Target: Introduce children With national traditions Indians.

Tasks: Expand views children about the peoples of the world(Indians, develop in children creative imagination, cultivate children mutual assistance and the ability to play in a team.



Scenario of the quest game “Great Council of Indians.”

Goal: To introduce children with national traditions Indians.

Program tasks: expand viewschildren about the peoples of the world(Indians, develop in childrencreative imagination, cultivate children mutual assistance and the ability to play in a team.


Team building.

The tribes gather at the main entrance around a fire (branches folded into a hut, where appropriate Indian music is played.

The leader comes out to the tribes.

Leader. I, the great Leader of the Union of Tribes...., greet you, brothers Indians! How! (raises hand up)

May the sun always be above your head. How!

Greetings from the teams.

Leader. Did all the tribes come to the Council?

Children: That's it!

Leader: Let's check. Tribe...!

Children: Here!

Greeting (motto).

Leader: Tribe...!

Children: Here!

Greeting (motto).

Leader: Tribe...!

Children: Here!

Greeting (motto).

Leader: Tribe...!

Children: Here!

Greeting (motto).

Elder Chief : Ritual of initiation into Indians:

Scratch it thumb left foot right palm;

With your left hand, pull your right earlobe over your head 3 times;

Shake your head to clear all bad thoughts;

Scratch the back of the neighbor next to you.

But now, you have become real redskins. Repeat the law after meIndian tribe:

Indian friend of all pale faces;

Indian will never leave another in trouble;

Indian doesn't stop halfway;

Indian does not roar under any circumstances;

Shaman: - The spirits of the wild prairies tell me that young Indians must take an oath. Repeat after me:

“I, an Indian of the Redskin tribe, swear to sacredly honor the traditions of my people, observe all rituals, enjoy life, sing, dance and pass all tests!

We swear! We swear! We swear!”

It's time for each leader to represent his tribe

Leader. I gathered all of you to the Great Council of Indians to find out which tribe is stronger, which is faster, which knows the laws of the forest better and can survive in it. I'm sending you on an adventure. For completing the stage correctly, you will receive an arrow chip. The tribe that brings the most arrows to the leader will be the winner.

Leader. I wish you success! Let's shout our battle cry together(all the Indians are hooting).

Stage 1: task “Get what you need for the road.”

Leader of the stage: Indian you know what you will need on your trip?

Assignment: “Assemble a travel kit.”

Leader of the stage: The main rule is that you shouldn’t take something that might be useful. But just something you can’t do without.

Pictures are hung all over the site; children must find them, but take and bring only the ones they need.

Equipment and material: pictures - backpack, compass, first aid kit, mosquito repellent ointment, matches, brush, toothpaste, soap, tent, pot, axe, spatula, water…. extra items.

Stage 2: task “Experts of the rules of conduct in the forest.”

The leader of the stage counts the number of correct answers.

Leader of the stage: Indians of the tribe..., do you know how to behave in the forest? (children's answers)

1 Do not break trees and bushes, do not tear off plants.

2. Do not knock over mushrooms, even inedible ones.

3. Do not tear off the patina or kill spiders.

4. Don't destroy birds' nests.

5. Do not catch wild animals and birds and do not take them home.

6. Don’t make noise in the forest.

7 Extinguish the fire and fill it with water.

8 Collect organic waste and bury.

Second task of this stage“Assemble cut pictures (puzzles).”

Equipment and material: round pictures with rules of behavior in the forest (cut-out).

Stage 3: task “Indian Lunch”.

The leader of the stage counts the number of products.

Equipment and materials: markers, sheets of Whatman paper with a drawn cauldron.

Leader of the stage: Think about what products fish soup is made from?

Task: Run to the poster with the pot, draw a fish soup product.

Stage 4: “Halt”.

Improvisation with musical instruments “Orchestra”, phonogram “Indian music”.

Now in the competition"Anaconda Rings"I want to see which tribe is the friendliest? Which leader will be able to save his people and quickly free them from the coils of the evil snake.

Competition for Tribal Leaders"Anaconda Rings"

Tribes are built in two circles. The leaders approach the enemy tribe and confuse it, forcing it to step over its hands, turn around itself, crawl through, etc. The main thing rule : during tangling and untangling, do not unclasp your hands and do not prompt the leaders. Once the tribes are entangled, each leader approaches his tribe and untangles the Anaconda rings. The leader who first frees the people becomes the winner.

3. Indians must be inconspicuous. Conspiracy competition.


Each of you went hunting. Now, show me what kind of booty you have.
Everyone pulled out a piece of paper on which the name of the animal was written: squirrel, bear, wolf, hedgehog, etc. Then they showed it one by one. The others' task was to guess who it was.

Children gather around a common fire.

Leader: Welcome back my great tribes! Give me the arrow chips you received during the stages.(the captains come up and give the chips to the leader).

Leader: While I count the arrow chips and decide which tribe is the fastest and most agile, you won’t be bored. I announce the Great Hunt! Go through all the areas, look for prey, and at the appointed time return with the prey to the Big Council. And may heaven send you a successful hunt!

The leader marks the time. The Indians let out a war cry (everyone hoots) and run to the areas where animal toys (or pictures of animals) are hidden.

After a set time, the Indians return to the main fire and hand over the toys they found to the leader.

Leader: Thank heavens the tribes will not go hungry. How! Let's celebrate the end of the adventure and a successful hunt with a fun dance!

Indian ritual dance: Everyone stood in a circle and put their hands on each other’s shoulders. First, for 3 counts we go clockwise, on the fourth we shout “Yo-ho”, then in the same direction in the other direction, then to the center, then we disperse. And again in a circle.

COMMON DANCE with Indian music.

Leader: How! (raises hand up)

Leader: It's time to sum up the results of the Great Council of Indians. The strongest, bravest and most dexterous tribes await rewards. I am telling you this, the Great Leader! Let's get started. How!

The most powerful tribe of the Grand Council is declared....

The most dexterous tribe is declared...

The most friendly tribe is declared...

The smartest tribe is declared...

Tribal leaders are awarded certificates and sweet prizes.

Leader: And now, brothers Indians, I declare our Council closed. How! (raises hand up) Let's shout our battle cry together(everyone hoots)

Leader: Listen, I’ll tell you a secret, there is a belief that if you jump over a fire, your troubles will burn in the flames, and your wishes will certainly come true.

(Children make wishes and jump over the “bonfire”).

At the entrance to the cafe, the Indian Huka - the Sharp Eye greets the children and adults, invites them into the hall and tells his story:
He was the last of the Mayan Indians left, because... the gods became angry and bewitched all the Indians. Huka is entrusted with the mission to appease the gods, pass the tests they have prepared, collect images of Indians, attach these drawings to the mountain of the gods, and then the gods will revive the rest of the Indians.
(whatman paper is attached to the wall in advance - this is the mountain of the gods, images of Indians will be attached to it at the end). Guka asks if the guys will help her with this. They agree, and the adventure begins... But first, Guka initiates everyone into the Indians, puts a headdress on everyone and distributes tomahawks. The Indians are divided into 2 tribes, choose a leader and come up with a name for the tribe.
Requisites: Whatman paper - mountain of gods, images of Indians, double-sided tape, ritual basket (decorate), Indian outfit, Indian headdresses: 12 adults + 5 children + 1 for the leader, music, portraits and drawings of Indians (place indoors), carpets, candles.

1 contest - "Hot Stones"(pins are placed - this is a cave, you need to score as many goals as possible in 5 minutes from a distance of 1.5 m, using tennis balls. Each player has 3 attempts, first one player hits the goal 3 times, then the second, third etc.).
The common prize is an Indian (we collect all the Indians in a ritual basket).
Requisites: clocks, skittles, tennis balls, Indians.

2 contest - "War Paint"(2 coloring books are distributed, 1 for each team and felt-tip pens + pencils. You need to color the Indians in 5 minutes, thereby bringing them to life. The team that completes it faster gets an Indian.
The overall prize is an Indian.
Requisites: coloring books, markers, pencils, Indians.

3 contest - "Fast Rider"(children are divided into 2 teams, pins are placed at a distance of 3-4 m from the participants. Participants are given balloons, one for each team. You need to jump to the pin, holding the ball between your legs, come back, give the ball to the next player.
Prizes for all participants (first for the winning team).
The overall prize is an Indian.
Requisites: 2 hot air balloon, skittles, Indians.

4 competition (already at the table) – "Dish of the Gods"(each person can come up with a magical dish from available ingredients, come up with a name for it and explain why it has such a name. Then they eat their dishes and find them under the plates of the Indians.
Place the Indians under the plates in advance. We put them in the basket).
The prizes are Indians.

5 competition (at the table) – "Indian Song"(to appease the gods, you need to come up with an Indian ritual song and sing it in chorus.
Prizes for all participants.
The prizes are Indians.

6 competition (at the table) – "Indian Bag"(objects are placed in a dark bag - you need to determine what they are. Ellina approaches each one in turn while the children eat at the table. For each item guessed, an Indian).
Requisites: bag+items, Indians.

7 competition (at the table) – "Pantomime"(Come up with any animal and depict it, the rest guess.)
The prizes are Indians.

8 competition (at the table) – « Magic words» (all together remember 20 polite words to appease the gods).
The prizes are the same.

9 contest - « Siamese twins» (2 teams play in pairs: hold hands, run to the pin, inflate the ball and return with it).
The prizes are the same.
Requisites: air balloons– 9 pieces, skittles, Indians.

10 contest - "Skillful Indian"(carry a matchbox to the pin and back, placing it on the top of your head. Everyone participates).
Prizes for all participants.
Requisites: matchboxes - 2 pcs., skittles, Indians.

11 contest - "Tribal Dance"(each team comes up with their own).
Prizes for all participants.

12 contest - "Giants and Dwarfs"(Participants in the game stand in a circle. The presenter calls dwarfs or giants. At the word, the dwarfs all squat, the giants all stand up. Those who made a mistake stand inside the circle, and then perform some task).

13 contest - "Nesmeyana"(make sad Nesmeyana laugh without touching her with your hands. Choose anyone for the role of Nesmeyana, pull out pieces of paper, then - as desired).
Requisites: pieces of paper – 17 pieces, one of them with the inscription “Nesmeyana”, flowers.

15 contest - "Perestroika"(2 teams line up opposite each other and, at the command of the leader, rearrange themselves in their teams according to different characteristics: height, eye color, etc.).
Prizes for all participants.

16 contest - "Smart Men and Women"(various objects are laid out mixed together. In 15 seconds you need to count how many spoons, matches, etc. Put your hands behind your back).
Prizes for all participants (most accurate first).
Requisites: matches, pencils, pens, cups, watches.

17 contest - "Indian Spell"(everyone needs to put together a puzzle and read the spell. The magic spell is cut in advance in the form of a puzzle. Guka helps the guys read the magic spell and says that now the gods will allow the Indians to be revived.
Props:puzzle spell in an envelope

Gukka says that finally they have passed all the tests, gathered all the Indians and will be able to revive them. She brings a basket with Indians and, together with the guys, attaches flowers to whatman paper. Guka then lights the sparklers, casts a spell, and showers everyone with confetti.
Gukka says that now all the Indians will return and be happy. And in gratitude for salvation they give gifts.
Taking out the cake with candles. The birthday girl blows out the candles, the guests help her. They sing the song “Happy Birthday.”
Guka says goodbye.
Requisites: sparklers, matches, confetti, gifts – 5 pcs.

May the sun always be above your head. Howe, friends!

The prairie was the territory recently annexed to our possessions, on which nothing but a natural lawn is growing yet, and we gathered on the occasion of my birthday.

At the Pow Wow (this is an Indian way of getting together) there were four tribes present, each led by a leader, worthy and respected.

The road for the tribes who came to the festival was long and difficult, and therefore, before moving on to important issues Our meeting they were allowed to eat a little.

Like real Indians, we ate sitting on the ground, without the help of forks and spoons.

This is our menu:
1. Corn tortillas
2. Vegetables baked on the grill
3. Vegetable and corn salad
4. Buritos
5. New potatoes baked in foil
6. Stuffed peppers
7. Fresh fruits and vegetables.
and of course, fire water, where would we be without it? 🙂

Please note, no meat or fish. The Indians will get them themselves, but more on that later.

A wigwam in case of rain, and next to it one of my gifts.

To begin with, we decided to find out how well our Indians are familiar with the history, customs and traditions of their people. Daria prepared and conducted quiz.

Questions for the Indian quiz:
1. What was the name of the Indians’ housing? (wigwam, hogan)
2. In what part of the world did the Indians live? (in America)
3. List the names of Indian tribes. (Sioux, Siksik, Apache, Cherokee, Comanche, Huron, Iroquois and others)
4. What was the name of the Indian's shoes? (moccasins)
5. Who did the Indians hunt? (for bison, elk, bears, beavers)
6. How did the Indians communicate? (using gestures, smoke, war paint)
7. What was the name of the boat among the Indians? (pirOga, canoe)
8. Who called the Indians “Indians”? (Christopher Columbus)
9. What is a “totem”? (religious symbol of the family)
10. How did the Indians bury their dead? (on high platforms so that their bodies are not touched by wild animals)
11. What weapons did the Indians have? (tomahawk, spear, bow, war club, knife)
12. Who is a shaman? (a person who communicates with spirits)
13. What does it mean to “go on the warpath”? (start a war with a neighboring tribe)

For each correct answer, the leader of the tribe was given a bead (Daria and I made them from vermicelli and painted them in different colors). The leaders strung these beads on a fishing line.

In general, our tribes coped with the quiz questions.

Friends, did you know that an Indian only becomes a real Indian when he passes initiation ritual and take an oath:

“I, an Indian of the Redskin tribe, swear to sacredly honor the traditions of my people, observe all rituals, enjoy life, sing, dance, sunbathe, eat and drink everything!
If I break this oath, then may I be deprived of money for beer forever; my favorite jeans will tear in the most interesting place; my computer will get a virus; they will stop looking for me in social networks and recognize in photographs; the laces on my sneakers get tangled; The wheels of my car will fall off!We swear! We swear! We swear!”

Choice of names. After this, each Indian chose a name for himself (m male names on blue pieces of paper, female ones on pink ones). They began to call us: Wise Frog, Little Moonfish, Bear Paw, Bad Boy, White Bird, Bear Skin, Morning Star, Beaver Tail, Little Eagle and others.

To make it easier to remember your new name and the names of your brothers, we conducted dating game. Those who were in pioneer camps probably know her. The players sit in a circle. The first player says his name, the second says the first name and his own, the third says the two previous names and his own, and so on. The hardest thing is for the first player, when it’s his turn in a circle, he needs to remember and name all the names.

We coped with this task too.

Well, that's it! Now, in accordance with the selected name, you can applywar paintFace painting came in handy for this. They painted each other to the best of their imagination.

After this it was announced Great Hunt.

A real hunter, before killing an animal, must dance a ritual dance and ask the sky for the hunt to be successful.

Boar hunting

Condition: only the one who gets to the boar gets the kebab.

Thank heavens, everyone was caught, and the tribes did not go hungry.

The shish kebab was fried in advance. The feast continued. The tribes celebrated a successful hunt!

As you know, the Indians were not only excellent hunters, but also fishermen.

Next test"Fishing".

You need to throw the spinning rod with a load and hit it exactly in the bucket. It turned out to be not so easy to do this. But there was so much delight when it was finally possible! The fish was also pre-cooked on the grill.

Bouquet for Squaw

We’ve had our fill, now we can think about more lofty things, for example, about our favorite squaws (although this competition should have been held at the very beginning, but I was worried that the hungry leaders would not be able to curb the mustangs and overcome the difficult path). So, in this competition, the winner was the one who was the first to bring flowers for his squaw, riding on a horse and urging him on with a whip.

Indians must be invisible. Game "Walk-Stop".

You probably played it as a child too. The leader turns away, the Indians creep up on him. As soon as the leader says “Stop” and turns around, they stop and don’t move. If the leader notices someone who has moved, that player returns to the starting position.


In addition to hunting and fishing, one of the main activities of the Indians was gathering. Each Indian was given a list of plants that he must find and bring.

While the adult Indians were practicing speed, accuracy, dexterity and attentiveness, the children were looking for "Treasures of the Mayans".

Who seeks will always find!

Based on the results of the competition, the most important leader was chosen, the head of Pau Wow and his tribe received a prize - an amulet bracelet.

This is how, dear friends, we not only work in our gardens, but also have fun! 🙂

And there are many ahead of you interesting scenarios. Subscribe to the free one so you don't miss anything.

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One fine day you wake up from an incomprehensible noise. You look around and what do you see? Indians! A hostile tribe slipped into your house, seized your possessions and even caused complete destruction! Something needs to be done urgently. Gather your friends, mark the boundaries of the settlement, organize the strongest tribe, conduct initiation with serious tests, eat well and deal with the invaders. The Indian party begins!

Organization of Indian settlement

First of all, you need to clearly indicate to the hostile Indians where you will live, so that they do not dare to encroach on your home. To do this you will need to create a real Indian ambience. What will help you in decorating an Indian party?

Of course, these are products made of stone and bones: small figurines, painted stones and skulls. You will definitely need fur skins obtained in a dangerous fight with a strong beast. But also the lining of winter jacket will also be quite suitable. What can you use to kill the beast? That's right, axes, spears and shields, which can be made from polystyrene foam or foam rubber, then you can fight with them.

Horses are important in Indian life, so celebrate this by placing pictures of horses around your settlement. You can make a stable and place horses there, glued together from a stick and a paper head. They will still come in handy.

Find pottery, wicker baskets, and leather bags. Lay out and hang colorful blankets. You can also make altars and totems. And yes, no one has forgotten about wigwams. Prepare materials for the wigwam, but you will solemnly erect it later with the whole tribe.

Urgent convocation of the tribe

You need to warn your friends about the problem with the Indians as early as possible and in the brightest colors. Prepare invitations: to get your friends excited for the upcoming event, you can make them on pieces of leather, paint them and stick on feathers. Then your friends will definitely not refuse to help you.

Indian robes

It is necessary to pay due attention to costumes at an Indian party, otherwise not a single neighboring tribe will take you seriously. Indians wear leather shirts and short pants, girls wear skirts. Items of clothing are decorated with fringe. You can make loincloths or even belts with studs.

A brightly colored poncho is worn on top, and the strongest and bravest warriors wear fur skins. There is no need to think about shoes: you should walk barefoot. Well, the most important thing is headbands with feathers and war paint.

A real Indian feast

Rest assured that your newfound tribe will definitely want to eat heartily. Fortunately, the Indians' feast is the most modest. The table needs to be organized right on the floor and forget about spoons and forks. Yes, yes, you will have to eat with your hands. It's not easy for the Indians either.

What can be on an Indian menu:

  • baked potato;
  • baked stuffed vegetables;
  • vegetable salads;
  • potato or corn cakes;
  • Mexican burritos;
  • berries;
  • and of course, as much meat, fish and poultry in any form as possible!

With drinks, everything is very simple: what Indians hold a feast without fire water? But if you're hosting a Native American party for kids, any juice will do. It will be great if they are prepared by hand.

Meeting with guests

And now all the preparations are made, and the guests have gathered. The time has come to create a tribe and teach the hostile Indians a lesson.

At the entrance, hand out identically decorated ribbons with feathers to all future members of the tribe. Feather dresses have a very symbolic meaning. The Indians received feathers as a reward for their achievements and exploits, so the Indians with the most luxurious attire are the most revered.

Then everyone must choose an Indian name, such as Flying Arrow or Eagle Eye. Next you will need war paint. It also makes sense: it conveys the state and mood of the Indian. Each tribe had its own colors. Keeping these features in mind, color each other.

Now organize a meeting place for the tribe. Using blankets, chairs and sticks, build a tepee. And this event definitely needs to be celebrated. It's time for the table! The feast can be accompanied by stories of exploits performed by your brave fellow tribesmen. The most heroic storytellers can be rewarded with feathers. After all, you also need to be able to tell interesting stories!

Epicenter of the party

It's time to begin your Indian initiation. Tests will help with this, which will prove that each member of the tribe is truly brave, strong, dexterous, accurate, smart and cunning and worthy to bear his name with pride. The reward will be feathers. Don't forget about Indian music, then the tests will be more dynamic. Each successfully completed test should be accompanied by a victorious whoop.

Test of Courage: Restrain the Mustang

Dealing with a mustang is not an easy task; only real brave men can do it. To carry out the test you will need stick horses, objects laid out on the floor and a rope. Throw a rope around the horse's "neck" and squeeze it between the legs. You cannot hold the stick with your hands, only with your feet and a rope. You need to “jump around” all the objects without catching a single one. Those who can do it the fastest will get the most feathers.

Test of Strength: Sparring

To find out who is the strongest from the tribe, you need to fight. This is where improvised axes will come in handy. You need to divide the players into pairs and have a battle. The winner is the one who can break through the enemy’s defense and hook the body with an ax. Then again: the winners fight the winners, the losers fight the losers. This is how the strongest member of the tribe becomes clear. He will receive the most generous reward.

Test of the Mind: A Little Respite

To be truly respected, every Indian must know a lot about the tribe and the world around them. Therefore, to take a break from the previous test, you can conduct a quiz, which will ask questions about tribal traditions, animals, plants and everything else that you think an Indian should know.

Accuracy Test: The Best Hunters

To determine who will be the most successful hunter in the tribe, accuracy must be tested. There are several options here: you can play darts, you can throw rings on sticks, or you can buy or make bows and shoot them at a target or at images of animals, if, of course, there is such an opportunity.

Challenge of Agility: Enemy Traps

Of course, the likelihood that a truly clever Indian will fall into someone else's net is very small. But if such trouble did occur, then he should be able to get out of it. Basically, the idea is to confuse individuals or the entire tribe with rope. Then they must get out of the trap within a certain time. Don't forget about the reward.

Test of cunning: the science of hiding in time

During rare forays into the enemy’s camp, the Indians must be able to cleverly hide. Turn on Indian music and, while it plays, everyone peacefully goes about their business: climbing trees, squatting, tumbling. In general, cases should contain active movements. As soon as the music stops, everyone freezes in the position in which they find themselves. If someone did not have time to react, or could not maintain the position, they lost.

End of dedication

When all the tests have been completed, determine the strongest, most dexterous, etc. Reward them in accordance with their rank. The one who was least active and earned the fewest feathers will be the shaman.

Now you can sit down at the table again and discuss attacking the enemy tribe. But then you noticed that some members of the tribe suspiciously disappeared from the table. Oh no, they have crossed into the enemy's camp! This cannot be forgiven! You can't do without war.

But fighting is a tedious business. You can't always be in a state of war. Therefore, after the battles, a truce will still have to be declared. There is no way to do this without lighting the peace pipe. Well, or without drinking tea of ​​friendliness. This arrangement will be a wonderful ending to the Indian party scenario.

The problem of confrontation between tribes has been resolved. Now, having found peace, they can safely return to their homes. On this day, many new stories will appear in the tribes, which will be passed on through generations.

7 people (1 came later) 7 years old. Not everyone knows each other.
There is 1 person as assistant at the very beginning.

Venue: recreation area near the house + house.

The topic emerged from the material. Anya Shapoklyak once sent me colored feathers. So I wanted to use them. Well, the first thing is, of course, the Indians. I offered it to my son, he agreed.
As it turned out, my own child I had very strange ideas about the Indians. Although we read about them once, and he watched the animated series “The Last of the Mohicans.” Therefore, we carried out a quick educational program, looked on the Internet, what we found, looked in a geographical atlas (what nature, what animals).
And then, I began to read everything that I found in the “bins” and on the Internet about Indians, birthdays, etc.
Yulia Lugovskaya's articles helped me a lot.
And especially, her birthday in primitive style.

This is what ended up happening.

I wrote the text together with my son. Each child was given their own Indian name: Smile of the Dawn, Sounding Brook, Running Deer, etc.
Here's what the invitations looked like.

The pictures were different - I found about a dozen coloring pages of Indians on the Internet - so they were inserted. Each invitation was cut and glued together. It turned out to be text on both sides, plus it became denser. The pictures were colored by Slava with felt-tip pens.

What happened at the holiday itself

Meeting: All parents were released and a call time was agreed upon. We waited for everyone and went on a journey.
Next to our house there is a small recreation area: a river, some grass, bushes, trees, benches and an adult sports complex.
This is where I needed help. My friend, while we were meeting, went for a run there, hung red threads on the trees (for knitting), drew arrows, and, in general, paved the way to the sports complex.

She told the children this:
Real Indians are excellent trackers. They can find tracks on the ground, sand, grass, bushes and trees. So you and I will learn to look for traces. And they should lead us to a place where there will be two different colors (two ribbons: blue and green).
I led them to the beginning, and I had to give them the first sign, and then... they ran so fast that I had to do a good run. And there was so much delight, screams, shouts, joy when they found a new sign - “trace”. The entire run took about 5 minutes, but the children got a boost of spirit. I am very glad that they finally made such an element.

Not all the children knew each other. Therefore, it was necessary to introduce and overcome a certain barrier of alienation that was noticeable.

The next two games are taken from Faupel and slightly adapted to the situation.

Do you know how people greet in different countries? How can we say hello
 Shake hands
 We hug
 Clap your raised palm
 Clap two palms horizontally
 Touching with fingers
 Tap on the shoulder
 Let's rub noses
 Bowing with crossed arms (China)
 Bow, palms folded in front of forehead (India)
 Bow – hands at your sides (Japan)
Now let's say hello.
Everyone stands in a circle, one person walks around the circle and greets each next person in a new way. At the same time, he introduces himself: “Hello, my name is Slava.”

But you and I are Indians. Let's come up with our own greeting.
Some put their hands on their shoulders, some on their belts, some behind their heads. We greet with elbows. Those. you need to touch your elbow to the elbow of another.

Well, now that you are familiar, you can start first test. When you pass all the tests, you will become real Indians.
And the first test is very difficult.

There are many different structures on the site: horizontal bars of different heights, parallel bars, logs, ladders. One child closes his eyes, the second leads him somewhere. We chose 4 different routes. Then they switched roles and took a different route.

After this stage - the first step of initiation into the Indians - war paint.

In North America, there is an amazing river - the Mississippi. The Indians called her the Father of Waters. Because many different rivers flowed into it. But besides, this big river brought them many surprises.

Games with a parachute.
Generally speaking, a parachute is a large circle of fabric. This one, for example.
But I didn’t have that. And I found just a piece of fabric. He didn't do a very good job, but it was interesting.

Let's start with waves– learning to make big and small waves. As it turned out, this is also not easy, especially when several leaders gathered. Everyone tried to pull the parachute towards themselves.

Crocodile in Mississippi!
One is chosen as the “crocodile”, all other players create waves. The crocodile chases in search of its victims under the surface of the water (parachute). If a crocodile grabs someone by the leg, the victim is sent under a parachute and also becomes a crocodile. Players swinging the parachute cannot release the parachute until they are caught, nor can they press the parachute to the ground to block the crocodiles' path. The game ends when there are too many crocodiles around and too few people left!

One-armed running.
Each player holds the parachute with one hand, with the other out to the side for balance. Start by running in a circle in one direction, then change hands and direction of running on clap or command.

Changing places
Players raise the parachute up and stop their hands; the parachute itself lowers slowly. At the moment of maximum rise of the parachute, the presenter loudly calls the names of 2 players. These players must release the parachute and, after running under it, change places. It doesn't matter whether the player ends up in exactly the same place where his partner was standing, as long as he runs under the parachute to the opposite side. While some of the players are under the parachute, the rest are slowly pulling the parachute down, trying to catch the game participants running under the parachute. If you managed to catch someone, help this player get out and let him find a new place near the parachute

As it turns out, this game is not as simple as it might seem from the description. You must not only run, but also see where to run, i.e. where the second person is running from. This is what raised the most questions among the children, but also laughter:)
It was played the longest.

I came up with it along the way, a la a Russian stream. Four people hold the fabric on opposite sides and make waves. Those who remain, in turn, swim under the waves and replace those who were holding them, they swim, and in turn replace others.
The kids really enjoyed it. Although there was turmoil when they went to the wrong place to change, when they got tangled in the fabric...

Everyone coped with difficult tests, and therefore became real Indians - they received headbands with a feather. After which we performed a ritual dance of the Indians: everyone stood in a circle and put their hands on each other’s shoulders. First, for 3 counts we go clockwise, on the fourth we shout “Yo-ho”, then in the same direction in the other direction, then to the center, then we disperse. And again in a circle.

Real Indians are excellent hunters. They knew how to hunt in different ways. Shoot from a bow or throw a lasso. A lasso is a rope tied with a special knot. Let's practice throwing a lasso.

We took an ordinary ring for ring throwing, tied a rope to it, and 2 pins into the ground. So the children quit, those who didn’t succeed the 3rd time, I helped with my hand with the words - but then the spirits of the old Indians intervened and helped you. The children smiled and were happy.

Each of you went hunting. Now, show me what kind of booty you have.
Everyone pulled out a piece of paper on which the name of the animal was written: squirrel, bear, wolf, hedgehog, etc. Then they showed it one by one. The others' task was to guess who it was.
Some children had to help, suggest what and how to show.

Congratulations - you are excellent hunters. Do you know how can you congratulate someone, give him attention? You can do it like this.
(Vopel's game)
One person stands in the center of the circle. Everyone else squats down with their hands behind their backs. All together, they begin to pronounce the name standing in the center, gradually extending their arms, raising them up, moving closer. We pronounce the name louder and louder.

Not a very simple exercise, the children reacted differently to it, but it was clear that it relieved some of the tension that the most timid ones had. Being in the spotlight was good.

Indians can do everything
Also a variant of Faupel's game.
Everyone wanders nearby, and the leader shouts out the action.
“Can Indians swim?” – everyone joyfully shouts “YES” and swims.
Next, we hand over the initiative to the children themselves.

And also, the Indians know how move, imitating animals.
And we went home, imitating birds, fish, bear, frogs, etc.

At home, it was necessary first give him something to drink, and then again gather the attention of the children. I guessed in advance that the children would be thirsty - after all, it was 25 degrees, plus a lot of games. That's why I placed glasses of water around the room before starting. But not in plain sight. She blocked them with toys, books, curtains on the windowsill, and covered them with scarves. The children enjoyed looking for water. She suggested something.

Then, continuing the topic of searching for water, we moved on to food.
A simple competition - with your eyes closed you had to understand that something edible was put in your mouth. At first, I wanted to use only fruits (apple, pear, banana, orange, kiwi), but then I added some pieces of bread, sausage, cheese, cucumber, boiled egg.
The children were wildly delighted. They all sat obediently with their eyes closed and mouths open. And they joyfully called and ate what they received. How they were having fun when, among the bananas, oranges, apples, etc. they had already heard, sausage suddenly appeared. Everyone received 5-7 different pieces.

We decided to celebrate with a festive drum beat good mood Indians They sat in a circle on the floor, took pots, buckets, boxes and drummed. First - who, what. Then they repeated simple rhythms after me. Then everyone kept a simple rhythm, and in turn, everyone performed their “solo”.

Then they turned on the music and repeated the same movements. One person in a circle showed the movements - the rest repeated. And they changed.

And then, while I was preparing the obstacle course, the children had a blast playing a simple game. Take turns, they finger painted in the air something they thought had to do with the Indians. The rest guessed.

Big Adventure
The streak was like this
- swamp (crossing by a team, along “bumps” that need to be rearranged from end to beginning)
- bridge over the abyss (abs board on 2 stools)
- cliff (jump from stool to mat)
- cave (tunnel without frame)
- mountains (Swedish, with transition to the second floor of the bed)
- wild horse racing (trampoline)
- river (frame tunnel)
Some obstacles caused a lot of emotions. Well, you don’t really need to know much psychology to understand that the frameless tunnel caused difficulties. It’s not so easy to make your way through the sticky tissue with your head. Something that was not easy for some. But everyone got through everything together, with support and encouragement.
The result of the trip was "Twister" - a magic rug.

I have a large field (homemade), three or four people can play on it at once. We played without dice - roulette. Just one presenter named colors and an arm or a leg. At first, I was the host. Then the children played beautifully without me: they changed, called names. At this time I was preparing the treat.

Running hands.
Taken from Faupel. But I think many people have encountered this game themselves.
On the one hand, to calm down, on the other, to unite again.
We take turns placing our right hands one on top of the other in the center. Then the left. We rock and shout something cheerful. We repeat several times.

Basically, I had the game ready "Who's the ass?"- but after seeing how well the children played, I did not interfere.

Sleeping on the leaves
Indians sleep on leaves. They are used as mattresses. So you and I will try this.
We give children a newspaper. We turn on lullaby music. You need to “lie down” - as best you can, on a newspaper, and pretend that you are sleeping. Then fold the newspaper in half and repeat. We all played together at once.

Amulets - necklaces
The Indians believed that each tribe descended from a magical, mythical ancestor - an animal, a bird, a turtle, or maybe a plant. The spirits of mythical ancestors protect you and can help you. Therefore, the Indians made totems - images of different animals that brought certain properties.
Look, here are pictures of different animals and plants. A bear is strength, that’s how strong he is, and he gives others the same property. Man is a mind, a fantasy. A tree is health, it draws its strength from the earth and water, it is warmed by the sun and blown by the wind. Butterfly is beauty. A dog is a man’s friend, and a person who chooses a dog will always be with friends.
Choose different figures for yourself, make a necklace - an amulet.

My son and I made all the figures in advance from salted colored dough and baked them. Figures are cookie cutters. Others could have been possible, but our set was not very suitable: cars, ships.

Search for treasure.
There is an ancient Indian treasure somewhere nearby. But to find it, you will have to go through difficult trials together.
Everyone received a sheet with a task: puzzles, rebuses, crosswords, find the differences, etc. I selected them by age, but someone had to help a little. For each correct task, they received a piece of a map - an apartment plan.
They did not immediately find the chest. To get each new clue, we all had to complete another task together. It only took 2 tips.

OK it's all over Now. The children played a little more in free mode. The last person left 6 hours after the start. In principle, 5 was enough.
Actually, the holiday did not require any special preparations. Making headbands with feathers and ribbons is a 10-minute job. A slightly more time-consuming task is to bake dough figures. Everything else, what we had on hand, was simply adapted to the task.

What else was there just in case?
Archery and darts
Guessing vegetables by touch
Quiz of oral questions about Indians (such as what is the name of the dwelling, who is the most important, etc.)
“Snowball” - add words in a circle based on Indian themes.
And a couple more games from Vopel.