Interesting competitions help to diversify New Year's Eve, make it festive and fun. We offer entertainment options suitable for adults, children and young people.

For the whole family

Some New Year's competitions are suitable for guests of different age categories. Their goal is to unite family and friends for a common fun activity.

Remembering pleasant events

Prepare a symbolic baton - any thing to pass on to each other.

The presenter, with a “stick” in his hands, talks about the best event that happened in the past year and passes the baton to the participants of the evening. Those who fail to remember the joyful event are awarded the "Fortune's Favorite - 2019" award.

The festive relay race is a spiritual competition that allows you to defuse an awkward situation and spend the outgoing year with gratitude.

Game "Pig"

A fun activity suitable for a noisy company. At the beginning of the competition, the presenter secretly names an animal to the participants. Then the guests stand in a circle and join hands.

Now the presenter says the names of the animals out loud. The one whose animal was named quickly sits down. Neighbors, right and left, are trying to stop him.

When the names of the animals are pronounced, the presenter declares: “We’ve trained, now we’re playing at full strength,” and again secretly gives the players the names of the animals. True, now it is the same for everyone - a piglet.

As a result, the guests, having heard the cherished word, simultaneously sit down abruptly and cannot stand on their feet. Entertainment perfectly improves the mood and is suitable for the middle of a festive evening.

Get a wish

The competition will require preliminary preparation. Wishes for guests are written in advance on paper and placed in balloons. Separately, the names of parts of the human body (chin, foot, jaw, etc.) are indicated on pieces of paper and notes are placed in the hat.

At the party, those gathered take their favorite balloons with wishes. To read the note, you will have to burst the balloon using the body part indicated on the sticker he pulled out of his headdress.

Charging Santa Claus

A game for a large number of players. Santa Claus or a guest in a suit performs exercises. The rules are simple: “Guests must repeat the movements, but vice versa. If the “grandfather” leans to the right, the rest - to the left, etc. You can show an example, together with the presenter.

Anyone who makes just one wrong move is eliminated. The pace gradually becomes faster and Santa Claus tries to confuse the participants.

As a result, players are awarded places and awards with funny titles are presented.

Best Actor

The competition is an excellent opportunity for guests to demonstrate their acting skills by playing the symbol of the coming year - a pig. Everyone has their own image - “sad little pig”, “mysterious Khavronya”, “disgruntled pig”, etc. Guests are given pig ears and snouts prepared in advance. Some of the invitees are given the honorable mission of judging the “actors” as a jury.

Having started the competition, guests communicate with each other in the manner assigned to them. After the appointed time, the “jury members” determine the winner by secret ballot. The most artistic guest, in a solemn atmosphere, receives an Oscar.

Entertainment for children

Kids should also have fun at the New Year's party. Offer them active and fun competitions.

Snowball game

Participants are divided into two teams. They make snowballs from old newspapers and compete to see who is the most accurate. Members of both teams are placed one behind the other. On the floor, colored tape marks where you can’t step.

Baskets are installed behind the line, where participants will throw “snow shells”. Children take turns throwing snowballs, and the team that hits the most times wins.

Competition "balls"

A table is placed in the center of the hall, especially for the competition. A light ball is placed in the middle of it. Participants stand at different ends of the table - two people. They need to blow on the ball, moving it towards the opponent.

The competition lasts until the goal is achieved. The winner receives an honorary prize. The competition can also be a team competition, where several guys participate, taking turns sending balls to the opponent.

We decorate the Christmas tree

For the competition, prepare a couple of small real or artificial Christmas trees. There is an option, take two kids and make them New Year's trees.

Participants are divided into two groups and take plastic New Year's toys on strings. The goal is to decorate the Christmas trees with the largest number of New Year's attributes in 2 minutes.

To complicate the task, “Christmas trees” are installed a couple of meters from the participants. Children run up to the “tree” one after another to hang the decoration on it.

New Year's tinsel

Two teams take part in the competition. They stand opposite each other, and each of the guys is given tinsel in their hands.

The competition takes place to the accompaniment of a cheerful holiday song. The first team member wraps tinsel around the hand of the child next to him. And so - along the chain.

The last player’s task is to run up to the first and tie his hand with tinsel. When everything is done, the team raises their hands. The children who complete the task first are recognized as winners and receive prizes.

Table competitions

For those who want to have fun without leaving the New Year's table, many competitions have also been invented. They are able to provide those gathered with a wonderful mood without requiring them to waste their energy.

Let's remember the alphabet

The Alphabet is a competition suitable for that part of the party when the guests have had time to try the treats and festive drinks and are ready to take an active part in the event. Champagne-filled glasses and a positive attitude from the participants will come in handy.

The host complains that during the party he forgot the alphabet. Dear guests can help you remember the letters. They take turns making festive toasts.

The first one's words begin with the letter "A". The second one makes a speech with “B”, etc. For example:

  • “Shouldn’t we raise our glasses to the happiness of those gathered?”
  • “Be happy in the coming 2019!”,
  • “I wish everyone good health, good luck and more money.”

The participant who makes the most interesting and sincere wish wins.

Concert from a hat

For the competition, write New Year's themed words (blizzard, snowman, Santa Claus, piece of ice, etc.) in advance on notepads. These pieces of paper are put into a “magic” Santa Claus hat.

Everyone takes out a note and sings a song with the given word. It's a good idea to incorporate an arrangement you found online.

Gift bag

For the contest you will need a bag filled with holiday favors. The presenter turns to the person sitting to his right: “I’ve been meaning to give it for a long time, but I couldn’t…”. And he gives a funny reason - “he was kidnapped by aliens”, “greed got in the way”, etc.

Afterwards, without peeking, he takes a gift out of the bag and hands it over. The person who receives the item takes the package in his hands and says similar words to the neighbor on the right. The funnier the reason that prevented you from giving a gift earlier, the better.

For adults

Adult entertainment at a New Year's party often involves drinking alcohol. But for those who prefer to have fun without alcoholic drinks, many wonderful competitions have been invented.

Drink - have a bite

Those invited are given two small sheets of paper. The word “drink” is written on the first one, and “snack” on the second one. Each guest adds a phrase, for example - “Drink from a vase”, “snack with pepper.” Afterwards, the notes are hidden in two caps and taken out without looking, one by one.

Guess who?

New Year's cocktail

One of the guests is blindfolded with thick cloth. Then, another participant in the competition prepares a drink from what is on the festive table. The potion is given to the guest blindfolded to drink. His task is to guess what his holiday cocktail is made from.

Those gathered record how many ingredients have been guessed. “Masha – 4 out of 7”, etc. The guest who guesses the largest number of components wins.

New Year's lottery

A win-win lottery will also delight those gathered at the festive table. Prepare in advance the number of gifts corresponding to the number of guests. Or better yet, two or three more.

You will also need lottery tickets for the competition. An interesting idea is to take a picture of a pig from the Internet, print copies and draw serial numbers on them. Hand them over to your party guests upon entering.

There is another option - invite everyone to the center of the room and give them a task - to sing a New Year's song, read a poem, remember an interesting joke. The reward is the ability to put your hand into a box of lottery tickets and get one.

Any interesting souvenir is suitable as a prize - ginger cookies, chocolate in a festive wrapper, a figurine of the symbol of the year. It would be nice to prepare a small funny poem for the presentation of the prize. For example: “You will be glad to receive gifts from fate - take a bar of chocolate.”

Entertainment for schoolchildren

It is possible to prepare interesting competitions for children of all ages. Both first-graders and high school students will rejoice at the opportunity to have fun.

Don't miss the place

An ageless competition is a game with chairs, interesting for both children and adults.

During the competition, schoolchildren run around them to a festive tune. After the music stops playing, they must immediately take the empty seats. The child is left without a chair - his participation in the competition ends.

Leap into the future

The tradition of jumping from a chair on New Year's Eve came from Germany. According to her, the further the guest jumps, the better he will live in the New Year. True, you should be careful, which is why some refuse the attribute in the form of a chair. The winner is the guest who jumped the farthest.

Shoulder to shoulder

Participants are divided into two people. A festive tune comes on and the children dance and jump to it. As a result, the couples are separated and the participants “mix with each other.”

The music stops and the host of the competition says: “shoulder to shoulder!” At a signal, children from pairs run up to each other and touch their shoulders. The last person to find a partner stops participating in the competition. Then the presenter sets another task: “nose to nose”, “back to back, etc.”

The competition is conducted in a different way. You will need New Year's themed props - cut out snowflakes, Christmas trees, candies in holiday wrapping, etc. Place them in the room where you are celebrating the holiday. The presenter gives the signal: “Christmas tree to Christmas tree,” and the children each take a Christmas tree and run up to their pair.

Entertainment for young people

Young people also love New Year's competitions. Below are a few ideas on how to have fun for people in this age category.

Unload the Christmas tree

Take two guests and blindfold them. Their task is to remove toys and candies from Christmas trees. The New Year's tree will be other invitees, placed one after another. New Year's attributes are hung on them using ordinary clothespins.

Volunteers are given boxes in their hands and, blindfolded, are led from different sides to an impromptu “Christmas tree”. At the leader’s command, they begin to unload the Christmas trees and put toys with candies into the box.

When the guests meet each other, the competition is over. The participant who collects the most holiday attributes wins.

Firecrackers for girls

At the very beginning of the evening, male guests are given firecrackers. When the guests have gathered, the rules of the competition are announced. On New Year's Eve, the guys, one by one, explode “shells”. And the girls’ task is to immediately jump into the arms of the young man standing next to them.

The girl, who forgot to jump on her hands or was confused, carries out the task of the celebrants.

Pass the tangerine

For the competition, participants are divided into two groups and stand one after another. The presenter’s task is to prepare in advance two large cups of washed tangerines and two more empty ones. The guest standing first must grab the tangerine with his teeth and pass it to another participant without using his hands. He also takes it with his teeth and gives it further.

The one who stands last puts the fruit on the plate. The winners are the team members who collect the most tangerines within the agreed time.

Competitions for corporate events

At work, New Year's entertainment can also be both table-based and active.

Decorating the Christmas tree

The guests are given the task of decorating the Christmas tree blindfolded. We need to find the New Year's tree. The host of the competition places those who wish to do so in the center of the room and gives them a toy each. Their eyes are covered with a bandage and rotated several times.

The man walks forward all the way. When he meets an object or another participant on the way, he hangs a decoration on this “Christmas tree”.

The winner is the one who managed to hang the toy on a real Christmas tree. The prize for second place goes to the player who finds the most original “tree” for his decoration.

Dancing dancing

Prepare several musical selections of different topics in advance. At the beginning of the competition, participants are divided into pairs. Each moves to the music, but it does not match the nature of the dance.

For example, the presenter says: “Couple number one is slow dancing.” And it sounds like “Lezginka”. It will be original if you give the participants the task of dancing in old forgotten genres - waltz, paso doble.

Solemn oath

Guests are given pieces of paper where they must write three things they must do in the new year - skydive, go to the mountains, join a gym, etc.

The notes are put into a headdress and mixed. Participants randomly pull out notes with promises and read aloud what they got. Ask the person who reads the promise to guess who wrote it.

Fun activities

There are competitions where each of the guests will have to show resourcefulness and artistry. Their goal is to amuse guests and make themselves happy.

Game of Crocodile

For the competition, prepare stickers in advance where you write the names of famous paintings about New Year and Christmas - “Sorcerers”, “Home Alone”, “Irony of Fate”, etc.

One of the participants takes out any sticker and pantomimes its plot. The task of the others is to understand what picture he has in mind. The first one to guess also takes out a piece of paper and depicts a movie. Based on the results of the competition, the presenter awards the most artistic player a reward.

"The coolest"

Men participate in the game - about five people. The host puts boiled eggs in the cup, in accordance with the number of characters, and says that one of them is raw. Participants take turns hitting them on their foreheads.

The competition turns out to be exciting, and gradually the tension between the guests grows. Nobody wants to get dirty with a raw egg.

Frozen T-shirt

For the competition, prepare three voluminous men's T-shirts. They need to be rolled up in advance and left in the freezer. Select three male participants for the evening. They are given a difficult task - to put on the T-shirts. The one who completes it first wins.

Read lips

Two competitors put on headphones, where fairly loud music is playing. Players should not hear each other. One receives cards with questions. For example: “How much champagne do you need to be happy?”, “What do you put red caviar on?”

The second one’s task is to understand what is being asked and answer. Then the cards with questions end up in the hands of others. The winner is the participant who answers the maximum number of questions asked.

Quiet entertainment

Not everyone likes active, noisy competitions. If guests prefer to celebrate the New Year in a relaxed atmosphere, prepare competitions that suit their temperament.

New Year's fortune telling

The next fun will not require guests to leave the table. You will need small sheets of paper and pens. Those gathered write a positive prediction on stickers. They are folded and placed in a magic bag.

Then the host distributes new pieces of paper to the guests, where they have to write when the wish comes true. For example: “Very soon everything will come true” or “wait a couple of years.” They are placed in the second bag.

One after another, those gathered pull out stickers from both bags and read aloud the prediction they received. The more original the forecasts, the better.

Christmas story

Another original entertainment is making up a New Year's story. For this, guests are given 10-12 stickers on which they will write various words. Half of them should be related to New Year's celebrations, and the other half at their discretion. Afterwards, the stickers are placed in a box and mixed.

The first guest takes out two or three pieces of paper. He says the words: “Somehow on New Year’s Eve...”. And he comes up with the beginning of a story using the words he comes across.

The second guest also pulls out some stickers. He continues the story, adding to it the words that fell to him. A fairy tale is a very interesting and exciting task that guests will not remain indifferent to.

New Year's news

Prepare cards for the game by writing 5 words on them that are far from each other in meaning. For example: “Snow Maiden, bus, parrot, castle, subway.” Guests take turns drawing a card at random. The task is to compose a sensation close in theme to the New Year.

Every word on the card is used. And at the end of the competition, a present is awarded for the most interesting news, and a toast is made to pleasant events in the coming year.


To prevent guests invited to the New Year's party from getting bored, invite them to take part in competitions. There is suitable entertainment for both adults and children.

Stories from our readers

A selection for a cheerful adult company for your feast. Suitable for children and the whole family, a cheerful group of adults and pensioners!

Twenty excellent competitions for an adult audience that can be held at the New Year's corporate evening in 2020 of the White Rat. Competitions are in one way or another connected with the symbol of the year.

Eighteen fun competitions, games and a quiz for the Year of the Mouse for children of all ages. Can be done at home, school and kindergarten.

Many quizzes with questions and answers, competitions, quests for adults and children on the topic pigs. There is a culinary quiz, about Peppa Pig, an intellectual quiz, an acting competition with Winnie and Piglet, a pig test, a funny snack, a quiz about proverbs, films, interesting questions about pigs, boars, piglets, etc. all on the theme of the symbol of the year - the pig.

10 fun competitions for adults and children. Everyone is connected in one way or another with the dog's new year. “Dog Fight”, “Guess What?”, “Dog Song”, “True Friends”, “Bloodhounds”, “Torn Shoe”, “Snowman or Dogman”, “Like a Cat and a Dog”, “Multi-Remote”, “ Dog professions."

If you need a warm-up after a hearty feast, the presenter holds competitions on stage: “Baby Boom”, “Dance with a Ball”, “Ball Football”, “Rhinoceros”; competitions with clothespins: “New Year tree No. 1 and No. 2”, “Daredevils”; competitions with candy: “Both for you and me”, “For candy”; paper competitions: “Drawing”, “Dorisulki”; competitions with mittens.

Three multiple-choice quizzes for adults or high school students about Santa Claus, countries, cities, famous personalities, historical facts and myths.

Eight unusual entertainments for adult guests: “New Year’s Treat”, “New Year’s Wish”, “New Year’s Song or Poems”, “New Year’s Tree”, “New Year’s Gift”, “Snow Maiden”, “Guess the Melody”, “Dancing of Heroes”.

We offer 10 fun competitions for holding in a cafe or at home using alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks that are on the table, for example: “The Last Hero”.

Comic competitions involving close contact. This could be kissing, hugging or close contact. Acceptable for married couples or lovers.

Sweets and chocolates are the best supplies for fun New Year's entertainment. Sweets go to the winners!

At a corporate party, you can play games using toilet paper. It turns out to be a lot of fun!

Humorous entertainment with cotton wool snowballs or paper snowflakes. You can spend it with colleagues or with your family.

Laughing games for adults that guests will remember forever!

For your choice: “Mandarin”, “Competition of Wishes”, “New Year’s Wish”, “Blind a Woman”, “Dance with a Ball”, “Variety Star”, “Situations”, “Chain”, “Sharp Shooter”, “Masquerade” .

A cure for boredom: the best competition-games on New Year's Eve: “Alarm Clock”, “Decorate the Christmas Tree”, “Lottery”, “Understand Me”, “Five Clothespins”.

At home we are having fun with new competitions and tasks for family and guests: “Song, pour over the edge”, “Compliment”, “Mouth of olives”, “Symbol of the year”.

Competitions about the most important characters of the New Year holiday: D. Moroz and the Snow Maiden, as well as everything connected with them: “Gifts from Father Frost”, “Compliments for the Snow Maiden”, “Make the woman of your dreams from the snow”, “Alphabet”, “Fool” -Snegurochka”, “Father Frost”, “Father Frost and sclerosis”.

Comic competitions for adults at NG Rooster: “Cockerel on a stick”, “Decorate the Christmas tree”, “Lady from the snow”, “Song of the year”, “Masquerade”, “Competition with clothespins”, “Neon show”, “Golden eggs”.

We offer 5 comic competitions for the year of the monkey: “The symbol of the year is the macaque”, “Monkey’s tail”, “Monkey’s tricks”, “Smile”, “Cheerful banana”.

Five humorous competitions related to the year of the goat: “Kochanchiki”, “Nickname”, “Milk the goat”, “Bell”, “Drawings with a goat”.

Questions with multiple choice answers on horse topics, from books, fairy tales, life.

New Year's competitions for children

Collection of entertainment for children. For matinees, at a party at the Christmas tree, at home, in kindergarten, at school.

We offer fresh games for children for the year of the pig. Entertainment can be included in any festive New Year's program, fun at the Christmas tree, in a recreation center, at home, at school or in kindergarten.

Interesting home competitions: “New Year’s chain”, “Pass the orange”, “Snowflake”, “Dressing up the Christmas tree”, “Snowman”, “Homework”.

Quiz “You are the coolest”, competitions “Speed ​​Christmas tree”, “Blind Santa Claus”, “Snow intuition”, “Snowball”, “Fashion show”.

Good competitions for children indoors: “Snowball”, “New Year’s song”, “Tangerine slices”, “Snowflakes from matches”, “Snowmen”.

Competitions for first and second graders: “Guess”, “Cinderella”, “Cabbage Prize”, “Harvest”, from Masha and the Bear, “Slippers”.

If there will be a lot of children at the holiday, we need competitions that will not leave anyone unattended: “Baby Elephant”, “Announcement Competition”, “Centipede”, “Growing Round Dance”, “Helpers of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden”.

At home for families with children, you can conduct the following entertainment: “Wardrobe”, “What’s in my name?”, “Piano”, “Friendliest of all”, “Ice competition”, “Guess who?”.

If you want to organize a holiday in a themed style, then for the year of the snake we recommend competitions: “Tongues”, “Dance of the Snakes”, “Feed the Snake”, “Find the Snake”, “What does the Snake Eat”.

Games for the New Year

Funny children's games for the New Year's holiday: “Who is Baba Yaga”, “Chopping the Christmas tree”, “Find the Christmas tree”, “Mom’s hands”, “Twister”, “New Year’s lottery”.

Nine comic games for an adult company: “Who is who?”, “Competition for the best drawing”, “More eloquent than Pushkin”, “Forfeits”, “Bartender competition”, games with cards: Blitz-tale, Word dance, Crossword, Twister...

Unusual options for games for the family at home: “Gift”, “Electric impulse”, “With eyes closed”, “Quiz”, “New Year’s summer”.

The year of the dog is coming, and we have prepared fun activities for you with children so as not to get bored during the holiday. Suitable for both kindergarten and school.

Seven interesting ideas to see off the Year of the Goat and welcome the Monkey: “Recognize the Goat”, “Pantomime”, “Dog and Monkey”, “Samovar”, “Fairytale Bazaar”, “Entering the New Year”.

Riddles for the New Year

Riddles in verses for children with answers (Santa Claus, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, Snow, Sleigh, Ice, Skates, Skis, Snowballs, Gifts).

Children's riddles about forest animals and pets, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, a snowman, a Christmas tree, New Year's items: icicles, cones, mittens, fairy tale characters and more.

Funny riddles with answers for a noisy group of adult guests. About: champagne, Coca-Cola, Olivier, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, corporate party, tinsel, etc.

As a continuation of the previous page, we have collected adult riddles with solutions about pyrotechnics, hangovers, ice, alcohol, confetti, etc.

25 dog-themed riddles: bone, kennel, puppy, cat, dog, wolf, muzzle, leash, dachshund, husky, poodle, diver, tail, scent, etc.

In the year of the rooster, riddles about: cockerel and hen, chickens, eggs, feathers, nest, New Year, comb, as well as comic riddles, fables and with a trick, will be relevant.

In the year of the goat, riddles for children about a goat, horns, kids, milk, bells, grass, wolves will come in handy...

Adult riddles for a cheerful company of jokers: about the year of the goat, more suitable for corporate gatherings.

Many riddles for the year of the snake for your holiday. Adults will enjoy the hidden meaning and humor in the riddles.

A children's selection of riddles on a dragon theme. In the New Year, with the symbol of the year “Dragon” will come in handy.

After active dancing, sitting at the table, guests participate in the next competition. The presenter offers to remember all the New Year's attributes. Guests take turns naming the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, etc. The one whose name is the last one wins.

Fun mitten

Guests stand in a large circle near the tree, cheerful New Year's music sounds and a mitten with forfeits goes around in a circle. The host can turn off the music at any time, trying to do it so that each of the guests has a mitten. Whoever the music stops on takes the phantom out of his mitten and performs a certain action, for example, dancing the hopak or transforming into the president and congratulating his people, or maybe doing the splits or kissing a neighbor. In general, forfeits can be absolutely anything (it all depends on the company).

New Year's chimes (funny)

When guests gather, some of them are given task tokens at the entrance; you can even sell them for more intrigue. The tokens indicate that the invitee must complete some task at a certain time. It’s very funny when, in the middle of a toast, one of the guests suddenly crows or starts dancing a twist on the table.

New Year's Villain

For this competition you need to print out several photos (pictures) of a New Year's villain, for example, Baba Yaga or the Grinch - the holiday thief. The presenter must use scissors to make a kind of mosaic from whole photos (simply cut each photo in a chaotic order). The mosaic of each picture with a New Year's villain is packaged in a separate box or bag. Guests are divided into teams of approximately 3 people. Each team receives a box with pieces of the picture and at the command “start” the guests begin to put together the puzzle. But that is not all. The whole picture (photo) with the New Year's villain will hang on the Christmas tree. And, as soon as a team has successfully completed the puzzle and seen who the New Year’s villain is, its participants must find this villain on the tree and save the New Year from him (simply tear the picture off the tree). Whoever did it won.

Everybody dance

Everyone is standing around the tree. The presenter turns on cheerful New Year's music and names a hero for each song. And the participants must dance in the appropriate style, for example, now snowflakes are dancing, and now hares are dancing, and now fur seals are dancing, and now shy Snow Maidens are dancing, and so on. The most artistic and active ones will receive prizes.

Burn it with fire

In China there is a ritual - to burn money for the New Year so that there will be prosperity and happiness in the coming year. This competition is best held at the height of the holiday, when guests after champagne are full of courage and enthusiasm. Whichever guest burns (with the help of a lighter and a bowl) more money than the rest (in total) is recognized as the winner, and at the same time the richest person of the coming year.

Symbol of the year

When everyone is tired of running, jumping and galloping, you can devote time to the competition for imagination and creativity. Each participant must, in 5 minutes, come up with something to make out of and actually make a symbol of the year, for example, make a muzzle or an entire pig (dog, rooster, etc.) from food on the table. The symbol of the year can be made from anything that comes to mind (money and coins; Christmas tree decorations or any other interior items). Based on the voting results of all guests, the most beautiful and creative craft will be determined, and its author will be awarded a prize.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden of different nationalities

Guests are divided into pairs and not necessarily only: guy-girl. Each pair identifies its own Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Each couple takes turns taking their phantom out of the bag, which indicates a specific nationality, for example, Chinese, Germans, ancient Russians, Egyptians, Armenians, Georgians, and so on. After all the couples have pulled out their forfeits and found out their nationality, each couple in turn goes to the center and congratulates the guests of the corresponding nationality. It will be fun and interesting for everyone to receive New Year's congratulations from Chinese Father Frost and his Snow Maiden or from the Old Slavonic heroes of the New Year. And the prize, as always, is for the most artistic and active.

Wearing masks

All guests honestly close their eyes, the host puts on masks for everyone. Only the host knows which masks will go to whom, but the guest himself will not see his own mask. When the masks are on, the guests open their eyes and look at each other. For some time, guests of the holiday should communicate with each other as it should be to communicate with a “hero” in a specific mask, for example, you can offer meat to a lion and call him “his majesty” or “king”; you can ask Santa Claus when there will be gifts or how long it takes to fly on a sleigh to our country, and so on. Guests who can quickly guess which hero mask they are wearing receive prizes.

Dolphins in a snowdrift

Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of people and line up. In front of each team there is a chair on which there is a basin or other container full of cut out snowflakes. Among these snowflakes there should be the same number of candies hidden as there are participants in the team. At the command “start”, each of the participants in turn runs up to the bowl, dives into it with his head and takes out one candy, then the second, third, and so on until the end. Whose team completes the task the fastest and passes its test is the winner.

We always look forward to the New Year with great impatience, because it is a favorite holiday for both adults and children. Every family carefully prepares for it: they plan, invite guests, buy outfits, think through the course of the event so that it does not turn into simple overeating. New Year's table games for adults are the best option for those who have invited guests and want to have fun. If you yourself are embarrassed to act as a leader, you can determine it at the table. Therefore, boldly and without hesitation, we appoint the most active of the guests as responsible for games for adults. Well, preparing them will not be any problem.

New Year's games for a small company

It’s not difficult to find fun table competitions for the New Year’s holiday, the main thing is to be able to adapt them to your company. If it is small, then entertainment should be selected accordingly.


You will need radio-controlled cars, two of them. Two contestants prepare their cars and the “track” to any point in the room, placing a shot of vodka on their cars. Then, carefully, without spilling, they try to roll it to their destination, where they drink it. You can continue the game by bringing some snacks. You can also make it in the form of a relay race, for this you will have to divide into teams, the first must bring it to the point and back, pass the baton to another neighbor, the last player drinks a glass or what is left in it.

Cheerful artist

The presenter makes a wish for the first player; he stands in a pose that characterizes what was wished for, without voicing it. For example: a man screws in a lamp. In turn, each participant must adjust to the previous one so that the picture emerges. The latter stands up like an artist with a brush and easel for painting. He is trying to tell what exactly he “depicted.” Then, everyone talks about their pose.

"I never" (or "I never")

This is a funny confession. Each of the guests invited to begins to confess with the phrase: “I have never...”. For example: “I have never drunk tequila.” But the answers must be progressive. That is, someone who has already confessed to small things must then talk about something deeper. Table confessions can be very fun, the main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise you can give away your deepest secrets.

Table games for a large, cheerful group of adults

If a large party has gathered to celebrate the New Year, it is best to hold group or team events.

let's drink

The company is divided into two groups and stands in a row opposite each other. Each person has a disposable glass of wine in their hands (it’s better not to take champagne and strong drinks, as you can choke). Place glasses in everyone's right hand. On command, they must give their neighbor a drink in order: first, the last person drinks the second to last person, then the next person, and so on. As soon as the first one has received his dose, he runs to the last one and treats him. Those who finish first will be the winners.


A merry New Year's holiday necessarily means a lot of decorations. The company is divided into two halves, each of them is given a box of the same size. Also, each team receives a certain number of different things: Christmas tree decorations, candy wrappers, candies, napkins, souvenirs, etc. It is necessary to temporarily and carefully place everything in the boxes so that they close evenly without bulges. After a certain amount of alcohol, this is not so easy to do.

Whichever team puts things together more neatly and quickly will be the winner. The quality should not suffer; if this is the case, a vote should be organized from people not participating in the competition.


Guests at the New Year's table are divided equally and sit on chairs opposite each other. The first player is given an apple in their lap, they must roll the apple across their lap from the first player to the last without using their hands. If the fruit falls, the group loses, but they can redeem themselves by picking it up without hands and returning it to the very beginning.


This will be a relay race. We install two stools, on the stools there are plastic glasses with an alcoholic drink. There should be as many of them as there are players. We divide the guests in half, possibly by gender, and place them behind each other, opposite each stool at some distance from it. Everyone's hands are behind their backs. We place a trash bin next to them. One by one, they run up to the high chair, drink any of the glasses without their hands, then run back, throwing the empty container in the trash and return to the back of the line. Only after this can the next person run.

Games at the table for a New Year's corporate party

The entertainment program can also be of a table type. This scenario is chosen for a more shy group of people.

Merry singers

For this game, you should prepare cards in advance with any words related to the holiday, alcohol, New Year's characters, etc. For example: Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, snow, vodka, wine, sparks, candles, frost, Santa Claus, gifts. Then a presenter is selected who will nominate a player, pull out a card and announce the word itself. The chosen person must sing a verse or chorus featuring that word in the song. No more than 10 seconds are given to think. This game can be played by dividing into teams, the result will be a larger number of songs performed.


All guests at the table stand in a circle. The presenter has cards with the words “uh”, “ah”, “eh” and “oh”. The player draws a card, and the others make a wish for him. For example, he said, “Oh.” The team says: “Hug three” or “Kiss three” or “Catch three.” Here is an example of several wishes:

“Walk on your hands”;
“stand on your hands”;
“share about the news”;
“dance in front of guests”;
“sing in front of guests”;

“tell everyone your compliments out loud”;
“shout that you are a mug”;
“kiss two at once”;
“crawl between two legs”;
“tell your wishes out loud”;
“find out two with your eyes closed”;

“make everyone laugh”;
“hug everyone”;
“give everyone a drink”;
“feed everyone.”

You can come up with funny answers ad infinitum, the main thing is that the rhyme is observed.

Tell us about the hostess(s)

Everything is very simple here. You should prepare questions for guests in advance, such as:

If it's a pair, then:

  • “Where did these people meet?”
  • “How many years have they been living together?”
  • "Favorite vacation spot."


The first participant is given a pen and a piece of paper. He writes briefly his great desire: “I want…”. The rest only write adjectives like: let it be fluffy, it must be iron, or simply smelly, senseless, and so on.

Very adult, funny and cool entertainment

Adult games at the New Year's table are not suitable for every company - this should be taken into account. But after a certain amount of time, you can try to offer them something from the repertoire below and then navigate the situation. The answers can be both serious and funny.

Christmas tree

For the competition, you need to stock up on Christmas tree decorations (preferably ones that don’t break) and clothespins. First, attach all the toys by strings to clothespins. Several couples of the opposite sex are called, the men are blindfolded, and within a certain period of time they must hook as many toys as possible onto women's clothing. The game can be “diluted” by changing pairs and removing clothespins from other women. You can also switch their roles - women will dress up men. And don’t forget to rate each Christmas tree, because the one with the most elegant one will win, and only then, to the stormy applause of the company, take off the toys.

Fairy tale

Any short fairy tale is included. All participants of the New Year's table stand in a circle, leaving the center free. An author is appointed who reads a fairy tale, for example “The Three Little Pigs”; it is not very short, but can be easily reduced to a page. Then everyone in a circle chooses a role for themselves. And not only animated characters, but also natural phenomena or objects. A tree, grass, even the phrase “once upon a time,” can be played upon.

The story begins: Once upon a time there lived (went or went “lived and were”) three little pigs (went the little pigs). The sun was shining in the sky (the sky is shining while holding the sun in your arms). The piglets were lying on the grass (a “grass” lay down, or better yet three pieces of grass, the piglets fell on it), etc. If there are few people, the freed heroes in the form of grass can take on the following roles to continue the game.

You can act out not only a fairy tale, but also a song or poem, or you can come up with your own funny stories.

Sweet tooth

Several pairs of the opposite sex are selected for the game. Men are blindfolded, women are placed on pre-prepared tables or chairs (sports mats). Napkins are placed over their body, on which chocolate candies without candy wrappers are placed. Then they bring a man to them, and he must find all the candies without hands (and therefore without eyes). You don't have to eat them. To avoid embarrassment, it is best to call spouses or a real couple. But adults, especially at the New Year's table, with a good sense of humor, which is seasoned with a glass of champagne, usually have no problems.

Eat a banana

Several pairs are called. Men sit on chairs, hold a banana between their knees, women approach their partners and, hiding their hands behind their backs, must peel and eat it. Adults are given a certain amount of time for the procedure. You can also use cucumbers instead of bananas.


New Year's games for a cheerful company should be prepared in advance. Especially if there will be a lot of guests and among them there will be unfamiliar people about whom you need to learn as much as possible. Entertaining competitions at the New Year's table for adults are diluted with dancing or karaoke singing for variety.

Table games 2020 can be played both for fun and for incentive prizes. If you choose team adult games, then votes are counted for each group. If the participants are competing alone, reward them with chips, and then by counting the chips, the prize goes to the winner. The rest of the adults at the New Year's table will be content with consoling gifts.

1. I bet you can’t step over the pencil. I'll put it on the floor and you won't step over!!! How to win an argument? Place the pencil on the floor flat against the wall.
2. I bet you won’t budge me, even if we stand on the same newspaper opposite each other. Solution: the newspaper is placed on the threshold of the door so that when you close the door, you end up on the side where the door does not open.
3. I bet I can jump higher than the refrigerator. You jump 10 cm and say that you jumped higher, since the refrigerator cannot jump at all.

Competition "Who will beat whom"
An inflatable ball is placed in the middle of the table. A competition is announced, and its meaning is as follows: two participants are blindfolded and sit down at the table. They are invited to compete in blowing up this balloon. Carefully remove the ball and place a plate with flour in its place. When they begin to blow forcefully on this plate, they are amazed, and when their eyes are untied, they are indescribably delighted.
It is best to have cameras ready with you.

Dance with balloons
Prepare several balloons in advance and distribute them to the couples who will take part in the competition. The dancers must place the balls between themselves and dance without holding the balls with their hands. But as soon as the music ends, the couple must hug so that the balloon bursts. The couple that succeeds first wins.

Game "New Year's songs"
Prepare in advance and put notes in a box or hat with one word: Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, Snow Maiden... Each participant takes turns taking out the notes and undertakes to sing a song - necessarily a New Year's or winter song in which this word appears .
Provide prizes for all participants.

Game "Jumping into the New Year"
This is a competition in which men and women can participate separately. After the first New Year's toasts, invite the participants to line up in one line. Then, according to the code, they must “jump” into the New Year. The one who jumped the farthest wins. If your neighbors are celebrating the New Year downstairs, then you shouldn’t continue this competition for too long.

Competition "Cutting out snowflakes"
Provide participants with plain white paper napkins and scissors. Everyone’s task: to cut out a snowflake from a napkin the fastest and most beautifully. The jury is all participants in your event. ^, I
The most dexterous
Each participant in the competition is given a unfolded sheet of newspaper. The task of each participant is to hold the right hand behind the back, using only one left hand, taking the newspaper by the corner and forming it into a fist. The fastest and most agile wins.

Motorcycle test

Choose a good moment and invite one of the men to take a coordination test (sobriety, agility, etc.). Explain that to do this you need to try to lift a box of matches from the table using only two matches. Matches
you need to hold the heads with two fingers each, rest them on different sides
center box and thus lift it. After several attempts this is usually successful. Next, you propose to complicate the task. At the moment when the box is already lifted and held on outstretched arms, ask the subject to stamp his foot several times. If the box falls at this moment, you can try again. When the subject finally does everything without difficulty, you turn to face the audience and announce in the voice of an entertainer: “This is how they start a motorcycle in a madhouse.”

Dance with a magic wand
The dance participants stand in a circle, alternating between men and women. The presenter takes out a “magic wand” (this could be, for example, an empty plastic bottle) and, holding it with his knees and making dance movements to the music, passes it to the next participant, turning to face him. At the same time, you cannot help yourself with your hands. So the “magic wand” passes from one dance participant to another in a circle. The task can be gradually made more difficult: back to back, back to face, etc. Everyone can choose their own partner; it is not at all necessary to follow in a circle. Those whose “stick” fell out give away their phantom item for further drawing.

Game "Complete the Draw"
You can play right at the festive table, but you need to prepare in advance identical, but unfinished drawings on New Year's themes (multiply the pre-prepared drawings on a printer). The players' task is to complete the drawings as they imagine them. The winner is the one who not only guessed what should be depicted, but also coped with the creative task best of all.

Game "Ring"
At the table, guests are seated sequentially: man - woman. Each participant puts a match in his mouth. The first one to put a ring on the match. Then the ring is passed along the chain (from match to match) without the help of hands to the last participant. Those who drop the ring are eliminated, leaving, for example, a forfeit for the next draw.

Test "Sobriety and coordination"
Everyone participates. The presenter shows the first position: the right hand holds the left earlobe, and the left hand holds the tip of the nose. At the command of the leader - clap - everyone must change position to the second one: the right hand is the tip of the nose, the left hand is the lobe of the right ear. The tempo of the clapping gradually increases. The winner is the one who performs the movements correctly the longest.

Game - joke "Don't laugh"
Players sit in a circle in the order: man - woman. Everyone is warned not to laugh. The leader takes his right neighbor (neighbor) by the ear. Everyone else in the circle must do the same. When the circle is closed, the leader takes the neighbor on the right by the cheek, nose, knee, etc. The one who laughed is eliminated.
Partners (man and woman) stand opposite each other, holding a small rubber ball between their stomachs. The task is to roll the ball with rotational movements to the chin of the shorter partner.

Competition "Apples"
Participants, several pairs, stand opposite each other blindfolded. Everyone has an apple in their hand, with which they must feed each other as quickly as possible.

Game "Princess and the Peas"
The game involves 3-4 women. You need to place stools (or chairs without upholstery) in a row according to the number of expected participants. A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool. For example, on the first stool - three candies, on the second - two, on the third - four. The top of the stools is covered with opaque plastic bags. Contestants, sitting on a stool, must determine how many candies are underneath them.

Pair competition "Five clothespins"
Couples participate. Both are blindfolded. Then five clothespins are hung on both. They must rid each other of them as quickly as possible. Naturally, the fans think that they would have done all this faster. Then they prepare two volunteers, blindfold them, but “forget” to attach a fifth clothespin. They find four clothespins each, and everyone present helps them, counting loudly: “One, two, three... four!” But they can’t find the fifth one.

Game "Drawing"
The leader calls two or three pairs of players. The players of each pair sit at the table next to each other. One is blindfolded, a sheet of paper is placed in front of him and a pen or pencil is given in his hand. Everyone else present gives each pair a task - to draw a New Year's picture. The player in each pair, who is not blindfolded, carefully watches what his neighbor is drawing and tells him where to point the pen and in which direction. He listens and draws what he is told. It turns out very funny. The couple that completes the drawing faster and better wins.

"Drummers" competition
Couples participate in the competition. A girl has a light frying pan tied to her front belt, and a guy has a ladle. The couple is placed facing each other at a close distance. Their task is to hit the frying pan with a ladle as many times as possible in one minute. The pair that scores the most wins.