Why do signs warn against sleeping with wet hair?

Since ancient times, hair has been considered a strong conductor of energy. Russian women have always worn long hair and even men did not cut their hair too short. Our ancestors believed in the ability of curls to protect against the evil eye, trap bad energy and turn it into good energy. It was believed that after water treatments, all protection is washed off from the hair, which cannot be restored immediately.

For this reason, it was possible to wash your hair at a strictly defined time and only at home. The evening is ideal for this, but long before bedtime. By the time a person goes to bed, the hair should be completely dry, while being saturated with the energy of home and family.

Going to bed with wet hair, a person finds himself defenseless against dark forces, he becomes vulnerable, and can easily attract a variety of misfortunes to himself. According to legend, anyone who violated this rule could get sick, face some dangerous situation or problems in the house.

According to one of the old signs, those who do not have the opportunity to dry it with a towel sleep with wet hair, that is, the deceased, who, as you know, are washed. To avoid being in their place, you need to eradicate the habit of going to bed immediately after water procedures.

Wet hair can also cause loss of attractiveness. During sleep, due to friction against the pillow, the ends of the hair suffer, they become thinner and brittle. According to some beliefs, it is in the tips that the vital force is concentrated, and having lost it, a person will begin to fade.

In addition, our ancestors had other superstitions related to washing their hair and wet hair:

  • You can't wash your hair on your birthday. It is believed that it is on the day when a person is born that all evil spirits become active and try to harm.
  • Before a long trip. A traveler on the road will definitely need the protection of his home, and if it is washed away, it will not have time to recover and the person will be vulnerable.

Is this sign relevant today?

The warning to go to bed with wet hair has both a mystical and practical basis. Even if a person is skeptical and prefers not to believe in omens, it is better not to go to bed immediately after water procedures. According to doctors, this can have an extremely negative impact on health and lead to some diseases and unpleasant consequences.


When we sleep, blood circulation in our body slows down, which leads to cooling of the skin, and additional moisture only enhances the cooling. If the room is cool and your immune system is weakened, you may wake up in the morning with a sore throat, stuffy nose, and even a fever.

Allergy, suffocation

The pillow absorbs moisture from wet hair, which creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, germs and mites. As a result - allergic reactions, itching and dermatitis.

Hair problems

Trichologists (specialists who deal with hair health) do not even advise combing wet hair, let alone going to bed with it. Wet curls are more susceptible to breakage, tangling and various damage. This can also include the appearance of dandruff, itching and irritation.

The styling is deteriorating

If you fall asleep with wet curls, in the morning it can sometimes be difficult to return to your previous hairstyle; your hair will become tangled and wrinkled. Even if you wet them, they will still take on a “night” shape.

So what to do if you don’t have time to dry your hair before bed? It is believed that a towel wrapped around the head can save the situation. However, experts say that this is a misconception. The towel will get wet from the hair and become wet itself, the hair will not dry out longer, and the mites and germs in the pillow will receive a portion of the moisture they love so much. It’s better not to be lazy and dry your curls with a hairdryer. If you don’t even have time for this, washing your hair can be postponed until the morning.

Going to bed with wet hair is not the best best idea, regardless of whether a person believes in omens or not. Like our ancestors, modern experts agree: such a habit can negatively affect health. It is better to dry your hair with a hairdryer or postpone washing your hair altogether.


How dangerous is it to go to bed with wet hair?

You may have heard more than once that you can get sick if you sleep with a wet head.

Without a clear explanation, you most likely ignored this warning.

Each of us has encountered a situation where we had to wash our hair right before going to bed because there would be no time for it in the morning, or because of things that interfered with us during the day.

If, in addition, everyone in the household is sleeping, and you don’t want to wake them up with the sounds of the hairdryer, you may decide that you can skip drying, and in the end you go to bed with a wet hair.

And although this option seems to be the most optimal, there are Hidden dangers of this habit that you need to know about.

Why you shouldn't sleep with a wet head

1. Severe hair breakage

Wet hair is very weak and susceptible to any influence. When you twist and turn in your sleep, friction causes hair to break more easily than if it were dry.

Your hair will be even more fragile if you decide to tie it in a ponytail or bun.

Therefore, if you have to choose between sleeping with wet hair and drying it with a hairdryer, it is better to give preference to the second.

2. You may get hypothermic

If you sleep in an air-conditioned room or in cold weather, sleeping with wet hair will make you feel cold. The feeling of discomfort will cause you to wake up at night, which will negatively affect the quality of your sleep.

To avoid hypothermia, dry your hair well before going to bed. You can also use a hairdryer to warm up your socks, pajamas, and sheets to make your sleep even cozier.

3. Installation problems

One of the obvious disadvantages of sleeping with wet hair is difficulty styling it the next day. When we dry our hair, it falls into a certain shape. In a dream, the hair twists in different directions and is fixed in this position.

As a rule, the worst situation is at the crown and ends of the hair. The only way to straighten your hair after this is to try to style it by re-wetting it and applying hair styling products.

4. Weakens the immune system

Although colds are known to be caused by viruses, there is evidence that exposure to cold temperatures and humidity can trigger colds.

One theory is that when our body cools, the blood vessels that carry infection-fighting white blood cells narrow. Protection against cold and flu viruses decreases, and a person gets sick faster.

5. Bacterial growth

As you know, the combination of water and heat creates an ideal environment for the rapid growth of bacteria. Just imagine how many bacteria will grow on your pillow while you sleep with a wet head.

At the same time, frequent changes of linen will save you from this trouble, since the moisture of the hair penetrates into the pillow.

6. Causes dandruff

The heat of the head and prolonged exposure to moisture will lead to the growth of bacteria and fungi, both on the head and on the pillow. Sleeping with wet hair also strips the scalp of its natural oils, as they are easily absorbed into the pillow fabric along with excess water.

The growth of bacteria and loss of natural oils can be the main cause of dandruff, which can be very difficult to get rid of.

7. Makes hair dull

When water is absorbed from your hair into the pillow fabric, you also lose natural oils. Without it, hair becomes dull and lacks moisture.

Dehydrated hair is also more likely to break and not look healthy and shiny.

8. Leads to hair loss

Lying down with wet hair can also cause hair loss. It is mainly due to trichoftitis, a fungal disease that spreads to the scalp in warm and humid environments.

The disease is quite contagious, can cause itching and appear as reddish scaly spots. If you suspect that you have this disorder, you should consult a doctor and dry your hair thoroughly after each wash.

9. Causes acne

If there is a growth of harmful bacteria on your pillow, you may notice that you are more likely to develop rashes.

In this case, it is better to change your pillowcases more often and make sure your hair is dry before going to bed.

Remember how, as a child, our parents constantly forbade us to go to bed with a wet head? But this was not an ordinary whim of adults, but a completely adequate prohibition, which was dictated by concern for our health. As we got older, we began to ignore this rule, because we don’t always have time to wash our hair in the morning, afternoon, or a few hours before bed. However, such actions, although they seem quite harmless, have very serious consequences, both for the condition of our hair and for health in general.

1. Hair fragility and fragility

When wet, hair is very weak and can suffer from even the slightest wrong movement. Now imagine what will happen to them at night, when you spin in your sleep and create friction. It's even worse if you put your curls in a bun or bun, hoping that you'll wake up in the morning with beautiful curls. Therefore, try to wash your hair at least a few hours before bed so that they have time to dry naturally, or use a hair dryer - even in this situation it will cause less harm.

2. Poor sleep

If it's freezing outside or the air conditioner is on in your room, wet hair will make you freeze. Feeling cold will cause discomfort, causing you to be unable to sleep well and causing you to wake up constantly throughout the night. To avoid such consequences, dry your hair with a hairdryer. By the way, a little life hack: if it’s very cold at home, warm up the sheets, pajamas and socks with a hairdryer. This will make you feel very comfortable in bed, and you will fall asleep faster.

3. Installation problems

Probably all the girls have found themselves in a situation where you fall asleep with wet strands, and in the morning you cannot style them properly. This happens because during sleep the curls become twisted and “freeze” in this position. You can tidy up your hair and style your hair only if you wet it, dry it with a hairdryer and apply styling product.

And if the hair were dried in the evening, it would take a certain shape and be much more easily influenced by a hair dryer, curling iron or flat iron.

4. Weak immune system

Despite the fact that acute respiratory viral infections, which we know firsthand, arise under the influence of viruses, high humidity in tandem with low temperature can also provoke the appearance of a cold. When a person's body cools down, the body is much less able to fight infections, so the risk of getting sick increases.

5. Bacterial growth

The ideal environment for the growth of bacteria is considered to be a combination of water and heat. Now think about how many bacteria will appear after you spend the night with wet hair on a warm pillow. And in this situation, even regularly changing pillowcases will not save you, because moisture from the curls gets directly into the pillow itself.

6. Dandruff

And now it's time to remember good old dandruff, which will also appear if you don't dry your hair. The thing is that the heat of the head and prolonged exposure to water causes the proliferation of not only bacteria, but also fungi. In addition, while sleeping with wet hair, the scalp loses natural oils, which are quickly absorbed into the pillowcase along with excess water. Together, these two factors cause dandruff.

7. Dull hair

During sleep, moisture from the hair transfers into the fabric of the pillowcase. And everything would be fine, but along with the water, the natural fat, which is responsible for the hydration and shine of the hair, also disappears. Dehydration of the strands will cause them to look thin, dull, and the ends will begin to split several times faster.

8. Hair loss

We already mentioned that the combination of heat and moisture causes fungus to appear. It, in turn, develops into trichophytosis - a mycotic lesion of the hair. This disease is very contagious and, in addition to hair loss, will cause itching and red spots. As soon as you have the first symptoms of the disease, you should definitely go to the doctor so that he can prescribe the correct treatment.

9. The appearance of acne

Because your pillow becomes a refuge for large quantity bacteria, rashes appear on the face over time, as already mentioned in previous articles on the site. And it doesn’t matter at all what type of skin you have - acne can form on dry, oily, and combination skin. To prevent their occurrence, do not go to bed with wet hair and change your pillowcases every 3 days.

10. Headaches

When bacteria appear on the scalp, the body will try to eliminate them in any way. Most often in this case there is an increase in blood flow to the affected area. As a result, blood circulation increases and blood pressure increases, which causes headaches.

What needs to be done to avoid the above consequences?

Wash your hair a few hours before bed so that it has time to dry naturally.
Buy a silk pillowcase. The structure of the material will reduce friction at night and prevent strands from breaking.
If you don't have time to air dry your hair, use a hair dryer diffuser or a regular T-shirt. These improvised means do not have as bad an effect on curls as a hair dryer and a towel.
Hair conditioner will help prevent split ends and retain the moisture they need. It should be applied after every hair wash.
Don't go to bed with a wet towel on your head. This will only speed up the growth of harmful bacteria.

Read the article about what else can damage your hair.

Today we’ll talk about why you shouldn’t sleep with wet hair. Caring for hair, especially long hair, is a curse for many women and girls. Let the one who has never had to refuse to go out into the city or cancel an important meeting, because of a total lack of desire to wash and dry her hair, throw a stone at me.

3 reasons why you shouldn't sleep with wet hair

  1. If your hair doesn't tend to dry out, then the best solution is to wash it in the evening. They will be fresh all day long, which will save you a lot of time.
  2. When you wash your hair the night before, you are tempted to skip drying your hair and go to bed with wet hair. Contrary to popular belief, by refusing to use a hair dryer you are not helping them. Going to bed with wet hair puts your hair at risk, as a wet head is an ideal breeding ground for dust and bacteria in your bed. The scalp is very vulnerable and there is an increased risk of dandruff or fungus.
  3. Sleeping with a wet head can result in a cold. And this happens not because we go to bed immediately after a bath, but because the window is open at night to let fresh air into the apartment. Even with relatively high temperature indoors you can catch a cold infection (sore throat or snot). Inhaling the bacteria accumulated on the pillow, which was formed as a result of the laundry coming into contact with a wet and hot head, is the first step to catching a cold.


Wet hair is more susceptible to damage than dry hair. Rubbing your wet head on the pillow leads to matting of the hair, and it also becomes mercilessly tangled. So what if you save time on drying in the evening if you have to work hard to comb them in the morning.

Now you know why you shouldn't sleep with wet hair. Take care of your hair, it gives you charm and beauty.

Do you sleep with wet hair?

Is it dangerous to go to bed with wet hair? Is there a chance of getting sick - was this something you were told about as a child? We often don’t have enough time in the morning to wash our hair when going somewhere. I want to freshen my hair before going to bed and go straight to bed without even drying it, there are various reasons for this - not to disturb anyone by making noise with a hairdryer, etc. But is it possible to do this with hair, we will find out in this article.

Reasons why you shouldn't go to bed with a wet head.

1.Hair will become brittle.

Wet hair is quite weakened and susceptible to various influences. At night you turn your head in one direction or the other, so wet hair is more susceptible to breakage than dry hair.

It’s even worse if you make a bun out of wet hair! You should not do this, otherwise you can damage the hair follicles. It’s better to overcome yourself and still dry your hair.

Why is this happening. Each individual hair consists of scales that fit tightly on top of each other, provided they are dry. When moisturized, they open, which makes the hair more vulnerable to kinks. The more such creases, the larger the area where the protective keratin layer is destroyed.

2. You can get hypothermia.

Sleep will not be comfortable if your hair feels cold and wet. This has a bad effect on the quality of sleep. Many people fidget and often wake up if they don’t dry their hair before lying down. It’s better to ensure your comfort in the evening and not put it off until the morning.

It is easy to overcool the hair follicles in this way, resulting in inflammation. Itching and peeling appear. Agree, it’s far from unpleasant.

3.There will be problems with installation.

We noticed when we went to bed with a wet head, and in the morning it was impossible to do anything with our hair until we wet our hair again. Overnight, the hair dries and takes the shape in which it was fixed, pulled and pressed by the head. This is why the “super view” is more difficult to deal with the next day. It’s better to give your hair a look in the evening 😉

4. There is a chance of getting sick.

Wet hair cools the skin, and therefore the blood vessels. Blood circulation is poorer and fewer protective white blood cells circulate in the area, increasing the risk of attack by pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

Moreover, this applies to those who like to sleep with the window open if there is a draft in the room. The chances of getting a cold are doubled. If your head is dry, sleeping with fresh air will only benefit you.

5.The number of bacteria is growing.

The moisture from your hair and the warmth of your head on your pillow overnight creates a very favorable environment for bacteria to grow. In addition, moisture penetrates into the pillow and bacteria live and multiply there even more readily. Keep them in a healthy environment and change their bedding frequently.

6.Dandruff appears.

Moisture from the surface of the scalp easily washes away the fat layer, which provides protection against fungi and bacteria and also serves as a natural moisturizer for the scalp. During the night with wet hair, the oily layer is easily washed away and the skin becomes defenseless and susceptible to dandruff.

7. Hair becomes dull.

Excessive moisture at night washes away the fat layer from the surface of the hair, which also covers the hair itself, so the next day it may look duller.

8.Hair loss.

As mentioned above, a humid environment encourages the growth of bacteria and fungi. Under such conditions, there is a high probability of the appearance of such a fungal disease as trichophytosis- when red spots appear on the skin and hair in these places falls out rapidly. If you have symptoms of such a disease, do not delay - go to an appointment with a specialist to prescribe treatment. And during this period, dry your hair more thoroughly, and especially do not leave it overnight and do not make steaming masks for several hours.

Trichologists advise drying your hair well at night; if this is not possible, it is better to wash your hair in the morning.

9. Cause of acne.

No matter how funny it may sound. But the same germs on the pillow from high humidity and heat quickly spread to the face and can cause various rashes.

10. Headache is likely.

Sleeping with a wet head can result in headaches and migraines. Some people experience increased blood pressure. Normal blood circulation is disrupted due to temperature changes from moisture. There is a possibility of spasms in the neck muscles and pain in the back of the head.

New healthy habits to keep your hair healthy

Start washing your hair earlier in the evening if possible so that you have time to dry it.

If up to this point you have constantly slept on a pillow with a wet head, throw away the pillow that contains a sufficient number of germs and dust mites. Buy a new one and start a new habit of sleeping with dry hair.

Protect your hair with conditioner if you suddenly decide to sleep with wet hair again. This will provide protection to the keratin layer and protect the hair from unnecessary damage and creases.

If the habit is strong enough and it is difficult to overcome yourself, cover the surface of the pillow with dry terry towel and sleep on it. A towel is easier to wash than a pillow.

Observe simple rules, overcome yourself for the sake of your own health and beauty of hair 😉