
We all learned a little, something and somehow. At school or university, we had to learn the basics of sex on our own. Nobody taught us about sex, which has affected the fact that now there are many logs in bed on the female side and bad lovers on the male side. How to become a better lover and a better mistress?

In bed or out of bed, new relationship or old, everyone can become a better lover. Your partner deserves it! Read this article to learn great tips and tricks to make your relationship more exciting and exciting.

1. Be the best

1.1 Intimacy should always be a priority. It's easy to get caught up in a routine and feel like you just don't have time for intimacy, especially if you've been dating for a while. However, a relationship in which one or both partners are dissatisfied cannot last long. Find time for intimacy so that your flame flares up with renewed vigor.

If you have older children, tell them you've had a hard day and are so tired you're going to bed.

If you have younger children, put them to bed early.

Avoid making your intimate encounters a rare exception, such as only when traveling or on a date night once or twice a year. This is bad for relationships.

1.2 Express your consent. Make sure everyone involved is happy and fully consenting before things go too far. This is important for both men and women. If your partner has drunk enough to see giant purple mole mice, you shouldn't have sex.

1.3 Overcome the cultural barrier. Don't expect sex to be like porn or for your partner to look like a supermodel. And especially don't expect to look one way or another. This will make you feel insecure and uncomfortable, reducing the pleasure for everyone involved.

1.4 Do your research. If you want to know what your partner likes, do some research. Read sentimental novels or read online advice columns to get ideas about your partner's likes and dislikes.

1.5 Be attractive. This doesn't mean losing weight or getting bigger (enhancing something): your partner is with you because he already finds you sexy. When we talk about attractiveness, we mean good hygiene. Wear appropriate clothing. In this sense. Weight is a very subjective category, but few people are attracted to the smell of a week's sweat.

1.6 Watch your partner's reaction. Watch how your partner reacts. If he responds positively to your actions, keep doing it! If he feels uncomfortable, stop! Look for subtle cues, such as your partner placing your hand in a specific place. You can also try to imitate his movements, since most often this is a way of asking for something specific from you.

1.7 Slow down. Take your time in everything that concerns your intimate life. Proceed to sexual intercourse slowly, not forgetting the delicate art of kissing and other types of foreplay. You should also slow down the act itself! This prolongs and increases the pleasure for all involved.

1.8 Don't be selfish. Of course, you should also enjoy intimate relationships, but if you focus

1.9 Find out more about your partner. We all know a few basic places to touch on your partner, but don't forget to explore their entire body! People are sensitive in all places and in different ways. You can tell if your partner is going crazy if you kiss the back of his knee! You never know for sure!

1.10 Become a kissing master. It is important to be a good kisser, while bad kissers can kill the whole mood. Learn to be a good kisser before practicing other skills!

1.11 Change. Don't let your intimate relationship turn into a routine. Avoid the same poses or places or the same time of day. If sex becomes a routine, there will be much less romance and pleasure. Break out of your routine and keep changing to keep the romance alive in your relationship.

1.12 Be open. Human sexuality, like everything related to people, is extraordinarily complex. And since we are all different, the limits of what can be considered normal are indescribably wide. Never close your mind because you might be surprised at how your partner likes something you've never thought of before. Try new things and if you like it, keep doing it!

2. Tips for guys

2.1 Don't treat anything like a button. Constantly repeating movements do not work in intimate situations. Her genitals are not a button in an elevator that you can press several times and hope for a result. The same can be said about nipples. Follow circular movements and apply different pressures and you will be fine.

2.2 Understand what women like. Men enjoy stimulation of the penis, so you might think that vaginal stimulation is best for women, right? Unfortunately, it's not that simple! Most women do not derive pleasure from vaginal stimulation alone. Read about the clitoris on Wikipedia.

2.3 Be gentle unless she insists otherwise. If you are dealing with delicate parts of the body, be gentle unless she asks otherwise. Biting and pinching may appeal to some women, but not to all, and you don't want to get slapped.

2.4 Talk. Guys, you know how much you love those little moans. So you know she likes everything, right? But did you know that she also likes to hear these sounds (for the same reason)? Of course, you shouldn't grunt because it's a little weird, but say something like, "Oh, that's so good..."

2.5 Turn up the heat. No, actually, turn up the heat. Women find it difficult to experience pleasure in the cold. Get under a cozy, warm blanket or turn on the radiator if you see she's really struggling and you've already tried all your tricks.

3. Tips for ladies

3.1 Don't hold him hostage. Don't use your intimate relationships as a weapon in fights and never promise sex and then refuse. This is cruel. It would be cruel if he did this to you, and it would be cruel if you did this to him. This doesn't work in your favor, as he will associate sex with negative emotions and disappointment, which can harm your relationship in the future.

3.2 Keep moving. The main complaint of guys is that a woman behaves like a “dead fish”. Move when you have sex. Guys need to work, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't help them. Let your arms and legs move, caress him when you're together, and sometimes take the initiative and control the situation. You'll drive him crazy.

3.3 Be natural. Wash off your makeup, and don't get carried away with hairspray. Guys are attracted to your softness, and they'll be even more turned on if they can run your hair through their fingers or kiss your cheek without fear of getting too much powder. Nasty!

Increase your softness even further by shaving and moisturizing your skin.

3.4 Allow him to try out his fantasies. Guys watch porn. Almost everything. And they think a lot about sex. It's just a fact of life. Because they do this, they have ideas, fantasies about what turns them on. If you want to make your boyfriend happy, let him try out his fantasies every now and then. Put it on school uniform. Play doctor. Talk to him about what he fantasizes about, and then make it happen. He never knows what he will like the most.

Make sure you are comfortable with whatever fantasies he decides to try. Everyone should be happy!

You may not condemn him, but still refuse him. Everything must happen by mutual consent.

3.5 Wake him up. If he wakes up next to your soft body and you start kissing him, he will be pleasantly surprised. You can do this on the weekend, or be spontaneous and do it in the middle of the night (if you know he can sleep through the morning). He will enjoy spontaneity and breaking norms.

4. Away from the bed

4.1 Focus on your partner. The person to whom you want to express your sympathy should become the only object of your attention. You will be a great lover if your partner feels like the only person on earth when he is with you. This is exactly the impression you want to make if you start with a focal point.

4.2 Be optimistic. You should express positive emotions when expressing your attitude, whether it is your attitude towards his personality, situation or position in the world in general. Be the one who helps him see everything in a positive way, especially what concerns him.

4.3 Listen to him. Make sure you listen and see how the person responds to your attention at each stage - the goal is to find the right pace at which your partner is able to hear, see and fully feel your expression of affection. It's all about him, not about your ability to perform and play - you need to understand this experience in order to improve it every time.

4.4 Show enthusiasm. You must express positive emotions with a passion that rubs off on your partner. Bring a wave of positive emotions into their lives that will help them enjoy themselves and the world around them, and then they will be with you forever.

4.5 Develop a sense of humor. Life is too complicated and full of difficulties. We often get caught up in our problems and forget to see all the wonderful things that surround us. But that's what your partner is there for: to remind us of the good, making us laugh and helping us find humor in difficult situations. Be that person for your lover.

4.6 pay attention to detail. If you really love a person and observe him closely enough, you will notice that he has certain habits and techniques that you like. Most people only notice these things after many years in a relationship, but if you start now, you'll start with more love treat your partner and become closer to him or her.

4.7 Make compromises. You should learn to make compromises. To be a lover is to share. This is fair because the essence of love is sharing and growing. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.


If you truly enjoy helping other people feel better, you can become the best lover in the world... and others will love you back.

If you don't get a response, think about your intentions and how you communicate with others - are you being too hasty, not trying too hard, or taking things too casually?

If you become a master at monitoring your own sensations, you can apply what you learn to others... and vice versa: it's easy and fun.

Smile first, then ask...

How to become a good lover? We will not invent “special techniques” for satisfying a man. Moreover, everything (or almost everything) has already been written about this on the Internet. A more interesting approach is from the point of view of cultivating a certain inner sexuality in a woman. After all, this is where fantasy, sensuality, passion and other mutually pleasant mechanisms of pleasure are born, in which a woman is a full participant, and not a mere “performer”.

A man's sympathy is based on a simple impulse, sexual attraction. Therefore, his attitude towards you is determined simply: I want it, I don’t want it. Naturally, there can be no talk of any emotional relationships in the case of “I don’t want.”

The male “I want” has fairly simple mechanisms. A slight provocation is enough, and he already has “I want it.” The program worked, the result is sent to you. The management of this program is simple; it can be called “show yourself.” However, the show is different! I strongly advise against making it too frank! By being too open, you risk getting a quick bed and nothing more.

I would suggest building up a special state in yourself. This should be the feeling of “I feel good” as a subtle trail. You let him understand your desire with your eyes, lips, movements. But you don't do anything else. Your “good” must still be earned.

What features are important for a good lover?

If a woman herself does not enjoy her own body, then it is unlikely that she will be able to attract a man, she simply has nothing. Pleasure from yourself must be: visual (you admire your appearance), tactile (you like the sensations that you catch with your skin) and physical (you know how, and you know how to get very specific satisfaction).

If the heroine is not able to convey the emotions of bliss at the level of gaze and movements (we will call this sensuality), then the man is unlikely to guess about the endless delight that awaits him in the voiced embrace.

Thus, it is important not only your ability to enjoy yourself, but also your ability to convey this feeling to your partner.

How can you reveal the state of a mistress in yourself?

Get rid of shyness and prejudices! This is all good for mom and dad. And in personal life - complete evil!

Exercise 1. Learn to relax (give free rein to yourself and your feelings).

Remember in what situations in life you could relax? When did you feel at ease? And listen to the feeling of inner freedom that you received at that moment! Absorb it into yourself, be completely imbued with it, because that’s exactly what you need. But discovering and “getting enough” in a familiar situation is not enough. Now you need to learn how to evoke the desired state precisely in those cases that concern you.

Your goal is to reveal your feelings to the man you like. It is in moments of communication with him that you experience inner freedom, which will open the gates to a whirlwind of desired emotions.

You can accustom yourself to new feelings in uncomfortable situations through NLP practices. The mechanism for accustoming yourself to new programs is this: you remember the desired sensation, and then at the right moment you give yourself the command to switch to it. And you move on.

Come up with a “command” by which you will reproduce the ease of communication in yourself.

Arouse the necessary feeling on this command exactly in those situations in which you need it (we are talking about the ease of communication in the company of men). And play it back!

I warn you right away: it won’t work right away. But with due persistence and the desire to change something in your behavior (with the understanding that the reactions of others depend on you), you will achieve your goals.

Sometimes simple emancipation is enough for your innate feminine attractiveness (and the desire to procreate) to come out and do its job. However, if you understand that this is not enough, you can continue to work on yourself.

Exercise 2. Learn to feel yourself.

Take time to explore your own passion. Give in to your inner urges. Feel the fire in your lower belly. Imagine how sweet languor spreads throughout your body. Allow languor to control you - your movements, gaze, voice, smile, behavior. Feel how your voice changes in languor (by the way, a very powerful tool in attracting a man!) Envelop yourself in an atmosphere of passion.

In the following exercises, learn to convey this magical feeling to others.

A light, relaxed woman in languor - isn't she a good lover?

Exercise 3. Admire your body.

Start attending “female” dances: strip dance, belly dance.

When dancing, relax and enjoy your beauty and body. Feel the grace and attractiveness of the forms. Enjoy yourself! After all, it is this pleasure (from you) that the chosen one should feel!

If you can’t feel it through yourself, start by seeing attractive professional dancers and set yourself a goal - to become as graceful and beautiful. It’s okay that at first you, like everyone else, will be a “hippo.” And it doesn’t matter at all how others will look at you at these moments. What matters is that after just a month of regular exercise you will be able to enjoy seeing yourself.

Stream some dance moves in real life. Keep your back straight, move your arms smoothly, control your hands beautifully, gracefully straighten your hair, touch your body gently and languidly. If you manage to catch pleasant sensations in dance, transfer them to communication with the opposite sex and make them an integral part of yourself.

Lightness, openness, sensuality, liberation and, most importantly, pleasure in your body, which is transmitted through all this, is what will allow you to create in the eyes of a man the image of the most desirable woman in the world. And no one will ask about a “good lover” - she will come herself.

The explanatory dictionary defines the meaning of the word “mistress” as a woman who is in an intimate relationship with a man, but not in an official marriage. Of course, a girl in this position is subject to slightly different requirements than a wife. For example, she may not have outstanding culinary skills, she is not expected to be deeply involved in serious matters or to have the ability to conduct highly intellectual conversations. As a rule, it all comes down to passion, which the passion must constantly kindle and maintain. So what should a good lover be like? Let's look at this from a man's point of view, let's try to reveal all the secrets, figure out how to behave so that his interest does not fade away.

The ideal lover through the eyes of a man

Numerous surveys and studies prove- What is most valued in a partner is sexuality, confidence, and the ability to present oneself correctly. What other qualities, according to the stronger sex, should an ideal lover have?

  1. Uninhibited in sex. It’s not for nothing that I highlight this point as the very first. Naturalness, the desire to give and receive pleasure are particularly attractive and captivating.
  2. Well-groomed and “dear”. A lady in spectacular, beautiful underwear automatically becomes more attractive and excites the imagination.
  3. Initiative. Remember, no one is interested in uninitiated ladies. You will quickly understand how to drive your lover crazy, if you yourself offer something unusual, showing that you are trying to diversify the relationship. Using trial and error, find out his preferences in intimacy.
  4. Mysterious. It’s not for nothing that they say that a woman should have a mystery, and in a relationship- intrigue. Periodically giving your chosen one a little shake-up is useful. But! This does not mean that you need to turn off your phone for a week and ignore calls. Just try to make him a little jealous and nervous. Such emotional outbursts enhance both passion and emotional connection.
  5. Ready for experiments. A woman should support in all endeavors (this also applies to intimacy), and also be ready for new discoveries.
  6. Respects his freedom. Annoying calls and constant messages will not lead to anything good. A man needs personal space, and touching sms with questions: “Where are you now?” and “When will you arrive?” can only make you angry.
  7. Pays attention to health. You should not neglect contraceptives and regular visits to the gynecologist, because by taking care of your physical condition, you also show respect to your lover.
  8. She always remains herself, does not remain silent if she doesn’t like something. A woman should talk about things that bring her pleasure. Silence scares the partner and he begins to think that he is doing something wrong. Mutual understanding, as well as frank dialogue, are important components of a strong union.

An experienced mistress knows that men do not accept commercialism, so she knows how to play in contrast. This is a very effective method. The author still shocks gentlemen by not allowing them to pay for themselves. At first, they are at a loss, wondering if they have hit on a feminist, but then they gladly call for a second date, because they realize that she will not require large investments.

These are just the basic qualities that, according to men, a chosen one should have. To understand how to behave correctly with your lover, you need to learn to feel him and be on the same wavelength with him.

Rules of conduct and secrets of the ideal lover

Are you wondering how to be a good lover for a man? Then take a few useful rules. By observing them, you can be sure that your loved one will not allow the thought of searching for a new object of his desires. Let's take it in order. So, the ideal lover:

  • knows exactly what the partner wants;
  • knows how to surprise a lover;
  • gives a lot, asks for nothing in return;
  • does not behave intrusively, does not control;
  • does not pose a tough choice, testing feelings for strength;
  • does not complain, is not capricious;
  • does not put himself above, does not point out shortcomings;
  • knows how to forgive, forgets mistakes;
  • does not teach life;
  • values ​​communication.

Now let's consider important points relationships from a psychological point of view and we will reveal the main secrets of a good lover:

  1. Don't make your partner feel guilty. This is a serious management tool, but not everyone knows how to use it correctly. Manipulation often leads to separation.
  2. Don't try to hold him as a child - bad idea.
  3. Don't control. A man wants to feel free, and not be accountable for every step.
  4. Don't start a showdown with your legal wife. Attempts to assert yourself and show that they chose you can serve as a catalyst for a breakup. Please note that in such a situation you will lose more than you gain.
  5. Give up hysterics and showdowns, because next to you he is looking for peace and harmony.
  6. To understand how to behave with a married lover, remember that sex does not always play a primary role. For such a partner, you will have to be a psychologist and adviser, listen to complaints about misunderstandings and quarrels with your wife, and provide moral support.
  7. Keep secrets. Happiness loves silence, so there is no point in trumpeting at every corner about a “forbidden” connection.

In conclusion, to all of the above, I would like to add that any woman who is concerned about the question: “How to become a good lover?” should learn to be silent and listen more, and prefer languid sighs to boring phrases and moralizing. Also, one should not forget about well-groomed appearance (stylish hairstyle, lace lingerie, stockings, high-heeled shoes). All this together will make you simply irresistible.

31.03.2015 11:25:12

Every young woman dreams of a pleasant and easy relationship with a wealthy man. Such a relationship does not require her to completely surrender to her partner. The girl will be able to play sports or devote time to her favorite hobby. Any beauty is interested how to become a better lover, able to interest and retain a man.

A relationship with a married person has many advantages. A confident, wealthy man is pleasant to talk to. With him, the girl will be able to visit various exhibitions and events, and take short trips. The appearance of a new partner in life is an excellent incentive for self-development and improvement.

What does a man expect from a relationship with his mistress?

Men are looking for young and beautiful lovers to escape from everyday life. Long-term cohabitation cools down the relationship married couples. To become a better lover, you need to distract your partner from everyday problems, turning every meeting into a memorable romantic holiday. Men are in search of fresh emotions. Years spent in marriage cause a lack of new feelings. The mistress of a married man should be a mystery to her companion and bring zest and piquancy to his life.

To keep a rich person close to you and constantly benefit from his material support, you must under no circumstances show your interest in his money. A girl should be natural and give a man positive emotions. If her lover likes her, he will never spare money on luxurious surprises.

In order to choose the right course of action with a married lover, a beauty needs to know the main reasons why men are interested in relationships outside of marriage:

  • Very often a mature man wants to feel young again. To do this, he starts an affair with a sweet young girl who is ready to brighten up his life.
  • A man gets tired of constant relationships, he lacks fresh emotions. He gets tired of constantly seeing the same woman whom he has studied for a long time.
  • Intimate problems. Often, intimate relationships in the family often fade away or become boring. Therefore, a man strives to find a girl on the side.
  • Revenge. A man who suspects his own wife of cheating does not always decide to divorce. Most often, he simply takes a mistress to increase his self-esteem.

The girl who wants become a good lover, must give her chosen one what he lacks in the family. You also need to know that a man rarely cheats in order to subsequently leave his wife. The main rule of behavior for a rich man’s mistress is not to wait for the continuation and development of the relationship, very often. A girl should not hope that a man will always be with her over time.

Rules for a successful mistress

Below are useful tips that will help girls avoid mistakes:

  • There is no need to try to tie a man with cute gifts or surprises. His wife should buy lighters, new ties and other small items. The best gift for a lover is an attractive and well-groomed girl who knows how to surprise.
  • Under no circumstances should you be overly interested in your lover’s personal life. It is better for a girl not to ask questions regarding her partner’s family, because they are rarely answered with the truth. Very often, men tell their mistresses that they live with their wife out of habit, have long cooled off towards each other and have an almost neighborly relationship. Before become the mistress of a rich man, you need to realize that his legal wife will remain in first place for him. Let their feelings fade away, but for many years life together and having children together continues to be a strong bond. Only a small percentage of men will sacrifice their usual living conditions for the sake of a love affair.
  • There is no need to try to become a second wife. Even if a woman falls in love with her partner, there is no need to try to get him by ironing his shirts or surprising him with culinary masterpieces, because in this case, interest in his mistress will quickly fade away, because there will be no intrigue or mystery left.
  • There is no need to introduce a man to people in your circle. A proposal for such a meeting will certainly repel the lover and give him a reason to think that the girl already has certain designs on him.
  • Another answer to the question: “ How to become a good lover? - do not dedicate a man to your personal life and do not complain to him about problems.
  • The girl who is waiting for her chosen one expensive gifts, should behave like a real lady. It is important to teach a man to come to visit with a present and always remain desirable and weak for him.
  • Frank conversations are extremely important. A woman should not be afraid to directly point out what does not suit her in a relationship.
  • A representative of the fair sex who can interest a rich man must be constantly busy with some kind of business. In addition to work, she should have an interesting hobby. Mistresses of rich men go to language courses, theaters or exhibitions. A busy schedule not only helps to diversify life, but also makes relationships more interesting, because in this case the partner will have to constantly find time for dates.
  • A girl should use the most different ways to attract a man. The main thing is that he is completely confident that everything is happening on his initiative. A lover should think that he is seeking the woman's attention, and not vice versa.
  • Woman, who wants to know how to become a good lover for a married man, must understand that it is important not to make scandals for your partner. It’s better to pretend that the meeting he missed didn’t mean anything. Otherwise, the relationship will fizzle out very quickly.
  • You need to convince a man that he can completely trust his partner. She must be an attentive listener and an interesting conversationalist. All secrets and problems of a partner must be kept secret. Also, you should not refuse your lover support and help.
  • Spiritual enrichment is also important. Wealthy people pay attention to girls who can carry on any conversation.

The ideal lover should be a simple and flexible woman with whom a man will not have conflicts or disagreements.