Following the rule of applying perfume directly to the skin and not to the outfit is a sure way to protect items from oil stains. If you do end up with fragrant drops on your clothes, you still have every chance to get rid of the marks using our tips.

White fabric: bringing back impeccable cleanliness

When using bleaching agents that effectively remove perfume stains, one cannot ignore the type of material. In order not to damage the delicate structure of silk, you need to treat the problem area with a cotton swab soaked in denatured alcohol, avoiding rough friction. Durable cotton or linen fabric will withstand the effects of a solution, the recipe of which includes 5 grams of oxalic acid and 200 ml of water. A good result is obtained by treating the stain with a mixture consisting of equal parts of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

To make sure that we do not spoil the clothes during the cleaning process, a test will help: Apply the product from the inside out (for example, in the seam area) and leave for a while.

Colored matter: we get rid of the defect, but not the brightness of the color

When looking for an answer to the question of how to remove perfume stains from colored clothes, it is important to remember the need to protect the original color of the fabric. Fresh lemon allows you to carefully remove traces of perfume without washing off the color. We moisten the affected area of ​​​​the material with fruit juice and leave for 10 minutes, after which we wash the item.

Copes well with perfume drips and warmed glycerin. After using this method, an inconspicuous blot often remains, which can be easily removed with a vinegar solution.

The least energy-consuming way to eliminate traces of perfume is to take the item of clothing to the dry cleaner. However, some home recipes are no less effective.

Recipe No. 1

Universal stain remover – laundry soap. It solves the problem of perfume stains on any type of material. All that needs to be done is to use a bar, soap the contaminated area, put the item aside for 15 minutes, after which wash it thoroughly.

Recipe No. 2

A mixture consisting of white cosmetic clay and alcohol will not leave even a hint of a greasy stain. In order for the product to work with a bang, you need to apply it to the stained area and wait until it dries completely. Then you should clean off the resulting powder and wash your clothes.

When worrying about how to remove perfume stains, do not ignore the basic principles:

If only a couple of drops of perfume get on your skirt, trousers, or cardigan, it will be convenient to get rid of annoying specks with a cotton swab.

If you purchased Antipyatin or another stain remover, carefully follow the instructions on the package.

Fresh traces of perfume are much easier to remove than old ones.

It is, of course, better to apply perfume directly to the body rather than to clothing. But if it so happens that you sprayed or dropped them on the fabric, in this case the question certainly arises: how to remove a perfume stain from clothes. There are several ways to cope with this problem. From this article you will learn the most effective of them.

How to remove perfume stains from fabric?

To deal with the problem with minimal effort on your own, take the item to the dry cleaner. If you decide to fight the stain yourself and stick to modern methods- use special concentrates to remove dirt from fabrics.

Important! Before you begin removing any contaminants household chemicals, always check its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the canvas.

If you do not accept the use of aggressive chemicals and try to cope with any contamination traditional methods, in this situation you will need:

  • alcohol;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • laundry soap;
  • boric acid;
  • glycerol;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • hydrosulfite;
  • oxalic acid.

How to remove perfume stains from clothes?

Use one of the options below to solve the problem of how to remove perfume stains from clothes. More than one housewife has tested their effectiveness from their own experience - the result is always positive.

Method 1

If you immediately notice that you have applied eau de toilette or an oil fragrance to a thing, and decide not to put off removing traces of them for a long time, proceed as follows:

  1. Take a cotton swab.
  2. Moisten it with alcohol.
  3. Wipe the stained area with cotton.
  4. Wash the entire item as usual.

Important! For business people or those working in offices with a certain dress code, the information will be very useful .

Method 2

It is easy to get rid of such pollution on wool if you take glycerin and acetone. To do this, do the following:

  1. Heat the glycerin and apply it to the stained area.
  2. Take a cotton pad.
  3. Moisten it with acetone.
  4. Rub it over the area where you applied the glycerin.
  5. Wait a little.
  6. Rinse the stained area of ​​fabric with running water.
  7. Wash the entire item in the usual delicate cycle.

Method 3

Another effective method, striking in its simplicity:

  1. Wet the stained area with water.
  2. Take laundry soap and generously lather the dirty area with it.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash the soapy areas with clean water.

Important! Also effectively removes different types contaminants, special soap “Antipyatin”, which is quite suitable for solving the problem of how to remove perfume stains from clothes.

How else can you remove perfume from clothes?

Dealing quickly with the problem of how to remove traces of perfume from a blouse, skirt or trousers is not difficult if you have cosmetic clay and alcohol available. In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. Mix cosmetic clay with alcohol to form a paste-like mixture.
  2. Apply this paste to the contaminated area.
  3. Let it dry.
  4. Remove clay from fabric with a brush.
  5. Wash the entire item.

Important! If you decide to act exactly according to this scheme, it is better to use white clay.

If traces of your scent are already ingrained into the fabric, do the following:

  1. Take hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  2. Mix them in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Apply the resulting solution to the stained area.
  4. Leave for 10-20 minutes.
  5. Wash the item as usual.

Important! This option is more suitable for light-colored fabrics, as peroxide can affect the shade of poorly dyed colored clothing.

Video material

We hope that the advice of our specialists was useful to you and you removed fragrant, but unfortunately, unwanted perfume stains from your things.

Very often, without thinking, women apply their favorite perfume directly to things. And then they discover that stains have appeared on their favorite blouse or blouse. This is a fairly common occurrence. Traces of perfume can be seen on both dark and light things. Next, we’ll look at several effective methods that will help remove perfume stains from almost any fabric.

How to remove perfume stains on clothes?

You don't necessarily need to spend a lot of money and take your clothes to the dry cleaner. There will definitely be a couple of products in the house that will cope with this task perfectly.

The following products will help remove perfume stains:

  • cosmetic clay;
  • alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • boric alcohol;
  • vinegar;
  • bleach;
  • laundry soap.

Important! Before using any product, it is necessary to test on the least visible part of the item. This way you will know that you will not damage the fabric.

How to get rid of stains?

Whatever the perfume is: expensive or cheap, its composition includes substances that should retain the aroma for as long as possible. The durability of a perfume is one of the indicators of its quality, but it is also a sign of the difficulty of removing such a composition from clothing. It won't work with regular water (even if you tried to remove it immediately after application). But you can try to cope with them in other ways.

Methods for removing contamination:

  1. Regular alcohol can help remove marks from fabric. Dampen a cotton pad with it and wipe the area. Afterwards the item can be washed with plain water.
  2. This method is suitable for woolen items. For this you will need glycerin and acetone. You need to heat the glycerin and apply it to the problem area, and then wipe the area with acetone. The final stage is to thoroughly rinse the area of ​​contamination with water.
  3. You need to take regular laundry soap and apply it to the problem area, rinse with water. The product must be applied generously. Leave the treated area for 15-20 minutes and rinse with water. The contamination should be completely gone.
  4. This method is suitable for old stains that cannot be removed by other methods. Take hydrogen peroxide and ammonia and mix them in a 1:1 ratio. Then apply the mixture to the stain and leave for 15-20 minutes. Next, we erase in the usual way.
  5. Almost every girl has cosmetic clay at home, but few people know that it can be used to get rid of blemishes. This substance is mixed with alcohol to the consistency of thick sour cream and applied to the contaminated area. After a few minutes, the item needs to be washed.
  6. The most difficult thing to remove traces of perfume from silk items. This fabric is very delicate and it will not be difficult to damage it. Therefore, to remove stains from silk, you need to take denatured alcohol, wipe the stained area with it, and rinse with plain water.
  7. The easiest way. For this you will need regular table vinegar. You need to pour laundry detergent into a basin and mix it with vinegar. Afterwards, we place the item there overnight. In the morning, you need to rinse and wash your clothes.
  8. It is also possible to mix vinegar and peroxide. But with this method there is no need to soak the item, just wipe the area and rinse with water.
  9. We use citrus fruits. This is a fairly simple but effective method. With its help, you can easily remove even old traces of perfume. Take a slice of lemon and rub it on the problem area, leave for 15 minutes. Afterwards wash or rinse the item.

Important! Although hydrogen peroxide is good at removing stubborn stains, it must be handled with care. That is, it is better to use it on white clothes. On colored items that are poorly dyed, such a product can leave marks and simply wash off the dye.

What do you need to know?

Perfume stains are quite complex stains. There are several points that must be taken into account before removing them.

  1. Before using any method, check the contents of your items. For more delicate fabrics, you need to choose more gentle methods.
  2. Remember that it is best to remove traces of perfume as soon as they appear. It is quite difficult to remove old stains, and sometimes you have to resort to more complex washing methods.
  3. For oil-based perfumes, the option with glycerin is not suitable. In this case, you need to use alcohol.
  4. It is best to wash the item completely after carrying out the stain removal procedure. This way you will have a guarantee that there will be no streaks left on it.
  5. You can also always purchase a regular stain remover. The main thing is to read the instructions so as not to completely ruin your clothes.

To avoid stains, perfume should only be applied to the skin: on the wrist, on the neck, on the skin in the chest area and behind the ears. Then the smell will last a long time, and things will not be damaged.

Of course, it’s not the most pleasant thing, but, as you can see, it can be easily dealt with using available tools.

The appearance of numerous perfume stains on clothes is a fairly common occurrence. Often, without thinking about the consequences, a girl, when using her favorite perfume, ends up on her favorite blouse. Subsequently, the material on which the perfume falls loses its presentation - ugly, difficult to remove greasy spots. Most women eventually come to the conclusion that the only thing that can be done in this situation is to throw away their favorite thing.

In fact, it is really difficult to get rid of such stains, because any perfume contains not only alcohol, but also various oil components. It is for this reason that it is considered almost impossible to remove perfume stains from your clothes, no matter what material your favorite soiled blouse is made of.

Several ways to remove perfume stains from clothes

However, it is worth trying to fight the stain; for this, housewives have tried some recipes.

  1. The most effective means Alcohol is considered a good choice for removing perfume stains. But it can only show its effectiveness if the stain is completely fresh. To get rid of it, just wipe the contaminated area with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol (or vodka), and then wash the product in washing machine using usual detergents.
  2. The second most popular way to remove stains from perfume and cologne is to use ammonia and peroxide. This method is used to combat old stains that alcohol is no longer able to deal with. For getting necessary means you need to mix the components in equal proportions, and then treat the entire contaminated surface. Then wash the product as usual.
  3. The simplest, but at the same time very effective way– use of conventional laundry soap. You can remove stains in this way from any type of fabric; you just need to take a simple bar, lather it on the stained area and leave it in that state for literally ten minutes. At the end of the designated time, you can simply wash the product in your usual way.
  4. Another option on how to get rid of the hated dirt left by perfume is to use alcohol and cosmetic clay. The latter, and it is preferable to take white, since it copes best with various contaminants. In order to remove stains, you need to make a paste out of clay, mixing it with a small amount of alcohol. Apply the resulting mixture to the perfume stain and leave until completely dry. After this, you need to carefully shake off the clay layer from the product and wash it in the usual way.
  5. If your white clothes, you will need to put in a little more effort to remove such stains. First, you need to moisten the contaminated area with ordinary ammonia, then make a solution of hydrogen sulfate. To prepare it, you need to take about four grams of powder per full glass of water. After preparation, moisten the damaged area with the resulting solution. After three minutes, moisten the stain with a solution of oxalic acid. To prepare it, you need to take five grams of acid per glass of water. The final step is to wash the item thoroughly and leave it to dry naturally.
  6. Another option is to use glycerin, which is very effective in getting rid of stains on woolen items. Glycerin must be heated and moistened with dirty material, after which the area must be thoroughly treated with a regular cotton swab, generously soaked in acetone.

If you see a perfume stain on your clothes, don’t despair. This problem can be easily solved by spending a little of your free time. If none of the above methods help, you can go to the store and buy a good modern stain remover or take the item to the dry cleaner.

Agree, it will be very unpleasant if on some special day one of your friends comes up to you and quietly says that perfume stains are visible on your festive clothes. Yes, not everyone wants to be in such an awkward situation. But in fact, all this can be easily avoided if, of course, you know how to remove perfume stains.

In this post, we will look at simple home methods that can help you solve the problem in question. They are all very affordable and easy to use. So let's get started.

How to Remove Perfume Stains from Clothes

  • Alcohol. This is a product that is especially effective in combating cologne and perfume stains. If the stain is very fresh, simply moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and thoroughly wipe the problem area. After this, wash the product in the machine.
  • Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Alcohol alone may not be able to deal with stale stains on light-colored fabric. In this case, to solve the problem, it is recommended to mix ammonia with hydrogen peroxide (1:1) and treat the stain with the resulting solution, then wash the item in the usual way.
  • Laundry soap. A simple and effective method that can be used on almost any type of fabric: simply wet the stain with water, then lather it well and leave for about ten minutes. After the time has passed, wash the product. Attention: instead of laundry soap, you can use the proven Antipyatin soap. It copes well with various types dirt, including perfume stains.
  • Alcohol and cosmetic clay. For this method it is recommended to use white clay. Make a paste out of it, mix it with alcohol, apply it to the stain and let it dry. After this, brush off the clay and wash the product.
  • Hydrosulfite and oxalic acid. You can remove stains from white holiday clothes as follows: first moisten the area with ammonia, then make a solution of hydrosulfite (4 grams per glass of water) and treat the problem area with it. After just 3 minutes, moisten the stain with a solution of oxalic acid (5 grams per glass of water). Finally, wash the item and hang it to dry.
  • Glycerol. Perfume stains can be removed from woolen products using glycerin. Heat this liquid a little, moisten the contaminated area with it, and then treat the stain with a cotton swab moistened with acetone.
  • Bleach. The problem in question can be solved using bleach, which has been proven over the years. Wet the stain with water, apply bleach and leave for 10-15 minutes. In most cases, no trace of contamination remains.
  • Boric acid. This, of course, is far from the most effective method, but it can also help bring out yellow spots from spirits.
  • Modern stain removers. It may happen that none of the above methods will work for you. In this case, we recommend going to the nearest hardware store and, after consulting with the seller, buy a good stain remover. Please read the instructions carefully before using it.


These are all the methods we know to help remove perfume stains. If you know any other effective methods, write about them in the comments. To never encounter this problem again, apply perfume correctly - a drop between your breasts, on your wrists and on your usual place behind your ears.

Thanks everyone for your attention!