If you are suddenly going to go to a neighboring village, the road to which leads through the forest, be sure to choose night time for your trip! This way your little trip can turn into an unforgettable one, although it’s not a fact that you won’t want to forget it. In the dark, even the most harmless objects can scare you to death, but the worst thing is that you most likely will never know if they were such.

Here are 10 strange and creepy stories told by drivers who risked driving on the night road. Read and remember yours! 😉


I was driving home along an unlit road that passed through a dense forest. The moon rose, but it was still quite dark. Suddenly I noticed some silhouettes not far ahead of me. A huge figure jumped out from behind a tree and began to writhe strangely and move next to the road. I slowed down and wondered if I wanted to drive further in her direction. I didn’t know what it was, but I clearly saw that it was huge. It was about the size of my car, there were some spikes sticking out from the side, and besides, it moved strangely.

After some time, I gave up and decided to slowly drive on, I’m in the car, I’m safe. As I approached, I noticed that it was moving in a funny way, and decided to turn around a little to catch it in the headlights. These were deer mating, and for some reason it didn't seem to quite work out for them. And I thought that an incredible ancient demon was about to attack me. Laughed all the way.


Someone put up a cardboard stand in the middle of a road that no one usually drove on. And I drove off, it was very dark, and I decided that I had almost hit a man. It took me a few minutes to regain my composure and realize that it was just a cardboard shield in the shape of Arnold Schwarzenegger.


One day I was driving through a corn field and suddenly noticed something sticking out of the corn right towards the road. As I got closer, I realized it was a scarecrow. I left there as quickly as I could.


I was driving into the forest to look at the haunted house, which was located in the thicket. It’s 3 a.m., the nearest town is several hours away. Suddenly I noticed two figures nearby in black robes with hoods. Got out of there as quickly as possible.


I live in Australia. I was driving home at night from my father, who lives in the countryside. For the first three hours I drove along the dark road without stopping or having any adventures, but as soon as I approached civilization and there was light along the road, I noticed a huge wrinkled spot on the dashboard right in front of me. It was a giant crab spider and its front legs were up and looking STRAIGHT AT ME!

I didn't open the door for three hours. This thing has been with me all this time.
Soon I stopped at a gas station and doused the entire car with insect repellent. I never found his body.


Several years ago, my friends and I were going to a church camp, late November, twilight, we knew the road only from the descriptions of our friend. At the very end of the road we accidentally turned the wrong way, but we didn’t realize it right away. The road led into a deep forest, and we were sure that our tent camp should have been located in this place. After some time, we drove past a huge stone gate with wrought iron doors, they resembled the entrance to a cemetery, but beyond the gate there were no paths, only dark forest. There was no fence either, just a huge stone gate. We didn't think much of it, although the place was strange, and continued on our way. The fog was thickening, we entered some village, and then the most inexplicable thing began.

At first glance, the first house on our way was the most ordinary. But then we noticed that there was a car standing next to him with hazard lights on, all the doors were open. There was no one in the car or near it. The lights in the house were turned off. We slowed down to see if something had happened, but then my friend pointed ahead. All the houses on both sides of the road looked exactly the same. Dark houses, all cars on emergency lights and with open doors. We didn't see a single person around. It all looked like some kind of very strange prank.

We continued driving along the same road to get out of this place as quickly as possible. Suddenly, a huge black dog, similar to a German shepherd, jumped out from around the bend. She ran after us at full speed and barked loudly. After that, our driver turned sharply and rushed away from this village. We never returned there again. Later I tried to understand where we turned and find this place on the map, but nothing came of it. Even on the satellite view I couldn’t find this road.


I work the night shift and take my lunch with me. One day I forgot to do this and decided to pick it up at home and eat it on the way back. In order not to be late, I chose a shorter route. Somewhere in the middle of the journey, I noticed a woman in a white nightie, she was standing in the oncoming lane, completely barefoot. I slowed down in case she was drunk and decided to throw herself under my wheels. On the way back I just couldn't stop thinking about it. Who will walk barefoot and in a nightie on the road at half past two in the morning? I hope it was just a drunk woman.


We left the tent camp at night; there was no lighting on the road. And then I see thousands of small glowing eyes staring straight at me. They might just be frogs, but seeing that many eyes reflecting your headlights is truly creepy.


One day I was driving home in the middle of the night, and there was a forest along the road. Suddenly I hit a deer, he flew away and fell on the road, and I immediately grabbed a flashlight and jumped out to see how he was. I don’t know how he managed to escape, but when I got out of the car, the deer was gone. I looked around, hoping to find him so I could see if he needed help or if I could just let him go. And then deer began to surround me on both sides of the road. They just stood around, completely silent and motionless, and just looked straight at me.


One night I decided to drive a little out of town, just to get unnecessary thoughts out of my head and relax. After some time, I stopped, turned off the headlights and leaned back, lie a little and enjoy the moment. 5 minutes later I returned to a sitting position and discovered that there was a jeep directly behind me, which definitely was not there. The driver’s seat was empty, I didn’t notice at all how he drove up, and I didn’t see any headlights on the road while I was standing. My car only started on the third try. Nothing much happened, but I watch a lot of movies and it was hard not to imagine how the plot would have developed if this was the beginning of some scary story.

I have one friend, Sashka, he works as a driver of a large truck. As a rule, he travels not far and is always alone, without a partner. That time he invited me to go for a ride with him. I didn’t refuse, I decided to take a ride to see the world and show myself.
In general, we went to the neighboring region. It was late evening, hot, summer, the highway was almost empty. For many kilometers there is only a highway, along its edges there are wide ditches and behind them a forest. All the time, Christmas trees, Christmas trees, Christmas trees... We are driving, driving, we have already left a little far from the last settlement. It was getting dark, but it was still light enough to see what was happening on the road. Suddenly we notice that something is white ahead, right on the highway. We drove closer and looked, and this guy was voting. Dressed in light trousers and a white shirt, his hands are empty, without means of transportation. Just a guy... How did he get here? Did you get there on foot? Or who dropped it off? In any case, there were no other cars besides us, and we decided to stop and help if possible.
Since we were driving quite fast, we didn’t manage to stop right away; we passed the guy. We stopped and waited, thinking that he would now run up to the cabin on his own. But a couple of minutes passed, and the guy did not appear. We look out the window - no one, in the mirrors too... Where did the guy go? What if we knocked it down by accident when we were braking? Well, Sashka got out of the cab and went to look, and I watched through the window. I looked, turned behind the truck and disappeared from sight. About 30 seconds have passed. Sashka flies out from behind the truck at breakneck speed, rushes towards the cabin, in a matter of seconds takes off behind the wheel, locks all the locks and immediately takes off. I can't understand anything. Where's the guy? What's happened? Why such a rush? In a panic, I start asking questions. And Sashka just shakes his head and hums. He also waves his hand and yells obscenities that he will tell everything later. It even seemed to me for a moment that my friend even began to stutter...
Well, that’s it, I think... We shot down that guy and fled the scene. Now I’m an accomplice, and if they find us, it won’t matter to anyone. I got upset and fell silent. And Sashka drives everything. I've already covered ten kilometers in a hurry, but it doesn't stop. And along the way, as luck would have it, there was only a highway and a forest. If only the village seemed...
So we drove, or rather flew, for about half an hour. Then the forest ended, we first went out to a field, and then a settlement appeared. At the entrance there is a cafe for passing cars, and that’s where we stopped. Sasha was almost no longer shaking, but he still ordered vodka. After another ten minutes, I still dared to ask what happened on the road, and was already prepared to hear the worst. But my guesses, fortunately, were not justified. Everything was much worse and more terrible...
When Sashka got out of the car on the highway and went to look for that guy, he did not immediately find him. I turned around the truck, and there was no one there. Sashka seemed ready to leave, he thought that we were imagining everything because of the heat and fatigue. But then he heard a quiet growl... Looking in the direction of the sound, Sashka was dumbfounded... The guy was no longer on the highway. Along the road there was a wide and deep ditch, so this guy had somehow managed to cross it and was standing near the forest near the bushes. Sashka did not see any bridge, passage or log. How this guy got across 2.5 meters of water in his little white trousers is completely unclear. Moreover, he stood there beckoning with his hand, let’s go into the forest. And he himself growled quietly and his eyes glowed yellow... Sashka almost became paralyzed there at the sight of this spectacle! He picked up his legs in his hands and ticked away from there until this monster devoured us all...
I was dumbfounded by my friend's story. I couldn’t wrap my head around this. Maybe I was imagining it, I think? Still, the kid steers without a partner, he’s tired and all that. But on the way back we stopped at the same cafe and got into conversation with one guy. He's local and works at a gas station. So he said that several cars had already been found on that highway. Empty, open, all things are in place, but the owner is not there. The cops blamed everything on wild animals, bears and wolves. Like men go into the forest to relieve themselves, and there animals eat them. Of course, no one will look for the true cause of the disappearance. Was it a man or some kind of monster? Maybe someone has a version? I'll be glad to listen...

Old woman on the road

You know, my work colleague told me this story, he’s a grown man now, he won’t lie. He and his friends are from Karaganda; they often traveled to the village of Edelweiss in the Karaganda region. There were often rumors about this route about a woman with hooves; they, of course, did not believe all these stories and made fun of each other, scared each other when someone left on the way to the toilet. Either they will drive away in a car, or something else, well, to scare you.
A colleague said that one day their friend disappeared for a while, didn’t call or pick up the phone, the friends decided to check on their friend, just in case something happened. When they arrived at his house, his mother opened the door. They asked what happened and why their friend disappeared and did not contact them, in response to this the mother replied: “Don’t you know?” That, they say, he has severe psychological trauma, and he has not left the house for the second week. When a colleague and friends entered the house, they saw their friend turning gray. They couldn’t believe their eyes and asked him to tell him what happened that shocked him so much.
He said the following: “I was driving alone along the Edelweiss-Karaganda highway. I was driving calmly and suddenly I saw: some black dot was approaching the road, well, I didn’t pay attention at first until this dot began to move abnormally quickly, approaching the road. The closer I got, the more clearly I began to distinguish a human silhouette. She was an old woman with a very scary, distorted face, either a scarf or some kind of hood was thrown over her head - it’s not clear, her hair was gray, long, and her legs were in the shape of hooves, it couldn’t be confused with anything. Out of fear, I began to push as much urine as I could into the pedal, I didn’t even look at the arrow. The old woman chased after me and did not lag behind, running at the same level as the car. It was unrealistic at all! At the same time, she looked in my direction. She ran until she passed a church along the road, she began to lag behind and finally fell behind. I don’t know how long she ran after me, but it seemed like an eternity.”
This friend's mother said that when her son arrived home, he could not speak properly and his hair had turned gray. A colleague said that he told it in such a way that it was impossible not to believe it, and that his head became gray in one day, there is no other way to explain it.

Ride on a dead road

Once I stayed until midnight visiting a friend who lives in the vicinity of the Losinoostrovskaya station, in the north-east of Moscow. My house is located near the Cherkizovskaya metro station, so the most convenient thing for me was to take the train, which will take me to the Yaroslavsky station, where I will board my subway line and quickly get to my house.
The metro closes to entry at 1 am. I still had a whole hour of time, and it was only about fifteen minutes to go to the station. That’s why I wasn’t worried at all and walked with a calm step, whistling some simple melody under my breath, towards Losinoostrovskaya.
To my surprise, the station was empty. There were no cashiers, not even the security guard who usually stood near the turnstiles. Distressed that I would have to take the bus to the nearest metro station, which was not on the line I needed, I was about to turn around and go back, when I suddenly noticed that the machines where you could buy a ticket were working. "Great". I approached one of the machines. At first glance, everything looked normal, but what caught my attention was that there were several more stations that could be selected as a destination, which were usually not available. I’ve never heard of them at all: Dzerzhinskaya, Institute of the Way, Otradnoye, Slobodka and Beskudnikovo. Two names were familiar to me. Otradnoye is the name of an area that was relatively close to here. But I don’t remember that there was a railway going through there. And Beskudnikovo is actually a station in a completely different direction, on Savelovsky. “What kind of jokes are these? Well, okay, to hell with it...” Deciding to ignore this nonsense, I took a ticket to the station, then went through the turnstile and found myself on the platform. For some reason, the electronic board showing the arrival time of the next train did not work. “What’s wrong with this station? Why is there no one here? Why is the scoreboard not working? What kind of a mess is this, really?” – mentally indignant. I had to look for a regular stand with a schedule. Luckily for me, he was hanging not too far from the exit to the platform. “I wonder when the next train is?” I lowered my eyes to the lower right corner. The last train arrives at 00:16. I looked at my watch: it read 00:19. "What!? Are you kidding me!?" – I was furious at such sheer injustice. “Why the hell did I buy a ticket if the last train has already left!? Why did the machines work!? Where are those damn cashiers and security guards!? Crap!" With all my anger, I hit the stand with the schedule. “Sooo, calm down, you need to calm down...” I stepped aside and sat down on the nearest bench. “Maybe the train hasn’t arrived yet. Maybe she's late and will arrive soon. And even if I still missed the last train, it’s okay. Just think, I spent forty rubles. It won’t go away from me,” I said to myself.
Having calmed down, I began to examine the station. There was not a single person anywhere on any of the three platforms. Absolutely. There was complete silence in the air. You couldn’t even hear cars, although there, on the other side of the railway, was the busy Yaroslavl highway. Even at night there were quite a lot of cars there. Why they were not heard, given that the station was absolutely silent, is a mystery. Another strange thing. There were a lot of them already in such a short time.
And then suddenly the silence was broken by the train whistle. I jumped up from the bench and walked to the edge of the platform. It was an electric train, traveling along my path! “Oh yes, it’s not in vain that I stayed. She was late, just as I thought.”
The train is already stopping near the platform. But she was somehow strange. Old, shabby, with dim lighting inside the carriage. “I wonder where they dug it up from?” – I thought. “It seemed to me that such old stuff hasn’t been traveling around Moscow for a long time.” I didn’t really want to get into it, but I had no choice, so I had to go in.
I was greeted by an unusually narrow vestibule, the kind you can find in any old train. It was not pleasant for me to be in such a small room. In addition, there were no lights on here. So I hurried inside the carriage. To my surprise, all the benches were wooden. As far as I remembered, in all the old trains that were still in use, the benches were still covered with something soft, and in general they tried to look after the interior of the car. And here I felt like I was in a museum. Only everything was shabby and unkempt.
I went to the middle of the car and sat by the window, facing the direction in which the train was traveling. The unpleasant yellow dim light blinked occasionally. It was scary, to be honest, considering the train I was on. I forgot to say that there was no one but me in the carriage. However, it's hard to say whether it was a bad thing. On the contrary, it would be scarier if someone was sitting, for example, at the end of the carriage with their back to me.
It was completely dark outside the window. I can not see anything. You couldn't even see the light in the houses. Strange... Therefore, in order to somehow entertain myself, I took out my phone and headphones. I turned on my favorite song and sat down as comfortably as possible. Now even that flickering light couldn't stop me from getting lost in my thoughts.
But probably not even a minute had passed before I felt something was wrong... The train was turning to the right. "What the hell? There’s a direct route here,” I was surprised. I didn't like it, I didn't like it at all. If everything else could somehow be ignored, then this oddity really bothered me. “Where are we going? What the hell is going on here!?” I was no longer in the mood to listen to music. I tried to comprehend what was happening: “First, this desolation, machines with extra stations, a non-working scoreboard, then this junk on wheels, now this turn... Is this some kind of joke?”
The train began to slow down. A metallic voice was heard: “Platform Dzerzhinskaya.” At first I was scared to death, jumped up and started looking around in search of the source of the sound. Realizing that it was a speakerphone, I calmed down a little, but only a little. Dzerzhinskaya... I already saw this name today. When I bought a ticket from the machine. Station unknown to me...
The train stopped. The doors opened. Outside the window there was still the same impenetrable darkness. Apparently there was no lighting on the platform. “But this is Moscow, not some wilderness!” I was even more frightened, but still did not dare to run out of the train. At least there was light here. “Maybe the next station will be more civilized?” I sat down in my seat again.
And then the doors closed, the train started moving and moved on. And I could no longer calm down. I was scared. And it would be fine if all the horror ended there. Nooo... Music was heard from behind, from the next carriage. Someone was playing the accordion. I felt a lump in my throat. My heart started beating faster and I began to feel chills. I moved to the bench that was opposite me to keep an eye on the door to the vestibule. The sound was getting closer. Apparently, the musician was on his way to my carriage. Then the door that led from the carriage to the “accordion” slammed. The second door slammed. The musician is already in the vestibule of my carriage. The sound is heard clearly. But no one is visible through the door. Suddenly the door opens... It just opens! Herself! There is no one in the vestibule. But there is sound! The sound of the button accordion is already in the carriage itself. And he's getting closer, he's moving towards me! Just sound! And nothing more…
It is difficult to describe how much fear I felt then. I hid in a corner and didn’t dare move even a little. I was very scared! I just watched the sound of the button accordion move along the aisle between the benches, approaching me. And the damn light kept blinking. God, I feel like I'm in some horror movie. What a damn train...
As soon as the sound caught up with me, the lights in the carriage went out. Yes, it went out, went out completely. And the sound stopped. Outside the window there was still the same impenetrable darkness. Only the sound of the wheels reminded me that I was on an electric train.
And suddenly I felt someone touch my shoulder. Such an icy touch...
At this moment my fear reached its apogee. From such horror I screamed like crazy. At the same moment, the lights in the carriage turned on. I could no longer stay here. God, how scary it was...
I jumped up and rushed towards the head car, towards the driver. At the same time, the train began to slow down, and a metallic voice announced: “Institute of the Way Station.” Another familiar name. However, this is no longer surprising.
Having reached the vestibule, I decided that at this station I would get off anyway, even if not a single lamp was on. The train was still slowing down. I turned back to take one last look at this terrible carriage. God, I wish I hadn’t done this... In my place sat the ghostly silhouette of a man. He looked at me. Seeing me looking at him, the ghost began to smile at me and slowly wave his hand. I got a lump in my throat again, chills again, and wild fear...
But then the train finally stopped. The doors opened, and I, without even looking forward or at my feet, rushed away from this damned train. But instead of ending up on the platform, I fell down somewhere. It was painful. Although I apparently fell from not a very great height, I hit either the stones or the asphalt. Hit my whole body. The face was especially painful.
Trying to come to my senses, I lay on the ground for about another minute. Then I started to get up. To my surprise, I found myself in the middle of some kind of garage cooperative. There were only garages around me. And no railway. “What nonsense?” I didn't understand anything.
We had to get out of here. Quickly finding a way out of the garages, I wandered out onto some street. It turned out to be an ordinary street in the middle of some quite ordinary residential area. “I don’t understand anything. What happened to me? I was in some kind of prostration. The thoughts in my head were mixed into some kind of incomprehensible heap. "What to do next?" Suddenly a bus stop caught my attention. She was very close. "Great. Maybe I can figure out where I am approximately based on the route of some bus?” I hurried to the stop. A sign with route numbers hung in place. “Okay, let’s see what we have here... Oh, route 176! It runs from the Los platform, which is next after Losinoostrovskaya, if you come from Moscow, and to some place in the vicinity of the Sviblovo metro station... So, I’m somewhere else in these parts. But how the hell did I end up here? Suddenly the sound of an approaching bus was heard. At first I was afraid that some shabby old monster would come again, but it turned out to be a brand new, good bus. There were a driver and several passengers inside. All are alive, not ghosts.
By bus I easily arrived at the already mentioned Sviblovo station. There I went down into the subway and calmly drove home, without any incidents.
But what I experienced did not give me peace of mind. I wanted to know what really happened to me. Maybe someone has already encountered something similar? First of all, I decided to search for the names of those stations unknown to me: Dzerzhinskaya, Institute of the Way, Otradny and Slobodka. Wow, I shuddered then...
It turns out that there used to be a railway that connected the Yaroslavl direction and Savelovskoe. Namely Losinoostrovskaya and Beskudnikovo stations. In general, this railway has quite a rich history, but the main thing is that all these stations, which I have already mentioned more than once, were located right on it. Moreover, this railway was dismantled back in 1987. In its place there are now houses and garages. Yes, and the Institute Path station, where I got off, was located in the very place where the garage cooperative now stands, in the middle of which I found myself. Yes... What is this happening? Did I ride on a dead road? On a dead train?
Now I try to never stay that long and never take old and shabby trains. You never know where they can take...

Don't cross my path: the scariest stories told by drivers | Cosmopolitan magazine

“My mother works as a truck driver. This is her story. She was driving through Arizona and suddenly saw something that resembled leaves that the wind carries along the road. This puzzled her, because there were only pine trees growing around - this was in northern Arizona. But looking closer, she saw that these were real tarantulas - thousands. There were so many of them that the truck's wheels skidded on their bodies, and she had to slow down. At the stop, she asked her partner to fill up. He got angry because it was his time to rest, but he obediently got out of the car. And I saw spiders stuck to the wheels of the truck.”

Tall guy

“One day, a friend and I were driving through South Alabama and passed an old cemetery. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a truck pulled up behind us. It was very late, but even during the day you could rarely see a car on this highway, so it became a little scary. I accelerated, but the truck stayed right next to the bumper.
I pressed the gas pedal to the floor and was already racing at full speed along the narrow dirt road, and the truck was still not far behind. My friend, who knew the area well, said that there was a bend ahead that the truck simply could not fit into.
I turned the steering wheel to the side and suddenly among the trees I saw a very tall guy, covered with hair from head to toe. Before I had time to shout: “Have you seen this…” - my friend finished for me: “The hairy guy!”
We broke away from the truck and drove away, but I won’t be able to forget this story.”

Crime scene

“Once I was driving along a deserted two-lane road. I drove past the town of Amboy - a small, almost abandoned settlement with a dormant volcano. Lava on one side, salt on the other. Once upon a time, they say, there were many sectarians here.
I stopped there and took a photo of the sign just to prove to my friends that I was there. I got back into the car and drove further up the mountain. Once I reached the top I drove through a canyon with tall grass on both sides of the road. Suddenly I saw something on the road far ahead. As I got closer, I slowed down. A red Pontiac Fiero was blocking my way - it was standing right across the highway. A suitcase with scattered clothes lay nearby, and two bodies lay face down on the road, a man and a woman.
Everything was like in a horror movie - no signs of an accident, as if I was on stage. Something was very wrong. Not a drop of blood. I very carefully drove past the bodies without getting out of the car. Having driven a decent distance, I looked in the rearview mirror and saw that a man and a woman had risen to their knees, and other people - several dozen people - had emerged from the grass. I stomped on the gas pedal. Sometimes real life can be scarier than a horror movie.”

Mystical stories on the tracks

I’ll tell you a few mystical stories that happened to my husband when he often went on business trips to many countries, and during these hours his life was spent mostly just behind the wheel. Over fifteen years of such trips, several stories have accumulated.
Story one. The night route was long from one city to another. It was three o'clock in the morning. My husband calmly endures the night hours, without the desire to fall asleep, since he worked long shifts at his previous job and was accustomed to not sleeping for days.
He was not driving fast, about 80 km per hour, and suddenly a huge, strange object was snatched from the headlights ahead of him at the side of the road. It was translucent, shaped like a folded envelope, the size of a large elephant. Its transparency was so tangible that it could already be distinguished from about twenty meters away by moonlight and headlights. The car approached him, and this object sharply moved towards it. My husband slammed on the brakes from the unexpected maneuver of this envelope. The object hit the car with great speed and passed through it, disappearing from behind on the road. Moreover, the husband felt the moment of passing through the interior of the car with his whole body, the vibration was like during turbulence on an airplane. I note that my husband does not indulge in alcohol or drugs.
The second story. My husband traveled more than 40 hours from his next business trip, and he had to look for accommodation for the night. Near New Odessa there is a huge monument to a soldier on a hill; its metal glitters so much in the sun that it’s hard not to notice it when driving past. The husband stopped near him to spend the night in the car. He had nightmares all night, and without sleep, he drove on. The next time he stopped again near this monument for the night, someone strangled him all night in his sleep and pressed on his chest. The husband again did not attach any importance to this, citing fatigue. I dissuaded him from staying there at all, but he doesn’t believe in any mysticism. And it so happened that once again I had to spend the night again under the ill-fated monument.
The night passed peacefully, but in the morning a surprise awaited my husband. Before going to bed, my husband had a snack and put the leftover food in a bag on the passenger seat. A stick of smoked sausage disappeared from a bag of groceries, although the doors were naturally locked and the car alarm was on. And the funny thing is that the laces on his shoes were tied together, left to right, right to left. My husband really went into shock, he checked all the locks in the car and even the luggage lock; the doors were all locked. Who could make such a joke? He didn't stop there anymore.
Third story happened in Poland. He was traveling from Warsaw to Torun. From one city to another is 200 km. It took about three hours to drive along this narrow, winding and busy highway. My husband left Warsaw. There is a blizzard outside the city, sweeping so hard that you can’t see anything. I drove very slowly so as not to fly into the ditch when turning, the ice was terrible. I drove like this for fifteen minutes and just thought that it would not be three, but five, or even six hours, when suddenly the sign “Torun” flashed. The husband fell into a stupor and couldn’t believe his own eyes. At your own risk, I drove the car back to the sign and read the name “Torun” again. How so? Even by his watch he saw that he had left Warsaw fifteen minutes ago. Then I thought it was someone’s joke, but after a couple of minutes I was already entering the city to which I was heading. Somewhere on the highway a temporary hole awaited him.
Story four. My husband picked up a fellow traveler along the highway near the forest; some hitchhiker was on his way to a neighboring town. The young guy, as it turns out, is a student. We started talking. It turned out that he was going to his parents for the weekend after school. Word by word, we arrived in a couple of hours. The husband dropped the guy off, said a sweet goodbye and parted. Having collected the parcel, the husband immediately set off on the return journey.
Halfway on the highway near the forest, a hitchhiker slows him down again. The husband stops and, perplexed, opens the door for him. A young student, the same one, asks for a ride, only in the other direction. The husband smiles and invites him to get into the car. The boy sits down and begins to get to know each other in a new way. The husband laughs and asks him why he stayed with his parents so quickly, he said that he was going to see them for the whole weekend. The guy tells it all again, the same story, without recognizing his fellow traveler. The husband decided that the guy was weak-minded. He dropped him off near the city where he wished. There was a cafe nearby, my husband came in for coffee. I talked to the bartender and told him about the strange student, and he just nodded his head.
- And he rode with you?
- Why is he probably hitchhiking, killing his free time? - asked the husband.
- No, he’s trying to get home, but he still doesn’t realize that he was hit by a shooting range a year ago on the highway under the forest. He then went home to his parents. So everyone is trying to get to what day.
My husband really felt sick then. Since then, he has not gone to that area on business trips and never takes travel companions. But the most interesting thing is that he still does not believe in mysticism, he believes that it is all nonsense, although he has encountered it more than once. This is Thomas the unbeliever.

On the road

Once I had to drive late at night from the village to my house. The village was located about 2 hours away from home. Not very far. The path lies first through a country road, then an exit onto the highway and a broken sign.
I was driving along a country road. The whole car is shaking. I was driving and saw that in the distance something flashed between two trees. Well, I thought, it seemed, it doesn’t happen to anyone. I'm moving on. There must be a twist here. A familiar sign. And so I went out onto the highway. Of course, not a single car is visible. Not a single soul.
I drove for about 5 minutes, and then I saw this picture. A man walks along the side of the road with his back to me and a girl behind him. I was very surprised that at such and such an hour (it was already 1:00) I would see people. They walk, and as if in slow motion. I took a closer look. I see that the girl is young, dressed in some kind of tattered white shirt and soiled shorts. There is nothing on my legs. The guy was too thin, like a walking skeleton. Looks about 50 years old. Dressed in a hat and a tattered shirt, covered in blood. I thought maybe people need help? Got lost or had an accident? Well, I finally decided to stop and ask what happened to them and why they were coming to such a place so late. I drove my car closer and stopped. They have no reaction. I shouted to them, like, give me a lift? Again they have no reaction. So they walk slowly with their backs to me. I got out of the car and decided to ask again, maybe they didn’t hear? He ran up and took that girl by the shoulder.
She stopped. And the man stopped too. I stood there for 5 seconds, and then turned around... And then I saw something that made my hair stand on end! It was not a man at all, IT was a very vaguely human-like creature. The head of this creature turned all 180 degrees, and a face disfigured to the core appeared in front of me. His hair was shaved, and his face was covered with some huge blisters. Instead of eyes there were empty bleeding sockets. There were no lips, only a row of sharp teeth were visible. I froze for a second, and then I realized that my hand was still on the creature’s shoulder. As if scalded, I removed my hand and ran away to the car. While I was running, I heard that man laughing. He laughed like a mental patient at the top of his lungs. I opened the car door and pressed the pedal as hard as I could. I didn't want to look back. I didn't want to know whether they were chasing me or not. I just wanted to press on the gas and not stop.
So I drove halfway. Then I decided to slow down and look out the rearview window. I looked, behind me there was only a deserted road. I breathed a sigh of relief and soon drove out onto a city road where there were already people. I felt even more relieved and tried to forget the incident.
I drove home, parked the car and went into the house. As I was going up to the second floor, I heard a car alarm. Exactly my car. I realized what it was. It was them. They finally caught up with me.

Scary ride

One of my friends works in the region of another city and came home for the weekend! Knowing that he wouldn’t make it to the train on Sunday, he agreed in advance with me that I would take him by car! The drive there is approximately 250 km. We got ready, left, it was about 7 pm, and so that I wouldn’t be bored going back, my brother and another kid went with us, in fact, from whom it all started, his name is Vova!
So, Vovan suggested reducing the km. 40 and go not along the federal highway (on which, by our Russian standards, the road is almost ideal), but along the bypass road, I didn’t immediately like the idea, but okay, the majority was for it!
We went out onto the highway, for the first 60 km there were no alarming events, the boys drank beer, I drove the car, laughed, it was fun, before that there was a little rain, but it stopped, the sun was shining, in general, in the company of good friends, the mood was simply amazing! But after driving 60 km, honestly, some kind of crap began, clouds rolled in, pouring rain began, the car's windshield wipers at maximum speed somehow coped with the flow of water, and all the cars disappeared somewhere, neither behind nor towards No one was coming for us at all, but this did not break our overly cheerful mood, then this is what happened.
The car started to shake at a speed of 70, not much, but noticeably, the guys asked to stop to relieve themselves, I stood near some brick wall that was along the road, it was raining, but less, we got out, did all the work, sit back down, I start to get underway, but the car began to drive somehow strangely, it didn’t drive for more than 40, we didn’t immediately understand what was wrong, but then, looking out the window, my brother saw that we were driving on a completely flat tire, or rather on an alloy wheel! I got out of the car, began to change the spare tire, asked my brother to look around, as I remember now, the rain intensified again, and when I was already completing the process, I reached for the key, as I had scattered everything along the road, and then I was thrown into side, friend Vanka, and a gazelle rushes past at great speed, if I had been where the key is, I would have been knocked down, let's skid on my brother, to which he replied that he himself did not understand where it jumped out from, and what else happened very interesting, there was a hole in the punctured wheel, it was on the side, 6 cm in diameter, as if someone had shot, such a hole could not form on a flat road, and even more so when we were standing, the tires were new and from a decent company!
Then we drove on, not so cheerfully, as time passed strangely quickly, and it was already 11 pm, it was getting dark untimely, and we had only driven 100 km. Although according to the federal authorities they should have already been there!
The road started out like this... but we drove no more than 30, and there were still no cars or any villages, but there was a feeling that we were not alone in this area, and then we were all simultaneously visited by a feeling of strong anxiety, some kind of incomprehensible, coming from nowhere, although we are all not from the Robkov 10, and we decided, at all costs, to find an exit to the federal highway, since no one understood where this road led, where we were going!
And finally, the long-awaited residential village called Orlovka, where we learned approximately how to get to the federal highway, and followed the route of my grandfather in a UAZ, who, in pursuit, said that be careful and don’t stop for anything!
We drove along a perfectly flat road, it was already about 12, it was raining, it was as dark as a ball, again there was no one but us, and along the road, at the side of the road, every now and then some silhouettes and shadows appeared, I referred to the play of light from headlights and tired eyes, but the guys also saw some kind of devilry, and someone was constantly appearing in the sky above us, he looked like a big bat, but bats don’t fly in this weather!
In general, we were driving and didn’t even know where, it was very scary, because a tire could burst again out of the blue or something else, and then, whether we like it or not, we’ll have to stop, and grandpa strongly recommended don’t stop, I don’t think it’s easy!
And finally, after 70 km, which we drove along this road in complete anxiety, we saw the lights of the Federal Highway, we got there in one breath! We were already driving along it, almost forgetting about what had happened before, since the road there was full of traffic, we were in a good mood again, until we again paid attention to the no-no flying creature appearing, we saw it 3 more times over the remaining 100 km way!
We drove into a settlement called Ivanovka, and from there another 50 km and we were there! In order not to get lost again, we decided to ask a passing person, but he behaved somehow strangely, at first he ran away sharply, and then abruptly returned and began to explain, but his route looked like some kind of nonsense, at first he zigzagged with the road , and then said at the end:
“Turn left, there will be graves, that’s where you’ll find your way!”
It was creepy to communicate with him, or rather, he seemed to hypnotize, and we listened to him spellbound, we all felt like... we needed to ask someone else. Vanka and I went into a convenience store, where the seller was asked to tell us the route and told about the stranger they had met, she asked to describe him, then she told us the correct route, completely different, and said:
“This man is often seen at the scene of fatal accidents, this is a harbinger of trouble, I am afraid for you, you are still young. In general, drive 30 km, then don’t drive fast, there will be a large Orthodox cross and wreaths, it is very often seen there, in front of this cross, be careful.”
Hmmm, the salesman was inspired, especially since Vanka told how they were driving there before and in front of this cross their car just started spinning out of the blue, and they stopped right with their faces at this cross, but he says that they didn’t see this guy! Well, what should we do, we have to go, and we did everything as this saleswoman said, driving past this cross at a speed of 20 km per hour, we looked closely and didn’t see anyone and we were already calmed down, but then we didn’t believe it to my own eyes:
“Yes, it’s him, here he is, yes!” Vanka said with horror, and in the light of the headlights we saw him, I don’t know who, we recognized him by his clothes, in the light of the headlights his eyes shone with a green luminous color, driving past him, he looked at us with a chilling gaze. We looked into his eyes as if spellbound, but still didn’t stop and didn’t crash into anything! And in the light of the car's brake lights, we saw that it stopped and turned in our direction!
I stepped on the gas and didn’t notice that we were already speeding 140, having dropped to 90, we again began to see silhouettes at the side of the road, and again someone was hovering above us, you can’t imagine how creepy it was! The good news was that we only had a little time left, and so we entered the long-awaited village, drove up to the hotel where Vanka lived, and where a room was waiting for us to spend the night, since it was already 2 am, and no one was going back !
Vanka’s colleagues met us there, we, naturally, told them everything, believing us, they replied:
“They say that’s not what happens here!”
In general, we settled down. But even when we went to bed, the devilry did not stop! About 3-4 o'clock in the morning we saw a floating shadow in the window of the hotel, and when it appeared, there was a grinding sound, as if an iron claw was being drawn across the glass, and some kind of terribly, creepy, frightening moaning, we heard this already in two with his brother, since Vovka immediately passed out, and Vanka spent the night in another room! When it was all over, I don’t remember how, but apparently from fatigue my eyes closed on their own, and I fell asleep! In the morning we were woken up by Vanka, who was getting ready for work, and we drove home without any incidents along the federal highway! From now on, I will never drive on bypass roads again, and I sincerely advise you not to drive on them! What a fun trip this is!

creepy road

This story happened to my mother and her friends when they were young. One late evening, when it was already dark outside, my mother and her friends were walking along the road. There was a forest on the left and a forest on the right. There is also a cemetery of unknown people in this forest. Someone believed that unknown soldiers were buried there, and someone said that it was not soldiers buried there, but it doesn’t matter. They say that these souls are not at peace because they were buried near stones and anthills, but maybe this means nothing.
Let's move on to the story itself. So my mother and her friends were walking along this road, when suddenly a woman with an open jacket appeared in front of them, her hair standing on end. She was all white and glowing. Mom’s friends ran away from each other out of fear, but mom was in the middle and for some reason didn’t run away, and that woman pushed her on the shoulder, so that it even hurt her a little. She turned back, but there was no one there. To this day, she and her friends don’t know what it was.
I'll tell you another story that happened to my mother's friend on the same road. This friend's mother recently died. One morning, when it was still dark, she walked along this road and saw her dead mother in the forest. She waved her hand, smiled and called her into the forest. The frightened woman ran very quickly to get away from this road as quickly as possible. This is such mysticism.

Night road – RealFear.ru

I was once traveling in a stop between Tomsk and Kemerovo, I don’t remember in which direction. It wasn't very easy to catch cars, but it was late in the evening. On the highway at night, after all, it’s not like during the day, you never know what can happen, not necessarily mystical, but nevertheless, unpleasant. While I was thinking like this, a car stopped a little ahead, I drove off at a light trot, and, thanking the driver from the bottom of my heart, I sank into the comfortable seat with incredible pleasure. We exchanged a few phrases with the driver (I didn’t ask his name, so I’ll call him that), and then drove on in silence. Apparently the driver got tired on the road: he slowed down, turned the radio, found nothing, and turned it off. And I’m sitting, thinking about the friends I was traveling from, about the girl. In general, I was thinking about something and, half dozing, looked at the light spot from the headlights, periodically snatching bright road signs from the darkness. Somehow there had been no oncoming cars for a long time, the sky was just far, far away bright, and here night had already fallen above us.
I look at this yellow spot on the road and have probably been asleep for a long time. Because I saw a gray figure far ahead on the road. A gradually growing figure stood on our side, but the car did not slow down, it even seemed to speed up. Without turning my head, I looked at the driver: his face was gloomy, his eyelids were half-closed, but he was clearly not sleeping. I look at the figure again - it’s already clear that this is a man in a gray cloak, and he’s wearing something dark on his head. He was facing us. I had already begun to fidget in my seat, to take a breath to say something, only... Right in front of the hood, the man disappeared. There was no knocking, no detour maneuver - there was nothing, the car was driving straight as it was. I feel like I’m instantly sweating, I’m sitting, not moving. The driver is silent, and so am I. Still, I think I dreamed about the figure, and before the collision I must have woken up. In general, I decided to remain silent, why bother the driver with my incomprehensible dreams.
A few minutes later, the car slowed down and pulled gently to the side of the road. We stopped, turned off the engine and the driver got out. Me too. He looked at the road back, quietly and deeply inhaling the cool night air. Then he said in a noticeably hoarse voice: “Here a couple of months ago a regular bus overturned, people died, and now they walk like this. This is not the first time I’ve seen it... Let’s go, it’s better.” I silently got into the car and we moved on. I didn't sleep again that night. I just remember later that owls, many owls, sat on the road, our headlights glared in our eyes.

Road stories 2015

Fitting several stories into one news article means preparing for criticism from all sides. But three news stories are too short to create a new story for each.
We have been living in the Chelyabinsk region for the fifth year. And every year, every time we were planning to go home, something happened. Someone will get sick, then there will be problems here and there.
And so, in July, we finally got ready to go to our small homeland. I haven’t been to my native land for four years now. The brand new “Kalina” was decently loaded with goodies. As we set out, we were full of positive emotions and joy that we would soon see our relatives.
The sun went below the horizon. We were driving along a road connecting one highway to another. There were pine trees on both sides of the road, forming a kind of corridor. The navigator failed - the road was littered with potholes. In rare sections of 150-300 meters there was gravel, along which it was possible to speed up quite a bit. I was sitting in the back, my stepfather was driving the car. We had just passed the turn to some half-abandoned village when we saw an old woman sitting on the side of the road. You know, they usually sell raspberries or mushrooms. Here, exactly the same. The driver joked about this old lady and started telling an anecdote. We had already passed by, but I wanted to turn around. It is noteworthy that I did not feel anything strange, but when I turned around, the old woman was not there. And when my mother laughed at a funny joke, I had mixed feelings. In the end, we left there - and okay.
I had already forgotten about it. The headlights beamed with distant beams onto the empty road. Midnight has long turned into deep night. I didn’t sleep: I talked to my stepfather so that he wouldn’t fall asleep. We went onto the highway - the same road, only narrower and without asphalt. The road often twisted. On both sides, sparse trees flashed by, then stretched plantings, then tall grass. There was another turn ahead. Right. On the right, a large maple tree still spread its branches. We had just started to turn when shadows appeared in front of us. Yes, shadows again. If someone played “Metro 2033” - it’s very similar. But my stepfather did not play this game. And at first he started to slow down, and then he stepped on the gas, and my mother woke up. At that moment, three shadows appeared in front of us. On the left is a tall man. The right hand was raised, the palm turned towards us. In the left hand is the hand of a woman who stood like a Coward, a Dunce or whoever it is from “Moonshiners.” A basket hung on his left hand, and in his hand was the hand of a little girl in a sundress or dress. They did not hang in the air as a silhouette, but they did not lie on the road either. Something in between. As if at an angle, slightly stretched. This cheered me up with my stepfather. We drove with our eyes wide open and the first phrases were like:
- You've seen?!!!
- Yes!
- Holy shit!
And in that spirit. It looked like a snapshot. Blinked - nothing. The second time he blinked, they appeared, and after the third time they disappeared. But at that moment time seemed to stand still. And then other stories came to mind. And those that I have already written on the site. Having stopped in a small town, we began to look at the video from the DVR, but nothing was visible on it.
The third incident was recorded by the registrar. If in the first and second he did not record anything, then you can see the third case here. It is better to watch without sound - there is a lot of obscene language in the video.
Although at that moment the recorder did not record anything unusual, the mother said that she saw a man dressed in camouflage-colored clothing crossing the road. This man looked like... my late father. This accident happened on July 9. Exactly 4 months after another accident that my mother had. By the way, if I remember correctly, in translation from the local “Bagan” is a lost place. The Duster driver kept saying that he didn’t see our car and looked to the right several times. They say that this intersection “eats” several cars a year under often absurd circumstances.

Road Story – Stories about the strange and incomprehensible

This story happened to my friend Sergei. He works as a truck driver, transporting various cargoes to Kazan, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities. Once we were sitting with him and a couple of other acquaintances at my dacha, celebrating the birthday of a mutual friend. It was already getting dark, everyone was pretty drunk, that’s when Sergei told us this story. Next I will write in the first person.
“I was returning home from Luga one day. It was past midnight, I decided to take a shortcut, I had driven along this bypass more than once before. The road is calmer and several kilometers shorter. I’m driving and I understand that everything is falling asleep - it’s just terrible. I decided not to stop, it’s very dangerous - I think I’ll make it to the cafe, which should be somewhere soon, and at least there’s a guarded parking lot there. I’m eating, but that cafe is still not there. Forest on the right and left. Suddenly - I almost went crazy - a dead man was hanging on the tree on the right side, his legs were swinging from side to side. The hair on my head stood on end. I'm on the brakes. If it were winter, it would definitely be carried away into a ditch. I sit and am afraid to look at what is left behind, everything inside has turned upside down. Finally, I came to my senses a little and looked in the rearview mirror - I couldn’t see anything, it was dark. I definitely need to leave, because no one will know that I was here - well, just think, I just passed through and that’s it. And who knows that he is hanging here - maybe someone hanged him, what a crime! On the other hand, what if he’s still alive, then it turns out I didn’t help him. I decided, in general, to slowly back up at the emergency lights; I was afraid to get out of the car, the road was empty anyway, there was never anyone behind me. I started renting, I was driving and driving, I looked at the trees - and there was no one. So, I probably drove about 50 meters and still didn’t see anything. I decided that I was imagining things, calmed down and drove forward. I drove for probably 30 minutes, I looked at the road. And then I almost fainted, again the same dead man, and the tree seemed to be the same, and hanging in the same way. I could barely hold the steering wheel. I decided not to stop and added gas. I’m driving, my hands are shaking, my whole body is trembling, let’s read all the prayers that I knew, I’m holding the steering wheel with one hand, I’m squeezing my pectoral cross with the other. I don’t remember how long I drove like that, when suddenly I saw a cafe. And she seemed so dear to me! He abandoned the truck in the parking lot and ran inside, but it was already closed. A security guard came out and I gave him a hundred for parking. He asked why my view was so terrible. Without thinking twice, I told him what happened to me. He laughed and said that I needed to sleep. I left. Went to sleep. I passed out immediately and went home the next morning. The further journey was uneventful. I was absolutely sure that I was not imagining all this. I didn’t take that bypass again.”
I don’t know if Sergei imagined it or actually saw something, but he seems to be a serious guy.

Horror on the road, mystical story

This story happened in 1998. I was in 10th grade then. Once I went to the regional center to the market. I decided to buy things for the summer. I walked around, chose, and when I bought almost everything I needed, an old woman of about seventy came up to me. She said that I had a very strong damage and needed to get rid of it urgently.
I laughed: I used to think that only gypsies scare honest people with this nonsense, but it turned out that Russian women also took up such nonsense. At this the woman looked at me intently and very seriously replied that I would soon see proof of the existence of otherworldly forces. I ignored her words and went home.
I met friends in the village, and they suggested we go to a disco in the neighboring village. In the evening, the four of us on three motorcycles went to our neighbors. We had a great time, and at one o'clock in the morning we went home.
It wasn't far to go, only 12 km. The road was dirt, well-worn, and the moon was shining brightly in the sky. I rode last, as my friends had more powerful and faster motorcycles.
When there were about three kilometers left to the village, I accidentally noticed a dog running to my left. This surprised me very much. Our four-legged friends have never run so fast. In addition, the animal was rushing at great speed across the field, and not along a flat road.
Having looked closely, I was horrified to see that the dog was not running on the ground, but was flying through the air. But the creepiest thing was that there was a red light shining in her eyes. It wasn't a hallucination because I didn't drink or take any drugs. The sky was amazingly clear, and I clearly saw the terrible beast in the silvery light of the Moon.
I was in shock and didn't know what to do. And the dog suddenly began to lag behind, and then completely disappeared from view. When I arrived home, I told my friends everything, but they didn’t believe me. They decided that they were being pranked by telling scary bedtime stories.
The next morning I went to the local grandmother. They said about her that she was a witch. This woman listened to my story, whispered something and said that the stranger in the regional center was right. She undertook to treat me, but that’s a completely different story.
Now I am absolutely sure that in our world there are sorcerers, witches, and all sorts of other evil spirits. We do not notice this evil for the time being, but one day we are convinced that it really exists.
The story for the site was prepared by Winter Cherry

Ghosts on the roads

1) One spring night in 1977 in South Africa, a young man stopped by the side of the road near Uniondale. An attractive woman stood alone on a dark road. The man decided to give her a lift, and the woman climbed into the car. He drove about seven miles, then stopped at a roadside gas station. Only then did the man notice that his companion seemed to have disappeared into thin air. It was impossible to get out of the car unnoticed, since the driver had not made any stops since he picked up the mysterious companion. Shocked by what happened, he immediately reported to the police. The police told the man that a similar situation had occurred several years earlier with another driver. To solve such unusual cases, an expert in the field of the supernatural, Cynthia Hayend, was invited. She recognized the ghost on the road as a certain Maria, who crashed to death in the spring of 1968. exactly where both drivers saw her for the first time. Later, these witnesses recognized the late Maria from the photograph provided. However, that's not all. It's funny, but the ghost of the deceased reappeared on the road. This happens exactly once a year and approximately coincides with the date of the girl’s death. Approximately - this means that the ghost may appear on the road a few days earlier, or it may appear a few days later. But it only comes across to young unmarried men driving around in cars.
2) Another incident occurred at approximately 10 pm, October 14, 1979. Then English citizen R. Fulton was driving home in his own car from a dart throwing competition. On a completely empty road near Dunstable, he picked up a young guy standing on the side of the road. Outwardly, he could have been twenty years old. Dark hair and the same dark jacket, from under which a white shirt was visible. As soon as the guy settled into the back seat, Fulton asked where to take the passenger. However, he silently made it clear with a gesture: go ahead. Fulton didn't ask any more questions and stepped on the gas pedal. They drove in complete silence for about ten minutes. Having reached a populated area, the driver asked if his fellow passenger would like to smoke. Nobody answered him. Fulton turned around and was at first very surprised, and then scared to death: there was no one in the back seat! Soon the alarmed man was confusingly retelling the story that had just happened to him to the local residents.
3) M. Godunau, heading past the ill-fated mountain in the summer of 1974, suddenly saw the silhouette of a woman appear in the headlights, and then disappeared under the wheels of his car. Beside himself with fear because of the impending responsibility for what he had done, Godunau slowed down and slowly walked out into the street. On the road lay completely motionless the bloody body of the woman he had hit. The poor guy wrapped her in his jacket and dragged her away from the roadway. He then drove to Rochester, where he visited the first police station he came across. Here he confessed everything. However, the police officers who went to the indicated place found nothing. The dead girl disappeared, but the same jacket in which the frightened driver wrapped her remained. And the blood at the scene of the collision seemed to evaporate. Surprised law enforcement officers went back due to the lack of evidence of a crime. There was no reason for them to detain the shocked driver.
4) Here is another similar story about a ghost on the road. The section of the A-38 highway, near Wellington, has also been famous for some time for strange passengers. The case in which truck driver G. Ensfort participated deserves the most attention. In 1958, he repeatedly met a ghost on the road and put him in his car. For a long time he did not even notice anything unusual. His encounter with the ghost happened on a cold morning in early May. Ensfort picked up a man of about forty, dressed in a thick jumper, by the side of the road. The passenger was a rather talkative and witty gentleman. Having reached the right place, he left the cab as if nothing had happened, good-naturedly wishing the driver good luck. The next time the driver saw this man again, slowly moving towards the city. Ensfort took him with him for the second time. And a few weeks later, history repeated itself again with stunning accuracy. And not once did Ensfort discover anything unnatural in the appearance or demeanor of his companion. But a new meeting in mid-autumn showed him the true nature of the pleasant-looking creature.
Now the fellow traveler did not climb into the truck immediately as soon as it slowed down at the edge of the road, but asked Ensfort not to go anywhere while he went to get his things. Ensfort honestly stood by the road for half an hour, but the man never returned. The driver got tired of this and moved on. After a couple of minutes of driving, he was surprised to see on the way a man for whom he had waited so long to no avail. The man was waving a lit torch from side to side, apparently signaling the driver to slow down. It became a mystery to Ensfort how an already middle-aged man with a lot of luggage could get here on his own. During all this time, not a single car or bus passed in that direction on the night road. And then the driver clearly sensed something unearthly, inhuman and unkind in this man. Realizing this, the driver chose not to brake. Meanwhile, a strange creature rushed towards his truck. A collision was inevitable. Ensfort immediately slammed on the brake and jumped out of the car, rightly expecting to find a pile of mutilated remains on the road. However, the road was clear! Ensfort looked back: not far from the truck, on the highway, safe and sound, a 40-year-old man stood and sent terrible curses at the stunned driver because he did not wait for him. The next moment, the embittered ghost disappeared. He and the truck driver never met again.

An incident on the way

It took me a long time to gather the courage to tell this story. That's a long time - 11 years. Perhaps someone will not see anything particularly terrible in it, but every hair on my body still stands on end just from the memory and from the thoughts of how it all could have ended if not for a happy accident.
Now I’m 34 years old, I’m an ordinary office worker at a company respected in my hometown, and the father of wonderful twins. But back in 2006, I was the complete opposite of this image. A goofy informal guy with a bunch of piercings in his ears and more, a shoulder-length mane, a hitchhiker. As soon as something resembling spring began, I almost abandoned my studies and went on a voyage to neighboring regions and republics. I still don’t understand how I wasn’t expelled from university. I have traveled almost all the more or less decent highways of Chuvashia, Mari El, Mordovia, the Ulyanovsk region and many other neighboring regions, gaining impressions - both positive and not so positive. I had to take a shortcut with three drunk rednecks at night in a falling apart Zhiguli car, and spend the night in a haystack, and jump out of the car at a speed of almost 100 km/h... But any “stopper” will probably have plenty of such stories. .
And I have practically never heard anything like my story. Perhaps because survival in such a situation can only be achieved by miracle...
So, the summer of 2006 and I, who consider myself a pro, 5 years of “experience” after all, decided to go not to some Muhosransk in boring surroundings, but to a really worthwhile place like Baikal, Altai or Yakutia. In those days, of course, people like me didn’t have and couldn’t have had any smartphones with Google. A road atlas and some kind of ability to navigate using roadside signs are the only alternative. I spent about a week planning the route, and the most difficult part of it was making a choice - how to overcome the Kurgan-Omsk section: bypassing the Kazakh border or directly through Petropavlovsk? Further across Siberia there is only one decent road. Well, I decided to leave the choice of the final destination of the trip to chance - wherever they offer me a ride, that’s where I’ll go...
I will omit the details of driving in the European part of the Russian Federation. Everything here is simply boring. The Ural impressed me, but we can talk about it on the appropriate forums... In general, on a beautiful warm summer evening, I stood on the side of the road at some small gas station, watching a truck turn into the parking lot. The driver, having covered about 1,200 km in a day, was tired and about to sleep. He also suggested that I spend the night in his cabin and move on in the morning (by the way, he was going somewhere in the Altai region, like Barnaul), but I refused. As it turned out, this decision was quite reckless.
As Zadornov said in one of his speeches, it was getting dark. The night promised to be starry and warm. In the swamps, which are abundant in the Kurgan region, frogs croaked. Hordes of mosquitoes, sensing a defenseless victim (that victim was me), buzzed in anticipation, gathering in a bloodthirsty cloud. Not a single car either in the right direction or in the opposite direction. It soon got dark, and the lamp at the gas station turn came on. And then, apparently, some kind of madness came over me, because I left the circle of light and walked along the deserted highway into the night.
Half an hour, an hour, then another, my legs began to get a little tired, because behind my back I had a huge backpack, a tent and a sleeping bag. In addition, it suddenly became colder, and a thick fog crawled from the swamps. I had already walked 10 kilometers away from the gas station and now I really regretted it, but I considered it a bad omen to drag myself back.
Suddenly I heard the roar of a motor behind me, I stopped and raised my hand. The gray SUV drove 50 meters forward and braked. As quickly as my luggage allowed, I ran to him.
“Sorry, won’t you throw it to the side...” was all I had time to say, leaning into the open window on the passenger side.
“Come on, sit down,” the driver interrupted me. Absolutely typical guy, 40-45 years old. Now I can't remember a single feature of his face.
I pulled off my backpack, threw it in the back seat, and sat down next to him.
We got into a conversation with the driver - if you can call it that. He answered reluctantly, pouring out the words drop by drop, although there was no negativity in his voice. When asked where he was going, he did not consider it necessary to answer. Recommended:
- Don’t go through Kazakhstan. On the border of problems you will get your ass. It was a shame he didn’t turn towards Ishim. There is a road here to Berdyuzhye, few people drive at night, but there are locals. I’ll turn off after about 30 kilometers and you’ll have to be dropped off. Don’t go far from the intersection, wait until the morning, someone will come.
After a while he woke me up. Yes, I dozed off, having lost my breath in the warm interior of the car. Outside the windows there was a sort of whitish nothingness. The fog is thick like milk. I sadly imagined how the few hours remaining before dawn would have to stand at a crossroads God knows where...
In general, the car disappeared, turning somewhere to the right, and I took out a flashlight and tried to look around. But the beam did not penetrate the white jelly further than ten meters. I wandered along the road, but did not find any sign with the name of the village to which the turn led. Well, to hell with it, I told myself and out of boredom I walked forward along the road. What difference does it make where to wait for a ride? My legs and shoulders ached mercilessly. Fortunately, at least the mosquitoes didn’t bother us. I walked like this for about an hour, and the fog did not get thinner. Here and there the trunks of stunted birch trees appeared through it, growing almost close to the side of the road, but basically, as soon as you went down the embankment a little, there was a swamp. It would probably be more accurate to call it not a swamp, but a huge puddle overgrown with reeds and cattails, stretching as far as the eye and the light of a lantern could see... Little by little it got light, but the fog did not go away. The eyes were closed. And, having walked another couple of kilometers, I suddenly saw the outlines of some kind of building ahead.
The joy that this was probably a cafe where I could fill my growling stomach and take a short nap until dawn right at the table, with my head in my hands, quickly dissipated as soon as I approached. It was a lonely wooden house with a door in the side wall and two small windows on the “facade”. The four treasured letters CAFE actually stuck out on the roof, welded from strips of rusty iron and, apparently, never having seen paint... There wasn’t even a wooden outhouse anywhere, and for some reason this was what alarmed me the most. There was absolute silence, not even the frogs croaked in the fog - the second circumstance that I noticed only now and freaked out even more. Are you familiar with the phrase “your heart has sunk to your feet”? That's exactly how I felt. Without going to the door, afraid to move even the slightest pebble, I tiptoed closer to the window and looked inside. In the only
There was an uncovered wooden table in the room, and three men sat behind it with their backs to the window. Motionless, like mannequins. Maybe they were talking, but it was neither seen nor heard. This whole picture was illuminated by a dim light bulb on a twisted wire under the ceiling.
It was then that a physically tangible fear crept into my soul, there was a feeling of slimy black tentacles in my chest, everything swam before my eyes, I froze, afraid to even breathe, then quietly walked away from the window, passed the cafe on the other side of the road and moved very carefully further. Backwards. The fog had already begun to cover the building when I heard the door of the house open, my legs trembled treacherously, making it impossible for me to move. After a moment,... He came out from around the corner of the house? It?
An ordinary male figure in ordinary clothes. I remember clearly: blue jeans, white sneakers, plaid shirt. This is where everything normal ended. Even from a distance, I saw fingers one and a half times longer than human fingers. And in the place of the face... What was in the place of the face, memory refuses to reproduce. When I try to remember, that horror returns again, making it impossible to take a breath...
Some part of the subconscious, the only one that did not turn off in me at that moment, screamed: “Save yourself!!!” I threw off my backpack, it fell to the ground with a rustle, and then this creature saw me and rushed towards me, jumped, pushing off with both legs at once, flew two meters and landed on all fours. Then I screamed obscenities and started to run, out of the corner of my eye noticing two more shadows flying out from around the corner of the “cafe”...
Now I understand that my run lasted at most five or six seconds, then it seemed to me that I had been running for an eternity. I screamed like crazy, and the creatures ran silently, I only heard the slap of their palms on the asphalt. I looked around, risking tripping and falling, and saw silhouettes almost overtaking me and right behind them - bright headlights! And, of course, he actually tripped and fell. The last thing I managed to see and realize was that in a ray of light cutting through the fog, the creatures, right in the jump, change the direction of movement and are carried away somewhere into the swamps, still silent, only the slap of limbs and the splash of water fade away in the distance.
Then I came to my senses in the back seat of the UAZ. The driver brought me to my senses with a couple of slaps in the face. He said that he thought someone had hit me. He offered to take me to a local paramedic, but I asked to be taken to the highway to Ishim, returning first to get my backpack. The driver obviously thought I was crazy, but he brought me a backpack from the side of the road. The fog reluctantly cleared, and when there were five kilometers left before Berdyuzhye, I decided to ask the driver a question about the strange cafe.
- Buddy, are you sure you didn’t hurt your head? - The driver laughed nervously. - What cafe is in our ass?! You won’t find any normal gas stations here during the day!
I finally got to Altai that time, hung out there for 2 weeks, met a great local girl, but that has nothing to do with this
stories. It’s probably enough to say that on the way back I covered the section from Omsk to home by train. But I no longer drove towards Siberia and tried not to stay on the highway at night. However, after 2 years I graduated from college, got a job, and the trips somehow disappeared on their own.
I recently bought a used Ford Focus and now I dream of a trip to Lake Baikal, or even further, and I know exactly which road I will never take.

Death on the road

A few years ago, not far from my house, there was a fatal accident: a guy driving a brand new Volvo hit a six-year-old girl at a pedestrian crossing, who had escaped from her mother in a store and decided to cross the road. It was summer, in July, and many believe that the girl could have run after the butterfly. The driver was driving through the city at such a speed that he did not even have time to press the brakes when he saw the child. The body of the unfortunate little girl flew seven meters away, or even more, and the Volvo spun around after the accident, and the car ended up on the sidewalk, where, fortunately, there was no one except parked cars. They took the hit from the car and stopped it.
Thanks to the airbags and other bells and whistles, the driver was not injured, except for a few abrasions and a broken nose. The guy got out on his own without any help, and the first thing he did was walk around the car on unsteady legs and carefully inspect the damage - he didn’t care about the downed child. He didn’t even ask what happened to the girl, but calmly sat in the car and started calling someone. Meanwhile, eyewitnesses called an ambulance, and a young couple tried to give water to the mother howling over the child’s corpse...
Soon the doctors and the traffic police arrived, along with a couple of black expensive foreign cars. As it turned out, the guy was the son of a medium-sized, but very wealthy businessman. In general, he scolded his son - they wrote in the protocol that the guy did not exceed the speed limit, and the child’s mother was to blame for not being able to control her daughter. The Volvo driver won the case and began to live as if nothing had happened - to have fun and continue to fatten on his father’s money. He didn’t even offer condolences to the parents of the deceased.

Once I stayed until midnight visiting a friend who lives in the vicinity of the Losinoostrovskaya station, in the north-east of Moscow. My house is located near the Cherkizovskaya metro station, so the most convenient thing for me was to take the train, which will take me to the Yaroslavsky station, where I will board my subway line and quickly get to my house.
The metro closes to entry at 1 am. I still had a whole hour of time, and it was only about fifteen minutes to go to the station. That’s why I wasn’t worried at all and walked with a calm step, whistling some simple melody under my breath, towards Losinoostrovskaya.
To my surprise, the station was empty. There were no cashiers, not even the security guard who usually stood near the turnstiles. Distressed that I would have to take the bus to the nearest metro station, which was not on the line I needed, I was about to turn around and go back, when I suddenly noticed that the machines where you could buy a ticket were working. "Great". I approached one of the machines. At first glance, everything looked normal, but what caught my attention was that there were several more stations that could be selected as a destination, which were usually not available. I’ve never heard of them at all: Dzerzhinskaya, Institute of the Way, Otradnoye, Slobodka and Beskudnikovo. Two names were familiar to me. Otradnoye is the name of an area that was relatively close to here. But I don’t remember that there was a railway going through there. And Beskudnikovo is actually a station in a completely different direction, on Savelovsky. “What kind of jokes are these? Well, okay, to hell with it...” Deciding to ignore this nonsense, I took a ticket to the station, then went through the turnstile and found myself on the platform. For some reason, the electronic board showing the arrival time of the next train did not work. “What’s wrong with this station? Why is there no one here? Why is the scoreboard not working? What kind of a mess is this, really?” – mentally indignant. I had to look for a regular stand with a schedule. Luckily for me, he was hanging not too far from the exit to the platform. “I wonder when the next train is?” I lowered my eyes to the lower right corner. The last train arrives at 00:16. I looked at my watch: it read 00:19. "What!? Are you kidding me!?" – I was furious at such sheer injustice. “Why the hell did I buy a ticket if the last train has already left!? Why did the machines work!? Where are those damn cashiers and security guards!? Crap!" With all my anger, I hit the stand with the schedule. “Sooo, calm down, you need to calm down...” I stepped aside and sat down on the nearest bench. “Maybe the train hasn’t arrived yet. Maybe she's late and will arrive soon. And even if I still missed the last train, it’s okay. Just think, I spent forty rubles. It won’t go away from me,” I said to myself.
Having calmed down, I began to examine the station. There was not a single person anywhere on any of the three platforms. Absolutely. There was complete silence in the air. You couldn’t even hear cars, although there, on the other side of the railway, was the busy Yaroslavl highway. Even at night there were quite a lot of cars there. Why they were not heard, given that the station was absolutely silent, is a mystery. Another strange thing. There were a lot of them already in such a short time.
And then suddenly the silence was broken by the train whistle. I jumped up from the bench and walked to the edge of the platform. It was an electric train, traveling along my path! “Oh yes, it’s not in vain that I stayed. She was late, just as I thought.”
The train is already stopping near the platform. But she was somehow strange. Old, shabby, with dim lighting inside the carriage. “I wonder where they dug it up from?” – I thought. “It seemed to me that such old stuff hasn’t been traveling around Moscow for a long time.” I didn’t really want to get into it, but I had no choice, so I had to go in.
I was greeted by an unusually narrow vestibule, the kind you can find in any old train. It was not pleasant for me to be in such a small room. In addition, there were no lights on here. So I hurried inside the carriage. To my surprise, all the benches were wooden. As far as I remembered, in all the old trains that were still in use, the benches were still covered with something soft, and in general they tried to look after the interior of the car. And here I felt like I was in a museum. Only everything was shabby and unkempt.
I went to the middle of the car and sat by the window, facing the direction in which the train was traveling. The unpleasant yellow dim light blinked occasionally. It was scary, to be honest, considering the train I was on. I forgot to say that there was no one but me in the carriage. However, it's hard to say whether it was a bad thing. On the contrary, it would be scarier if someone was sitting, for example, at the end of the carriage with their back to me.
It was completely dark outside the window. I can not see anything. You couldn't even see the light in the houses. Strange... Therefore, in order to somehow entertain myself, I took out my phone and headphones. I turned on my favorite song and sat down as comfortably as possible. Now even that flickering light couldn't stop me from getting lost in my thoughts.
But probably not even a minute had passed before I felt something was wrong... The train was turning to the right. "What the hell? There’s a direct route here,” I was surprised. I didn't like it, I didn't like it at all. If everything else could somehow be ignored, then this oddity really bothered me. “Where are we going? What the hell is going on here!?” I was no longer in the mood to listen to music. I tried to comprehend what was happening: “First, this desolation, machines with extra stations, a non-working scoreboard, then this junk on wheels, now this turn... Is this some kind of joke?”
The train began to slow down. A metallic voice was heard: “Platform Dzerzhinskaya.” At first I was scared to death, jumped up and started looking around in search of the source of the sound. Realizing that it was a speakerphone, I calmed down a little, but only a little. Dzerzhinskaya... I already saw this name today. When I bought a ticket from the machine. Station unknown to me...
The train stopped. The doors opened. Outside the window there was still the same impenetrable darkness. Apparently there was no lighting on the platform. “But this is Moscow, not some wilderness!” I was even more frightened, but still did not dare to run out of the train. At least there was light here. “Maybe the next station will be more civilized?” I sat down in my seat again.
And then the doors closed, the train started moving and moved on. And I could no longer calm down. I was scared. And it would be fine if all the horror ended there. Nooo... Music was heard from behind, from the next carriage. Someone was playing the accordion. I felt a lump in my throat. My heart started beating faster and I began to feel chills. I moved to the bench that was opposite me to keep an eye on the door to the vestibule. The sound was getting closer. Apparently, the musician was on his way to my carriage. Then the door that led from the carriage to the “accordion” slammed. The second door slammed. The musician is already in the vestibule of my carriage. The sound is heard clearly. But no one is visible through the door. Suddenly the door opens... It just opens! Herself! There is no one in the vestibule. But there is sound! The sound of the button accordion is already in the carriage itself. And he's getting closer, he's moving towards me! Just sound! And nothing more…
It is difficult to describe how much fear I felt then. I hid in a corner and didn’t dare move even a little. I was very scared! I just watched the sound of the button accordion move along the aisle between the benches, approaching me. And the damn light kept blinking. God, I feel like I'm in some horror movie. What a damn train...
As soon as the sound caught up with me, the lights in the carriage went out. Yes, it went out, went out completely. And the sound stopped. Outside the window there was still the same impenetrable darkness. Only the sound of the wheels reminded me that I was on an electric train.
And suddenly I felt someone touch my shoulder. Such an icy touch...
At this moment my fear reached its apogee. From such horror I screamed like crazy. At the same moment, the lights in the carriage turned on. I could no longer stay here. God, how scary it was...
I jumped up and rushed towards the head car, towards the driver. At the same time, the train began to slow down, and a metallic voice announced: “Institute of the Way Station.” Another familiar name. However, this is no longer surprising.
Having reached the vestibule, I decided that at this station I would get off anyway, even if not a single lamp was on. The train was still slowing down. I turned back to take one last look at this terrible carriage. God, I wish I hadn’t done this... In my place sat the ghostly silhouette of a man. He looked at me. Seeing me looking at him, the ghost began to smile at me and slowly wave his hand. I got a lump in my throat again, chills again, and wild fear...
But then the train finally stopped. The doors opened, and I, without even looking forward or at my feet, rushed away from this damned train. But instead of ending up on the platform, I fell down somewhere. It was painful. Although I apparently fell from not a very great height, I hit either the stones or the asphalt. Hit my whole body. The face was especially painful.
Trying to come to my senses, I lay on the ground for about another minute. Then I started to get up. To my surprise, I found myself in the middle of some kind of garage cooperative. There were only garages around me. And no railway. “What nonsense?” I didn't understand anything.
We had to get out of here. Quickly finding a way out of the garages, I wandered out onto some street. It turned out to be an ordinary street in the middle of some quite ordinary residential area. “I don’t understand anything. What happened to me? I was in some kind of prostration. The thoughts in my head were mixed into some kind of incomprehensible heap. "What to do next?" Suddenly a bus stop caught my attention. She was very close. "Great. Maybe I can figure out where I am approximately based on the route of some bus?” I hurried to the stop. A sign with route numbers hung in place. “Okay, let’s see what we have here... Oh, route 176! It runs from the Los platform, which is next after Losinoostrovskaya, if you come from Moscow, and to some place in the vicinity of the Sviblovo metro station... So, I’m somewhere else in these parts. But how the hell did I end up here? Suddenly the sound of an approaching bus was heard. At first I was afraid that some shabby old monster would come again, but it turned out to be a brand new, good bus. There were a driver and several passengers inside. All are alive, not ghosts.
By bus I easily arrived at the already mentioned Sviblovo station. There I went down into the subway and calmly drove home, without any incidents.
But what I experienced did not give me peace of mind. I wanted to know what really happened to me. Maybe someone has already encountered something similar? First of all, I decided to search for the names of those stations unknown to me: Dzerzhinskaya, Institute of the Way, Otradny and Slobodka. Wow, I shuddered then...
It turns out that there used to be a railway that connected the Yaroslavl direction and Savelovskoe. Namely Losinoostrovskaya and Beskudnikovo stations. In general, this railway has quite a rich history, but the main thing is that all these stations, which I have already mentioned more than once, were located right on it. Moreover, this railway was dismantled back in 1987. In its place there are now houses and garages. Yes, and the Institute Path station, where I got off, was located in the very place where the garage cooperative now stands, in the middle of which I found myself. Yes... What is this happening? Did I ride on a dead road? On a dead train?
Now I try to never stay that long and never take old and shabby trains. You never know where they can take...

Reading time: 2 min

People said that at night along the highway (they called it “the road of oblivion”) the souls of the dead guard the living and lead them for hours until they become completely unconscious... I miraculously survived.

I nodded to our security guard and left the office. It was dark and damp outside. "Crap! - I thought. “How inappropriate this party is: you’ll have to abandon the car and get there on your own.” He lit a cigarette, taking a deep breath of cool air through his nose.

The mobile buzzed. Wife:
- Are you coming soon?
- Already left. I'll be there in about forty minutes. Don't worry.
- Why so long? - Tatyana was surprised. - Meeting?
- A small party has formed. We drank a little and left the car in the parking lot. I'll go on foot. It's not very far.
- It’s already late, maybe a taxi would be better? - my wife became worried.
- Who's going to come here now?
“The place there is not good...” Tatiana insisted. - People say all sorts of things. Call a taxi.
- Women's talk! How is Alyoshka? - I decided to change the conversation.
- He’s sleeping, exhausted from the day.
- Well, go to bed...
- No, I guess I’ll wait for you...
“As you wish,” there was no point in trying to dissuade her.
I pulled my zipper up, turned up my collar, and walked home. The road was practically empty...

Once upon a time, the city ended here and the forest began, which was notorious. It was rumored that a devil was leading people in it. But time passed - the city grew. The road to the new microdistrict was cut right through the forest, now it looked more like a park. Despite this, the glory of an unkind, disastrous place that was attached to it not only did not fade, but, on the contrary, acquired new details. Allegedly, at night along the highway (it was nicknamed “the road of oblivion”) the souls of the dead keep watch over the living and lead them for hours until they become completely unconscious... Fairy tales are fairy tales, but the townspeople did not like this place and tried to avoid it.

The house was within easy reach: half an hour along the highway, then immediately after the newly built restaurant, turn right into the courtyards where every dog ​​knew me - and there it was, home. A Renault car drove by, the driver slowed down:
- Hey, man! Give it a lift? I'll get it cheap...
- I’ll get there myself, it’s next to me.
- Not afraid? It's already midnight...
I shook my head. The driver slammed the door and drove off.

“Nonsense,” I chuckled. “The times are such that you have to be afraid of the living, but somehow I’ll deal with the spirits...” The fog thickened over the road, its clouds seemed to roll out of the forest and spread like a thick feather bed, the old spruce trees stretched their paws towards me. “Some kind of damn thing,” I shuddered.” The outlines of a dilapidated gazebo emerged from the fog. “Well,” I thought for some reason with relief, “another three hundred meters to the turn, and there’s already a house there.” Suddenly I heard steps from behind - they stepped in time with mine, like an echo. My heart ached, a sticky melancholy crept into my soul. It became difficult to breathe, as if pressed down by something.

Someone's breathing could be heard behind him. I turned around sharply: a man was standing about ten meters from me; because of the fog, I could barely make out his silhouette. I turned around and walked faster, the stranger also quickened his pace, I ran - he followed. Having slowed down, I turned around sharply again: the stranger was keeping the same distance from me.
- Who are you? - I shouted, frightened by my own voice. - What do you want? Stomp your way!
- Don't recognize me, brother? “Help,” the stranger said with some despondency.
I recognized him by his voice.
- Victor, is that you? - I sighed with relief.

As a child, I was sent to the village to my aunt for the whole summer. Her son Vitka and I were not just brothers, but bosom friends: together we caught tadpoles in the pond, together we herded cows, together we spied on women in the bathhouse, holding up boxes and looking through the foggy window. Then life got us apart. Victor lived in the village and got married. My aunt, quite old, sometimes called us.

Vitek, why are you here at this time? - asked a friend.
I started to move towards Victor, but he began to move away, keeping a distance between us.
- What are you doing? - I was surprised.
- Nothing. - he also answered mournfully. - Help me.
- What do you want? - I got angry. - Speak clearly.
- Carry me home.
- You can get there just fine, why should I carry you?
“Tell me…” Victor urgently and sadly demanded.

I felt sad again. He turned and walked away. And again I felt a heaviness, as if a bag had been placed on my back. Is Vitek hooked?
“Bring it home,” Victor whispered in his ear.
I no longer resisted, silently dragging him on me. Sweat rolled down my face and my legs felt like lead. I didn’t think about anything, didn’t remember anything - the fog penetrated my veins, filled my head with cotton wool, I felt its salty taste on my tongue. So I walked and walked along the road, bending lower and lower under the weight of a strange burden... I didn’t know how much time had passed, but there was still no turning, and the road still didn’t end...

Suddenly, music began to sound very close by, a woman squealed provocatively, half-drunk men's voices neighed - some company poured out of the restaurant. I shook off my confusion and raised my head. It became lighter and the fog began to thin. Feeling relieved, I turned around: Victor’s figure was looming ten steps away from me. “I didn’t get it,” he whispered and... disappeared.
My wife greeted me with an angry cry, but when she met my gaze, she became silent.
“I’m thirsty,” I wheezed and headed into the kitchen.
I got some water from the tap, but I didn’t have the strength to stand. He collapsed on a chair and seemed to fall into a hole. I don’t know how long I sat like that. The clock on the wall showed eight... Morning or evening? The thirst burned again.
“Your aunt called,” Tatyana entered. - Victor died, he was crushed by a beam on the farm. He says it would have been possible to save him if the men had not been afraid...

I was shaking, my teeth were chattering on the cup. I wiped my sweat: “I know...”

This story happened in 1998. I was in 10th grade then. Once I went to the regional center to the market. I decided to buy things for the summer. I walked around, chose, and when I bought almost everything I needed, an old woman of about seventy came up to me. She said that I had a very strong damage and needed to get rid of it urgently.

I laughed: I used to think that only gypsies scare honest people with this nonsense, but it turned out that Russian women also took up such nonsense. At this the woman looked at me intently and very seriously replied that I would soon see proof of the existence of otherworldly forces. I ignored her words and went home.

I met friends in the village, and they suggested we go to a disco in the neighboring village. In the evening, the four of us on three motorcycles went to our neighbors. We had a great time, and at one o'clock in the morning we went home.

It wasn't far to go, only 12 km. The road was dirt, well-worn, and the moon was shining brightly in the sky. I rode last, as my friends had more powerful and faster motorcycles.

When there were about three kilometers left to the village, I accidentally noticed a dog running to my left. This surprised me very much. Our four-legged friends have never run so fast. In addition, the animal was rushing at great speed across the field, and not along a flat road.

Having looked closely, I was horrified to see that the dog was not running on the ground, but was flying through the air. But the creepiest thing was that there was a red light shining in her eyes. It wasn't a hallucination because I didn't drink or take any drugs. The sky was amazingly clear, and I clearly saw the terrible beast in the silvery light of the Moon.

I was in shock and didn't know what to do. And the dog suddenly began to lag behind, and then completely disappeared from view. When I arrived home, I told my friends everything, but they didn’t believe me. They decided that they were being pranked by telling scary bedtime stories.

The next morning I went to the local grandmother. They said about her that she was a witch. This woman listened to my story, whispered something and said that the stranger in the regional center was right. She undertook to treat me, but that’s a completely different story.

Now I am absolutely sure that in our world there are sorcerers, witches, and all sorts of other evil spirits. We do not notice this evil for the time being, but one day we are convinced that it really exists.

The story for the site was prepared by Winter Cherry