Gulya Konshina

« Peoples of Crimea – Crimean Tatars»

(Event scenario for the team and children of preschool educational institutions, held in two stage: for teachers and technical staff. Children of the group visit an exhibition where teachers talk about culture and customs Crimean Tatar people, introduce works of art)

Target: acquaintance between preschool employees and older and older children preparatory groups with culture, customs and traditions peoples living in Crimea. Implementation of the objectives of the regional program for intercultural education of preschool children « Crimean wreath» .

Leading: “I really want peace and friendship to rule the country,

So that there is no war on the planet and peace comes,

So that the borders all disappear without a trace,

So that there will always be trust and brotherhood on earth."

Wherever and whenever you and I are, we are always surrounded by people of different nationalities. Historically, it happened that Crimea - Homeland of different nations speaking 175 different languages ​​(latest census 2015, professing different religions, differing in the originality of cultures and mentalities. But this is interesting!

“We are all different, so what?

We are all Humans, we are all alike!”

Leading: I want to tell you one parable:

“A white man and a black man once met. White said: “How ugly you are! It’s like it’s all smeared with soot!”. Black frowned contemptuously and said: “And how ugly you are, white! It’s like you’ve been completely wrapped in white paper!”. They argued and argued, but could not come to an agreement. And they decided to go to the sage. After listening to them, the sage said white: “Look how handsome your black brother is! He is black as the southern night, and in it, like the stars, his eyes shine...” The sage then turned to black: “And you, friend, look how handsome your white brother is! He is beautiful, like the sparkling white snow that lies on the tops of the mountains, and his hair is the color of the sun...” The black man and the white man were ashamed of their dispute and made peace. And the sage thought about the future. And he imagined such a picture... White, black, yellow people twirling in a cheerful round dance, dancing and singing songs. They look at each other with love. And blocks out the sounds of music and songs of someone young voice: “It’s good that we are all different. Otherwise life would be so boring!”.

For centuries, mutual understanding and mutual assistance between people of different cultures have been the basis of the historical development of the nation. After all, the world considers a civilized person to be a person who knows and respects not only his own culture people, but also the culture of others peoples. We are all different, but we are all together, one big family who tries to live in peace, friendship and harmony. As the poet Y. accurately noted this. Entin:

“We have special people.

They are an example for many countries.

Here they pay homage to Christ and Buddha,

The Torah and the Koran are friends here..."

"Future Crimea– in preserving the great cultural heritage of all peoples».

Today we want to tell you about ourselves Crimean Tatars Oh, there are 11 of us in the team, which is 16%; there are 34 children in the kindergarten, which is 9% of the total number of our children. Let's touch a little on issues of history, our rituals, traditions and customs.

(To the anthem Crimean Tatar people includes children and adults)

Leading: Crimea-this is my homeland - Kyrym menim Vetanim

Teacher 1. Crimea– This is the homeland of my ancestors. My mom and dad were born here. - Kyrym menim babalarymin Vetana. Menym babam ve anam doguldlar Kyrymda.

Children on Crimean Tatar language:

My name is Mavile...Menim adym Mavile, Selim, Safiye, Vildan....

Teacher's assistant 1. Crimea– this is the miracle of the garden-Kyrym-guzel melon.

Teacher2. Crimea is the Black Sea, these are the heavenly places of Kyrym-Kara deniz dzhennetim.

Teacher 3. Crimea– these are the steep heights of the southern mountains - Kyrymnin daglari kokke baka.

Teacher 4. Crimea– this is the steppe and protected places - Kyrymnin cholleri ve saklangar erleri.

Teacher 5. Crimea is a fairy tale, looking into the eyes” -Kyrym – masall kibi gozlerime baka.

Pom. teacher 2. Has a special aura Crimea- Kyrymin dzhany bek guzel

Many languages ​​are spoken here. Adamlar chok tilde lafeteler.

Child. Ilkhan:

"If I live in Crimea, must give food to the mind, Speak Russian fluently, Tatar slightly guttural, Ukrainian melodious speech...Can I do it? I can probably do it. "Evpatoria, Crimea, language"- I’m so used to talking. "Evpatoria, Krim and Mova"“I’m ready to repeat again.” "Gezlev, til, Kyrym",Support my impulse: I’m learning chains of words - I’m ready to become a polyglot.”

Teacher 6. As long as my heart beats, I will be proud of the place where my children were destined to be born. Menim yuregim goururlanam, menim ballarim Kyrymda doguldlar.

Teacher 7. I was born in Ufa, but today Crimea is mine native home , where we all live together.

Child. Bian:

“There are a lot of words in the world, like snowflakes in winter. But let’s take, for example, these: Word - "Men"- "I" and the word "Biz"- "We" "I" it's lonely in the world, "I" not much use. It is difficult for one or the other to cope with adversity. Word "We" stronger than "I", We are Family - "Qoranta" and we are friends "Dostlar", We - people"Millet", and we are united, together we are invincible"

Leading: “On the palms of the gentle sea

A small country is basking,

The mountains protect her sleep,

The wave sings a lullaby... - this is our beautiful Crimea.

Leading:. parable about Crimea

“One old man was asked:

What does it look like Crimea?

“A bunch of grapes,” the elder answered without hesitation.

Why? – people were surprised.

Because a bunch of grapes consists of many juicy, tasty, beautiful and vitamin-rich berries, and Crimea is rich in many beautiful places - the sea, forests, mountains, and steppes, rich in flora and fauna. If we compare the contour Crimea with a bunch of grapes, you can immediately see how similar they are in shape. And, of course, people. Crimea belongs to those places where people of many nationalities live, with their own traditions and holidays. These are Russians Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians, Jews and many others. All these people live alone friendly family, just like berries on a bunch of grapes. That's why Crimea looks like a bunch of grapes."

Crimean Tatar dance performed by children "Haitarma"

Leading: Everyone has it people have their own symbols: Flag, coat of arms, anthem. We entered the music room to the anthem.

photo on screen

“Our flag is like the blue sky and the blue of the sea takes its beauty”

Flag Crimean Tatars, which is a blue cloth with a yellow tamga emblem Blue color- traditional Turkic color peoples, symbolizes clear skies and blue seas, freedom. For the first time the flag was adopted by the Kurultai (national convention) Crimean Tatars in 1917, after the February Revolution in Russia.

Tamga – coat of arms, seal

Tarak-tamga (Crimean Tat. taraq tama)- ancestral sign of the ruler Crimean khanate of the Gerai dynasty, used today Crimean Tatars as a national symbol.

The founder was the first to use this symbol Krymsky Khanate of Haji I Giray. In Khan's Crimea Tarak-tamga was a symbol of the ruling dynasty and khan's power. The image of the tarak-tamga was minted on coins, it was depicted on the facades of public buildings (frescoes and reliefs in the Bakhchisarai Khan's palace have been preserved to this day)

The name tarak-tamga literally means Crimean Tatar"comb-tamga" (Crimean Tat. taraq - comb, comb; tama - tamga, brand). There are different interpretations of this symbol (comb, balance scales and stylized image of an eagle) yellow (tamga drawn in exactly this color) is the color of gold, which symbolizes physical and spiritual purity. If these colors merge, they give green - the color of life and dedication, immortality and truth.

Historical reference

Crimean Tatars kyrymtatarlar, Turkic people, historically formed in Crimea and Northern Black Sea region; Crimean Tatars belong to the indigenous population Crimean peninsula.

Crimean Tatars formed as a people in Crimea in the XIII-XVII centuries

They speak Crimean Tatar language, which is part of the Turkic group of the Altaic family of languages.

Overwhelming majority Crimean Tatars- Sunni Muslims, Each of the three sub-ethnic groups Crimean Tatars(Tats, Nogais and South Coast residents) has its own dialect. Yuzhnoberezhny (southern, Yalyboy) The dialect belongs to the Oghuz languages ​​and is very close to Turkish. It differs from literary Turkish less than some Turkish dialects proper. A feature of this dialect is also a significant number of Greek and a number of Italian borrowings.

Stepnoy (northern, Nogai) The dialect spoken by the Nogai belongs to the Kipchak languages ​​and is related to the Karachay-Balkar, Nogai and Kumyk languages. They speak the steppe dialect Crimean Tatars of Romania and Bulgaria, as well as the vast majority Crimean Tatars of Turkey.

The most common, middle dialect (mountain, Tat, spoken by people from mountainous and foothill areas Crimea, is intermediate between the two above. It contains both Kypchak and Oghuz features. Modern literary literature is based on this dialect. Crimean- Tatar language . Despite significant Oghuzization, the middle dialect is a direct continuation of the Polovtsian language, which was spoken in Crimea in the 14th century.

Leading: Now each of us will show and tell our pedigree

(Exit with pictures of the family tree and the story of each participant)

(On the board there are old photos and birth certificates of our ancestors)

Leading: Telling the story Crimean Tatar people, one cannot help but recall the years of the Great Patriotic War. (video footage on screen)

More than 35 thousand served in the ranks of the Red Army from 1941 to 1945 Crimean Tatars from Crimea, and in total 60 thousand fought Crimean Tatars. From Crimean Tatars there were more than one and a half thousand officers of the Soviet army, 97 of whom were women. 36.6% of those who fought Crimean Tatars died on the battlefield. Most of (about 80%) provided active support to the civilian population Crimean partisan detachments. For this, the occupiers and collaborators destroyed 127 Crimean Tatar villages.

Five for participation in the Great Patriotic War Crimean Tatars were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and Amet Khan Sultan (our music director Aliya Useinovna’s grandmother studied with him) was awarded this title twice.

Two are full holders of the Order of Glory

For participation in guerrilla warfare 12 Crimean Tatars were nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Not everything in our history is so simple.

Deportation Crimean Tatars.

Accusation of collaboration Crimean Tatars, as well as others peoples, with the occupiers became the reason for the eviction of these peoples and all non-USSR citizens from Crimea in accordance with the Decree of the State Defense Committee of the USSR No. GOKO-5859 dated May 11, 1944. On May 18 - 20, 1944, a deportation operation took place Crimean Tatars, in June - all the rest.

After the deportation, 127 villages were deserted, 300 by half.

We are very glad that justice has triumphed, and today Crimean Tatar people restored to his rights and lives in his homeland.

6 main holidays in the calendar Crimean Tatars

(book materials "Calendar rituals Crimean Tatars» R. I. Kurtiev, Simferopol, Krymuchpedgiz,2006)

Rare Muslim people boasts such an abundance of national and religious holidays. U Crimean Tatars 6 dates a year are especially revered.

Yil Gejesi (that is New Year)

(stories from teachers with video footage shown)

Celebrate it Crimean Muslims December 22, the winter solstice. It symbolizes the arrival of winter. This family celebration, which does not have complex rituals. Southerners call it Kantar Day (i.e. Libra Day).

Families make dishes for Yil Gejesi special: white halva and pies with rice and meat, in the center of which an egg is placed. And before the evening family dinner, each family member tries to discreetly smear the face of relatives with soot from under the cauldron.

After the meal, when darkness falls, the boys put on their outerwear inside out and in a crowd they go to the nearest houses "carol", House owners give children sweets and nuts.

This is the day of all farmers, which is celebrated on March 20 or 21. It announces the beginning of spring and the first day of the year, according to already eastern calendar, symbolizes the beginning of a new agricultural season.

This holiday consists of several stages:

1. Conducted old year. The housewives are tidying up the house, the men are preparing to plow the land, the boys are preparing their goat costume. (wear fur coats turned inside out, sew a tail to the back) and make a mask. Housewives bake meat pies and cookies shaped like a twisted horn.

In the evening, large fires are lit near the houses and boys jump over them. And when it gets dark, they put on their goat masks, the girls take bouquets of snowdrops - the children go to their acquaintances and friends to congratulate everyone on this holiday, the owners give sweets to the little guests. Singing a song about a goat, the children jokingly try to get into the house and steal the birthday cake, and the hostess also jokingly drives them away.

2. Welcome the new agricultural year. At the end of morning prayers, elderly Muslims visit cemeteries and clean the graves of their deceased loved ones. During the day, children go to the houses of friends and relatives, congratulate them on the New Year and sing songs.

On the same day, the men, going out into the fields, give the respected elder the right to lay the first furrow of the year, thus beginning plowing.


This holiday is celebrated in the first week of May, when the first ear of grain appears on the field. Holiday of economy and social activities. Muslims tidy up their utility rooms, fumigate the barn with smoke, pour grain on the window sills, and spray the entrance to the barn with milk. Residents gather together in a clearing where there is a hillock. It is considered necessary to wear green clothes or at least have something green on yourself. Then they roll the bread down the mountain. If it fell upside down, the harvest this year will be good, but if not, the year will not be productive.

Celebrated during the autumn solstice, September 22. The celebration necessarily takes place near a sacred place with the sacrifice of an animal (V Crimea is a ram) .

Before the celebration dear Old man must throw a stone tied to his belt at the side, speaking at this: “So that everything bad this year goes away like this stone”.

At the celebration, singers, dancers, poets perform, sing ditties, and compete in national wrestling. After this holiday, cattle are returned from summer pastures.

Eid al-Fitr

One of the 5 obligatory conditions observed by Muslims is fasting. It begins in the month of Ramadan and lasts from the first day of the new moon for the next 30 days. For Muslims at this time there are a number of restrictions: It is forbidden to eat, drink liquids, smoke, use foul language. Eating is allowed only in the dark. "Ramadan" (Ramadan) translated as "burn", that is, Muslims believe that during this fast you can cleanse yourself of all your sins and burn them. The doors of heaven open at this time, and the doors of hell are closed for those who fast. In addition to fasting, Muslims must also perform good deeds during this period. affairs: invite those who are fasting to your home for the ritual of breaking the fast and feed them dinner, feed the hungry, help the suffering, etc. The Eid al-Fitr holiday begins at the end of fasting. After the holiday prayer Crimean Tatars They distribute alms to the suffering, the poor, orphans, the homeless, and lonely old people. On this day, everyone who was in a quarrel asks for forgiveness from each other and makes peace.

Eid al-Fitr holiday

Celebrated on the 10th day in the month of Zulhija. The celebration lasts 3 days. One of the main Muslim holidays. On this day, a devout Muslim slaughters or asks another Muslim to slaughter a sheep. The meat of the sacrificial animal is then divided into parts - 2/3 is distributed to the poor, lonely old people and orphans, and 1/3 is left for their family and all guests are treated to soup from this meat. Thus, Muslims atone for all their sins and ask Allah for blessings for their deeds. Getting ready for sacrifice Crimean Tatars in a few days - they put their house, barn, yard, and themselves in order. The ritual of sacrifice usually takes place after the morning holiday prayer on the day of Kurban Bayram. Then Muslims exchange congratulations and visit the graves of deceased relatives.

Crimean Tatar wedding

A wedding is a serious and responsible step for everyone, without exception. Many traditions Crimean Tatars are still an integral part of the wedding ceremony.

Wedding action Crimean Tatar people consists of several main periods: pre-wedding stage, the wedding itself and post-wedding activities.

Traditional pre-wedding period.

This concept means the presence of such solemn events like:


Previously, young people could meet at weddings and other holidays. There, young men looked closely at the girls, choosing a bride for themselves. The choice of the young man was based not only on personal sympathy, the reputation of the girl and her family, as well as hard work, kindness, and intelligence were also taken into account. After the young man tells one of his relatives the name of the girl he likes, inquiries are made about the family and the character of the bride. If the young people like each other, then events flow into matchmaking.


To do this, the groom sends kudalar - matchmakers - to visit his chosen one. As a rule, matchmakers are respected people. These could be the young man's relatives who are sent to the girl's house to find out more about her and exchange gifts with the bride's relatives. If a girl likes a young man, she gives him an embroidered white scarf through intermediaries. Kudalar, in turn, after her consent, is given to the girl Jewelry, perfumes and others cosmetical tools, as well as many sweets. All this is necessarily beautifully packaged and decorated with ribbons and bows. The groom's relatives are also not allowed to leave without gifts for the young man. They have to hand over young man several shirts, handkerchiefs, which are decorated with embroidery made by the hands of the bride, and several trays with sweets and pastries, which are also beautifully wrapped in festive packaging. After this, the matchmakers leave, having previously discussed the engagement date.


According to tradition, agyr nishan should take place 2-3 weeks after matchmaking. It also takes place at the bride's house. The Kudalar, who now number about 15 people, bring the girl a bokhcha - a bundle that is full of gifts, both for the chosen one and for all her relatives. And in return they are given gifts in return. All details and the date of the upcoming wedding are discussed between the parties.


The girl shows the guests, among whom are the young man’s relatives, her dowry, which has been prepared since birth.


The bride's family set the table and performed the ritual of staining the betrothed's hands with henna. It is believed that the more painted the bride’s hands are, the richer the bride will be living together young. All this takes place with songs and dances.


And in the groom’s house on the eve of the wedding, an ancient ritual takes place, according to which a specially invited hairdresser ceremoniously shave off the young man’s beard. Shaving the beard is considered a symbol of saying goodbye to bachelorhood and acquiring the status of a married man.

Toi - wedding ceremony.


After all the preparatory steps, nikah is carried out - a Muslim wedding ceremony. Usually nikkah is held in the bride's house, where the mullah - the religious representative of Muslims - in the presence of close relatives and witnesses asks the bride and groom if they agree to the marriage. It is important that the mullah asks this question to the bride three times. The first two times the girl should be silent, and the third time she should agree. After the ritual, the newlyweds go out to the guests.

In ancient times, weddings were held in courtyards or right on the street. A tent was created, tables and chairs were assembled from boards, covered with carpets and tablecloths. The tables were laden with all kinds of national dishes. Traditionally, the wedding of our great-grandparents lasted seven days. The current ones Crimean Tatar weddings have been reduced to two days. The first day is celebrated on the bride's side, and the second on the side of her future husband. Scenarios celebration of two wedding days similar to each other. Current wedding Events are held in restaurants.


As on the first and second days of the celebration, the newlyweds appear in the room where the guests have already gathered and the tables are set. Relatives always dance in front of the couple, accompanying them to the music at the table. Toi saibi - toastmaster - opens the wedding with a solemn speech. After this, cooks in aprons are invited to perform a dance, holding ladles in their hands. After them, the ayakchilar dance - the people who serve the guests during the celebration. And only then will the opening of the wedding take place, which is the responsibility of the newlyweds’ closest relatives. If the wedding takes place on the bride’s side, the opening falls on the shoulders of her relatives, and if on the groom’s side, then the relatives of the young men go to the site. Guests come out to the dancing relatives in pairs, ordering any composition from the musicians, and hand them money. Each hand should have a banknote of any name. Previously, all the money collected in this way was given to the musicians in gratitude for the abundance of melodies performed. Now musicians name a fixed price for their services, and the money "earned" relatives are given to a young family.


At the conclusion of the solemn Events performed by all guests Crimean Tatar folk dance"Q'oran" ("Round Dance"). Newly minted married couple stands in the center, forming a round dance around itself from dancing guests. After this, the young ones leave, also accompanied by folk compositions. It is customary that after the first day the bride stays overnight in her parents' house, and after the second she remains forever in new family. The wedding events do not end there; there is still a series of post-wedding events ahead. events.

Post-wedding period.

Kelin kavesi – coffee from the bride. The next morning, the bride should treat her new relatives to morning coffee. Everyone comes to look at the young woman. During this morning ritual, the girl, as a sign of respect for her husband's relatives, kisses their hands. Two days after the wedding itself, the bridesmaids come to visit the young woman, presenting her with gifts from her mother.

Then, after some time, Chagyrtuv is held. First, the girl’s parents come to the groom’s house, and then they wait for the newlyweds and the boy’s parents to visit.

Today Crimean Tatar The wedding ceremony differs in many ways from an ancient wedding, but still many customs during wedding events have survived to this day. Sez kesim, agyr nishan, nikah, kelin kavesi and chagyrtuv remained obligatory, but holding henna gedjesi and trash gedjesi is already quite a rare occurrence at weddings Crimean Tatars.

All special events are accompanied by noisy fun and dancing to the national music. Crimean Tatar music. Each melody carries a certain meaning. In general, the current wedding Crimean Tatars remained as bright and colorful as in ancient times.

Teacher 1:

“Today, when there are so many nations in the world,

And now we stand shoulder to shoulder with each other,

You can't play with lives like in a shooting gallery,

Without noticing the blizzard in someone’s heart.

We are different, of course, all on the outside,

But the same blood flows in our veins,

And in the coldest frosts again,

Skin color won’t count.”

Teacher 2:

“We all have the same feelings,

And the heart beats the same

The soul should still not be empty,

When to ask for help other people are screaming.

Yes, we have different traditions and faith,

But this is the main thing for us.

A sphere of happiness must be created in the world.

So that a smile appears on your face"

Teacher 3:

“We call on everyone to Unite, Become one family.

And in life the main answers for everyone,

Let’s find it, ending the moral war!”


"It's great when people

And together they go on strike,

And he’s a fan of football,

And he gets sick with the flu,

And celebrates together people

Favorite holiday New Year,

It's great when people

Lives as a family,

Never through doors like this

Evil and trouble will not knock!”

Leading: We invite everyone to Crimean Tatar dance KURAN.

Now we invite everyone to taste aromatic coffee and Crimean Tatar national dishes prepared by our staff Crimean Tatar nationality.

Visiting a product exhibition popularly- applied creativity Crimean Tatar people.

SIMFEROPOL, March 21 – RIA Novosti Crimea. International Nowruz Day is widely celebrated on March 21 every year among Muslims in many countries. This is one of the most ancient holidays on the planet, symbolizing the beginning of a new life, a new agricultural year.

History and national characteristics celebrations

In September 2009, the agricultural holiday Navruz Bayram was included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and in February 2010, the UN General Assembly declared March 21 as International Navruz Day.

In the CIS the holiday is celebrated as national Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other peoples. The commonly used pronunciation is “Navruz”, but each nation pronounces the name of the holiday differently: Novruz, Navruz, Nuruz, Nevruz, Nauryz, Nooruz, etc. The Crimean Tatars call it Navrez.

"This folk holiday, which is well rooted in our culture, so for us it’s like a secular New Year, another reason to get together with the whole family. The new generation does not take the holiday as seriously as our elders. Before returning to Crimea, we survived; we had no time for spirituality. Now we are returning to our own traditions,” Shefika Abduramanova, head of the exhibition, cultural and educational activities department of the Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage, told RIA Novosti Crimea.

The holiday is non-religious. It arose long before Islam and was known since pre-Zoroastrian times, it was celebrated even before the 7th century BC.

It is believed that the origin of the holiday is ancient Iranian, associated with the cult of the Sun and the name of the legendary prophet Zarathushtra (spelling variant - Zoroaster, Zardusht). In some countries March 21st has been announced public holiday and on days off.

Customs and traditions

Before the holiday, it is customary to go to the graves of ancestors and put them in order. Before Navruz, the owners try to put the house in order, whitewash and renovate it. All clothes must be washed to wash away the negativity accumulated over the year. Even before Islam, the week before Nowruz was considered dedicated to the souls of ancestors. They commemorated their ancestors by making offerings to them and asking them for help in the coming year and protection from harm.

It is customary for the Crimean Tatars to begin the celebration after morning namaz (prayer). On the morning of March 21, everyone goes to the ennobled graves and says prayers there.

"The traditions of the celebration are similar among all Muslims. They prepare for Nowruz 6 weeks before the start. A month before the holiday, they begin to plant wheat so that it germinates. The table is decorated with this sprouted grass. There should be a lot of dishes on the table, but symbolic dishes must be present: bread , olives, penir (homemade cheese), pumpkin, grapes, raisins, nuts,” noted a museum specialist.

There must be seven products on the table. The magical seven objects and products on the table become a symbolic gift to the Sun, which, accepting this gift, must take care of a rich harvest. On Navruz, as on Easter, it is customary to paint eggs and decorate the festive table with them. Many to festive table preparing pilaf.

In ancient times, Navruz was celebrated for 13 days. At the end of the celebrations, people went out into the field, where they celebrated the New Year. In most countries, this tradition has not been preserved, but in Iran, Nowruz is still celebrated for almost two weeks.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

6 main holidays in the Crimean Tatar calendar

The basis of the anthropological type is made up of representatives of the Caucasian race; some Crimean Tatars have Mongoloid features. The language belongs to the Oguz-Kypchak branch of the Kipchak group - the Turkic family of languages. They profess Sunni Islam.
The people were formed as a result of consolidation (based on the use of the Turkic language, the adoption of Islam) and synthesis of Turkicized and Islamized non-Turkic tribes (descendants of the Tauro-Scythians, Gotalans, Byzantines, etc.) with Turkic tribes (descendants of the Turko-Bulgars, Pechenegs, Kipchaks, etc.). Thus, as a result of a complex historical process in the IV-XVI centuries. the ethnic core of the Crimean Tatars was formed. Representatives of each group contributed to the formation of family rituals and calendar holidays.

Rarely does a Muslim nation boast such an abundance of national and religious holidays. Among the Crimean Tatars, 6 dates a year are especially revered.
Yil Gejesi (that is, New Year)
Crimean Muslims celebrate it on December 22, the winter solstice. It symbolizes the arrival of winter. This is a family holiday that does not have complex rituals. Southerners call it Kantar Day (that is, Libra Day).
Families make special dishes for Yil Gejesi: white halva and pies with rice and meat, with an egg in the center. And before the evening family dinner, each family member tries to discreetly smear the face of relatives with soot from under the cauldron.
After the meal, with the onset of darkness, the boys put on their outerwear inside out and go in a crowd to the nearest houses to “carol”, loudly shouting at the same time, “Those who treated us will have a boy, and those who don’t will give birth to a bald girl!” House owners give children sweets and nuts.

Another ritual of this holiday is a coal given by a guy to a girl he likes. If a girl accepts coal, the guy can send matchmakers to her parents.


This is the day of all farmers, which is celebrated on March 20 or 21. It notifies the beginning of spring and the first day of the year according to the eastern calendar, symbolizing the beginning of a new agricultural season.
It is now customary for all Turkic peoples to celebrate this day, and the Crimean Tatars have been celebrating it since ancient times.
The main version of the origin of this holiday says that when in ancient times the Turks were driven out by their enemies from their native lands, they for a long time they were sad and forced to live in sadness in the mountains, until one day a warrior-blacksmith showed them the way home. But an iron ore mountain lay on their road. And only after completely melting it, the Turks were able to return to their native land and marked this as the beginning of their new life and a new day (nav is translated as “new”, and rez - as “day”).
This holiday consists of several stages:
1. The old year is celebrated. The housewives are putting the house in order, the men are preparing to plow the land, the boys are preparing themselves a goat costume (they put on fur coats turned inside out, sew a tail to the back) and make a mask. Housewives bake meat pies and cookies shaped like a twisted horn.
In the evening, large fires are lit near the houses and boys jump over them. And when it gets dark, they put on their goat masks, the girls take bouquets of snowdrops - the children go to their acquaintances and friends to congratulate everyone on this holiday, the owners give sweets to the little guests. Singing a song about a goat, the children jokingly try to get into the house and steal the birthday cake, and the hostess also jokingly drives them away.
2. On the eve of this day, the girls prepare for fortune telling.
3. Welcome the new agricultural year. At the end of morning prayers, elderly Muslims visit cemeteries and clean the graves of their deceased loved ones. During the day, children go to the houses of friends and relatives, congratulate them on the New Year and sing songs.
On the same day, the men, going out into the fields, give the respected elder the right to lay the first furrow of the year, thus beginning plowing.


This holiday is celebrated in the first week of May, when the first ear of grain appears on the field. Holiday of economy and social activities.
Muslims tidy up their utility rooms, fumigate the barn with smoke, pour grain on the window sills, and spray the entrance to the barn with milk.

Residents gather together in a clearing where there is a hillock. It is considered necessary to wear green clothes or at least have something green on yourself. Girls ride on swings, boys and men compete with each other in fighting competitions, and women shower each other with greenery. Then they roll the bread down the mountain. If it fell upside down, the harvest this year will be good, but if not, the year will not be productive.


Celebrated during the autumn solstice, September 22. The celebration necessarily takes place near a sacred place with the sacrifice of an animal (in Crimea this is a ram).
Before the celebration, a respected elderly man must throw a stone tied to his belt at the side, saying: “So that everything bad this year goes away like this stone.”

At the celebration, singers, dancers, poets perform, sing ditties, and compete in national wrestling. After this holiday, cattle are returned from summer pastures.

Eid al-Fitr

One of the 5 obligatory conditions observed by Muslims is fasting. It begins in the month of Ramadan and lasts from the first day of the new moon for the next 30 days. For Muslims at this time there are a number of restrictions: it is forbidden to eat, drink liquids, smoke, use foul language, engage in intimacy, etc. All this is allowed only in the dark: after sunset at night and two hours before dawn.
“Ramadan” (Ramadan) is translated as “burn,” that is, Muslims believe that during this fast one can cleanse oneself of all one’s sins and burn them. The doors of heaven open at this time, and the doors of hell are closed for those who fast.
In addition to fasting, Muslims must also perform good deeds during this period: invite those who are fasting to their place to break the fast and feed them dinner, feed the hungry, help the suffering, etc.

The Eid al-Fitr holiday begins at the end of fasting. After the festive prayer, Crimean Tatars distribute alms to the suffering, the poor, orphans, the homeless, and lonely old people. On this day, everyone who was in a quarrel asks for forgiveness from each other and makes peace.
4 days before the holiday, the Crimean Tatars begin to put everything in order - men visit and clean the graves of deceased relatives, women clean the house, begin to prepare holiday dishes, clean up, buy food for children new shoes and clothes, sweets. On the eve of the holiday, everyone must wash themselves, put themselves in order, and put on new things. Neighbors exchange holiday dishes. You should definitely feed your dog these dishes. Young women should serve festive coffee to guests.

Eid al-Fitr holiday

Celebrated on the 10th day in the month of Zulhija. The celebration lasts 3 days. One of the main Muslim holidays.
On this day, a devout Muslim slaughters or asks another Muslim to slaughter a bull, goat, sheep or camel (in Crimea, as throughout Russia, this is most often a ram). The meat of the sacrificial animal is then divided into parts - 2/3 is distributed to the poor, lonely old people and orphans, and 1/3 is left for their family and all guests are treated to soup from this meat. Thus, Muslims atone for all their sins and ask Allah for blessings for their deeds.

Crimean Tatars prepare for the sacrifice several days in advance - they put their house, barn, yard, and themselves in order.
The ritual of sacrifice usually takes place after the morning holiday prayer on the day of Kurban Bayram, but according to Sharia it is allowed to do this on the next two days. The sacrificial animal must be at least 1 year old and without any defects. Before slaughter, a special prayer is said.
Then Muslims exchange congratulations, visit the graves of deceased relatives and go to aziz (holy places).

  • Read: All about the Crimean Tatars

Crimean Tatars: Rituals and holidays


The specifics of calendar rituals are complemented autumn holiday- Derviza. It is celebrated on September 22, the day of the solar equinox. After this day, the “dying away” of the forces of nature begins, i.e. autumn begins. The name Derviz consists of two words: “der” means door, gate. The second word is “visa” - permission to enter. In other words, in accordance with the functional purpose of this day, Derviza means “entering a new world.”

Before the holiday, as usual, the house and yard are thoroughly cleaned. Housewives bake bread, kobete. On the day of the holiday, girls in elegant clothes scatter ashes on the field, in the vegetable garden, in the garden and vineyards. The boys clean the barn and fumigate it with smoke. This holiday is organized jointly by residents of several villages that are part of one community - “jamaat”. As always, the holiday begins with prayer and the sacrifice of a ram. After this, several girls aged 10-12 years put on sheepskin coats, symbolizing the approach of winter, while simultaneously announcing the beginning of the holiday. Women roll a sieve (elek) from the hills. If the sieve lies upside down, there will be a good harvest, but if upside down, then a small harvest is expected, if it stands on its side, the grains will grow tall. At this festival, competitions of dancers, singers, poets, and ditty connoisseurs are held, and competitions in national kuresh wrestling are organized. Only on this holiday do they compete in throwing a stone into the distance, saying: “May the dark days return when this stone returns,” in other words, never. Fairs are a must. Usually the holiday ends with a general dance - a khoran, which appears as a dance of the unity of the people in achieving a common goal.

On this day, the Crimean Tatars sum up the results of their work from Khyderlez to Derviza, that is, they complete the sowing of winter crops, receive their sheep from the shepherds who have descended from the yayla, and the owners make mutual settlements with the shepherds. After this, the whole village chooses a new shepherd or remains the same. Then the wedding season begins.

Ashir kunyu

Crimean Tatars celebrate the Ashir Kunyu holiday, which comes after Ashir Gejesi (Night of Ashir), which is one of the 10 blessed nights revered by Muslims. Ashir Kunyu falls on the 10th day of the month of Muharrem (Ashir Ay). This day is celebrated as the day of remembrance of the fallen sons of the prophet Ali: Usein and Asan during one of the wars with the infidels. On this day, the Tatars, unlike the Shiites, do not reproduce the details of their murder, but limit themselves to lighting a candle and reading a prayer. This month, a ritual dish known as “ashir ash” (food on the day of Ashir) is prepared and consumed, and clean spring or well water is drunk.

According to the legend of the Crimean Tatars, during one of the wars against infidels, Muslim soldiers were surrounded by the enemy. The food ran out and hunger began. Everyone began to look in their pockets to see if there was any food left. And in the pockets of the seven warriors various products were found: grains of wheat, beans, corn, peas, walnuts, dried fruits. Having collected everything, we cooked food. In memory of this event, seven mandatory components are used when preparing this dish in the month of Ashir Ay: corn; purified, specially processed wheat; Crimean peas; beans; various dried fruits; Walnut; syrup.

Crimean Tatars are a people that originated on the Crimean peninsula and southern Ukraine. Experts say that these people came to the peninsula in 1223 and settled in 1236. The interpretation of the history and culture of this ethnic group is vague and multifaceted, which arouses additional interest.

Description of the nationality

Crimeans, Krymchaks, Murzaks are the names of this people. They live in the Republic of Crimea, Ukraine, Turkey, Romania, etc. Despite the assumption of a difference between the Kazan and Crimean Tatars, experts claim the unity of the origins of these two directions. Differences arose due to the specifics of assimilation.

The Islamization of the ethnic group occurred at the end of the 13th century. It has symbols of statehood: a flag, a coat of arms, an anthem. On the flag blue color tamga is depicted - a symbol of the steppe nomads.

As of 2010, about 260 thousand were registered in Crimea, and in Turkey there are 4-6 million representatives of this nationality who consider themselves Turks of Crimean origin. 67% live in non-urban areas of the peninsula: Simferopol, Bakhchisaray and Dzhankoy.

They speak three languages ​​fluently: Russian and Ukrainian. Most speak Turkish and Azerbaijani. Native language is Crimean Tatar.

History of the Crimean Khanate

Crimea is a peninsula inhabited by the Greeks already by the 5th-4th centuries BC. e. Chersonesus and Feodosia are large Greek settlements of this period.

According to historians, the Slavs settled on the peninsula after repeated, not always successful, invasions of the peninsula in the 6th century AD. e., merging with the local population - the Scythians, Huns and Goths.

The Tatars began to raid Taurida (Crimea) from the 13th century. This led to the creation of a Tatar administration in the city of Solkhat, later renamed Kyrym. This is how the peninsula began to be called.

The first khan was recognized as Khadzhi Girey, a descendant of the khan of the Golden Horde Tash-Timur, the grandson of Genghis Khan. The Girays, calling themselves Genghisids, laid claim to the Khanate after the division of the Golden Horde. In 1449 he was recognized as the Crimean Khan. The capital became the city of the Palace in the Gardens - Bakhchisarai.

The collapse of the Golden Horde led to the migration of tens of thousands of Crimean Tatars to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Prince Vitovt used them in military operations and to impose discipline among the Lithuanian feudal lords. In return, the Tatars received land and built mosques. Gradually they assimilated with the local residents, switching to Russian or Polish. Muslim Tatars were not persecuted by the church, since they did not interfere with the spread of Catholicism.

Turkish-Tatar Union

In 1454, the Crimean Khan concluded an agreement with Turkey to fight the Genoese. As a result of the Turkish-Tatar alliance in 1456, the colonies agreed to pay tribute to the Turks and Crimean Tatars. In 1475, Turkish troops, with the assistance of the Tatars, occupied the Genoese city of Cafu (Kefe in Turkish), and then the Taman Peninsula, ending the presence of the Genoese.

In 1484, Turkish-Tatar troops captured the Black Sea coast. The Budrzycka Horde state was founded on this square.

The opinions of historians regarding the Turkish-Tatar alliance are divided: some are sure that the Crimean Khanate turned into a vassal of the Ottoman Empire, others consider them equal allies, since the interests of both states coincided.

In reality, the Khanate depended on Turkey:

  • Sultan - leader of the Crimean Muslims;
  • Khan's family lived in Turkey;
  • Türkiye bought slaves and loot;
  • Türkiye supported the attacks of the Crimean Tatars;
  • Türkiye helped with weapons and troops.

The Khanate's long military operations with the Moscow state and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth stopped Russian troops in 1572 at the Battle of Molodi. After the battle, the Nogai hordes formally submitted Crimean Khanate, continued the raids, but their number was greatly reduced. The formed Cossacks took over guard functions.

Life of Crimean Tatars

The peculiarity of the people was the non-recognition of a sedentary way of life until the 17th century. Agriculture developed poorly and was mainly nomadic: the land was cultivated in the spring, the harvest was harvested in the fall, after returning. The result was a small harvest. It was impossible to feed people through such farming.

The source of life for the Crimean Tatars remained raids and robberies. The khan's army was not regular and consisted of volunteers. 1/3 of the men of the khanate took part in major campaigns. In especially large ones - all men. Only tens of thousands of slaves and women with children remained in the Khanate.

Life on a hike

The Tatars did not use carts on campaigns. The carts at home were harnessed not to horses, but to oxen and camels. These animals are not suitable for hiking. Horses themselves found food in the steppes even in winter, breaking the snow with their hoofs. Each warrior took 3-5 horses with him on a campaign to increase speed when replacing tired animals. In addition, horses are additional food for a warrior.

The main weapon of the Tatars is bows. They hit the target from a hundred paces. During the campaign they had sabers, bows, whips and wooden poles, which served as supports for tents. On the belt they kept a knife, a crosshair, an awl, 12 meters of leather rope for prisoners and a tool for orienting in the steppe. For ten people there was one pot and a drum. Everyone had a pipe for warning and a tub for water. During the hike we ate oatmeal - a mixture of flour from barley and millet. From this the drink pexinet was made, to which salt was added. In addition, everyone had fried meat and crackers. The source of nutrition is weak and injured horses. From horse meat they prepared boiled blood with flour, thin layers of meat from under the saddle of a horse after a two-hour race, boiled pieces of meat, etc.

Taking care of horses is the most important thing for a Crimean Tatar. The horses were poorly fed, believing that they were restoring their strength on their own after long marches. Lightweight saddles were used for horses, parts of which were used by the rider: the lower part of the saddle was a carpet, the base was for the head, a cloak stretched over poles was a tent.

Tatar horses - bakemans - were not shod. They are small and clumsy, but at the same time resilient and fast. Rich people used beautiful cow horns for their purposes.

Crimeans on campaigns

The Tatars have a special tactics for conducting a campaign: on their territory, the speed of transition is low, with the concealment of traces of movement. Beyond it, the speed dropped to a minimum. During raids, the Crimean Tatars hid in ravines and hollows from enemies, did not light fires at night, did not allow horses to neigh, caught tongues to obtain intelligence information, and before going to bed, lassoed themselves to horses to quickly escape from the enemy.

As part of the Russian Empire

In 1783, the “Black Century” began for the people: annexation to Russia. In the decree of 1784 “On the structure of the Tauride region,” governance on the peninsula is implemented according to the Russian model.

The noble nobles of Crimea and the supreme clergy became equal in rights to the Russian aristocracy. Massive land seizures led to emigration in the 1790s and 1860s, during the Crimean War, to Ottoman Empire. Three quarters of the Crimean Tatars left the peninsula in the first decade of power Russian Empire. The descendants of these migrants created Turkish, Romanian and Bulgarian diasporas. These processes led to devastation and desolation of agriculture on the peninsula.

Life within the USSR

After the February Revolution, an attempt was made to create autonomy in Crimea. For this purpose, a Crimean Tatar kurultai of 2000 delegates was convened. At the event, the Temporary Crimean Muslim Executive Committee (VKMIK) was elected. The Bolsheviks did not take into account the decisions of the committee, and in 1921 the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed.

Crimea during the Great Patriotic War

During the occupation, since 1941, Muslim committees were created, which were renamed Crimean and Simferopol. Since 1943, the organization was renamed the Simferopol Tatar Committee. Regardless of the name, its functions included:

  • opposition to partisans - resistance to the liberation of Crimea;
  • the formation of voluntary detachments - the creation of Einsatzgruppe D, which numbered about 9,000 people;
  • creation of auxiliary police - by 1943 there were 10 battalions;
  • propaganda of Nazi ideology, etc.

The committee acted in the interests of forming a separate state of the Crimean Tatars under the auspices of Germany. However, this was not part of the Nazi plans, which envisaged the annexation of the peninsula to the Reich.

But there was also an opposite attitude towards the Nazis: by 1942, a sixth of the partisan formations were Crimean Tatars, who made up the Sudak partisan detachment. Since 1943, clandestine work has been carried out on the peninsula. About 25 thousand representatives of the nationality fought in the Red Army.

Collaboration with the Nazis led to mass evictions to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, the Urals and other territories in 1944. During the two days of the operation, 47 thousand families were deported.

You were allowed to take clothes, personal belongings, dishes and food with you in an amount of no more than 500 kg per family. In the summer months, the settlers were provided with food in exchange for the property they left behind. Only 1.5 thousand representatives of the nationality remained on the peninsula.

Returning to Crimea became possible only in 1989.

Holidays and traditions of the Crimean Tatars

Customs and rituals include Muslim, Christian and pagan traditions. The holidays are based on the agricultural calendar.

The animal calendar, introduced by the Mongols, depicts the influence of a specific animal in each year of a twelve-year cycle. Spring is the beginning of the year, so Navruz (New Year) is celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox. This is due to the beginning of field work. On the holiday it is necessary to boil eggs as symbols of new life, bake pies, and burn old things at the stake. For young people, jumping over a fire and going home in masks while the girls told fortunes were organized. To this day, the graves of relatives are traditionally visited on this holiday.

May 6 - Khyderlez - the day of the two saints Khydyr and Ilyas. Christians celebrate St. George's Day. On this day, work began in the field, cattle were driven out to pastures, and the barn was sprinkled with fresh milk to protect against evil forces.

The autumn equinox coincided with the holiday of Derviz - the harvest. Shepherds returned from mountain pastures and weddings were held in the settlements. At the beginning of the celebration, according to tradition, prayer and ritual sacrifice were carried out. Then the residents of the settlement went to the fair and dances.

The holiday of the beginning of winter - Yil Gejesi - fell on the winter solstice. On this day, it is customary to bake pies with chicken and rice, make halva, and go from house to house as mummers to buy sweets.

Crimean Tatars also recognize Muslim holidays: Uraza Bayram, Kurban Bayram, Ashir-Kunyu, etc.

Crimean Tatar wedding

A Crimean Tatar wedding (photo below) lasts two days: first for the groom, then for the bride. The bride's parents are not present at the festivities on the first day, and vice versa. Invite from 150 to 500 people from each side. According to tradition, the beginning of the wedding is marked by the bride price. This is a quiet stage. The bride's father ties a red scarf around her waist. This symbolizes the strength of the bride who becomes a woman and devotes herself to order in the family. On the second day, the groom's father will remove this scarf.

After the ransom, the bride and groom perform the wedding ceremony in the mosque. Parents do not participate in the ceremony. After the mullah reads the prayer and issues a marriage certificate, the bride and groom are considered husband and wife. The bride makes a wish during prayer. The groom is obliged to fulfill it within the time frame established by the mullah. The desire can be anything: from decorating to building a house.

After the mosque, the newlyweds go to the registry office to officially register the marriage. The ceremony is no different from the Christian one, except for the absence of a kiss in front of other people.

Before the banquet, the parents of the bride and groom are obliged to buy the Koran for any money without bargaining from the small child at the wedding. Congratulations are accepted not by the newlyweds, but by the bride's parents. There are no competitions at the wedding, only performances by artists.

The wedding ends with two dances:

  • national dance bride and groom - haitarma;
  • Horan - guests, holding hands, dance in a circle, and the newlyweds in the center dance a slow dance.

Crimean Tatars are a nation with multicultural traditions that go deep into history. Despite assimilation, they retain their own identity and national flavor.