Facial massage with spoons is an effective way to restore a healthy and youthful appearance to your facial skin. To carry out this affordable cosmetic procedure at home, just take a couple of cutlery and oil. Detailed instructions and types of massage are presented in the article, taking into account the recommendations of professionals and contraindications in order to avoid unwanted consequences.

What is the effect of spoon self-massage?

The main purpose of massage with spoons is to eliminate facial wrinkles. German cosmetologist Rene Koch recommends using silver or cupronickel spoons to achieve the best result.

Rene Koch, a German cosmetologist, suggests using massage with spoons in order to achieve incredible effects in eliminating facial wrinkles. You can use products made of any metal, but it is preferable to choose silver or cupronickel. If you follow all the rules of the procedure, you can expect the following:

  • Reducing the depth of large facial wrinkles and eliminating small ones;
  • you can get rid of puffiness, which will lead to an improvement in the shape of the oval - the contour of the face becomes clearer;
  • bags under the eyes become less noticeable;
  • Improving blood circulation helps to even out the complexion.

How to do a massage correctly?

The technique of performing a spoon massage does not require special skills or effort. It is important to follow a certain sequence of movements to obtain the desired effect and take into account a set of preliminary measures. So, to start a facial massage, you need:

  1. Study the diagram of massage lines.
  2. Disinfect spoons.
  3. Thoroughly cleanse the skin on your face.
  4. Lubricate with oil or apply a rich nourishing cream to the facial areas being massaged. This will ensure that the metal back of the spoon glides smoothly.

If sliding spoons over your face is not intense enough, it means it is not moisturized enough, so you can increase the amount of oil or cream.

What do you need?

Before starting the massage you need to prepare:

  • Cupronickel or silver (table and tea) spoons - in the absence of such, you can take simple stainless steel.
  • Cotton pads.
  • Alcohol.
  • Napkin.
  • Cleansing facial toner.
  • Vegetable oil - olive, flaxseed, pumpkin, apricot kernels, grape.
  • Essential oil - roses, chamomile, ylang-ylang, lavender, mint, patchouli. These components must be selected depending on the individual characteristics of the face.
  • Nourishing/moisturizing cream.

Regardless of which massage technique is chosen, it is necessary that the movement pattern of the spoons when performing the procedure follows the lines indicated in the figure and in the given direction. This is due to the fact that the facial muscles have their own facial lines, along which the formation of the main wrinkles occurs.

Depending on whether a warm or cold massage will be performed, there are certain subtleties in the approach and technique.

  • Warm massage is performed with spoons, which must first be dipped in heated water. After this, wipe dry and dip the back side into the prepared oil. For massage, it is advisable to mix vegetable oil with the addition of 2-3 drops of essential oil.
  • For cold massage Immediately dip the cooled spoon into warm oil and begin massaging. The movement is carried out in the same way as the massage lines are located, with light pressure.

It is important to ensure sufficient glide to prevent stretching of the skin on the face. If the spoon pulls the skin a little, then you should add an oil base.

Both one and the other type of self-massage with spoons must begin with 1-2 minutes. Every day, increasing the total time by 1 minute, bringing it to 10-15 minutes. The facial muscles will gradually release tension and take on a more relaxed state.

Techniques for performing spoon massage at home

Basic massage movements during the procedure:

  • tapping,
  • stroking,
  • trituration,
  • indentation (pressure).

It is important, after one movement is completed, to divert the lymph from the facial area towards the main lymph flow, for example, to the neck and collarbones. To do this, complete each movement towards the ear, then down to the neck and collarbone.

You can choose not only warm or cold massage of the facial skin with spoons, but also a combined one. It is the combination of simultaneous use of heat and cold that will help get rid of excess fluid, thereby improving lymph and blood flow.

Hot technique will get rid of the double chin and tighten the skin in the lower facial area. It will even help cope with facial wrinkles and give the correct oval contour.

A cold spoon will relieve irritation and soothe the skin. After such procedures, skin turgor will increase, bags under the eyes will become less noticeable or disappear completely. All facial lines become more clearly defined.

The best time to do it is in the morning. This is due to the fact that it is in the morning that the skin in the facial area responds best to such a procedure due to the fact that it will function normally during the day. Don't massage too often. Consistency is important here. The course should be completed for 10 sessions, after which you should take a break.

Lymphatic drainage

The best type of spoon massage for correcting the correct oval of the face.

  1. In order to speed up lymph flow, take one heated and one cold spoon.
  2. Connect them with their edges and apply them to the central part of the chin.
  3. Next, in a circular motion, they pass from the lower jaw to the earlobe, and then along the outside of the neck to the collarbone.

Movement is necessary repeat 3 to 4 times on each side.

In this case, all excess liquid is removed from the facial area by pressing with spoons in the right direction.

This massage can be deeper and more intense, unlike other types.

For puffiness under the eyes

You can eliminate swelling with cold spoons. The massage algorithm is as follows:

  1. Using light movements from the inner corner of the eye along the lower eyelid, we move towards the temple.
  2. Then it should immediately go down to the earlobe and to the base of the neck.

This movement of spoons along the facial contour also helps remove excess cerebrospinal fluid.

Against forehead wrinkles

A contrasting massage technique or moving heated spoons is perfect. In this case, the facial muscles become less tense, they relax and wrinkles are leveled out.

The movement of the spoons on the skin should be moderately pressing, in a circle from the center of the forehead to the temples. In order to eliminate vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows, it is necessary to press on them alternately with a warm or cold spoon.

It is worth noting that the middle facial area of ​​the forehead is quite intensively susceptible to the formation of wrinkles. The skin here is thick, so pressure with spoons can be carried out quite intensely.

In the nasolabial folds

First you need to stretch the nasolabial muscles and folds - the movement of the spoons is done in a vertical direction, alternating the sequence.

  1. The massage should be performed from the nose to the cheeks or starting from the corner of the mouth, leading a line to the earlobe.
  2. When heating the spoon, with puffed out cheeks, you should move in a circular motion along the nasolabial fold from the wing of the nose to the chin and move towards the ear along the lower jaw.

To rejuvenate the skin around the eyes

Use cold spoons to massage the area around the eyes.

  • Begin to move the spoons over the skin from the inner corner along the brow ridge to the outer side.
  • For crow's feet, apply hot and cold spoons alternately in the corners of the eyes.
  • You can also use spoon massage with light circular movements in a clockwise direction around each eye, starting from the bridge of the nose.
  • The movements should start from the middle, the pressure should not be too intense in the eye area, since the skin here is especially delicate.

For this massage technique, you can choose teaspoons.

This massage will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

A selection of videos of spoon massage at home

In order to better understand the technique of performing massage with spoons, you need to familiarize yourself with the presented video. Using different techniques allows you to understand how to achieve the best effect and make your facial skin younger and firmer.


Since this type of facial massage accelerates lymph circulation in the body, it is important to know when the procedure is contraindicated:

  • Inflammatory processes on the skin of the face.
  • Various ENT pathologies.
  • General malaise.
  • Deviations in the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  • Cuperose.

Result of facial massage using spoons

Such self-massage will be effective only if all the above recommendations are followed. As a result, after regular testing you can expect the following:

  • Improves complexion
  • reduction of reporting,
  • turgor and skin tone increase,
  • the oval tightens,
  • expression lines and age wrinkles disappear,
  • your face will look younger.

It is important that this procedure for self-massage of the face is regular.

Photos before and after massage

In these photos it is easy to see the effect of massage with spoons. This improved condition of facial skin is easy to achieve thanks to the circulation of blood and lymph, which undoubtedly has the most positive effect on all metabolic processes in the body and facial muscles.

Carrying out self-massage using spoons will give a noticeable effect. The effect is complex, so a wide variety of facial problems are solved in this way.

Rene Koch, a German cosmetologist, is sure that in order to get rid of wrinkles on the face and tighten the skin, it is not necessary to turn to plastic surgeons.

For massage at home, massage with spoons is well suited. It is not complicated in its technique, but it will not make you wait long for results with regular use.

The procedure is performed with the back of a spoon, which gently and evenly presses on a certain area of ​​the skin, and smoothes out wrinkles like an iron. Although spooning massage can be performed on the entire body, facial massage is the most common.

The beauty of spoon massage lies primarily in its accessibility. You do not need any special equipment for this procedure.

We may need

  • a pair of silver or cupronickel spoons, but if there are none, then simple steel ones will do;
  • hot and cold decoction of some herb or green tea
  • vegetable oil (you can take an oil suitable for your skin type. For oily and combination skin it is better to take “hazelnut”, “almond”, “sesame”, and for normal and dry skin - “apricot”, “peach”, “olive”.)

It is best to do facial massage with silver spoons in the morning, after first cleansing the skin and then moisturizing it with cream. I want to warn you right away: if you want to achieve the desired result, then make this procedure your obligatory ritual.

Depending on the purpose, the massage will be carried out with a chilled or heated spoon. From this we will get different results.

No special skills are required for self-massage. A little effort and a mild lifting effect, improved blood supply and lymph flow are guaranteed.

The massage technique is very simple. You need to take teaspoons or dessert spoons (the number of spoons depends on the exercise), you can use steel ones, a glass of cold water with several ice cubes, a bowl with heated vegetable oil.

To do a massage you will need about 20 minutes of free time.

Important!We do the massage strictly along the massage lines.

Main directions of massage: along the forehead from the bridge of the nose to the temples and hairline, along the eyelids in a circular motion from the inner corner back to it, along the cheeks from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the chin to the temples, along the neck from its base to the chin.

The spoons are first wiped with alcohol. Before starting, you need to cleanse your face and apply cream to it, although it can be applied directly to the spoon before the massage (on the convex side). The cream promotes a better result, so if you want to apply it specifically to the spoons, do it this way.

Place spoons in containers with water, 1st in hot water, 2nd in cold water. First, the massage is performed with a hot spoon. Do you take it out of the hot water, blot it with a napkin and check if it is too hot before applying the cream? Then apply the cream and proceed directly to the exercises.

Then you can carry out the procedure according to this scheme:

Eye area

Common problem - swelling of the eyelids and bruising under the eyes. In our age of “stress and passion,” computers and radiotelephones, such manifestations are more than common. And for your eyes to sparkle and stop being tired and sad, let’s start with the eyelids.
First, cool the spoons in the ice broth (by the way, you can pre-cool the spoon in the refrigerator). Let's apply them to the upper eyelids for a few seconds. And so on in 5 passes. This exercise will help eliminate swelling and visibly tighten the skin of the upper eyelids.
Let's repeat the exercise, applying a cooled spoon to the lower eyelids - we will remove puffy bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Exercise “Wave” - eliminate dark circles and bags under the eyes. You will need 2 chilled spoons. Place them near the inner corners of your eyes. Using wave-like movements, move the spoons towards your temples. Perform 3 presses on the temples, move towards the ears. Stop for 6 seconds, again move the spoons onto your eyelids, hold for 2 seconds. Total - 3 repetitions.

Exercise "From crow's feet"— the purpose of the exercise is clear from the name. You will need 4 spoons, onto which you will need to apply a gel or cream that fights such wrinkles. Place heated spoons near the corners of the eyes, above the cheekbone. Perform 3 circular movements, moving to the temples. Stopping is literally a few seconds. Repeat 2 more times. Now perform with chilled spoons (1 time). Again, 3 repetitions heated and 1 cooled. Total repetitions - 3.

If wrinkles on the forehead are a problem for you, let’s warm up the “tool” thoroughly by putting them in a glass with a hot herbal decoction. Lubricate with vegetable oil and apply to the base of the eyebrows, with light circular movements towards the temples. We will repeat this exercise at least 10 times. This procedure will help smooth out wrinkles on the forehead.

Exercise “Line” - smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows. You need 2 spoons. Place the hot spoon between the eyebrows and press 6 times, then move it up the forehead. We lower the spoon back into the container with hot water and do the same action with a cold spoon.

Exercise “Spiral” - smooth out wrinkles on the forehead. You will need 2 spoons, both of which are placed in a container of hot water. We apply the spoon to the right temple and draw a spiral in three circular movements, then move the spoon along the forehead to the left temple. We draw the same spiral with three circular movements. We take a new spoon and start the exercise again, only this time on the left temple.

Exercise “Zigzag” - the task is the same, smooth out wrinkles on the forehead. Take 4 spoons. Place a couple of hot spoons on your forehead (in the middle). Next, you need to immediately move both spoons from the middle to the temples, as if drawing a zigzag (point the spoons in different directions). Reach your temples and perform 6 light pressures. Repeat with cold spoons.


After this, you need to hold the spoons a little in warm oil and begin massaging your cheeks along the massage lines. With slight pressure, the spoons are moved parallel or alternately:

  • from the chin to the earlobes, without moving the skin;
  • from the center of the upper lip to the auricle;
  • from nose to temples;
  • from the chin to the cheekbones and further to the temples

Advice:To avoid stretching the skin while massaging the cheeks, it is necessary to fix it under the chin with the other hand or place a fist under the chin.

Neck and chin, décolleté
Heat a spoon in the broth and grease it with vegetable oil. Let's walk it through from collarbone to chin on both sides of the neck. Let's repeat 10 times. These movements will help get rid of the annoying double chin.

Important Make sure that the movements are gentle and that the skin under the spoons does not stretch or move.

Let's move on to the chin massage. Movements are made from the midline to the ears and from the upper edge of the jaw down towards the throat.

Massage the décolleté area from the cleavage to the armpits.

Nasolabial folds

Cosmetologists say: the presence of a pronounced, deeply drawn nasolabial fold on the face makes a person’s face 7-10 years older. She also gives her face an aggressive, gloomy, sad expression.
Therefore, it is worth fighting wrinkles that go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth before they form deep furrows on the face. Again, a wonderful spoon will help with this.

Exercise “Spiral” - smooth out nasolabial folds Gently and carefully “draw” “spirals” with it from the lips, along the cheeks, up to the earlobes. And so on in several approaches, moving first from the upper lip, then from the lower lip.
Let's relax a little and then repeat again. We will do the exercises 5 times. This procedure softens nasolabial wrinkles.

Exercise "Drum". You will need 4 spoons (for quick changes). Let's puff out our cheeks, use medium-force blows along the nasolabial folds and around them with the back of a hot spoon, counting to 10. Do several repetitions, changing spoons.

Exercise "Letter O"- the goal is the same as in the previous exercises. You will need 2 spoons. Apply anti-wrinkle cream to hot spoons; your mouth should be slightly open, as if pronouncing the letter “O”. Place the spoons at the wings of the nose, perform circular movements, gradually descend, drawing “antennae”, to the lips (corners). Perform circular movements again. Close your mouth, heat the spoons and you can do the exercise again a second time. Only 3 repetitions.


Exercise “Mustache” - smooth out wrinkles around the lips. You will need 2 teaspoons, which are hot and placed in a horizontal position above the upper lip. Keep your mouth slightly open and pronounce the sound “E”. Using small movements in the form of a semicircle, move to the corners of the mouth, drawing mustaches. They stopped and slightly pressed the spoons into the corners of their lips. Then turn them over to a vertical position and move towards the earlobes as if trying to lift the corners of the lips. When you reach your earlobes, stop, perform three presses and move up the ear muscle. Repeat - 2 times.

Individual work

To work with wrinkles, we use the “contrast shower” principle. That is, we will apply a hot and cold spoon to the face alternately. This effect will lead to improved skin tone.

Go to the mirror and look at yourself, remember the location of facial wrinkles. You will have to carefully “work” each area in a circular motion, massaging alternately with a hot or cold teaspoon. We massage the face with spoons first clockwise and then vice versa.

Important!Make clockwise massage movements with pressure, and counterclockwise use light stroking to avoid backflow of tissue fluid.

If you grease the back of the spoon with honey, you will get a greater effect.
Based on materials from barishnia.ru, uroki-pitaniya.ru

After you have at least a little experience in facial massage, you can come up with a scheme for your personal exercises.

These are just a few exercises for facial massage with spoons, with the help of which you can transform yourself easily, effectively and, most importantly, in a calm home environment. Watch the video below for more details.

Massage with spoons is an accessible and at the same time effective procedure. Using this method, you can turn back time and restore youth, attractiveness and health to your facial skin. The spoon massage technique is completely simple and does not require special skills or tools.

Benefits of spoon massage

This type of massage has many advantages over other techniques. First of all, you don’t need to leave home and visit a beauty salon. This procedure will help remove excess fluid and improve blood circulation. By regularly performing this massage, you can restore your skin to its former elasticity and make your facial contour clearer. The main advantages of spoon massage can be distinguished as follows:

  • The procedure is completely free and does not take much time;
  • The result becomes noticeable after 10 sessions;
  • This massage is quite effective;
  • No special equipment required.

Any woman can learn massage with spoons. In pursuit of youth, you don’t have to spend a lot of money in beauty salons.

What problems does massage relieve?

Massage with spoons is a wonderful procedure that allows you not only to rest and relax, but also to significantly rejuvenate your facial skin. Spoon massage allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Improve complexion. The skin becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch, dark circles under the eyes and puffiness decrease or disappear;
  • Deep wrinkles become less noticeable, and small expression lines disappear altogether;
  • The shape of the face is noticeably restored - the double chin and cheekbones are tightened, the cheeks become more elastic;
  • Capillary blood circulation improves, due to which the muscles on the face are well strengthened.

By combining hot and cold spoons you can get rid of many skin problems, both temporary and chronic.

  • Hot or warm spoons help smooth out wrinkles, tighten the skin and improve the shape of the face;
  • Cold spoons effectively relieve inflammation and irritation, restore the structure of the epidermis, tone and make the skin elastic.

The secret of spoon massage is that heat and cold are alternately applied to the nerve endings on the skin and activate their functions. After this procedure, creams and serums used for care penetrate better into the skin cells.


Despite the simplicity and general availability of massage with spoons, there are a number of contraindications that should be taken into account. These include:

  • Increased body temperature and poor health;
  • Extensive inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • Herpes, warts and large amounts of facial hair;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Chronic and acute diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • Colds and ENT diseases;
  • High pressure;
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • Malignant neoplasms.

In addition, you should perform the procedure with caution if there are many moles on your face.

What you need for massage with spoons

To start a spoon massage you need to prepare the following things:

  • Four spoons– it’s better if they are silver. This metal is considered a good antioxidant; it conducts nutrients deep into the skin and provides effective nutrition to the skin. If there are no silver spoons, then ordinary stainless steel utensils will do;
  • Two containers with cold and hot water. Ice cubes or a decoction of medicinal herbs can be added to the cold one. You can take regular green tea, which has been pre-chilled in the refrigerator;
  • Massage oil or nourishing cream. You can take any oil that suits your skin type and does not cause irritation. You can perform the procedure with a regular nourishing cream, but it must be applied generously to the skin. The spoons should slide easily without stretching the skin;
  • Cotton napkin. Useful for not getting your clothes dirty and then wiping off any remaining cream or oil from your face.

Massage spoons can be of different sizes - from coffee to dining room. It is recommended to use first dessert spoons, and then, when the massage technique becomes clear, it will be possible to change the size of the devices for different zones.

Features of performing spoon massage

  • Before the massage, the spoons are treated with an antiseptic or boiled for a couple of minutes. In the future, they must be stored separately from the rest of the dishes, ideally if they are in a cotton bag;
  • The facial skin is well cleansed of cosmetic residues with soft milk and tonic;
  • The face is first steamed over a container of herbal decoction. This procedure opens the pores and improves blood circulation;
  • Massage oil or nourishing cream is generously applied to the face. It must be remembered that the spoons should slide easily over the surface without displacing the skin. If your facial skin is too oily, you can replace the oil with low-fat kefir;
  • Spoon massage should be performed exclusively along massage lines;
  • The massage is performed with light pressure. Moreover, the degree of pressure must be controlled independently so that bruises do not form on the face.

It is best to perform the procedure early in the morning, applying your favorite nourishing cream to your face. Thanks to a spoon massage, puffiness from the face is quickly removed and skin cells receive the necessary nutrients. A woman who has had a spoon massage in the morning looks beautiful all day long.

You can make it a rule to massage with spoons immediately after washing your face. To do this, you can keep a set of spoons in the bathroom, which are alternately heated under running cold and hot water. This is considered an express method of such massage.

If you want to relax after a hard day of work, then the procedure is performed a couple of hours before bedtime. At the same time, herbs are added to the container with water, which relieve tension. It could be mint, lemon balm or chamomile.

The most effective massage techniques

There are several known spoon massage techniques. These include tapping, stroking and pressing. All techniques must be performed without displacing the skin. After performing movements along one massage line, it is necessary to drain the lymph in the direction of the main lymph flow. From the ear down to the neck, then to the collarbone and to the side.

Forehead massage

These techniques can effectively smooth out wrinkles on the forehead and the fold between the eyebrows.

  • Hot spoons are placed above the bridge of the nose, above the beginning of the eyebrows, after which the spoons are moved with sweeping zigzag movements along the forehead, towards the temples. By slightly pressing the devices, they are held on the temples for about 5 seconds. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times, then the lymph is drained along the main line of the lymph flow.
  • There are many active points on the forehead that can be activated with spoons of contrasting temperature. The same applies to the temple area.
  • The forehead is massaged with one warm spoon, lightly holding the skin near the temple with another device.
  • Folds between the eyebrows can be removed by alternating pressure on the problem area with a hot and cold spoon. After this, make stroking movements upward from the temples.
  • Using two small hot spoons, make circular movements from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

Massage of nasolabial folds

  • This massage begins with light kneading of the muscles in the nasolabial fold area. To do this, use a hot spoon to move up and down, without moving the skin. After several approaches, the lymph is drained.
  • Make massage movements along two lines. First, from the nose up the cheeks, towards the temples. After this, a warm spoon is drawn from the corners of the mouth to the earlobes.
  • The cheeks are inflated, and then alternately hot and cold spoons are passed over the entire nasolabial part.

Massage for wrinkles around the eyes

  • For this technique, use well-chilled spoons. The cutlery is placed at the inner corners of the eyes, and then carefully passed along the superciliary arch. The exercise is repeated 4 times.
  • Alternately use hot and cold spoons to make circular movements around the eyes. Start from the inner corners of the eyes and extend along the upper eyelid. Then, from the outer corners, spoons are led along the lower eyelid to the inner corners.
  • Alternately apply hot and cold spoons to the outer corners of the eyes.

Chin massage

  • Hot spoons are placed horizontally under the chin, while the muscles are tensed, the lower jaw is slightly pushed forward and the letter “M” is pulled. Then slowly, with slight pressure, move the spoons from the middle of the chin to the sides and up. Perform the exercise 3 times, then drain the lymph.
  • Applying slight pressure on the spoons, move them in different directions from the chin down the neck, but do not touch the thyroid gland area.
  • You can get rid of a double chin using light tapping movements. In this case, hot and cold spoons alternate.
  • Two spoons of different temperatures are placed in the middle of the chin, one should be higher, the other lower, and then they are moved in smooth circular movements along the lower jaw towards the ear.

Quick massage for the whole face

This technique is good when you need to quickly relieve fatigue and refresh your face. To do this, hot and cold spoons are alternately applied to different parts of the face. Due to this, blood circulation improves, the skin is toned and acquires a healthy color.

Neck massage

Using warm spoons, make circular movements from the base of the neck to the chin, while bypassing the thyroid gland. You can do up to 5 approaches.

After all the massage techniques are done, wash the face with warm water and lightly wipe with a cotton napkin.

Video: how to properly massage with spoons

When you see the first wrinkles on your face, you don’t have to get upset and panic. This process can be reversed by taking the time to massage with spoons. This procedure is highly effective, as confirmed by numerous reviews.

Useful tips

It is called oriental Botox for its anti-aging properties.

Asian spoon massage is very popular among Oriental women, promising to make the skin firmer and more youthful.

What is spoon massage?

The spoon massage technique has been used for a long time, but now it has gained popularity thanks to the famous cosmetologist Rene Koch. In short, the procedure involves gently pressing the skin with the back of a spoon.

You can massage the whole body in the same way, but the best results are noticeable with the face.

Although the massage itself does not promise to work miracles, as in the advertising of modern creams, it is considered more effective and its results last longer.

The procedure is quite simple and you only need two spoons. You should not use plastic spoons, as the sharp edges of the spoons can damage the surface of the skin.

The result is noticeable after 10 procedures, but don’t stop there. Repeat the massage at least every other day, but not more than once a day, to maintain the effect.

The benefits of facial massage with spoons

© ferlistockphoto/Getty Images

The effect is achieved by balancing the flow of fluid and blood in the body. Overall, facial massage with spoons has a number of benefits for maintaining healthy and beautiful skin.

    Improves blood circulation in facial skin tissues, giving it a radiant and healthier appearance.

    Removes excess fluid accumulating in tissues.

    Promotes better absorption of natural nutrients into the skin

    Gives elasticity to the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

    Improves facial contour

    Rids the skin of toxins

    Promotes facial slimming

You will need:

  • Two teaspoons or dessert spoons

It is advisable to use silver, ceramic or copper-nickel spoons. You can massage with ordinary metal spoons, but the effect will not be so noticeable.

    Several ice cubes

    Essential oil

It is advisable to choose an oil for your skin type:

    sesame or almond oil for combination to oily skin

    olive, peach or apricot oil for normal skin

    jojoba oil or flaxseed oil for dry skin

Massage is easy to perform at home, but there are several important points to consider, such as:

    It is better to choose for the procedure morning or before bed

    Cleanse and moisturize your facial skin before massage

    Take time for yourself and make sure that no one will disturb you for 10-20 minutes

    Prepare all ingredients in advance. Heat the oil, put ice cubes in the water.

Please note that you only need to massage along the main lines of the face. The facial massage scheme looks something like this:

© Milkos/Getty Images

    On the forehead from the top of the nose to the temples and hairline and forehead

    Using circular movements from the inner corners of the eyes

    On the cheeks from the nostrils to the temples

    From base of neck to chin


Remove makeup and cleanse your face.

To avoid introducing dirt and infection, spoons should be disinfected by immersing them in boiling water.

Choose any natural one that is suitable for the skin essential oil, face cream or night cream to reduce friction. If you are not prone to breakouts, use olive, coconut or almond oil. If you have acne-prone skin, try to use a lighter face cream.

If you massage at night, limit the time to 10 minutes. Do not continue it longer as it overstimulates the skin.

You may notice some redness on your face and neck after the massage, which should subside soon.

Facial massage with spoons at home

1. Start by applying a few drops of essential oil or face cream to your face and neck. Lightly massage your skin using gentle movements. Do not press too hard on your facial skin.

2. Start with forehead. Start from the center of your forehead towards your hairline and then move towards the sides. Massage should always be performed in the direction opposite to gravity. Finally, move the spoons from the center of your forehead to your temples.

3. Bring your attention to eyebrows. Follow the natural curve of your brows using the curved part of the spoon.

4. Once finished, use the tips of the spoon to massage century. Start at the inner corners of the eyes and move to the outer edges of the eyes and then to the lower eyelids.

5. Chill two spoons in ice water for about 10 minutes. Close your eyes and apply the cooled spoons to your upper eyelids for about 15 seconds. Repeat this procedure 5 more times and 6 more times on the lower eyelid area to get rid of swelling of the eyelids and dark circles under the eyes.

6. Now dip the spoons in room temperature olive oil or heat the spoons slightly until they are warm. Make sure the spoons are not hot to prevent burns.

7. Move the convex part of the spoons from the nose to nasolabial folds and to the cheekbones. This helps get rid of fine wrinkles located near the nasolabial folds. The presence of these wrinkles can add ten years to your appearance, make your face dull and give it a sad expression.

8. Now go to cheeks. Again, repeat the movements in an upward direction.
Tip: If you want to cover as much surface as possible, you can turn the spoon so it's edged. This part is good for massaging the area around the nose and mouth.

9. Now apply two spoons to chin and move along the jawline to the ears. Don't forget the area behind the ears. This is where the lymph nodes are located, and massaging this area will help flush out toxins more easily.

11. Finish the massage, moving from the collarbone to the center of the chest. The movements are directed downwards, stimulating the elimination of toxins and excess fluid.

Repeat each movement 5-10 times for each area, keeping the spoons moist to enhance the effectiveness of the pulling motion and prevent injury.

After the procedure, wait 5 minutes for the oil or moisturizer to be absorbed into the skin, and then rinse your face with warm water.

10 beauty hacks with spoons

Spoons will be useful to you not only for massage, but will also be useful for drawing perfect arrows, nail art and quickly getting rid of acne.

Here are some interesting beauty hacks with a spoon:

1. Create an original nail design

Use a spoon to create your nail designs. Apply lip balm to your cuticles first to make it easier to remove unwanted polish. Mix two types of your favorite nail polish in a spoon.

Create a marbled effect by mixing the polish with a bobby pin or toothpick. Try to use two shades of the same color or complementary colors. Tilt the spoon slightly so that the polish drips a little and dip your nail into the polish. Remove the sloppy edges with a cotton swab, and your new nail design is ready.

2. Improving facial contour

Draw in the cheekbones using a spoon. Its shape is ideal to highlight the hollows under the cheekbones.

Place a spoon over your cheekbones and apply powder or another contouring product in the area where the spoon ends.

3. Curl your eyelashes

If you don't have an eyelash curler on hand, use a spoon. Warm it by rubbing it on your palm. Then place the spoon on your upper eyelid and curl your eyelashes upward to create a curl and apply mascara.

You can also use your fingers to press the eyelashes to the edge of the spoon and, continuing to press, move the spoon along the entire length of the eyelashes, curling them.

4. Carefully apply mascara

If you don't want to get mascara on your skin, use a spoon to cover your upper or lower eyelid while applying mascara.

5. Restoring scattered shadows

If your eye shadow, blush or powder has crumbled, this does not mean that you need to throw it away immediately. First you need to crush the remaining shadows (or powder), add a few drops of alcohol until a paste forms and press the contents with a spoon.

Leave it overnight until it dries and the shadows will look like new again.

6. Draw arrows

If you find it difficult to draw neat arrows, use a spoon as an assistant.
You can use the handle of a spoon or the rounded edge of a spoon on the outer corner of your eye to create straight or rounded wings.

7. Correcting eyebrows

The rounded edge of the large spoon is ideal for giving your eyebrows an attractive arch. Place the edge of a spoon under your eyebrow and lightly draw in the eyebrow hairs with an eyebrow pencil.

8. Removing lipstick residue

To avoid getting your hands dirty, use a spoon to remove excess lipstick from your lips. Turn the spoon over and apply to your lips after the first layer of lipstick. After this, apply a second layer of lipstick. This way the lipstick will last longer and will not stain your teeth.

9. Removing a hickey or bruise

Place a spoon in the freezer and, once it is cold, rub the bulbous part of the spoon over the bruise or hickey to reduce the accumulation of blood and make it appear paler.

10. Dealing with acne

Another trick will help you heal a pimple faster. Place the spoon in a glass of hot running water (not too hot to avoid getting burned). When the spoon is warm (check the temperature on your hand), apply the spoon to the pimple and hold until the spoon cools down.

Massage with silver spoons.

What women can't come up with to look good!

But men are not far behind them!

For example, the famous German cosmetologist Rene Koch suggests fighting wrinkles on the face with the help of an ordinary spoon!

And not only with wrinkles on the face, but also with cellulite and sagging skin!

Make sure there is nothing complicated here!

Rene Koch was not always a famous cosmetologist; once he was just a boy, and not very obedient, so he often got himself bruises and bumps. His kind mother did not scold her son, but healed his wounds in an extremely simple way - by applying a spoon cooled in water to the affected area!

Having become an adult and trained as a doctor, Rene Koch creatively reworked his mother’s therapy, so to speak, put a scientific basis behind it. The revolutionary nature of Koch's idea lies in the use of not only cold, but also hot and even flavored spoons. As a result, excess fluid is removed from the tissues, blood supply and lymph flow improves, muscles become more elastic, and facial contours gain greater clarity. However, not only faces. Spoons have proven to be a very effective remedy against sagging buttocks, fat deposits on the stomach and thighs, and even against cellulite!

For this massage, you can take any spoons, but preferably silver or cupronickel. The spoon can be cooled, heated and even flavored. In this case, the results achieved are also different.

Spoons... for our beauty!

The massage spoon should be either silver or cupronickel. No special skills are required for spoon massage. It takes a little work, and you will be provided with elastic muscles, a lifting effect, improved blood supply and lymph flow!

To get good results, you need to spend about 30 minutes on this simple procedure every morning before breakfast. Cleanse your skin as usual, apply moisturizer or essential oil and begin massaging. The main thing is massage movements. Clockwise they are made with pressure. Against - only light stroking, so that there is no reverse outflow of tissue fluid.

The skin must be clean, without any makeup. The face needs to be cleaned, for example, washed with boiled water or mineral water. Creams and natural essential oils can be used as a massage base.

Let's start with the eyelids. To get rid of swelling, you will need a cold spoon. First, make sure that there is no rash or redness on the skin - in these cases, cold is contraindicated. If there are no problems, you can start the massage. Cool the spoon very much, for example, by immersing it in finely crushed ice, and then apply it to the upper eyelids at least five times. This exercise will tighten the skin above the upper eyelids and quickly relieve swelling.

Then apply it to your lower eyelids. This will help eliminate puffy bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Wrinkles should be smoothed out with a well-heated spoon. At the same time, it is lubricated with a nourishing cream or

honey. And in order to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, special massage movements are required. First, heat a spoon and coat it with cream. Then apply it to the base of your eyebrows and move it towards your temples with light circular movements. These movements must be repeated at least ten times.

And finally, pay attention to the nasolabial folds. Using rotating movements, move from the lips along the cheeks to the ears. Do this in several approaches, starting with the upper lip and then with the lower lip.

The remaining areas of the face can be massaged in a way reminiscent of alternating compresses. Hot and cold spoons are applied to the face in turn. This improves skin tone. Spoons can be cooled and heated in decoctions of linden, parsley, chamomile herbs... or in plain water.

Neck and décolleté massage This is done only with warm spoons dipped in hot oil.

– The neck is massaged in a circular motion from the base of the neck to the chin.

– Breasts from the hollow between the breasts in a circular motion towards the armpits.

Source: http://www.xn—-7sbqdn1awk.xn--p1ai/publ/krasota_i_zdorovye/massazh/massazh_serebrjanymi_lozhkami/26-1-0-104

Silver spoon massage

The skin under the eyes is bags and puffy, the face is very pale, puffy and heavy from excess fluid... Agree, everyone can see this in the mirror in the morning. A few nights without sleep, a little stress, a change of season - all this is reflected on our face. To easily cope with these unaesthetic signs of ill health and fatigue in simple home conditions, you can use a simple massage with a silver spoon.

This may seem strange to many, but ordinary silverware is a conductor of a large number of beneficial effects due to its chemical composition. Therefore, if you skillfully alternate massage with a cold and hot silver spoon, you can achieve stimulation of the facial skin and activation of blood microcirculation in its upper layers. This massage is often used in beauty salons to give the face freshness and tone. But this procedure is quite possible to carry out at home. This will be a simpler and cheaper option.

Silver spoon massage

1 . First of all, you need to remove all dead and rough cells from the skin. For this we use light peeling.

2 . Then apply a thin layer of diluted jojoba oil to the skin. The oil must be diluted with water. Thus, the face is nourished and moisturized. You can also additionally use essential oils suitable for a specific skin type.

3 . Now it's time to perform the massage. First, the lower part of the face is massaged, then gradually move to the forehead area. Particular attention should be paid to places where fluid accumulates abundantly - the area under and around the eyes.

4 . To carry out the massage, cold and warm silver spoons are used in turn. First we massage with circular movements, then with light tapping. This creates a drainage effect.

The procedure should last about an hour. It will take the same amount of time in the salon. It can be very easily combined with watching a new episode of your favorite TV series. In beauty salons, the cost of a silver spoon massage reaches up to $60. If this massage is done regularly, your face will “deflate” and become more toned, natural and fresh.

Source: http://krasota-zhenschiny.ru/massazh-serebryanoj-lozhkoj.html

Everything ingenious is simple: evidence of the effectiveness of facial massage with spoons

Facial massage with spoons is an unusual, simple and at the same time very effective rejuvenation technology. By performing this procedure every day, you can perfectly tighten your facial skin, restore good tone and healthy color to it, and postpone contacting plastic surgeons until later. This technique can be used for the whole body, but the most popular is the spoon facial massage. It does not require special equipment or tools and can be done at home. Mastering the spoon massage technique is accessible to almost everyone, and the results, with regular use, will be impressive.

Video lesson on massage with spoons

Preparing for the session

For massage you will need two silver spoons. The beneficial properties of this metal have been known for a long time, but even now this position is being confirmed more and more. The antibacterial activity of silver has been proven, its ability to inhibit the reproduction of viruses and the growth of fungi, and stimulate the immune system. Therefore, facial massage with silver spoons is the best option, which is usually offered in salons. However, if there are no such spoons in the house, it is quite acceptable to use cupronickel or even steel ones.

You also need to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs in advance by brewing a dry mixture consisting of sage, chamomile and nettle in equal proportions with boiling water. If the necessary ingredients are not at hand, the decoction can be replaced with simple green tea. In addition, you will need vegetable oil and honey. The oil should be chosen in accordance with the type of facial skin and recommendations for regular massage: for dry skin, you can use olive oil, and for oily skin, hazelnut or almond oil is suitable. In addition, you need to stock up on a glass of ice. Also look for a video of facial massage with spoons, it will be a useful aid in mastering the technique of this procedure.

How to do a massage correctly

Do facial massage with spoons in the morning. The whole procedure takes about 20 minutes. The skin must first be cleansed and then applied with moisturizer. Spoons can be cold or hot, depending on the specific manipulation. Before starting, it is advisable to wipe them with alcohol. Then one spoon is dropped into the hot broth, and the other into a glass of ice.

The massage is performed with the back of a spoon. The movements should be soft and uniform, but quite strong, as if smoothing the skin with an iron. It is important to remember that the exercise is performed with effort along the flow of lymph, but you can only stroke it back. Otherwise, the reversed fluid will lead to the formation of edema, which will not beautify the face at all. In order for the spoons to glide well, they are lubricated with oil, rich cream or honey; to do this, they should be removed from the broth or a cold glass, wiped with a napkin, check that it is not too hot and then apply the desired composition to the back. Patting is usually done without lubrication. After the spoons are ready, you can begin to gradually massage different areas of the face. It is advisable to repeat each exercise at least 3 times, unless otherwise indicated.

We act on the skin of the eyelids

Puffy eyelids and bruises under the eyes are a common problem for office workers and tired mothers and grandmothers. You can eliminate them, as well as tighten the skin of the upper eyelid, using a cold spoon, which should be applied to the upper eyelids 5 times, holding each time for a few seconds. Repeating this massage on the lower eyelids will help reduce dark circles. Another similar exercise is performed with two chilled spoons.

The spoons are placed next to the inner corners of the eyes, and then smoothly, in wave-like movements, move under the lower eyelid and up to the temples. After this, you need to press three times on the temples, move to the ears and return back to the eyelids. In addition, you can remove small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes – “crow’s feet”. To do this, the skin is massaged in a circular motion from the cheekbones to the temples, lingering on the last few seconds. The massage is performed first 3 times with hot spoons, and then 1 time with cold spoons.

Massaging the forehead

Expression wrinkles on the forehead often cause distress even in very young girls. In spoon massage, there are several techniques to make them less noticeable.

  • The forehead is massaged with hot spoons, in a circular motion in the direction from the base of the eyebrows to the temples. This manipulation is repeated at least 10 times.
  • Another option is to massage your forehead in a circular motion while holding the skin at your temple with a second spoon. Both spoons should be hot.
  • For this exercise you need 4 spoons: 2 hot and 2 cold. First, the hot spoons are placed in the middle of the forehead and begin to move towards the temples, performing a zigzag movement. After this, you need to lightly press on the temples 6 times and repeat the same with cold spoons.
  • Wrinkles between the eyebrows are smoothed out by pressing on this area 6 times, followed by a smoothing motion up the forehead. The exercise is performed alternately with a hot and cold spoon.

Doing a cheek massage

Loss of firmness in cheek skin is one of the most obvious signs of aging. Massage with spoons helps eliminate sagging and restore color to the cheeks. For this procedure, spoons are dipped into warm vegetable oil, then, with light effort, they begin to move them along the massage lines of the face, performing at least 10 repetitions each time. During the exercise, the skin should be held with the other hand under the chin so that it does not stretch.

Using spoons on lips

An important part of the face that can be corrected with spoon massage is the nasolabial folds. These deep wrinkles not only age you by 10 years, they also give your face a gloomy, unhappy expression. Therefore, it is simply necessary to fight them. It is better to start as soon as these folds begin to appear, without waiting for dramatic changes in appearance.

  • Gently, without stretching the skin, make spiral movements in the direction from the lips to the earlobe. You need to perform this exercise with a hot spoon several times from the upper and then from the lower lip. After this, you should relax and then do 4 more repetitions.
  • For the next exercise, take 4 spoons and place them in the decoction. You need to puff out your cheeks and tap the lines of the nasolabial fold for 10 counts and do at least 4-5 repetitions. The spoon should be hot, so after completing the exercise, it should be changed.
  • Starting position: the mouth is rounded in the shape of the letter O, two hot spoons are located near the wings of the nose. The exercise is performed with small circular movements in the direction from the nose to the corners of the lips. This is done 3 times, each time between repetitions you need to additionally warm up the spoons, and also, for better glide, wipe them with a napkin and lubricate them with vegetable oil.

You can also use spoons to smooth out small wrinkles above the upper lip. To do this you will need two hot teaspoons. Starting position: the mouth is slightly open, as when pronouncing the sound e, the spoons are located horizontally above the upper lip. The exercise involves drawing “antennae” with soft circles. You need to stop at the corners of your lips for a few seconds, pressing the spoons tightly. After this, the movement continues to the earlobes. Having performed three presses in the area of ​​the earlobes, we move further along the ear muscle to the hairline. Repeat 2 times.

We pay attention to the neck, chin and décolleté

The neck is a place that very often reveals a woman’s true age, so you need to take care of it too. In addition, with age, a double chin often appears. In order to tighten the skin of this area, use a hot spoon to draw from the collarbones to the middle of the neck to the chin, then on one side, then on the other. For this exercise you need to do at least 10 repetitions. Massaging it in the direction from the center to the armpits will tighten the décolleté area. Movements should be performed with light pressure, but so that the skin does not move or stretch. Using oil allows you to achieve the necessary glide.

After you have acquired at least a little experience in facial massage with spoons, you can come up with a scheme for your own personal exercises. To do this, you need to grimace a little while looking in the mirror and remember the location of facial wrinkles on your face, as well as the areas where they are likely to appear soon. During the massage, carefully work all these areas in a circular motion. Exercises should be done every morning for at least two weeks. After this, you can take a week's break and then repeat the course.

With regular use, the results will not be long in coming, and those around you will begin to notice your appearance has changed for the better. Temperature contrast removes wrinkles well, so alternating massage with hot and cold spoons is most effective, which will also improve skin tone and color.