Parental supervision of young children is exhausting for both parties. The child is trying to explore the world, but he is protected, forbidden, or distracted from an interesting outlet and a medicine cabinet. For a mother, on the contrary, everything falls out of her hands as soon as she sees something related to the risk of injury or damage in the field of vision of her son or daughter. Every adult thinks about the age at which they should introduce their child to dangerous objects. On the one hand, you won’t be following your child around for the rest of your life, but on the other hand, the risk of ending up in a hospital bed with a young tomboy is too great.

Montessori method

Especially in order to solve such a dilemma, the Italian teacher and scientist Maria Montessori proposed, as part of her methodology, to teach children through knowledge of the essence of things. After all, it is not at all necessary to bring the baby to a real door for him to understand the principle of the latch. You can simply give this item to your child and he will figure out its functionality himself. The distinction between a child’s actions and the danger that threatens him has brought the theory of teaching preschoolers to a new level.

A well-known methodologist suggested transferring available household appliances to a stand for study. This way, children will be able to learn the functionality of every small detail, and parents will no longer fear for their lives. By moving door chains, cornice rings or zippers, the child will develop fine motor skills fingers and examine things that interest him. Neural signals from little fingers will be transmitted to the brain and enrich the baby’s memory with impressions. Such stimulation has a beneficial effect on intellectual and physical development crumbs.

Educational board with locks, fasteners, toggle switches and buttons

What is this stand with visual material?

You can make a development board yourself or buy a ready-made one. In fact, this is an ordinary board, with those very dangerous things recorded that made parents tremble. For example, it could be a non-working socket with a plug, a switch, handles from cabinet doors or a hook on the door, lacing, a bell button and even a circular dial from an old telephone, i.e. it can be anything that can be touched, moved, studied without any threat to life. In the meantime, the child is busy with such a serious matter, the mother can also give herself 10-15 minutes of free time :)

This development board also has its own name - busyboard. Literally it can be translated as “a board to keep a baby occupied.” Indeed, various small objects and bright designs can captivate a son or daughter for a long time.

The developmental board business board provides comprehensive development child and helps parents protect him from traumatic situations at the stage of mastering the world around him.

Every year new types of development boards are produced. Manufacturers are not limited to a standard set of small parts. Pursuing the goal of developing children's fine motor skills, materials of various textures are applied to the body of the board. Little fingers will feel rubber balls, plastic wheels, felt, a piece of wool knitting and stringed beads. Each of these items will give the baby new sensations and diversify his understanding of the world around him.

Creating a development board with your own hands

In stores you can find factory copies of development boards. Taking them as an example, it is quite possible to create a business board with your own hands. A child will appreciate a craft that comes out of the hands of parents more than a faceless stamp.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

So, you decided to create a development board yourself and are now wondering how best to do it. First you need to choose a base. As a rule, for this they take a small piece of plywood, plastic or laminated chipboard. A regular board will be too heavy, and a non-laminated board may bring a bunch of splinters to your son or daughter instead of being useful. Small planks, the same plywood or pieces of laminate are used as additional inserts. Sometimes, for a busy board, thick corrugated cardboard is used as a basis. It will be convenient if you decide to introduce your child to the world of fabrics and sewing accessories.

The next step will be to sort through your mezzanines and old drawers for spare parts for furniture and other small items that you once felt sorry to throw away. If you are a stickler for cleanliness and you can’t find such parts in your home, you can always buy them at a hardware or hardware store. Moreover, you still have to go there to get screws for fastening.

After you have brought to light all the future fragments of the development board, try to arrange them and decorate the board. Often for emulation entrance doors Small planks are placed on the board on small hinges, which the baby can lock on himself. different kinds constipations and locks. Behind such a unique door you can place a niche. Then the child will be able to arrange hiding places there, hiding his favorite baby doll or donated candy. It doesn’t matter if something doesn’t fit on the first version of your business board - in the future you can always supplement the board with these copies if something goes wrong there.

And finally, the last stage is to securely fasten all the fragments with self-tapping screws or nails. Carefully inspect the opposite side of the board. The protruding sharp ends of the screws can injure the child, so they will need to be treated with sandpaper or a file.

Material to use

It is best if elements from various materials– fabric, metal, plastic, rubber. This will diversify the range of sensations and the baby will not have time to get bored. The most commonly used parts are:

  • Door latches, locks, latches, latches, hinges, handles, borders and everything that is called door hardware. Something can simply serve as a frame for a busy board.
  • Furniture wheels.
  • Construction and massage rollers. Even a thick toilet paper roll will do.
  • Lacing. An image of shoes is usually drawn on the base, rivets are attached to it and the laces are tucked in according to all the rules. It is better if you choose bright colors for this element.
  • Fasteners, zippers, Velcro, buttons, hooks and loops. All this can be found in a sewing store and sewn onto durable scraps of fabric, which are then secured to the base.
  • Bells or similar parts that produce sound. An old doorbell or parts from a xylophone will do.
  • Abacus, large rings on a piece of old cornice, or just beads strung on a thread. By moving them in different directions, the baby will be able to learn counting.
  • An old telephone dial or keypad from a mobile device.
  • Lightning. For simplicity, they usually use “tractor” type zippers; they can be attached using good glue or a stapler, and decorated again using a design: for example, it could be a jacket or a crocodile that has a zipper instead of teeth!
  • Toggle switches, switches, bell button or other similar elements.
  • Mirrors with protective edge.
  • Pieces of various fabrics.
  • Flashlights and lighting. Naturally, the simplest and most understandable to a child.
  • Postal locks with keys.
  • Buttons, animal eyes and other sewing accessories.
  • A panel with buttons for unnecessary electrical appliances and much more...

This list is just a rough guide of what you can use. If you find something else in your home that will be useful for the development of your child, add this element to your development board. The main thing is that the new fragment is safe and cannot injure the child in your absence.

Photo gallery of busy boards

The child will enjoy learning the world. He is interested not only in toys, but also in all objects around that can pose a danger: sockets, switches, sharp objects, and more. Therefore, parents constantly feel tension, worry about their baby, and are afraid to let him out of sight.

A busy board will come to the aid of moms and dads. This is a “smart” touch board that you can make with your own hands without much effort. The developmental board was developed by Italian teacher Maria Montessori. It was she who promoted the theory of raising and teaching a child based on independent knowledge of the world through the senses.

You can either buy a busy board or make it yourself

What is a business board?

This is a game development board with various parts and elements located on it that are safe for children to play. Such parts are capable of moving, opening and closing, clicking, rotating, lighting and blinking, and making sounds.

The bodyboard may include:

  • padlock, latches, latches. Children will open them, close them, push them in;
  • a doorbell with a soft sound, a clock dial;
  • buttons and switches - after pressing them, the light comes on;
  • old telephone set, the circle of which must be twisted with your finger;
  • a socket not connected to electricity, and a plug connected to it;
  • ribbons, laces and ropes from which children will tie bows;
  • snaps and buttons, zippers and various fasteners;
  • shreds from pieces of fabric, oilcloth, paper, foil;
  • abacus or beads - the child will sort them out in his hands.

You can decorate the development board with pictures of nature, drawings of animals and birds, images of letters and numbers. You can add whatever your imagination desires to such a product. The busy board can be constantly supplemented with new elements when the child grows up or becomes uninterested in playing. You will understand this yourself by his behavior.

What a development board will teach a child

Today early development children are given great attention. Parents try to teach the baby various tricks early. A busy board is necessary to keep your child busy with an interesting educational game. He will explore the world on his own, even without the help of his elders.

During such exciting activities, the baby develops the following skills:

  • logic - the child builds a chain of conclusions: to ring the bell, you need to press a button; to open the door, you need to pull the latch up;
  • fine motor skills of the hands - the baby learns to work with small objects, receives new tactile sensations;
  • perseverance - a daughter or son will finish the job they start in order to achieve a positive result - tie a bow, open a lock;
  • attention and memory - children remember their actions with small details and objects, will later perform them automatically.

According to the Montessori method, parents should not interfere with the process of their child playing with a busy board. Let your child find solutions and draw conclusions on his own.

Types of busy boards: choose a board according to the age and gender of the child

You can make a busy board with your own hands by the 1st year of a child’s life. He can play with it from as early as 8 months of age, when he can sit up confidently. As the baby grows, the product should be upgraded.

When creating a development board, parents should take into account the age of the children, their gender, their own interests and hobbies.

Let's look at the features of designing a busy board according to the age of the children:

  1. For children 8-12 months old, soft models of development boards are suitable. It can be made in the form of a rug or a book. Felt or textiles are used to create the product, all parts are firmly sewn, making them safe for the baby. You can design a colorful pillow with beautiful pictures and details.
  2. Children 1-2 years old can already be offered a hard bodyboard for playing without sharp parts or corners on its surface, so that the child does not get hurt. The child becomes familiar with fastening large buttons and lacing ropes. The themes of the pictures are animals, nature, clothes.
  3. Children aged 2 to 3 years will be interested in learning numbers, shades and colors. Set up a busy board with many windows and doors. To open them, the child must master the lock or latch. At this age, you can offer a development board in the form of a house, car, castle or cube.
  4. Preschoolers aged 3 years and older should be given more difficult tasks. You can make a large business board for the entire wall of the room, where there will be many elements and details - small and large. Add numbers, letters and syllables to various pictures and drawings on the business board.

Such products not only develop fine motor skills and other skills. They give an idea of ​​the objects of the surrounding world and natural phenomena.

DIY educational board

You can buy a busy board in a store, but making it yourself is much more fun. This process is simply addictive for adults! After all, only parents know what is interesting to their son or daughter. Based on this, they select elements for the intellectual development board.

I will describe my experience of creating a development board. After looking at photos of board layout options on the Internet, I went to a construction hypermarket to select and purchase elements. I didn’t have a plan - which elements I would attach.

Busy board - do it yourself

As a base, I chose a wooden furniture board measuring 80 by 60 cm. It is easier to process than plywood. And a small board 6.5 cm wide. Because I wanted to make not just a “flat board”, but a three-dimensional one, so that something could be folded inside the opening niches. The leftover laminate worked perfectly as doors and back panels.

I bought the following at the store:

  • Small loops (4 cm) - 4 pcs.
  • Advice. It is better to fasten each door with 2 hinges, otherwise it will warp.

  • Different handles for doors - 4 pcs.
  • Advice. It is better to choose iron handles with a reliable fastening; a wooden handle - the baby tore it out very quickly.

  • Standard and small latches - only 2 pcs.
  • Hook shaped lock.
  • Constipation in the form of a chain.
  • A small bright lock with keys.
  • Corner eyes for a lock and for attaching the entire structure to something - 4 pcs.
  • Chain for attaching keys to the board - 1 m.
  • Overlay for the keyhole (I had the key from the old door).
  • Locking pin for interior doors.
  • Small magnets for fixing doors - 4 pcs.
  • Switch block with socket.
  • Important. At first I wanted to make a plug with a socket, but decided to abandon this idea. So that the child does not practice his skills of plugging everything into sockets around the apartment.

  • A small lamp with a diameter of about 6 cm. Powered by batteries (price 100 rubles).
  • Doorbell with battery-powered button (price 100 rub.)
  • Advice. To prevent the ringer speaker from playing the melody very loudly, wrap it in foam rubber.

  • Steel corners for attaching the frame
  • Self-tapping screws.

I asked my friends for an old phone number. I decided not to use the handset, just the dial for dialing.

From the tools:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • cordless screwdriver;
  • wire cutters to shorten screws.

Stages of work:

And this is the front side of what happened

It took half a day to create such a toy, if you bought all the locks/buttons and the wooden shield itself in advance. The baby is one and a half years old - he is very happy. He likes to put different things in there and then take them out;)

I also want to paste various bright pictures with cars, animals, etc.

Business board in the form of a board

To make a flat product with your own hands, you will need:

  1. a reliable base - take for this a sheet of laminated chipboard or plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm of a suitable size - it depends on the age of the child;
  2. plaster the material well so that it is perfectly smooth, without roughness. Cover it with varnish or paint water based;
  3. to create a busy board you will need tools such as a screwdriver, wire cutters, drill, hammer, set of screwdrivers, scissors, jigsaw, glue;
  4. make a sketch of the future product. Decide on its shape and size, use your imagination. The development board can take any form geometric figure, made in the form of a handbag, ship, car, moth;
  5. decorate the development board to make it bright and beautiful. Place all elements and parts without fastening on the cut and prepared plane. There can be any number of such fragments;
  6. If you like everything, securely fasten the details to the bodyboard - clasps, buttons, loops, rosettes, beads and more. Make windows and doors that close with a bolt;
  7. Attach all elements to the bodyboard very firmly and securely. Safety is the main condition of such a game; the child should not get injured.

Busyboard - educational house

The voluminous item is suitable for children over 2 years old. It develops the baby's tactile sensations, imagination and thinking. If you want to construct one, you will need carefully prepared, smooth boards. They must be connected to each other in the form of a cube, using self-tapping screws and bars. Make an original roof for the house, cut out doors and windows with a jigsaw. Secure them with loops.

Busy board in the shape of a house

Busyboard castle

Decorate your “building” with chains, shutters, latches, and locks. The options can be any - it all depends on the age and preferences of the baby, his abilities and skills.

Soft bodyboard for kids

It is made from soft, pleasant-to-touch fabric – felt and textiles. This is an ideal development board for little ones. A soft bodyboard is sewn by analogy with a developmental rug. Such a product can resemble a pillow or a book.

You can make a busy board in the form of a bright cube from 4 sponges, soft napkins, beads, bells, rings, ropes and other details. Each side of the cube will have original design. Children will love this educational soft cube and will have fun playing with it.

Busyboard for girls and boys - what are the differences?

There are no significant functional differences in the models for girls and boys. They are similar in structure and shape, but differ in design.

For a girl, you can design an educational board in the shape of a royal castle, a flower, or a moth. Make a themed design for your business board if you wish: for a beauty salon, laundry room, dining room.

Pink, light green, peach, and soft lilac tones are used in decoration. An interesting one would be a personal board - with a photo frame into which the girl will insert her photo, changing it as she grows up.

An educational board for a boy can be made in the form of a train, car, or ship. Also offer the boy a thematic board: a watchmaking, automobile or construction workshop, come up with your own version.

Choose darker, more saturated colors for decoration. Use blue, brown, red, yellow shades. Add details - locks, screws, switches, sockets. Install a car steering wheel or a bicycle bell on the bodyboard.

What to consider when making a busy board with your own hands

The main thing is the safety of your baby. After all, he will play on his own, you will not be able to control him every minute. Therefore, if you set out to make a development board with your own hands, follow a few rules:

  • securely and firmly secure the base of the bodyboard so that it does not fall and injure your son or daughter;
  • secure all the parts well so that they do not come off, because children have a habit of putting everything in their mouth;
  • Carefully process the base of the development board, eliminating the presence of nicks;
  • there should be no sharp corners on the product - round them or use plugs;
  • connect luminous objects only with batteries, do not connect to the mains;
  • Tie removable items very firmly to the base using rubber bands or ropes so that the baby does not tear them off.

Little children play with the development board on their own; they learn many skills with the help of such an object. When your little son or daughter grows up, they use a busy board in story games, attracting friends to them. This is how they develop the skill of communicating with peers.

Making a busy board with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing is to stock up on materials and tools, as well as patience. You can also involve older children after 3 years in this exciting work - they will be happy to give you an instrument or decorate their busy board as they like.

Photo: children's educational boards

A child is a tiny person who is just beginning to explore the world around him. He wants to touch everything, taste it, knock, rattle, make out, but you never know how much imagination there is in that little head. It is difficult for parents to watch how their child learns about various dangerous objects: touching sockets, switches, climbing into a cabinet with medicines or perfumes. Mothers try in every possible way to protect their child from this. But how then to satisfy the curiosity of a young researcher and develop his talents? The famous Italian methodologist and teacher Maria Montessori invented a busy board for children. What kind of board is this and how to make it yourself?

What is a busy board and what are its benefits?

A busy board is a special board for the development of a child, on which there are various switches, light bulbs, locks, latches, hooks and many other things that capture the attention of a young researcher. In addition, you can also add items to it different colors, material and shape.

Literally, the word “busy board” translates as “a board to keep a baby occupied.” And that’s how it is, a variety of small objects and colorful designs will captivate your child for a long time.

Skills that a toy helps develop in a child

A properly made and well-thought-out busy board not only helps to keep your child occupied for 15–20 minutes, but also develops the following skills in your child:

  • perseverance;
  • logic and thinking;
  • imagination;
  • independence;
  • fine motor skills;
  • color perception;
  • coordination of movements;
  • agility and concentration;
  • formation of cause-and-effect relationships;
  • manifestation of one’s own activity;
  • skills in using simple objects.

Busy board is a complete assistant in the development of a child. It is usually intended for babies from eight months to six years. You can attract the attention of a toddler up to a year old if you attach rattles and squeakers (more sound and color). Older children will enjoy subjects that involve logic and require intelligence (doors, mazes, locks). This way they will be more interested in this toy, and they will not get bored with it for a long time.

Materials for creating a development board with your own hands

To create a business board, you need to plan your actions in advance, come up with or choose ready idea, make a list and buy the necessary materials. Moreover, materials mean not only objects that are attached to the board, but also the base of the stand, fabric, consumables, paints to paint the toy in bright colors, and so on.

List of parts and objects that can be mounted on the stand

As educational material for a child, you can attach the following to the board:

  • small locks, latches, latches, handles - all those items that are classified as door hardware;
  • furniture wheels, construction or massage rollers - anything that can be spun;
  • interesting materials can also be purchased at a fabric store - bright and large zippers, fasteners, hooks and loops, durable bright shreds, Velcro, lacing;
  • objects that make sound - doorbell, xylophone, bell, bicycle bell;
  • details that will teach your baby to count - beads, abacus, cornice rings strung on wire;
  • old unnecessary disks from a telephone, keyboards with buttons from a mobile phone, a calculator;
  • various flashlights and lights;
  • switches (if dad is an electrician, you can make a busy board with a light bulb), a socket with a cord;
  • mirror;
  • labyrinth;
  • clock with hands;
  • steering wheel from a toy car;
  • three-dimensional letters and numbers.

In other words, you can use whatever interests your baby. That’s why it’s better to make a busy board with your own hands, because mom and dad will be guided by the interests of their child. The imagination and resourcefulness of the parents will tell you what to fill the development board with.

Buttons, buttons, clasps, electrical elements for creating a busy board - photo gallery

Locks, switches, latches and other household items Zippers, Velcro, buttons, hooks and other sewing accessories Telephone dial, clock with hands, abacus and similar game elements

Base for a busy board

When making a busy board with your own hands, you first need to decide on the base, because it is on it that all other elements will be located. To do this, you can take different materials.

  1. Furniture board (solid wood, often pine) is the most environmentally friendly, easy-to-process material, which is sold in small pieces (1.5 by 1.5 meters). Its disadvantage is that with a thickness of 18 mm it can crack, so there is a risk of breakage if such a board is not fixed to the wall.
  2. Plywood is an environmentally friendly and durable material. You can use a sheet 10 mm thick. Disadvantages: difficult to process and sold in large sizes.

The thinner the base, the more convenient it is to attach various parts to it.

Whatever material you use for the base, it must be treated with an environmentally friendly varnish or impregnation that is safe for the child’s health (to protect the surface from moisture, prevent cracks and damage, and preserve the texture of the wood). Board covered protective agent, easy to wipe with a damp cloth.

Tools needed for the job

To make it you will need:

  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • sanding machine or sandpaper;
  • paints, brushes.

Do-it-yourself bodyboard production time, taking into account selection required material ranges from a week to a month and a half. It is the choice of ideas and objects that would be both interesting and safe that takes away a large number of time. And the assembly itself will take from 4 to 10 hours.

Interesting ideas and design options for parents

To make a busy board that will captivate your baby for a long time, you need to show a little imagination. Interesting ideas It’s easy to find on the Internet by studying numerous photos, or look at the design of the board in a toy store.

You need to start experimenting with the form. Instead of a regular rectangle, you can choose an oval, circle, polygon or more complex shapes: a boat, a car, a robot, a tree. Showing your imagination, it’s easy to make a double-sided bodyboard. The model with various doors, envelopes, and windows looks interesting.

Homemade bodyboards for boys and girls

It will turn out unusual if you make a development board in one topic. For boys, you can choose, for example, a nautical style. The fillers will be a toy steering wheel, a small anchor, a rope, and a small bell. Another option is a busy board car, which can be created using a children’s steering wheel, an old speedometer, and much more.

For girls, the development board can be made in the form of a small store (set up an abacus, toy scales) or done in a hairdressing style (small mirrors, children's scissors, hair dryer, combs, brushes).

Usually, at the age at which a child is interested in a busy board, the hobbies of a boy and a girl are almost the same. Probably, such boards are divided by style more than mom and dad. Therefore, the type, shape and content of the toy depends on the preferences of the parents.

Light bulbs can be added to any business board, regardless of who it is intended for. It all depends on the skill of the father (grandfather). To do this, a lamp in a protective cap is installed on the board. The voltage in it should be no more than 6 volts. It can be operated from a switch, button or plug and socket. The light bulbs used are diode ones, you can play with their colors and come up with traffic lights, various signal beacons and much more.

Pictures depicting ready-made business borbs: round, in the shape of a cube, a tree, and so on - photo gallery

The more elements, the more interesting and exciting the game. The busy board can be made in the form of a cube. You can equip the busy board with various household accessories. The busy board is made in the shape of a ship. The busy board is made in the shape of a castle. A marine theme when making an educational toy is ideal for boys. The busy board is made in the shape of a car. A large busy board can be installed. all over the wall of the room
The busy board can be not only flat, but also three-dimensional, to which developmental elements are attached on different sides. The busy board is made in the form of a tree.

Soft touch board for the development of a one-year-old child

Babies under one year old should make a soft model from fabric. It can be in the form of a book, pillow or rug. The game elements of such a busy board will be:

  • bright ribbons, bows;
  • large buttons, beads;
  • soft hooks and eyes;
  • Velcro;
  • various lacings;
  • colored rattles;
  • small Stuffed Toys(you can pick up squeaky toys).

Making a developing soft model is very simple. First, choose the format and suitable fabric (satin, calico, silk, poplin). Then attach all the elements you selected to the form. The parts must be sewn very tightly so that the child cannot tear them off.

A soft bodyboard can be secured to a sheet of fiberboard and placed in a crib or against a wall to make it more comfortable for your baby to play.

Photos of busy boards for kids - photo gallery

A busy board can be placed in a crib. Soft cubes can be equipped with elements inherent in a classic busy board. You can take a pillow as the basis of a soft busy board. An educational mat is another version of a soft busy board. A busy board in the shape of a herringbone

Step-by-step instructions for making a lace-up bodyboard in the form of a sneaker

To make an original business board, as in the picture, you need to follow the sequence of actions described below. Such a board will give the child skills in handling different locks, introduce him to switches and sockets, and help develop fine motor skills thanks to lacing. And behind the door-houses various cartoon characters or family photographs can be hidden.

Don't screw everything on your board at once. First, plan their location, lay them out and see how it looks from the outside. Then correct the shortcomings and only after that firmly fasten all the material.

Manufacturing sequence.

  1. Think over and draw a rough diagram of how and what you want to arrange. Prepare your chosen items.
  2. Prepare the base. To do this, cut out a stand of the desired shape and size from a sheet. To prevent the baby from getting splinters, the edges and the entire surface of the board must be sanded.
  3. Take a small block (20 by 30 mm), drill holes in it and be sure to sand the edges. Screw it around the perimeter of the sheet from the back to give volume to the bodyboard.
  4. By using a simple pencil Mark the windows and cut them out with an electric jigsaw. Use a drill to make holes for the jigsaw.
  5. Using 15 by 20 mm bars, give the windows a small thickness. To do this, glue or nail them on the sides of each hole on the inside.
  6. Cut out rectangles from fiberboard that would cover the windows at the back. Attach them to the bodyboard.
  7. Draw and color the shoe, screw on small hooks or drive them in with a hammer.
  8. Lace up your shoe.
  9. Screw the hangers so that you can hang the busy board on the wall.

Description of the technology for creating drawings on a blackboard

To make your business board bright and memorable, color it. For this purpose they are used acrylic paints, which are odorless and harmless to the health of the child. You can either paint the entire base or apply various designs. Using masking tape is one option, described below.

Dangerous busy board, or what harm is hidden in a children's toy

A well-designed and properly made bodyboard is safe for a child. Harm can be caused by:

  • poorly attached parts;
  • dangerous objects (for example, do not attach a tape measure with a metal tape - the child may get hurt);
  • a weakly reinforced board that can fall on a child during play;
  • material and paint that emit harmful substances.

It is better to attach small parts with laces, otherwise children may swallow them.

How to make a busy board yourself - video

Little children love to play with precisely those objects that their parents forbid touching. A business board will help you say “you can” instead of the constant “you can’t.” These boards are very easy to make with your own hands, and older children will be happy to help you with this. Show a little imagination and patience, and you will give your child a good educational aid.

When a baby grows up, he becomes increasingly interested in the adult world - he is interested in switches and sockets, all kinds of buttons and telephones, latches and locks. However, within the confines of an apartment, all these things often pose a danger - it turns out that over and over again we will forbid the baby to learn about the world, limiting his space to the territory of the playpen.

But the child’s thirst for knowledge is so great that he will try again and again to violate your prohibitions. And it is useless to fight this - it is better to legalize what cannot be prohibited.

What are the features of development boards

It is precisely in order to “legitimize” that development boards, busy boards, are created. They help develop fine motor skills, logic, and will stimulate the development of new tactile sensations and the thought process.

Interesting. A development board with locks was first proposed Maria Montessori- not only as a way to keep your baby busy, but also as a tool for developing important everyday skills, imagination and intelligence. The Montessori method, which states that a child develops best during play, is still popular today.

Store-bought educational board for children.
At the end of the article, see where you can order similar toys

You can add latches and keys, locks and latches, pictures and fabric to the board, decorate it with photographs and inscriptions, create “replacement sets” on one base so that your baby doesn’t get tired of the toy for a long time.

It is believed that a development board is optimally suited for activities with a child aged 10 months to two years, and the most complex designs can be used up to 5 years - it all depends on what will be on them.

The base is ordinary plywood

By the way, exercises with a development board are both finger exercises and the mental development of the baby. It usually includes:

  • switches;
  • locks with keys;
  • latches and bolts;
  • flashlights and handsets, disks;
  • hooks;
  • abacus;
  • door chains;
  • beads;
  • fabric scraps;
  • pictures with numbers or animals.

Advice. To create a development board, you can use anything that will spin, click, move and light up. You will bring everything that is of interest in the apartment onto one compact surface, and this will both interest you and protect your baby from the unpleasant consequences of “free exploration.”

How to make a traditional rigid structure

For a development board you will need a piece of plywood or wood, but plastic, hardboard, or cardboard will also work. As for the dimensions, they are chosen depending on the availability of free space.

You can make a busy board yourself

Information. The most compact development boards are small modules of 50x50 cm format, and for grandiose plans you can use a base up to 1.7 meters wide.

You can involve the whole family in creating a development board for your baby - dad will think of safe and practical fastenings, mom will do the design, older children can offer “filling”. By the way, to create a development board you don’t even have to go to the store - you’ll probably find all the necessary elements in closets and mezzanines.

If you don’t have suitable “treasures” at home, then you can turn to your grandparents, because they usually save old things that can be put to good use.

Attached to a homemade development board:

  • bolts, latches, latches, latches, hooks and padlocks (by the way, mailbox locks are the easiest to open with children's fingers);
  • switches and buttons - they can just click, or they can turn on something - for example, small bulbs from an old flashlight;
  • door chains, loops, hooks;
  • all kinds of toggle switches;
  • socket and plug (not connected to electricity, of course);
  • a battery-powered doorbell (choose a signal that suits you, because you will have to listen to it very often);
  • panels with buttons - for example, from an old remote control;
  • reels and laces - with their help you can create interesting lacing;
  • zippers and buttons;
  • watch dials;
  • rotary toggle switches.

Before you make a development board, you need to find a suitable base - the more different elements there are on the board, the more interesting toy will be for the baby.

However, do not forget to take into account the availability of free space, because the toy will need to be attached somewhere, and doing this with a bulky structure may be inconvenient.

Think about the arrangement of the elements, make pockets and doors, and then move on to the design stage. To decorate the development board, multi-colored fabrics that feel different to the touch, as well as colored cardboard, are suitable. You can use pictures with animals, numbers and letters.

You can hide cute pictures with cute animals, flowers, numbers behind the Velcro windows - and not only open/close, search and twist, but also learn the counting, names of animals, their habitats, primary colors and so on along the way.

It is important that the child will not lose interest in a well-thought-out development board for a very long time, and even if this happens, you can always come up with a different design.

Using a development board will help you keep your baby occupied for a long time - he will play with pleasure, each time doing the necessary exercises for his fingers, and explore the objective world.

And parents will be able to take part in the game or leave the baby alone with their new “field of activity.”

Soft fabric options

If you are creating a gaming panel for a very small child, then it is better to make it soft. It will be similar to a developmental mat, only in a slightly different format.

Use an old pillow or thick fabric stretched over a frame as a base.

In this case, the game elements include: ribbons, buttons - a variety of shapes, colors and methods of fixation, loops and hooks, Velcro, pockets, appliqués and patterns, curtain rings and laces, small toys, rattles.

Everything you consider necessary should be securely sewn to the base. The brightest elements can be hidden behind fabric doors, and toys tied with braid can be placed in pockets. You can make lacing, abacus from rings - everything is limited solely by your imagination.

Safety rules when using the toy

Even if the baby always plays under supervision, the toy must be completely safe. To do this you need to follow the following rules:

  1. The board must be firmly fixed - to the wall, to the floor, to furniture, to something that the child cannot move or drop. Follow this rule - and you will have a little time for yourself while your baby plays enthusiastically.
  2. You can use any material as a base - from plywood to an old cabinet door, but be sure to check that there are no splinters around the perimeter and on the front.
  3. If there are sharp corners or “problem” or traumatic areas on the surface, it is better to cover them with something soft to prevent impacts.
  4. Don’t forget that small fingers are very tenacious, and they can easily unscrew some small part and put it in your mouth. Check the reliability of the fastenings carefully and several times.
  5. - price for the game-tablet LOCKS 42x30 cm. 2000 rub. Watch a video review of this board below.

    The older a child gets, the more interesting it is for him to learn about the world around him. Constant curiosity and the desire to learn something new keeps parents on their toes, adding gray hairs. The baby wants to explore everything: scissors, sharp objects and tools. In this case, an excellent solution for parents can be developing board, or busy board, do it yourself do which is very simple. Our editors have prepared special review for parents who dream of keeping their baby busy with a useful toy and getting at least half an hour of freedom.

    Recently, many methods of raising children have been developed, and one of them belongs to Maria Montessori, a teacher from Italy, Doctor of Medical Sciences. The principle of the theory is based on the independent activity of the baby under the condition of complete freedom. All children begin the stage of growing up with the phrase “I myself,” and this is what the wisest teacher took as a basis.

    In her opinion, kids are capable of learning everything on their own; for this they just need to organize the space. It is things, not people, that will help a child grow up. Within the framework of this theory, busy boards were invented - educational boards for children, which we will talk about filling and making with our own hands in this article.

    What are the benefits for a child, and at what age do you need a busy board?

    Everything that surrounds the child and what he is so interested in can be pinned on a development board.

    It is important! According to psychologists, a child needs to be developed in game form, so it is the busy board that will perfectly cope with this task.

    During the game, the child acquires the following skills:

    • fine motor skills develop during tactile contact;
    • patience develops, because it will not be possible to open the latch or tie a lace right away. But since almost every child has stubbornness, they want to finish what they started and achieve success;
    • logic - in order for it to light up, just press the switch;
    • learning new things - it is necessary to provide the ability to add in the business board.

    You can make the first do-it-yourself board for a boy for 1 year, and modernize the design as he grows older.

    You should know this! Parents should not interfere in the process according to the Montessori method; the child will independently learn to understand the objects.

    Busy boards

    What you need to pick up or buy to create a safe business board with your own hands

    You can, of course, buy a ready-made development board, but making it yourself is much more enjoyable. And then only the parents know what the child is interested in and what subjects will interest him. The photo shows a step-by-step process of making a do-it-yourself busy board for a boy.

    To do this you need to do the following:

    1. Prepare the base: a sheet of plywood or, their size depends on the age of the baby.
    2. If necessary, you need to sand the material well so that the child does not get hurt while playing.
    3. Next, coat the surface with varnish or water-based paint.

    What tools and fasteners are needed?

    To create a children's educational board with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools:

    • drill;
    • or a set of screwdrivers;
    • wire cutters.


    Ideas for making a DIY board for a girl

    A girl's toy should be painted in the following shades:

    • pink;
    • peach;
    • soft lilac;
    • light green.

    You can use these shades to create the main background and some objects on the board. We recommend using the following thematic instructions to fill it out.

    Subjects Description
    Beauty saloonSecure pockets in which to put all the attributes of the salon: combs, hairpins, tassels, bright ones. You can also make a fake braid with a bow or a soft doll, for which you can provide several wardrobes.
    Home cookDesign the board in the form of a table in which to place plates, cups, saucers, and pans. The girls will certainly be delighted with this filling.
    LaundryAttach a rope with bright clothespins so that the girl can put the dolls' things in order.
    For the little onesYou can attach abacus, string lacing, toys with musical accompaniment, zippers, beautiful rattles.

    This is interesting! An educational bodyboard will look much more impressive if it is additionally decorated with drawings or applications.

    bodyboard for girls

    Ideas for making a DIY board for a boy

    For a boy, a toy should be created with a focus on his age. From practice, it was noticed that children like prohibited items more. To make a busy board with your own hands you need to buy:

    • for boys, as well as for girls, it is advisable to create a thematic board, for example, in the form of a ship, a watchmaker’s workshop or an automobile mechanic;
    • lock, bolts, switches - boys of any age like this;
    • they will be delighted with the opportunity to unscrew the nuts, rotate the dial from the old telephone, play with the dial;
    • you can attach the steering wheel to a car and install a bicycle bell, the child will feel like a racer;
    • they like to open secured locks;
    • you can complicate the design with doors that can be locked with locks or bolts;
    • Of great interest will be a battery-powered flashlight, a compass, a speedometer, all kinds of hooks, locks, which can be supplemented with a piece of rope.

    bodyboard for boys

    How to make a busy board for a child with your own hands

    You can make a busy board with your own hands, it’s not at all difficult, and fill it with those items that will really interest your baby.

    Creating a sketch of a busy board

    We suggest making a DIY board for a boy step by step. First you need to decide what shape the future structure will have. If it is made for a baby, you can take a small sheet. The suitable material is plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm, which must first be sanded to a state of perfect smoothness, or furniture board. At the stage of creating a sketch, you need to show a little imagination: the design can be made not only in the form of a rectangle or square, but also any geometric figure, as well as in the form of a car, ship, tree or robot.

    Preparing the board and items for equipment

    The board can be coated with two layers of varnish or bright water-based paint. Then, after drying, you need to place all the items without securing them. If necessary, their location can be adjusted.

    In our master class, a location in the form of the palm of a hand was chosen, 6 fragments from the frame were installed around the perimeter, hinges will be attached to them, as well as a socket, a switch, wheels and a handle. You can consider options with opening doors; to do this, use a jigsaw to cut out a square, which is subsequently secured to the hinges.

    Surface decoration

    You can leave the surface a natural color, but the child will find it much more interesting if the busy board is brightly colored. Subsequently, it will be easier for the baby to remember the name of the shades, tying them to a specific object.

    The following items are suitable as filling:

    • lacing;
    • switches, sockets and socket plug;
    • zippers, fasteners, Velcro;
    • doors with locks;
    • hand massagers;
    • bicycle bell;
    • jar with a twist-off lid;
    • locks, latches, handles;
    • tape measures, rollers, fishing reels.

    And this is not a complete list of contents. The main thing when choosing is that the child should under no circumstances be injured in the game.

    Fastening elements

    We fasten the elements using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws:

    Illustration Description

    First you need to screw the loops to the blanks, then secure them to the sheet.

    Mark the labyrinth, cut it with a jigsaw and screw it on.

    Screw on all other elements.

    After assembly, it is important to check the reliability of fastening and functionality of each item. You can watch this master class in more detail on the video:

    Do-it-yourself house-shaped busy board - manufacturing features

    recommended for children over the age of one year, it develops logic and, with the help of tactile contact, fine motor skills in the baby:
    1. To create it, you will need a board, which must be carefully prepared and secured together in the form of a cube using bars and.
    2. Use a jigsaw to cut out windows and doors, which are subsequently secured with hinges.
    3. Attach different chains, clasps, latches, ribbon - the decor options depend only on the interests of the baby.

    You can see the manufacturing process in more detail at the master class:

    busy board house

    How to make a soft bodyboard with your own hands from fabric and felt

    For very young children who are just beginning to explore the world, you can make a busy board from fabric, the so-called soft version. Sew the first toy by analogy with a developmental rug. It can be similar to a book or made in the form of a carrier or pillow. We suggest making your own bodyboard for girls from an ordinary sponge, step by step photo will help you complete all the processes correctly:

    Illustration Description

    It is necessary to prepare 4 sponges and various accessories: soft ones, ropes, ribbons, beads, rings, bells.

    Glue 4 sponges together to make a cube 16x16x16 cm, if necessary, you can trim the top.

    From different fabrics To decorate the sidewalls, cut out 6 squares 18x18 cm.

    On the 1st side, sew a bell, bells on an elastic band, and imitate a stem with a leaf.

    On the second side, make a sun with Velcro, a rainbow and a cloud from.

    On the 3rd side of felt, sew Piglet and Winnie the Pooh.

    Sew a felt hedgehog onto the 4th square.

    On the 5th square, sew the butterfly only with the body, insert foil into the wings to entice the baby with the rustling sound.

    The ladybug on the 6th square must be sewn with opening wings, inside of which buttons must be fastened.

    Sew the squares together, leaving one edge free, and sew beads between them. After that, put the cube inside.

    You can watch a more detailed master class on making a busy board for girls in the video:

    There are a lot of manufacturing options, you can even adapt a sofa as a learning activity.

    soft bodyboard

    Photos of original ideas for creating a soft bodyboard with your own hands

    A fascinating board will keep your child occupied for a long time, and if you think about adding or moving objects, it will become a favorite game with which the child will explore the world. We have prepared a photo selection interesting options creating a DIY board for children.