Public lesson.

Reading. 4 "a" class

Topic: Moldavian fairy tale “Wonderful treasure”.

Goal: developing reading skills (correct, expressive, meaningful, fluent).

Tasks :


Develop reading skills (correct, fluent, expressive, meaningful),

To teach the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes, to find the main idea of ​​a work;


Develop the ability to independently work with text,

Correct attention and speech of students;


To cultivate the moral qualities of the child’s personality;

Interest in reading;

Create a collaborative atmosphere in the classroom.

Equipment: tape recorder, illustrations, handout cards with proverbs, envelopes with phrases for formulating the topic and purpose of the lesson.

During the classes

  1. Org moment.
  1. Checking readiness for the lesson.
  2. Psychological mood.

“Good morning to the sun and birds!

Good morning to smiling faces!

Wish each other success in class. We will work hard in class to make the lesson interesting and useful.”

  1. Updating knowledge, problem statement.

Teacher: “Make a proverb from the words written on the board (words: hint,

A fairy tale, a lesson, a lie in it, yes, well done, kind).

(The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!)

  1. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Teacher: “Guys. You probably guessed what you and I will read

A fairy tale. Open your textbooks to page 71. Let's determine the topic of the lesson " Folk tales" Formulate the objectives of the lesson by choosing envelopes by color:

  1. red - get acquainted with the Moldavian fairy tale “Wonderful Treasure”;
  2. yellow - learn to read expressively, correctly, fluently, learn to find the main idea, answer questions;
  3. green - develop speech, attention, memory;
  4. blue - to cultivate good character traits.

IV. Working on a new topic.

  1. Target setting. Let's read the fairy tale and try to guess what hint and what lesson this fairy tale gives us.
  2. Initial reading.

The teacher reads: “I’ll read a fairy tale4 and you listen carefully, and then

Answer the question “Why didn’t the sons find the pot with


  1. Dynamic pause

1. Physical exercise (to music).

“Once again we have a physical education session,

Let's bend over, come on, come on!

Straightened up, stretched,

And now they’ve bent over backwards,

We stretch our arms, shoulders,

To make it easier for us to sit

And don’t get tired at all.

My head is tired too

So let's help her

Right, left, one and two,

Think, think, head.

Even though the charge is short -

We rested a little.

  1. Speech therapy minute.

1. Reading syllables according to the table.

Bro - bro press - press

vdo - everything is evil - evil

gno - gno cro - rko

bottom - day sto- one hundred

2. Reading difficult words

(diligent, hardworking, asked).

3. Explanation of words (first, last, spade, treasure).

  1. Exercise for the eyes.

(Set of exercises No. 1 for the eyes).

  1. Reading a fairy tale to students.
  1. follow the words on the line, do not rearrange them;
  2. try to understand what you are reading about;
  3. do not go back to every word;
  4. pronounce words clearly, observing pauses.”
  1. Reading by students in parts.
  2. Answers on questions. Selective reading.


  1. What was the father like?
  2. What were his sons like?
  3. Find sentences that match the illustration.
  4. What word can you call them?
  5. What did the sons answer to the neighbors? Read, convey the intonation.
  6. What did the sons say to their father when he got old and sick? Read it.
  7. What came of it?
  8. What did your father come up with before his death?
  9. Why did he tell about the treasure?
  10. What made the sons look for the pot of gold?
  11. So, what is this fairy tale about?
  1. Game "Guess the crossword."


  1. development of attention, thinking, memory.
  1. What is the second word in the title of the fairy tale (treasure).
  2. How can you call the sons at the beginning of the fairy tale (idlers).
  1. What the older brother's shovel stumbled upon (a stone).
  1. What did the brothers find after working on the earth? (wealth).

IX. Consolidation.

Children are given cards with proverbs in groups. Each group reads its proverbs and explains how they are understood, determine whether it fits the fairy tale or not. And why?


  1. Happiness and work go hand in hand.
  2. Income does not live without hassle.
  3. The harvest comes not from dew, but from sweat.
  4. If you want to eat rolls, don't sit on the stove.
  1. Homework. Page 71-75. Anwser the questions.
  2. Lesson summary.

So what treasure did the sons find?

  1. ability to work;
  2. They realized that work gives a person the right to live in dignity, in abundance, and to be happy.

12. Reflection.

Continue the sentence:

  1. I will praise my classmate for (reading correctly, expressively, etc.);
  2. the most difficult thing in the lesson was (following reading, etc.);
  3. the lesson made me think about what (I'm not trying hard enough to study, etc.).

Teacher: “Remember, guys, “Reading... - (proverbs on the board)

Once upon a time there lived one person in the world. He had three sons. He was a diligent and hardworking man, he never sat idle. He worked from morning until late evening, never getting tired. I kept up everywhere.
His sons were tall, handsome, strong, but they did not like to work.
The father worked in the field, in the garden, and at home, and his sons sat under the trees in the shade and chatted or went fishing on the Dniester.
- Why don’t you ever work? Why don't you help your father? - their neighbors asked.
- Why do we need to work? - the sons answered. “Father takes care of us!”
This is how they lived year after year.
The sons grew up, but the father grew old, weakened and could no longer work as before. Their garden near the house was deserted, the field was overgrown with weeds.
The sons see this, but they don’t want to work.
- Why are you, sons, sitting idle? - their father asks. “When I was young, I worked, and now your time has come.”
“We’ll still have time to work,” the sons say in response.
The old man felt bitter that his sons were such lazy people. He fell ill with grief and took to his bed.
At this point the family fell into complete poverty. The garden was all overgrown and wild, nettles and quinoa grew in it, so that because of them you couldn’t even see the house.
One day the old man called his sons and told them:
- Well, sons, my death hour has come. How will you live without me now? You don’t like to work and don’t know how.
The sons' hearts sank and they cried.
- Tell us, father, something final, advise something! - asked the older brother.
- Fine! - said the father. “I’ll tell you one secret.” You all know that your late mother and I worked tirelessly. Over the years, we have accumulated wealth for you - a pot of gold. I buried this pot near the house, but I don’t remember in what place. Look for my treasure, and then you will live without knowing need.
The father said goodbye to his sons and died.
The old man's sons buried and grieved. Then the elder brother said:
- Well, brothers, we have come to great poverty, we have nothing to even buy bread with. Remember what your father said before his death? Let's look for the pot of gold!
The brothers took spades and began to dig small holes near the house.
They dug and dug, but could not find the pot of gold.
Then the middle brother says:
- Brothers! If we dig like this, we will never find our father's treasure. Let's dig up all the soil around our house!
The brothers agreed. They took up their spades again and dug up all the ground, but they never found the pot of gold.
- Eh! - says the younger brother, - let's dig up the earth again, and deeper! Maybe father buried the pot of gold deep.
The brothers agreed. They really wanted to find their father’s treasure!
Everyone got back to work again.
The older brother was digging and digging, and suddenly his shovel came across something large and hard. His heart began to beat, he was delighted, he called to his brothers:
- Hurry to me: I found my father’s treasure!
The middle one and younger brothers, began to help the elder.
They worked and worked and dug out of the ground not a pot of gold, but a heavy stone.
They felt offended and said:
- What should we do with this stone? Don't leave it here. Let's take him further away and throw him into the ravine!
So they did. They removed the stone and started digging up the ground again. We worked all day, forgot about food and rest! They dug up all the ground again. The earth became lush and soft. But the pot of gold was never found.
“Well,” says the elder brother, “we dug up the land - it shouldn’t be left empty!” Let's plant grapes on this land.
“That’s right,” say the brothers. “At least our labors will not be in vain.”
They planted vines and began to take care of them.
A little time passed, and they grew a large and good vineyard. The juicy, sweet grapes are ripe.
The brothers reaped a rich harvest. They kept as much as they needed, and sold the rest - they received a lot of money.
Then the elder brother said:
“It’s not for nothing that we dug up all our land: we found in it a precious treasure that our father told us about before his death!”

Once upon a time there lived one person in the world. He had three sons. He was a diligent and hardworking man, he never sat idle. He worked from morning until late evening, never getting tired. I kept up everywhere.

His sons were tall, handsome, strong, but they did not like to work.

The father worked in the field, in the garden, and at home, and his sons sat under the trees in the shade and chatted or went fishing on the Dniester.

Why don't you ever work? Why don't you help your father? - their neighbors asked.

Why do we need to work? - the sons answered. - Father takes care of us!

This is how they lived year after year.

The sons grew up, but the father grew old, weakened and could no longer work as before. Their garden near the house was deserted, the field was overgrown with weeds.

The sons see this, but they don’t want to work.

Why are you, sons, sitting idle? - asks their father. - While I was young, I worked, and now your time has come.

“We’ll still have time to work,” the sons say in response.

The old man felt bitter that his sons were such lazy people. He fell ill with grief and took to his bed.

At this point the family fell into complete poverty. The garden was all overgrown and wild, nettles and quinoa grew in it, so that because of them you couldn’t even see the house.

One day the old man called his sons and told them:

Well, sons, my hour of death has come. How will you live without me now? You don’t like to work and don’t know how.

The sons' hearts sank and they cried.

Tell us, father, something final, advise something! - asked the older brother.

Fine! - said the father. - I'll tell you one secret. You all know that your late mother and I worked tirelessly. Over the years, we have accumulated wealth for you - a pot of gold. I buried this pot near the house, but I don’t remember in what place. Look for my treasure, and then you will live without knowing need.

The father said goodbye to his sons and died.

The old man's sons buried and grieved. Then the elder brother said:

Well, brothers, we have fallen into great poverty; we have nothing to even buy bread with. Remember what your father said before his death? Let's look for the pot of gold!

The brothers took spades and began to dig small holes near the house.

They dug and dug, but could not find the pot of gold.

Then the middle brother says:

Brothers! If we dig like this, we will never find our father's treasure. Let's dig up all the soil around our house!

The brothers agreed. They took up their spades again and dug up all the ground, but they never found the pot of gold.

Eh! - says the younger brother, - let's dig up the earth again, and deeper! Maybe father buried the pot of gold deep.

The brothers agreed. They really wanted to find their father’s treasure!

Everyone got back to work again.

The older brother was digging and digging, and suddenly his shovel came across something large and hard. His heart began to beat, he was delighted, he called to his brothers:

Hurry to me: I found my father's treasure!

The middle and younger brothers came running and began to help the eldest.

They worked and worked and dug out of the ground not a pot of gold, but a heavy stone.

They felt offended and said:

What should we do with this stone? Don't leave it here. Let's take him further away and throw him into the ravine!

So they did. They removed the stone and started digging up the ground again. We worked all day, forgot about food and rest! They dug up all the ground again. The earth became lush and soft. But the pot of gold was never found.

Well,” says the elder brother, “we dug up the land - it shouldn’t be left empty!” Let's plant grapes on this land.

That's right, say the brothers. - At least our labors will not be in vain.

They planted vines and began to take care of them.

A little time passed, and they grew a large and good vineyard. The juicy, sweet grapes are ripe.

The brothers reaped a rich harvest. They kept as much as they needed, and sold the rest - they received a lot of money.

Then the elder brother said:

It’s not for nothing that we dug up all our land: we found in it a precious treasure that our father told us about before his death!

And they began to live and live and make good things.

Once upon a time there lived one person in the world. He had three sons. He was a diligent and hardworking man, he never sat idle. He worked from early morning until late evening, never getting tired. I kept up everywhere. His sons were tall, handsome, strong, but they did not like to work. The father worked in the field, in the garden, and at home, and his sons sat under the trees in the shade and chatted or went fishing on the Dniester.

Why don't you ever work? Why don’t you help your father? - their neighbors asked.

“Why do we need to work?” the sons answered. “Father takes care of us, he manages everything himself!”

This is how they lived year after year.

The sons grew up, but the father grew old, weakened and could no longer work as before. Their garden near the house was deserted, the field was overgrown with weeds.

The sons see this, but they don’t want to work.

Why are you, sons, sitting idle? - asks their father. - While I was young, I worked, and now your time has come.

“We’ll still have time to work,” the sons say in response. The old man felt bitter that his sons were such lazy people. He fell ill from grief and went to bed.

At this point the family fell into complete poverty. The garden was all overgrown and wild, nettles and quinoa grew in it, so that because of them you couldn’t even see the house.

One day the old man called his sons and told them:

Well, sons, my hour of death has come. How will you live without me now? You don’t like to work and don’t know how. The sons' hearts sank and they cried. “Tell us, father, something final, advise something!” asked the elder brother.

Once upon a time there lived one person in the world. He had three sons. He was a diligent and hardworking man, he never sat idle. He worked from morning until late evening, never getting tired. I kept up everywhere.
His sons were tall, handsome, strong, but they did not like to work.
The father worked in the field, in the garden, and at home, and his sons sat under the trees in the shade and chatted or went fishing on the Dniester.
- Why don’t you ever work? Why don't you help your father? - their neighbors asked.
- Why do we need to work? - the sons answered. “Father takes care of us!”
This is how they lived year after year.
The sons grew up, but the father grew old, weakened and could no longer work as before. Their garden near the house was deserted, the field was overgrown with weeds.
The sons see this, but they don’t want to work.
- Why are you, sons, sitting idle? - their father asks. “When I was young, I worked, and now your time has come.”
“We’ll still have time to work,” the sons say in response.
The old man felt bitter that his sons were such lazy people. He fell ill with grief and took to his bed.
At this point the family fell into complete poverty. The garden was all overgrown and wild, nettles and quinoa grew in it, so that because of them you couldn’t even see the house.
One day the old man called his sons and told them:
- Well, sons, my death hour has come. How will you live without me now? You don’t like to work and don’t know how.
The sons' hearts sank and they cried.
- Tell us, father, something final, advise something! - asked the older brother.
- Fine! - said the father. “I’ll tell you one secret.” You all know that your late mother and I worked tirelessly. Over the years, we have accumulated wealth for you - a pot of gold. I buried this pot near the house, but I don’t remember in what place. Look for my treasure, and then you will live without knowing need.
The father said goodbye to his sons and died.
The old man's sons buried and grieved. Then the elder brother said:
- Well, brothers, we have come to great poverty, we have nothing to even buy bread with. Remember what your father said before his death? Let's look for the pot of gold!
The brothers took spades and began to dig small holes near the house.
They dug and dug, but could not find the pot of gold.
Then the middle brother says:
- Brothers! If we dig like this, we will never find our father's treasure. Let's dig up all the soil around our house!
The brothers agreed. They took up their spades again and dug up all the ground, but they never found the pot of gold.
- Eh! - says the younger brother, - let's dig up the earth again, and deeper! Maybe father buried the pot of gold deep.
The brothers agreed. They really wanted to find their father’s treasure!
Everyone got back to work again.
The older brother was digging and digging, and suddenly his shovel came across something large and hard. His heart began to beat, he was delighted, he called to his brothers:
- Hurry to me: I found my father’s treasure!
The middle and younger brothers came running and began to help the eldest.
They worked and worked and dug out of the ground not a pot of gold, but a heavy stone.
They felt offended and said:
- What should we do with this stone? Don't leave it here. Let's take him further away and throw him into the ravine!
So they did. They removed the stone and started digging up the ground again. We worked all day, forgot about food and rest! They dug up all the ground again. The earth became lush and soft. But the pot of gold was never found.
“Well,” says the elder brother, “we dug up the land - it shouldn’t be left empty!” Let's plant grapes on this land.
“That’s right,” say the brothers. “At least our labors will not be in vain.”
They planted vines and began to take care of them.
A little time passed, and they grew a large and good vineyard. The juicy, sweet grapes are ripe.
The brothers reaped a rich harvest. They kept as much as they needed, and sold the rest - they received a lot of money.
Then the elder brother said:
- It’s not for nothing that we dug up all our land: we found in it a precious treasure that our father told us about before his death!