In 2009, a program for co-financing the funded part of the pension was launched. Now Russians voluntarily contribute to their pensions, and the state invests these funds in assets, returning the money to citizens with interest. Within the program, you can receive a maximum of 480 thousand rubles.

The essence

The pension co-financing program has been developed for all categories of the population. Its essence is that a citizen deposits funds into a separate account. The minimum investment amount is 2,000 rubles per year. The state doubles this money and pays an additional amount equal to the contribution. Co-financing a pension allows participants to receive a maximum of 12 thousand rubles. per year. If a citizen contributed 12 thousand rubles under the program, the state will pay the same amount. But if the investment amount exceeds this figure, then the budget will still receive only 12 thousand rubles.

The maximum duration of the program is 10 years from the date of receipt of the first contributions. Each participant can decide to terminate or resume transfers and regulate their size. The maximum amount of additional payment that can be received within the framework of a project such as pension co-financing is 120 thousand rubles. For working pensioners who have not yet applied for benefits, the maximum contribution for the year is 48 thousand rubles. Over the entire duration of the program, you can receive 600 thousand rubles.

How to become a member?

You need to write an application for state support at the pension fund at your place of residence, send it through your employer or transfer agent. This is an intermediary between the PF and the population. Non-state pension funds, asset management companies (AMCs) and other financial institutions can act in this capacity. If the citizen is outside the country, you can send an application certified by a notary or consular officials by mail.

Pension co-financing program

All listed contributions are included in the citizen’s savings and credited to his personal account. That is, management is carried out by the same organization that manages the funded pension. By default, this is the AMC of Vnesheconombank. Citizens can choose an AMC or NPF as an agent.

The funded pension is stored in an individual account and can be paid:

  • at one time;
  • several payments within a specified period;
  • in installments along with the main payment.

In the second and third cases, the payment amount is calculated using a simple formula. Russian pension, stored on an individual account and including savings part and investment income, divided by the specified number of years or months. The size of the payment directly depends on the amount of money in the account. Therefore, a program of state co-financing of pensions was developed so that citizens could independently replenish their social benefits.

Payment of funds

At the end of each year, citizens can decide on the formation of savings and insurance contributions. If a person refuses to form savings, then all insurance premiums paid at a rate of 16% will be sent to the insurance payment.

“Silent people” who had never previously chosen an AMC or a non-state pension fund had to submit an application to the Pension Fund by the end of 2015 to choose the option of accumulating pension savings. All other citizens can also switch to another PF or refuse a specific intermediary AMC or NPF. To do this, they must also submit an application. For persons who wished to remain “silent” for 2016, pension savings at the expense of employers will no longer be formed in 2017, and all contributions will be directed towards insurance payments.

For persons who in previous years submitted an application to the Criminal Code or Non-State Pension Fund at least once, and it was satisfied, the funded pension will continue to be paid from insurance contributions. They do not need to submit an additional application for 6%. You can receive savings in the form of a pension (social, labor, disability, in case of loss of a breadwinner). After the death of a person who did not manage to receive his payment, the money will be given to his heirs.

Changes in pension co-financing

Any citizen can transfer contributions. But co-financing for pensioners will only work if the citizen does not yet receive social benefits from the state. For a retired judge, the limitation is to receive a monthly allowance. These features do not apply to military personnel, fire service employees, or internal affairs officers.

The state pension co-financing program is limited in duration. The last applications were accepted in December 2014. The program began to operate if the first payment was made before January 31, 2015. Persons who did not meet these requirements in time will not receive funds from the National Welfare Fund.

Long-term pension savings programs have long become commonplace in European countries. In Russia, the demand for them is not so great yet. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

Lack of control

By investing money in a pension plan, a person loses control over it. Unlike mutual funds and deposits, pension co-financing cannot be terminated early. But sometimes situations arise when you need a large amount of money. For example, to organize a wedding or open your own business. In such situations, savings may be required.

Lack of confidence in the pension scheme

Most of Russia's working population works unofficially and receives wages in an envelope. In the best case, the official income of such citizens is shown to be several times lower than the actual one; in the worst case, it is absent altogether. In theory, pension co-financing is precisely intended for such categories of citizens. But then the program must be valid for life.

I want to live well now, not in the distant future

As you know, the hardest thing is not to earn money, but to save it. Under this program, citizens have to independently transfer funds to the PF or AMC account. That is, a person must consciously refuse to satisfy his needs in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. today, in order to receive an amount twice as large in a few decades. It's hard, first of all, psychologically. When a regular salary is issued, all deductions are made by the accountant. The employee already receives a “net” amount of funds.

In addition, the retirement age is constantly increasing. Some people just don't live up to it. The mentality of our fellow citizens is also of great importance. Everything state-owned and long-term is seen as another way of withdrawing funds from the population.


4 million 680 thousand citizens receive money from savings. Almost 16 million people participate in the pension co-financing program.

In 2012, from the moment the Russian Federation Law “On the Procedure for Payments” came into force pension savings", 5 million people applied for benefits. For 4.5 million applications, a decision was made on a one-time payment, since the amount of funds in the accounts was not enough to apply for a pension. Another 3 thousand people receive urgent payments. And only 20 thousand citizens use funds from savings part labor pension. The average amount of such payments is 9.4 thousand rubles, 831 rubles. and 692 rubles respectively.

As of December 31, 2014, 15 million 934 thousand people became participants in the co-financing program. For 2014, the total amount of contributions amounted to 9.6 billion rubles. That is, the average transfer size increased from 6,962 thousand rubles. in 2013 to 8,497 thousand rubles. in 2014. Over the same period, the amount of contributions transferred through employers increased by 7 1% and amounted to 200.5 million rubles. Over the previous two years, about 40 billion rubles were collected. Transfers amounting to 12.422 billion rubles were received from the state.


Pension co-financing payments will be available to citizens who:

  • annually transfer more than 2 thousand rubles. in the form of contributions;
  • submitted the application by December 31, 2014 and paid the first installment by January 31, 2015.

As of today, new participants can no longer join the program. Existing clients of the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund can continue to form or refuse to accumulate a pension.

Young people do not think about their provision in adulthood, much less about finding more profitable sources of pension savings. Therefore, our government, taking care of the older generation, is carrying out reforms and issuing various social projects. One of them is participation in the formation of citizens’ savings for pension provision. In other words, this is a pension co-financing program.

The essence of the project is that by investing their own funds, a citizen receives a comparable additional payment and develops a desire to increase these savings and manage them effectively. It's hard to predict progress pension reform, but they promise that savings will work and multiply, and the citizen will receive a higher pension.

Conditions for receiving financial support

The co-financing project is popularly called the “1000 for 1000” rubles program. She acts according to Federal law dated April 30, 2008 N 56 - Federal Law. To receive financial support from the state, two conditions must be met:

  • become a participant in the co-financing project before January 1, 2015;
  • make the first payment before January 31, 2015.

If you deposit less than 2,000 rubles for the entire year, the state will not pay anything extra, since the established minimum amount will be underestimated.

Participation in this project is voluntary, upon written application, which must be submitted to the nearest PF institution.

The surcharge mechanism is simple. For example: a citizen participating in the program made a voluntary contribution to increase his pension in the amount of 3,000 rubles per last year, then the state will pay an additional 3,000 rubles. Pension savings will increase by 6,000 rubles per year. If he transfers an additional 12,000 rubles, then state aid will amount to 12,000 rubles for this year. And pension savings will increase by 24,000 rubles. It is not prohibited to make larger amounts of voluntary payments within one year, but the state surcharge will not exceed 12,000 rubles. For example, when transferring additional contributions in the amount of 20,000 rubles per year, co-financing will be 12,000 rubles. And your individual account will be replenished with 32,000 rubles.

Employers are also invited to participate in the project. They, like the state, can use their funds to help employees create pension savings by making additional contributions for them. The size of such payments is not limited by law. By including additional payment in the social package, business managers create excellent motivation for their employees.

Special conditions are prescribed for project participants who are entitled to an old-age pension, but have not applied for a pension. For them the amount state support increases 4 times, but not more than 48,000 rubles per year. For example, by making 10,000 rubles in additional contributions during the year, a citizen can increase his pension savings by 58,000 rubles (10,000 rubles + 48,000 rubles).

Project period and procedure for transferring additional contributions

The pension co-financing project was launched in October 2008 and was designed until October 2013. Then it was extended, but at the same time the rights of pensioners were limited.

Voluntary payments are now co-financed only to those pensioners who joined the project up to September 2013, inclusive.

The program period is limited in time. Applications for participation have not been accepted since 2015. Now it is no longer possible to enter this project. For established participants it will last 10 years or until 2025.

A guaranteed additional payment to a citizen’s voluntary contributions on the principle of “1000 to 1000” makes such operations very profitable. The state undertakes to co-finance additional investments ranging from two to twelve thousand rubles inclusive, for 10 years from the date of receipt of the first installments. Insured persons have the right to determine and change the amount of their contributions.

You can deposit them through a bank, by transferring funds to special accounts Pension Fund. All necessary details are obtained from the Pension Fund institutions. There are different ways making contributions: in equal monthly installments or other amounts in several payments. For example, transfer 1,000 rubles in January and another 11,000 rubles in November. Either in equal monthly payments, 200 or 1000 rubles.

The most convenient way to make payments is through your employer. To do this, you must write a written order to deduct contributions from accrued wages, indicating the amounts and the necessary details for the transfer.

Pension capital management

Accumulated contributions, including additional payments from the state, at the choice of a citizen, can be transferred to the trust management of a state company - Vnesheconombank, private investment companies, or non-state pension funds. Information about the investments of these funds, as well as income from the placement, are reflected in the personalized personal account of the insured client with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
You can track the performance of your savings in various ways. The main one is a personal appeal to the company or fund where the client’s savings are formed. You can also assess the status of an individual account using the institution’s website and a single portal of public services.

How to exit the pension co-financing project?

No waiver is required for unilateral withdrawal from the program. The draft does not provide the concept of termination of contractual relations. It is enough not to make contributions, and the government supplementary payment program will automatically end.

Tax deductions and benefits for participants in a joint financing project

For additional contributions that a person voluntarily transferred to increase funded pension for a co-financing project, a social deduction is provided within the limits of withheld income tax individual. With this deduction you can return 13% of payments made.

An employer can also co-finance the retirement savings of its employees. At the same time, enterprises benefit, since the amounts paid to the employee relate to payments that are not included in the base for calculating compulsory insurance contributions (in the amount of 12,000 rubles per year per employee). Amounts of payments in favor of employees are included in the expenses of the enterprise, thereby optimizing income tax.

When and how can I receive the accumulated part of my pension?

To receive a funded pension, you need to write an application and provide a set of documents to the place where the savings were formed. In other words, if the funds were placed in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, then contact their subordinate institutions or use the services of a multifunctional center. If you are a client of a non-state pension fund, then the application and documents should be submitted at its location. The funded pension is paid subject to the applicant's entitlement.

The funds or company are given ten working days from the date of receipt of the documents to legally evaluate the documents and make a decision. Mandatory documents will require a passport and SNILS. You can receive your savings in three types of payments:

  • One-time. Produced if its amount is less than five percent of the calculated old-age pension. Such a payment allows you to receive all savings only once and in full. It is worth remembering that a lump sum payment, starting from 2015, is made once every 5 years.
  • Urgent. It is calculated and paid in equal installments for a period set by the recipient himself. Size pension payment determined by dividing the amount of savings by the selected period. It should not be less than 120 months.
  • Indefinite. Provides for monthly receipt of pension savings until the end of the recipient's life. It is calculated as follows: the entire amount of savings is divided into 246 months, the period established by the government since 2018. This type involves the payment of a small amount, but has a significant advantage - payments will not stop after 20.5 years, but will be made for life.
    The process of receiving accumulated payments is quite simple. The main thing is to know where to go and provide the required documents.

Inheritance of the funded part of the pension

The pension savings of deceased citizens participating in a co-financing project are inherited if death occurs:

  • until the payment is assigned or recalculated;
  • after the appointment of an urgent payment;
  • after the appointment of a lump sum payment, in a situation where the funds were not transferred to the recipient.

If a person died after the appointment of an indefinite pension, then the accumulated funds are not subject to inheritance.

The heirs will be able to receive savings generated by the testator himself and his employer, including additional payments from the state, as well as income from the investment of these savings.
Legal successors are, first of all, parents, spouses and children. If there are no heirs of the first stage, the inheritance passes to the relatives of the second stage.
You can also bequeath the accumulated savings to other citizens by drawing up a disposition statement during your lifetime indicating the heirs.

It seems like a pretty lucrative offer, and the number of people who agree to participate is constantly growing. What is she like? What benefits does it provide? Is it profitable to participate in it?

General information

Legislative co-financing of pensions was launched back in 2009. True, not everything was smooth. Due to the significant connection with the insurance company, it was suspended. That is, those who had time used it. And then access was closed. But if you want to take part in it, then 2017 is a good year for this thanks to its resumption. Now we have a more advanced option than what we had before. That's what we'll look at. So, what is a pension co-financing program? Is it profitable to participate in it? Very much - after all, the pension co-financing program assumes that for every ruble contributed by a person, the state will add one from itself. This is quite good from the point of view of ensuring a retirement period, since its quality will depend on the finances that have entered the person’s personal account. As a result, with significant infusions you can get very good help. And if inflation normalizes over time and drops to 1-2%, then this will allow us to live even better!


Any citizen can join the pension co-financing program Russian Federation. But before that, you should study all the conditions for its provision. To participate, you must first prepare an application and submit it to pension fund specialists according to your place of residence. You need to add a photocopy of your passport to it and present it to the responsible employee when registering. It is also necessary to ensure that you have a certificate of pension insurance. Why is it here? As previously mentioned, the state pension co-financing program is closely related to the insurance part of old age security. You can submit these documents either personally, or through your employer, or through an organization that is certified by the pension fund to carry out such actions.

Special Moments

As previously written, the pension co-financing program provides for a 1:1 ratio. In other words - what more people invests, the better off he will be. There are certain exceptions. Thus, people who have already reached retirement age, but do not receive labor payments, will receive a four-fold increase when depositing funds into their account. Let's look at this with a small example. In the usual case, if a person contributes ten thousand rubles, then the state will add the same amount. But if he is a pensioner who does not receive labor payments, then his account will receive not 20,000, but 50,000, since 40,000 will be added from the budget. Anyone can make contributions to the account in any way. The only thing you need to do before this is to contact the responsible specialists to receive the details to which you will need to send money. Some skeptics believe that the program for co-financing pensions for pensioners and citizens who have not yet retired was created to increase the reserves of the Pension Fund. But no matter how it is, if it is not reset, then it is certainly created for the benefit of people.


The pension co-financing program has been extended, but there are certain restrictions. Thus, it has been established that in 2017 they will not be able to take part in it. The government believes that their pension account will increase anyway due to increased insurance contributions from employers. And they don’t need additional income. And how interesting it turns out! It is best to contribute money in retirement, but it is not possible to work on it! It should also be noted that there is large quantities nuances that it would be advisable to ask about from representatives of the local PF branch. A significant limitation is the replenishment amount. Thus, a citizen who uses this opportunity can deposit once a year a sum of money in the range from two to twelve thousand rubles.

Why was this introduced?

Why was the decision made that the program for co-financing pensions for pensioners and citizens who did not go on vacation will continue to exist? Previously, the main bet was placed on insurance part. But over time, it became clear that such a strategy would not allow maintaining a high standard of living. Some problems arose in 2014, when the insurance parts of pensions were frozen. Therefore, it was decided that the problem, despite its presence and large scale, still needs to be solved. And this approach allows all categories of citizens to increase the amount of their maintenance in the future. There is a category of people for whom this will generally be very pleasant. Thus, people who were born before 1967 and did not take part in the formation of the funded part will have the opportunity to influence the amount of amounts received. This will make their retirement easier. Younger citizens will divide funds between co-financing and savings.


Employers can also take part in this initiative by transferring the appropriate amount to the person’s account. Thanks to this, you can reduce the amount of UST. Despite the advantages of this toolkit and the loyal attitude of economic entities that use a similar approach, employers are in no hurry to take care of the welfare of their employees. So, as an example, we can consider another eight days as last year. Then citizens sent 7.1 billion rubles, while organizations received less than 130 million. At the moment, if you believe the statements of government officials, more than 8 million people have used this software. During the period of its validity, they transferred forty-five and a half billion rubles to their accounts. True, there is still no need to talk about a confident and cloudless future. As you know, since 2014 the Russian Federation has been experiencing significant economic problems. Therefore, many efforts by officials are aimed at reducing the amount of finance that goes to pension system, and involve citizens in the process of independently forming their savings.

Since 2009, a pension co-financing project has been running for residents of the Russian Federation. What was it created for? What are its goals? What is pension co-financing? News on this topic, as well as frequently asked questions, will be posted as part of this article.

General information

State co-financing of pensions means that once a year citizens replenish their account in the accumulative pension fund with a certain amount ranging from two to twelve thousand rubles. At the same time, the state is doing its part. It transfers a similar amount of money to the account of the future pensioner. What does such an approach achieve?

State co-financing of pensions allows people to get the maximum return on their contributions. The amounts accumulated in this way are added to the capital that is generated through the insurance model. Co-financing of pensions for non-working pensioners will allow you to receive increased support. Moreover, its size depends on each person. If he voluntarily transferred twelve thousand rubles for seven years, then now you can count on about 8 thousand rubles a year. The amount doesn’t seem like much, but who would refuse it?

What is the current state of affairs?

How popular is pension co-financing? News from the Deputy Prime Minister tells us that there are now over eight million participants in the program. Anyone can take part in the project. True, for this you need to have

If you wish to participate, you must additionally bring an application and an internal passport. The form for the first is issued directly at the pension fund branches. Speaking about the application procedure, it can be noted that there are several ways: you can do everything personally, as well as through an employer or special organizations that are authorized by government agencies.

Selected moments

True, in fairness it should be noted that not everything is rosy. Thus, co-financing of pensions began to operate in 2008, but in 2014 it was frozen. Why? The fact is that this project is very strongly tied to the insurance part of the pension. But there are problems with it - it is frozen. But don't worry, it doesn't matter now. In 2017, if you wish, you can safely use these funds. This is a very good project that will operate successfully. And now it has been significantly improved. Most Popular this project is used at the country's largest enterprises and is gradually gaining recognition among those business structures that are interested in long-term attraction of professional personnel.

It is also worth noting certain exceptions to the 1:1 rule. Thus, people of retirement age who have not completed documentation to receive a pension will have the right to payments that exceed the available amount at least five times. There are quite a few legal aspects here, which you can find out about at the pension fund offices. Now we can confidently say that state co-financing of pensions will be most beneficial for those people who were born before 1967. Why? The point here is that a mandatory cumulative component is not formed for them.

Special Populations

I would really like to pay attention to Article 8 of the Law “On Insurance Pensions”. People who fall under its action and have not applied for any type of pension have the opportunity to interact according to the 1:4 principle. What does this mean in practice? Let’s say there is a person who paid 12 thousand rubles. The state, for its part, also adds, but not 12,000, but 48,000! Thus, 60 thousand rubles per year will be transferred to an individual personal account!

Agree, the amount is not small - it is equal to two average monthly wages in the country. This is how it grows Co-financing from the state can in some way be called a division of amounts received from the sale of material resources of the Russian Federation. Therefore, you should not miss such a good opportunity.


But to evaluate something, you need to know not only the positive, but also the negative sides. We talked about the first ones - this is the opportunity to receive one hundred or even four hundred percent of profit per year. In addition, the amount of contributions is small. Even if it’s difficult for someone to deposit 12 thousand rubles now, he can stop at 5,000 or even 2,000. But certain doubts arise because of who is the guarantor of this system.

Many people are afraid of the possibility that they will conduct a campaign whose motto will be the words “we forgive everyone who is owed.” Recent experience is often cited as an example. After all, insurance savings were simply taken and frozen, replacing them with points, the system for converting them into money is not entirely clear. But the army of pensioners is growing, and soon there will be nowhere to get money from. But this can be called purely emotional criticism. And in order to better assess the “cost” of the project, let’s break it down into its individual components.

Control and confidence

So, it is often noted as a negative aspect that if money is invested in a pension in this way, then until a certain age (or events in certain groups of the population) it will not be possible to access it. This is a significant disadvantage compared to bank deposits. So, if you want to open a business or organize a wedding, you will need to save everything from scratch. In addition, certain events may occur that will require a prompt withdrawal of funds (for example, there will be a profitable and necessary offer).

People are also stopped by uncertainty about their retirement future. It is widely used to receive wages in envelopes, which negatively affects the amount of future security. Accordingly, the level of payments decreases. And if you pay an additional 12,000 every year with the official wages 6-8 thousand, then the inspection authorities may have questions. And as a result - negative consequences in the form of fines (for the employer) and additional payments (for the employee).

Uncertainty in the state and the desire to become successful

Even if we assume that everything will develop exactly as planned, it is not at all a fact that when the government changes, the rules will not be changed, and radically. This is reflected in the weak inheritance of the policies being pursued. In addition, many people want to become a wealthy person as early as possible, and not in retirement age. Some people collect an investment portfolio from stocks, others accumulate other assets, but the result is the same - everyone wants to start not working as early as possible. And if you work, then only if you have your own desire. If you have the brains, then even by working and saving some money, you can create a good financial cushion for yourself.

The desire to live well now

Unfortunately, many are not lucky enough to live to see retirement. In this unstable world, anything can happen. Therefore, many are betting on realizing themselves now. You can invest the same money in your own enterprise or simply live for your own pleasure. This argument leads to the fact that funded pensions are not popular. Although co-financing offers a good growth of assets of one hundred and even four hundred percent per year, but, alas, you will have to wait a long time. Retirement seems especially far away for the young. Although, however, if there is or appears an excess of money, then you can participate in this project.

Many people lose the desire to do this once they look at the percentages. A very common practice in the world is a return of around four to five percent. Well, from the point of view of the USA, Germany or France, where this figure is one and a half to two times higher than inflation, this is quite good. But this same result on the territory of the Russian Federation is two times lower than inflation, that is, the money is gradually “eaten up,” which is quite bad.


Co-financing a pension for retirees can help financially, although not significantly, but still! Therefore, everyone will have to make a decision about whether to follow this path separately. In general, if you divide even the maximum amount into a month, it comes out to only a thousand rubles. This amount is quite affordable, so you can use it this way. You can earn this kind of money by spending a day or two or three hard work. True, then you will have to monitor your health in order to be sure to live until the moment when you can use your pension savings. And not just to “see and die,” but also to relax after decades of work.

The Government of the Russian Federation offers citizens joint activities to ensure a prosperous old age. One of these innovations was the state pension co-financing program, launched in 2008. It involves the creation of a future fund from which a citizen will be provided in the event of disability, through the joint efforts of the future pensioner and the state budget. At the same time, the authorities guaranteed an increase in a person’s contribution by two, and in some cases four times. The program participant is only required to invest a small amount of 2 - 12 thousand rubles. per year into your future.

The essence of the state co-financing program

The basis for the development of measures was Law No. 56-FZ of April 30, 2008, which regulates the processes of people making voluntary contributions to future pension benefits.

The stated goals of the program are:

  1. Stimulating active efforts of the population aimed at ensuring prosperity in the event of insured events.
  2. Organization of the work of financial institutions that use citizens' deposits in investment markets.
  3. Replenishing the budget of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR) through joint efforts:
    • states;
    • insured persons;
    • enterprises (on their own initiative).

The responsibilities of the event participants are distributed as follows:

  1. A person deposits a certain amount into a personal account opened in the compulsory pension insurance system (OPS):
    • boundary thresholds are indicated in the amount of 2 to 12 thousand rubles. (the state only funds the contribution in the indicated amount);
  2. The budget doubles the contribution at its own expense for the next year after its transfer by the citizen.
  3. An enterprise may, of its own free will, make contributions for employees to personal personal accounts from its own profits.

Definition: co-financing is a way of providing state support to people making voluntary efforts to create a secure old age.

How does the state provide co-financing?

The authorities focus on the activity of insured persons. Money in the amount of threshold amounts is transferred to personal accounts in the OPS system for those people who made the appropriate contribution in the previous reporting period.

The algorithm of the event is as follows:

  1. A person expresses a desire to join the co-financing program (until December 31, 2014).
  2. Makes the first payment before 01/31/2015:
    • not less than 2000 rubles;
    • the upper limit is not set for the investor, but only amounts up to 12 thousand rubles are additionally financed.
  3. The Pension Fund prepares a report at the end of the year. A separate statement contains information about program participants and their contributions.
  4. An application to the budget for additional funding is being prepared by April.
  5. Based on the specified document, funds are transferred from the state budget to the personal accounts of program participants.
Attention: participation in events for workers is valid for 10 years. That is, participants will receive money until 2025, subject to annual contributions.

Special condition: the budget does not pay extra to people who fall under the following criteria (Law No. 345-FZ):

  • joining the program occurred in the period from 05.11.2014 to 31.12.2014;
  • is a recipient of any type of pension.
Important: co-financing of pension savings of citizens is carried out in 2019 exclusively for persons who managed to connect to the program within the prescribed time frame. It is currently not possible to enter it.

In addition, many territorial branches of the Pension Fund informed citizens participating in the State Pension Co-financing Program that persons who joined but forgot to make a contribution before the end of 2018 risk losing an entire year and not receiving state support in 2019.

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Program participant benefits

During the stated period, at least 15 million people joined in co-financing future pensions. These statistics are a “telling” indicator of the positive assessment that the events have earned from the population. The participant benefits are:

  • the state budget invests money in his future pension;
  • in addition, the contribution amount is subject to a tax deduction (13% is returned to the depositor’s pocket);
  • the size of joint investments increases due to the implementation of investment activities by a trusted company;
  • accumulated is passed on by inheritance.

Example of short term benefit

If a person transferred 12,000 rubles to a personal account under the program, then he will receive back as a tax deduction:

12,000 rub. x 13% = 1560 rub.

Attention: to receive a tax deduction you must contact:

  • to the accounting department at the place of duty;
  • to the tax authorities (for self-employed).

On participation in employer co-financing events

For employers, the events provide two functions:

  • passive - transfer of employee contributions from their earnings to the Pension Fund;
  • active - investing your own money into the accounts of workers.

At the same time, the legislation provides enterprises with certain preferences for including an additional pension contribution in the social package:

  • The employer can join the events at any time without restrictions;
  • Funds invested in the Pension Fund budget are deducted from the total taxable amount.
Attention: an employer can become a participant in the program by contacting representatives of the Pension Fund.

Terms of co-financing for workers

A program participant receives annual state support for the formation of a funded pension under the following conditions:

  1. managed to join the events before the end of 2014;
  2. transferred the first installment before 01/31/2005;
  3. annually makes deposits not lower than the threshold amount;
  4. is not a recipient of any type of pension, except for military ones, including:
    • lifelong maintenance of retired judges.

Important: fourfold state support is available to people:

  • who have received the legal right to pension benefits (Article 8 of Law No. 400-FZ);
  • who did not use it.
For information: participants in state co-financing who have not applied for old-age support (or any other insured event), they can annually increase the old-age fund by 60,000 rubles. subject to own contribution in the amount of 12,000 rubles. (not available for working persons).

If a pensioner joined the program before October 1, 2013, then he is entitled to additional funding of the contribution. However, he will be able to receive savings in the form of a lump sum payment once every five years.

Payments can be made via:

1. Credit institutions (banks). A receipt for payment can be obtained:

  • at a credit institution;
  • in the PF at the place of residence;
  • download on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

2. Your employer. You must contact the accounting department with an application indicating the amount of monthly transfers.

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Sergey Yurievich has reached the age of mandatory participation in labor activity January 12, 2013. Based on Law No. 400-FZ, he was assigned an insurance pension benefit:

  1. Sergei Yuryevich did not quit his service. And I decided to join the state program for co-financing pensions because I wanted to improve future income. His appeal is dated September 30, 2013.
  2. In January 2014, the first amount was 6 thousand rubles. was credited to his personal account.
  3. The employer also took part in providing for the future of the honored employee, also transferring 6 thousand rubles. to the Pension Fund budget.
  4. Due to the fact that Sergei Yuryevich joined the events before the adoption of Law No. 345-FZ, therefore, during the period of validity of Law No. 56-FZ, he was not affected by restrictions for working pensioners.

Conclusion: Sergey Yuryevich has the right to additional financing of his contribution from the state. In our example, in the amount of 12 thousand rubles.

Conditions of the state program in 2019 for working pensioners

Participants in the state program who have assigned insurance payments are divided by law into two large groups according to the date of joining it:

  • if there was a contribution for the period from 10/01/2008 to 11/04/2014, then the budget provides co-financing;
  • for the rest, state support is not provided within the framework of Law No. 345-FZ.

The main condition for receiving state support is to regularly replenish your personal account in the OPS system.

State co-financing of pension savings is carried out within 10 years after joining the Program. For citizens who joined the Program in 2008 and pay on account future pension annually 2-12 thousand rubles, the state will double contributions for the last time in 2019. After 10 years, it is possible to continue making additional contributions. The latter will be reflected on the citizen’s personal data sheet and invested, but will not be co-financed by the state.

Important: in 2019 it is impossible to join the above events.

Rules for paying out money accumulated under the state co-financing program

The main condition for joining the state program was the following:

  • payments from savings are made after the occurrence of the insurance situation;
  • they are registered as a funded pension.

Thus, a participant in the state program will be able to apply for savings after the appointment of an insurance pension for age or disability.

Payments are made in several ways described in the legislation. Namely:

  • lump sum, if the amount of the monthly payment from the accumulated amount does not exceed 5% of the insurance amount;
  • urgently - for a certain period, but not less than 10 years;
  • indefinite - until the end of days.

Where to contact

To assign a benefit, you should submit an application to the Pension Fund:

  1. At an appointment with a specialist:
    • at your local branch;
    • in the multifunctional center.
  2. By post (notarized copies of documents must be attached).
  3. Through the Internet:
    • on the official website of the Pension Fund;
    • in your personal account on the government services portal.

Attention: documents or copies thereof must be attached to the application:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • work book and other documents confirming work experience.

If the insurance benefit has already been assigned, then the provision of documents is not required (they are available in the personal file).

About application processing times

The periods for working with documents are regulated by internal instructions. They directly depend on the content of the application. Namely:

  • if a citizen has ordered urgent or lifetime payments, then processing takes 10 days;
  • one-time - 30 days.

Attention: the money is transferred to the pensioner within two months using the method specified in the application:

  • postal transfer;
  • bank transaction.

How does inheritance of a contribution occur?

Clause 6 of Article 7 of Law No. 424-FZ of December 28, 2013 provides the rules for inheriting savings. They apply if it is determined that the owner of the funds has died. In this case, there is such a sequence of heirs:

  1. If the investor has indicated to whom the money should be transferred, then his will is carried out exactly.
  2. In the absence of expression of will:
    • heirs of the first stage are the spouse, children, parents;
    • the second - brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandchildren;
  3. If there are several heirs of the same line, the contribution is divided between them.

Inheritance is possible provided that at the time of death of the investor:

  • pension benefits are not assigned;
  • a lump sum payment was accrued, but the owner did not have time to receive it;
  • Transfers of monthly amounts are carried out according to the urgent tariff.
Important: when a funded pension is assigned indefinitely, inheritance is prohibited.

Persons entitled to receive the deposit of the deceased must contact the Pension Fund within six months from the date of death. If this period is violated, the right of inheritance will have to be restored in court.

Attention: the decision on the payment of funds is made within the seventh month from the date of death of the deposit owner. The rule applies to all cases of applications to the Pension Fund for an inheritance, that is, it does not depend on the day the application is submitted. Download for viewing and printing:

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Latest changes

To obtain the right to state co-financing of pension savings in 2018, citizens had to make payments in the amount of 2,000-12,000 rubles. until December 31, 2017