Presenter 1. Hello, dear accountant Altera and accountant A, employees of our prosperous organization, thanks to today’s anniversary!

Presenter 2. Today we have gathered here to have a drink and a good snack... and at the same time congratulate our beloved chief accountant, (name, patronymic) on his anniversary!

Presenter 1. On this significant day, we will not wish you anything, because you, as a true accountant, will still do it your own way.

Presenter 2. And we won’t give you a gift either, so that it doesn’t get lost in the mass of others.

Presenter 1. But we have prepared a small surprise for you, so as not to look completely dishonest and inattentive.

Presenter 2. Especially for you, we have translated an abbreviated version of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “At Lukomorye there is a green oak tree” into accounting language. Please, colleague...

Presenter 1. Lukomorye has a green oak...

Presenter 2. Land plots and perennial plantings...

Presenter 1. Golden chain on an oak tree...

Presenter 2. Long-term investments in perennial plantings...

1. Your type is Pinocchio! What does it mean? You tend to have a frivolous attitude towards money, gullibility and a tendency to be defrauded. So don't yawn! However, you will not be left without money: it appears to you as if by itself. Next are those who chose answer number

2. Your type is Malvina! This means you are an economical and rational person who knows the value of money. You buy only what you need and plan your expenses. But take note: sometimes it doesn’t hurt to relax a little and go for a walk!

4. And finally, who chose answer 4: your type is Basilio the Cat! These people know how to earn and make a profit, they know how to bargain, save and will never miss their profits. The main thing is that the money is always earned honestly! Well, now we know who is who. And here are our types themselves - meet them! They came to congratulate the heroes of today's holiday on Accountant's Day!

Pinocchio, Malviya, Alice the Fox, Basilio the Cat appear and sing a song to the soundtrack of a song from the film “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”

Song about an accountant

1. What do debit and credit mean?

What is a deposit?

In a pile of zeros

If you can't figure it out, even if it kills you,

But we don’t need calculations,

Tell me, who are we going to?


2. Who knows the account for the entire salary?

Who is honored in the company?

Who values ​​the honor of the company?

And he will escape from taxes,

Who are we singing a song to?

And congratulations on this day?


We congratulate all accounting employees on the holiday! Let your money grow like in a magical Field of Miracles!

The participants in the skit leave, and the presenter proposes a toast to ensure that the money always flows and the accounting department never remains without work.

Let the active and the passive always converge!

12/07/2011 Dear you are our accountant,

Congratulations on your day!

Your character is businesslike

We, colleagues, praise.

You are friendly, kind,

Darling at all - on payday.

Let it be known to you:

We love you. Here's the payback!

12/07/2011 You are a very simple person,

I've known you for a long time,

And sometimes the light is on

In your window near the house.

A lot of work, but it keeps knocking

Your trusty calculator

To bring down the estimate to the penny,

An accountant can't sleep at night!

12/07/2011 Being an accountant is not an easy job,

Where is the minus, where is the plus, where is the receipt, where is the advance...

Flows of finances, continuous worries!

Where is our enterprise without you?

On this holiday we want to say “Thank you” to you,

Because money is always in order.

We wish you large and frequent arrivals

And so that the reports always converge!

12/07/2011 Among the usual accountants,

Severe, thick, pedantic,

You are the only white swan:

Beautiful, cheerful, slim.

The soul of any company,

And the temperament is groovy.

After all, you have no equal in balance sheets,

In boring reports... but also in dancing!

Just one twist of the hip

Sparkling eyes and a quiet sigh,

And with a fiery cry “Hurray!!!”

The entire male gender is at marvelous feet!

12/07/2011 Happy birthday to you! You are simply smart, because no matter how crisis the year is, you will always gather a huge company at a chic table on your birthday. This is probably the highlight of the accountant profession. I wish you health, so that it will always be in your favor. I wish that your income never falls beyond the limits of expenses, that you always have enough for everything and have a little left over. In general, I wish that credit and debit will always be friends, so that your wallet does not laugh at your salary. Good advances and more bonuses to you.11/25/2011 1 2 3 ... 10 11 "

Happy Birthday Scenarios » page 29

Scenario children's day birthday" "Visiting SpongeBob" (child's birthday scenario)

Idea: spend your child’s birthday dressed as the characters from the cartoon SpongeBob.

Your child loves to watch cartoons, then the scenario for the child’s birthday “Visiting SpongeBob” is exactly what will suit you.

* Your child will be dressed as Spatch Bob for his birthday; for this you can buy him a yellow T-shirt and yellow shorts. Print out a picture of Spaghetti Bob from your computer, color it and make a headband.

* For Spatch Bob's friends, make the same headbands, these will be the masks of Patrick, Squidward, Krabs, Sandy, Larry and Plankton. You don’t have to decorate these masks; let the children decorate them themselves when they come to the birthday boy.

The corporate evening is held in a cafe or restaurant. Conditions are discussed in advance: you must come to the holiday at evening dress court ladies, men also need an appropriate suit. The hall where the event is held is decorated with candles, paintings, and other court attributes. Those invited are greeted at the entrance by a butler, ladies are given a fan with a number, and guests are escorted to their seat. The presenter is dressed in the costume of a court servant.

- Ladies and gentlemen, you are present at a ball, in the mathematical kingdom, where Her Majesty the Number rules. And you are her faithful servants. Who else but you adds and subtracts, who else but you divides and multiplies. Every day you exalt the mathematical kingdom, you serve faithfully by keeping constant records, filing an annual report. Pour two hundred and fifty-three grams into glasses, raise them and drink to the eternal kingdom of mathematics.

Solemn music sounds, a crown is brought into the hall on a small red pillow (it can be paper, or it can be specially made).

- A kingdom without a king is not a kingdom, a kingdom without a king is not a kingdom, and so it is with us. The crown is intended for the person who accepts all these reports, verifies and double-checks everything, the head of the department (full name). To the friendly clink of glasses, triple hurray!

- Ladies and gentlemen, His Majesty (I.O.) has the floor to you. In order to reprimand the careless and reward the diligent with gifts.

The floor is given to the head of the department, who presents certificates and gifts to particularly distinguished employees and congratulates everyone on their professional holiday.

- As you all understand, these are not the last awards for this evening, a huge number of prizes and gifts await you, and so let’s begin. The first test for young workers, I need two people who can count quickly. Bring in the antique counting device.

A competition is held, two participants must quickly count a certain combination, preferably with division and multiplication, on an abacus. The winning participant is awarded a prize, a decorative abacus made of expensive wood, or in the form of a souvenir.

- The next test is for experienced accountants who have worked for many years. Bring in a modern counting device.

A competition is being held, two participants must quickly calculate a rather difficult combination, calculating percentages or something else, on an engineering calculator. The winning participant is awarded a prize, a calculator.

A musical pause is announced. At this time, the presenter goes around everyone present and writes down the characteristics for the numbers. For example: a unit, always first in everything, strict, nervous, etc.; deuce, good friend, shared with everyone, kind, and many others. etc.; and so on for all the numbers.

- Each number has its own meaning, its own character, let’s listen to how the unit was characterized.

A lady with a number on her fan stands up, and the presenter reads out everything that was written about her. And so on for each number. In conclusion, reads the wish for this figure.

- You are the first almost always
If we don't count zero
Slender, tall and proud
That's why we respect you!
- We were afraid of failing grades at school,
Moms and dads were arguing
We wish everyone to find
A couple on their way.
- The troika is so formidable
Global assessment
Despite the round shapes
She will give anyone a rebuff.
- Four is very good
There are four corners in the house
The number is so cozy
Although it doesn't seem to be big.
- Five is the best rating
It's not easy to get
But it's much easier to live with.
- Six, she’s all at work
She's in the report, at the factory,
It always works
And we all need it so much.
- Seven, the number of a troublemaker
However, she does not share
But she's like this
That I want to hug her.
- People like to draw number eight
She has a figure of five
So yummy, so cute
So good and cheerful.
- Nine, the number is tricky
If the tail is down, then she
And if the tail is turned over
Six will be right there.
- Ten generous soul
Well, everyone is beautiful, good,
She has one problem
Can't live without zero.

- Ladies and gentlemen, we invite everyone to the dance. Our dance is not easy, before performing it, you need to practice. And since we don’t have enough gentlemen, there will be chairs instead.

A game is played, two chairs are placed, two participants are invited. First you need to curtsy, then walk around the chair, curtsy again and in the other direction around the chair. Place your hands on the shoulders of the chair, but the seat of the chair should not touch your knees, in this position take a step to the left and a step to the right, then open one hand to the side, then the same way with the other hand, turn and sit on the chair.

- Well, we practiced with chairs, you did a good job, now do the same with the gentlemen.

Exactly the same game is played with men if they are present at the holiday.

- By decree of His Majesty (I.O.), I command you to bring in the miracle harp. Whoever shows diligence in this art will receive attention from the sovereign.

Competition for the best karaoke song performance.

- Dear sir, they did not order execution, they ordered mercy, our wonderful ball has come to an end, allow me, your humble servant, to take my leave.

Presenter 1. Hello, dear accountant Altera and accountant A, employees of our prosperous organization, thanks to today’s anniversary!

Presenter 2. Today we have gathered here to have a drink and a good snack... and at the same time congratulate our beloved chief accountant, (name, patronymic) on his anniversary!

Presenter 1. On this significant day, we will not wish you anything, because you, as a true accountant, will still do it your own way.

Presenter 2. And we won’t give you a gift either, so that it doesn’t get lost in the mass of others.

Presenter 1. But we have prepared a small surprise for you, so as not to look completely dishonest and inattentive.

Presenter 2. Especially for you, we have translated an abbreviated version of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “At Lukomorye there is a green oak tree” into accounting language. Please, colleague...

Presenter 1. Lukomorye has a green oak...

Presenter 2. Land plots and perennial plantings...

Presenter 1. Golden chain on an oak tree...

Presenter 2. Long-term investments in perennial plantings...

But on my birthday,

With due respect,

We congratulate her (him),

And we wish you good health!

So that it blooms and prospers,

I have never known grief! ©

What the accountant will calculate -

So be it!

He knows his business very well

Stop the speed of numbers!

True, accountant -

Not he, but she

Beautiful woman,

Stingy with words.

We admire her

And we compete forever:

Who will she notice?

At least greet you with a glance?

But on my birthday

Happy birthday greetings to the chief accountant

We wish you success in your life,

Our chief accountant, happy birthday, dear!

Let your home always be a full cup,

May there always be peace in your heart!

After all, you are a professional, like not many,

All your affairs are always in order,

So may the road always be easy,

And happiness will be with you forever! ©

Our chief accountant

Very very nice!

We congratulate him

And we sincerely wish

On your birthday, it's a day of success,

Works without a flaw,

Submit the report quickly

And celebrate soon! ©

Chief accountant, we wish you success,

Let problems be solved without hindrance!

We congratulate you on your birthday,

In our company you are the boss in everything!

So may all your days be clear,

Let them bring fun and joy,

Let debit always match credit,

And trouble will never come! ©

Lots of worries

The chief accountant works all year round.

Those are quarterly reports

Now calculations, now accounting,

But today is my birthday!

We wish you the mood

Let it be festive for you,

Congratulations a hundred times! ©

There are a lot of different things to do

That's the accountant's lot.

And when the accountant is chief.

There’s a lot to do, even more so!

We wish you good luck,

And solutions to all problems,

Lots of happiness and patience,

Happy Birthday! ©

For your difficult work,

Chief Accountant, we respect you!

You are always in business and in worries,

Your work ardor has not faded.

We celebrate birthday

We wish you very well!

We sincerely congratulate you,

And now we’ll drink a hundred grams for you! ©

May there be happiness in your life,

All troubles will go away overnight,

You are our chief accountant, good health to you!

Paying us salaries

Let the mood be glorious!

And, congratulating you on your birthday,

We wish you a mountain of patience,

Well, good luck, without a doubt! ©

May you always be lucky in fate

Dear chief accountant to you!

The work moves smartly,

And live without worries!

Today we, without a doubt,

Happy Birthday!

And we wish for dreams,

May you accomplish everything! ©

Suit, glasses and stern look,

Always in papers and reports,

And at home an outfit awaits you,

And on the birthday of care -

To set the table and receive guests.

Chief accountant, congratulations!

And raise the bar of life

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts! ©

On your birthday we congratulate you

Chief accountant, no embellishments!

We wish you that at work

If you didn't care,

To balance all balances,

The soul sang so that romances

All corporate companies work differently. However, they are all united by the fact that not every employee wants to organize a special event. Moreover, sometimes they have to do it under duress. Therefore, it is not surprising that many corporate events are boring and monotonous. This is especially true for all kinds of professional holidays, for example, Accountant's Day. But even a corporate party on such an occasion can be made truly fun and memorable if you take the choice of games and competitions for Accountant’s Day seriously.

"Guess the number"

Accountants have a mathematical mindset. Based on this, you can ask them to exercise their brain and guess a simple math problem. To do this, you need to guess a number for any corporate party guest and multiply it by three, and then divide it by half. The resulting number must be multiplied again, but this time by six. The result must be reported to the accountant and asked what number was guessed.

Finding the answer is quite simple because all you need to do is divide the result by nine. If an accountant guesses it, then it means he is a good specialist.

"The fastest accountant"

Several accountants must participate in this competition. Each of them must be given a roll toilet paper, which will represent the salary. After this, you need to ask the guests of the corporate evening of celebration to go into the hall and stretch out two hands in front of them. Accountants must accrue (rewind) each employee's salary. The winner is the one who uses up the entire roll the fastest.

Tip for accountants: Ask participants to spread their arms as wide as possible, and reward them generously with a “bonus.” Then your roll will probably end faster.


For this corporate event in honor of Accountant's Day, you need to be well prepared. However, if the celebration takes place in the office, then this will not be difficult. To conduct this competition, you need to prepare two office chairs, two stacks of paper, four pens, and two wastebaskets. Chairs must be placed in the middle of the hall. Opposite them at the same distance, approximately three meters, you need to place empty waste baskets.

After all preparations are completed, it is necessary to divide the workers into two teams of four people, each of which will include one accountant. It is accountants who should sit on chairs, holding a pen in their hand. The remaining participants should line up next to the chairs. The last participant should hold a pack of beeches in his hands, and the middle one should hold a pen. The last employee gives the sheet to his partner with a pen, he writes the word “Order” on it and gives it to the first. He reads what is written on the sheet and gives the sheet to the accountant sitting on the chair. The accountant puts his signature on the piece of paper, crumples it and throws it into a basket standing three meters away.

The competition lasts three minutes. The winning team is determined by the number of crumpled sheets in the basket.

"Salary from paper clips"

To conduct this competition you need to prepare two packages of paper clips. The host divides the guests into two teams of eight people. If the team is small and does not allow creating such large teams, then each of them can include four people. The presenter hands the teams paper clips and asks them to create the word “Salary” from this stationery. If there are eight people on a team, then each participant creates one letter, which must consist of at least ten paper clips. If each team consists of four people, then each participant needs to create two letters and paper clips. When all the letters are ready, participants must lay out the treasured word. The team that manages to do this faster will win.

"Documents in the archive"

A competition that is perfect not only for Accountant's Day, but also for any corporate holiday in the office. The presenter distributes a standard sheet to all participants. He asks to put them together greatest number once and sign. After this, the presenter takes the folded sheets. As he unfolds the paper, he counts the number of folds. The employee who folds the sheet the most times wins the competition.

"Count the money"

For this competition, you need to prepare a Whatman paper on which you need to draw banknotes of different denominations. Whatman paper must be placed on the table, to which everyone must be called to participate in the competition. The participants' task is to count the amount of money drawn on whatman paper as quickly as possible. Having counted the amount, the participant must whisper the number in the presenter’s ear so that the other competitors do not hear. The presenter writes down the time of the first participant and the amount he named, and then calls the second. The participant who was able to name the correct amount of money in the shortest possible time wins. This competition can reveal who can count money faster than an accountant at work.

"Numbers in Music"

Participants are divided into two teams, each of which must have an accountant. After this, the presenter invites the team to remember songs that mention the topic of finance and just numbers. In addition to naming the song, you also need to sing the chorus. Such songs include “My finances sing romances”, “Today is a girls’ holiday”, “Thirty-three cows” and many others. Well, you can start with the song “Accountant” by the group Combination.


This competition is ideal for any corporate event in the sales department, but it can also be held on Accountant’s Day. The essence of the competition is that all guests are given the same amount of play money and a set of balls at the beginning of the evening. During the evening, participants must sell and buy balloons. At the end of the evening, the host will count the amount of money each participant has and announce the winner. It is up to the participants to decide which scheme to use for selling and buying balloons. For example, you can lower the price for them, or you can sell all the balls together at a wholesale price. Accountants may also like this game.

"Small coin"

To conduct this competition, it is necessary to prepare a large number of coins of different denominations. After this, you need to distribute coins in equal quantities to two participants, which can be two accountants. Then you need to blindfold them and exchange money with each other for three minutes by touch. That is, one contestant gives another a coin of a certain denomination, and he must give him the same amount of money, but in several coins. After three minutes, it is necessary to count the number of coins for each participant. If the amount of money for both contestants is the same, then both participants have won. If someone has more money, then none of them wins.

"Tax audit"

An ideal competition for celebrating Accountant's Day, in which the whole team can participate. The participants stand in a circle, and the driver, who acts as a tax inspector, comes into the center. The participants' task is to pass a coin behind each other's backs so that the driver does not notice. At any time, the inspector can stop the game and check who currently has the coin. If he guessed right, then the participant who had the coin in his hands changes places with the inspector.

Help you celebrate Accountants' Day accountant's day scenario, it can be used both in a public institution - a cafe or assembly hall, and in a friendly company, the main thing is people who want to participate in the scenes, as well as props.

Scenario for an accountant's day - the beginning of the celebration

Event script.

Characters: Pinocchio, Malvina, Alice the Fox, Basilio the Cat.

Props: cardboard nose and cap for Pinocchio, blue wig for Malvina, hat and fur boa for Alice, hat and fingerless gloves for Basilio.

Host: Representatives of almost all professions have their own holidays. In the calendar of professional holidays in honor of Accountant’s Day, not a single date is marked in red. There is no official Accountant's Day in Russia... however, most accountants traditionally celebrate this holiday on November 21, the day the Law “On Accounting” was signed.

By the way, November 21 is also celebrated as Tax Authorities Day, which once again indicates the strong connection between these specialties.
Insert video about accountant

Host: On Accountant's Day, you can't help but talk about money. After all, this is, so to speak, the primary working tool of accountants. Did you know that when it comes to money, all people can be classified into several types? Let's do a little psychological test. I will ask you just one question, to which you need to choose your answer. So…

Music about money sounds MONEY-MONEY
Question: You unexpectedly received a very large sum of money. How will you use it?

Answer options: (choose one of four answers) ON THE SCREEN PROJECTION

1. I will spend it on pleasures, entertainment, hobbies and gifts for friends! You only live once!

2. I will make a long-planned large purchase, then I will help my parents.

3. I’ll open a beauty salon, hire a manager, and then go on a trip around the world!

4. I will buy shares, currencies, put them in the bank at interest and receive more and more money!

Now let's decipher your answers!
I will ask those who chose answer number 1 to raise their hands.

Your type is Pinocchio! What does it mean? You tend to have a frivolous attitude towards money, gullibility and a tendency to be defrauded. So don't yawn! However, you will not be left without money: it appears to you as if by itself.
Raise your hands for those who chose answer number 2.

Your type is Malvina! This means you are an economical and rational person who knows the value of money. You buy only what you need and plan your expenses. But take note: sometimes it doesn’t hurt to relax a little and go for a walk!

Those who chose answer 3 belong to the Alice Fox type! ON THE SCREEN PROJECTION These are cunning and smart people, thanks to which money is not transferred from them. But it’s worth thinking: shouldn’t we share a little with our neighbors? Doing good never hurt anyone!

And finally, who chose answer 4: your type is Basilio the Cat! PROJECTION ON THE SCREEN These people know how to earn money and make a profit, they know how to bargain, save and will never miss their profits. The main thing is that the money is always earned honestly!

Well, now we know who is who. And here are our types themselves - meet us! They came to congratulate the heroes of today's holiday.

Happy accountant's day!
Pinocchio, Malvina, Alice the Fox, and Basilio the Cat appear and sing a song to the soundtrack of a song from the film “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”
Phonogram 4 Pinocchio screensaver

Song about an accountant

1. What do balance and credit mean?
What is a deposit?
In a pile of zeros
If you can't figure it out, even if it kills you,
But we don’t need calculations,
Tell me, who are we going to?

2. Who knows the account for the entire salary?
Who is honored in the company?
Who values ​​the honor of the company?
And he will escape from taxes,
Who are we singing a song to?
And congratulations on this day?

Malvina: We congratulate all employees of the accounting department and students of the specialty “Economics and Accounting” on the holiday!
Pinocchio: Let your money grow like on a magical Field of Miracles!
Game Field of Miracles for 1-3 courses. 9 participants – three triplets from each course, 3 people each
The game's splash screen is playing. (Annex 1)
Presenter: The first three students of the group are invited to the stage
Phonogram 2 Pinocchio screensaver
At this time, the participants rise to the stage.

Host: Please introduce yourself.
The players name themselves. Fox Alice arranges a draw. Participants take out chips with numbers 1,2,3 from her bag

Presenter: The screen shows the intended word, consisting of 9 letters. The word translated from Greek means “the art of conducting household", is understood as management of the economy.

Each participant in the top three receives balloon by Cat Basilio
Presenter: Students of group 21 EL are invited to participate in the second qualifying round.

Phonogram 3 Pinocchio screensaver
At this time, the participants rise to the stage. The presenter introduces the participants
Fox Alice arranges a draw. Participants take out chips with numbers 1,2,3 from her bag

Presenter: The screen shows the intended word, consisting of 6 letters. This word comes from France and means listing income and expenses.

Each participant in the second troika receives a balloon from Malvina