In this article you will find everything about the holiday March 8- International Women's Day: story, meeting traditions, salad recipe, ideas for celebrating the holiday with your family, and how children can help organize a holiday for their mother.

With the onset of spring comes another beloved holiday - March 8th. On this day, all mothers, grandmothers, sisters and girlfriends expect boys and men from their relatives and friends special attention, care, love, tenderness and, of course, gifts. On this day, every woman has the right to feel like a queen. And what kind of queen can there be if there are no loving and

From the history of the holiday March 8

In the history of mankind, there were many facts of worship of a woman, who was considered a guardian hearth and home. For example, in ancient Rome, in the spring, residents celebrated the holiday of Matrons. On this day, free-born married women received gifts from their husbands, and slave women received a day off on this day.

March 8 is a wonderful day dedicated to those who fill our lives with tenderness and care. This is the day when beautiful women can take a break from the everyday hassles that men will take on today, who are simply obliged to arrange a holiday for them!

Gentle spring holiday Our beloved women and girls celebrate March 8 at work, at school, in kindergarten. But, of course, the main celebration is at home.

To make the holiday unforgettable, men will have to prepare in advance... This day should start magically.

The day before, adult men buy all women beautiful bouquets and room decorations. Will cause delight and joy Balloons and garlands. If there is a very little “woman” in the house, let her find a new bright toy in her cradle.

The holiday should be accompanied by music. Adults need to take care of this. Moreover, in addition to children’s songs, such as “Smile”, “Blue Car”, “It’s fun to walk with a song...”, the repertoire should also include mother’s favorite songs and, of course, not forget about grandmother.

To make the holiday fun, you need to take care of competitions and small inexpensive prizes in advance. Adult men can buy decorative soap or candles, kitchen towels, oven mitts, hand cream, etc. And children can prepare several Atlantis prizes.

Prize "Atlantis" (sunken city)

You will need: several transparent plastic bottles with a neck 2-3 cm in diameter, several Kinder Surprise toys, 1-5 kopeck coins, small shells, pebbles (if you have them in the house). You can do without them. Adults will help you remove labels from bottles. Place 1-2 toys, a few coins, pebbles, and shells in the bottle. Fill it with water and close the lid tightly. You can tie a bright ribbon to the lid. The prize is ready!

Of course, you should also think about refreshments. If you consider that not all men are skilled cooks, then the holiday menu can be made up of cold appetizers. It will be great if children Together with your dad, you will also remember what fruits, cakes, candies and other sweets your beautiful women love most. And to make the table not only sweet, but also filling, you can prepare a very simple, tasty salad.

“March 8” salad recipe


✓ 500 g frozen peeled shrimp,

✓ 1 small onion,

✓ 3-4 tablespoons of rice,

✓ 2-3 sprigs of dill,

✓ 1 tbsp. spoon of red caviar,

✓ mayonnaise.


Defrost the shrimp, boil the eggs, peel and chop finely or grate on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion, put in a sieve and pour boiling water over it, wash the rice and boil until tender, finely chop 2 sprigs of dill (leave one to decorate the salad).

Place everything in a salad bowl, add caviar, mayonnaise, mix everything and garnish with dill. If you boil the rice and eggs in advance and defrost the shrimp, it will take 10-15 minutes to prepare the salad (the shrimp can be replaced with any canned fish in their own juice, you can simply mash them with a fork in a salad bowl).

All women love dancing. That is why the March 8th holiday cannot be complete without a dance competition. You can hold a dance competition. Music is turned on for the participants, for example tango, waltz, latina, disco, etc., and they must reflect its style in the dance. It is desirable that all participants receive prizes. At the end of the competition, you can invite all guests to dance.

At the end of the evening, you can arrange a festive fireworks display: distribute and light sparklers to everyone in honor of the beautiful ladies.


You have to be consistent until the end. The holiday is over. Offer to yours lovely ladies relax in front of the TV or just read a book, do something you love, such as knitting. And the male part of the family cleans the table, washes the dishes, and if necessary, vacuums the room. If your beloved mother, grandmother, or sister is not greeted on the morning of March 9 by an uncleaned table and a mountain of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, consider that the holiday is a success!

You can unmistakably identify this day by the long lines of sleep-deprived men outside flower shops and markets. Such queues have only ever been seen at stalls with fresh craft beer, and not so long and not so early.

What does the history of the March 8 holiday tell us? Of course, something paradoxical: 1901 and Chicago housewives poured onto the main streets of the city, making noise with dishes and demanding equal rights with men. Women demanded respect for themselves, political rights, the opportunity to work in production and serve in the army on an equal basis with men. This march was repeated only seven years later, but on a much larger scale, after which National Women's Day was proclaimed. Thus, the roots of the holiday are purely feminist.

Returning to today, there are few places where March 8 is celebrated as widely as in Russia. In our country, this is not only a “mandatory” holiday with an official day off, but also the Alaverdi of men on February 23rd.

So, how can you celebrate March 8 in a budget but interesting way without going anywhere or organizing something global?

1. Organize a day of female attractiveness

It’s almost a win-win option, because there is no woman who would voluntarily refuse spa treatments. This could be as simple as a trip to the sauna, or a massage session, a wrap at a SPA center, or a facial treatment. In order not to rack your brains, give her a certificate and she will choose what is most interesting to her. And you will get a well-groomed, relaxed, satisfied girl/wife/mother.

Important note: The gift should not include something she does regularly from time to time. For example, if a woman always gets her nails done, then such a gift will be an upset for her, not a gift (unless it is an exclusive salon that she has always wanted to go to).

You need to give a woman something exceptional, rare, something that is usually inaccessible to her.

2. Going out

If a girl loves restaurants/exhibitions/events, then it would be optimal to invite her there. She’ll have to remember who the restaurateur/artist/singer is that she constantly talks about/who she follows/who she listens to, and it’s in the bag.

3. Romantic evening

Based on your budget, you can organize it at home, or you can rent a hotel room or apartment (original, on airbnb, for example) and organize a holiday there. There is no need to do anything global; dinner for two in a new and pleasant environment is already a good option.

If the budgets are student budgets, then you need to use wit and charm. Instead of a bouquet, you can organize one or three flowers, but chosen with taste. Give a back massage, even if only with a burning candle. Prepare dinner from what she loves most, and serve it, at least a little, in the company of the same candle. Yes, it’s a lot of organization and work, but it’s just one day, and it will pay off many times over later.

Important nuances that will help you score points without making unnecessary moves:

    A lush bouquet or one beautiful orchid is the same thing in terms of value for a woman. In any case, she will give you the same points, crossing out one item “flowers”. Field daisies and flowers from a flower bed are not accepted as an alternative (!),

    one trip to a classy restaurant will easily outweigh a complex gift of breakfast in bed + spa treatments. Remember: one action = one point. And it doesn’t matter how many hundreds of flowers there are in the bouquet, it’s one bouquet, which means you get one point,

    For many women, a man's attention will be the best and most memorable gift. All the things she couldn't ask you to do, you can do now. Take on a trip to the store, keep her company on an optional trip/outing somewhere. Stock up in advance on what to do while you wait, and you will first get a surprised, and then very pleased, woman,

    ask her questions and keep in touch. It is not necessary to delve into all the details of what she is talking about or give her decisions and advice, no. The trick is to participate and maintain contact. And only if she asks for your advice directly, does it make sense to offer some kind of vision. In the remaining 99% of cases, she just wants to talk and be heard, that’s all.

But, probably, the main secret: be for her the one she fell in love with!

Great weekend to everyone!

You can celebrate this dubious, but beloved holiday by all residents of the CIS, in a variety of ways.

Method 1. Be your own boss

Real woman On this day, she won’t wonder: “whether someone will call me or not,” “whether she’ll congratulate me or not,” but will organize a celebration herself. And this will be the perfect women's day for your beloved! In the morning you can sign up at the beauty salon for pleasant girly treatments: manicure, pedicure, massage and healing masks. Then it’s time to go to the store and finally buy that same dress and those same shoes, well, or that same set of fishing rods - it all depends solely on your desires. And in the evening, be sure to order pizza, sushi at home, or buy a set of the most delicious and high-calorie chocolates from the nearest store. Enjoy everything with champagne and some good women's film, for example, "8 Women" by Francois Ozon.

Method 2. Picnic on the side of the road

Going out into the forest with a huge group is always fun, but March 8th is especially fun. It seems like you are going to celebrate spring, and there is snow and hare tracks all around. And this is exactly what you need! Buy multi-colored balls, plush flowers, make garlands from colored paper - decorate the surrounding trees and sticks with all this - and feel the real spring! As a last resort, you can make a solemn figure of Clara Zetkin out of snow and dance around her. Bring light snacks, a thermos of hot tea and good mood.


Method 3. Family ties

On this day, you can gather all the women of your family together and arrange a luxurious feast. Believe me, heart-to-heart communication with your mother, grandmother or aunt is a true pleasure that you do not immediately begin to appreciate. The experience of the female part of your family can sometimes help you solve many problems. One of my friends, after such festive gatherings, said: “I couldn’t even think that my grandmother was as mortally and unhappily in love in her youth as I am now!” She not only explained how to “throw away the bad and start living again,” but also told me how to fall in love again after everything! By the way, she and my grandfather have been married for 50 years!"

Method 4. Sports

While all the young ladies of the country are simultaneously munching on cakes lovingly prepared by their husbands and children, you are working on yourself and are preparing to become real perfection by summer! On March 8, give yourself a tasty and healthy holiday: do exercises in the morning, take a contrast shower, prepare a simple and healthy dinner: vegetable salad with sesame seeds, baked chicken breast, dried fruit candies. On this day, go to the bathhouse, sauna, give yourself a gym membership or new running shoes. On this day you will be really proud of yourself: while all the girls promise to “start getting in shape after the holidays,” you are already striving for beauty and health with all your might!


Method 5. Office

It's no secret that corporate events bring people together. March 8th at work is an occasion to get to know not only the female, but also the male part of the team. pros corporate celebration The point is that you don’t have to worry about cooking and competitions at all - they will do it for you. Agree to come to work that day in stunning dresses - let your colleagues see you in a different role!

Method 6. Bachelorette party!

Fun in pure women's company on this day - a classic of the genre. Have fun with your friends: throw a pajama party without makeup, with a lot of sweets and a severe pillow fight. Or go to a club in the evening: wild dancing, cocktails with cherries and a male striptease for dessert!


Method 7. Travel

Suddenly packing all the essentials (wallet, passport, lipstick) into a bag and going on a trip is so feminine! Take yourself a short trip - it doesn’t have to be to Paris, you can just go to visit a school friend who lives in another city. A change of environment always lifts your spirits. By the way, especially zealous admirers of the holiday can go to Copenhagen - it was there in 1910 that Clara Zetkin made a proposal to celebrate annually on March 8 the Day of International Solidarity of Women in the struggle for economic, social and political equality.

Method 8. He

Well, the most feminine way is to trust Him, your man. After all, he probably has prepared a surprise and knows exactly what will especially please you on this day. However, remember: if your beloved man solemnly gives you flowers and sweets only on March 8, you should think about whether such a man is needed in principle.

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The beautiful half of humanity always looks forward to the arrival of their holiday - international women's day.

Firstly, this is a legal day off, which is good news, and secondly, not a single woman will refuse the attention, care and affection of men, which is never enough on this holiday.

Thirdly, on this day all wishes come true, and it is women who determine how to celebrate March 8th.

To make the holiday memorable for a long time, take the time to organize it - draw up an event plan, a list of guests, find someone in charge. Men can also be entrusted with organizing the celebration, but only women can say exactly what they would like to see on this holiday - a male striptease or friendly gatherings in a women's group. That is why one or another option for holding a holiday depends on which company is going to celebrate it.

Young people prefer to celebrate holidays noisily and cheerfully - no exception should be made on March 8th. Find a suitable room in advance - it could be a restaurant or bar, a country house or a large apartment. In fact, where exactly you will spend this evening is far from a determining factor.

The program for the evening is much more important - it is better if it is thought out in advance. This will allow you to completely relax on the holiday and not think about organizational issues. The scenario for March 8 may include various competitions, lotteries, you can organize a party in a certain style, for example, dressing up as a dude or turning to the fun 90s for ideas.

If you decide to spend March 8 surrounded by the heroes of the occasion, then you can also create an interesting program with competitions and entertainment, or just sit with friends or colleagues and discuss last news over a bottle of martini. You can attend an exciting party, go to the cinema or enjoy something delicious in your favorite cafe.

If you are one of the lucky owners of a significant other, you will probably want to spend this evening together. In this case, the initiative lies entirely with your chosen one - hint that you don’t mind him preparing a romantic dinner for you with candles and pleasant surprises.

Loneliness is not a reason to despair

If you don’t yet have a loved one with whom you could spend this festive evening, don’t despair. You can attend a noisy party with your friends, sit in a cafe - perhaps on this very day you will meet your love.

Many women daily face a lack of time: problems at work, household responsibilities, husbands and children constantly requiring care - in such conditions it can be so difficult to find time for yourself.

Dedicate March 8 to self-care - you can visit a beauty salon, where experienced specialists will take care of your beauty. Get a new haircut, change your image, and if drastic changes are not for you, then you can simply enjoy spa treatments, get a manicure and pedicure, take care of strengthening your hair, and sign up for a toning massage.

After resting and relaxing in the hands of true masters of their craft, you will look refreshed and rested - perhaps this is much better than just spending the evening festive table with an abundance of food that is not very healthy for the body.

As you can see, March 8 can be celebrated in different ways. If you haven’t decided yet, I offer a few more ideas on how to celebrate March 8:

1. Throw a couples party. Let the men set the table, and the women feel a real holiday and relax. Prepare interesting competitions and entertainment together. If there are no children, after dinner go to the club to dance.

2. Organize a noisy bachelorette party. Set the table together or order ready-made food delivered to your home from a restaurant.

3. Go shopping with your friends. In stores, along with purchases, you have a chance to receive holiday gifts. And then celebrate your purchases in a cafe.

4. Have a “Beauty Day”. Spa salon, massage or sauna, hairdresser - and you will feel like a spring beauty. And during this time the husband will have time to prepare dinner.

5. A romantic dinner for two can renew a relationship like spring or take it to a new level. Don't forget to turn off your phones! Prepare some good music.

6. Go to the casino with your girlfriends if you have money. Just take the amount that will not affect your budget.

7. Don’t spend March 8th alone. If you are alone, treat yourself to a cup of cappuccino in a cafe - maybe an interesting acquaintance awaits you. By the way, many cafes and other establishments offer promotions, discounts, and gifts for women on March 8th.

The eighth of March is one of the most desired holidays for all women. After all, everyone knows that on this day she can relax, feel like a queen and even a capricious princess. Men always prepare for this day in advance - they choose original present for a loved one, they stock up on sweets for colleagues and gifts for relatives. On the eve of March 8, everyone thinks about how to celebrate the holiday. There are many options for holding it and the choice will depend on where and with whom you plan to spend International Women’s Day.

Celebrating at home

If you spend the holiday at home, the man will take on all the “female” responsibilities. Especially if you are also expecting guests to arrive. The man will need to clean the house, prepare snacks and decorate the rooms. On this day, a woman can take care of herself - go to the salon, go shopping or lie on the couch eating candy. And for the evening it’s worth coming up with a holiday scenario. Of course, this can be an ordinary feast with wishes in honor of women. But this is boring and everyone has been tired of it for a long time. What can you come up with on March 8?

  • The easiest option is to organize a karaoke competition to sing the best romance or hits that your women love. The men sing, and the winner is chosen by the women's council.
  • The most fun option is to organize a “Miss Eighth March” competition in which, of course, men participate. The competition can be held according to all the rules - men will need to organize a fashion show, a talent competition, or you can come up with something original - a tailoring competition evening dress from improvised means for preparing borscht and evening hairstyles.

Of course, when March 8 is celebrated together, the best option- is to spend romantic evening. In this case, a man needs to take care of wine, sweets and fruits. You can also come up with a small quest for your loved one, for example, she can look for one gift or receive several small gifts with each note. Notes with hints about where to look for others are best written with humor.

Holiday for a large company

Since March 8 is a holiday that is celebrated in all institutions and companies, there may be several scenarios for its implementation. Do you need to come up with a scenario for International Women's Day, which will be celebrated at a university or in a large international company? We offer you a simple scenario for carrying it out. You can adapt this scenario for a holiday that will be held in a restaurant or cafe. You can also take it as a basis for high school students. To conduct it, you need to choose two presenters, it is better if they are men. Participants in the holiday will be women - direct participants can be selected in advance - these can be university students or teachers, and also during the holiday, so to speak, those who wish to be selected can be selected. You will also need to select a jury - these can be either randomly selected spectators or pre-prepared participants.

  1. The holiday begins with an opening speech from the presenters - compliments and congratulatory words are heard.
  2. Next, you can ask those present if they know why March 8 is called Women’s Day and conduct small excursion into history.
  3. Next is a summary of the first competition. The presenters can argue with each other about what women should and shouldn't do. For example, they can raise children, cook family dinners, and even build roads. The summary ends with the words of the presenter: “Today our holiday will be held in the form of a competition, where beautiful girls will show only their feminine qualities" Participants are invited.
  4. The first competition - girls act as diplomats. The task is to imagine that a woman has Small child and she needs to get to the bachelorette party. The task is to figure out what to say to your husband so that he unconditionally agrees to spend time with the child.
  5. While the participants are thinking, they can be given a few minutes, the presenters can tell the audience about men’s responsibilities - giving women flowers, raising children, helping around the house. The participants share their “excuses and persuasion,” and the jury assigns points.
  6. Second competition - praise yourself. The task for the participants is to look in the mirror and praise yourself as the best. The presenters hand out mirrors. The jury evaluates who did the best job.
  7. Now you can include men in the fun too. The presenters turn to the audience and ask six daredevils to come out. A competition is held for them - men are divided into threes. One trio sits on chairs, and the second is blindfolded and given plates of porridge. The task of the blindfolded participants is to feed those sitting. The one who fed first wins.
  8. The presenters thank the men and return the participants.
  9. The third competition is an intellectual. The girls' task is to come up with a poem from the proposed rhymes. You can come up with any rhymes, preferably complex ones. For example, Eskimo hairstyle, climber eye, love eyebrow. The jury chooses the most original verse.
  10. The fourth competition is who is faster. The presenters talk about how dexterous, smart and savvy our women are and offer them to cope with several tasks. The first task is to swaddle the baby, the second is to do makeup, the third is to set the table. Whoever does it faster and better wins.
  11. Results of competitions. Based on the results of all competitions, the winner is determined, all participants receive gifts and flowers. The presenters can end the holiday with two poems about women.

Also, during such a celebration on March 8, you can “connect” the audience to the process and, for example, when the fourth competition is underway, play riddles. Naturally, the questions should be about the woman, her responsibilities or the holiday itself. For example, a riddle - what do you throw into the pan first when you cook soup? The answer is gaze.

Corporate Eighth of March

This holiday scenario will be interesting if you celebrate International Women’s Day in big company. On this day, women will be spectators, and men will be participants. As a rule, a corporate event implies a banquet - the main thing here is that men also take care of the table. The banquet begins with the presentation of flowers and congratulatory words. It is advisable to say a few beautiful words to each employee. To hold the event you will need a presenter, props for competitions and musical accompaniment.

1. Several men are selected as participants - they will play women at this celebration. Although this plot is considered hackneyed, it is incredibly popular. It is not at all necessary to completely dress up as women; one touch is enough - a hat, an apron.

2. The first task is for “women” - the presenter suggests one traditionally female topic, for example, “cosmetic companies” or “jewelry”. Participants must take turns naming words that relate to this topic. The one who said the word last wins.

3. The second task is to find a non-standard way out of the situation. The presenter offers each participant a situation from which they need to find a way out. Situations could be like this:

4. Third task - the presenter invites the participants to “create the woman of their dreams” using balloons and tape. It is better to prepare balls of different colors and shapes.

5. When men cope with this task, it can be offered to women.

6. The winner of the evening, who best “showed” himself as a woman, can be chosen by applause.

7. You can end the evening with a congratulatory song from the entire male team.

After such a fun celebration, the Eighth of March can continue with feasting and dancing. Also, the presentation of gifts can be left at the end of the scenario and turned into a lottery. For example, men present flowers, and each bouquet will have a number attached to it. Gifts should be useful for a woman, but very ridiculous. For example, lids for jars, spices, potholders, set laundry soap. Such a corporate women's day will be fun and memorable for every employee.

Below in the video you can watch a couple more interesting tips about how to celebrate March 8th.