Proper sleep is very important for a pregnant woman; it is needed not only for recuperation, but also for proper development child. Until the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman does not feel much discomfort during sleep and can lie in any position.

But as soon as the belly grows, the expectant mother has problems choosing a suitable position.

Is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their back? Which position is the safest and most comfortable? More on this later.

Correct sleeping position for a pregnant woman

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman can sleep in any position. But doctors recommend accustoming yourself to proper sleep in the early stages. It is not advisable to sleep on your back for women whose belly has already become round (in some women, their belly increases from the 13th week of pregnancy). Starting from the 28th week, sleeping on your back is prohibited for medical reasons.

The most correct sleeping position is on the left side. If the baby is in transverse presentation (the fetus lies across), it is recommended to lie on the side where its head is located. But the most comfortable and beneficial position for mother and child is the position on the left side. However, it is quite difficult to sleep in one position all night, so it is recommended to make 3 to 5 turns per night (from left to right side).

Accustom yourself to sleep correctly as soon as your tummy gets bigger. If you are used to sleeping on your back, then get used to the correct position in the first weeks of pregnancy. Roll over to your left side, and to maintain this position while sleeping, place a pillow under your back.

Ideal pose: Lie on your left side, bend your right leg at the knee and place it on a pillow. Advantages of the left-sided position:

  • Improving blood circulation in the placenta, as a result of which the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients in sufficient volume;
  • Kidney function is not impaired;
  • There is no swelling of the extremities;
  • The liver functions normally;
  • No back and pelvis pain;
  • The heart and blood vessels function normally.

As for your arms, bend your left one at the elbow and place your right one on a pillow above your stomach. Do not put your hands under your head or pillow, otherwise they will become numb.

Consequences of sleeping on your back in pregnant women

Starting from the 6th month of pregnancy, sleeping and even just lying on your back is prohibited for medical reasons. In addition, this position causes physical discomfort. The uterus, which has grown greatly during this time, puts pressure on the back and internal organs.

Sleeping on your back causes fatigue and severe pain in the lower back. And due to stagnation of blood, blood pressure decreases and the pregnant woman may lose consciousness. Another dangerous consequence is that the fetus receives too little oxygen and oxygen deficiency occurs.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is still small, and therefore does not compress the inferior vena cava, as a result, blood circulates normally. But every day the embryo grows, the spine is loaded, the vena cava is compressed and blood circulation is disrupted.

The size of the uterus increases, and it compresses not only the vein, but also the internal organs. As a result of sleeping on the back, a pregnant woman may develop varicose veins. Due to deficiency and stagnation of blood, the uterus grows more slowly - this is the main reason for the prohibition of sleeping on the back.

If the expectant mother sleeps on her back at 6 months of pregnancy, the enlarged uterus will press on the inferior vena cava. As a result, blood will stop flowing in the required volume to the heart, the pressure will drop, and this threatens to faint. Due to stagnation of blood in the vessels of the lower extremities, hemorrhoids occur.

In addition, there is a risk of compression by the enlarged uterus of the kidneys, liver and other internal organs. As a result, sleeping on your back in the last trimester of pregnancy disrupts the functioning of the woman’s entire body - that’s why pregnant women should not sleep on their back.

If a woman wakes up due to painful sensations in the lower back, side or lower extremities, then it is necessary to change the position. If this doesn't help, visit a doctor. Special pillows for pregnant women will help regulate the load during rest.

Many doctors do not recommend that expectant mothers sleep on the right side, as the overall blood flow between mother and fetus is disrupted. The large uterus compresses the arteries, which transport nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the baby along with the blood.

Many women who have tried to sleep on their right side note that the fetus reacts to this position within 15 minutes. Due to oxygen deficiency, the embryo nervously moves its limbs and pushes the mother. If you notice such signs, roll over to your left side.

Expectant mothers, regardless of age, are strictly forbidden to sleep on their stomachs! To protect your child, avoid not only long sleep, but also temporary rest in this position. If you are used to sleeping like this, then accustom yourself to the correct position in the first weeks of pregnancy. Otherwise, you will harm not only yourself, but also your unborn baby.

So, let's repeat the main points:

  • Until what stage of pregnancy can you sleep on your back? - up to 12 weeks;
  • At what stage of pregnancy can you not sleep on your back? - from 28 weeks, for medical reasons;
  • Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy? - yes before 12 weeks, no after 28. In the period from 12 to 28 weeks, sleeping on your back is undesirable, but acceptable;
  • Is it possible for a pregnant woman to lie on her back? - yes, if you lie on your back for a while, it will not harm either you or the fetus.

How to make your sleep comfortable and correct

After the expectant mother has decided on a safe and comfortable position, it is necessary to take care of organizing the sleeping area. Therefore, a pregnant woman cannot do without an orthopedic mattress of medium hardness. Only such a sleeping surface will follow the curves of your body, support the spine and provide comfortable sleep for you and your child.

If a pregnant woman sleeps with her husband, then You need to buy a mattress that won’t bounce too much. After all, intense vibrations during turning over guarantee unpleasant sensations during sleep for the mother and the unborn baby.

Give preference to a double bed or sofa. Only in a spacious sleeping place can a pregnant woman fully rest.

The second important point is the pregnancy pillow.
Sometimes it happens that the fetus becomes nervous even when the mother sleeps on her left side. To increase comfort, you can line it with pillows on all sides, but it is much easier to buy one product with a special filler.

It can be a U-shaped pillow that perfectly supports the body on both sides. Thanks to it, the back relaxes and the stomach is carefully supported. Compact pillows in the shape of the letters “C” and “I” perfectly support the stomach and increase comfort while sleeping on the left side.

To get a good rest, follow these rules::

  • Nutrition must be correct, complete and timely. Don't overeat, eat more often, but in small portions. The last meal should occur 3 hours before bedtime, otherwise the stomach will not have time to digest the contents and the body will not be able to concentrate on rest.
  • Do not drink tonic drinks: tea, coffee, cocoa. Replace sweet soda with compote or filtered still water. Before going to bed, drink warm milk with honey.
  • Exercise daily: moderate physical activity will ensure sound sleep. Perform exercises for pregnant women during the daytime so that the body has time to relax after exercise.
  • Intense mental activity (reading books, complex calculations) interferes with proper rest. Only calm, quiet music will help you relax.
  • Be disciplined and stick to your daily schedule. Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Daytime naps can cause insomnia.
  • Doctors recommend walking before bed. And while you're out for a walk, open the window in the bedroom to ventilate the room, and you'll be guaranteed a good night's sleep.
  • Before going to bed, take a bath; the water temperature should not exceed 37°.
  • You can get rid of insomnia with the help of aromatherapy. Dried lemon balm, hops, thyme or rose, placed in a cotton bag near the pillow, will calm and relax. If you have an aroma lamp, use lavender oil.
  • Wear loose pajamas or a cotton nightgown at night.

Sleeping pills are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women!

Pregnant women are forced to comply with many restrictions: this applies to medications, physical activity, and nutrition. Expectant mothers should even sleep according to the rules. The correct sleeping position affects both the baby and the mother’s well-being, because at night the body, especially one that has become much heavier over several months, needs to rest. It seems that the most optimal position is on the back, but is this really so?

How to sleep during pregnancy

- in the early stages

Despite the fact that the first trimester is considered the most dangerous for the embryo, it is at this time that there are no restrictions on sleep for the mother. You can sleep in any position, because the fetus is still too small and does not put pressure on the uterus and neighboring organs.

The main thing is to be comfortable and have enough time for proper rest.

However, it is better to accustom yourself to sleep on your side from the first weeks of pregnancy, abandoning the position on your back and stomach. So to the expectant mother It will be easier later.

- in later stages

From about the middle of the second trimester, a pregnant woman’s belly becomes noticeable, but even earlier, from the 13th week, the size of the fetus causes the uterus to increase, pressing on neighboring organs.

From now on, you should not sleep on your back: there is a risk of squeezing the inferior vena cava, which runs through the spine.

Of course, when the belly begins to grow, you can no longer sleep on your stomach. This position puts a lot of pressure on the fetus. The most optimal position in the third trimester is on the left side, because... the kidney on the right is being compressed. Your legs should be placed one on top of the other or a pillow or bolster should be pressed between them.

In general, a woman needs to listen to her feelings. If after sleep she feels relaxed and full of energy, it means that the child was comfortable “sleeping” in this position. Sometimes the baby begins to kick and push while the mother is sleeping, which may indicate discomfort. In this way he is trying to tell his mother that it would not hurt to lie down differently.

In the last 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, doctors recommend sleeping half-sitting.

Why is it dangerous to sleep on your back later in life?

The main reason why it is forbidden to sleep on your back from the 3rd month of pregnancy is the pressure of the fetus on the blood vessels and spine. In the place where the uterus is located, the spine bends, i.e. it seems to be in contact with her if the woman lies on her back. Severe pain and heaviness appear in the back, pressure increases, swelling and stiffness appear in the muscles.

Compressed blood vessels affect blood circulation: the child does not receive enough nutrients, and the mother does not supply the tissues with the necessary amount of oxygen. If you lie on your back for a long time, the lack of oxygen to the brain can even lead to loss of consciousness.

The closer to childbirth, the more dangerous it is to lie on your back. The inferior vena cava, which transports blood from the lower body to the heart, is clamped. As a result, the mother may feel weak, dizzy, have trouble breathing, darkened vision, and shortness of breath. In this case, you need to immediately turn over on your side and lie there for several minutes. Your health will improve instantly.

Compression of the vena cava is fraught with the development of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Also, sleeping on your back provokes excessive stress on the bladder, so the woman will have to often run to the toilet, which also negatively affects the condition of the expectant mother. The liver, kidneys, and intestines suffer.

When sleeping and lying on his back, the child experiences an acute lack of oxygen, which is very dangerous.

What to do if a woman is used to sleeping on her back?

Firstly, to get rid of this habit, which will become harmful during pregnancy, you need to prepare for proper sleep in advance. It is advisable to try to sleep on your side already at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Secondly, you can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women, which allows you to sleep on your side. The pillow is very soft and comfortable: it acts as both support and support for the legs, and reminds mom that it is better not to roll over onto her back.

Finally, you can simply ask your husband to pay attention to his sleeping position if he wakes up, and remind him to turn over.

What influences the position of the mother's body?

The position of the mother's body affects, first of all, her well-being. A pregnant woman experiences enormous stress when walking, so it is very important to have a good rest while sleeping. During the day, the legs and spine are subject to the greatest tests, and if the body is positioned incorrectly at night, the spine will hurt even more.

If the position of the woman’s body does not suit the baby, he will feel discomfort and try to change his own position. As a result of such manipulations, the baby may take a position that is not suitable for the birth process. This is called pelvic or transverse presentation of the fetus.

When the expectant mother lies on her left side, her organs and blood vessels are not compressed. The child receives all the necessary nutrients, and the spine rests.

It is also very important to rise correctly. This should be done slowly, gradually, without jerks or sudden movements. First, you need to lie down for a few minutes after waking up, then turn on the side that is closest to the descent from the bed, lower your feet to the floor and then get up.

Expectant mothers should always take care of themselves and their baby, even while sleeping. It is very important to choose the right pajamas, natural bed linen, ventilate the room well, but also not to forget about a comfortable position. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to sleep on your stomach, and from the 13th week - on your back. This position puts enormous pressure on the mother’s internal organs, and the baby does not receive the required amount of oxygen.

This position will not allow a woman to get a good night’s sleep and rest, because the load on the spine when sleeping on her back is colossal. It is best to sleep on your left side with a soft pillow between your legs.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Can a pregnant woman sleep on her back? - this is one of hundreds of questions that the expectant mother asks. After all, now a woman’s special condition forces her to reconsider her lifestyle and change many ingrained habits. The expectant mother feels responsible for the baby and tries to exclude everything from her life that could harm him.

Her favorite coffee and evening conversations with her friends over a glass of wine are banned. You will also have to forget about morning jogging and intense workouts in the gym for a while. A pregnant woman has to avoid stressful situations, move carefully, and get more rest. And even sleeping positions have their limitations. Now not only movements, but also the chosen position of the body during rest can affect the condition and development of the fetus.

Sleeping in your favorite position may become unavailable during pregnancy

Many pregnant women understand that it is important not to put pressure on their growing belly. Therefore, first of all, they are puzzled by the questions: how to sleep so as not to harm the child? What is the best position to choose to relax and have a good rest? Is it possible to sleep on your back?

Until about 11-12 weeks, the uterus is reliably protected by the pelvic bones. Its small size allows a woman to occupy any position during wakefulness and sleep without harm to the fetus.

But by about the middle of pregnancy, lying on your back is contraindicated. In this position, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on large vessels, impeding the supply of oxygen and necessary nutrients to the fetus.

How to sleep during pregnancy

Insomnia while carrying a baby is simply unacceptable. It is important for a woman to find a comfortable position and get enough sleep. A good, full sleep restores strength and peace of mind. It provides rest to all internal systems of the body, relieves muscle tension, and has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy.

How to sleep early

One of the first signs of pregnancy is drowsiness. Many women notice from the very beginning that they constantly want to sleep, regardless of the time of day. Gynecologists consider this condition to be normal and associate it with hormonal changes in the body. In addition, he now needs twice as much strength and energy. Don't deny yourself the desire to sleep. Sleep has a beneficial effect on a woman’s general well-being and the development of pregnancy.

In the first three months, the expectant mother does not have to worry about choosing the right sleeping position. At this time, resting on the side, on the stomach and on the back will not affect the condition of the baby in any way. By the end of the 12th week, the uterus has a length of no more than 12 - 12.5 cm. It is located in a secure shelter, behind the pelvic bones.

A baby in the first trimester is still very small and sleeping in any position will not harm him

Despite the absence of prohibitions, many women from 4-5 weeks of pregnancy cannot sleep on their stomach due to hypersensitivity and soreness of the mammary glands. And the manifestations do not allow you to lie on your back early toxicosis. This position increases nausea and dizziness. Therefore, you have to immediately get used to sleeping on your side. This is a universal position for all three trimesters.

How to sleep late in life

By the time you reach the second trimester, sleeping on your side should become a habit. You can no longer turn around on your barely rounded tummy. The fundus of the uterus after 14-15 weeks begins to extend beyond the pelvic bones. If you lie on your stomach, there is a high risk of inadvertently injuring your baby. Even though the baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid, you should not put him in danger. In addition, strong compression of the uterus can cause increased tension and contraction of its walls. Which leads to the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. And after 30 weeks, lying on your stomach simply won’t work, due to its large size.

In the second trimester, you should not lie on your back for a long time. The uterus already has a decent weight. The pregnant woman feels pressure on the internal organs and surrounding tissues. By week 20, unpleasant phenomena such as lower back pain and constipation may appear. During this period, if a woman sleeps on her back, the uterus puts pressure on the largest vein in the body.

Why is it dangerous to sleep on your back later in life?

A large vessel takes a major part in blood circulation, supporting the normal functioning of the pelvic organs.

Compression of the vena cava leads to stagnation of blood in the lower part of the body, disrupting the functioning of the entire circulatory system as a whole. This phenomenon has an extremely adverse effect on the health of mother and baby.

Position of the vena cava when sleeping on your back and side

In recent months, in a supine position, pregnant women notice poor health, shortness of breath and increasing fetal activity every minute. Which indicates a lack of oxygen. Therefore, the question of whether a pregnant woman can lie on her back no longer arises. The woman herself feels that it is impossible to rest in such a position in the third trimester.

What is the best sleeping position to choose?

Most suitable option for any stage of pregnancy - sleep on your side, periodically turning in one direction or the other. And if you place a pillow under your back and between your knees, your sleep becomes more sound and less interrupted during the night. And the circulatory system functions normally, ensuring the timely supply of oxygen to the fetus and the removal of waste and toxins from the body.

It is advisable to be on your left side most of the time. It is clear that you won’t be able to sleep in one position for a long time; your legs and arms will become numb. But if possible, you should turn to the left side more often. In this way, the pressure of the growing uterus on the liver can be eliminated.

If at the next appointment the doctor discovers the transverse position of the fetus in the uterus, there is a way to change the situation. The baby can be forced to turn into the desired position. It is necessary to carefully lie down on the side towards which its head is turned. In most cases, this option works.

From 5-6 months, it is advisable to acquire special pillows for pregnant women. They will help relieve stress on the back, give the mother the opportunity to take a comfortable body position and relax. Several can be used for these purposes. regular pillows, but specially designed models are still better and more comfortable.

What is affected by body position?

The choice of position for rest and sleep can influence the development of pregnancy and the well-being of the fetus from about 12-13 weeks. At this time, the size of the uterus reaches such values ​​that it can no longer be completely protected by the pelvic bones. After another couple of weeks, the midwife will be able to feel the fundus of the uterus. It will be located approximately halfway between the navel and the pubic bone. At this stage, lying on the stomach becomes uncomfortable for the woman herself. She experiences discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen. This position at 14-15 weeks will not cause direct harm to the baby, but can lead to uterine hypertonicity. And this is already a threat to the normal bearing of the baby.

When a woman lies on her back at 15-16 weeks, this has little effect. The uterus is not big yet. But by 19-20 weeks, this position of the body is reflected in the functioning of the internal organs.
Every day the enlarged uterus puts more and more pressure on the intestines, bladder and other organs. Hence the frequent urge to urinate, swelling in the lower extremities, constipation, and flatulence. “Aching” back pain appears due to the increasing load on the spine.

If a woman lies on her back in the second or third trimester and remains in this position for some time, she experiences a number of unpleasant phenomena. There is a feeling of stuffiness, it seems that there is not enough oxygen, the head is spinning and the vision begins to darken. It becomes impossible to take a slow, deep breath, beads of sweat appear, and your heart rate increases.

Such problems arise due to strong compression of the vena cava, which ensures the outflow of blood from the lower half of the body to the main organ - the heart. Oxygen slowly enters the blood, which leads to malfunctions and disruptions in the functioning of the entire body.

IN in this case The baby also suffers. Due to circulatory disorders, fetal hypoxia may develop. The child in such a situation lacks oxygen and nutrients. Such a violation leads to weight loss and various pathologies in the development of important internal systems. First of all, the nervous system of the baby is affected. The baby born later will grow poorly and gain weight slowly. Children who have experienced hypoxia in the womb become restless and are delayed in development.

It is best to sleep on your side using special pregnancy pillows

Sleeping on your side prevents all of the problems described above. A pregnant woman does not experience any discomfort. The uterus does not create additional stress on surrounding organs. The child receives full oxygen and nutrients necessary for full development.

  • It is better not to take sleeping pills unless prescribed by a doctor;
  • It is advisable to go for a walk in the evening before going to bed and breathe fresh air;
  • it is important to ventilate the room daily, especially at night;
  • It is necessary to change bed linen more often. Fresh-smelling pillowcases and sheets are the perfect mood for bed;
  • It is advisable not to eat heavy or fatty foods 2 hours before bedtime;
  • You can’t drink coffee or strong black tea at night;
  • 3 hours before going to bed, you need to reduce your fluid intake;
  • To get rid of insomnia, it is important to follow a routine. Go to bed and get out of bed every day at a certain time;
  • If cramps prevent you from getting a full night’s sleep, you need to tell your doctor about it during your next visit. He will prescribe the necessary vitamins and minerals to eliminate the symptom;
  • if your sleep is interrupted by disturbing thoughts and experiences, try talking to your mother or friend. In special cases, it would not hurt to consult an experienced psychologist.

A correctly chosen position is the basis for a full, healthy sleep. Doctors do not recommend sleeping on your back in the second half of pregnancy. If you always fall asleep only in this position, you need to radically change your habit from the beginning of pregnancy. From the first months, try to sleep on your side, fixing a comfortable position with special pillows and bolsters.

Wondering why pregnant women can’t sleep on their backs? Does the ban vary depending on the period? When beautiful lady There are a lot of fears in your head, it’s time to quickly dispel them. A smooth pregnancy greatly depends on peace of mind.

That’s why it’s so important to provide answers to all the questions a woman might have while expecting a baby. The health of the expectant mother is hidden in every decision made (even when it comes to choosing a sleeping position).

Exciting anticipation of the baby

Everyone knows that pregnancy is the most important and unusual period in the life of any woman. She is preparing to become a mother, to continue the human race, according to the inner destiny or instructions of the Bible (“be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth”). At this time, doctors strongly recommend that family and friends be more attentive to their ladies and support them. This is especially true for “second halves”.

The body of the expectant mother undergoes significant changes literally from the first days of pregnancy. All systems and organs are being rebuilt, preparing for a smooth increase in load. First of all, it changes psychological condition, which is often associated with changes in hormonal levels of average indicators. This is why women become more capricious and sentimental, prone to sudden mood swings.

It has been proven that during pregnancy, women perceive the world a little different. Not at all like before. The behavior clearly expresses concern for the health of the unborn baby and one’s own capabilities. Fears associated with this appear, and superstitions begin to flourish. Sometimes only data from scientists who have managed to dispel some myths among pregnant women can help with excess anxiety.

Adequate rest and sleep is vital for expectant mothers! Therefore, great attention should be paid to its organization. The bed should be as comfortable as possible. An orthopedic mattress will be a rational solution at any stage of pregnancy. It is recommended to place a pillow under your head so that your spine and neck are in a straight line.

Doctors say that up to 4 months of pregnancy you can sleep in any comfortable position. But already in the middle of the development of a new life, you should more carefully reconsider your habits. The tummy becomes quite large and begins to put pressure on the internal organs. At this time, pregnant women have difficulty choosing a position for rest and sleep. After all, you need to arrange things so that the baby and mommy feel comfortable.

Among the many prohibitions, the issue of resting on the back is often discussed. What should those who feel normal in this position do? Continue in the same spirit or urgently change your previously habitual position? The answers are just below.

Why is the classic sleep position prohibited?

Increased pressure on the inferior vena cava. The rather heavy uterus puts direct pressure on the largest vein in the human body. As a result, the outflow of blood from the lower extremities to the heart is disrupted. A woman may feel dizzy and have difficulty breathing even in the absence of unnecessary movements. The reason for this is low blood flow to the left ventricle of the heart, and from it to the lungs.

On the other hand, blood pressure in the legs and hemorrhoidal veins increases. This must not be allowed! The baby is also not comfortable in this situation, because he receives much less oxygen. It has been proven that in this position the heart rate drops from 130 to 65 beats per minute.

The weight of the uterus puts pressure on the intestines and bladder. In this position, the growing baby directly puts pressure on the mother’s organs due to the movement of the center of gravity, as well as the relaxation of all muscles. Having to wake up frequently to go to the toilet to relieve yourself Bladder. But a pregnant woman could get better sleep if she chose a position on her side for her long rest.

. Particular stress occurs after the sixth month. This is due to the physical difficulties of trying to take this position. The large pressure of the uterus on the spine creates the same feeling of discomfort that the expectant mother faces when lying on her back.

How to sleep better in the last trimester?

Fans of resting on their back are recommended to use a large pillow. You need to choose the angle of inclination and place it under your back so that the center of gravity moves to the side. You can also take a reclining position, tilting your back 30-40 degrees from the horizontal. This will help avoid direct pressure on the vena cava and spine.

Comfort is very important for any person, let alone a lady in an “interesting” position. After all, she is so susceptible to the slightest changes environment. In some cases, they even recommend communicating with your pets, who can provide relaxation only with their presence. For example, a cat will calm you down with a gentle purr. The main thing is to take a comfortable body position while doing this.

And family and friends will be able to help you get comfortable in a different position. Such care will be a manifestation of love not only for the woman, but also for the unborn baby.

The ideal position for sleeping is on your side (preferably the left). This is how the baby will put the least amount of pressure on his mother’s organs. To increase comfort, a special long pillow is placed between the knees or under the stomach. Subsequently, it can be used to feed the baby.

It is absolutely logical that lying on a big belly is simply uncomfortable. And the baby won’t like it if you crush him. Therefore, sleeping on the stomach is definitely excluded from the life of a pregnant woman after the first trimester.

You can find out why a cat tramples you with its paws.

Choosing a comfortable sleeping position during pregnancy can be quite difficult. However, the expectant mother simply needs to get enough rest and good sleep.

Therefore, doctors recommend taking the solution to the problem at hand as seriously as possible. Let's talk about whether it is possible for pregnant women to sleep on their back or whether it is more advisable to choose a different position, and in what position it is best to fall asleep.

How to sleep during certain months of pregnancy

If conception occurred quite recently, a woman can afford to lie in any position. During this period, the embryo is tiny in size, and the uterus has not yet grown too much, so excess pressure on certain organs is excluded. Therefore, experts in the first trimester allow women to sleep on their sides or stomachs, as well as on their backs. Well, as for the second trimester, here you need to focus on your well-being. Listen to the sensations that appear when you lie on your back and draw the necessary conclusions.

If we talk about whether pregnant women can sleep on their backs in the 3rd trimester, then in this case the answer to the question will be negative.

Indeed, during the period of time under consideration, the weight of the fetus and amniotic fluid is already quite large, and when a woman lies on her back, her uterus begins to put pressure on the organs of the digestive tract, on the spine, and most importantly, on the inferior vena cava, which is responsible for transporting blood from the lower part of the body to the heart.

And such pressure, of course, cannot pass without a trace: a woman and her unborn child begin to suffer from lack of oxygen.

If you like to lie on your back

A pregnant woman who simply lies down on her back to get some rest is, in principle, not at risk. After all, if the time of exposure of the grown uterus to other organs is limited, then this will not bring any fatal consequences. The most you can feel is discomfort in the lumbar region. And in this case it is better to turn over on your side. So the question of whether pregnant women can lie on their back should be answered in the affirmative. Just don't spend too much time in this position.

But you should not sleep on your back in the last months of pregnancy, because prolonged pressure on the vena cava can impair the woman’s blood circulation and cause her to experience a condition resembling fainting. It will become more difficult to breathe, the sweat glands will begin to work intensively, and the heart will beat more quickly. Don't bring yourself to this state. If you notice the symptoms in question, immediately change your body position.

Can pregnant women sleep on their back?

Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy? Is it possible to lie on your back during pregnancy?