To keep your skin looking beautiful and healthy, it needs to be moisturized regularly. This is required for any type of epidermis, regardless of age and weather conditions. Important choose the right facial moisturizer for you from a large rating of products offered on the market. A huge range of cosmetic products often misleads consumers, and an erroneously selected cream does not bring benefits. The best moisturizer for your face is the one that is selected taking into account the characteristics of your skin and the time of year.

What types of moisturizers are there?

Moisturizer is a complex of water, fatty substances, active ingredients and emulsifiers that are necessary for the relationship between oil and water. Depending on how these components are combined, the cream acquires a certain property.

Composition of moisturizing creams divided into emulsion and fat. The basis of the latter is fats: petroleum jelly, lanolin, stearin. Hormones, vitamins, and essential oils are added to fat creams.

Emulsion moisturizers are divided into two types: water + oil and oil + water. The first version of the emulsion is thicker, the second has a liquid consistency. Daytime light moisturizing face cream with liquid consistency is also called milk.

How to choose the right moisturizer

If different areas of the face have different skin types, then it's called combined. In this case, often the chin, nose and forehead are prone to oiliness, while the rest of the face has normal or dry skin. Moisturizing cream for combination skin simultaneously moisturizes and dries. Sometimes different creams are used for different areas of the face.

In cases where the skin reacts sensitively to any cosmetics, it is necessary to use a moisturizer. cream for sensitive skin, which contains the least amount of aggressive components.

To moisturize facial skin, prone to pigmentation, applies .

Time of year when choosing a moisturizer

At different times of the year, the skin is affected by various environmental factors. The face suffers especially in the summer, it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation and dried by dry wind. Your epidermis will help get rid of such problems. It will help prevent the occurrence of cracks and peeling, as well as early skin aging.

To ensure that the skin can breathe and be saturated with the right amount of moisture, it is necessary to use a highly moisturizing face cream. At the same time it is worth choose a cream with a minimum amount of ingredients in the composition, then it will not weigh down the skin and prevent it from being saturated with oxygen.

For the cold season It is necessary to use a moisturizing cream of thick consistency containing caring elements and vitamins.

How to use moisturizer correctly

If you don’t know how to choose a professional facial moisturizer, ask a cosmetologist for help.

Good day, dear ladies! The other day I ran out of night cream for my face, but I didn’t have time to order a new one, as usual. I had to go shopping to find something suitable, at least temporarily.

Now in stores (and in pharmacies too) the selection of creams is simply huge. Here you go - dear French. And you know what surprised me? According to the label on the packaging, it is suitable for everyone, well, absolutely all skin types. And for me, for example, it’s special: very sensitive. Almost anything goes wrong - immediately a rash, allergies, peeling.

Is it really possible to buy such a cream for yourself? There is no trust in a product that suits everyone: after all, our skin is different and, as I have already said many times, you cannot use products for dry skin if you have oily skin and vice versa. Let me make a better homemade face cream. I’ll make it with my own hands, and I’ll know for sure that it will contain only those components that will definitely suit me.

Component Selection

What do you need for the cream? What does cream consist of in general and homemade cream in particular? In general terms, these are:

  • Solid base (lanolin, beeswax, solid and natural vegetable oils: almond, cocoa butter,).
  • Liquid base: liquid natural vegetable oils, glycerin. Solid and liquid bases may be present together, or there may be only one of them in the recipe.
  • Emulsifiers: thanks to them the product will be homogeneous and will not separate. Emulsifiers are lecithin, lanolin, sucrose stearate, borax (all this can be bought at the pharmacy). An emulsifier can simultaneously be a solid phase (lanolin, beeswax are both a base and emulsifiers at the same time).
  • Liquid phase: distilled water, rose water, or.
  • Additives: Our “youth potion” can be made with essential oils, honey, eggs, fruits, aloe, vitamins from the pharmacy - and other ingredients, the composition of which varies according to your desire and tolerance.

But in what ratios and which ones to choose depends on your skin type. By the way, under the influence of external conditions, as well as with age, it changes. After winter, the skin usually becomes drier. This will help you accurately determine your skin type.

For beginners, it will be useful to watch this video:

Dry and combination skin

Is your skin prone to dryness? Or does she have alternating areas of dry and oily/normal skin? Then for you, dear ladies, such moisturizing and moisture-retaining ingredients as:

  • oils – apricot, shea, olive, peach, macadamia, jojoba, sesame, coconut;
  • beeswax, guar gum;
  • essential oils – jasmine, patchouli, myrrh, sandalwood, rose
  • propolis,
  • beebread,
  • vitamin E

For aging skin

Suitable lifting components:

  • gelatin,
  • beeswax,
  • lanolin,
  • soy lecithin,
  • butter – cocoa, almond, sea buckthorn, olive,
  • oil extracts of herbs,
  • vitamins.

For young skin (normal and oily)

  • oil – grape seed, milk thistle, peach, almond,
  • dry yeast,
  • “essentials” of rosemary, lemon, bergamot.

For the skin around the eyes

Natural oils, vitamins F, A, E.

Master class on practical chemistry

It’s not easy to make a good cream with a delicate structure at home. It is possible that it will quickly separate, mix poorly, and turn out too greasy.

But don’t be alarmed: in any case, homemade will be better than store-bought, if only because all its ingredients are known to you and carefully selected. And if it suddenly turns out, in your opinion, not very good, it can be used not for the face, but for the body.

Attention! When preparing the cream, it is very important to follow the proportions and procedure.

Let's start our laboratory work. We will need: a water bath, several glass bowls (preferably transparent ones to see the changes), a syringe for adding liquid ingredients and a mini mixer. Can I mix without a mixer? Yes, it is possible, but with its help we will achieve better crushing of immiscible ingredients, and, therefore, the structure will be more homogeneous.

How to make cream correctly: preparation diagram.

  1. First, we put our solid phase (wax, shea butter, etc.) into a bowl, first crushing it to small chips so that it melts quickly and evenly.
  2. We heat to 60 degrees so that our solid components melt. Add thick liquids heated to the same temperature: liquid oils, glycerin.
  3. Add the aqueous phase heated in the same bath: herbal decoction, water, tea.
  4. We remove both phases from the bath and connect them.
  5. If the emulsifier was not part of the solid phase, add it immediately after combining with the liquid. The amount of emulsifier, if we add it separately, is no more than 8-10%.
  6. Mix very well and start beating. How long does it take to do this? Until our potion cools to room temperature. If we stop whipping earlier, everything may separate. You can do this by keeping our bowl in a cold bath, but it is better to do this with a sufficient level of skill in “cream making”, otherwise the cooling may proceed too quickly and differently in different layers and our cosmetic product will not be uniform.
  7. When the cream has almost cooled down, add vitamin supplements. They cannot be added to hot drinks in order to preserve all the active ingredients. Add essential oils 2-3 drops. Active substances are the most effective components - here each woman must select the proportions individually - add with a syringe, a little at a time. Continue to beat well.
  8. Transfer the finished cream into a jar with a tight lid and store in the refrigerator.

Important! Homemade cream has a short shelf life. 4-5 days in the refrigerator, in extreme cases - a week. To prolong it you will have to add preservatives.

How to extend the shelf life of the cream

By following some rules, you can get a cream that will last in the refrigerator for a month or two without spoiling or losing its properties. And for this you don’t need harmful preservatives at all. Like this? And here it is: after all, preservatives are not only chemical, but also natural. We will add exactly these to the cream.

Here are some tips:

  • First of all, the water in the cream spoils. If you want a cream with a long shelf life, do not add the water phase - or add it minimally. But this can make the cream too thick.
  • Some natural herbal facial oils can go rancid within a few months. Therefore, always look at the expiration date.
  • Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that prevents rancidity.
  • Essential oils (especially tea tree essential oil), propolis, chamomile and walnut extract are natural preservatives. Use them when preparing shelf-stable cream. Just remember about bleaching agents. For dark skin, it is better to take nut extract.

Well, finally they are the best recipes.

Youth with your own hands

For wrinkles

Base – oils: sesame, cold-pressed olive, grape seeds – 7 ml each.

Heat the oils and the water phase in a water bath, combine 1 tsp. borax (this is an emulsifier), 40 ml of aqueous phase. Mix with a spoon, use the mixer only when our product begins to cool. Add 2-3 g of vitamin E and the same amount of A, 5 drops of tea tree oil.

Can be used as a day cream.

Home lifting

This is a nourishing anti-aging cream that does not require cooking. Very good for skin tightening.

It can be made directly in a jar. But it’s better to sterilize the jar first. Let's drop iodine into it (1 drop is enough). Let's add honey (liquid, of course), (take a spoonful in total. Mix well - and you're done! But, of course, this is more of a mask than a cream - we are unlikely to be able to keep honey on the skin for a long time.

For young skin

This product is intended for young oily skin. Prepare according to the scheme described above. For 30 g of the base - almond oil - take 60 ml of basil decoction, 5 ml of ginger extract. Before adding the liquid phase, add 2 g of emulsifier - sucrose stearate and 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil.

For dry skin

We prepare according to the scheme. Base – avocado oil, 30 g. Liquid phase – orange water. After adding it, add and dissolve the emulsifier: 2 g of wax. The active substance is vitamin E, 10 drops of geranium essential oil. The resulting product works well.

For combined

This is a short shelf life cream with glycerin and butter. Mix a tablespoon of olive and cream base in a bathhouse. Add a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of camphor oil and a teaspoon of glycerin. Let's take the chamomile infusion as the liquid phase; accordingly, you will need 4 tbsp. l. (twice as much as the basics).

For sensitive

The base is black cumin oil. Emulsifier – stearic acid, liquid phase – 60 ml of tea (green) and 7 ml of chamomile extract. Add 5 drops of verbena essential oil.

Lastly, check out how to make hand cream. The recipe, although with a preservative, is simple to prepare:

Well that's all for today. I wish you successful experiments. Follow the blog updates, leave comments and all the best to you.

Under the influence of the environment, the skin loses nutrients and moisture, acquiring a grayish tint. The pores expand, dirt gets inside, and blackheads appear. Over time, elasticity is lost and wrinkles form.

The face, as a less protected part of the body, is more intensely exposed to this type of influence. Cosmetics are developed specifically to protect the skin, saturate it with nutrients and slow down the aging process. Read below on how to choose the right face cream.

Since skin problems are different, face creams are produced for different purposes - they solve a specific problem.

The main types of face creams are:

  • cleaning;
  • moisturizing;
  • anti-aging;
  • protective;
  • brightening;
  • from sunburn;
  • against acne.

Cleansing creams rid the skin of dead cells. They are made like a scrub, i.e. have a somewhat hard texture. Therefore, it is recommended to use these creams no more than twice a week.. However, there are also those that have a soft structure and can be used every day.

Moisturizers saturate the skin with moisture, which is taken away by the negative influence of the environment. They should contain substances such as emollients and humectants. The former impart smoothness and elasticity, while the latter retain moisture in the skin.

Anti-aging creams are designed to slow down the aging process. This is possible thanks to , which is considered a derivative of vitamin A, as well as peptides and a special protein - sirtuin, which can improve the structure of the skin. A good anti-aging cream contains all this.

Protective cosmetics are designed to protect facial skin from free radicals. The composition of these creams necessarily includes antioxidants, namely: nicotinamide and coenzyme Q10. The first of them also has an anti-inflammatory effect, and the second can reduce the signs of aging that have already appeared.

Lightening creams are needed to make age spots less noticeable that appear on the face and neck with age. Lightening occurs due to the action of hydroquinone, but the amount of this substance should not exceed 2%.

IMPORTANT! You should not use lightening creams that contain mercury - it is a toxic metal that is harmful to the skin.

Sunscreen cosmetics protects the face from UV rays. This is possible thanks to SPF, a substance that absorbs UV radiation. A cream with a good degree of sun protection will contain SPF in an amount of at least 30 units.

Against acne There are also special creams that contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. The first ingredient has a drying effect, and the second is an antibacterial agent.

By skin type

Human skin is divided into four main types: dry, oily, normal and combination. Each requires a different cosmetic effect, so when choosing a cream, this point must be taken into account.

And to understand what type of skin it is, you need to take a closer look at them all:

  1. The owners dry type the skin is prone to flaking and often feels tight after washing. Elasticity is lost early and wrinkles appear. However, after using the cream, such people feel that the feeling of tightness goes away and the skin looks better. Such a cosmetic product must contain: elastin, hyaluronic acid and collagen - moisturizing substances.
  2. Oily skin prone to acne, blackheads, shine and enlarged pores. This type is denser and stays smooth longer. In this case, creams should contain substances that restore skin balance - these are extracts of yarrow, chamomile and calendula. (Our article:)
  3. Holders normal type have an even complexion, do not feel tightness after washing and rarely face the problem of acne. Creams with a lot of vitamins are suitable for them.
  4. Combination skin combines the signs of the above types on various parts of the face: there may be flaking on the forehead, shine and black spots on the nose, etc. Products for this type contain both anti-inflammatory substances and moisturizers.

Besides there are people with sensitive skin, which is characterized by an acute reaction to any changes within the body or in the environment. In this case, creams should be selected so as to reduce the sensitivity threshold.

Selecting cream according to age

Human skin changes with age, accordingly she needs different care at different years of her life. Therefore, cosmetics are also divided by age category: for young and for mature skin.

First group includes not only young skin, but also teenage skin, which needs a product that can reduce the effects of hormonal changes. Such creams often also have a healing effect, since teenagers often have acne. Young people need cosmetics that keep their skin in good condition for as long as possible.

Typically, the composition of creams for this group includes salicylic acid, sea minerals, zinc, SPF, as well as substances that prevent the occurrence of acne scars.

Second group unites people over 30 years of age, whose skin begins to lose not only moisture, but also elasticity, i.e. wrinkles appear. In this case, you need to select products that can maintain skin elasticity and saturate it with moisture. These are creams containing hyaluronic acid, AHA and BHA acids, NAD-dependent proteins sirtuins, vitamins A, C and E. We recommend reading about creams for the older age category in our article: .

Studying the composition of the cream

There are substances that cosmetics manufacturers can use as preservatives, but they are toxic to the human body. Especially for such a sensitive organ as the skin.

You should not purchase a cream that contains any of the items listed in the table.

Glycerin in small quantities, lecithin, water, panthenol, emulsifiers, allantoin, caprylic triglyceride are considered harmless.

And it’s best if the cream contains more natural substances: herbal extracts, vitamins, natural oils and fruit enzymes, in which case the cream will be both effective and safe.

Which brand do you prefer?

The table shows face creams from different manufacturing countries in accordance with the ratings in the cosmetology industry.

Rating Russia France Germany Belarus
1 “Nutrition and hydration” from Natura Siberica Hydrance Optimale by Avene Q10 plus from Nivea "Whitening cream" from Vitex
2 "Hyaluronic cream" from Librederm "Sun protection" from La RochePosay Kamille by Balea "Cream Peeling" from Tea Line
3 “Cornflower + barberry” from “Clean Line” UV plus hp from Clarins Karotin by Afrodita “Placental-collagen” from “Exclusivecosmetics”
4 “Lifting care” from “Black Pearl” "Basic care. Moisturizing" from Garnier "Intense moisturizing" from Nivea AntiAge Expert from Vitex
5 “Night cream care” from “Clean Line” Hydra phase Riche from La RochePosay “Quince” by Dr.Hauschka BOTOX LIKE SYSTEM from Belita
6 "Freshness and radiance" from Planeta Organica Aqualia Thermal from Vichy "Rose" by Dr.Hauschka "Complex BB Cream" from Markell
7 “Olive” from “One Hundred Beauty Recipes” Eluage by Avene "Charge of energy" from Nivea COMPLETE CARE by Markell
8 “For correction of facial oval” from “Kora” "Liftactive Dermoresurs" from Vichy "Moisturizing" from Nonicare "Lifting" from "Eco-sapropel"
9 "Rosa" from "Nevskaya Cosmetics" "Derma Genesis" from Loreal "Rose Light" from Dr.Hauschka Golden Age from Belit
10 "Chamomile and wheat germ" from Green Mama Liftactiv Retinol from Vichy Aqua Effect from Nivea "Regenerating" by Liv Delano

Selection by frequency of use

In this category, creams are divided depending on the frequency of use: those that are used every day, those that need to be used as a course, and those that are required only periodically.

Daytime products are distinguished by their light texture, protective functions and rapid absorption. Night ones are denser in consistency, with a predominance of regenerating properties and greater biological activity.

IMPORTANT! After waking up, you need to cleanse your face of any remaining night cream before applying your day cream. This is done so that the pores do not become dirty.

The cream for the skin around the eyes must have a texture that is lighter than that of day or night products. In no case should the composition contain petroleum products, and it is good if there are vitamins, collagen and herbal extracts.

The course uses anti-wrinkle creams, anti-acne products, as well as various types of moisturizing serums. Their impact is designed for a certain period of time and often has a cumulative effect.

Periodic creams include those that are required seasonally. The effect on the skin is different at different times of the year, which means that care should be different. In summer, for example, you will need products with SPF to protect your skin from solar activity. In winter you will need protection from frost and cold.

Price is also important

The cost of the finished product is influenced by the ingredients included in its composition and the method of production, so a relationship between price and quality arises. Based on the cost, face creams are divided into three niches - mass market, middle market and lux & professional. So this is the following:

  1. Mass market brings together cosmetics that are produced in large quantities and at a very affordable price. However, the quality of these products most often leaves much to be desired, since natural ingredients are not used, replacing them with synthetic raw materials. The fact is that the profit from such products mostly goes to advertising and packaging, only about 10% goes to production. But even among such creams you can find decent options, read about it in ours.
  2. Middle market- this is the so-called middle class: the price is significantly higher than the mass market, however, the composition of such face creams consists of 60 percent natural ingredients, is non-toxic, and preservatives are obtained from plant materials. But such products can only care for the skin at a maintenance level, without a deep impact.
  3. Lux & Professional- a niche that includes creams produced in very limited quantities and at a high price. The composition is 80% natural extracts, which are obtained from high quality raw materials using special technology. Creams in this niche are hypoallergenic and undergo strict quality control. They are able to solve most skin problems and effectively care for it.

ATTENTION! Since the quality of mass market niche cosmetics is quite low, they can cause dermatitis, skin dehydration, increased sebum production, swelling and ulcers.

Face cream is a cosmetic product that no modern woman can do without. Cosmetologists say that you should be more than careful when choosing a cream. Incorrect selection of this product can have a very negative effect on the skin. The wrong cream can even cause allergies.

Many women prefer to trust the choice of facial care products to their cosmetologist. This approach is the most correct, since a specialist can quite accurately determine which product is needed in each specific case. In addition, cosmetologists are well versed in describing the composition of creams.

Knowing certain rules for selecting creams, each woman can independently choose the most successful products for herself. When choosing a skin care cosmetic product, you should focus on the age category it is intended for. Mature women should not choose creams for young skin, as their use will not lead to the desired result. Young girls are strictly prohibited from using anti-aging cosmetics, as this can cause premature aging of the skin.

Modern manufacturers, as a rule, indicate on the packaging of a cosmetic product information about the age for which a particular cream is intended. You should know that from the age of 25 it is permissible to use cosmetic products with a slight anti-aging effect. Products that actively prevent aging and help smooth out wrinkles can only be used from the age of 35.

Face cream and skin type

When choosing a face cream, it is very important to consider your skin type. According to the well-known classification, it can be dry, oily, combined. Care products for different skin types have significant differences in their composition and the functions they are supposed to perform.

Large cosmetic companies produce an expanded range of cosmetic products. On sale you can find creams for dehydrated, sensitive, irritated facial skin, as well as for skin with acne or rashes.

If a woman finds it difficult to determine what exactly she needs to maintain youth and solve certain problems with her face, she can undergo one of their specialized tests. They can be easily found on the Internet on the websites of large companies producing cosmetics. After passing the test, the fair sex, as a rule, finally decides which facial care products she needs.

Composition of face cream

When choosing a cream, you must pay attention to its composition. It is preferable to choose a product that contains natural ingredients. In this case, the most valuable components should be located closer to the beginning of the list of ingredients present in the cream. If any extract is located at the end of the list, this means that there is very little of it in this cosmetic product.

You should avoid purchasing facial care products that contain harmful ingredients: parabens, aluminum salts, benzene and some other substances. Ingredients such as propylene glycol and ceresin can cause allergies.

When choosing a cream, you should pay attention to the name of the manufacturer and even the type of packaging in which the cosmetic product is sold. Cosmetics produced by domestic manufacturers are considered more natural. Imported creams can be quite effective, but their synthetic components tend to accumulate in the skin and cause allergies and even addiction. When choosing imported creams, you should purchase only expensive products with a more natural composition.


When choosing between a cream in a jar or tube and a cream in a bottle with a dispenser, you should give preference to the product in a bottle with a dispenser. This type of packaging prevents microorganisms from entering the cosmetic product. The cream in the jar should be equipped with a special plastic spatula for more hygienic use.

Natural face cream is an excellent alternative to industrially produced cosmetic products. Anyone can prepare it themselves; it is enough to have a set of necessary tools in your arsenal and select the ingredients correctly.

Benefits of homemade cosmetics

The main advantage of handmade cosmetics is natural ingredients. It contains no formaldehyde, silicones, parabens, urea derivatives and other synthetic preservatives. There are no inorganic oils, acetone, petroleum jelly, chemical solvents, carcinogens, mercury, lead or hormones in the homemade cream, which means that it will bring maximum benefit and no harm.

Another undeniable advantage is individuality. The composition of the homemade cream is selected for a specific skin type, due to which it has unique cosmetic properties. And the shelf life and degree of freshness of the product will never raise questions.

The spectrum of action of homemade creams is incredibly wide. It is enough to combine the appropriate ingredients to get a remedy for problem skin, home botox, lifting, anti-aging drug, protection or moisturizing.

The recipe for self-produced skincare products contains the most detailed information about dosages, types for which this or that cream is recommended and the problems that the product can solve. Based on proven recipes, you can come up with a unique composition that will become a real elixir of beauty.

However, you need to remember that the process of preparing cream at home requires time, patience, and sometimes significant financial costs.

Even after the technology has been mastered to perfection, without emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives, homemade cosmetics will not be as light, gel-like and airy as cream from a tube purchased in a store.

The concentration of natural ingredients in the composition is quite high, so homemade cream also needs to be tested for an allergic reaction.

The maximum storage period is 10 days. It cannot be used after the expiration date, which means that the preparation procedure will have to be carried out approximately once a week.

Homemade cream production may not only not be cheaper than buying a ready-made one, but on the contrary, it may entail large financial costs.


The basic set of components includes:

Basic vegetable oils are divided into liquid (olive, almond) and solid (mango, coconut). Selected depending on the source data. For dry skin:

  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • olive;
  • macadamia;
  • coconut;
  • avocado oils;
  • walnut oil.

Suitable for oily people:

  • black cumin;
  • grape seed oil;
  • watermelon;
  • corn;
  • almond;
  • milk thistle

Those with sensitive skin should give preference to the following oils:

  • pink;
  • burdock;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • St. John's wort.

Oils account for about 30% of the total composition of the substance.

Animal oils- almost identical to the fat secreted by human skin. Mink oil and lanolin are used in the preparation of creams for skin prone to dryness and aging.

Water, flower hydrosol or herbal decoction. Without these components, any natural cream will be a solid greasy and sticky mass, unsuitable for use. The distillate accounts for 60% of the mass of the finished substance.

Cosmetic wax. Plant, animal, synthetic product; There are fossil waxes, for example, ceresin. All waxes have medicinal properties and are used in emulsion creams.

Emulsifiers and thickeners, combining flower infusion or water with oil to obtain a stable, creamy substance. There are only 2-3% of them. Homemade cosmetics use sucrose stearate - a natural emulsifier with a moisturizing and antibacterial effect, yolk, soap root decoction and other natural ingredients.

Essential oils– medicinal, care, perfume components in natural cosmetics. They contribute to better preservation, participate in the fight against viruses and microbes, and relieve stress. Use in minimal quantities - 2-5 drops.

Plant extracts– these are plant processing products (powders, powders, oil and alcohol extracts) intended for use in cosmetology for rosacea, problems with the functioning of the sebaceous glands, rashes, acne. They nourish the skin, accelerate regeneration, and have an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect.

Active substances: plant extracts, liquid vitamins, dry yeast, bee bread, mumiyo, tinctures. These also include ceramides, collagen, elastin, fruit acids. They add as needed, for example, vitamin E, ceramides for hydration, A and E for nutrition, collagen and elastin for elasticity and anti-aging effect. The total amount in the substance is 5-7%.

It is not necessary to use them at the same time. The simplest option is limited to oil and water phases, a preservative or an emulsifier.

Since natural cream cannot be the usual white color by nature, cosmetics are added to it. titanium dioxide white. Additionally, this substance gives a matting effect and works as a filter against ultraviolet rays.

Natural cosmetics are often based on baby cream or pharmaceutical preparations. Some types of creams are more common than others.

With glycerin

For oily skin It is necessary to mix glycerin, zinc oxide, starch, benzoin tincture, distilled water with a whisk or mini mixer. The product is applied before bedtime.

Ingredients of the cream against dryness will include fundamentally different components:

  • cacao butter;
  • wheat oil;
  • jojoba oil;
  • rosehip oil;
  • oat extract;
  • royal jelly;
  • rose water or chamomile decoction.

Solid ingredients must be melted in a water bath, then combine the components, starting with oil and ending with decoction.

For sensitive and problematic a cream with glycerin, egg, honey, castor oil, vegetable oil or butter, chamomile infusion and a small amount of camphor alcohol is suitable.


Removes swelling from the eyelids, eliminates bags under the eyes, smoothes, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Camphor oil also improves blood flow and circulation, accelerates metabolism, which helps relieve swelling. The effect is noticeable in the first week or two, and for preparation you only need two ingredients: the oil itself and pork fat.

Solid fat must be melted in a water bath, thoroughly stir in the oil, pour into a small opaque glass container, and store in the refrigerator. You can add a few drops of essential oil to give the mixture a pleasant aroma.


It can be intended for both dry skin and oily, combination, problematic, young and aging skin, with the difference that each type and age will have its own composition.

The simplest and most versatile vitamin cream consists of melted beeswax, rose and almond oils, rose water, and vitamins.

With aloe juice

In cosmetology, aloe vera gel is used, which is easy to obtain at home: you need to cut off the fleshy leaves of the plant, put them in a glass for a quarter of an hour to drain all the excess liquid, then cut the leaf in half and remove the mucous part from the middle and the gel itself - the white part transparent pulp. The two substances must be thoroughly mixed; store in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Aloe is suitable for all skin types, acts as an antibacterial, nourishing, tonic, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging agent.

Homemade aloe cream may contain:

  • base oils;
  • ethereal;
  • biological active components;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • natural emulsifiers and preservatives.

How to make it yourself

The technology for making cream at home deserves special attention. You will need the following tools:

  • spacious stainless steel utensils;
  • electronic balance;
  • small glass bowls;
  • spoons of different sizes or measuring cup;
  • whisk or mini mixer;
  • thermometer for measuring water temperature, preferably digital;
  • funnel;
  • glass rod;
  • jars for storage. It is better to choose dispensers with a dispenser or use a small volume with a tight lid and disposable spatulas so that pathogenic bacteria do not get into the jar.

To prepare the cream at home, you need to follow several steps step by step. The sequence begins with a simple action - disinfection of hands, work surfaces and tools, since homemade creams consist of components, most of which are a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes. Such a cream will not only not be beneficial, but will also harm the skin. Next, it’s time to weigh and measure the ingredients according to the recipe; If necessary, chop products that require chopping.

The most difficult thing is the process of preparing the base: at the same time, the base oils are melted, the solid ingredients, if any, are melted, and the distillate (water, decoction or hydrosol) is heated. It is important to know that this should not be done in the microwave; a thermostat or water bath is more suitable.

When the liquids heat up to 60-70 degrees, it is necessary to add an emulsifier and stabilizer to the oil part to ensure viscosity and preserve the structure of the cream.

At this stage, you can add any humidifier. Then, the liquids are mixed in one bowl. During connection, they must be the same temperature (the difference is no more than two degrees).

After pouring water into the oil, remove the mixture from the heat, stir vigorously until smooth, and place in a container with cold water. When it cools down to 35-40 degrees (you can hold the cup without burning yourself), it’s the turn of herbal ingredients, extracts, preservatives, actives and essential oils according to the recipe. They need to be introduced gradually, without stopping stirring the mixture.

When all the ingredients are mixed, the cream must be closed, cooled and only then stored in the refrigerator. It is not recommended to do this right away so that the emulsion does not separate due to a sharp temperature change.

Don’t be upset if the first time you don’t get a 100% analogue of a cosmetic product from a store. The main thing is to observe the proportions and time when creating a natural cream, then it will turn out to be gentle, stable, fit well on the skin and work perfectly.

Folk recipes


There is no water component in this recipe. Preparation of the cream begins by melting olive, coconut oils and beeswax in a water bath, one-fourth cup for each component. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, you need to stir it thoroughly, remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Then, add one ampoule of vitamin E and 10 drops of essential oil according to your skin type. The product is applied in the morning, after washing, for 15-20 minutes.

There are other recipes for anti-aging natural creams: with cognac, egg, glycerin, petroleum jelly, castor oil, and other ingredients. Such creams make the skin toned, elastic, soften, add velvety, and work great as a lift to tighten the skin of the face and neck.

Homemade Botox

For those who are afraid to expose themselves to experiments, recipes for homemade substitutes have been invented. They contain honey, wheat flour, starch, gelatin, which do not give a lasting effect of a salon procedure, but rejuvenate and significantly tighten the skin.

To prepare, pour a spoonful of gelatin into half a glass of cream until it swells, then heat until completely dissolved, allow the mixture to cool and add a spoonful of honey, olive and almond oils. Apply to problem areas for 20 minutes, rinse with water, and moisturize the skin with cream.

The mask can be stored in the refrigerator and used every other day for a week.

Spring option

Fatty phase: raspberry and green coffee oils, SepiLift amino acid, Montanov 68, emulsifier. Aqueous: water, aloe juice, vitamin B3, ascorbic acid, hyasial. Any actives plus vitamin E, essential oils of myrrh, petitgrain, geranium and carrot and 10 drops of preservative.


Masks based on the Chinese version of skin care have a wide spectrum of action and allow you to choose the optimal composition for cosmetic and therapeutic effects. Chinese creams get rid of acne, age spots, dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles, signs of fatigue, and restore light tone and clarity of lines. Homemade masks use herbs (angelica, angelica, bletilla strata), tofu and rice as herbal ingredients.


Universal face gel – aloe vera. Can be added to masks and creams for skin and hair, used in pure form, combined with finished products. It is easy to obtain at home, and the product has a shelf life of almost a year.


Mix 1-2 tablespoons of cane sugar with lemon juice and natural yogurt, apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse with water at a comfortable temperature. This peeling is suitable for any skin type and is a gentle procedure due to the low concentration of active substances in the composition.


Easy to prepare, pleasant to use, budget-friendly. This mixture is prepared from just two ingredients: for each tablespoon of plant base (almonds, castor oil, olive) 2-3 drops of essential oil (to taste). Before mixing, it is better to warm up the oil for greater fluidity.


Mix 200 grams of country sour cream with lemon juice, add the juice of one small cucumber, 2 yolks, a spoonful of honey, 2-3 capsules of vitamin E, 5 drops each of tangerine and orange oils. Gently add 100 ml of rose water and 100 ml of calendula tincture into the resulting mixture.

The cream is applied to the face until completely absorbed, the residue is washed off with a cotton pad soaked in mineral or boiled water.