Why you shouldn’t give a watch: analysis of popular superstitions + ways to present a watch without harming a person + criteria for choosing a watch as a gift + pros and cons + step by step guide, how to get rid of restrictions in your subconscious + reasons why people “blindly” trust signs.

Are approaching new year holidays, which means it's time to think about gifts. A watch is one of the most expensive but forbidden gifts. In this article you will find out why you should not give a watch as a gift, and whether it is possible to “get around” superstition!

Why you can’t give a watch: 4 signs from different countries

Even adults and seemingly serious people can be very superstitious.

If you have ever asked yourself the question “?”, then you probably know about the existence of this sign. Let's dig deeper and find out why you shouldn't give a watch! In fact, there are a huge number of versions:

  1. In China, watches are a forbidden gift due to the fact that the Chinese character (which is interpreted as a watch) is very similar to the one that means death. Therefore, the Chinese prefer not to risk the well-being of a loved one, and avoid watch shops. By the way, another explanation for why watches are not usually given as gifts in China is the fact that many years ago watches were used as invitations to funerals. Time has passed, but the association with misfortune remains to this day.
  2. The Japanese are convinced that the hands on the clock will count down the time of future separation. If the arrows suddenly stop, there will be trouble.
  3. The Slavs believe that by giving to a loved one watch, you bring him disappointment and unhappiness. According to legend, a watch can destroy the spiritual connection that exists between you.
  4. According to European belief, by presenting a watch, you seem to give another person part of your life time. Thus, the donor himself becomes closer to the day of his own death.

According to another Eastern belief, you should not give a watch to your beloved girl (boyfriend). It is believed that this can lead to separation. Superstitious people are convinced that an accessory is just as undesirable as a gift as a set of knives, forks and other objects that can be used to prick yourself. In addition, there is an opinion that as soon as the clock hands stop moving, the relationship between lovers will come to an end. Another belief says that no matter how reliable the clockwork is (even if it never stops), the gift will bring misfortune and scandals to the couple.

Not only superstitious people, but also those interested in the topic of energy showed an ambiguous attitude towards watches. It is believed that the watch is the object that “absorbs” all the negativity emanating from the surrounding world. As a result, this “bouquet” of unfavorable energy is assumed by the recipient of the gift.

Some people avoid watches because they consider this gift indecent and even offensive. What is offensive about it! - you might think. Some gift recipients may perceive the gift as a “subtle” hint at their lack of punctuality. Or perceive the clock as a reminder in the style of “The clock is ticking.” By the way, it is for these reasons that it is not customary to give watches to elderly people. This gift will be especially inappropriate on a birthday, which older people are no longer very happy about.

How to give a watch to avoid trouble?

The clock sign is very popular, it would seem that everyone knows about it. But what should those who have already prepared a watch as a present do, and then found out about its adverse effects? Do you really have to change the gift?! Don't rush to panic! To “neutralize” the effects of superstition, simply follow this advice. Firstly, you need to calm down and discard unnecessary speculation about the possible harm of the watch. Secondly, before giving a person a gift, ask him for a “ransom” - a couple of kopecks. Thus, the recipient seems to be buying the watch from you, avoiding its possible negative impact.

What watch should I give?

If you decide to give your loved one on watch, take into account several criteria for their selection!

AgeThis is the first thing you should rely on when choosing a watch. If you are looking for a present for a child or teenager, choose more durable and colorful models. For that? To make the watch easier for a child to understand, preference should be given to models with a large dial.
If the hero of the occasion is older, preference should be given to laconic models.
FloorWomen's watches tend to be thinner and more sophisticated. This is aimed at focusing attention on the fragility and femininity of the birthday girl. Women's watches are much lighter than men's. If we talk about design, it is much more diverse than men's watches. The main qualities of men's watches are the strength and reliability of the design. That is why men's models are made of especially durable materials that are resistant to shock and moisture.
FunctionalityIf we talk about the variety of possibilities, then there are more of them in men's watches. Women's accessories are usually equipped with basic functions. That is why they look much simpler and more delicate. Whereas men's watches are quite massive and have several controls.
Manufacturer countryIf you have a decent amount of money, it is worth taking a closer look at watches made in Japan and Switzerland. They are considered the most durable and high quality. Recognized Japanese brands are SEIKO and Miyota. Among Swiss companies, Tissot and Raymond deserve consumer trust.
MechanismThe mechanical mechanism has several advantages: durability, excellent build quality and solidity. Models with a mechanical “heart” will be a worthy addition to the owner’s image. Among mechanical models there are not only classic options, but also a wide variety of sports. It is worth considering the features of the winding: it can be automatic or conventional. In the second case, the owner must wind the watch himself.
Quartz watch are distinguished by almost perfect accuracy. They are more impact-resistant, which is why they are chosen by athletes and travelers. These models have several additional functions: stopwatch, heart rate monitor, compass. Quartz watches are more budget-friendly than mechanical watches.

Advantages and disadvantages of wristwatches

Instead of guessing what the gifted watch will bring to the recipient, let's weigh the pros and cons of such a gift!
Durability. A high-quality watch will truly serve its owner for many years. This is especially true for shock- and moisture-resistant watches. They are not afraid of almost anything!The need for regular winding of watches. You won't know for sure when the clock will stop. Therefore, they should be restarted regularly.
Presentability. When giving a gift, we, of course, want to make an impression. So the watch will do it for you. Anyone will be happy with such a present!High price. Regardless of the model, a mechanical watch cannot be called a budget gift.
Versatility. Wristwatches can be classified as universal gifts. They can be given to both women and men. And it’s hard to go wrong with style – a quality product, as a rule, looks very solid.Necessity for careful handling. You still have to find a special approach to the watch. Despite the fact that they are not afraid of water and shock, they can fail at the most inopportune moment.
Practicality. If you, like me, don’t see the point in all sorts of vases and statuettes, give them a watch. They will not only make a lasting impression on the recipient, but will also turn out to be a practical gift.Superstitions. Yes, for many superstitious people, watches are indeed a “forbidden” gift.

Step-by-step instructions on how to stop believing in superstitions

If superstitions have begun to ruin your life, it’s time to get rid of them!

Superstitions will not bring you any harm, unless you become a fanatic of superstitions. In this case, you seem to be handing over control of your life to superstitions. So, if you are one of those whose luck depends on the foot you start on, keep reading!

Step #1. Think about the origins of signs.
After all, everything has its beginning, and signs are no exception. The first step towards victory in the fight against superstition is to understand the origins of signs. To do this, you will have to spend some time surfing the Internet. But then most of the superstitions will seem like complete nonsense to you.
Step #2. Find real evidence that the sign will come true for you.
Are you afraid to get on bus number 13? Then try to logically explain what the connection is between the number on public transport and your life. Think logically, don't be led by signs.
Step #3. Determine which signs cause you the most anxiety.
Perhaps you are afraid of black cats. Or you won’t be able to continue on your way if a woman with an empty bucket crosses it. Identify the superstitions that you fall for the most. Now ask yourself: “Does it make sense that I attach such meaning to signs?” Most likely the answer will be no.
Step #4. In serious matters, do not rely on superstitions.
When it comes to something really important, you shouldn’t rely on signs. Be guided only by common sense and logic. Therefore, when you are late for work, choose not the “luckier” one, but the shorter one.
Step #5. Cause trouble.
You should not run along the road while cars are moving. I'm talking about a different kind of trouble. For example, having spilled salt, do not rush to immediately throw it over your left shoulder and perform a series of strange actions. Don't do anything. Just see what happens. Will something bad happen or will everything work out?

Note: In the 18th century, Londoners believed that opening an umbrella indoors would bring bad luck. But in fact, this was based solely on safety reasons: umbrellas with metal spokes can indeed be dangerous to others.

Why do we believe in superstitions?

Where does this belief in inexplicable phenomena come from? Why do many of us so persistently believe in omens and follow them? Superstition has a logical basis.
Cause of superstitionRationale
Prevent chaosAccording to psychotherapists, the basis of superstition is the elementary desire to establish cause-and-effect relationships between life events. This desire was especially necessary for our ancestors. After all, it is much easier to associate heavy rain with the punishment of the gods than to live in ignorance.
"Tame" our destinyA person is not able to control absolutely everything in his life. But sometimes this is exactly what is missing. And here signs come to the rescue. Are you afraid of the global crisis? Just hang a broom made of wormwood and garlic over your bed, and the crisis will pass you by. Or not. But, in any case, it’s safer with a broom.
Feel the communityWe are all social animals. Therefore, we constantly need to communicate with our own kind. And signs can unite us quite well. After all, if not only you, but also your neighbor believes in them, it’s as if you are already united.

How to choose a wristwatch?

The real story of why you shouldn’t give a watch as a gift

I'm a bit of a superstitious person, although I try to fight it. But when you are suddenly given a watch, it is very difficult to put prejudices aside and simply enjoy the gift. A couple of years ago, a friend gave me a beautiful scientific watch for my birthday. At first I was very happy, and after a couple of minutes I probably remembered all the signs associated with the watch. For several days I was worried, wondering what to do with them. On the one hand, I didn’t want to offend my friend (and the watch was very high quality and stylish), on the other hand, I really felt uneasy. Still, I decided to leave them. Not only that, I wore them on the day of an important exam. And what do you think? I passed it perfectly! Since then, this watch has become my talisman.

Answers to the question “Why can’t you give a watch?” weight. Personally, I try to rely on common sense, and not be led by signs. If you find it difficult to give a watch without worrying about the consequences, demand a ransom for it!

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There are things that are not customary to bring to someone as a gift. One such item is a watch. Is it possible to give a watch as a gift or is it better to buy it just like that?

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Is it possible to give a watch to a loved one?

Girls who gave a man a product that measures time, after a quick breakup, begin to connect what happened with the gift, wondering how the relationship would have developed without it. Although folk sign According to which you cannot give your beloved woman or boyfriend a watch, there is a rule. She categorically prohibits making such gifts to the “other half”, so as not to provoke separation or other, larger troubles.

The beliefs of many peoples strongly require not to give watches to friends, loved ones and relatives. Perhaps the ban came from China, where hieroglyphs are used instead of letters, one of which means death. It is shaped like a clock. For many years, the accessory was used by the Chinese as a “postcard” inviting them to a funeral. Eastern sages imposed a “taboo” on the gift of time meters, trying to prevent misunderstandings between the recipient and the giver.

b"> Is it possible to give a watch for a birthday?

You can give a gift in the form of a wrist or wall clock to your beloved friend on another day if she does not believe in omens. A girl who is not influenced by superstitions and has her own apartment can be given a wrist watch. If she already has them, then the present will be a wall or table clock, made in a style that is in harmony with the interior of the home.

A man is given an elegant, expensive wristwatch that speaks of the respectability, significance, and self-sufficiency of the owner. It is advisable to present such a gift to a father, brother, son, a very good, reliable friend, or leader. For a person who already has an expensive wrist accessory, an electronic or hourglass that fits into the decor of an office, home, apartment, or cottage is suitable.


Is it possible to give a watch?

High-quality products are a wonderful gift for any occasion. You can give a clock mechanism as a gift for housewarming, New Year, if you know about the tastes and preferences of the recipient and be sure that he will really be happy. The issue of negative attitudes towards watches can be resolved in a non-standard way: Chinese manufacturers, known for their ingenuity, decided to deceive superstitions. They created a universal mechanism with many functions.

The world saw products without numbers, with a double dial, a built-in calendar, compass, navigator, and other unusual, functional solutions. Giving such items as a gift takes on a completely different meaning. You can present a stylish thing that has lost its sinister meaning to your loved ones, friends.

d"> Is it possible to give a wristwatch: what do the signs say?

People thinking about whether they can give a watch often believe in signs and superstitions associated with them. People attribute mystical properties to watches, like other “forbidden” items for gifting, such as knives, ties, mirrors. If you get rid of obsessive thoughts“Do they give you a watch?” and “is it true that they give gifts for separation?” difficult, it’s worth looking for another, more “harmless” gift option.

e"> Is it possible to give a wristwatch?

Before you buy and give a wristwatch, find out in advance the attitude towards it of the person to whom it is intended. In order not to offend the girl, the guy should ask her about her attitude to signs and the belief that watches bring troubles, separations, and generally find out whether she needs them. Engraving with a short, pleasant wish can increase the value and significance of a gift.

It is harmful to give a watch to a laughing birthday person if he has a habit of being late, which is why he often hears accusations of unpunctuality. The gift will be perceived as a hint, which will ruin the mood of the recipient, who is unlikely to use the gift and will begin to keep up with everything.


Nowadays, a wrist, wall, or desktop time meter replaces a regular smartphone for many people. If a person has repeatedly stated that he does not need a watch, then the gift will pass into the hands of another owner at the first opportunity. Freedom-loving people have a bad attitude towards receiving time meters. In their understanding, the gift hints that it’s time to stop and start leading a calm, measured life.

Any time-measuring mechanisms for an elderly or seriously ill person will not please you. Presenting such a thing for an anniversary or birthday will remind you of the years gone by and become a symbol of the passing time, of which there is little left. Anyone who is zealous about life, striving to fill every moment they live with meaning, should under no circumstances be given a watch. But if you still want to give them, but you can’t get rid of the obsessive thought about the dangers of a ticking mechanism, take a “ransom” for the gift - a symbolic payment. The item will be purchased, not gifted.

Everyone likes to receive gifts, but it is much more pleasant to give them, especially if they are liked by people dear to our hearts. However, choosing a gift often turns into a painful process. I would like to give something practical, and not some banal thing, which will gather dust on the mezzanine. And what could be more practical than a stylish wristwatch? But there are unpleasant beliefs associated with such a gift.

And even if you are not superstitious, your chosen one may be so. What to do in this case? Is it possible to give a watch to a loved one? What consequences could such a gift have? Let's figure it out.

Folk signs and superstitions

This is probably inherent in nature: despite technological progress and a developed society, many of us are prone to superstitions. But most superstitions and omens were born due to ignorance of the nature of occurring phenomena. Although, if you think about it, time still remains an abstract quantity, absolutely beyond the control of man. It cannot be touched, and no matter how much we might sometimes want to turn back time, we are powerless. It is no wonder that many superstitions are associated with such a mysterious substance.

One of them is donating watches. This belief has its roots in those distant times when watches were just invented and brought superstitious horror to people. ordinary people, who understood little about mechanisms, much less about measuring what does not exist. In their minds, the watch could somehow influence the passage of time, and a little later this fear turned into the confidence that it measured the life of its owner.

The watch was also given magical properties and believed that magicians, using them, could influence human destiny. But in mysterious Chinese mythology, watches were directly associated with death. The Chinese even have almost identical hieroglyphs for hours and death. There is an opinion that a person will live until the clock given to him as a gift stops. Therefore, before giving a watch to a Chinese or Japanese person, think carefully, since they may perceive such a gift as a wish for a speedy death.

Based on these superstitions and myths, many rather contradictory signs were born:

  • a watch as a gift to a loved one - foretells a quick separation;
  • a watch given to a colleague is a harbinger of a short life;
  • a watch as a wedding gift will bring discord into a young family, and then divorce is inevitable;
  • at the same time, your favorite wristwatch, which you have not parted with for a long time, can become your talisman and amulet;
  • to change your life for the better and get out of the black streak of failures, you urgently need to buy a new watch;
  • Lost watches bring failure, but found ones, on the contrary, are considered a symbol of success.

Why can't you give a watch to your loved one?

Do people give watches to their spouses? Folk superstitions argue that this is categorically undesirable. The ban applies to boyfriends and girlfriends, as well as married couples. They say that giving a watch will mark the beginning of your separation from your loved one. Moreover, separation is inevitable and does not depend on stopping the clock mechanism. They may continue their move, but you will still break up. Particularly superstitious young ladies are very upset by such gifts, believing that the young man is trying to get rid of their company. And even a gift in the form of a gold watch does not delight them.

One legend tells about a certain young couple who never quarreled; as they say, they lived in perfect harmony. But on their anniversary, the girl decided to give the guy a watch. And from that moment on, the quarrels did not stop between them like a cat. But contrary to the superstitious superstition, separation did not come between them: the clock broke, and love turned out to be stronger than time.

Whether we believe in omens or not, there are watches, they are worn, placed on fireplaces, hung on walls, sold, bought and given as gifts. You just need to remember that thought is material. If you constantly think about something bad, it will definitely happen. Therefore, if you doubt whether you can give a watch to your loved one for his birthday, and thoughts of separation from him do not leave you, it is better to refuse such a gift and give him something neutral.

To give or not?

"To be or not to be?" - that is the question. This is the whole essence of humanity, the eternal search, constant torment and the need for choice. The situation becomes simpler if a person is free from superstitions. Then, in order to give a watch to your loved one, you need to find out his attitude to popular beliefs and rumors. If he, like you, does not pay attention to signs, then there is no problem. All you have to do is choose the one worthy of yours young man chronometer. Otherwise, either leave this idea, or recommend that he buy a watch himself, and give him another present for his birthday.

There is another way out of this situation. The same popular belief that prohibits the gift of a watch states that if you sell it for a nominal fee, then it is not considered a gift, which means the omen will not work. A few kopecks or an iron ruble will do as payment. The fate of the donor whose chosen one is a watch collector is completely easier. Such a person will probably be happy to receive a watch, especially if he doesn’t have one in his collection. A gift with a memorable personalized engraving will be priceless.

Christina Tsurtsumiya


In our age of high technology and ultra-high-speed Internet, there are many who believe in omens. And among them, oddly enough, not only naive girls.

Surprisingly, many people are afraid to buy a watch as a gift. And they connect this, first of all, not with whether they like the design, color, size and functionality, but with the fact that giving a watch is Bad sign. But should we believe this? Let's figure it out together.

The fear of clocks has its roots far in the East. The ancestors of modern Chinese and Japanese were confused by the appearance of a device capable of measuring an intangible phenomenon - time. As you know, everything new is very often perceived with fear and is shrouded in a mass of speculation and prejudice. But today these countries have become successful watch manufacturers, leaving their superstitions in the past.

They say that giving a watch for a birthday is bad luck. Like, this is a sure way for the birthday boy’s life to quickly fade away and be filled with all sorts of adversity. But even if you unconditionally believe in unusual and mysterious phenomena, you must understand that motivation at the moment of giving a gift decides everything. In addition, a watch is not a device that simply counts time, but one that helps to prolong it, manage it and manage it wisely.

As a sign of friendship

It is believed that giving a watch to your friend means inevitable quarrels and separation. But let's face it. Can a stylish accessory, reminiscent of good friendship and indicating the time of a quick meeting, symbolize something terrible? Of course not! Even among world stars it is considered a sign of the highest favor to receive a watch as a gift. And as practice shows, this does not reduce either the number of fans or fees.

With love

The most beautiful and reverent feeling on earth is so zealously guarded by suspicious girls that in most couples there is a taboo on giving a watch as a gift. But... What then happens to those who gave each other a watch and stayed together? Some kind of stronger magic? Or is it common sense? The answer is obvious.

The same can be said about gifts for newlyweds. Giving a watch for a wedding means forever preserving the magic of the moment of creating a family and many bright moments in later life. - This is a symbol of long years of family happiness.

Don't miss a second

Always keeping your finger on the pulse and steadily moving towards your goal is the task of any business person. In business, every minute counts. Therefore, a watch as a gift to a colleague, manager, entrepreneur, civil servant is, first of all, a sign of respect. Such people are characterized by responsibility and organization. It is the watch that will help you organize your work more efficiently and will become a true confirmation of the high status of the owner.

How to get around superstition?

But if, nevertheless, you or the recipient of the gift cannot abandon your fears about omens, there is one interesting way to neutralize superstition. At the time of delivery, you need to give a coin to the person giving the watch. The method is effective and, by the way, approved by the residents of China and Japan. Therefore, you should not deny yourself or your loved ones the pleasure of receiving a worthy gift.

In addition, jewelry watches are a universal solution for any occasion. And to make it easier for you to choose them, refer to the special gift line

It would seem that a watch is an excellent gift option for all occasions. But not everything is so simple and many people will be upset when they receive such a gift, or will refuse to take the gift at all. Where did this strange at first glance superstition come from and why should you not give watches to loved ones?

The Chinese are considered to be the founders of the sign that watches bring bad luck.

In their opinion, walkers given to a person are no more and no less than an invitation to a funeral.

For a European person, such a sign sounds strange, if not wild. But it is generally quite difficult for Westerners to understand the mysterious culture of the Easterners.

Chinese superstition has several explanations. For example, it is believed that a donated watch will immediately begin to count down the time until the donor’s separation from the recipient. And as soon as the arrows stop for any reason, an inevitable separation between these people is coming. Touchy Japanese may even regard such a gift as a wish for a quick death.

The Slavs who were closer and familiar to us were also wary of giving watches. It was believed that together with them a person gives a part of himself, and also brings pain, emptiness and disappointment into the life of the recipient.

The second version of the origin of the sign lies in the structure of the clock. Many peoples have long been afraid to bring sharp objects as gifts to loved ones, considering them dangerous not only to life and health, but also to relationships. Many people in this place will raise their eyebrows in bewilderment - what does the clock have to do with it? The answer is simple - sharp arrows cause anxiety. They are the ones who, in the opinion of many people, can “cut” love or friendship.

Signs why you should not give a watch to your loved ones

But the most common sign is the statement that a watch brought as a gift to a loved one foreshadows an imminent quarrel with the beloved.

To a man, a guy

Men are the stronger sex, that says it all. They are often freer from prejudices and fears than women. And in most cases, a watch for a husband or boyfriend is an excellent gift option. However, before purchasing, you should make sure that your loved one is not one of the vulnerable and tremulous natures in whom a gifted chronometer would cause superstitious horror.

Girl, woman

As you know, ladies are much more sensitive and receptive than men.

Before giving a gift to your loved one, you should make sure of 2 things:

  • that she really dreams of a wrist decoration with arrows;
  • that the girl is free from superstitions and fears.

Otherwise, the donated watch may turn into a “ticking time bomb.” And the sign may well justify itself - the hands will count down the seconds until the upcoming quarrel, the initiator of which, most likely, will be an upset girl.

Should you give watches to friends?

In this matter, again, one should be guided by the tastes of a friend (girlfriend) and take into account their tendency to superstition. If a friend turns off the road after seeing a black cat, and a friend on principle does not take out the trash after sunset, the idea of ​​​​giving a watch will not be the most successful. In addition, according to some, a stopped chronometer will stop even the strongest and most long-standing friendship.

If the donor, at his own peril and risk, nevertheless presented a watch, you should carefully monitor the reaction of the recipient. If a friend's face changes at the sight of a gift, you should immediately try to smooth out the situation. For example, you can explain to a friend that the gift is not a watch at all, but a newfangled organizer with a time display function. A gift can be presented to a friend as a beautiful bracelet, which will make her hand even more graceful and feminine.

Why can't you give it as a birthday gift?

Is it possible to give a watch for a birthday? On the one hand, a good mechanism is a practical and good gift. On the other hand - “Birthday is a sad holiday.” That's what the song says. And for many this is true. If in childhood we look forward to this day, then over time our attitude towards it often changes.

Some people are genuinely upset when they realize that another year is behind them. Surely every person has at least one friend who looks sad and depressed on their birthday. In this case, the clock is another reminder of the transience of time. So is it worth giving another reason for sadness, especially on a day like this? I think no. It is better to choose an alternative gift and save the chronometer for another occasion.

Who else should not be given such a gift?

Those who will not be delighted with the gift of a watch are older people.

As you know, with age, many of them become capricious, and sometimes completely unpredictable in their reactions. They may perceive the gift of a chronometer as a hint of their advanced age. In this case, instead of words of gratitude, with a high degree of probability, you can receive mournful sighs with lamentations, such as “there is very little left for me to wander on this mortal earth”... At the same time, the hero of the occasion can meaningfully stroke the donated watch, calling on it to witness the transience of life.

People who collect watch movements will also be very happy with such a gift - you just have to find out which piece is missing from their collection.

If you decide to give a watch as a gift, you should pay attention to its quality. A good mechanism (not a cheap Chinese copy) will be an excellent gift for a celebration.

  • Products famous brands You can give it to your boss or colleague.
  • A “commander” wristwatch will certainly please a military man.
  • This gorgeous wall mounted mechanism is a great wedding anniversary gift for a couple.
  • To a beautiful lady who dreams of similar gift, an elegant gold watch will do.

Whether the recipient of the gift is superstitious or not, he may be aware of the sign and in the depths of his soul will experience vague anxiety.

Of course, the cost should be purely symbolic. In this case, the mechanism will be considered purchased and not received as a gift.

A watch as a gift is an option acceptable in a number of cases. People free from superstitions will certainly like such a gift. And even the most terrible superstitions can be beaten and “outwitted.” The main thing is a positive attitude of the recipient towards the received mechanism.