The Clinique beauty laboratory has developed a unique intelligent care technology that acts differently on individual areas of the skin. If the epidermis requires additional hydration and intensive restoration, Clinique Smart Custom-Repair Moisturizer SPF15 cream will cope with this task.

The product was created specifically for day care for combination skin prone to dryness. The cream normalizes water and fat balance, prevents the occurrence of dryness, inflammation and other adverse consequences of environmental factors. The drug contains ultraviolet filters that neutralize the harmful effects of sunlight. Intelligent moisturizing technology will maintain the water-lipid balance, even out its surface and restore natural radiance. Throughout the day, your skin will remain soft, well-groomed and protected, and age-related changes will not make themselves felt for a long time.

Lately, my subscribers have been bombarding me with requests, which I’m very happy about. I hope my tips help you. So this time I received a request from a subscriber In contact with with a request to choose care for combination skin. She writes the following:

“I have combination skin, prone to dryness and inflammation at the same time. Inflammations are usually on the chin, there are sometimes blackheads, sometimes there is dryness on the cheeks, the skin quickly dries out under the eyes. In winter - peeling and redness. Sometimes the face turns red from the wrong toner, irritation occurs, the skin is sensitive, but I would not call it completely dry. Of luxury/non-luxury cosmetics, alcohol-containing ones are not suitable, they dry out the skin and cause irritation (lanko cleansing dries out, irritation in clinics). I switched to Korean cosmetics (wash, toner, cream, masks) it became better and helped a little with care, but sometimes the inflammation is strong on the chin, which does not always help with acne creams. I was considering Haushka as a care option, but I don’t know what kit to choose for normal skin or still for the problematic one. Now I use Kiehls cucumber toner without alcohol, but even it dries out the skin, Locsitan face cream. Some formulations containing oils (for example, the Kiehls midnight serum composition) give me terrible inflammation in the form of acne. The same thing with some tonal means and BB creams...after them the acne barely goes away. My skin does not require strong masking, a little concealer and powder. I know that Hauschka has foundations, but the reviews are different. That’s all for me, I would like to get an answer from you, maybe I would learn something new about care.”

In general, I am happy to take on this request, since the case is very interesting. As you can see, the skin type and skin condition are peculiar, and at first glance, contradictory... In fact, this skin condition is not accidental. I will even dare to explain below why it is like this.

For my dear reader, I will select skincare cosmetics, and ones that will immediately make her feel better. And most importantly, below you will read a couple of golden tips that will immediately (REALLY IMMEDIATELY) give results, although they are very simple and almost free!

In general, follow me!

I'll call this care like

Care for combination complex skin

Difficult - because: firstly, the skin is prone to peeling, and at the same time - to rashes. This condition is common. And if your skin also feels this way, I will explain to you why this happens.

Your skin is going crazy. Literally. There are several reasons:

  1. Maybe your skin for a long time had to digest foods with a “caustic” composition
  2. Or - you change your care too often, and this injures your skin
  3. Or (which is the saddest thing) both

Remember, when the skin shows two seemingly incompatible conditions - sort of dry/kind of oily, kind of dry/but with rashes, kind of oily/but flaking…. The reason is always the same - you finished it off U-HO-DOM.

Anyway…. Let's get straight to my subscriber's problem. Before I get into skincare, a few vital tips:

  1. No “greasy” overnight care! This is the most important rule; without it, others will be useless!!!
  2. Pay attention to how you sit throughout the day. Are you supporting your chin with your hand? You may not notice it at all, but the rash may be due to this. Just watch!
  3. And please!!! No chemical effects on the skin! No peelings, scrubs, brushes, etc.

To get a good feel for these rules, I recommend reading and

Well, now let’s proceed directly to the selection of basic care. If you want to try too much Dr. Hauschka, then I would recommend the following products:

  1. Cleansing milk— for removing makeup (on the face and eyes)
  2. Cleansing cream with almond flour - to nourish the skin. It also perfectly soothes and balances skin “tormented” by care.
  3. Tonic for the face - be careful, there is still a small alcohol content!!! But it also contains extracts of the medicinal ulcer and witch hazel, which soothe the skin, cleanse it of rashes and at the same time regulate the water-metabolic balance
  4. Quince face cream— the extract of this fruit maintains the balance of the skin, and you need this now, since it is clear that the skin is irritated

Details about leaving from Dr. Hauschka read the article:

But, to be honest, I would recommend a completely different care! Namely - from Santaverde .

I'll explain why.

From the description, as I already wrote above, it is clear that the skin is tortured by care (let’s be honest - traditional cosmetics, especially luxury ones, cannot boast of the quality of the composition. Lancome dries, because there are solid silicones and preservatives, on Clinique irritation because there are silicones, preservatives, plus dyes... Let's look further - Kiehls Cucumber Toner: solvent, dye, dye, dye…. Hmm, not much...)

In short, and even despite my love for Hauschka, I would still advise restoring the skin with something else. Hauschka is good, but I'm afraid it depends on the content large quantity essential oils and nutritional ingredients, your skin will simply go crazy!

Therefore - my set for you Number Two:

Briefly about the main thing. Santaverde is a German certified manufacturer organic cosmetics based on aloe vera juice. The point is that instead of water they use pure organic aloe vera juice from plants grown in pure organic conditions on plantations in Spain. Their cosmetics are suitable even for the MOST SENSITIVE SKIN. And this is about you! In general, let's look:

  1. Shower gel(unscented) - does not contain any fragrances, essential oils, etc. It does not dry out the skin at all, so it fits perfectly into a “fat-free” night care program (have you forgotten that this is the MOST IMPORTANT thing for you now? :))) We use it in the evening, also to remove makeup. In the morning - only water
  2. Toner for sensitive skin- alcohol-free!!! Use in the morning after washing and in the evening as well.
  3. Aloe vera cream, version Light(odorless) - very light, weightless, does not leave a film... And still - only in the morning!
  4. And for dessert - Living Nature Manuka Oil Gel. Manuka oil is a formidable antiseptic that will remove all your acne. But even this - only in the morning, under Santaverde cream

This would be an ideal treatment for the described skin for as long as at least three months! And in the best case – for six months! And nothing else!

Be patient, hold out, you won’t recognize your skin later.

How will you get your skin in order - soothe it, nourish it with really good substances, not silicones and dyes, let it get used to the new care (do we all remember how long the skin needs to be completely renewed? That's right! 28 days! Therefore, change the cream every two weeks - at least - a perversion, but in fact - just a mockery!), then you can switch to Hauschka if you really want to...

Oh yes! And finally, throw out the foundation and replace it with a mineral base from some organic company, for example, Lavera, Benecos, Everyday Minerals or Coleur Caramel.

On this joyful note (GEE GEE GEE) I end the REQUEST. All questions - in the comments, please!

Take care of your skin, you have only one!

See you!

Combination skin combines increased oiliness and dryness. Some areas of the face are characterized by increased fat production, others - weak. This leads to inflammatory processes and peeling. Correct care for combination skin will help eliminate these manifestations.

Combination skin visually looks healthy and even.

With this type, the face is divided into zones with high and low fat content:

There are cases of different locations of areas with increased fat content. With age, this type of skin can turn into normal.

Factors causing mixed type:

  • high amounts of testosterone affect fat production;
  • incorrectly chosen cosmetics provoke the activity of the glands;
  • genetics;
  • absence proper nutrition;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

This skin type is typical for girls and is rare in men.

What procedures should be performed daily?

Caring for combination skin requires careful selection of cosmetics. Incorrect use of cosmetics stimulates additional fat production.

There are summer and winter care.

The summer option is similar to caring for oily types:

Winter care:

  • cleansing with cosmetic cream or milk - daily;
  • use of scrub - 1 time every 2 weeks;
  • protect the skin with a thick cream - daily 30 minutes before leaving the house;
  • moisturizing with night cream - before bed if necessary.

Treatments for combination skin


Caring for combination skin includes daily cleansing. It is carried out in the morning and before bedtime. To do this, use a specialized foam or gel for combination or normal skin types. Additional peeling of the T-zone is provided by the use of a sponge or sponge.

One of the basic rules for caring for oily and combination skin is to wash your face only with cool water and not use hot water to avoid increasing the activity of the sebaceous glands in oily areas and drying out dry areas of the skin.

You should wash your face with cool water - hot water affects the production of fat by the sebaceous glands and dries out dry areas of the face. Cleansing before bed is preceded by removing makeup. Do not use soap or hard water for washing. This negatively affects the general condition.

Cosmetical tools for washing:


Skin toning is performed for:

  • removing microparticles that remain on the skin after a cleanser;
  • tightening pores and reducing the number of acne;
  • skin nutrition.

It is important to choose a toner that suits your skin type. If you use toner for oily skin, it will dry out dry areas. For dry skin - stimulates the sebaceous glands.

Cosmetical tools:

Homemade tonic:

  • To create a tonic, mash the grapes and squeeze out the juice after 2 hours. Put 5 g of honey and salt in 0.5 tbsp. juice Use toner after 30 minutes. Apply to face after cleansing twice daily. Store at 3°C ​​for 48 hours;
  • Another way is to freeze the chamomile infusion. Tone your face with small ice cubes.


Exfoliation (from the English exfoliate - exfoliate) - cleansing the skin by removing dead cells, opening pores and removing dirt. After this, the skin looks healthy, even and smooth.

There are peelings:

  • mechanical,
  • hardware
  • chemical.

Mechanical peeling is performed with scrubs, which are:

Scrubs are used to massage the skin and remove particles. At the same time, blood circulation and oxygen supply to cells are stimulated. Particle size affects skin injury: the smaller the particles, the less skin injury.

Types of hardware peeling:

  • laser - with varying degrees of purification;
  • ultrasonic.

These types of peeling allow you to remove dark spots and scars. But this injures the skin.

Exfoliants chemical peeling:

  • acids;
  • enzymes;
  • mixtures.

Chemical peeling is the most effective and least traumatic procedure.

Cosmetical tools:

Recipe homemade scrub:

  • grind oat, wheat or corn flakes. Dilute them with water to a paste. Crushed citrus fruit peel will reduce oily skin;
  • A gentle scrub is made from rye bread crumb, sour milk and soda.


During care, combination skin must be dried in the T-zone and moisturized dry areas of the skin.

Special creams:

  • have a light texture and matting effect;
  • reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduce the number of blackheads.

Cosmetical tools:

For homemade cream Ingredients needed:

  • olive or grape oil - 100 ml;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • beeswax - 4 tablespoons;
  • boric acid - 0.25 teaspoon.

Making homemade cream:

  • Mix boric acid and water;
  • In another container, mix wax and oil and heat in a water bath;
  • Slowly add boric acid;
  • Pour into a container to store the cream and cool.

To increase moisturizing properties, add vitamin E and glycerin when adding wax to oil. Store the resulting cream at a temperature of 3 °C.

Deep cleansing

Deep cleansing when caring for combination skin is performed no more than once a week.

Deep cleansing procedures:

Cosmetical tools:


Combination skin is nourished not by creams, but by masks. This is due to the undesirable use of fatty creams. Such creams are acceptable only in winter time for dry areas of skin.

Nourishing creams:

Homemade nourishing masks:

  • a mixture of berry puree and cottage cheese;
  • a mask of grated carrots, egg whites, whipped into foam, and night cream;
  • mask of ground yolk, vegetable oil, apple juice, honey and cream. Apply to damp skin.

Features of winter care

As the temperature drops, you should replace the cosmetic cleansing product: gel with a cream product. The skin should be cleansed, but not overdried. Nourishing cream will saturate the skin with beneficial microelements and increase hydration.

This is provided by:

These elements must be present in the cream.

These creams include:

  1. Cream “Luxury Nutrition” from L'Oreal. The cream adapts to the needs of the skin using shea butter and vitamin C.
  2. Dreamskin Capture Totale The cream nourishes the skin and relieves redness. Formulated with stem cells & longosa extract. These components mattify the skin and reduce pores.
  3. Aquasource from Biotherm. Thermal plankton and mannose maintain skin hydration and enhance cellular metabolism.

In winter, do not use tonic; it is replaced with serum with antioxidants.

A three-step system from Clinique has proven effective in caring for combination skin, which includes:

  • cleansing soap - Facial Soap;
  • exfoliating lotion - Clarifying Lotion;
  • moisturizer - Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion+.

Features of care in summer

Differences in care for combination skin of different ages

Principles of care for combination skin up to 25 years

Young skin up to 25 years old becomes combination after teenage imperfections.

To maintain youthful skin you should:

Skin care consists of three stages:

  • cleansing - foam, gel;
  • toning;
  • moisturizing - do not use age-related cosmetics.

It is acceptable to use scrubs made from coffee, sugar, salt, etc. Fabric masks soaked in serum restore skin moisture and relieve inflammation.

After 25 years

After 25 years, the first wrinkles appear on the skin and dryness occurs. These manifestations can be removed with the help of moisturizers and adherence to healthy image life.

After 25 years, the following are added to the basic cleansing, toning and moisturizing products:

  • cream for moisturizing the skin around the eyes;
  • peeling with granules, acids or homemade;
  • cleansing mask;
  • moisturizing mask.

After 30 years

After 30 years, everyone's skin fades, but at different rates.

This is affected by:

  • genetics;
  • Lifestyle;
  • skin care.

After 30 years:

  • skin moisture decreases;
  • metabolic processes slow down;
  • the stratum corneum of the skin becomes thicker, the sebaceous glands are less active;
  • wrinkles appear, the elasticity of the skin decreases;
  • blood circulation is impaired;
  • muscle tone decreases.

Care for combination skin is complemented by nutrition and protection. Salon treatments will increase the effectiveness of special care.

After 40 years

Features after 40 years:

Cosmetic and folk remedies for cleansing pores and against acne

Cosmetical tools:

To cleanse the pores of combination skin, it is recommended to use gels and creams. Creams have matting properties, gels do not leave a greasy film. Manufacturers often call creams for oily skin an emulsion. This is done to highlight the light texture.

Homemade masks are made 2 times a week:

Moisturizing and nutritional products

Pharmaceutical drugs:

  1. Apilak ointment- royal jelly eliminates skin imperfections and moisturizes the skin. To do this, apply the ointment in a thick layer 3 times a week.
  2. Blefarogel- contains hyaluronic acid. Relieves skin problems around the eyes. Apply before bed 2 hours after castor oil.
  3. Retinoic ointment- eliminates redness, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Homemade masks:

Skin care is carried out twice a day: in the morning toning and moisturizing with cream; in the evening - cleansing with gel, nourishing with cream. A moisturizing and cleansing mask is done once a week. Cosmetics must be age appropriate. A sample is a great way to try a cream before purchasing.

Herbal laxatives and diuretics are sources of skin aging. 0.5 liters of kefir or mineral water reduces the negative effect.

The basic rules for care are as follows:

  • replace tap water with herbal infusions or mineral water when washing;
  • In the morning the cream is applied 30-40 minutes before leaving the house, in the evening - 1 hour before bedtime;
  • moisturize and nourish only after cleansing;
  • To allow the skin to breathe, the cream is applied in a very thin layer.

Caring for combination skin on the face is a process that requires certain knowledge. Strict implementation of the steps and adherence to the principles transforms the skin, making it fresh, smooth and rejuvenated.

Video: Care for combination skin

Secrets of caring for combination skin:

Daily care for combination skin:

The combination of dry skin and excessively oily and shiny skin can be a real headache. What should combination skin care be like to make it look more attractive and healthy?

Combination skin types

We need to make a reservation right away: The term “combination skin” itself does not mean anything.. In reality, almost everyone has combination skin. In the center of the face there are more sebaceous glands, which are united in the so-called “T-zone”: it includes the forehead, nose and chin. And this “T-shaped zone” is an absolutely normal and natural phenomenon. In turn, the skin on the cheeks has fewer sebaceous glands, so it is more likely to be dry. Any deviations in the balance of oily and dry areas of the skin lead to troubles: acne may appear, and the skin will feel tight from dryness.

There are several types of combination skin, conventionally united by this term, and each type requires its own care.

  • Oily combination skin: T-zone (forehead-nose-chin) - oily skin, noticeable pores, acne prone, increased sebum production. At the same time, the skin on the cheeks is dry, but not overdried.
  • Dry combination skin: The T-zone is oily (enlarged pores, acne), but without excessive shine. The skin on the cheeks is dry or dehydrated.
  • Sensitive combination skin: Combines the symptoms mentioned above with redness, flaking and other symptoms of sensitive skin. Often this type of skin is a consequence of excessive use of too aggressive skin care products or low-quality cosmetics that damage the natural protective layer of the hydrolipid mantle.

Care for oily combination skin

First, you need perfect hygiene. For washing, choose only the mildest products. Do not try to wash your skin “squeaky clean”: excessive cleansing of the skin can lead to dryness of some areas of the skin and increased oiliness in others. Skin completely deprived of its natural barrier film will be forced to protect itself by secreting more oil. In this case, dry areas without a protective barrier layer may turn red and begin to peel.

To cleanse oily combination skin, it is very useful to wipe the skin with undiluted hydrosols of sage, pine, thyme, witch hazel, rosemary, juniper, and eucalyptus. These floral waters have a slightly acidic pH level and have protective properties for the skin: they gently cleanse, strengthen the hydrolipid barrier and balance the skin. Just apply the hydrosol to your face and let it dry.

If you have acne, use. Good cream, combining not only anti-inflammatory care, but also active moisturizing will help significantly improve the condition of such skin. In some cases, it is worth resorting to two face creams at once. For the T-zone, use a special mattifying cream, and apply a moisturizer for oily skin to the remaining areas. Matting will not only improve appearance skin, but will also ensure the adsorption of excess sebum, preventing the appearance of comedones and acne.

Once a week you can do a light scrub designed specifically for oily skin. Choose a scrub that contains the finest granules. Gently wipe the skin without pressure or too intense exposure, so as not to damage the hydrolipidic mantle - the balance and health of your skin depends on the integrity of this layer.

If you have oily combination skin, avoid:

  • prolonged exposure to the sun: sun rays on a short time may improve the condition of your skin, but then its condition worsens.
  • Skin care products containing alcohol: These irritate the skin and increase skin imbalances.
  • Too greasy creams and skin care products.

Care for combination skin prone to dryness

The main emphasis in caring for this skin type should be on harmonizing the condition of dry skin areas. This means that hydration and protection should be your priorities. We recommend using "SENTIO": it is ideal for the most sensitive and problematic skin, moisturizes the skin and normalizes sebum production.

Properly selected scrubs and masks - best friends any skin type, this is also relevant for the care of dry combination skin. Once every two weeks - no more often! - do a soft peeling with very light granules. Always combine scrubs with moisturizing and cleansing masks.

Once every 7-10 days it is recommended to make clay masks with the addition of balancing oils. On combination skin prone to dryness, clay should not be applied in its pure form. Clay masks for such skin should not only cleanse oily areas of the skin, but also moisturize and nourish areas prone to dryness. How to prepare a balancing mask for combination skin?

  1. Dilute the clay to the consistency of sour cream. To dilute clay, it is best to use floral hydrolates, which will adjust the pH level of the skin and additionally help stabilize its condition. The most suitable hydrolates for such skin are lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, verbena, mint.
  2. Add about a teaspoon of hazelnut, black cumin, sasanqua, black currant, tamanu, grapeseed or jojoba oils. Biologically active components vegetable oils will contribute to active recovery lipid barrier skin.
  3. Add 4-5 drops of any essential oil. Some of the best balancing esters are: fragrant eucalyptus, rosewood, geranium, ylang-ylang, neroli, patchouli, prickly juniper.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply to skin for 10 minutes. Do not let the mask dry on your face! To do this, periodically spray thermal water or hydrosol onto the mask.
  5. Apply moisturizer to your skin daily. The harmonization of all areas of the skin will depend on proper hydration. This moisturizer should contain: natural oils for the natural restoration of the hydrolipid balance of the skin, and special anti-inflammatory components.

Care for sensitive combination skin

The care listed above is also suitable for sensitive combination skin. But such skin requires a more careful selection of care products. For such skin, choose only hypoallergenic creams that are specially designed for sensitive skin.
An additional active care product for combination skin sensitive skin is " ". You can use this emulsion only on areas of the skin prone to increased dryness and flaking. Or you can apply a couple of drops all over your face instead of regular cream. With regular use of this emulsion, not only does the balance of dry and oily skin areas even out, but also rashes and inflammation disappear, and skin sensitivity is significantly reduced.