Toys with motors- toys equipped with various types of motors. Motors (winding mechanisms) increase the playability and entertainment value of toys.

The main types of motors for toys are: 1) rubber motors, 2) spring winding ones similar to watch mechanisms, and 3) electric.

Engines such as steam, water, wind and jet engines are very rarely used in toys. Internal combustion engines have become somewhat widespread in the form of miniature engines for model aircraft.

Rubber motor for aircraft models

Rubber motors found widespread use in flying models of airplanes, as well as in some simple transport toys. They are a tape or bundle of thin rubber threads that work to twist or stretch and act directly on the drive screw or wheels of the toy without any transmission mechanism. The advantages of such an engine are the simplicity of the device and sufficient power with low weight. Its disadvantages are: short-term operation, uneven rotation, the need for prolonged tightening to start, aging of the rubber, which causes a loss of its elastic properties.

Spring motor

Spring motors, otherwise called winding mechanisms, are very widely used in toys due to the comparative simplicity of the design, the availability of mass production (stamping and machining on machines), small size with sufficiently high power, the ability to regulate speeds within a fairly wide range and the ability to change the direction of rotation. The disadvantages of winding mechanisms are frequent spring breaks and relatively rapid wear of gear teeth. Spring motors are used not only for metal, but also for wooden and plastic toys. Along with them, winding motors are also produced, the parts of which are made entirely or partially from plastic.

The figure above shows a schematic diagram of the device spring motor, characteristic of most wind-up toys. A steel ribbon spring 1, coiled into a spiral, is secured with the outer end to the mechanism body, and with the inner end to the roller 3, called the winding axis. When winding with key 2, the spring is wound tightly onto the roller, i.e. it starts. The wound spring, due to its elasticity, tends to return to its original position, that is, to unfold. Since the outer end of the spring is fixedly fixed, under the influence of the unfolding spring the winding axis will begin to rotate, dragging along the main gear wheel 4. From this wheel, rotation is transmitted to the working axis 10 through a series of intermediate gear wheels 5, 6, 7, called a gearbox or transmission. The gearbox is necessary to impart the required number of revolutions to the working axis on which the driving wheels of the toy are mounted. In order for the mechanism to operate smoothly and evenly, a speed regulator of one type or another is used, which receives rotation from additional gears of the gearbox 8, 9. Most of all, in spring motors, the simplest eccentric type regulator with an unbalanced load 11 is used. Its work is that With an increase in the number of revolutions of the axis of the regulator 12, the centrifugal force increases, from this the friction of the axis on the bearing increases and a smoothly increasing braking torque is created. If there were no regulator, the spring would unwind very quickly, the mechanism would work for a very short time, and the gear teeth would wear out prematurely due to rapid rotation. Many toys were produced with engines whose mechanism did not have a speed regulator; the weight of the toy itself played some role as a regulator: the heavier the toy, the more calmly and smoothly it moved. But still, mechanisms without regulators cannot be considered perfect.

Sperrad with axial ratchet

An important part of the winding mechanism of a toy with a motor is the disconnecting device, the so-called Sperrad, which disconnects the mainspring from the mechanism when winding it with a key. There are many designs of sperrads, but the two methods shown in the two figures below are most widely used in toys. The first type with an axial ratchet has the following device. On the winding axis there is an unconnected gear with a series of small concentric holes. A spring plate is tightly attached to the axis - a ratchet, the curved ends of which fit into these holes. When winding (turning) the axle with a key, the spring is wound around it, the ratchet slides through the holes of the gear and it does not rotate. When the spring unwinds, the winding axis will begin to rotate in the direction opposite to the winding direction, the ends of the ratchet will enter the holes of the gear, causing it to rotate.

Release device with axle

Another way to disconnect the spring from the mechanism is shown in the figure above and is based on the use of a “floating” axis of the intermediate gear. This axis rests with its elongated end in a conventional bearing, and with its opposite end in an elongated hole (slot). During winding, the gear wheel drags the intermediate small gear with its teeth, while the associated large gear and axle rise up and are disconnected from the mechanism. When the spring begins to unfold, the direction of rotation of the gear will change; with its teeth it will press the intermediate gear against the other wheel of the mechanism and the latter will begin to work. The advantage of this method is that the toy receives some free movement, that is, after the winding is completed, the toy can run some more distance by inertia. In this case, the mechanism does not have a braking effect due to the automatic shutdown of the intermediate gear on the “floating” axis. The winding spring and gears are placed between two metal walls called plates; the role of bearings in them is performed by holes without any bushings. The plates usually contain a stopper lever to stop the mechanism and start it, as well as a bracket or special wall to limit the deployment of the spring.

Wire spring mechanism

In winding mechanisms, in addition to belt-type springs, they also use steel wire springs. These springs are easy to make and less prone to failure, but they take up a lot of space and require many turns of the wrench to wind.

For design reasons, waterfowl toys with engines use winding mechanisms with a change in the direction of rotation in the gearbox by 90° using a ring gear 1 and a small gear 2 connected to the propeller axis. Some mechanisms designed for various applications different toys(birds, frogs, beetles, etc.) have a device for converting rotational motion into translational motion.

Spring mechanism for waterfowl toy

The figure below shows jumping frog mechanism. On the working axis there is an anchor ratchet wheel 1, connected to a bracket oscillating at two points - anchor 2. The anchor is made integral with the legs of the frog, which, at rest, are pulled at a certain angle from the body of the toy using a tension spring 3. The spring counteracts the weight of the frog itself. mechanism and when the spring unwinds from the action of the anchor wheel on the bracket (legs), the entire body with the mechanism will vibrate vigorously, while the toy will make movements somewhat reminiscent of the movements of a frog. A similar oscillatory movement of the body is also present in the “pecking bird” toy, but unlike the frog, here instead of an anchor device there is a speed regulator with an unbalanced load. When the regulator weight rotates, the center of gravity of the toy changes and it makes an indefinite translational movement. In such figurative toys as a “walking elephant”, “playing clown”, etc., a system of levers and slides is attached to the mechanism plates, giving a characteristic movement to the arms or legs of the toy.

Jumping frog mechanism

Some transport toys (steam locomotive, car) were equipped with mechanisms with variable (reversible) motion, that is, the toy could change the direction of movement from forward to backward. To change the stroke, a manual or automatic device called a snaffle was used (figure below). On lever 1 there is a small intermediate gear (tribe) 2, connected to pinion 3 of the working axis. The working axis is also the axis of the lever itself. In the right position, pinion 2 engages with gear 4 and gives the direction of rotation of the working axis counterclockwise. When the bit lever moves to the left, the trib 2 disengages from the wheel 4 and engages with another intermediate trib 5, and the direction of rotation of the working axis will change and will occur clockwise.

Working of the bit

Work of the bit: a - right position; b — left position

Roller speed change device

In a toy common in the past " road roller“Instead of a snaffle, a half-crown gear was used, which automatically changed the direction of rotation of the toy’s wheels (picture below). Half-crown wheel 1 has teeth only on half of the circle and, always rotating slowly in one direction, engages either with the left trib 2 of the working axis, or with the right 3, so the working axis will rotate first to the left, then to the right.

All winding mechanisms are usually started with a key. The keys can be removable or integral with the winding axis. The latter, although they disrupt the external design of the toy, are convenient because they cannot be lost.

Inertial springless mechanism

The springless inertial mechanism consists mainly of a gearbox with a number of gear wheels from 2 to 4 (figure above). On the working axis 1 there is a main gear wheel 2, and on the last axis of the gearbox there is a flywheel 3 and a transfer roller 4. By rolling the toy forward several times with your hand, make the flywheel turn around and dial a large number of rpm If you now place the toy on the floor, then, thanks to the acquired inertia, the flywheel will cause the toy’s impellers to rotate through the gear system. Handling and caring for spring motors. Like any clockwork mechanism, spring motors require special handling and care. According to the current specifications, the winding mechanisms had to operate smoothly, without jamming, and ensure that the toy ran for a specified distance. But during storage and transportation, the toy could be damaged. Therefore, before selling, wind-up toys should have been inspected and minor repairs, if necessary, made on site. The external inspection was supposed to determine the quality of manufacturing of parts, compliance with the availability of parts, quality of coating, technical condition of the mechanism, reliability and reliability of operation. In a well-made mechanism, all gears should rotate centrically, without runout or misalignment, the gearing should be smooth, without jamming. Levers, axles and plate walls should not be bent or dented. The driving wheels of the toy must be seated tightly on the axles, without distortions. All working parts of the mechanism were lubricated with light machine oil (bone or transformer). The following parts were subject to lubrication: the mainspring (between the coils), the rotation points of the axes and the gears. If for some reason the mechanism is not lubricated, it should be lubricated using an oil can with a long spout in order to penetrate into hard-to-reach places in the mechanism. The coils of the loose spring were lubricated with a soft but strong brush so that individual brush hairs did not remain on the mechanism parts. The external inspection was carried out in the following order: first of all, the mainspring was inspected. If the spring is smooth, light-colored, and free of stains and rust, it usually worked reliably. If there were corrosion pits on the spring, this was a sign that it would definitely break within a few turns of the key. If the corrosion was in the form of spots (light rust), then such a spring could serve for a relatively long time, but it could not be considered reliable.

After the spring, the gears were inspected, mainly their teeth and the quality of engagement with each other. If the gears did not have crushed, “corroded” teeth or other mechanical defects, then it was possible to further check the operation of the mechanism by partially winding the key. Having made sure that the mechanism was working properly, it was possible to start the winding. It was not recommended to wind the mechanism to failure, since the spring would then receive overstress at the point of attachment to the axle and could burst. If, upon inspection, dented teeth or poorly secured gears were found, the toy should be sent for repair. To correct the bruises, the mechanism had to be disassembled, the wheels removed from the plates and carefully straightened on a steel plate using a copper or wooden hammer. When disassembling, it was necessary to keep in mind that the connection of the plates is made using bent tongues (clamps), which easily break when bent. Therefore, it was necessary to straighten and bend the tabs using a screwdriver and pliers, smoothly, without sudden effort, after lightly hammering the bend area with a hammer to reduce the tension of the metal. In practice, the inner end of the spring often broke off from the winding axis. If this end did not burst and retained a hole for fastening, then it was possible to connect the end of the spring to a pin or a special protrusion on the axis using pliers. The inner end could be bent with pliers so that a fairly tight loop was formed. Having slightly expanded this loop with a screwdriver, we placed the spring on the axle so that the pin (protrusion) on the winding axle fits into the hole at the end of the spring.

Electric motor device for a toy

Electric motors for toys. The main type of such a motor was a commutator-type DC electric motor in one design or another. For safety reasons, the current supplying the electric motor must have a voltage of no more than 20 V according to international standards. Although the speed of the commutator motors could be easily adjusted using a rheostat or switchable transformer taps, it was very significant (up to 5000 rpm) and therefore a gearbox made of gear wheels was required to connect the motor to the driving wheels of the toy.

The design of the electric motor is shown above. The motor housing 1, which is the stator, is a package of separate sheets of transformer steel, tightened with rivets. The stator contains the windings of an electromagnet 2. A rotor 3 made of the same steel, which also has a winding, rotates inside the stator. On the rotor axis there is a collector 4 of separate plates isolated from each other, connected to taps from the rotor winding. The number of rotor taps is equal to the number of commutator plates and in toys there are from 2 to 12. Carbon brushes 5, electrically connected to the stator and the electrical network that powers the motor, are pressed against the commutator on both sides. A pulley or gear 6 is placed at the end of the rotor axis to connect it to the toy mechanism. From the interaction of two magnetic fields - the alternating field generated by the stator and the constant field of the rotor - the latter will begin to rotate. The constant rotor field is formed by a constant (more precisely, pulsating) current obtained as a result of rectification of alternating current by the collector. To power the electric motor from an alternating current network, a step-down transformer is used (for safety reasons, the use of autotransformers was prohibited).

Motorized waterfowl toys typically used small, low-power motors powered by a flashlight battery and operated without any transmission directly to the propeller axis. Electric power was supplied to toys such as trams in three ways: 1) through two rails isolated from each other (with isolated wheel axles), 2) through external rails and a third internal rail, 3) from a contact overhead wire suspended on masts. In all cases, the current was collected by a movable sliding contact.

Handling and caring for electric motors. An external inspection verified the presence of contact in the supply circuits, the condition of the gear wheels of the gearbox, and the ease of rotation of the rotor. Be sure to follow lubrication rules. If the motor did not rotate when plugged into a transformer or battery, it was necessary first to check for contact between the brushes and the commutator plates and, if necessary, sand the plates and brushes. If the latter did not touch the plates, then the springs should be stretched so that they would press the brushes more tightly to the commutator. An open circuit could be verified on site by testing with a battery and a flashlight bulb. If the circuit was working properly, the light should light up. If the break was external, then it was corrected by soldering with tin and rosin. Breaks inside the rotor or stator could only be repaired in a workshop. If the motor hummed and warmed up when turned on, if the brushes sparked strongly, this meant that a partial short circuit of the turns had occurred inside the windings. If the circuit was completely closed, the transformer could hum strongly and heat up. In all these cases, inspection and repair in workshops was required.

Pull back motor toys

Electric locomotive with electric motor

This toy is a unique-shaped, somewhat fantastical electric locomotive car made of impact-resistant polystyrene in different colors. The lower part of the car is decorated with a bright red plastic corrugated trim. On the side of the toy is the inscription “Artek-Eaglet”. The children's favorite heroes look out from the windows of the carriages: Dunno, Samodelkin, Pinocchio, Parsley, Little Red Riding Hood, Aibolit, etc. This wonderful carriage is driven by a little cosmonaut.

Inside the toy body there is a microelectric motor, a sound device, and a container for batteries. When the mechanism operates, the car moves, avoids obstacles and emits intermittent beeps, reproducing the sound of an electric locomotive. Dimensions of the toy (in mm): 393x80x113. Time continuous operation microelectric motor from three elements of the “Mars” type for about three hours.

Price 10 rub. (approximately). In 1968, it was planned to release about 10 thousand of these toys.

The Expert Council of the All-Union Permanent Pavilion of the Best Samples of Consumer Goods reviewed the results of reviewing the quality of electromechanical toys and micromotors produced by domestic enterprises and decided to expand their range and improve quality.

Toy rovers

Recently, more and more toys have begun to appear among children, the “heart” of which is a DC microelectric motor, powered by a KBS-type battery or element 373. Many of them have light or sound effects. More than 30 enterprises in our country are engaged in the production of this kind of toys.

Toys "Funny Chef", "Walking Penguin" and "Doctor Aibolit"

The Council noted that along with toys good quality, unfortunately, many are outdated. It was proposed to discontinue production of 15 types of low-quality toys, replacing them with new ones interesting models. Particular attention is paid to the fact that there are no toys controlled by radio, sets for construction classes, tabletop railways, highways. Microelectric motors have low power, low coefficient useful action, which affects the quality of toys. The Council invited industrial enterprises to turn Special attention for the production of high-quality electro-mechanical toys reflecting the achievements of our country in the field of radio electronics, aircraft manufacturing, rocket science, astronautics, etc.

From the magazine "New Products", 1968

Nomination "First discoveries"

Hello, my name is Dima Podporinov. This is my brother Denis.(Denis sets out and starts the toys one by one, directing their movement in a straight line).Tell me, please, what do these toys have in common? Indeed, all these toys can move, they are winding.

Topic of our research:“The Mystery of the Black Box, or Why the Car Is Moving?”

Our goal: find out what mechanism sets wind-up toys in motion.


  1. Open one toy and examine the mechanism.
  2. Understand how it works, highlight its properties.

Our hypotheses:I think there is a spring inside the toy, it jumps and the toy jumps. And Denis thinks that there is a motor inside the toy. He sets it in motion.

Work plan:

  • Consider what's inside the wind-up toy.
  • Examine the parts of the motor, if any are found there, to reveal their properties.

Dad helped us unwind one broken wind-up toy. Inside was a black box with wheels. The wheels were plastic and had teeth, they clung to each other. Our dad said they are called gears. A stick passes through the box, called an axis. A key is attached to one end of it, which is used to start the toy, and the other end was inside the box.

What's inside? Dad used a knife to pry open the box, and suddenly a thin metal plate popped out. It turned out to be very long and was folded in the box. It was a spring. Its main property is that it can twist and take up very little space, and when it unwinds, it spins the axle to which it is attached, the axle turns the gears, the gears turn each other, and the latter makes the wheels of the car move.

We conducted a study on a spring motor. It turned out that the more you compress the spring, the longer it will unwind, and, therefore, the longer the toy will work. We have confirmed this statement experimentally. First, we marked the starting point of the machine on the floor and took a 40-centimeter ruler. Denis measured how many centimeters he compressed the spring, and I measured how far the car traveled. You can see the data from our research in the table.

The car that we disassembled could no longer be reassembled because the spring jumped out. And dad gave it to us. We examined her. It turned out to be very elastic, springy. And my brother and I came up with such a game (Denis shows and sets it according to the text). We took a piece of cardboard and pasted on multi-colored fields. We took two ordinary identical cars. And they began to launch them using a spring. Whoever lands the machine three times on the field that was declared in advance wins.

Conclusion:We found out that in wind-up toys, the role of the motor is performed by a spring motor. The spring, unwinding, makes the toy move. The more you twist the spring, the longer the toy will move.

Internet resources used:

  • cars

Application: Presentation

A yo-yo is a toy that is a spool of thread. It would seem that there is nothing mysterious or unusual about it. However, with the help of it, many professionals perform simply unimaginable tricks and spectacular tricks. And in the world there have long been competitions for owning a yo-yo toy. What is it and how does it work? Find out in this video lesson.

The word “yo-yo” itself means “come back, come back” or “come here.” At its core, a spool that is tied to a thread is untwisted and then twisted. In the first case, its action is influenced by a person, in the second - by inertia, the laws of physics. To make a yo-yo with your own hands you will need:

  • any two disks with rounded ends (what material they are made of does not matter);
  • screw;
  • bearing;
  • dense thread.

As we can see, there are no special secrets here. A yo-yo consists of simple elements that you can even make yourself if you wish.

To understand the principle of operation of a yo-yo, let's look at the action of another toy - a spinning top. When it spins, it does not fall or tilt. The simplest laws of physics apply here. The principle of a yo-yo is exactly the same. The coil rotates very quickly around its axis (screw).

To create a simple yo-yo, take a screw, put a rope on it and screw two disks to it with the rounded sides facing out. There must be a bearing between them.

It is also very important to twist the rope correctly. To do this, before twisting, make a small loop on your finger, and then wind the thread as usual.

The principle of yo-yo movement is very simple. Returning it to the top is due to inertia, but you can continue to spin it by simply turning the toy over your hand. The video tutorial provides many tips on how to use and play the yo-yo. Start small and, perhaps, you will soon become a professional in this matter.

Every kid wants to have a lot of different toys. Girls prefer dolls, boys are more interested in technology. Their favorite entertainment has always been cars. If a boy has cars of different brands, boats, planes, tanks in his arsenal, then he is happy. A child can come up with different games and show his imagination. With the help of simple toys, children perform entire performances where they imagine themselves as drivers, sailors or pilots. Imagination has a positive effect on the development of thinking. Inertial toys from China are perfect for this purpose.

The principle of operation of inertial machines

Many people are interested in how inertial machines work. There is a flywheel inside this toy. When the child accelerates it slightly, it moves further on its own, by inertia. The mechanism is very simple, therefore durable and rarely breaks. Psychologists consider entertainment with such machines very useful. They allow you to simulate different life situations. How simpler toy, the more useful it is.

Kids can try themselves in the role of:

  • fire truck driver;
  • ambulance driver;
  • policeman;
  • tank driver;
  • airplane pilot.

Children love to play with these cars with their peers. Such games develop hand motor skills and the child’s imagination. The more different toys, the more exciting the prank. Inertial toys are considered more useful than automatic ones, where you just need to press buttons. Kids get bored with this quickly.

Where to buy inertia machines

The Limbotoys store offers a wide selection of such toys. Here you can buy children's cars. They look beautiful, are made of safe plastic and are inexpensive. The store has a lot of inertial toys in its assortment.

There are: airplanes, gliders, boats, vans, shifters. Police cars, fire engines and special equipment are very popular.

Multi-colored cases and original shapes that imitate real equipment attract children of different ages. The entire range of products can be viewed on the website. It’s easy to place an order in the store; goods are delivered throughout Moscow and other cities of Russia.

The toys are made from safe materials and do not have small sharp parts. Kids play with them enthusiastically for hours. Such inexpensive and useful toys are available to all parents. They can be a birthday or holiday gift and just make a child happy.