How to wear lipstick? This question has been of interest to the fair sex since the time of Queen Cleopatra. The choice of a cosmetic product that can give beauty to your lips depends on many details. When buying lipstick, women should consider their age, take into account the shape of their lips, skin tone and eye color. Each of these factors deserves detailed consideration.

How to choose lipstick: skin tone

The shade of your skin must be taken into account when applying makeup. How to choose a lipstick that will help “disguise” a yellowish complexion? In this case, it is recommended to experiment with the shade of raw meat. There is also a tone that becomes dangerous with slight yellowness - purple.

It is easier for pink-cheeked girls to decide on the color of their lip product. The best solution for them would be shades of peach and orange; brick tones are also relevant. Coral shades will help highlight the beauty of a bronze tan acquired on vacation. Brown is not suitable for tanned ladies; it will make the lips invisible on the face. It is also advisable to refrain from - the face will be yellowish.

How to choose lipstick if your skin is dark? There are practically no restrictions, except that overly light options are not suitable. Coral ones will be optimal for such women. Using such a cosmetic product, you can safely count on a radiant effect.

If a girl wants to emphasize the natural whiteness and transparency of her skin, red lipstick will help her cope with this task. In everyday situations, peach shades are most relevant. Tones such as burgundy and chocolate, which focus attention on skin imperfections, are absolutely not suitable.

Taking into account eye color

How to choose lipstick for brown-eyed ladies? The decision is made depending on the situation. During the daytime, you can opt for pale pink romantic shades. When going to a party or date, you should prefer provocative, rich tones, for example, relevant cosmetic product, staining the lips bright red. Suitable for ladies with brown eyes and brown.

How to choose lipstick to match your face if your eyes are sky blue? Their owners can be advised to use cherry tones if they are planning an evening look. Calm, everyday option- beige-pink shades. Owners of gray eyes are shown natural beige solutions, as well as plum tones.

Which lipstick should green eyes choose? It is best to choose a terracotta shade. If you want to achieve brightness, a product that colors your lips red-orange will help you cope with this.

What do blondes use?

Blonde young ladies should take into account not only the color of their hair, but also the shade of their eyes. How to choose the right lipstick if you have brown eyes? Experiments with bright pink tones are not recommended for such girls; saturated red options are also undesirable for them. On the contrary, pale pink color will be an ideal choice.

Blue-eyed and blond ladies can safely pay attention to coral and plum shades; pink ones are also available to them. It is recommended to avoid overly bright lipstick. These rules are also suitable for owners of emerald eyes and light curls.

Tanned blondes will look spectacular using She is able to focus on the beauty and evenness of the skin.

If your hair is dark

How to choose a lipstick shade for brown-eyed brunettes? Girls with dark hair and eyes are shown different raspberry and orange tones. Defiant chocolate is also relevant for them, unless they have tanned skin.

The “native” lipstick color for light-eyed brunettes is red; this solution is suitable regardless of the situation. For dark-haired and blue-eyed (green-eyed, grey-eyed) young ladies, pale pink tones will help create a romantic look. Shades of purple will look interesting and unusual on the lips.

The above recommendations are suitable not only for brunettes, but also for those with brown hair. The latter is especially worth trying dark pink lipstick. Caution is required if the curls are dark red. It is better for such young ladies not to paint their lips in orange tones and give up light pink ones.

Remember about lip size

Girls, whom nature has endowed with thin lips, mainly strive to enlarge them. Light lipstick will help cope with this task. Dark colors are absolutely not suitable, as are overly bright ones. For thin-lipped young ladies, we can recommend mother-of-pearl; products containing glitter are also suitable for them.

Full lips are a gift of nature that must be treated with care. In this case, natural shades are welcome. You should not get carried away with experiments with emphatically bright colors; this solution is especially contraindicated for fair-haired ladies.

Paying attention to teeth

How to choose lipstick based on tooth color? The easiest way to cope with this task is for the happy owners of a white-toothed smile. Such girls can focus solely on the tone of their skin, hair, and eyes. The situation becomes more complicated when the enamel has a yellowish tint. In this case, cool colors will help “whiten” your teeth. Lipstick that colors the lips in orange or coral shades, emphasizing the yellowness of the dentition, is not suitable for such women.

Choosing the right red lipstick

It's no secret that red in makeup should be used with caution. Brunettes with dark skin They can without hesitation buy a cosmetic product that colors their lips in a tomato tone; shades of raspberry and cranberry are relevant for them. How to choose red lipstick for tanned and dark-haired young ladies? Girls with such external characteristics can afford to opt for rich berry tones. Light-skinned brunettes are shown notes; carrot options are not suitable for them.

Owners of blond curls and fair skin should also not overuse carrot shades; bright scarlet does not suit them either. The beauty of tanned skin will be emphasized by an orange-red tone; you should not refuse purple options. Carrot is ideal for blondes with dark skin.

How to choose red lipstick if you have red hair? Such women should not get carried away with cold colors; it is better for them to focus on warm options.

We take age into account

The number in the passport is another point that cannot be ignored when buying lipstick. For ladies of Balzac age, spectacular appearance will provide dark shades; flashy shades are not suitable for them color solutions. They help visually “disguise” wrinkles

Young ladies are practically unlimited in their choice, especially rich colors. For very young ladies, it is advisable to focus on a light palette that emphasizes the freshness of the skin.

Important points

For women who like to make their lips bright, it is important not to forget about the rules of such makeup. How to choose red lipstick to match your face without looking vulgar? To do this, just be careful when doing eye makeup. It is better to avoid shadows altogether, limiting yourself to pencil and mascara.

Red lipstick is absolutely not combined with bright shadows, especially green and blue shades (if the goal is not an image in the best retro traditions). Beige is popular for the eyes, and nude options are also suitable. You should pay extra attention to your skin tone by choosing red lipstick. It requires impeccable evenness, as bright colors draw attention to skin imperfections. If you plan to use blush, it is better to stick to matte products.

Makeup artists never tire of claiming that those with chapped lips are committing a crime against beauty by choosing red lipstick. The bright color will highlight all the roughness and irregularities. Therefore, lips should be treated first.

Don't forget about the time of day

It is best to put off cosmetics in dark, rich colors until the evening, as well as overly bright products. For morning and afternoon, neutral shades are most relevant, which can become increasingly saturated as the evening approaches.

When choosing the perfect lipstick, do not forget about your own health. The composition of the decorative product should not contain components that can lead to allergic reaction. The expiration date is just as important.

Veronika Herba - urban beauty and health center

How to choose lipstick and not make a mistake with the shade

From this article you will learn:

    What you need to consider first when choosing lipstick

    How to choose lipstick based on hair and eye color

    How to choose a shade of red lipstick

    How to choose the right lipstick color using text

    Who can help me choose lipstick?

Using lipstick, women attract increased attention to their lips. But you can achieve effectiveness and sensuality only if you choose the right shade. The wrong tone can add age, change the complexion in an unfavorable direction, and demonstrate an imperfect smile. How to choose lipstick wisely? This will be discussed below.

Why choosing the right lipstick shade is so important

Every woman understands perfectly well that her attractiveness manifests itself on any part of the body. A real beauty must know the intricacies of caring for everything that nature has awarded her. Competently presenting your main advantages, including knowing how to choose lipstick to suit your face, is a woman’s key skill.

Attractive, well-groomed, sexy and perfectly painted lips of a girl can charm any man. Of course, there are people in the world with different tastes(some prefer plump lips, others prefer narrow and strict ones), but no one remains indifferent.

In addition, choosing the right lipstick means creating half of a successful makeup. It can give a woman freshness or, conversely, sultry freedom. All such moments are provided by the shade and method of using the product. How to choose the right lipstick?

Lipstick is a very common cosmetic product. It began to be used everywhere about 5 thousand years ago. You could choose lipstick back in Ancient Babylon. It was made from precious stones crushed into dust.

In an effort to be beautiful, girls sometimes did reckless and dangerous things. In the 16th century, you could choose a product based on bromine and iodine. Such a mixture, once in the body, created a threat to life. In the 19th century, lips were not painted as actively. The intense shade of lipstick often hinted at the vulgarity and shamelessness of the lady.

In the 20th century, this cosmetic product, which every woman is friends with, gained great popularity. Existing retail chains and salons present an incredibly wide range of different variations of shades, structures, etc. There is plenty to choose from.

Of course, it is very easy to get lost in such diversity. Manufacturers offer a wide range of colors, different types of packaging and product structures. Therefore, many women are tormented by doubts about how to choose a lipstick shade. How to find what you need?

It is very important that this cosmetic product matches the owner in color. It should be noted that this applies not only to lip, hair and skin shades. To choose the right lipstick color, you also need to take into account a certain style of clothing. Everything must create maximum harmony.

Choosing the perfect lipstick color - first steps

How to choose the right lipstick? First of all, you should pay attention to the components included in the product. A good lipstick won't be very cheap. Low cost most likely indicates insufficiently useful ingredients in the composition.

Studies have shown that a girl eats about 2 kg of lipstick over the course of her life. This cosmetic industry product comes into contact with mucous membranes and leaves marks on the gums and tooth enamel. Hazardous components may negatively affect women's health. To choose a worthy product, you need to take this point into account.

How to choose lipstick in a store? A lot of manufacturers try to disguise information about the composition by using very small fonts or even covering them with a label with a barcode. To choose a worthy product, you should be careful. One of the ingredients of high-quality lipstick is natural wax. If the list of ingredients includes mineral oil, then it would be more useful to leave this product in the store.

In addition, low-quality lipstick contains paraffin, lanolin, preservatives and artificial wax. The period of use in this case may exceed one year. Product good quality unable to retain its properties for so long.

It must be remembered that high cost does not always mean quality. In addition to studying the composition, it is necessary to check the expiration date and date of manufacture. The safest products from an environmental point of view are produced by companies that use natural raw materials and have a special label.

To make the right choice, you should pay attention to the appearance of the lipstick. The structure of the product must be dense, uniform, without strange inclusions, bubbles or smudges. It is necessary to ensure that there are no cracks, pigment accumulations, dents or breaks on the retractable elements.

The smell also matters: it must either be pleasant or completely absent. This condition is mandatory when you are going to choose a cosmetic product. An unpleasant odor indicates that the product is expired or of poor quality.

Main types of lipsticks:

    The most common type that can be found in any store is a cylinder-shaped case with a retractable lipstick refill. This specimen is one of the most comfortable, popular and ergonomic.

    Liquid products are usually designed in the form of a cylindrical bottle, which is equipped with a lid with a brush for application. Such products perfectly moisturize and soften the lips, but pretty soon they wear off and lose their shape. In this regard, it is recommended to choose a suitable lip pencil.

    Dry lipstick It lasts as long as possible, but it’s not very comfortable to use because it dries out your lips and contains a lot of dyes.

    Lipstick stick is used in the same way as classic version. It is very practical and convenient.

    Due to its characteristics, creamy lipstick is most often applied to the lips directly with fingers or a special brush. This product is very gentle and pleasant, it is almost devoid of dyes. The downside is that this type of cosmetic product is unstable and wears off quickly.

Which lipstick color to choose

How to choose the right lipstick color? Shades can be broken down into three key types:

    Warm – coral, peach, orange colors.

    Cold ones are pink.

    Neutral - terracotta, brown and beige colors.

In turn, each color type can be light, medium or dark.

You can also choose lipstick from matte, glossy and pearlescent textures. These nuances also matter in the perception of color and external effect.

Before choosing a lipstick tone, a woman needs to take into account several initial indicators:

    Eye color.

    Skin tone.

    Hair color.

    Shade of tooth enamel.

    Lip size and shape.

  1. Time of day and nature of lighting.

These parameters will tell the girl how to choose the appropriate shade. The first three indicators make up the so-called human color type. Based on it, it is recommended to choose colors in clothes and makeup. Lipstick, in turn, should be in harmony with them.

How to choose lipstick for its intended purpose

Any girl needs to choose several types of this cosmetic product in order to adequately complete any look.

    For a daytime option, you should buy lipstick in discreet, light shades. In addition, you can use transparent lip gloss.

    For an evening out, bright lipstick is suitable. You also need to take into account the nature of the light in the room. If it is cold, then the product should be chosen from the warm spectrum. If there is enough warm light in the room, lipstick in neutral and cool tones would be appropriate.

    The color palette of clothing also plays a role. It should be in complete harmony with the tone of the lipstick. For items with warm colors, the shade of lipstick should also be chosen with a warm undertone.

    IN winter time You should give preference to nourishing lipstick, and in summer - a product with a moisturizing effect.

Of course, there is no need to store all of the listed types of products in a cosmetic bag. However, any girl should choose two of them for herself.

How to choose lipstick color for makeup

In makeup, the shade of lipstick must be in harmony with the blush. If you take this nuance into account, your face will always look young and expressive. If you can’t choose lipstick and blush of the same color, then let them be from the same palette - warm or cold.

How to choose lipstick for blush

    In order to highlight the femininity and youth of the face, you should pay attention to pink lipstick with a slight blue tint and blush from the “Cotton Candy” series.

    For a distinctive vintage look, choose matte pink lipstick and standard pink blush.

    If romance is closer to your heart, then red lipstick should be combined with rose blush. In this case, the brighter the product, the brighter the blush you should choose.

    To create a more dramatic and languid look, you should opt for wine-colored lipstick. Blush here is suitable in a color lighter than wine, say Sangria. In this case, the lips should be much darker than the shade of blush.

    Lipstick in natural shades looks great in the summer season under the hot sun. It will look amazing paired with translucent peach blush.

    Lipstick in plum tone or other colors from the red-violet palette harmonizes perfectly with the same blush. By choosing this type of makeup, you will add freshness to your face.

How to choose lipstick to match eyeshadow color

The selection of a product for the shade of shadows is based on the principle of unity of color range - cold or warm. If this order is followed, then the result is a harmonious and bright image. It is worth remembering the key advice of makeup artists: in makeup you need to make only one bright accent - either on the eyes or on the lips.

    Red lipstick in itself is quite catchy. In this regard, shadows should be used in light natural shades - peach, golden, beige.

    By choosing lipstick in wine colors, juicy cherry or eggplant, you can give your lips expressiveness and brightness. Shadows in this option should be selected in natural shades.

    Pink translucent lipstick is perfect for daytime makeup. In this case, the shadows should be chosen from pastel cold colors. In the evening, bright pink lipstick will help add brightness to your makeup. The arrows on the eyes go perfectly with it. You can refuse to use shadows.

    For coral lipstick, you should choose warm shades of eyeshadow - cream, beige, brown, green.

  • Natural shades of lipstick allow the use of bright colors in eye makeup. The main focus will be on the girl's gaze. It is permissible to choose shadows of intense tones. You can combine different colors in eye makeup.

Which shade of lipstick should you choose in the end? Makeup artists recommend starting from the following: when making eye makeup in calm shades, the lip color should be more intense, and, conversely, when making eye-catching makeup in rich colors, it is more appropriate to use a more natural palette of lipsticks.

How to choose lipstick based on eye color, skin color and age

  • Eye color

Natural plum and beige shades are suitable for gray-eyed girls. For blue-eyed people, we recommend choosing a color like cherry or beige-pink. Green eyes look great when surrounded by terracotta and red-orange tones. Brown-eyed beauties should choose bright red, brown and pale pink colors.

  • Color of the skin

How to choose lipstick according to skin color? Red and chocolate, plum and wine, as well as pastel colors are suitable for dark-skinned girls. Delicate coral, pink, and beige colors go well with fair skin.

The general algorithm is as follows: for warm skin undertones (cream, peach, ivory), lipstick colors from a warm palette are used; for cold ones, you need to choose from a cool palette.

  • Teeth color

A snow-white smile provides a girl with freedom of choice, limited only by her color type. The yellowness of the enamel encourages you to choose your lipstick very carefully. Do not use any shade of purple, brown or bright red. It is worth choosing natural pink, light red, and reddish tones. Light-colored glosses and lipsticks do not attract attention to imperfectly shaped teeth.

  • Lip size

A light shade of lipstick externally enlarges the lips, while a dark shade conceals volume. If a girl wants to achieve plump lips, then she needs to outline their natural outline and choose a contour pencil of the same shade as the lipstick. Then apply lipstick using a brush and highlight the center of the lips with gloss. Moreover, you need to add more shine to the lower lip. It is permissible to use a reflective product over the top, shading it properly.

It must be remembered that lipstick with a pearlescent effect will make imperfections on the surface of the lips more noticeable and visually enlarge them. In this regard, if your lips are initially voluminous, you should choose a matte one, and in the case of evening makeup, a glossy product.

  • Age

Young ladies are recommended to use light spectrum tones, older beauties – bright colors (not forgetting the time of day, of course). In adulthood, it is appropriate to choose dark, but not flashy or vulgar tones. Pastel colors emphasize wrinkles to a minimum.

  • Time of day and lighting

During daylight hours, you can give preference to natural and medium-saturated shades of lipstick, as well as transparent gloss. In the evening, deeper tones and shades from the dark spectrum will be appropriate. In cold lighting (sky in the winter months, neon), you do not need to use the same palette; it is better to give preference to beige and warm colors. In warm lighting (candles or incandescent lamps), you should not use orange or brown shades.

How to choose the right lipstick based on your hair color

1. Choose a lipstick for blondes with pale skin not difficult. In this version, calm pink tones will look great. To apply makeup during the day, you should use pink or peach lipstick, and in the evening choose a plum or coral shade. First of all, you need to remember that the cosmetic product should be of a desaturated color so that the face does not look too pale. Which lipstick should a blonde choose? With this hair color, you should avoid bright pink and orange shades.

2. Red-haired girls with pale skin It would be correct to choose lipstick in brown, coral, plum, dark pink and brown-peach tones. The fiery, rich color of the hairstyle is in perfect harmony with products of the same shade from a warm palette. In the evening, it is permissible to choose burgundy lipstick. Orange, blood red and bright pink lipstick will look unfavorable.

3. Black hair and dark skin they get along well with fresh flowers – red and deep pink. To make the look more expressive, these women need to choose dark pink and rich plum tones. It is worth avoiding coral and brown shades, because they give the skin an ashy appearance.

4. Which lipstick should a brunette with fair skin choose?? The advantage of this combination is that almost all colors of the cosmetic product are in harmony with it. Naturally, there are the most successful shades: pink, plum, bright red. In the evening it is better to opt for the color “Ruby”. It is worth avoiding the dark palette and bright orange tones. Choosing a lipstick color is a completely feasible task if you listen to our advice.

How to choose lipstick color (test)

1) How does your skin react to the sun?

A. I tan quickly, the tan looks attractive. A couple of days in the sun and my skin takes on a golden carrot hue.

Q. In general, I don’t experience any difficulties with tanning. As a result, the skin color becomes olive.

S. I often don’t sunbathe, but rather get sunburned, and therefore I don’t go out into the sun’s rays without a product with a high protective factor. Active sun exposure leads to severe redness of the skin.

D. The tan looks disgusting on my skin. Often after a vacation I am asked the question: “Where is your tan?”

2) Do you have freckles?

A. Yes, golden in color.

B. There are, but there are very few of them, and they are practically invisible.

S. Bright spots are initially my highlight.

3) What color are your eyes?

A. Turquoise, bright green, blue.

B. Calm colors: gray-green, gray, gray-blue.

C. Eyes with golden flecks.

D. Intense shade - dark brown, emerald, blue.

4) Which blouse do you like best?

A. Creamy white.

V. Blue.

S. Orange.

D. Black.

5) To which of fairy tale characters are you similar in appearance?

A. Goldilocks.

B. Cinderella.

S. Pippi Longstocking.

D. Snow White.

Count which answers you have more: A, B, C or D.

A. You need to choose coral red, terracotta, beige lipstick color. Try to avoid cold tones. An alternative would be a simple clear gloss.

Q. To look great, you should choose raspberry, soft purple, cherry, and fuchsia lipstick. Avoid bright red shades, as they will make your makeup look provocative.

C. You should choose an orange, rich salmon, copper, warm red lipstick tone. Very light shades are not suitable because they will make your face dull.

D. You can choose aggressive cool colors - dark purple, burgundy, purple-pink. Avoid only light pearlescent tones.

Basic principles of red lipstick:

  • Red lipstick is a challenge, a celebration of the soul. This is what is called “fire on yourself!”

In this regard, shoes, clothes, accessories, leather, hair must look perfect. The most appropriate look to choose is classic. Coloristic combinations of different elements of the costume should not go beyond white, red (in unison with the lips), black.

  • Flawless complexion and skin without blemishes.

If you are feeling tired, worried or anxious, have dark circles under your eyes, a grayish complexion and similar problems, then the right decision would be to choose another time to experiment with bright red lipstick. You should not draw attention to temporary skin defects with the color of your lips, otherwise the effect will be the opposite of the desired one.

The skin is not allowed to shine. It must be matte and smooth. In case of oily skin You definitely need to choose a suitable powder or primer with a mattifying effect so that bright lipstick does not have a shiny nose next to it.

  • Another caveat is imperfect teeth.

When tooth enamel is not snow-white and suffers from visible defects, then red lipstick should be prohibited. Certain tones, primarily cold ones, only enhance the yellowish tint of the enamel. In this regard, aesthetic dentistry is in the foreground, and only after that is the emphasis on lips in makeup and the search for an answer to the question of how to choose red lipstick.

  • Red lipstick draws attention to the lips, so there should be no other accents on the face.

Shadows should be chosen in natural pastel shades, eyelashes should be painted over just a little, and eyebrows should be emphasized. Blush should not be used for contouring. The best assistant in the case of red lipstick is a bronzing agent. It will disguise imperfections in the contour and will not take away the emphasis from the lips.

In order to slightly emphasize the eyes, you need to line them with neat arrows along the upper eyelids. For clear lines, you can choose a thin pencil or regular liquid black eyeliner.

  • The matte variety of red lipstick visually reduces the shape of the lips.

To plump your lips, you need to walk along their border with a highlighter with a liquid consistency and blend it well. After this, outline the lips, retreating 1 mm from the contour, with a colorless pencil (or one tone lighter than lipstick). Then put a little lipstick on the brush and apply it to the surface of the lips, including the halo indicated with a pencil. And finally, carefully paint over the entire area of ​​the lips.

  • Lips without gloss add formality and restraint to the look, as well as stylish sophistication.

In connection with this day, it would be more appropriate to choose a matte red lipstick. For the final harmony of your look, you should take an accessory of a similar shade or wear an item of clothing of the same tone as the lipstick.

  • Lipstick with gloss visually adds volume to the lips.

Only a young woman can choose this option. But even she must avoid sloppiness. If it turns out to be very a large number of gloss or lipstick, then you should definitely remove the excess with a napkin or cotton pad. Ideally, you should accustom yourself to using a special brush.

Red color suits absolutely every woman. The problem is different - how to choose lipstick best tone? Red comes in many shades - from dark cherry and raspberry to brown and red-carrot. I must say that the palette also contains a basic red without any impurities. This is exactly the tone that looks harmonious on any girl. The photo above shows different shades and their uses.

Many representatives of the fair sex do not dare to try this magical element of makeup because they cannot understand how to choose the color of red lipstick. You need to understand this issue, because juicy, alluring lips from time immemorial have been a symbol of style and confidence in one’s own charm.

By deciding to wear red lipstick, a girl adds femininity, energy and spirit to her appearance. She attracts attention and focuses on her appearance, which is why it is so important to master the art of competently selecting the right shade.

In order to decide which red lipstick to choose, you should keep two parameters in mind:

  • Natural skin color.

For a yellowish skin tone, you should choose a shade from the warm red spectrum - brick, brown, peach, coral, red, orange. Red lipstick looks unnatural on a face with yellow undertones. cold palette– burgundy, pink, raspberry, scarlet. Pinkish skin color, on the contrary, encourages you to choose cool shades of the red spectrum - pink with blue, scarlet, crimson or basic (real red).

You need to check the tone of the lipstick by applying a little product to your lips with a brush. This will reveal the “heart” of the shade. Alternatively, you can add lipstick to the wrist area and blend it with your fingers, which will also demonstrate the color of the product and help you understand whether you have chosen the right red lipstick.

  • Contrast level.

It is known that the degree of contrast between hair and skin is very important in determining the color saturation of makeup, and this is especially true for lips. The higher the contrast, the darker or brighter the lipstick you need to choose. This rule applies to all makeup.

For fair-haired girls, a calm, rich tone is suitable. Too dark or flashy lipstick will turn your look into a cheeky and vulgar one. It is extremely useful for girls with blond hair to know their own natural complexion and understand the question of how to choose the color of lipstick so as not to spoil their natural beauty.

In the case of blond hair, it is important to take into account its shade. Let's say your hairstyle has a wheat or yellow undertone, then you should choose a lipstick with notes from a warm palette. For those with platinum hair, the red color, on the contrary, should include a slightly scarlet or crimson admixture.

For brown-haired women with a low degree of contrast in appearance, similar advice works: moderation above all. If you want to increase the saturation of your lips, then you should increase the degree of contrast of your entire appearance: wear dark clothes, choose a red accessory (for example, a handbag or jewelry). With this choice, the contrast of appearance will be increased, and the rich tone of the lipstick will come in handy.

Sensual pink lips are the best choice for the warmer months. A juicy and positive lipstick of this shade can change any look, adding a little coquetry and playfulness to it.

Pink is a sign of the ancient Greek Aphrodite and symbolizes hope and dreaminess. The peculiarity of this color is the following: there is so much pink on the palette that any girl can easily choose a tone that is in harmony with her hair and skin.

    For blondes Lipsticks from the light spectrum with a slight shimmer are suitable.

    Brunettes showing deep and rich pink tones.

    Brown-haired Absolutely any pink shade goes, the main thing is to choose a tone from a cold palette and without any shimmer at all.

The pink product easily “collects” the entire look. However, to choose the right one, you should remember a few key rules:

    You should have a completely even skin tone.

    You should not choose a pink product if your face is red or has a rash. It will add an unnecessary emphasis at the moment and will only emphasize difficult moments.

    Pink lipstick will look good with well-groomed, straight eyebrows.

    As for the outfit, pink lipstick goes well with beige, silver, white elements and black clothes. For catchy and printed looks, pink should be chosen with extreme caution. The ideal option would be beige or lighter colors.

How to choose dark lipstick: purple, black, blue and green

Along with colorful mascara, creative lipstick colors are turning into a modern beauty trend. For example, Kylie Jenner has created a range of products, including blue and dark blue. At the Prada SS16 show, the girls walked in front of the audience with lips covered in gold, and at the Dior FW 16/17 show - with black ones. If you like these shades of lipstick, then it is worth knowing how to use such extreme colors and choose the right tone that will not look alien.

Black lipstick color

This color is currently no longer associated with the gothic subculture. This cosmetic product looks great on girls with a cool complexion. If you have a shade from the pinkish spectrum, then black lipstick will look good on your lips. The main thing is to choose eyeshadow that is as similar as possible to your complexion, to draw a clear thin line using a pencil along the lash line, highlight the eyes with mascara and use glitter as a second layer after black lipstick.

Blue lipstick

Lady Gaga and Rihanna were among the first to demonstrate this shade of lipstick. It looks, of course, shocking, but this does not mean that you cannot use blue lipstick. This color It doesn’t look very appropriate during the day, but it would be great for a party or going to a club. A colored pencil of a similar color applied to the inner corners of the eyes will not allow the girl to go unnoticed. Fair-skinned beauties should choose royal blue, azure and cobalt shades. Ultramarine, sapphire and azure colors look great on dark skin.

Blue lipstick can only be chosen by those with a snow-white smile, as this color makes tooth enamel very yellow.

Green lipstick

It is difficult to find a woman who would dare to choose green lipstick during the day. However, this the color will suit each. If you have a dark skin tone, then you should pay attention to a light green or olive shade. Fair skin (or pale) will suit emerald color, as well as cobalt. This tone of the product harmonizes perfectly with the gold in the shadows. If you don't have the courage to do makeup using green lipstick, then you can choose your favorite red color for your lips and add a green tint in the middle. The result will be a very unusual image.

But remember that green lipstick emphasizes redness on the face.

Purple lipstick

In case the determination to use the above shades is not enough, you should definitely choose purple - the most fashionable lipstick tone of this summer. Purple lipstick suits everyone. If the girl is dark or has fiery hair, then she should use amethyst, lilac, and purple tones. Beauties with fair skin need to buy a shade of eggplant, lilac or plum. In a company with wide arrows, the purple shade looks the most attractive.

We must remember that such catchy lipstick tones imply excellent condition of the skin of the face and lips. In this regard, first of all, it is necessary to hide imperfections with a foundation with a light texture, and polish your lips in advance with a scrub and treat them with balm. Before applying lipstick, you need to choose a pencil for contour to give the makeup durability and prevent the product from spreading.

How to choose chapstick

Hygienic lipstick is needed to protect lips from the negative influence of natural factors. Its search is connected with the nature of precisely this impact. Which hygienic lipstick to choose is determined by the season. It’s worth taking a closer look at each of them:

  • Spring

This season does not part with vitamin deficiency, so in this period You need to intensively nourish and heal your lips. In this regard, for spring we recommend choosing a hygienic lipstick that contains sea buckthorn oil, chamomile, calendula, and vitamins A, E and C among its ingredients.

  • Summer

There are no problems with vitamins at this time of year. The main danger is related to temperature conditions and aggressive sunlight. In the heat, moisture quickly disappears from the body, and therefore hygienic lipstick must be chosen with excellent moisturizing characteristics. But thorough moisturizing is not a key requirement for summer lipstick. It must serve as an excellent barrier to the negative effects of the sun, so for this season you need to choose a moisturizing lipstick with UV filters (at least SPF15).

  • Autumn

In autumn, vitamin deficiency and ultraviolet rays are not scary. The condition of the lips is most often negatively affected by frequent winds and approaching cold weather. In this regard, you need to choose a hygienic lipstick that maintains a hydrolipid balance, which will well moisturize and nourish your lips.

  • Winter

This is the most difficult season for the skin. Low temperatures, constant winds, lack of vitamins, and the ultraviolet threat encourage the use of serious protective products. Chapstick is required to provide excellent nutrition. We recommend choosing products with natural oils in the composition (cocoa, avocado, shea), as well as lanolin and vitamin A (retinol). In addition, it is necessary to monitor the presence of UV filters, because winter snow reflects aggressive solar radiation.

Which brand to choose lipstick

There are thousands of lipstick manufacturers all over the world. Their products are in great demand among the fair half of humanity. In competition famous brands use advanced techniques and creative technologies. Which lipstick brand should you choose? A list compiled from consumer surveys will help you navigate.

Choose the best all-around lipstick

Avon Ultra Color Latte Nude– juicy coffee-colored lipstick gives the lips a delicate peach shade, similar to natural. When used, it applies smoothly and leaves the lips feeling moist. However, some opinions contain information that lipstick partially dries out the skin. In this case, it is better to supplement this product with a care balm.

GivenchyRougeInterditShine. This product gently shades the natural color of the lips, despite the fact that the tone looks very rich in the tube. The lipstick has a translucent structure and has excellent color retention. However, when deciding to choose this product, you need to check its compatibility with your appearance, because the result can be unexpected. Girls add that this product looks very seductive on the lips.

Choose a caring lipstick

Sisley Phyto Lip Shine- excellent quality product. It has nourishing and smoothing properties. In addition, it slightly increases the volume of the lips and moisturizes them. The product gives a pleasant feeling even to injured skin. Half an hour after use, the moisture content in the lips increases by 30% or more. The only thing: this lipstick is expensive. However, the achieved result exceeds the money spent.

L'OrealParisColorRicheSerum– a product that moisturizes and nourishes due to its content hyaluronic acid and collagen. When using it, the surface of the lips is smoothed, and contour wrinkles practically disappear. With constant use, the skin's hydrobalance returns to normal. But the product does not differ in durability, so it requires periodic application throughout the day.

Choose lipstick for lip volume

Vivienne Sabo Gloir D'amour. The 3D effect of this product gives attractive plumpness and smoothness. The palette is dominated by an unobtrusive shimmer of particles, which attracts many girls. The product itself is a little heavy in structure, but the resulting sensuality and seductiveness make up for this shortcoming.

GuerlainKissMaxiShineVolumeEffect– a lipstick that gives your lips the necessary care and adds smoothness and real volume to them. After 2-3 weeks of use, the effect is consolidated and becomes permanent. The lipstick has a delicate, almost creamy texture. Girls who decided to choose this product talk about the effect of fine sand on their lips. But the result of using the product is so significant that they do not focus on this.

Choose long-lasting lipstick

Max Factor Lipfinity. The product stands out because it includes two parts. One of them is a color base, which gives long-lasting shade, as well as vitamin nutrition and maintaining skin hydrobalance. The second component of the product is shine, which gives shine and also has a nourishing effect. This product is not recommended for use on skin with microtraumas. The lipstick glides on perfectly on smooth lips and lasts for eight hours.

Clinique Long Last Lipstick also guarantees eight hours of long-lasting color. The product is characterized by the effect of normalizing the water balance of the skin. Matte shades can cause some dryness, but in reality this is not the case. Clinique Long Last Lipstick is very long-lasting and offers a wide range of shades, both glossy and matte.

Choose a matte lipstick

If there are difficulties in how to choose a matte lipstick and which matte lipstick to choose, then you can pay attention to the following products:

SeventeenMatteLastingLipstick– a rather pleasant product with moisturizing properties. It will not roll down, smear, and does not depend on the contour of the pencil. This product has a vanilla scent. The range of shades offers a wide choice for both daytime and evening makeup. All users talk about the excellent quality and price of the product.

Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupte. The line of these products allows you to choose from a rich range of colors and is characterized by a stable and soft structure. Due to the oils in the composition, dry skin is excluded, but the product does not smudge. Girls are pleased with its dense texture and richness of shades. However, you will need to get used to the structure of the lipstick, as it is a little unusual.

Choose red lipstick

The classic option is red lipstick. It remains relevant and in demand at any time. You need to approach her choice extremely carefully, because such a shade can make a girl more sensual and attractive, or completely ruin the whole image. For beauties who decided to choose red, two brands became their favorites.

RevlonSuperLustrousLipstick(shade Fire&Ice 720) – a product with a juicy scarlet shade. The lipstick has a silky and pleasant texture. The shade is quite stable and applies in a dense layer. When applying the product, it is permissible to exclude the use of a contour pencil. On her face she looks very dignified and attractive.

ChristianDiorRougeDior 999. This product has a noble red tint. The composition of the product does not dry out, but rather nourishes the lips. The durability of this product is average, so you should choose a pencil to pair it with.

Which lipstick to choose: reviews

The right lipstick will help complete an image that would otherwise look dull and unfinished. That is why lip products need to be chosen no less carefully than other cosmetics. Lipstick is matched to the color of the skin and eyes, so it is important for owners of green eyes to know what will highlight emerald shades and make them brighter.

The best lipstick for green eyes

Types of lipsticks for green eyes

Manufacturers offer a wide selection of lip care products. Moisturizing lipsticks, which perform not only the function of decorative cosmetics, perfectly care for the delicate skin of the lips. True, they wear out quickly and are not durable. They are not recommended for use in cold weather, as they greatly cool the lips, which leads to cracking and peeling.

Nourishing lipsticks contain a large amount of wax, they are denser in structure than moisturizing ones, they contain much less moisture, so this option is ideal for the cold season.

  • Long-lasting lipsticks have proven themselves to be a product that will last well all day, without creasing or spreading even after eating. They contain polymers that allow the formation of a thin film on the surface of the lips. But you shouldn’t use them for daily makeup, they dry out delicate skin very much.
  • Lip gloss can create a light makeup, giving color to the lips and making them juicy and seductive. But it is necessary to monitor the contour, since liquid glitter has the unpleasant property of spreading, in addition, it is quickly “eaten up”.
  • Hygienic lipsticks have no color, but contain caring components that protect against any exposure to the sun, wind and cold.
With such a variety, every woman will be able to choose a care product, but the main question is still how to choose the ideal lipstick color for green eyes

Which lipstick to choose for green eyes?

When the texture and suitable type lipstick has been selected, the main thing remains - color selection. Don’t think it’s easy, because each skin tone and eye color has its own lipstick shades:

  • delicate pastel colors are not suitable for dark-skinned girls;
  • bright lipsticks will make blondes look vulgar;
  • The unusual shade of the eyes is perfectly emphasized by warm red-orange and terracotta colors.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which lipstick suits green eyes, since the main role is still played by skin tone and hair color. It is worth adding a cool touch to your look by using purple lipstick, except for dark skin.

Despite the huge number of recommendations, lipstick, like other makeup products, should be selected based not only on the advice of stylists, but also on your own feelings. After all, the main goal of makeup is to be beautiful and please not only others, but also yourself first and foremost.

Secret perfect makeup lies in the correct use of it. Experienced makeup artists, when choosing a color scheme, focus on the girl’s color type, the shape of her lips and eye color. However, to do spectacular makeup, it is not at all necessary to turn to professionals. Today we will tell you which lipstick suits blue eyes, and which colors it is better to avoid altogether.

Makeup artists divide all colors into three large groups:

  • Warm - these include all peach lipsticks, as well as orange and red shades.
  • Cold ones - as a rule, these are pink colors.
  • Neutral - as close as possible to natural. Namely, brown, beige and terracotta notes.

Lipstick comes in different saturations and textures. Glossy, pearlescent and matte products are distinguished. All these characteristics influence what your lips will be like: plump and exciting or, conversely, strict and laconic.

When choosing lipstick, you need to rely on eye and hair color, lip shape, as well as age and lighting. Juicy berry and candy colors suit young girls, but older ladies are better off giving preference to more restrained shades: brown, nude or coral.

What colors suit blue eyes?


The first color that is associated with blue is, of course, pink. At the same time, the girl does not have to be a blue-eyed blonde. Young ladies with dark hair will also look impressive if they wear lilac or raspberry lipstick. Those with heavenly eye color can use the entire palette of pink colors in their makeup: from pale lilac to bright coral. However, delicate light shades look best on girls with a cool color type. This type includes platinum blondes, girls with ash-blond and medium-blond hair, as well as brunettes with a light skin tone. Bright berry colors suit girls with golden and red hair.


Sunny lipstick plays in contrast with blue eyes, emphasizing them. The color orange will make your blue eyes appear brighter. A similar lip color can often be seen on lips Hollywood stars. Namely, the owner of blue-green eyes, Megan Fox. If bright orange shades bother you, choose soft peach or terracotta lipstick.


To create a flawless natural look, owners of blue eyes are recommended to use natural pastel shades. Beige, peach and powder will give your look purity and purity. Lipsticks in these shades are good for every day. But for an evening wardrobe it is better to choose a brighter and darker color.

How not to make a mistake when choosing lipstick in a store

Often, when girls buy lipstick in a store, they are disappointed when they get home. The fact is that boutiques have special lighting that distorts reality. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a lipstick shade, you will need White paper. Run the tester over the piece of paper and see which shades predominate in this color. They may be as follows:

  • Pink or red. Lipstick with a predominance of such shades in life will look even warmer and richer.
  • Yellow and orange. Such lipstick will do only for girls with golden skin.
  • Gray or silver. Be prepared that lipstick with gray pigment will shine on your lips.
  • Blue and blue. A color with a predominance of blue or cyan pigment is ideal for girls of the winter color type.

If you don’t have white paper at hand, you can test the lipstick on your fingertips. However, if you haven’t found a tester for the lipstick shade you like, it’s better not to risk it. After all, reality may disappoint you.

Don't forget that the color of your lipstick should match your clothes and eye makeup. If you prefer to brightly line your eyes, then it would be appropriate to choose lipstick in calm or natural shades.

Good color and quality of lipstick for modern woman- practically her calling card. If you choose the wrong lipstick, you can easily add extra years to your appearance. By applying cosmetics of the wrong shade to your lips, you run the risk of looking ridiculous and tasteless, therefore, it is important to learn how best to choose the color of lipstick to suit your face.

A well-chosen lipstick color can highlight the main advantages of your appearance and hide flaws. Lipstick in delicate and natural shades will make its owner look younger and add freshness to her complexion. Darker lipstick will help you look stately, business-like, sophisticated, and add femininity and charm.

Signs of the main color types of appearance

Each person is given a certain hair color, eye color, and skin tone from birth. Many women fundamentally disagree with their natural characteristics and try to change themselves in every possible way: they dye their hair, use a skin bleaching product or use a tan.

Due to such changes in appearance, women often choose the wrong color scheme in clothing and makeup.

There are 4 color types of appearance, which include representatives of the fair sex:

  • Winter– owners of this color type have light, almost porcelain skin. Eye color is mostly brown, gray, hair color is charcoal black, brown, dark chestnut. Cool shades in makeup suit this type of appearance.
  • Spring– women in this category can boast of a golden or peach skin tone, gray or blue eyes, brown and light brown hair. Warm shades in makeup are suitable for this type of appearance.
  • Summer– beautiful representatives of this color type are distinguished by slightly dark skin and brown hair. Eye color is predominantly green, gray and blue-gray. Shades with cool tones suit a “summer” girl.
  • Autumn– girls of this “warm” color type have golden-reddish and creamy skin with freckles, blue, brown, black or green eyes. Hair – honey, bronze and red. Natural and warm colors in makeup suit these beauties very well.

Have you already tried The best lipstick Ffleur (the whole palette of colors, up to t53)

How to find out your color type of appearance

Each type of appearance is assigned a specific time of year. Properly composed color schemes will help you look stunning!

Once you know your color type of appearance, you can safely select outfits and accessories. various colors and materials. The same rule applies to decorative cosmetics.

You can find out which type a girl belongs to using a test for the color type of appearance. For this you will need a regular large mirror.

Test rules:

  1. The room where the test is carried out, should be with natural light. Bright electric light will give the wrong impression in choosing a color.
  2. Clean skin. It is necessary to completely wash off all makeup.
  3. Natural hair color. If a girl has dyed hair, she should cover it with a white scarf, since the determination is made only by the hair color given by nature.
  4. Clothing fabrics. It is better to choose neutral fabrics for clothes.
  5. Second opinion. You can invite an assistant to approve the choice of a particular color from the outside.

You should alternately apply various plain materials to your face: scarves, patches, scarves, T-shirts. Against the background of some flowers, a face can shine, be transformed, and the eyes sparkle. The face will respond to a different color with sallow and dull skin, and the eyes will become dull.

If, with the application of red and pink materials, the face looks fresh, a sparkle appears in the eyes - the “winter” or “summer” color type. Peach and yellow shades harmonize perfectly with the “spring” and “autumn” types.

Are you already familiar with the best cosmetics for women Libriderm?

How to choose lipstick to suit your face

Every woman strives to look perfect, to somehow stand out from the crowd. This applies not only to the choice of wardrobe, but also to makeup. There is nothing difficult about choosing the right eye shadow or lipstick color.

Women often choose a shade of lipstick simply based on their color preferences, without thinking at all that such a choice may not suit their face or clothes at all.

Determination of color temperature

All colors existing in nature are divided into 2 groups:

  • Cold group
  • Warm group

The cold group includes almost all pink and all lilac shades of lipsticks, the warm group includes beige, orange and peach. First, you need to determine your facial skin tone.

— All shades of wine, plum, red and pastel colors are suitable for dark skin.

— For light skin tones, cream, coral and all pink lipstick colors are ideal.

The choice of clothing style should be approached with the same rule:

— To cold materials of blue and Green colour There are fuchsia and plum colored lipsticks.

- In a range of warm colors, such as yellow and orange - lipstick in peach, coral and natural shades.

It is important to choose the right lipstick in combination with your hair color:

— Cool shades are combined with dark hair color, such as hot pink, burgundy, lilac.

- TO blonde hair pale pink, terracotta, red lipstick colors are suitable.

— Orange, beige tones, and brick lipsticks are ideal for red hair color.

Selection of shade according to the color type of appearance

Based on the correctly defined type of appearance, using lipstick you can create your image as bright, sensual and sexy.

You need to select lipstick based on color type as follows:

  1. To the “winter” type Cold shades of lipsticks suit the appearance: all pink, red, burgundy colors. They can add brightness and radiance to the face.
  2. "Spring" Warm shades suit young ladies: soft peach, coral, beige. Cool colors will look inappropriate, as they can add extra age to their owners and highlight all the imperfections of the facial skin.
  3. Girls with the “summer” type You should choose lipsticks in scarlet, plum, and hot pink colors. Against the background of these shades, the face will look fresh, and the whole image will become bright and memorable. It is strictly contraindicated to use beige and natural shades of lipsticks; they will simply blend into the skin and get lost against the background of this color type.
  4. "Autumn" beauties Neutral and warm lipstick colors are very flattering: beige, terracotta, caramel color. Cold pink and lilac shades are completely unsuitable for those with the “autumn” type.

Note! Thereby simple rule, you can easily learn how to more naturally match the color of lipstick to your face.

Choosing a lipstick tone based on lip size

The right choice of lipstick can make your lips sensual, soft or vibrant.

It is important to remember that dark shades of lipsticks are completely unsuitable for small or thin lips. By applying dark lipstick to your lips, you can make them even thinner. Conversely, a shade that is too pale does not suit girls with full lips, as it makes the lips even larger and fuller.

How can you choose the right lipstick color so that your face doesn’t look too pretentious or, on the contrary, faded?

To choose desired color must be taken seriously:

  • If your lips are thin and small– you should choose pearlescent light lipsticks, such as soft pink, beige or peach. A prerequisite is that the lipstick must contain iridescent particles of mother-of-pearl. You can use another option: apply satin or glossy lipstick, and add a drop of gloss with shining particles to the middle of your lips. It is thanks to the gloss that the effect of full lips is created, which is very important for those whom nature has not rewarded with plump lips.
  • For those with large and full lips You should not choose shiny lipstick. This lipstick will only add volume to already rather large lips. The most suitable type of lipstick is matte. It is matte lipstick that will hide excess fullness of the lips and make the image neat.

Selecting lipstick shade by age

Women different ages Lip makeup should be done correctly, so that the shade of lipstick looks appropriate on the lips. Bright crimson lipstick will look funny and ridiculous on the lips of a woman over 50... Expert advice on how to choose the right lipstick color to suit your face, taking into account age-related characteristics, will help with this difficult choice.

The main rules for choosing lipstick:

  1. Young and young people under 25 years old you can safely use the brightest shades of lipsticks that are offered by modern fashion: raspberry, strawberry, grape shades. Fuchsia lipstick looks very beautiful and juicy on the lips. If you want naturalness, you should focus on translucent lip glosses. At this age, you should not be afraid of bold and bright colors, because in the older age category you will no longer be able to try on such rich colors!
  2. After 25 years you can and should choose rich and dark lipsticks such as: cherry, wine, red, plum, ruby. The lips have not yet acquired fine wrinkles, and you can safely use deep shades.
  3. Women over 40 years old Gentle, warm tones that do not draw attention to the lips are ideal. At this age, lips already lose their natural volume and acquire wrinkles, so bright colors of lipsticks will be inappropriate.
  4. Ladies over 50 We recommend lipsticks in pink shades with the addition of cool shimmering particles. It is better not to use lipsticks with a matte or glossy effect; they will make the skin of your lips even drier. For women in this age category, it is necessary to use lipsticks that contain moisturizing and smoothing components.

Important to remember! By following these simple tips, you can easily choose the right shade of lipstick, both for young girls and more mature ladies, for any makeup, day or evening. After all, if the color matches well, the image will be sophisticated and the face more expressive!

Choosing lipstick to match the color of your tooth enamel

Interesting fact! With the help of something like lipstick, it is very easy to completely transform your smile, so you need to choose the right shade of lipstick to match your teeth enamel. An illiterate choice of lipstick tone can only aggravate the situation: already yellow teeth will become even darker, and attention to such a less than perfect smile will be even more intense.

You can, of course, resort to professional teeth whitening, but it is better and cheaper to use lipstick to hide the insufficient whiteness of tooth enamel.

There are a number of rules for correctly selecting the shade of lipstick to match the color of your teeth enamel:

  • To make your teeth appear whiter, you need to keep in your cosmetic bag lipsticks of bright reddish shades with cool undertones, which contain blue pigment. Red lipstick with warm yellow pigments will not work; it will only emphasize the yellowness of your teeth.
  • Everyone is warm and dark colors It's better to leave lipsticks for those with snow-white smiles. These shades include: brown, orange, golden and peach. All of the colors listed are not suitable for a smile with “yellowness”.
  • Berry, pink, plum tones will look most advantageous. and all shades of wine. Such lipsticks must contain a cool blue pigment, but there should be no yellow pigments in the composition of the lipstick!

Tips from cosmetologists: How to use coconut oil for skin rejuvenation. Incredible effect!

Red lipstick tone rules

Bright, red, rich lipstick, like a magnet, always attracted looks. Any woman should have red lipstick in her makeup bag and know how to choose the right color of red lipstick for her face.

- owner of blonde hair and light eyes, berry lipstick tones are ideal: raspberry, cranberry, lingonberry;

- brown-eyed brunette girls– burgundy and wine tones of lipsticks suit your face. Light-eyed – scarlet and tomato colors;

- red-haired beauties– lipstick of red-pink and carrot colors. They perfectly emphasize the bright image of their owner and attract the admiring glances of fans.

Read the popular article in the category: Incredible matte lipstick Vivienne Szabo: palette, benefits, reviews

How to choose and use lipstick correctly to look your best? What are the main requirements for the color and consistency of lipstick that you need to keep in mind in order to highlight and hide imperfections in your facial skin?

- So, the main requirements for perfectly painted lips– choosing the right consistency of lipstick. For dry lips that need hydration, you should never choose a matte lipstick. The composition of this lipstick is dominated by powder. With it, your lips will take on an even more unkempt appearance and will appear “old.” For dry skin, it is important to choose a lipstick with a moisturizing component and oils that soften and nourish the skin of the lips;

— For daytime makeup you should choose lipstick in less saturated shades, but in the evening you can safely use bright, deep tones;

— It is important to follow the accent rule: the eyes are brightly made up - the lipstick on the lips is discreet or barely perceptible. You can use gloss on your lips. And vice versa, a minimum of makeup on the eyes - maximum attention to the lips!

All these tips will certainly be a true help in making the right choice lipstick colors and will help the fair half of humanity always look excellent and charming!