What's the best New Year gift for a woman? Hint: length – 15 cm, width – 7 cm, and it’s better to have several at once. (ANSWER: $100 bill)

Without what will the New Year's holiday not work? (ANSWER: Vodka)

He eats little, drinks a lot, and gives gifts to everyone. Who is this? (ANSWER: Santa Claus)

The only person sober at the New Year's banquet is... (ANSWER: Christmas tree)

If firecrackers clap, Animals drop by to see you, If a kind gnome brings a Christmas tree to your glorious house, The next one will quite possibly be in the house... (ANSWER: ambulance)

On the eve of every New Year, early at dawn, “this” is brought into the house. (ANSWER: husband from the banquet)

If you shout loudly for a very long time on New Year's Day with the whole honest company, then she will definitely come. Who is this? (ANSWER: police)

She is curvy at the chest, slender at the waist, and skinny at the bottom. (ANSWER: Glass)

If you mash it a little, it will become hard, like a potato. (ANSWER: Snowball.)

Small, cross-eyed, in a white fur coat and felt boots. Who is this? (ANSWER: Chukotka Santa Claus.)

Where is the snow woman from? (ANSWER: From ZIMBABwe.)


What do a gynecologist and a tour operator have in common? (ANSWER: Both work where all normal people relax)

How to make a man go crazy in bed? (ANSWER: Take the TV remote control)

What is the difference between expensive jewelry and a man? (ANSWER: Expensive jewelry always satisfies a woman)

What happens if you turn right three times? (ANSWER: Turn left)

What ends faster than a vacation? (ANSWER: Vacation pay)

What human organ can expand tenfold when stimulated? (ANSWER: The pupil of the eye. And the organ that you thought about, when excited, increases only 2.5 times)

What does a devout Jew do before drinking tea? (ANSWER: Opens mouth)

What is baldness? (ANSWER: Replacing the combing process with washing)

Before the start – it hangs, during the process – it stands, after – it’s wet. What is this? (ANSWER: Umbrella)

Nearly 40 million people do THIS at night. What is this? (ANSWER: Internet.)

As soon as he gets up, he will reach the sky. (ANSWER: Rainbow.)

A colored yoke hung over the river. (ANSWER: A sign of incipient madness)

What does a wife do with dinner if her husband doesn’t like it? (ANSWER: Leaves it for dinner)

There are two women at the fence: one is glued, the other is sewn... What should be done with them? (Answer: tear off one, flog the other).

With eggs and onions, not a pie? (Answer: Robin Hood).

What is it: blue gold? (Answer: my beloved got drunk.)

What is it: the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. (ANSWER: Phone sex.)

What three-letter word is every man afraid of? (ANSWER: More!)

A loves B, and B loves D. What should A do? (ANSWER: Find another B.)

What is it: that is, there is a head, then there is no head, that is, there is a head, then there is no head? (ANSWER: The lame man behind the fence.)

What does 90/60/90 mean? (Answer: traffic cop speed.)

What does the proverb say: “The sheep are safe and the wolves are well fed”? (ANSWER: About the fact that the wolves killed the shepherd and his dog)

Everyone strives for this, but when they achieve it, they are very upset. What it is? (ANSWER: Old age)

Small, yellow, crawling across the field? (ANSWER: The Japanese is looking for a mine)

A small, yellow one flying over the field? (ANSWER: The Japanese found a mine)

What is it: does not growl, does not knock and does not scratch the floor?

(ANSWER: Domestic machine for tapping, growling and scratching the floor)

A pear is hanging - it’s scary to eat. Why? (ANSWER: Boxers will punch you in the face)

There is longing in the eyes, a board in the teeth. (ANSWER: The man fell through the village aftershock)

What can't you eat for breakfast? (ANSWER: Lunch and dinner.)

He left his grandmother and left his grandfather... What is this? (ANSWER: Sex.)

Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (ANSWER: Bald.)

What is this: sitting on the ceiling and chewing on a light bulb? (Answer: Ceiling Lampgnawer.)

The 10-story building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor of the house; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which elevator button is pressed most often in this building? (ANSWER: Button “1”, regardless of the distribution and number of residents by floor.)

An honest customs officer, Malvina, Buratino and a filthy cop are traveling in the same compartment of the train. They are playing point for money, there is a lot of money in the bank, the train is entering a tunnel. And when he leaves the tunnel, the money disappears. Question: who stole the money? (ANSWER: The cop is filthy, because the other three do not exist in nature...)

She is the color of lilac, sees forward as well as backward, and jumps higher than the bell tower. What it is? (ANSWER: White blind horse. Because lilacs are white, and the bell tower, in principle, does not jump.)

Earrings for suckers. (ANSWER: Noodles.)

What question will no one ever answer “yes” to? (ANSWER: A sleeping man to the question: “Are you sleeping?”)

How can you walk while sitting? (ANSWER: In the toilet - on the toilet.)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (ANSWER: He can’t, he doesn’t know how to talk.)

Why do they wear a hat? (ANSWER: Because she doesn’t walk on her own.)

What is it: water runs, power lies? (ANSWER: The deputy was given an enema.)

When a woman lifts her leg, what do you see? A five-letter word that starts with P and ends with A. (ANSWER: Heel.)

What else can you get off a naked secretary? (ANSWER: Naked boss.)

How fast does a dog need to run so as not to hear the clink of a frying pan tied to its tail? (ANSWER: From zero. The dog must stand.)

With claws, but it’s not a bird, it flies and swears. (ANSWER: Electrician.)

Sometimes it stands, sometimes it hangs, sometimes it burns, sometimes it gets cold. (ANSWER: Shower.)

Small, gray, looks like an elephant. (ANSWER: Baby elephant.)

What is this: a little bald little thing running through the forest? (ANSWER: Hedgehog. Why bald? Because from Chernobyl.)

The hunter walked next to the clock tower. He took out a gun, loaded it and fired. Where did the hunter end up? (ANSWER: To the police.)

The boy fell down 5 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls down 50 steps? (ANSWER: Only one, because the second one is already broken.)

What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (ANSWER: From empty.)

What tree does the hare hide under when it rains? (ANSWER: Under wet.)

Why does the pop buy a hat? (ANSWER: Because they don’t give you a hat for free.)

Which wheel does not spin when turning right? (ANSWER: Spare.)

What do a coffin and money have in common? (ANSWER: Both the first and the second are first nailed down and then lowered.)

What is it: no windows, no doors, and a Jew sitting inside? (ANSWER: Sarah is pregnant.)

What is this: hanging on the wall and crying? (ANSWER: Climber.)

What is it: with a mustache, big, red, and stuffed to the gills with hares? (ANSWER: Trolleybus.)

What is the difference between a young bachelor and an old one? (ANSWER: A young man cleans up his own house in order to invite a woman, and an old bachelor invites a woman into the house so that she can tidy up.)

How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not at all, because peas don’t move.)

Every woman has a small wrinkled one. (ANSWER: Zest.)

A hedgehog is running across the lawn, dragging and laughing. Why does the hedgehog laugh? (ANSWER: Weed tickles the pussy.)

A hedgehog runs across the lawn and cries. Why is the hedgehog crying? (ANSWER: The grass was mowed.) *** The more there are, the less weight. What is this? (ANSWER: Holes.)

How do day and night end? (ANSWER: Soft sign.)

What is the name of a Georgian if three nails fell into the water? (ANSWER: Rusted.)

What is the difference between a horse and a needle? (ANSWER: First you sit on the needle, then you jump, on the horse you first jump, and then you sit.)

Pet, starts with "T". (ANSWER: Cockroach.)

First there was fire, and then water and copper pipes. What is this? (ANSWER: Moonshine.)

What do a diver and a cook have in common? (ANSWER: Both the first and the second have to lower the eggs into water from time to time.)

What is the difference between a woman's breast and a toy railroad? (ANSWER: Nothing: both one and the other are created for children, and dads play with them).

What can't you do in space? (ANSWER: Hang yourself!)

How to put a giraffe in the refrigerator? (ANSWER: Open the refrigerator, put a giraffe in it, close the refrigerator.)

How to put an elephant in the refrigerator? (ANSWER: Open the refrigerator, take the giraffe out of it, put the elephant inside, close the refrigerator.)

Leo called all the animals to a meeting. But not all of them appeared; one beast did not come. Who is this? (ANSWER: Elephant. He sits in the refrigerator, remember?)

If you need to cross a wide river infested with crocodiles, but there is no boat. How will you do this? (ANSWER: Swim. Why are they afraid, after all, all the crocodiles are at Leo’s meeting.)

It’s hard to believe that in their current form, the images of the two main Russian New Year’s wizards were formed only a few decades ago, during the times of the Soviet Union. However, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are among those unconditional values ​​of the Soviet past that most Russians would not part with at any price. Santa Claus, who in the early 1990s tried to supplant the Soviet tradition with elves and reindeer, was politely but persistently escorted out. We need our Santa Claus and his granddaughter, and if they are suddenly not there, the New Year will not come!

Christmas tree

It would seem that there is a festive tree in other countries. However, the Russian Christmas tree is very different from its foreign sisters. It has nothing to do with the biblical story and for most of our compatriots it is tightly connected with the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” and the obligatory round dances that begin in kindergarten and never stop.

In addition, it is considered great chic to celebrate the New Year by climbing a New Year's tree. This year, a whole choir of 60 Santa Clauses is giving concerts on a Christmas tree with platforms during the New Year holidays in Moscow - in what other country will you see this?

In addition, the Russian New Year is unthinkable without children's "Christmas trees" - festive New Year's performances that are tightly tied to the name of the festive coniferous tree.

Chiming clock

Every Russian knows that the truly New Year in the country begins when the Kremlin chimes strike 12 times on New Year's midnight. Everyone who lives in Russia knows that the most cherished wish will come true if you manage to make it during 12 strikes. And if you also write it on a piece of paper, set it on fire, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it, then it will come true with a 200 percent probability.

In 2014, this tradition was under threat because the Kremlin’s Spasskaya Tower, on which the chimes are located, was covered with scaffolding due to restoration. However, the authorities decided that it was impossible to encroach on the sacred, and therefore only on December 31, 2014, the Spasskaya Tower with its chimes will appear in the form of a light projection. At the same time, the hands on the dial will move, and at exactly midnight the magic 12 strikes will strike.

President's New Year's address

Five minutes before the New Year, the whole country stops cutting salads, hastily uncorks champagne and listens with bated breath to the president's speech. At the same time, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to reproduce the next day what exactly the head of state said, but the general meaning is known even to first-graders - the year was difficult, let the coming year be better, Happy New Year, let's have a drink!

A tradition started a little less than half a century ago Leonid Brezhnev, survived all the political storms and became an integral part of the celebration. On December 31, the President acts as the all-Russian toastmaster, who, with a glass in hand, kicks off the 10-day folk festival. It will no longer be possible to abandon this custom - at the moment of the collapse of the USSR, neither Gorbachev, nor Yeltsy They didn’t want to congratulate the people at the appointed time, and then the satirist became the “head of state” for five minutes Mikhail Zadornov. The politicians learned their lesson - no one tried to evade the New Year's address anymore.

Classic champagne is a rather expensive product that could not be mass produced in a country of workers and peasants. However, the Soviet government decided that the holiday should become closer to the people. The task of creating an affordable sparkling wine was entrusted to a champagne scientist and, part-time, revolutionary Anton Mikhailovich Frolov-Bagreev. He developed an original technology for creating champagne using the so-called reservoir method. Connoisseurs of champagne wines frown at his mention, but the fact is a fact - thanks to Frolov-Bagreev, champagne ended up on the tables of tens of millions of Soviet citizens. “Soviet Champagne” has turned into a brand that turned out to be stronger than the country in which it was created.

Those who consider “Soviet Champagne” a “surrogate” simply do not know that foreign manufacturers quietly purchased licenses for production using Soviet technology back in the 1970s. Moreover, among those who acquired a license to produce sparkling wine using the Soviet method, in 1975 there was even the Moët company, the oldest champagne producing company in the world.


The younger generation of Russians knows that the tangerine is a New Year's fruit from the cradle, and accepts this as an axiom. At the same time, to the question “Why?” most will not give an answer.

The explanation is quite simple - the main supplies of tangerines to the USSR came from Morocco, where the harvest is harvested in late November - early December. As a result, tangerines reached the shelves of Soviet stores in the last decade before the New Year.

Today, tangerines are brought to Russia from many countries and have practically ceased to be a strictly seasonal product. But this out-of-season also has a downside - the goods on the shelves of Russian supermarkets are devoid of that amazing smell of the freshest tangerines that came from Morocco to the USSR literally “in the heat of the moment.” And without this smell, tangerine is no longer a “New Year’s miracle”, but simply one of the items in the assortment of the fruit and vegetable department.

Salad "Olivier"

In the early 1860s, the cook of the Moscow restaurant "Hermitage" Lucien Olivier developed a recipe for an original salad, which gained incredible popularity among gourmets. The recipe was Monsieur Olivier's secret, which he took to his grave. The ingredients of the dish were known, but no one succeeded in repeating the “Olivier” that the author of the idea made.

It is clear that olives, hazel grouse and capers were available to residents of the world's first state of workers and peasants, just like classic champagne. Therefore, a recipe for “Soviet Olivier” was born - with boiled sausage, peas and pickles.

Looking at this dish, also known as the “Capital” salad (when replacing sausage with chicken), Mr. Olivier would have been horrified. Or maybe he would have clapped his hands with delight - after all, not every dish, as they say, “goes to the people.”

Our people are not ready to give up Olivier even in the most difficult years - it’s not for nothing that a special index has appeared that estimates the cost of the ingredients necessary to prepare the obligatory New Year’s dish.

By the way, abroad this dish is proudly called “Russian salad”, which is fair - after all, it was in Russia that they were able to appreciate the genius of Lucien Olivier.

"The Irony of Fate"

In Russia there is a whole selection of films that are customary to watch on New Year's Day, but, whatever one may say, the creation Eldara Ryazanova, which tells about the adventures of a drunken doctor on New Year's Eve, is a wild card that is impossible to beat. Actually, “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” they don’t even watch, but perform in chorus, since all the main lines have long become part of folklore. You can watch this film while cooking jellied fish or quietly being sick on January 1, from the beginning, from the middle, or from any other place - it doesn’t matter at all. It seems that the main sign of the end of the world on one sixth of the land will be the absence of “The Irony of Fate” in the New Year’s television program.

New Year's "Spark"

Paradoxically, the program “Blue Light” first aired on Soviet TV not on New Year’s Day, but in April 1962. But since 1964, the New Year's concert in this format has become an integral part of the New Year's celebration in our country. And half a century later, citizens do not want to give up this tradition, wanting to drink just to watch such an event.

In fact, the classic Soviet “Blue Light” stopped appearing back in 1985, but people refused to notice this, calling all New Year’s shows by the old name.

Today, “lights” are prepared by almost all leading TV channels, each in its own format. And although only one of them bears the Soviet name of such a New Year’s concert, in fact, all of them are heirs and continuers of the old Soviet tradition.

We think that New Year has always been celebrated. However, it is not. The history of this holiday dates back at least 25 centuries.

This custom first appeared in Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia). According to some scientists, it was here, in the ancient civilization of the Sumerians, that they began to celebrate the New Year for the first time (in the third millennium).

The New Year became firmly established in the life of the ancient Babylonians. All agricultural work began at the end of March, after the water in the Tigris and Euphrates arrived. For 12 days, a solemn event was celebrated - the onset of the time of victory of the bright god Marduk over the forces of destruction and death. The holiday was accompanied by processions, carnivals and masquerades. At this time, it was forbidden to work, punish, or hold court.

How did the Slavs learn about this ancient holiday?
Scientists have proven that the Jews, who were in Babylonian captivity (during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar), borrowed this story and included it in the Bible. From the Jews, the tradition of New Year's celebration passed to the Greeks, and through them to the peoples of Western Europe.

The time of the New Year holidays is the time of a beautiful, kind fairy tale that comes to every home at the end of every year with the onset of winter cold. The New Year brings us hope for the best and gives us many gifts. At this time, we begin to feel like heroes of a fairy tale. A child awakens in each of us, we begin to perceive what is happening through children's eyes, although we have long since grown up. But we also want to believe in Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, who will definitely come to our house someday. To believe that somewhere far away, in the endless expanses dominated by snow and ice, lives the beautiful Snow Queen. You may not agree with me, but in the soul this happens to everyone. And the New Year is to blame - the time when the most cherished desires and dreams come true. We just need to believe in the good, the good, and everything will work out for us.

Celebrating the New Year carries the most joyful feelings and is associated with peace, love and mutual understanding. This holiday, like many others, has its roots in ancient times. On this day, the closest people gather. The charm of New Year's Eve will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

In Russia The New Year began to be celebrated by decree of Peter the Great on January 1, 1700. Previously, the beginning of the new year was celebrated on September 1. This holiday with a Christmas tree (although under Peter the Great the Christmas tree was not decorated, but paws and twigs), decorations, and carnivals were very much loved by the Russian people. Now this is one of our favorite holidays. Did you know that earlier, instead of a Christmas tree, other trees were decorated. These were cherries specially grown in tubs. Previously, people believed that all trees were endowed with good powers, that good spirits lived in them. And by hanging treats and gifts on the trees, they tried to appease these spirits. Well, the evergreen spruce occupied a special place among all trees. She was the sacred center, the “world tree,” symbolizing life itself and a new rebirth from darkness and gloom. Previously, instead of toys, various fruits were hung on trees, for example:
apples - a symbol of fertility
nuts - the incomprehensibility of divine providence
eggs are a symbol of developing life, harmony and complete well-being.

As is known, custom of decorating a home with fir branches, came from Peter the Great. In the 30s of the 19th century, Christmas trees were put up for the holiday only in the houses of St. Petersburg Germans. By the end of the 19th century, Christmas trees became the main decoration of both city and country houses and in the 20th century they were inseparable from winter holidays until 1918, when, due to the affiliation of the decorated tree with Christmas (that is, the religion of the church), it was banned for as long as 17 years ( until 1935). It was only in 1949 that January 1 became a non-working day. So putting Christmas trees in houses is not such an ancient invention as it might seem. In Rus', he is 60-65 years old (no more).

Not a single New Year's holiday can be imagined without a richly and brightly decorated Christmas tree. In many countries, in addition to the Christmas tree, the house is decorated with bouquets of mistletoe. This custom originated from England. On a festive evening, English houses are decorated with these plants. There are even mistletoe bouquets on lamps and chandeliers, and, according to custom, you can kiss a person standing in the middle of the room under a mistletoe bouquet.

For a family with children, it is not the joint celebration of the New Year that is important, but the joint preparation for it. Even the youngest children can be involved in decorating the Christmas tree (by the way, if children are not yet 5 years old, it is better to decorate the Christmas tree with unbreakable large toys that will not suffer from being tasted or thrown on the floor), hanging tinsel, coming up with fancy dress costumes and learning songs and poems about winter, New Year and Santa Claus. At the same time, it’s worth telling your child how the change of year occurs, why it’s cold in winter, where Santa Claus lives, and what traditions of celebrating the New Year there are in other countries - you’ll get a festive, unobtrusive lesson in geography and regional studies. Tell me what's going on France To celebrate the New Year, a bean is baked in gingerbread. And the best New Year's gift for a fellow villager is a wheel. French Santa Claus - Père Noel - comes on New Year's Eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes. The one who gets a bean baked into a New Year's pie at the New Year's Eve receives the title of "bean king" and on the festive night of the New Year, everyone obeys his orders. Santons are wooden or clay figurines that are placed near the Christmas tree before celebrating the New Year. According to tradition, a good winemaker must clink glasses with a barrel of wine, congratulate it on the New Year and drink to the future harvest. The New Year itself, which the French call “St. Sylvester's Day,” is a very cheerful holiday; it is customary to celebrate it with a large circle of friends. The windows of cafes and restaurants, painted with attractive drawings and inscriptions, invite everyone to try New Year's dishes, exquisite French delicacies, the cooking features of which are passed down from generation to generation.

New Year's holidays in Italy quite simplified. Old traditions are rarely observed, mainly in villages. On the day before Christmas they work only until lunch, and after lunch they decorate the trees and prepare gifts.

Germans They love holidays and celebrations and celebrate them with special solemnity. In the villages, many ancient customs and rituals have been preserved, especially carefully observed during the celebration of the New Year, Christmas, which is considered the biggest holiday. The atmosphere of the holiday is released onto the streets of cities long before its onset. The Germans decorate their houses with pine and spruce wreaths, in which they place candles, lighting one every Sunday from the first of December.

Spain. Sparkling spirit, joy and fun, endless imagination - these are the main features of Spanish holidays. People celebrate the dates of major holidays throughout the year both as the main participant and as a spectator, realizing themselves simultaneously in these two forms. Folklore is an expression of the deepest spiritual feelings and joys of the Spaniards. Almost all regions of the country have a rich, original treasury where they keep their own dances, songs and traditions that inspire many performers of lyrical performances, as well as spectators.

IN Czech Republic And Slovakia Young girls are looking forward to this holiday with great impatience, because it is on the night before Christmas that they will find out whether they will get married this year? The proof is... a house slipper, which they must throw over their heads towards the door. If the slipper falls with its toe towards the door, the groom will soon appear, and if towards the room, the bride will have to wait another 1 year.

In the land of the rising sun - Japan- all residents of cities and villages on the morning of February 1 go out to watch the sunrise. When the first rays of the sun illuminate the earth, the Japanese congratulate each other on the new year and exchange gifts. And the evening is usually spent with family. And in order not to let evil spirits into their homes, they hang wreaths of straw in front of the entrance to the house. They believe it brings them happiness. They also have a custom - to laugh at the beginning of the New Year.

In another eastern country - Vietnam- New Year is celebrated at night. At dusk, Vietnamese people light bonfires in parks, gardens or on the streets. Several families gather around them and cook special rice delicacies over the coals. On this night, all quarrels are forgotten, all insults are forgiven, because the New Year is a holiday of friendship! The Vietnamese spend the entire next day with their families. The Vietnamese believe that the first person who enters their house in the New Year will bring them good luck, or vice versa - grief and misfortune. Therefore, my advice to you is that these days, meet only trusted people, just in case.

New Year's Eve at Tibet called Losar. New Year is celebrated at the end of January or at the beginning of February - during the new moon. The two days before the New Year, called Gutor, are especially important. On the first day of Gutor, it is customary to do a general cleaning of your home. Moreover, special attention is paid to the kitchen as, according to Buddhists, the most important place in the house. In Sri Lanka, New Year's Eve is celebrated on April 13 or 14. Before the New Year holiday, housewives clean their houses so that all the troubles of the outgoing year go away along with the garbage. On the last day of the old year, before the New Year, it is not customary to eat anything. And also turn on the lights in the houses. The first New Year's dish that you can try after 12 midnight is rice with milk. Moreover, it must be prepared by the father or male head of the family.

Very beautiful during the New Year celebrations in China. The whole country looks like a big glowing ball. And this happens because during the festive procession that flows through the streets of China on New Year's Eve, people light a lot of lanterns. This is done in order to light the way into the New Year. Since they believe that the New Year is surrounded by evil spirits and evil spirits, they scare them away with the help of crackers and fireworks.
A thousand-year-old Chinese tradition says that on New Year's Eve you should gather with your family. In the northern part of the country, dumplings are always served for dinner, while niangao (sticky rice slices) are more popular among southerners. Celebrating the New Year is accompanied by many signs that in other countries would be called superstitions. But the Chinese (not only villagers, but also more than half of the townspeople) strictly observe them. For example, on the first day of the year you cannot say words that have a negative meaning: death, poverty, disaster, etc. - so that these misfortunes do not actually happen to a person. The house must have red decorations (in China it accompanies any joyful event). It is strictly forbidden to throw away garbage, so as not to sweep away your future wealth with it.

Since the predominant religion Egypt Since Islam is Islam, Christian holidays like New Year or Christmas are not widely celebrated here. But for tourists, New Year's celebrations with a gala dinner, shows and fireworks are planned in every Egyptian hotel. During the celebration, the customs of all religions are mixed, and together with Santa Claus you can see a half-naked girl performing an exotic belly dance. And the festive Egyptian feast can amaze any gourmet: whole roasted lambs, baked sea fish the size of a decent shark, stuffed pigeons, aromatic oriental sweets and an insane amount of cakes, pastries and pies. The imagination of local chefs knows no bounds - for example, they mix beef and oranges in salads, but it turns out delicious.

IN Mongolia The New Year coincides with the cattle breeding holiday, so it is characterized by sports competitions, tests of dexterity and courage. Even Santa Claus comes to them dressed as a cattle breeder.

IN Burma The New Year comes at the hottest time of the year, so its arrival is celebrated with the so-called “water festival”, when people pour water on each other when they meet. The tradition of pouring water is a kind of wish for happiness in the New Year.

And in Iran New Year is celebrated on March 21. There, people plant wheat grains in small pots several weeks before New Year. By the New Year they emerge - this symbolizes the beginning of spring and the New Year.

Happy New Year in Bulgaria. When people gather around the festive table, the lights in all houses are turned off for three minutes. These minutes are called "minutes of New Year's kisses", the secret of which is preserved by darkness.

IN Romania It is customary to bake various small “surprises” into New Year’s pies - small money, rings, hot pepper pods. If you find a ring in the cake, it means that the New Year will bring you happiness.

For residents of the capital Netherlands Amsterdam's main New Year's event is the appearance of the local Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, in the city port. The guest arrives in the country by sea, through Rotterdam, and a meeting is organized for him in the tiny fishing village of Monnikendam not only by ordinary citizens, but also by city authorities, including the mayor of the capital. This usually happens in early December. And all the subsequent New Year's Eve, Dutch children try not to play pranks in order to earn long-awaited gifts from Nicolas and his servant nicknamed “Black Pete”.

In this country, holiday celebrations are held very traditionally, except for the obligatory skating on the city skating rink, built specifically for the holiday period. By the way, a similar skating rink exists in Copenhagen, and many Danes specially come to the capital with their families to “test the ice.”

For the rest of the Scandinavian peoples, the New Year's week between Christmas and December 31 is especially fairy-tale-like. In the small town of Lapland, Romaniemi, on the very Arctic Circle, according to legend, the real Santa Claus lives. It is from here that he sets off on his journey on Christmas night in order to have time to distribute gifts to children all over the planet.

Very exotic New Year celebrations take place in Australia. The absence of snow, Christmas trees, deer and other usual attributes of the holiday does not sadden the inhabitants of the continent at all. Father Christmas marks the start of the New Year with his own appearance on a special, brightly decorated surfboard on Sydney beaches. Moreover, following the traditions of the Old World, his clothes always include a white beard and a red cap with a pompom at the end; as for the rest, the tanned body of the gift giver is covered by a swimming suit.

New Year celebration traditions
In Rus', for the New Year, domestic animals were baked from dough: horses, cows, bulls. And when they came to the house to carol, the guests were presented with these figures, various sweets, and nuts. They also believed that the New Year should be celebrated in a new dress and shoes - then wear new clothes all year. Usually, before the New Year, all debts were repaid, all insults were forgiven, and those who were in a quarrel were obliged to make peace.

Folk signs for the New Year
Whoever sneezes a lot during the New Year's party will live happily all year. “The number of times you sneeze, the number of girls will love you.”
If the echo goes far in January, the frosts get stronger
Clouds go against the wind - towards snowfall.
How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.
On New Year's Eve with new clothes, wear new clothes for a whole year.
You cannot give money away before the New Year, otherwise you will have to give it away the whole year.
When celebrating the New Year, French women always wear new red underwear. They believe that this will scare away evil and calculating men, and will attract decent gentlemen.
On New Year's Day, the sky is starry - for the harvest.
By the New Year, they try to finish all their affairs, especially unpleasant ones, so that they do not carry over into the next year. However, haste and the inevitable weakening of attention to the surrounding environment are your main enemy on New Year's Eve. Take a realistic look at life: whatever you don’t have time to do before 5 p.m., let it go to another year.

The New Year is coming - the time for gifts and congratulations, banquets and feasts, green fluffy Christmas trees and the same fluffy white snow.

Organizing the New Year is one of the most interesting and exciting areas in organizing holidays, because it is the kindest and most fabulous holiday, the time frame of which has recently extended to a whole week, connecting New Year and Christmas.

Let's celebrate the New Year dressed as Father Frost (Snow Maiden)!
Have you ever felt envy at the sight of Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens? They walk through the streets in such a businesslike manner, they are so welcome. They know some secret, despite the “cotton wool beard” and cheap makeup. Most do not dare to imagine themselves in their place, but in vain. Who's stopping you from getting a Santa Claus (Snow Maiden) costume and going outside? In this form, you can come to any company, to any restaurant or club - you are unlikely to be asked for an ID. You will receive so much attention, such a portion of smiles and compliments that you will want to celebrate the New Year every weekend. In addition, you will be in a more advantageous position than the “real” Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens: you will not have to entertain anyone, and the Zarya company will not require you to report on gifts.
An ideal option for those looking for new acquaintances. You will be out of competition.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Pig 2007
Trust the old legend that says: how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Celebrate the holiday to the fullest and do not deny yourself anything, at least one day a year.

Do you want to celebrate the New Year with many friends according to all imaginable and inconceivable rules? Great, then book a banquet hall, there will be enough space for everyone and there will still be some left over. Decorate the room with balloons, always in warm colors.

To keep you and your friends from getting bored, order an entertainment program. Dancing, music, a fun show will certainly put you in the right mood. Don't forget to place the main symbol of the coming year - a figurine of a pig - in a prominent place. The size and material of your figurine does not matter, the main thing is that it is there. Rejoice and make everyone around you happy, infect everyone around you with the good mood virus.

Don't forget that New Year is a holiday of good mood and, of course, gifts. Call and congratulate, at least in words, all your friends and relatives. And for those closest to you, prepare pleasant and original surprises that will bring them a lot of pleasant sensations and linger in their memory for a long time. A gift is a mandatory attribute of a New Year's fairy tale. It doesn’t matter whether Santa Claus brought it under the Christmas tree, or the gnomes put it in a stocking, or you bought it at Children’s World together - the gift is important in itself, as a symbol of change.

Students enter the hall to the music "Happy New Year, Dad."

The old year is ending
Good, good year.
We will not be sad -
After all, a new one is coming to us.

What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance,
This is the laughter of cheerful guys
Near all the decorated Christmas trees!
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!

What is New Year?
Everyone knows in advance:
These are pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles!
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!

What is New Year?
This is snow, frost and ice!
And in the dancing snowflakes
Invisible springs -
That's what it means
This is what New Year means!

Soon, soon New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on our doors:
Children, hello, I'm coming to you!

The holiday is fabulous and bright...
Santa Claus, lights, gifts
And the beautiful Snow Maiden...
And surprises, miracles! -
One after another - at full speed!..
With new happiness!
Happy New Year!
We are celebrating the holiday
Decorating the Christmas tree
Hanging toys
Balloons, crackers...

Santa Claus will come soon!
He will bring us gifts -
Apples, candy...
- Santa Claus, where are you?!

New Year is coming.
What will he bring to people?
Everyone who works
Who is honest, kind and brave,
Let your wish come true
Whatever he wanted.

We all feel very good
Have fun today
Because he came to us
New Year's holiday.

We have been waiting for this day for a long time; we haven’t seen each other for a whole year.
Sing, ring under the tree,
New Year's round dance!

Round dance "New Year's round dance".

Music "Song of Leopold the Cat".

Leopold: Hello, dear guys! What a wonderful sight. How friendly you all are! Oh, how smart you all are! Moore-cheerful! Moore-beautiful! I hope you all recognize me? I am Leopold the cat. Yes, yes, the same one from the pur..., excuse me, cartoons. And if I don’t quite look like myself, it’s only because I put on a New Year’s suit. Now let us create a miracle - we will revive our magical forest. Who will be the forest, raise your hands. (Several people choose.) How do birch, aspen, and fir trees make noise in the wind? (Children raise their hands and make noise...) Well done, who else is in the forest? That's right, animals, birds! Who will be the bears? How do they growl? (Children try to growl.) Who will be our pigs? (Children grunt.) And now the birds have arrived. How do they scream? (A group of children flap their arms like wings.) And now the mice have come running. How do they squeak? (Children squeak like mice.) Now let's draw a forest. Three four! (Leopold the cat plays the game "Miracle Forest".)

Music plays and little mice appear. They are holding a box of cake in their hands.

1st mouse: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Let us pass quickly!
2nd mouse: Allow Leopold to give us our surprise.
1st mouse: Allow me from the pranksters to congratulate everyone on the holiday.
2nd mouse: Happy New Year! With new happiness, dear children.
1st mouse: Good afternoon, and this is... hello...
2nd mouse: Hi all! Hip-hip!
Together: Hooray!

Leopold, pleased, applauds the mice, the guys applaud along with him.

1st mouse: Dear Leopold! We decided in the New Year not to play pranks, not to be hooligans...
2nd mouse:...and never quarrel with you. As a sign of our friendship, accept this cake from us.
They give the cake to Leopold.

Leopold (flattered): Thank you, little mice! I am sincerely glad for your mur-prudence. I have always believed in your mur-friendship. And let's all dance the dance of friendship together.

Dance "Lavata".

1st mouse: Open it quickly, Leopold!
2nd mouse: This is the most delicious cake in the world.
Leopold: OK then. Now we will all eat a small piece together.

Opens the cake. The cake bursts, explodes (there is a firecracker in it) and the little mice hide under the Christmas tree. Firecracker.

Leopold: Incorrigible! Guys let's be friends!
1st mouse: But we don't want to!
2nd mouse: We will defeat you!
1st mouse: Leopold, you vile coward!
2nd mouse: I am not afraid of you!
Leopold: Well! In this case, the guys and I will punish you. Now we will play and have fun, but we won’t take you with us. Right guys? But before you play, guess the riddle. Now I’ll ask you a question, can you think for five minutes, what is the name of Santa Claus’s granddaughter? (Snow Maiden)

Musical theme of the Snow Maiden. New Year's greetings.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! You recognized me? That's right, I'm the Snow Maiden! And I have a surprise for you. Look at my key.

Santa Claus gave me a key
And he said to take care of it.
So that he cannot disappear,
I'll put it on a stump.

A snowstorm knitted a white hat for me on New Year's Eve.
A blizzard of felt boots made from fluffy snow.
I love frosty frost.
I can't live without cold.
Santa Claus chose a name for me:
I am the Snow Maiden, friends!
Let the cheerful round dance be the first to celebrate the New Year!

Round dance "Tick-tock clock".

Mice: Ah well! In this case, we will do our own round dance (they try). No, it doesn’t work, two seems to be not enough. (They grab the key and run away.)

Snow Maiden: Ay-ay-ay, mice are harmful and disgusting. The key was stolen, what am I going to do now, what am I going to tell my grandfather?

Leopold calms down the Snow Maiden.

Song "We will survive this trouble."

Leopold: We have a lady goddess living in the forest! Gorgeous! Her tower is also unusual - on chicken legs. Who is this? (Baba Yaga.) You guessed it.

A sound is heard that develops into an eerie hiss. Baba Yaga runs out. In the hands of a broom.

Baba Yaga: Let me into the hall
Let me into the hall
Otherwise I’ll make a scandal for you!
What kind of tickets are there?
I don't have tickets! Uh, uh, uh
I have a good sense of smell:
Where to move, run,
To receive gifts

Baba Yaga: Ugh, oh, oh, the money is bent, the technology has failed again (examines the broom, takes out something). Wow! The microcircuit burned out! What to do? I’ll go look for my old one (walks a few steps, looks at the audience). Why are you gathered here? I have no time for you! Oh, are you here for the Christmas tree? Okay, why are they so sour?

Approaches Leopold.

Baba Yaga: Hello, cat!
Leopold: Hello, hello, Granny Yagulya!
Baba Yaga: Why are you so angry? He looks healthy, but his face is beaten. What happened?
Leopold:(Sighs.) It happened, Baba Yaga.
Snow Maiden:(Cries.) Santa Claus gave me a key
And he said to take care of it.
And I let Grandfather down,
Didn't save the key
Baba Yaga:(Turns away, thinks, guesses something on his fingers.) A cat, a cat! What will happen to me if I tell you what I saw in the forest?
Leopold: Well, witch! Always asking for something! Isn't it a shame to be old?
Baba Yaga: Yes, I need a lot.
...I just want to ask riddles...
Leopold: The guys are smart, they can solve riddles.

Baba Yaga: I walk in the field, I fly in freedom,
I twist, I mutter, I don’t want to know anything. (Blizzard)

The old man at the gate stole the warmth,
He doesn’t run and doesn’t tell him to stand. (Freezing)

And not snow, and not ice,
And with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost)

Well, you certainly won’t be able to guess this riddle.

Leopold: Can you dance?
Baba Yaga: Well, it’s my pleasure! Let's dance

"Dance of hedgehog grandmothers."

Baba Yaga: Thank you, you respected the old woman. OK. Listen. The mice, the villains, are planning something to escape to the south, to what is it their islands, the Canary Islands, or what? Your key is in your backpack, and they’re the only ones they’ve seen, and then they’ll put it there, and goodbye to the holiday! (Waves his hand.)
Snow Maiden:(Jumps up.) Leopold Matveich! We urgently need to catch mice, think of something!
Leopold: Calm, just calm. I already know mouse habits.
Baba Yaga: Well, okay, killer whales, you think about it, and I’m reeling in the fishing rods: I’ll fly to Gorynych and boast about my impressions.

Baba Yaga flies away, music sounds.

Leopold: Oh, I figured it out. (Takes out a pipe, magic music sounds.)

The dance is oriental, and mice come out and “swim out” and fall under it.

Snow Maiden: Oh! Leopold Matveich, what did you do to them?
Leopold: It was I who specially lured them out with a magic pipe, but I overdid the dose of euthanasia! We need to wake them up.
Snow Maiden: Let's try to make some noise, stamp our feet, 1-2-3, clap our hands, 1-2-3, blink our eyes, 1-2-3.
Leopold: Let's play. Guys, stand around the Christmas tree. I know a very noisy game "Catch the cat's tail."

The game "Catch the Cat's Tail" is on.

The guys line up in a “snake” formation and, to the music, the first player in the “snake” tries to catch up with the last one. Mice don't wake up...

Music sounds, Baba Yaga flies in.

Baba Yaga: Well, dears, are you having problems again?
Leopold: Oh, Baba Yaga, I have no time for you (waves her away).
Baba Yaga: Maybe I can help you, what happened? (Addresses the guys.) How can I help?
Snow Maiden: It’s necessary, otherwise the mice won’t wake up.
And so that the ardor of fun does not go out,
To make time go faster,
I invite you now
Gather in a circle as quickly as possible.
Come on, dear children,
Stop yawning
Come out quickly
Dance dance

Modern dance "New Year".

1st mouse: Where did we end up? They've probably already arrived in the south (stretches).
2nd mouse:(Shrinks.) It’s a little cold.

They turn and back away from each other.

Leopold: Are you awake, my dears? Give me the key quickly.
Snow Maiden: Little mice, give me the key!
2nd mouse: Leopold...
1st mouse: Yeah, we’re already running and stumbling! Let's daydream! We will never give up the key; we will need it ourselves.
Leopold: Guys let's be friends! Maybe we can play a game? And if the guys beat you, then, sure enough, give them the key.
2nd mouse: What other game? Look what they came up with!
1st mouse: Come on, they won't win anyway. Give us your game here.

Game "Hit the target". Conducted by Leopold. The mice stand near the Christmas tree, holding a target in their hands.

Leopold: Guys, we are divided into two teams: girls - “Murochki”, boys - “Murlans”. In the relay race, you need to put on a vest and gloves, run to the mark and hit a target hoop with a snowball, then return and pass on the attributes of the game to your neighbor. The mice take the one who misses the target with them under the tree.

1st mouse: Forgive us, kids. We were joking.
2 mouse: We did a bad thing by stealing the key.
Together: Please forgive me, take us to the Christmas tree!
Snow Maiden: Guys, will we forgive the mice? Okay, we'll forgive you for the last time.
Leopold: Guys let's be friends!
Baba Yaga: Friendly, good
But someone is missing!
We need to call him.
We need to scream loudly.
Who is louder?
Here's the question!
Well, boys: "Santa Claus!"
Hey girls, look up!
Let's shout together: "Santa Claus!"

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's call Santa Claus together. Let's shout: "De-shower-ka Mo-rose!"

Music sounds and Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Good afternoon, my friends!
Finally I have arrived to you!
S, guys.
I congratulate you
I am both adults and children,
Quiet and mischievous.

Snow Maiden: Oh, how glad we are for you, Grandfather!
Baba Yaga: Yes, Grandfather, without you a holiday is not a holiday. In! Look: they’re sitting there with their noses hanging down, their ears hanging down, a complete disgrace.
Leopold: Santa Claus! So the guys are waiting for you to light the Christmas tree.
Father Frost: Don't worry guys! Let's celebrate the Christmas tree holiday together - the long-awaited New Year, and, of course, we'll light the lights on the Christmas tree. And for this, let’s all stand around the Christmas tree and say together:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree!
Green needle,
Light up with different lights,
Green and red!

Repeat several times and the tree lights up.

Snow Maiden: Our Christmas tree is so decorated, it’s a lot of fun all around! So come on, guys, let's sing about the Christmas tree.

Round dance song "Christmas tree".

Snow Maiden: Sit down, Grandfather Frost, take a rest from the road.
Leopold: And look what the guys have prepared for you for the holiday.

Santa Claus sits down and listens to poetry.

Baba Yaga: La-la-la, la-la-la - it's all nonsense. And I love dancing, come on dancers! Come out!
Mice: And we also know a funny dance. A real mouse." Everyone dances!

Game-dance "Merry mice".

Leopold: Santa Claus, look how beautiful and smart our guys are today.
Father Frost: Yes, yes, I see. Well done!
Baba Yaga: Come on, grandpa, let's make a presentation of the costumes. Just prepare the gifts.

The heroes take turns bringing out the children in beautiful costumes, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden hand out gifts.

The New Year's waltz sounds.

1st mouse: And we think that you should definitely dance in such beautiful costumes.
2nd mouse: Yes Yes! Let's dance!

Dance "New Year's Round Dance".

Father Frost: Guys, what animal accompanied us during this year? (Pig.) And who will replace her? (Mice.)

Game with pins.

Father Frost: The mice won the game and therefore replace the pigs.
Father Frost: I want to treat the kids with gifts. (He comes to his senses.) Snow Maiden, where is the key to the chest? I have treats there.
Snow Maiden: Here's the key, grandpa! Let's open the chest together.
Father Frost: Come on, my magic key,
Open the chest quickly!
There are gifts for everyone there,
To please the guys

Snow Maiden: It's time, friends, we need to say goodbye.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.
Let's celebrate the New Year together
Both adults and kids!

Father Frost: Now it’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday.
Leopold: We wish you a lot of happiness today, kids!
Baba Yaga: May you grow big.
Mice: So that you do not know adversity.
Snow Maiden: And Grandfather Frost and I will come to you, but in a year.

Song "New Year's".

Father Frost: The carnival is sparkling bright,
The kids are having fun
New Year gifts
It's time to receive!


22.12.2008 11:57:39

Thank you! I've been looking for something worthwhile for a long time. I have already staged a play with these same characters, and the children had a great time!

07.12.2008 20:16:22, Svetlana


Not bad, but there are very few participants, children will not be very interested in just listening...

12/27/2007 11:39:42, Valerian

Comment on the article "Scenario" "New Year and that's it, that's it, that's it"""

Our team of cheerful and resourceful counselors and animators will be happy to organize any holiday for your child in the classroom or at school: an unusual September 1st and New Year, Graduation in a junior school with rope courses, Maslenitsa in the schoolyard or in the park, Teacher's Day or a holiday of disobedience . Every children's holiday will definitely include competitions and games for parents. Would you like us to teach you HOW to organize such an unusual holiday yourself? Option "SUPER-ECONOMY" On...

New Year is the most magical holiday! On Tuesday and Wednesday, December 25 and 26, kindergarten No. 1421 in Yasenevo was filled with a mysterious mood: everyone was expecting miracles and gifts. Experienced counselors at our camp organized 5 matinees in 8 groups. Girls in beautiful almost ballroom dresses, boys in suits - real little princes and princesses. Entering the assembly hall, the guys saw a tall, fabulously beautiful Christmas tree...

The premiere of a magical New Year's fairy tale based on a story by famous Soviet writers, authors of the script for the famous and very beautiful film of the 60s "Aladdin's Magic Lamp", V. Vitkovich and G. Yangfeld "A Tale in Broad Daylight" will take place on the Grand Stage of the Army Theater on December 28. The play is staged by the talented director Andrei Badulin, who, together with the adult actors of the troupe, involved in the performance the students of the children's theater studio at the Army Theater. "A Tale in Broad Daylight" was...

Today, any of us has the opportunity to give our children and ourselves a magical holiday, to celebrate the New Year with the legendary cat Leopold and his friends.

Elena developed this scenario specifically to be held in an orphanage for hearing-impaired and deaf-mute children, so for this holiday she attracted girls from the studio to show the kids what to do, since not all children can read lips. The holiday was a great success, the children did not let go, there was even a thank you from the director of the orphanage. But this scenario can be successfully used in kindergarten.

We invite everyone who doesn’t like to be bored to take part in the competition “How to Celebrate the New Year”! Works are accepted in three categories: “Creative New Year” - stories and scenarios for children's matinees, parties, family celebrations. "Self-assembled tablecloth" - stories and photographs of the festive decoration of the New Year's table. “A holiday every day” - stories about all other holidays :) Works are accepted until December 22 inclusive, the winners will be awarded on December 28. The total prize fund is more than 20...

If it’s expensive for you to order an entire holiday from us, then we are ready to simply teach you HOW to organize such an unusual day yourself! ... New Year and Christmas, Maslenitsa and Valentine's Day, Victory Day and Midsummer Night, Primary school graduation and September 1, Teacher's Day and Halloween... Option "SUPER ECONOMY" Consultation with our specialist in the office - HOW to spend an unusual and unusual stereotypical graduation or New...

NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY for 1-4 CLASSES (in Moscow). PROGRAM "ECONOMY Game Program "Pre-New Year's Battle - Santa Claus vs. Santa" or other topic as agreed: - a small scene-introduction to the game, introduction to the holiday heroes (animators) and an explanation of the rules of the game - New Year's game - quest - competitions with children (team and individual) and parents (optional) - ceremonial presentation of certificates based on the results...

UNUSUAL ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM: Shooting a New Year's video An unforgettable mini-movie with the participation of children and their parents. Shooting in 1 day. Preparing the script in advance, preparing costumes and props, rehearsals and the shooting itself - that is, the whole process with the direct participation of everyone. Film editing and recording on discs within 2-3 days. Total shooting day time - from 4 hours Date: December 2012 Group of children and parents: from 5 to 20 actors Filming and animation crew: 5...

The theater for the whole family "Semitsvetik" invites you and your child to the New Year's theatrical performance "New Year of Leopold the Cat". A good story about Leopold the Cat for family viewing with children over 2 years old.

A good story about Leopold the Cat for family viewing with children over 2 years old. The duration of the New Year's tree is 1 hour 20 minutes, of which 45 minutes are the theatrical performance "New Year of Leopold the Cat"...

Wizards are not proud and kind people. They can invite Grandfather Frost and his entire company to where your child will be waiting for them. This could be a home, kindergarten, school, or even an office. Today I will talk about where and how to organize a children's New Year. 1. New Year's party at home Organizing fun at home is the most popular and probably the best solution. Here you are not limited by any external rules, as you might be in a kindergarten or in a restaurant. You set the rules yourself. Quantity...

New Year is approaching - the favorite holiday of children and adults. Everyone is looking forward not only to New Year's Eve, but also to the long weekend in January. What to do on holidays so that your child will enjoy them and remember them for a long time? One possible option is to organize a special event for children. As soon as you decide to organize a children's party, questions arise: where to start, what to do first, what to buy, what to cook, etc. Here are some tips: 1. Try to attract...

I am often asked: how to arrange a holiday for a child? Usually parents think about a holiday twice a year: on Jam Day and before the New Year. All thoughts come down to one question: where should I take my child so that he will be interested and the parents will not be too bored? My answer is this: why not, instead of taking your child to another entertainment center with a standard set of entertainment, not give him a real, personal celebration? This will be the most special day of his life, his...

leopold the cat, all sorts of cartoons about the new go >. Leopold the cat, all sorts of cartoons about the New Year... then 3 Musketeers - but maybe the name is not correct (where musketeer dogs fight with cats) 09.26.2008 14:12:31, LEO.

Any participant, regardless of Leopold the Cat, can answer in conferences and start new topics. Does anyone want to go to the theater with us on Sunday to see Leopold the Cat? Popular discussions in 2007. How to influence someone else's child? barabachka.

Leopold the Cat, *!. Oh, women, deceit is your name! Any participant can answer in conferences and start new topics, regardless of whether they are registered on the 7ya.ru website. Popular discussions in 2006. Mom, this is Tanya, she will live with us... takca.

New Year. I want to take my son (3.5) to the children's musical performance "Leopold the Cat" by Khait. It lasts about 1 hour and 45 minutes. I don’t know if he will be interested at this age.

A new musical story about the friendship of Leopold the Cat and mice. An unusual theatrical production for audiences of any age! The performance is filled with jokes and songs.


Agree that just sitting at the table on New Year's Eve and eating your fill is incredibly boring. If you diversify the event with games and competitions for adults, you definitely won’t be bored. Even the most serious uncles and aunts will have a lot of fun!

The traditional and still best solution would be to spend the New Year with your family, where only your favorite and closest people are present. But it will still be boring to just sit at the table and watch an endless stream of entertaining television programs. It is much more interesting to organize some exciting New Year's competitions for the whole family at home, in which both adults and children can participate equally.

Funny questions and answers for the New Year 2018 New Year's games and entertainment: incredibly fun and unusual New Year

Invite your family to have a masquerade party. Let everyone come to the New Year's table “in character.” Have some contests, hand out fortune notes, and don't forget to take photos! You can even arrange a quest to find gifts.

If you have small children, then Father Frost and Snow Maiden should definitely come to them. If it is not possible to invite professionals, ask friends or dress up as these characters yourself. The trend of our time is congratulations from Santa Claus via Skype. Your friends will definitely cope with this.



Without what will the New Year's holiday not work?

(ANSWER: Vodka)


He eats little, drinks a lot, and gives gifts to everyone. Who is this?

(ANSWER: Santa Claus)


The only person sober at the New Year's banquet is...

(ANSWER: Christmas tree)


If the firecrackers clap,
The animals came to see you,
If the Christmas tree is a good gnome,
Dragged to your glorious house,
The next one is quite possible
Will be in the house...

(ANSWER: ambulance)


On the eve of every New Year, early at dawn, “this” is brought into the house.

(ANSWER: husband from the banquet)


If you shout loudly for a very long time on New Year's Day with the whole honest company, then she will definitely come. Who is this?

(ANSWER: police)


She is curvy at the chest, slender at the waist, and skinny at the bottom.

(ANSWER: Glass)


If you mash it a little, it will become hard, like a potato.

(ANSWER: Snowball.)


Small, cross-eyed, in a white fur coat and felt boots. Who is this?

(ANSWER: Chukotka Santa Claus.)


Where is the snow woman from?



How to make a man go crazy in bed?

(ANSWER: Take the TV remote control)


What is the difference between expensive jewelry and a man?

(ANSWER: Expensive jewelry always satisfies a woman)


What happens if you turn right three times?

(ANSWER: Turn left)


What ends faster than a vacation?

(ANSWER: Vacation pay)


What human organ can expand tenfold when stimulated?

(ANSWER: The pupil of the eye. And the organ that you thought about, when excited, increases only 2.5 times)

Funny questions and answers for the New Year 2018 New Year's games and entertainment: Uniquely original and truly fun riddles for the New Year

New Year's holidays are a great time to go somewhere with a close friend, at least for a few days. Don’t be lazy to think through and organize an unusual New Year’s Eve - create pleasant memories yourself!

Look at the sky on New Year's Day
You're here for a few minutes.
There you will see bright, cool,

Among a variety of fruits
New Year's there is one -
Sweet, juicy, very ripe.
This is delicious...

There is champagne in glasses
And salads in bowls,
Well, the main one is on the table...
Did you guess it?...

Very warm, comfortable,
For snowdrifts - incomparable,
And they never go out of fashion.
Santa Claus always wears them.
(felt boots)

They knock, they ring,
They are keeping a report.
They give us a signal
When the year starts.

Let's light them together in the New Year,

They will light up the house for us.
Loved by adults and children

They are prepared, bought
And they put it under the Christmas tree.
Happy New Year
And they are always highly anticipated.

There's a bucket on his head
And the nose is an edible carrot,
I'm used to winter and cold.
Tell me who is he?

White, fluffy -
Flies in the air
And it will touch the ground -
It will melt right away.

Shining with bright lights
On the walls, windows, outside the window.
Her Christmas tree is lavishly decorated.
The outside of the house is being decorated.

Gathered near the Christmas tree,
Together we held hands,
How much joy it brings
New Year's...
round dance

May the New Year be merry
And brought us joy
We need to give to each other
What? Certainly…

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