D Birthday is a special holiday for any person, and even more so in childhood. Ask any child - he is guaranteed to tell you that his favorite holiday is his own birthday. What's the whole point? In gifts!
A birthday gift for a child is a separate parenting puzzle. It’s good if this is your child and you know his tastes well. What if it's one of his friends? Here we have to think about it. The site elgreloo.com offers you a set of rules that you should follow when choosing a gift and organizing a children's party.

Basic rules for choosing a gift for a child
In order not to make a mistake when choosing a gift for a child, you should consider two main factors:
It is often recommended to also differentiate between children by gender, but in the new century, clear boundaries are becoming a thing of the past, and many toys are becoming universal. Therefore, the best option is to find out what the child himself likes, and not follow his own ideas about what he should like.
For each age category, there are also certain rules that should be followed if you want to guess with a gift and please the child, and not just symbolically give away.

Age category 3-5 years
A birthday gift for a child at this tender age is subject to one and only rule: it must be toys. The child will most likely not appreciate anything else, but various dolls, play sets and simple board games will go with a bang. For example, you can give your child a doll depicting his favorite cartoon character. Happiness will have no boundaries.
It is strictly forbidden to give clothes at this age. The child simply will not understand that this was a gift, and therefore will probably be disappointed in his expectations and upset. Parents will probably be happy, but it’s not their holiday!
You should also not give pets as gifts. Children of this age, although they often ask for a pet, are still too young to take care of anyone, and the animal will be perceived as another toy - with all the ensuing consequences.

Age category 6-9 years
At this age, children become much more picky. There will no longer be enough toys here - many people are starting to develop hobbies and interests that are not related to games. It’s still too early for expensive gadgets, but for many other interesting things it’s just right.
It is from this moment that you should begin to carefully take into account the child’s taste preferences and navigate according to them. The choice of gifts is very wide: as a gift for a child’s birthday, you can buy jewelry, complex board games - adventure or strategy, telescopes, sets for chemical and physical experiments, all kinds of spy kits, sports equipment, functional decorative items for the children's room, if possible. place and facilities - mini-sports complexes of various configurations, since children at this age often have excess energy.
Just during this period, an excellent option for a gift is an animal. It is at this age that the child learns to be responsible not only for himself, but also for those who are weaker, and to make decisions independently. The choice of animal depends on the availability of sufficient space in the intended place of detention, and also - this is important! - depending on the child’s tastes. A little cat lover may be happy about receiving a puppy, but not as much as he would be happy about a kitten.
Before choosing an animal as a gift for someone else’s child, talk to his parents to see if they are ready to have a pet in their home. An animal is not a thing that can be hidden in the far corner of the closet if it doesn’t please, and therefore all the points need to be discussed very carefully.

Age category 10-12 years
This age is the last milestone of childhood; the child is rapidly becoming a teenager, and accordingly, his preferences are changing. From this age, when choosing a gift for a child’s birthday, you should start consulting with the birthday boy himself. You shouldn’t be surprised if he asks you to give a gift in money - at this age the first shoots of a teenage craving for independence, including financial, begin to appear. Better do what you want - and think about how to give him the amount allocated for the gift not in an “envelope”.
At this time, a variety of gadgets will go with a bang, from cameras and MP3 players to phones and game consoles. Clothing will fit well, but it will be better if you choose it based on the child’s tastes, and not on your ideas about how he should dress - otherwise you will not please, but only disappoint, and it is quite likely that you will anger those who are especially irreconcilable. Either way, the day will be ruined. All sorts of accessories are also suitable, especially since you don’t need to worry about the size; many modern teenagers have favorite brands that produce accessories - you can buy something from your favorite brand, and the child will only be happy.
If your child is interested in any sport, you can give him the necessary equipment. Often this is an extreme sport - for example, skateboarding, which has long emerged as a separate subculture and an entire lifestyle, from leisure time to hairstyles. Before you give anything like this, think carefully about whether you respect your child's wishes enough to allow him to do something risky.
Impression gifts will also work well. Organize a trip for your child and a couple of his closest friends to a place he has long wanted to go to, a subscription to a water park or climbing wall, tickets to a concert of his favorite artist - anything will do. Again, focus on the child’s tastes.

In childhood, everything happens to everything differently. Remember what you were like as a child. It is unlikely that you will be able to find in your memory a detailed image of your appearance at any particular age. The main thing that immediately comes to mind is sensations. In childhood they are most developed. Feelings of joy, fun, happiness, carefree and celebration.

For some reason, we remember children's birthdays much better than those we celebrated five years ago. That is why you should try your best to ensure that your children are the happiest on their name day. As you understand, not a single child’s holiday should pass without a gift. You can find out what parents and friends can give their child for his birthday in our article.

Everyone in the world knows that little children love attention. That’s why they look forward to each birthday so joyfully, because at such a young age they already understand that one day a year all the gifts and attention will belong only to them.

It is impossible to deprive children of a holiday in childhood. Firstly, because they provide a lot of positive memories, which are the most priceless treasure. Secondly, a little person must be taught from childhood that there should be holidays in life, despite all the problems. Thirdly, this is an opportunity to tell a child that he is special; growing up with the awareness of this simple truth, it will be easier for him to find himself in our complex world.


Depending on how old the little birthday boy is, you will have to decide on a gift option for him. As mentioned earlier, absolutely every little anniversary matters, so the option of giving a gift in the form of money to a one-year-old child will not be the most successful.

There are some small tips. If you are going to give a gift to your child, then try to focus solely on his interests. Of course, no one will argue that a brand new clothes dryer will be useful for putting the baby’s things in order, but as you understand, this is a gift for the mother, not the child.

That's why friends and family need to pay attention to this too. Understand that you are going to a child's birthday party, not an adult aunt and uncle's. Therefore, take into account the interests of only the little birthday boy.

Up to 3 years of age

Having given a gift to such a small child, do not be offended if suddenly you do not see a great reaction to your expensive gift. It’s just that sometimes children feel pressured by too much attention and are simply embarrassed. Do not doubt that in a calm, homely environment he will certainly appreciate it.

You can give clothes to a one year old baby. At this age, she quickly becomes small, and gets very dirty. A brand new suit or dress that will turn birthday people into fairy-tale heroes will be a good gift. The brighter the clothes you give, the better. Just be sure to do a photo shoot in a brand new suit so that it remains a memory.

Little girls can be given earrings. It is not necessary to immediately take your child to the salon and have his little ears pierced. This procedure can also be performed at older ages. It’s just that gold is a gift that will not lose its usefulness over a long period of time.

The baby is just beginning to take his first steps and master all the things that are familiar to us. Therefore, you can give him a set of dishes for small children. It is made of lightweight and non-toxic materials. Pay attention to the manufacturer, quality and color of the dishes. The brighter it is, the more the child will be interested in it.

Of course, you can give your child different toys for his birthday. For one-year-old children, these can be rattles, for older children - a construction set consisting of large elements, books, dolls and cars. Just remember that toys should be simple, without removable small parts. Since there are many cases of children being injured by them.

The little hero will need a playpen. In it he will be able to play safely and learn to take his first steps. And for parents, such a gift will be a real salvation.

Preschool age

It's no secret that at the age of 3-5 years, every child experiences a period called “why”. This is quite normal because the baby begins to realize that there is another world besides mom and dad. You cannot ignore your child’s questions, this will only cause protests in him. It is up to you to help a young explorer of life find the answers.

To do this, you can give him books. They should be about animals, space, people. Thanks to bright illustrations, children are able to learn the alphabet and begin to read and count even before school. So educational books, with the help of which a child can develop his abilities, will be a great birthday gift.

Handicrafts have a good effect on the development of children. Therefore, you can give your child a drawing set or. A large number of colors, various markers and pencils, as well as plastic knives will help the little creator develop his imagination. By creating new shapes with it, you will help your child remember information faster.

Of course, at this age the baby should definitely be given toys. Only now we need to listen to his tastes. If a girl is less interested in dolls than plush bunnies, then you should opt for a soft toy.

Children at this age love to imagine and imagine different situations. Therefore, for a girl you can give a dollhouse with heroes, and for a boy a rocket with astronauts. Nowadays the choice of such toys is simply gorgeous, so you have plenty to choose from.

Also, the baby will be happy when he receives a swing as a gift. Naturally, it should not be located too high. It is enough for a child to just let it dangle in different directions.

You can also give your child a trip to an amusement park. After jumping on trampolines and inflatable slides, he will be simply happy.

5-10 years

At this time, the child begins to go to school, so when choosing a gift for him, you should not forget about this. It is important for children not to be worse than others, so you can give fashionable clothes for their birthday. For a girl you can choose beautiful jewelry: hairpins and hoops, bows, and for a boy - a scarf, tie, belt.

The other day my son was invited by his friend Masha to celebrate her birthday. The first question we asked ourselves was, of course, what to give to an eight-year-old girl? We chose for a long time, went through a lot of options - from “what will she like?” to “what does she need?” In the end, we settled on a set of porcelain dishes with images of fairies and the inscriptions “Happy Birthday” and “Make a Wish.” We pointed our finger at the sky and hit the mark, as we liked the dishes and turned out to be very useful.

So, let's take three age groups: kids from three to five, primary schoolchildren from six to nine and children from ten to twelve years old.

Children from 3 to 5 years old

Let's start with the smallest ones. They love toys, toys and more toys. It’s easier to write about what you don’t need to give. The first taboo is clothing. Children at this age will not perceive beautiful stylish clothes as a gift. Rather, it will be a gift for the baby's parents. The second taboo is the animal. Small children will not be able to fully care for a given pet; they will perceive it as a living toy.

Gift ideas for girls

1. Plush Disney dolls have captivated not only little girls, but also me. They are soft, cozy, made from safe materials. Quite tall, from 50 cm. They are interesting to play with and pleasant to fall asleep. Such a doll will become a constant companion and friend of a little girl. Cost starts from $20 plus shipping. Can be found on the website www.disneystore.co.uk A nice thing, they often have discounts and sell dolls from $10.

2. Timmy the plush turtle with a starry sky projector and MP3 player will please any little one and will make the task of putting the child to bed easier. When mom doesn’t have the opportunity to read a fairy tale before bed, we go to bed, turn off the lights, turn on the turtle, watch the stars and listen to music, fairy tales, poems, in general, everything that you write on a flash drive. After falling asleep like this, you should only have good dreams. Cost from 300 UAH. The website www.chicco.com.ua presents several species of turtles.

3. The “Doll House” constructor for role-playing games from the German company Playmobil is a very exciting toy. Its advantages are that it has a small number of parts that can easily fit in small hands, and the little people are funny and funny, as if copied from children's drawings. The price is steep, the cost starts from 1800 UAH. www.igrosvit.com.ua

Gift ideas for boys

1. The board game "Keep the Bee" is played by three players: two children and a small plastic bee standing on top of a honeycomb. There is fear on the bee's face - she is afraid to fall down (let the children not worry, she has wings behind her back). The players' task is to push out the honeycombs one at a time and keep the bee at the very top of the structure for as long as possible. Cost 50 UAH. You can buy it in the Auchan chain of stores.

2. With the help of Buzz Lightyear's blaster, the boy will save the Galaxy. The set contains 10 balls that shoot at a distance of up to 6 meters. Cost $15 plus shipping. www.disneystore.co.uk

3. Boys are not as diligent as girls, so it will be more interesting to teach them to read using their own alphabet. Order a photo book with poems and images of the child. Today the choice is very rich, if you are familiar with graphic programs, you can layout it yourself and print it in a printing house. It’s even easier to order it ready-made from professionals, in which case you will only need photographs of the child. Production time is from 4 days. Cost from 175 UAH. www.finebook.com.ua

Children from 6 to 9 years old

These comrades cannot be surprised with toys alone. Of course, the easiest option is to buy modern gadgets, but it seems to me that this is a gift without a soul. At some point, equipment will become obsolete, become unusable, and be replaced with a new one. There will be no trace or memory of the gift. Let's leave cool technical innovations for teenagers; they, like no one else, will be happy with them.

Gift ideas for girls

1. A silver pendant will delight any girl. It is likely that this will be her first real piece of jewelry, which she will keep in the box as a memory from her childhood. The choice of silver jewelry is huge, for every taste. At the same time, their prices are quite affordable. Cost from 100 UAH. www.uveliropt.com.ua

2. A real guinea pig is a great choice. The child will have someone to care for and look after. This is not an interactive Zhu-Zhu Petz that you can throw under the sofa, but a living creature for which the child will be responsible. Why a guinea pig? Among all the small rodents that are kept at home, these animals are the smartest and surprise with almost human emotions. Scientists have proven that the sounds of their voices have a beneficial effect on children's psyche. Don't forget to buy a cage and everything you need for the animal (feeder, water bowl, sawdust, hay and a box of dry food). The cost of a pig is from 60 UAH, small ones are more expensive. Cage – from 150 UAH, drinking bowl – from 15 UAH, feeder – from 5 UAH, sawdust – 10 UAH, hay – 8 UAH, food – 7 UAH. You can buy it at the Bird Market or at a pet store.

3. A music box is a wonderful and very sincere gift for a girl. It will give her a good mood and become her hiding place. You can store all your secret things in the box. The range of music boxes is very diverse. As a tribute to modern Hollywood-cartoon fashion, boxes with Winx fairies are on sale. I don't really like them, but that's just my personal opinion. I would take a beautiful, exquisite handmade box made from natural materials with a real lock and key, so that its owner learns to differentiate between mass-produced goods and good things in which the soul of the master is invested. You can save such a box and then pass it on to your daughter. Cost from 200 UAH. and higher. www.komod.ua

Gift ideas for boys

1. Good old “Battleship” in a modern version. Now the boys won't have to draw in notebooks. Players sit on different sides of the playing field-stand, so that during the game everyone sees only their half. The cost of the game from the American company Hasbro is from 350 UAH. www.igrosvit.com.ua, from the German company Simba 150 UAH. www.mysun.com.ua

2. A telescope is a good gift for a little curious researcher. It’s one thing to look at stars in a book and another to observe them through a real telescope. Who knows, maybe your young astronomer will discover a new star in the future? The cost of German Bresser telescopes starts from 500 UAH. www.jungle.biz.ua

3. At this age, boys spend a lot of time sitting at their desks. Lessons at school are replaced by additional clubs, then homework at home. They have a lot of unspent energy that needs to be thrown out somewhere. If space allows, give the boy a trampoline. Cost from 700 UAH. www.sportmaster.ua

Children from 10 to 12 years old

Just a little more and these kids will turn into teenagers. Children change - their games change. At this age you can give something that was not recommended in previous age categories. It would be a good idea to consult with your child about what he would like as a gift. Some children at this age, oddly enough, want money as a gift so they can buy the desired item themselves. Well, they have the right to be heard. In this case, buy a fashionable wallet and invest some money in it.

Gift ideas for girls

1. Girls create a variety of profiles and questionnaires, so a notebook with a beautiful pen will come in handy. Choose a notepad with an original design and a pen from the same manufacturer. Plush notebooks with animal figures look very cozy. Cost from 60 UAH. www.centrum-s.com

2. But at this age, beautiful clothes as a gift are already welcomed; it is advisable to coordinate the purchase in advance. Young ladies with character will start a riot if the gift is not to their liking. Consider the character of the child, some young ladies prefer romantic outfits, luxurious bows and lush ruffles, while others want to look like adults, enjoying suits and jackets in a casual style. I myself love clothes from European brands H&M, Next and George and recommend them to you. So, we teach girls to be feminine and give them a dress. Cost from 150 UAH. and higher. www.dres.com.ua

3. If you are planning to buy not only an interesting, but also a useful gift, buy a Winx children's digital camera. The girl will acquire a useful skill and develop artistic taste. From the pictures you take, you and your parents or friends can come up with a photo collage and decorate your wall with it. The cost of a digital camera starts from 550 UAH. www.jungle.biz.ua

Gift ideas for boys

1. It is not necessary to give a gift that you can hold in your hands; surprise with an adventure gift. For example, a monthly subscription to the Jiwa climbing wall. For a child, rock climbing will be a great way to use his inexhaustible energy somewhere. And at the same time gain health and strength of mind. The cost of a one-time visit is 30 UAH, the cost of a monthly subscription for a schoolchild (8 visits) is 200 UAH. www.jiwa.com.ua

2. You can move away from popular videos and buy your child a skateboard. Now this is a very fashionable trend among teenagers, or rather, an entire culture with its own style of clothing, hairstyle, and appearance in general. Guys gather in parks, near monuments; unfortunately, there are practically no skate parks in our country. The cost of the board (it’s called a deck) is from 350 UAH. Be prepared to need appropriate clothing and footwear. www.extremstyle.ua

3. The boy will happily accept an MP3 player as a gift, where he can independently upload the music he likes. Sony produces the WALKMAN player with bright LED backlighting, fast charging, direct USB input, and FM radio. Price from 500 UAH. www.portativ.ua

It doesn’t matter what the price of your gift is, the main thing is that it is given sincerely and with all your heart.

Every person, at least once, had to give gifts to children. So this is exactly what we will talk about, namely, what is the best gift to give for a child’s birthday. Nowadays, choosing a gift for a child, while not difficult, can also be very difficult. Nowadays, the world of gifts has gone crazy and there are so many of them that your eyes run in different directions, and you are no longer sure of any of your choices. Giving gifts to children is always fun and unforgettable, because there is nothing more pleasant than seeing the joyful faces of children opening gifts. Their joyful eyes cannot be compared with anything, because these are the eyes of real sincere and defenseless joy. There are a huge number of gifts for children, but do not forget that they are divided into several categories:

Gifts for boys

Every boy loves gifts and holidays, because they are fun, sweets and just a beautiful and unforgettable day. Do we relate to boys from childhood? as for little “men,” but as a rule, it is our little “men” who are more in need of gifts and manifestations of tenderness. So, whatever you say, boys love gifts, which means that they were and will be relevant. As a rule, choosing gifts for boys is quite difficult, and if you also try to choose an original gift, then this is generally an almost impossible task. Yes, it was like that before, but now, along with our website, you will see a children's world of gifts that will help you find the most original, fun and unique gift for your little boy.

Gifts for girls

What girl doesn't love holidays and gifts? After all, a holiday for a girl means an elegant, beautiful dress. In general, girls simply adore holidays, because this is where they can become real princesses. But, however, choosing a gift for a girl is no easier than for a boy. From a very young age, girls want to be unique and the most beautiful. That’s why, when choosing a gift for a “girl,” think several times before you buy. We have collected on our website only the best and most original gifts for both boys and girls. When choosing a gift in our online store, you will not regret it, and your daughter will be in seventh heaven.

Stop giving children banal gifts, give only original gifts for children along with the site. Here you can find gifts for children of all ages, both entertaining and intellectual. For children, both of these factors play an important role. On the one hand, the gift should be interesting to them, and on the other, useful. These are the gifts you can find on our website. Our online gift shop for children is famous for only the best and most interesting gifts. Make your life easier with us, because our company thinks about you and your children.

You don’t have to run around shopping centers in search of a gift that your child may not like; you can simply browse through the entire range of gifts in just a few clicks of the mouse and we assure you that you will be able to find a gift that is suitable for your child. With us you can give the most unusual gifts for children. Give your children only the most necessary and best gifts, and in return you will receive the smiles of your children and joy in their eyes. And for parents, this is the most important thing in life, so that their child is the happiest and does not deny himself anything. All this awaits you on our fun and original pages of our online store of original and unusual gifts. Be the kindest and most caring parents.

How often do we approach the choice of children's gifts with our adult standards, and then are sincerely perplexed by the disappointment of the birthday boy and the lack of expected delight. We have no idea that a balloon in the shape of a favorite cartoon character or a Monster High doll for a child can be a hundred times more expensive than a designer suit or a useful encyclopedia.

Gifts and birthday cake are synonymous with a happy childhood

How not to make a mistake with your choice?

Psychologists have long developed rules that they recommend using when choosing gifts for children. There are four of them.

  1. Important age birthday boy Preschoolers prefer toys, but a 10-12 year old girl is more likely to be happy with a fashionable outfit than with a doll or a child’s handbag.
  2. The gift depends on gender hero of the occasion, especially when it comes to toys with a pronounced gender connotation. So it is customary to give girls dolls, toy houses, children's cosmetics, and boys - cars, railways, transformers, and soldiers. There are also universal toys: cubes, construction sets, animal sets.
  3. From a certain age, children develop Interests and hobbies, which also need to be taken into account when choosing a gift. A precocious intellectual will be delighted with a colorful encyclopedia; if you are creative, buy a set for creativity, and for a restless boy - a bicycle or a soccer ball.
  4. And the last recommendation is the most important. Perhaps it is during this particular period of time that the child dreams of some real thing, try to find out what it is. It's great when parents have the opportunity and desire fulfill the dream.

If you don’t want to see disappointment in the eyes of the birthday person, don’t give what is considered a practical purchase: clothing, shoes, school supplies, a briefcase.

For every age - a special gift

Any advice on grading gifts is conditional, since it depends primarily on the child, his abilities, development, and interests. At the same time, such recommendations are based on life experience, knowledge of child psychology, and help to navigate the age preferences of the younger generation.

Educational toys, games

Toys are a win-win option for children up to 5-6 years old, but there are some nuances here too.

  • At 1–2 years old, toys that develop tactile sensations and motor skills will arouse the baby’s interest and be useful: blocks, construction sets with large parts, a musical mat, a sorting machine, a drawing mat.
  • From 3 to 6 years old is a time of active exploration of the world. At this age, give boys tools, railroads, girls kitchens, toy houses, hairdressers, interactive baby dolls in strollers.

A universal addition to a birthday toy is a bunch of multi-colored helium balloons, foil balloons with images of your favorite cartoon characters, walking balloons.

  • At 6–7 years old, boys will be interested in more serious radio-controlled toys, LEGO construction sets, girls - Barbie dolls, Monster High, Winx fairies. A useful gift is games to develop logic, thinking, and attention.

A toy railway is a welcome boy's birthday gift


A pet as a gift is not a toy or temporary amusement, so it can only be given under certain conditions. Firstly, if the child himself wants it. Secondly, in agreement with the parents. Thirdly, no earlier than the birthday boy turns 5-7 years old, and he will be ready to take responsibility for a four-legged or feathered friend.

You can give your child beautiful fish in an aquarium, parrots, a guinea pig and, of course, a kitten or puppy.

If your baby is growing up shy and introverted, communicating with a puppy is an opportunity to gain self-confidence, become more courageous and open.

Giving your child a puppy is one way to develop responsibility in him.

Gadgets and electronics

From about the age of 10, younger teenagers begin to be interested in what psychologists call status things, that is, what is not embarrassing to show among classmates and friends. At this age, both boys and girls can be given a mobile phone, laptop, computer accessories, player, tablet, camera. The main thing is that it coincides with the wishes of the birthday person.

Sports gifts

The fashion for a healthy lifestyle and active recreation has made sports gifts popular. Preschool children 5–7 years old will like a scooter, a soccer ball as a gift, older boys will like a skateboard, boxing gloves, a bicycle, and girls will like roller skates.

Skateboards should be given to older children

Unusual gifts

For the little birthday boy, along with the main gift, you can give an unusual congratulation - a favorite cartoon with his participation. It is done using a special computer program and a selection of photographs of the baby.

Impression as a gift

Intangible gifts and impressions will appeal not only to older birthday people, but also to children 5–6 years old. Depending on the financial capabilities of the parents, this could be a trip to a children's entertainment center, a zoo, a water park, or a trip to Disneyland.

Teenagers will appreciate a ticket to a concert of their favorite band or a football match, a trip to a summer health camp, a tourist trip, or a professional photo shoot (for a girl).

Birthdays with gifts and birthday cake are one of the fondest memories of childhood. Give your children holidays with surprises, unforgettable impressions, lots of guests and boundless parental love.