The problem of excess weight is relevant not only for adults, but also for children, especially teenagers. It happens that due to hormonal changes in the body, poor diet and lack of physical activity, 12-year-old children begin to gain weight. What to do? We'll talk about this later.

At the age of 12, a restructuring of the child’s body occurs: the child matures, his figure, habits, lifestyle and thinking change. If the family does not welcome the principles of healthy eating, unfortunately, the child cannot avoid problems with excess weight. Obesity at this age is largely a hormonal disease, the development of which is provoked by an unbalanced diet. Children often develop complexes due to excess weight, so the task of parents is to take the necessary measures immediately.
How to quickly lose weight for a 12 year old child? There is no need to despair, you need to act. But this does not mean that the child should be “put on” buckwheat or not allowed to eat after 18.00. You can enroll your son or daughter in swimming, gymnastics, or any other sports club. The child’s figure will tighten up in a couple of months, and the extra pounds will go away.

It is important that the child eats properly. Children should never adhere to strict diets. A balanced diet is what will help your child lose weight without much difficulty.

Diet for a 12 year old child to lose weight

First of all, a diet for a 12-year-old girl or boy means exclusively proper nutrition, and not strict systems that are often used by adults for the purpose of losing weight. Parents should limit sugar consumption to 3 teaspoons per day, as well as various sweets and baked goods.
A child's balanced diet should include 30% protein, 60% carbohydrates and 20% fat.
A children's diet schedule for children 12 years old is usually drawn up by a doctor. According to the recommendations of nutritionists, a child should eat at least 5-6 times a day and in small portions. A sample menu for children losing weight looks like this:

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, prunes or dried apricots.
  2. Snack at school - 1 banana.
  3. Lunch - borscht with beef broth, a piece of Borodino bread.
  4. Afternoon snack: 100 gr. cottage cheese and apple;
  5. Dinner: chicken breast, vegetable salad.
  6. At night - a glass of kefir.

A diet of this kind speeds up the metabolism, and therefore the child begins to lose weight.

It is recommended to feed an overweight child food containing complex carbohydrates. These are vegetables, fruits, various cereals, lean meat and fish. Food is steamed, baked or served boiled.

You need to combine proper nutrition with physical activity, and then the result will be noticeable after very little time. Start solving your problem with excess weight now, and very soon you will achieve success!

The diet for children 12 years old is compiled taking into account the presence or absence of certain diseases. If a child needs a treatment table, then it will not be possible to do without consulting a doctor. If the main goal is weight correction, you can pay attention to the recommendations below.

Diet highlights for a 12 year old teenager

If you are overweight, it is still necessary to consult a specialist. First of all, you need to find out the reason that led to the development of the problem. In most cases, this is a lack of systematic physical activity and a passion for “wrong” food (crackers, chips, etc.). Sometimes the problem develops due to hormonal changes.

A set of measures helps solve the problem of excess weight: diet and exercise. The difficulty lies in the psychological background of the problem: children react equally sharply to the ridicule of classmates and to the need to give up certain “benefits”: their favorite food, sitting at the computer.

Another difficulty in creating a diet is that the child’s body needs a full set of nutrients. It is completely unacceptable to simply give up butter, cheese, and fatty fish. You can only cut the share of some products and find a worthy alternative to others.

You need to eat 4-5 times a day. The first breakfast should account for 25-30% of the total diet, the second breakfast - 10-15%, lunch - 40-45%, dinner - 15-20%.

Breakfast and lunch should provide the child’s body with a supply of energy (carbohydrates), proteins (the main building material of our body), healthy fatty acids (without them it is impossible to absorb some vitamins). Dinner, as in an adult diet, should be light - it is useful to eat porridge and vegetable dishes.

The diet of a twelve-year-old child must include unsweetened fermented milk products (they are necessary to normalize intestinal microflora) and unsweetened homemade juices (natural juices are a good vitamin supplement).

It is extremely important that there is not a long break between meals - you need to eat at intervals of 2-3 hours, and before going to bed it is recommended to drink kefir or eat some fruit.

It is better to limit baking, replacing it with protein bread (it suppresses appetite well and provides a supply of proteins). You cannot refuse to eat meat (fish, poultry), eggs, seafood.

When preparing food, heat treatment methods such as boiling, stewing, steaming, baking (frying should be excluded) can be used. Fasting days at this age are usually not carried out.

Diet rules

A diet for teenagers 12 years old should have optimal caloric content - this indicator depends on various factors, including the gender of the child.

The average norm for girls is 2600 kcal (90 g of protein and fat, as well as 360 g of carbohydrates). Average norm for boys: 3000 kcal (98 g protein, 100 g fat, 425 g carbohydrates). A specialist will help you calculate the exact calorie content.

In order for a child to gradually and safely lose excess weight, the calculated calorie content must be slightly reduced (by no more than 20%), while simultaneously increasing physical activity.

Reducing calories occurs by avoiding sweets and significantly limiting the proportion of fat. In this case, the protein food intake should be slightly increased.

Sample menu for children 12 years old

First breakfast: steam omelette, carrot salad dressed with low-fat sour cream, a slice of rye bread, tea with milk
Second breakfast: tea, sandwich with a slice of cheese
Lunch: a portion of vegetable soup, a piece of boiled meat with a side dish, juice
Dinner: stewed vegetables and apple jelly
Before bed: low-fat kefir

(49 ratings, average: 4,10 out of 5)

Many children aged 8-12 years suffer from metabolic disorders and excess weight. About 23% of children in this category answered in the affirmative when asked about using diets to lose weight. Moreover, even those children who are not overweight use diets. But is it possible to use diets at such a young age, when a child’s body is just forming?

Causes of obesity in children

Overfeeding is considered the main cause of obesity in childhood. This is the primary form of obesity. The predisposition to excess weight in this case is inherited. Errors in nutrition lead to obesity: consumption of fast food, fatty and fried foods, sugary colored drinks, sweets. This form of obesity is not accompanied by disorders in the body.

In most cases, with an active lifestyle, excess weight does not progress; in children by the age of 10, the weight gradually returns to normal. Only in 25-30% percent obesity persists into adolescence. The secondary form of obesity occurs as a result of various diseases, both hereditary and acquired, for example, diabetes mellitus or abnormalities in the endocrine system.

The effect of excess weight on a child's body

Overweight children cannot independently cope with physical activity, engage in various sports, or play outdoor games. The state of health is gradually deteriorating. Children develop complexes associated with excess weight. It’s not easy for such children at school: their peers tease them and don’t want to be friends with them.

There are four degrees of obesity:

  • obesity degree I - the child’s body weight exceeds normal by 15-25%;
  • obesity II degree - the baby’s body weight exceeds normal by 25-55%;
  • III degree obesity - 50-100% excess weight of normal body weight;
  • IV degree obesity - more than 100% of normal body weight.

The higher the degree of obesity, the more pronounced the child’s movement and posture disorders are. In overweight children, the back is hunched, the abdominal muscles are very weak, the legs become X-shaped, and flat feet appear. Such children sweat more. As a result, the child develops diaper rash, eczema, and the skin becomes vulnerable to various infections. Excess glucose in the body leads to early puberty in girls. In obese children, joints wear out faster and osteoarthritis appears at an early age.

Children at risk for developing obesity include:

Those whose parents are overweight: if one parent is overweight, the likelihood of obesity in the child increases by 2 times, if both parents - by 5 times;

- parents or close blood relatives have disorders of the endocrine system or diabetes mellitus;

Which were transferred to artificial nutrition, especially when the mixture is high-calorie;

Premature and low birth weight babies;

With congenital diseases of the endocrine system.

Treatment of obesity in children 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old

The selection of diet and physical activity depends on the degree of obesity. Obesity of the first degree does not require drug treatment. It is enough to increase physical activity, limit sitting at the computer to 2 hours a day and balance the diet. The baby's weight will gradually return to normal.

The second degree of obesity requires more careful nutritional correction. It is necessary to limit the amount of refractory fats during cooking and reduce the calorie content of food due to carbohydrates. In parallel with this, the child must lead an active lifestyle.

The third and fourth stages of obesity require treatment in a hospital setting. The child must be strictly limited in food intake. By strict restriction we mean split meals: small portions up to 6 times a day. In this case, the children's diet is compiled and adjusted only by a nutritionist. Medicines and dietary supplements that are intended for weight loss are not prescribed to children under 15 years of age. Surgical treatment is also not used.

How to choose a diet for a child’s body with obesity?

Diets in the usual sense are dangerous for a growing body. Overweight children are very picky about food, so choosing a menu for such a child is very difficult. Initially, old habits and stereotypes will come into play. The main condition for successful weight loss for children aged 8-12 years will be the transition of the whole family to proper balanced nutrition. Food must be not only healthy, but also tasty, otherwise the child will simply refuse to eat.

The child must be taught to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Kids love to eat brightly colored foods. For the menu, you can select vegetables with different combinations of shades, and season salads with olive oil. The dish should look appetizing and make you want to try more. It is necessary to limit the consumption of store-bought juices; they contain large amounts of sugar and preservatives.

Semi-finished products are acceptable in the diet of overweight children, but only with a minimal amount of fat, for example, fish, quail or chicken. Such semi-finished products cannot be fried; it is better to stew them with a minimum amount of fat. In the menu, use products with a large amount of starch in their composition: potatoes, rice, other cereals. Limit consumption of pasta and bread. Spices and salt are used in limited quantities. The amount of salt should not exceed more than 10 g per day.

Dietary treatment should be carried out constantly and consistently. The diet needs to be adjusted. You should avoid eating late and at night, and avoid overeating, especially in the evening. You should also avoid eating confectionery and limit the amount of sugar. Potatoes and porridge served as a side dish should be reduced to 2/3 of the serving. It is better to supplement the rest of the serving with vegetables and unsweetened fruits.

What foods should you exclude?

It is recommended not to accustom a child to forbidden foods from childhood, since the formation of taste preferences and eating habits is laid down precisely during this period. If you are obese, you should exclude the following foods:

  • sweet drinks, especially synthetic ones;
  • cookies, ice cream, sweets, pastries;
  • drinking no more than 1 liter of fluid per day (30 ml per 1 kg of child’s weight);
  • products for snacking “on the run”;
  • desserts based on milk or high-calorie yogurt;
  • limit consumption of egg whites;
  • mayonnaise and hot seasonings;
  • fatty foods;
  • fried foods.

Preventing excess weight

It should be remembered that the child inherits the way his parents eat. The diet of a growing organism should include cereals, soups, meat, fish, milk, compotes, vegetables, fruits, and baked goods. The task of parents is to rationally distribute the emphasis on certain products. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be complete. It is unacceptable for a child to go to school and not have breakfast.

Child nutrition - diet

Meals for a child 8-12 years old should be divided into four meals. The first breakfast makes up 25-30% of the total diet. Second breakfast includes 10-15%, lunch - 40-45%, dinner - 15-20% of the daily diet. For breakfast and lunch, you need to prepare dishes with a lot of proteins (eggs, meat, fish), and for dinner, porridge, vegetable dishes, and dairy products are suitable. The combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:3 (or 4).

The daily amount of meals for children is at the age of 3-7 years - 1400-800 g, among schoolchildren 7-11 years - 2100-2300 g, in teenagers 11-15 years - 2400-2700 g. When creating a diet, it is also necessary to take into account nutrition during school hours. Junior schoolchildren (7-10 years old) should have full breakfasts at school in the first shift, and full afternoon snacks in the second shift (10-14 years old). The daily calorie requirement for children aged 5-8 years is approximately 2000-2400 kcal, for children aged 8-12 years - 2400-2800 kcal, for adolescents under 16 years old - up to 3000 kcal.

It should be remembered that one product cannot be replaced with another. This is due to the fact that each product has a certain set of vitamins and minerals. Vegetables and fruits, meat dishes have their own unique composition of amino acids, some of which are absent in other products.

boy Obesity is a fairly serious problem, because in the future it can cause complex diseases, such as diabetes. But parents shouldn’t worry too much, because there are many ways to lose weight for a 12-14 year old teenager without hours of grueling training and strict diets. Children can lose weight easily and quickly if they change their bad habits to healthy ones. First, you need to find out the reason for gaining excess weight - it is from this moment that the process of burning fat begins. It should be noted that children are highly discouraged from using various diet pills, as well as low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diets, hunger strikes, because they will only harm the growing body. Practical advice Parents who are puzzled by the question of how to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl should take note of the following recommendations: Daily physical exercise for 1 hour.
Some loads are quite within the capabilities of a young body, in addition, they will only contribute to fat burning. Any physical activity is suitable, it may not be dynamic or static exercises, but jogging, swimming, cycling, brisk walking, gymnastics and even dancing or ballet. In his free time from school, it will be useful for the child to move more and walk in the fresh air; It is believed that team sports, for example, football, basketball, volleyball, are optimal physical activity and can quickly get a person into proper shape, that is, ideal for losing weight. When playing in a team, children, without realizing it, compete with each other, try to be faster, stronger, which motivates them to train hard, develop speed and coordination; Reducing portions. In school canteens and catering establishments, food is often served in large portions, so you can easily overeat without even noticing it. It is recommended not to eat everything to the end, but to leave about a quarter of the portion. It is best to bring ready-made lunch and snack food from home according to the menu planned by your parents or doctor; Much attention should be paid to the first meal of the day – breakfast. Eating a nutritious but balanced diet will help boost your metabolism, which will burn more calories throughout the day. The ideal option is grains containing a lot of fiber, as well as whole grain baked goods, fruits, cereals and nuts. A hearty breakfast can satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time, will help not to overeat in the future, and the child will also not want to eat unhealthy snacks between main meals; Don't be distracted while eating.
You can play video games, watch TV, talk on the phone while having breakfast, lunch or dinner. Distractive activities prevent the body from picking up the signal from the brain that indicates satiety. You need to eat food slowly, chewing each piece thoroughly, savor the dish in order to feel satisfied, even if the portion is smaller than usual; Diet for weight loss for teenagers 12 years old Frequent weigh-ins. Correctly using knowledge about weight loss and applying their advice in practice, the child should lose no more than 1 kilogram per week. This result is considered safe and positive. It is better to weigh yourself several times a week to know how much excess fat is being lost. In addition, knowing the results, you can determine when the diet will end and the desired results will be visible; Drinking plenty of fluids is part of any diet and is also encouraged with proper nutrition. A child should drink about 7 glasses of water daily. You need to drink every time you feel hungry, since its occurrence is sometimes associated with a lack of fluid in the body; Teenagers should go to bed at approximately the same time every day. This is necessary both on weekdays and on weekends. Length of night

How to lose weight without dieting for a teenager

Not every diet is beneficial to a person, especially when it comes to teenagers. Adhering to strict dietary restrictions puts stress on the body, and hormonal changes may occur, so the choice of such a weight loss measure should be approached carefully.

How can a teenager lose weight without dieting:

  • healthy sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • regular nutritious meals 3-4 times a day;
  • consumption of fruits and vegetables;
  • reducing the consumption of fatty foods, baked goods, fast food, carbonated drinks;
  • exercise 2-3 times a week.

How can a teenage girl lose weight?

To choose the right weight loss plan for a girl, you should determine the main reason for gaining kilograms. This may be a hormonal change in the body, in which case it is recommended to consult a doctor to select weight adjustment methods.

If there are no health problems, then the following routine will help the girl to slim her figure:

  1. Nutrition:
  • in the morning – low-fat dairy products, oatmeal, fruit, green tea;
  • lunch - boiled rabbit, poultry, veal meat, vegetables, a side dish of cereals, vegetable soups and baked goods are allowed in limited quantities;
  • dinner - boiled fish or steamed cutlets, assorted vegetables, side dish, berries;
  • In the intervals between main meals, snacks with fruits and dried fruits in small quantities are recommended.
  1. Physical activity: aerobic exercise or swimming two to three times a week, daily morning exercises.
  2. Taking a complex of vitamins for a growing body.
  3. Walks in the open air.

How to lose weight for a teenage boy

During the weight loss period, the regimen for a boy is the same as for a girl. The only difference is the choice of type of physical activity.

For a growing man, team sports such as badminton, football, hockey, and basketball are suitable. In addition to losing weight, such activities stimulate the boy’s spirit of competition and teach the principles of teamwork.

How to lose weight in a week for a teenager

It is very difficult to achieve significant weight loss in a week. In such a short period, it would be rational to lose no more than 2 kg without harm to health.

How to lose weight quickly for a teenager:

  • Completely eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet, including chips, fast food, carbonated drinks, sweets, cakes, pastries, and candies.
  • Dedicate 1-2 hours to physical activity every day, but do not overdo it.
  • Walk in the fresh air for at least an hour a day, devote 8-9 hours to sleep.

How to lose belly fat for a teenager

There are special exercises for a thin waist, flat stomach and lack of sides.

  1. Sit on a chair or sofa, raise your legs straight so that they hang above the floor, raise and lower 20 times. At the same time, a load is felt on the abdominal muscles.
  2. Lie on the floor, place your legs straight on a chair or bed, hands behind your head. In this position, lift your shoulders and part of your body off the floor 20-30 times.

Such exercises will be effective if they are performed 3-4 times every day.

How to lose weight in thighs for a teenager

The best way to deal with extra pounds in the hips and legs is sports badminton. In one hour of training, a person runs a total of 5-6 km and loses up to 2 kg of weight.

This type of sport will be very useful for a teenager, since during the game, due to the many bends, lunges, and jumps, the muscles of the thighs and legs are used to the maximum.

In addition to badminton, exercises in the form of lunges, squats, and fitball exercises are suitable for losing weight in the thighs.

How to lose weight for a teenager - general exercises

  1. You should start your classes with a warm-up, lightly working out all the muscles.
  2. Bends in both directions are good for the oblique muscles.
  3. Squats 20-30 times train your hips and legs.
  4. Lunges alternately on each leg 20 times.
  5. Push-ups from the floor – 10-15 times.

The answer to the question “How to properly lose weight for a teenager” lies in the totality of all the listed tips and the regularity of their implementation.

Reasons for weight gain

Excess weight in children does not always appear as a result of overeating due to hunger. Very often, chronic stress appears among the causes of obesity. The teenager becomes immersed in it, for example, by observing the bad relationship between his parents and participating in their conflicts. If the situation in the family is far from favorable, the father and mother regularly and loudly quarrel in front of the children, most likely the latter will begin to eat away the negative emotions they experience.

So, how can a 10 year old child lose weight? First of all, eliminate the effects of stress and unfavorable factors, which we will discuss below. And be sure to take puberty into account if the girl has already entered this phase of development.

Sedentary lifestyle

Lack of physical activity is one of the main reasons why teenagers gain excess weight. Most children today spend too much time on screens of various gadgets. Parents should reduce it as much as possible by offering the child instead active sports (to choose from), dancing and any other activities that involve movement. Most often, this turns out to be quite enough to bring body weight in order.

Hormones and physiology

Puberty involves an increase in body weight. This is a normal physiological process. Therefore, an 11-year-old girl who has entered this period does not need to search for ways to lose weight. She begins to turn into a girl: intensive development of secondary sexual characteristics occurs, her hips become rounded. After a short period of time, she will significantly increase in height, but her weight will remain the same. Then the question of how to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl will disappear by itself.

Remember that a child’s body weight actively increases from 8 to 11 years. Rounding may give the false impression of being overweight. And from 10 to 12 years old, a teenager usually grows rapidly (stretches out). These are the nuances of the physiological development of each person.

How to lose weight as a teenager

Designing a diet for 12-year-old children is a difficult task. If you exclude frankly harmful and high-calorie foods only temporarily, you can’t even count on a stable result. In addition, during the period of intensive growth, it is impossible to limit the intake of nutrients into the body. A teenager’s daily diet should include milk, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and baked goods.

How can a 12-year-old girl lose weight without particularly limiting her diet? The main thing is to learn how to properly distribute food to ensure optimal absorption.

The ideal mode in this case is 4 times. The first breakfast should account for 25% of the daily diet, the second breakfast - 15%, lunch - 40% of the daily amount of food and dinner - the remaining 20%.

Reduce appetite

How to lose weight at the age of 11 (this also applies to 10- and 12-year-olds), if a child who has gained a decent amount of weight periodically develops a brutal appetite, and he claims that he is hungry all the time? Take him to the doctor.

Is your health okay? Then use these appetite control techniques:

  • transfer the teenager to small meals (you need to eat often, but little by little);
  • supplement his diet with fiber - it gives a feeling of fullness;
  • increase the amount of vegetables in your daily menu (the tartronic acid they contain prevents carbohydrates from turning into fats);
  • Reduce your consumption of egg whites (they contain a substance that stimulates appetite).

The daughter said that she hates her own reflection in the mirror because she is fat? And you, of course, have already begun to sort through hundreds of diets and other methods in search of an answer to the question of how to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl. In fact, you only need a few recommendations.

Features of dietary nutrition

If parents do not want their daughter to secretly try to use unsafe methods of losing weight, they should explain to her in time how to lose weight for an 11-year-old girl. And also teach her how to properly create a diet menu and choose products for it.

In order not to go hungry between breakfast, lunch and dinner (you will read about the nuances of main meals a little below), snacks are allowed. The ideal option is to eat nuts, unsweetened fruits and dried fruits during these intervals.

To minimize the risk of failure, once a week you are allowed to indulge in sweets, confectionery and bakery products. Of course, within reason. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.


Breakfast should be quite hearty and nutritious. How to lose weight by adjusting it? You need to think in advance and make a list of the most satisfying healthy foods and dishes.

You will have to forget about your previous diet. For example, if a mother used to feed her child yogurt and pancakes sprinkled with syrup in the morning, now only yogurt can be left from this set.

To prepare a dietary breakfast, it is recommended to use:

  • any freshly squeezed juices (smoothies);
  • fruit;
  • chicken eggs (in any form, except raw);
  • lean meat (preferably poultry);
  • croup;
  • dairy products;
  • green tea;
  • dark chocolate (no more than 50 g).

Dinner and supper

It is best for a girl or boy who is losing weight to dine with home-cooked dishes, since in this case the parents themselves choose the products for them. The daily menu should definitely include:

  • soup (vegetable, meat or fish broth);
  • meat or fish (boiled or baked);
  • stew of stewed vegetables;
  • multi-component salads from seafood or fresh vegetables (do not season with mayonnaise).

Dinner is allowed no later than 3 hours before bedtime. The food consumed should be as light as possible. It is ideal to drink something fermented milk with low fat content - for example, kefir or yogurt.

Diet sample

The daily caloric intake for a 10-12 year old teenager on a diet is from 2400 to 2500 kcal. Be sure to have a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as fish and meat in your diet.

Taking into account the daily caloric intake of the diet and after consulting with an endocrinologist and family doctor, you can make adjustments to this sample menu. A month of such nutrition - and the questions “how to lose weight for a 10-year-old girl” or “how to lose weight for a 12-year-old boy” will lose their relevance.

Physical exercise

When figuring out how to lose weight for a teenager, do not forget about the need for adequate physical activity. After all, as already mentioned, many modern children move too little, as they prefer playing on the computer to walks in the fresh air and yard games.

If the child completely lacks even minimal physical fitness, you should start with periodic trips to the pool and water park. This way you will kill two birds with one stone - and the mood of your daughter or son will rise, and the condition of the muscles will improve significantly.

If a teenager has expressed a desire to go to the gym, do not rush to sign him up there right away. First, let him get into the habit of doing exercises every morning. It will warm up the muscles, and accordingly, the body will begin to burn more calories. In order for your child to be strong enough for the gym, you will have to work out at home for at least 2-3 weeks.

From about 11-12 years old, girls entering puberty suddenly see the full scale of the catastrophe of excess weight and its impact on appearance. If for parents this is a trifle, then for a teenager during a hormonal storm and restructuring of the body it is a real tragedy.

Often, even a small and easily correctable amount of excess weight can lead to severe depression. Therefore, parents need to keep their finger on the pulse and respond in time to changes in the condition of their daughter or son. After all, a child at this stage of his development is very vulnerable, he needs the understanding and support of his family.

When understanding which weight loss methods to choose for a 12-year-old teenager, parents should clearly understand what is happening to his body during this period.

Do no harm

If by the 12th year of your daughter or son’s life it turns out that you still need to lose weight, you should reduce body weight wisely. At the age of 10-12, a teenager’s body spends a huge amount of nutrients on growth and development. Therefore, any overly strict diet and grueling physical training can cause significant damage to health and even come back to haunt the future life of a girl or guy.

Girls and boys can lose weight absolutely safely by normalizing their diet (remove everything harmful and high-calorie) and adequate, dosed physical activity. The main thing is that the teenager does not lose more than 1 kg per week.


Every child (and even adults, to be honest) needs motivation. A teenager who is losing weight should be encouraged. For example, at the end of each week, after hitting a kilogram, you can please your daughter or son with some kind of gift, or celebrate success in another way - with tickets to the cinema, bowling or skating rink.

It is extremely important that the child is supported by family members and friends during this difficult time. Of course, it will be much easier for a teenager to get used to a new diet and diet, and to adhere to a healthy lifestyle in general, if his parents begin to do this with him.

He needs support from his relatives like air. In addition, playing sports together, organizing outings or mini-hikes on weekends is not only pleasant, but also useful.

How to lose 5-10 kg in a month for a teenager

Metabolic processes in the body of a child and teenager proceed faster than in the body of an adult. Therefore, losing weight by summer or within a certain period of time is a completely achievable goal for a boy or girl. The main thing is to have a strong desire to make your figure slimmer, and if there is no special incentive to lose weight, it is better not to start. First of all, a teenager needs to set a goal for himself. For example, lose 7 kg in a month. Next, you need to draw up a weight loss plan and strictly adhere to it. How to lose weight for a teenager: where to start?

Normalization of nutrition. Poor nutrition is a real problem that parents will have to solve. It happens that mom and dad don’t have time to cook for their offspring: children eat fast food, and sometimes just anything at all. To normalize nutrition you need:

  • Make sure that the teenager follows a meal schedule and eats at least three to four times a day.
  • If a boy or girl eats mainly in the evening, it is necessary to balance the diet so that meals are evenly distributed.
  • You will have to refuse to eat in establishments such as canteens or cafes. If it is not possible to eat at home, you need to organize meals so that the child has breakfast, lunch and dinner, according to the daily routine.
  • The diet should include first courses; unhealthy foods containing high amounts of carbohydrates and trans fats should be avoided.
  • It is better not to drink sweet, carbonated drinks; instead, you should drink purified water without gas.

Increasing physical activity. Movement is life. For overweight teenagers who want to lose weight, pediatricians recommend moving more. This burns more calories, which helps you quickly lose extra pounds. Start losing weight now, listen to our advice:

  • Try to go down and up to your floor not by elevator, but by stairs.
  • If the school is nearby, why not walk to it instead of sweating in stuffy transport?
  • If there are no medical contraindications, do not skip physical education lessons.
  • After school, go out into the yard, play football, volleyball, and other active games.
  • Sign up for the pool. During swimming, many muscles work intensively, and calories are lost instantly.
  • The ideal option for those who want to lose weight is to join a sports section.

Other measures to normalize weight

  • Make an appointment with your pediatrician. Sometimes the causes of obesity are diseases; it is necessary to exclude their possibility.
  • Parents, relatives and friends should provide psychological support to those losing weight, then it will be much easier to achieve the desired result.
  • Some teenagers smoke and drink energy drinks. We need to start fighting these harmful addictions.

How to lose weight in a week - without harm to your health

Nutritionists do not advise losing weight at a rapid pace; sudden weight loss is fraught with health problems and sagging skin. There is a high probability that after rapid weight loss, the lost kilograms will return. Without harm to the health of a teenager, it is recommended to lose no more than three kilograms in 1 week. The main thing is not to stop there and maintain the right lifestyle.

We offer an original method of losing weight lasting 7 days. It is a combination of a fasting diet and moderate exercise. In order to quickly lose weight and not harm your health, you should strictly follow the requirements of the method. So, you should stop smoking, consuming energy drinks, coffee, and soda. Meals should not be skipped; during the day you need to consume 1500 grams of clean water.

How to lose weight for a teenager in a week - day by day

Monday. We reduce the consumption of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. Moderate exercise. The day is structured like this:

  • In the morning, breakfast: several bananas, green tea (instead of sugar - 1 tsp honey). An hour after breakfast - a light jog lasting 40 minutes. You need to run at a moderate pace, your breathing should not be interrupted. After running, do exercises with dumbbells: side swings, arm curls. You also need to do a series of push-ups and pull-ups.

Tuesday. Fruit and vegetable fasting day.

  • On this day, fruits and vegetables are allowed to be consumed in any quantity.
  • But there is one condition: you cannot mix different types of fruits and vegetables at each meal.
  • The interval between doses should be at least 3 hours.

Wednesday. We continue unloading and training. The day is structured as follows:

  • In the morning, breakfast - 2-3 apples. An hour after it comes time for physical activity. As on Monday, you need to start with a light jog for 40 minutes at a moderate pace. Make sure you don't lose your breath. Next, perform exercises with dumbbells (side swings, arm curls), as well as a series of push-ups and pull-ups.
  • For lunch - a small portion of oatmeal, a couple of boiled eggs, vegetable salad.
  • For dinner - fruit, a portion of cottage cheese.

Thursday. Apple unloading.

  • Eating apples is allowed in any quantity.
  • It is important to take a three-hour break between meals.
  • In the morning, breakfast: several bananas, green tea (instead of sugar - 1 tsp honey).
  • For lunch - a small slice of boiled fish, a small portion of rice, vegetable salad. Lunch time is 12.30 – 13.00.
  • For dinner - vegetable salad, 200 grams of kefir, a piece of black or bran bread.
  • In the morning, breakfast – 250 grams of fresh orange juice.
  • For lunch - unlimited quantities of fruit.
  • For dinner - a small portion of rice, a small piece of boiled fish.


Fasting day and training.

  • For breakfast - fresh fruit (300 grams). An hour after breakfast - a light jog lasting 40 minutes. You need to run at a moderate pace, your breathing should not be interrupted. After running - exercises with dumbbells: side swings, arm curls. You also need to do a series of push-ups and pull-ups.
  • For lunch – a portion of buckwheat porridge, boiled liver, vegetable salad.
  • For dinner - vegetable salad, a few slices of cheese.

How to help boys and girls lose weight without dieting

Parents are responsible for their children. If a child has gained excess weight, parents should make every effort to help him lose weight. We offer a list of recommendations on how to lose weight for a teenager.

  1. Make sure your child moves more, walks, walks. Games in the yard and sports are welcome.
  2. Never buy products that are harmful to children. Declare war on chocolates, sweets, chips, soda, fast food.
  3. Explain to your child that food is a need, not a pleasure. Don't reward your child with sweets.
  4. Monitor the diet - the child should eat at strictly defined intervals.
  5. Eat right, watch your weight. It is unlikely that a child whose parents are overweight will want to fight it.
  6. Provide psychological support to your child, especially if he is unable to lose weight quickly.

How to eat right to lose weight

In most cases, the cause of obesity is an unhealthy, unbalanced diet. If you eat everything indiscriminately, the fight against excess weight will be in vain. Start eating right now, and then losing weight will be fast and inevitable. Try to follow the following healthy eating guidelines:

  1. The diet should be balanced, the ideal combination of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the diet is 4/1/1.
  2. Eat at strictly defined times, try not to violate your meal schedule.
  3. Consume the bulk of food during lunch, not dinner: it is not recommended to eat after 19-00.
  4. Don't eat fast food, stop eating processed foods.
  5. Don't drink sugary sparkling water.
  6. Place food on small plates, do not increase portions.
  7. Avoid consuming fried, smoked foods and pickles.
  8. Steam, eat boiled food.
  9. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  10. Salt dishes less, and better cook without salt at all. Salt food only before eating it.

Diet for teenagers 13-16 years old

Diet is an effective means for losing weight. But it should be prescribed to children and adolescents with caution. Before starting a diet, it is better to consult your pediatrician. Start the diet gradually; at the slightest sign of discomfort, it is recommended to stop the diet immediately. Here are several daily menu options for teenagers from 13 to 16 years old. ­

Diet for teenagers 11 years old

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (150 gram serving) with honey, boiled egg, tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, chicken fillet (serving 150 grams).
  • Afternoon snack: juice from freshly squeezed vegetables or fruits, a slice of black bread.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, vegetable salad.

Diet for teenagers 12 years old

  • Breakfast: oatmeal (serving 200 grams) with honey, boiled egg, tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, turkey fillet (serving 160 grams).
  • Afternoon snack: two apples.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (serving 160 grams), boiled fish.

Diet for teenagers 13 years old

  • Lunch: fish baked in foil, cabbage salad, tea.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit.
  • Dinner: casserole cooked without sugar, yogurt.

Diet for teenagers 14 years old

  • Breakfast: boiled lean meat (100 gram serving), two slices of bran bread, a couple of tomatoes.
  • Lunch: borscht without broth, several potatoes baked in their jackets, cabbage salad.
  • Afternoon snack: a few crackers, yogurt.
  • Dinner: turkey fillet (100 gram portion), tea.

Diet for teenagers 15 years old

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (serving 200 grams) with honey, boiled egg, tea.
  • Lunch: borscht without broth, boiled lean beef (100 gram portion), two tomatoes.
  • Afternoon snack: 250 grams of kefir, several slices of bran bread.
  • Dinner: chicken fillet (100 gram portion), tea.

Diet for teenagers 16 years old

  • Breakfast: buckwheat with lean veal (serving 200 grams), tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled beef (150 gram portion), several tomatoes.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt (250 grams), several slices of bran bread.
  • Dinner: 4-5 baked potatoes (in their jackets), vegetable salad, tea.

Nutritionists note that it is important to maintain good physical shape from a young age. In adulthood, it is more difficult to get rid of the extra pounds stored up from youth. Therefore, start getting rid of bad eating habits right now, so you will quickly achieve the desired slimness. For more information on how to eat right and avoid mistakes while losing weight, watch the video below.

Obesity in adolescents

Overweight teenagers are characterized not only by physical ailments, but also by psychological problems. Low self-esteem, problems with studying, unsuccessful attempts to lose weight.

Fat girls often tend to torture themselves with diets, this is the cause of exhaustion, anorexia and suppression of reproductive functions. Due to malnutrition, many of them do not begin menstruation, while they never achieve the coveted anorexic look and continue to look plump. The question of how to lose weight for 12-year-old children becomes the most important thing in their lives.

Parents often send boys to the gym and martial arts. As a result, the understanding comes that it will not be possible to cope with the workload in parallel with the school curriculum and achieve quick results. In some cases, it comes to fat burners and steroids. As a result, physical health by the age of sixteen leaves much to be desired.

Overweight and morbid obesity are not equivalent concepts. Obesity is excess weight by 15-20% of normal. But even a slight excess of weight can cause various diseases and psychological problems.

How to lose weight for a 12 year old girl

Twelve years is the age when self-esteem is formed. If a child is dissatisfied with himself for one reason or another, this will become a traumatic factor for his psyche. There are many obese children in modern schools; children no longer pay attention to this fact. But parents often exert psychological pressure by comparing the child with other, in their opinion, “beautiful” children.

To achieve a normal weight, a girl will have to work in several directions:

  • psychological correction (find out why overeating occurs);
  • examination by an endocrinologist (check for diabetes and hormonal abnormalities);
  • visiting a nutritionist and adjusting your diet;
  • choosing the right physical activity.

Principles of losing weight for a teenage boy

How to lose weight for 12 year old male children? At this age, the feeling of youthful maximalism is heightened: you want to please both yourself and those around you.

Boys are prone to playing sports, but due to excess weight they are often embarrassed about their appearance. They don’t go to training because they think they will laugh at them.

The norms for the weight and height of children 12 years old are quite vague. At this age, personal physiological characteristics already appear: some are short, some are tall. Some people have an asthenic constitutional type, while others have a hypersthenic type. The medical norm is considered to be height from 143 to 155 cm, weight - from 34 to 45 kg.

Sample menu for a week for losing weight for a teenager

The basic principle of weight loss is to burn more calories than you get from food. It is necessary to avoid high-calorie foods.

Diet for children 12 years old for weight loss (weekly menu):

  1. Monday. For breakfast, eat an omelet of two eggs with milk and vegetables. For dessert - a few loaves of bread with jam and a glass of compote. Snack - a banana or a handful of nuts. Lunch must include a bowl of soup or borscht. In the summer you can eat okroshka or cabbage soup. For the second course - goulash made from turkey, rabbit and chicken. For dinner - fish cutlets or grilled fish fillet. As a side dish - your favorite vegetables. Don't eat bread at dinner.
  2. Tuesday. The first meal is oatmeal with dried fruits. Snack: bread and fruit. Lunch - a plate of soup or borscht, meat goulash. For dinner - cutlets with pasta or buckwheat porridge. A glass of milk.
  3. Breakfast - fermented baked milk with a bun. For lunch - a liquid dish, for the second - a vegetable side dish and meat cutlets. Snack - nuts, milkshake, homemade crackers, bagels. For dinner - grilled fish fillet or baked in the oven.
  4. Thursday - repeat the menu for Monday.
  5. Friday. For breakfast - muesli. Snack - banana, apple, handful of peanuts or almonds. Lunch - a plate of soup or borscht, meat goulash with mashed potatoes. Dinner: homemade croutons or fish cutlets.
  6. Saturday and Sunday are days when you can treat yourself in terms of food. Stick to the same diet as during the week. But at the same time, you can afford a couple of slices of pizza, or one burger, or a portion of your favorite ice cream.

Swimming for a child

Proper nutrition must be combined with proper physical activity. How can a 12 year old girl lose weight without self-torture? Give her a pool membership. Boys will find such a load boring; they prefer martial arts and the gym.

Under the supervision of a swimming coach, a girl can master various techniques. They have a positive effect on the spine and straighten posture. Swimming has virtually no contraindications. In any case, before the first training session in the pool, children are examined by a sports doctor and given valuable recommendations on the level of load.

Sections for weight loss for teenagers

Today, in all major cities, there are many studios where kids can study. Everyone will find activities to their liking: dancing, aerobics, stretching, even CrossFit for children. For boys there are martial arts sections: tai-bo, karate, Thai boxing. These are optimal sports for children 12 years old, unless there are medical contraindications.

But such sections are not so safe. First, consult with your therapist to see if your child has any contraindications for such physical exercise. If you are seriously obese, jumping and athletics are prohibited, as they often cause knee injuries.

Is it worth going to the gym?

Teenagers often rush to the gym: they want to do weightlifting. Exercising with barbells and dumbbells under the age of 16 can be dangerous. Yes, they allow you to build muscle mass and burn subcutaneous fat as much as possible. But in children, the endocrine system has not yet been formed; sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone) are just beginning to be produced. And if you interfere with this cycle with serious training and taking medications, then in the future you will need serious money for consultations with a sports endocrinologist.

It’s better not to rush for records yet, but to learn the correct exercise technique (squats, deadlifts, various presses). In this case, you can use the most minimal weights - even such activities will be useful, and the weight will gradually begin to decrease.

If a child has a problem with excess weight, it is necessary to undergo the following tests and studies:

  • analysis for TSH and T3 (thyroid hormones);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • consultation with a nutritionist to create an individual menu;
  • Check your blood sugar levels to rule out diabetes.

How to lose weight for 12 year old children quickly and without harm to health? To do this, you will have to completely reconsider your diet and lifestyle. No doctor can put the effort into working on himself instead of the patient.

In the modern world, obesity is becoming more and more common in children. This is due to a passive lifestyle and unbalanced diet. Mothers of many children wonder how to help their child lose weight? How to lose weight for a boy or girl at a young age - this is what we will talk about in this article.

How to lose weight for a ten year old child?

Before embarking on the path to normalizing a child’s weight, it is necessary to determine the degree of obesity. There are four stages of obesity. How to determine the degree of obesity? A weight deviation of 15-25% upward is grade 1, 25-50% is grade 2, 51-85% is grade 3 and 85-100% is grade 4 obesity. We can cope with the first degree of obesity on our own at home. How to lose weight for a ten year old child - daily physical activity and healthy eating.

Of course, a mother must provide healthy nutrition for her overweight child and her entire family. Preferably, only the freshest non-GMO vegetables should be used in preparation. Fish, poultry, lean beef should be consumed boiled, baked and stewed. Fatty meats are not allowed. There are many low-calorie recipes for preparing tasty and healthy food. Meals should be taken 5-6 times a day in small portions. An active lifestyle - sports clubs, daily walks in the fresh air will help children at the age of eleven lose weight.

How can a 12 year old child lose weight?

Changing the family diet to a healthier one will certainly help your child lose weight. However, excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates leads to sudden weight gain; it is imperative to limit the consumption of sweet foods in the diet of children. Excess weight can provoke a number of hormonal disorders that lead to more serious diseases. Eliminate fast food and sweet carbonated drinks from your child’s diet. Give preference to home-cooked food and fresh juices and natural compotes.

How to lose weight at 13 years old?

Thirteen-year-old teenagers are going through a period of restructuring their body; they are maturing hormonally, so to speak. At this time, boys pay attention to girls and vice versa. During this period, it is very important for the mother to help her child look beautiful and healthy. Having ensured proper nutrition, carefully monitor the emotional experiences of your son or daughter. How to lose weight for a boy or a 13-year-old girl – an active lifestyle. Playing sports will not only improve a child’s health and help him lose weight, but athletic boys and girls are more popular among their peers.

Closely monitor the health of your children. Avoid overeating and do not include unhealthy foods in your family’s regular diet. Keep an eye on the emotional experiences of children - often unlucky children binge on sweets and drinks, which leads to obesity.

If your children are diagnosed with 2,3 and 4 degrees of obesity, seek help from qualified nutritionists. They will create the right menu for you and your child.

Love your children and provide them with timely help.