胆小 Dǎnxiǎo / Dáamsíu

Characters(English Nature, Japanese せいかく) describe the nature of a Pokemon. They were introduced into third generation, and also exist in the fifth and fourth. There are 25 character types in total.

Personality affects the growth of a Pokémon's stats, usually increasing one by 10% and decreasing another by 10%. Personality also affects what foods a Pokémon likes to eat and what it doesn't like. Changing stats and favorite/least favorite flavor are connected (if Attack increases, then favorite flavor is Spicy and vice versa).

Character types

Character English Name Japanese Name Increases stat Reduces stat Favorite food Least favorite food
Diligent Hardy がんばりや - - - -
Lonely Lonely さみしがり Attack Protection Spicy Sour
Brave Brave ゆうかん Attack Speed Spicy Sweet
Inflexible Adamant いじっぱり Attack Specialist. Attack Spicy Dry
Mischievous Naughty やんちゃ Attack Specialist. Protection Spicy Gorkaya
Brave Bold ずぶとい Protection Attack Sour Spicy
Susceptible Docile すなお - - - -
Relaxed Relaxed のんき Protection Speed Sour Sweet
Playful Impish わんぱく Protection Specialist. Attack Sour Dry
Lethargic Lax のうてんき Protection Specialist. Protection Sour Gorkaya
Timid Timid おくびょう Speed Attack Sweet Spicy
Swift Hasty せっかち Speed Protection Sweet Sour
Serious Serious まじめ - - - -
Glad Jolly ようき Speed Specialist. Attack Sweet Dry
Naive Naive むじゃき Speed Specialist. Protection Sweet Gorkaya
Restrained Modest ひかえめ Specialist. Attack Attack Dry Spicy
Soft Mild おっとり Specialist. Attack Protection Dry Sour
Quiet Quiet れいせい Specialist. Attack Speed Dry Sweet
Shy Bashful てれや - - - -
Reckless Rash うっかりや Specialist. Attack Specialist. Protection Dry Gorkaya
Calm Calm おだやか Specialist. Protection Attack Gorkaya Spicy
Gentle Gentle おとなしい Specialist. Protection Protection Gorkaya Sour
Bold Sassy なまいき Specialist. Protection Speed Gorkaya Sweet
Careful Careful しんちょう Specialist. Protection Specialist. Attack Gorkaya Dry
Strange Quirky きまぐれ - - - -

Rather than just being a superficial personality , Natures actually affect the growth of a Pokémon. Each nature increases one of its stats by 10% and decreases one by 10% (by the time it reaches level 100). Five natures increase and decrease the same stat and therefore have no effect.

In most cases it is preferable to have a nature that decreases either Attack or Special Attack for Pokémon whose strengths are the opposite type of attack. Espeon, for example, favors Special moves, so it"s best to use a nature that decreases its Attack since it won"t be used.


A Pokémon's nature also determines the berries it likes and dislikes. Each type of berry is linked to one stat:

  • Attack - Spicy
  • Defense - Sour
  • Speed ​​- Sweet
  • Sp. Attack - Dry
  • Sp. Defense - Bitter

The berry a Pokémon likes is the corresponding flavor of its raised stat, while the berry it dislikes is the flavor of its lowered stat.

For example, a Pokémon of Sassy nature will like Bitter berries (Special Defense is raised) and dislike Sweet berries (Speed ​​is lowered).

Natures by stat

Find which nature corresponds to your preferred stat boosts/drops.

- Attack- Defense- Sp. Atk- Sp. Def- Speed
+ DefenseBoldDocileImpishLaxRelaxed
+ Sp. AtkModestMildBashfulRashQuiet
+ Sp. DefCalmGentleCarefulQuirkySassy

Natures alphabetically

Check which stats are raised/lowered by your Pokémon's nature.

AdamantAttackSp. Atk
BashfulSp. AtkSp. Atk
CalmSp. DefAttack
CarefulSp. DefSp. Atk
GentleSp. DefDefense
ImpishDefenseSp. Atk
JollySpeedSp. Atk
LaxDefenseSp. Def
MildSp. AtkDefense
ModestSp. AtkAttack
NaiveSpeedSp. Def
NaughtyAttackSp. Def
QuietSp. AtkSpeed
QuirkySp. DefSp. Def
RashSp. AtkSp. Def
SassySp. DefSpeed