True beauty has always been admired and men have worshiped it at all times. She became the cause of cruel bloodshed and noble deeds, but one thing is clear - no one could remain indifferent next to the beautiful. Dostoevsky said that only she would save the world, and Faina Ranevskaya said the immortal phrase “beauty is a terrible force.” Sooner or later, World Beauty Day was supposed to appear, and it did! So when is this day celebrated, when the beautiful part of humanity has another official reason to receive compliments and warm congratulations? Find out in our article!

When is World Beauty Day celebrated?

Every year in all countries of the world the holiday of beauty is celebrated on September 9. On this day, skill competitions for stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers, cosmetologists, fashion designers, and, of course, beauty contests are held in different cities.

The history of celebrating Beauty Day begins in 1995, when the International Committee on Aesthetics and Cosmetology (CIDESCO) at its next congress proposed introducing a special holiday that would welcome everything beautiful, giving positive emotions and aesthetic pleasure. In our country, Beauty Day began to be celebrated only 4 years later, in 1999.

Who accepts congratulations on Beauty Day

Feel free to congratulate your favorite hairdresser and nail artist on this day! Makeup artists, stylists, cosmetologists, massage therapists, fitness trainers and plastic surgeons also celebrate their professional holiday on this day. In addition, World Beauty Day was created to once again congratulate all the beautiful girls on the planet - the entire beautiful half of humanity!

history of the holiday

The first day of beauty in world history can be considered the mythological court of Paris - when the Trojan awarded the title of the most beautiful of the female goddesses to Aphrodite, giving her an apple. For this, the lovely goddess promised Paris the love of the most beautiful of earthly women - Helen.

True beauty pleased, delighted and inspired men in any era to exploits. But at different stages of human development, the ideal of beauty changed; each culture had its own standards.

An unusually slender woman with delicate features and large green eyes was considered the most beautiful in Ancient Egypt. To emphasize their sophistication, Egyptian women emphasized their eyes with black mascara and outlined their feet and nails with green paint.

In ancient China, women blushed their cheeks, whitened their faces, lengthened their thin eyebrows, and painted their nails red. The standard of beauty was fragility, so Chinese women did not spare themselves. In pursuit of beauty, they sometimes resorted to truly brutal methods of reducing legs: the foot of a newborn girl was tightly bandaged so that the leg would stop growing.

The ideal in Ancient Greece was harmony of body and spirit, so the most beautiful woman was considered to be the one who was athletic, agile, tanned and light, and could sing and dance.

In ancient Rome, on the contrary, slender, blond women with very fair skin were especially valued. Therefore, Roman women hid from the sun's rays and bandaged their chests and thighs to maintain slimness.

The Middle Ages was an era when the beauty of an earthly woman could destroy her in the most literal sense. Admiring a beautiful girl was considered a terrible sin, and the girl herself could be recognized as a witch and burned at the stake. Therefore, the figure was hidden under multi-layered clothing, and the hair was hidden under a cap. The ideal of medieval beauty is the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The standard of beauty for the Renaissance was the Rubensian girl with long wavy hair, fair skin, a thin neck, a high clean forehead and deep large eyes. To visually lengthen their necks, women shaved the back of their heads, and to make their faces appear more beautiful, they plucked their eyebrows and shaved the hair above their foreheads. The figure should not be too thin or too large - the so-called “nobility of form” was welcomed.

The Rococo era was a time of extraordinary development in hairdressing. To be the most beautiful, ladies built real gardens, baskets with flowers and fruits, or even ships on their heads! The hair was liberally sprinkled with powder and decorated with ribbons and jewelry. The beauties of this era did not wash their hair or comb their hair for weeks - how else could they maintain a dignified and attractive appearance?

With the change in the rhythm of life, ideas about beauty also changed. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the beauty industry began to develop on a large scale; this time became a century of great breakthroughs and discoveries, especially in the field of cosmetics and cosmetology. Eventually, beauty was recognized as so important that a special day was introduced to celebrate it - International Beauty Day.

The beauty of the 21st century is dictated by plastic surgeons, cosmetologists and fashion stylists - this is smooth skin, plump lips, a radical fight against age-related imperfections and a slender body. At beauty contests, the jury now looks not only at the perfection of the figure and face, but also the mind - a modern beauty should be distinguished by her breadth of thought and outlook.

What is beauty? An invaluable gift of nature or just the efforts of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons? Our time can safely be called the century of the cosmetics industry. External beauty has become so important and valuable that even a special holiday has appeared - International Beauty Day.

History of appearance

Beauty Day appeared relatively recently; the history of the holiday begins in 1995. Beauty Day appeared on the initiative of the International Committee of Cosmetology (SIDESCO). The purpose of announcing a new holiday was to create a date that unites people working in the beauty industry - cosmetologists, surgeons specializing in aesthetic medicine, consultants for the sale of cosmetics, perfume, fashionable clothing, etc.

But when is this interesting holiday celebrated? It was decided to honor beauty and aesthetics at the very beginning of autumn - 9th of September. Why this particular date was chosen, history is silent. However, few people would disagree that the beginning of September, when the stifling heat is no longer there, but the autumn rains have not yet begun, is a wonderful time of year.


Despite the fact that the holiday began to be celebrated not so long ago, stable traditions have already emerged. On this day, various beauty contests are traditionally held.

Moreover, competitions can be held not only among young divas whose appearance meets model standards. After all, the beauty of the human body is a multifaceted and subjective thing. Therefore, on September 9, competitions are held among participants whose appearance differs from the canons accepted in the modeling business.

For example, among small ladies or girls with clothing size 54+. Also, competitions can be held among representatives of the fair sex with disabilities or among ladies of elegant age.

As a rule, when such competitions are held, not a single participant is left without a reward, because there are no ugly women, each has its own “zest”, a path that does not correspond to the standards imposed by glossy magazines.

Of course, the celebration of such a wonderful holiday is not limited to holding competitions. Various colorful shows, processions, festivals and masquerades can be organized.

September 9 is considered a professional holiday for people working in the beauty industry. And these are not only plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, but employees of hairdressing salons, sellers of cosmetics and fashionable clothing. Moreover, this day can well be called a professional holiday for all women, because rarely does one of the fair sex not use cosmetics and does not consider himself an expert in this field.

How can you celebrate this holiday?

It is not necessary to wait for city authorities or public organizations to get involved in holding festive events on Beauty Day. It is quite possible to celebrate this wonderful date with friends or colleagues by going on a picnic or having a fun party.

In honor of the holiday, you can hold your own comic beauty contest. For example, you can organize the Miss Universe competition, inviting participants to dress up as representatives of various planets, that is, not only earthlings, but also beauties from the planetary systems of Aldebaran, Alpha Centauri and other stars will take part in the competition.

But even if hosting parties is not part of your plans, on Beauty Day you should just compliment others. After all, a pleasant compliment makes you smile, and a sincere smile makes any person more beautiful. Let there be a little more beautiful people on our streets on this day!

On September 9, the whole world celebrates International Beauty Day. This holiday has been celebrated on the initiative of the International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology SIDESCO on September 9 since 1995. Russia has joined the association and supported the idea of ​​this holiday since 1999.

On this day, everything beautiful that brings aesthetic and moral pleasure is welcomed. In many cities and countries, it is on this day that competitions for hairdressers, stylists and fashion designers and, of course, beauty contests are held everywhere.

Since ancient times, beauty has evoked sympathy and love. First, people evaluate the appearance itself, and then the actual communication with the person begins.

Each era had its own standards of beauty: Filipinas are distinguished by grace of body and purity of skin, fidelity, French women - by sophistication and the ability to emphasize their strengths, while disguising their weak ones, Italian women - hypnotized by their eyes and temperament, Ukrainian women - take beauty, both internal and external , Turkish women - with languor, flexibility, gentleness and fidelity, Japanese women - with grace and unfading...

The ideal of beauty in Ancient Egypt was a slender and graceful woman with chiseled features. Thin eyebrows and a small straight nose are combined with full lips and large eyes, which are lined with black mascara, while the skin should be light bronze in color. Green was considered the most beautiful eye color. But green eye color was rare, and therefore Egyptian women outlined their eyes with green paint made from copper carbonate. And to emphasize sophistication, nails and feet were painted green.

The ideal of beauty in Ancient China was considered a small, fragile woman with tiny legs. To keep the foot small, girls' feet were tightly bandaged shortly after birth to stop its growth. Women whitened their faces, blushed their cheeks, lengthened their eyebrows, painted their nails red; long nails were considered a symbol of dignity and wealth.

In Ancient Greece there was a cult of a trained body. The ideal of beauty is based on unity and harmony of spirit and body. The Greeks considered size, order and symmetry to be symbols of beauty.

The sculpture of Aphrodite became the standard for a beautiful body among the Greeks: height - 164 cm, chest circumference - 86 cm, waist - 69 cm, hips 93 cm. The beauty of the face was determined by the so-called Greek nose, low forehead, large eyes with a wide inter-century slit, arched edges of the eyelids ; the distance between the eyes should have been no less than the size of one eye, and the mouth should have been one and a half times larger than the eye. Noble ladies in Greece were very fond of cosmetics: powder, lipstick, blush.

In Ancient Rome, the cult of fair skin and blond hair dominated. It was the Romans who were the first to master the secret of hair bleaching. the generally recognized standards of female beauty Venus de Milo and Venus Tauride also have a modest bust. Roman women bandaged their chests and thighs with a special cloth to maintain their slim figure.

In the Middle Ages, earthly beauty was considered sinful, and enjoyment of it was prohibited. Blonding hair was declared an unholy activity. The figure was hidden under a layer of heavy fabrics, and the hair was hidden under a cap. Now the ideal of a medieval woman was the Blessed Virgin Mary - an elongated oval face, huge eyes and a small mouth.

During the Renaissance, a pale complexion, a slender “swan neck” and a high, clear forehead were considered beautiful. To lengthen the oval face, ladies shaved the hair in the front and plucked their eyebrows, and in order to make the neck appear as long as possible, they shaved the back of their heads. The description of ideal female beauty during the Renaissance given in Agnolo Firenzuola’s treatise “On the Beauty of Women” is very indicative: “... women’s hair should be delicate, thick, long and wavy, in color they should be like gold or honey, or burning rays sunny. The physique should be large, strong, but at the same time noble in shape. An overly tall body cannot be liked, just like a small and thin one. White skin color is not beautiful, because it means that it is too pale; the skin should be slightly reddish from the circulation... The shoulders should be broad... Not a single bone should show through on the chest. Perfect breasts rise smoothly, imperceptibly to the eye. The most beautiful legs are long, slender, thin at the bottom with strong snow-white calves, which end in a small, narrow, but not lean foot. The forearms should be white, muscular...”

In the Rococo era, the main emphasis was on hairstyle; this was a time of miracles in hairdressing. They tried to preserve the expensive pleasure for as long as possible: they did not comb their hair or wash their hair for weeks. Queen Isabella of Castile of Spain once admitted that she washed only twice in her entire life - at birth and on her wedding day.

Now life has changed, and the concept of beauty has changed.

Nowadays, intelligence, energy and the ability to earn money are most valued, and freedom is considered the main asset of a woman. However, fashion historians agree that in the future it will be possible to define the twentieth century as the century of short women's hairstyles and the cult of dystrophy.

Classic natural beauty is a very rare concept, and it is by no means a guarantee of happiness. After all, how often can you meet a dazzling, lonely beauty and an inconspicuous, but very charming girl, behind whom is a trail of gentlemen. And you shouldn’t be surprised by this circumstance, because people are drawn not to a piece of ice, but to warmth, which makes them feel cozy and calm. I really want to be understood and supported in difficult times. Therefore, it is very important, while taking care of external beauty, not to forget about internal beauty.

Beauty is a gift of nature, designed to make our world brighter, more interesting and even more beautiful. Our aspirations for beauty, not only physical, but also spiritual, are dictated by the thirst for self-improvement, and sometimes by traditions, modern perception, and the influence of fashion. And what is given by nature, taking into account these factors, is not always and not everyone considered truly beautiful and is subject to further work on improving the shapes, sizes, cuts, color palette...

International Beauty Day was created so that on the autumn day of September 9, everyone who is not indifferent to aesthetics, harmony and beauty could congratulate the people who decorate our lives on their professional holiday. These include masters of plastic surgery, cosmetologists, beauty consultants, employees of the fashion, perfumery and cosmetics industry, as well as their manufacturers. The International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology SIDESCO has encouraged society to celebrate this day, thus honoring and praising the beauty of everyone and everything.

Although the holiday itself is relatively young, there has long been a tradition of celebrating it by holding various beauty contests. Young ladies with model appearance do not always participate in them. Very often, girls, women, babies with magical curls and even grandmothers with a non-standard, but bright and interesting, original appearance can take part in them. Organizers of events on this day show their creativity, sometimes, along with the usual title “Miss”, they award the winners with the title “Mister”, because men also have the right to bask in the rays of fame, admiration and applause!

International Beauty Day 2020 - congratulations

Happy Beauty Day! Happy Aesthetics and Shine Day!
May everyone be happy on this day,
Let the holiday be luxurious, wonderful,
Let the world drown in goodness and beauty!

That beauty is cold is not true,
She warms the world with amber fire,
For us it is the best reward in the world,
We feel our way towards it in the dark!

Let love decorate your heart,
Your joyful look will decorate your faces,
Let beauty warm you up,
Let the manifestations inspire her!

Beauty is everywhere, everywhere,
Don't argue, look around
Meet the miracle with your gaze,
Plunge into a beautiful world,

Everything that surrounds us all
All nature, all creation
They amaze with their beauty,
They give us awe!

Enjoy this day
The beauty of everything and everyone!
Don't hide your joy
Let the festive ringing of laughter!

On Beauty Day, this magical holiday
Let hundreds of verses be dedicated,
Odes, flowers, compliments are given,
Let goodness and love triumph!

Everyone is beautiful, you just have to believe
Everyone deserves awards and praise,
You just need to sow hope in your heart,
So that everyone considers himself beautiful!

The main thing is to be a beautiful soul,
This is true beauty!
Let them take you with them into a round dance
Happiness, hope, love, kindness!

Postcard for International Beauty Day 2020

Click on the repost to copy to social media. net

Do you know that in addition to International Women's Day, there is another solemn day for beloved and beautiful women all over the Earth. This International Beauty Day.

And this is understandable, because he appeared not so long ago. But even in this short time, it has quickly spread throughout the world, and in particular in Europe, and very soon it will be celebrated solemnly and especially, along with other public holidays.

On this day, everything beautiful and beautiful that gives aesthetic and moral pleasure is especially welcomed. Therefore, in many cities and countries, beauty contests are held everywhere on September 9th.

International Beauty Day - the history of the holiday

The first ever beauty pageant was held in Belgium in September 1888, and the first Miss World beauty pageant was held in London in April 1951.

The initiator of the creation of Beauty Day was the International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology CIDESCO (CIDESCO -Comité International D "Esthétique Et De Cosmétologie) - the main international Association of Beauty Therapy in the world, was founded in Brussels in 1946 and has since been formed by thousands of doctors around the world thanks to operate 33 branches in many countries.

In 1995, at the World Congress, it was decided to count September 9 as World Beauty Day. The purpose of creating the day of beauty was the desire to draw attention to the unique, natural and unique beauty of the world.

International Beauty Day in Russia They began to celebrate only four years later, when Russia joined the International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology. Since then, the Russian people have kept up with global trends in the world of beauty. And this is understandable, because the fame of the beauty of our girls has spread far beyond Europe.

The 20th century became revolutionary and advanced for the global beauty industry. This made it possible for World Beauty Day to be considered professional, and not just for women. It affects all professionals in the cosmetics industry: hairdressers and stylists, makeup artists and cosmetologists, designers and fashion designers, models, plastic surgeons.

What is beauty?

Happy Beauty Day greetings to your phone you can listen and send what you like to the recipient as a musical or voice greeting on a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send a Happy Beauty Day greeting to your phone either immediately or by pre-specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. An audio greeting on Beauty Day on your phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the greeting by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations on Beauty Day

Beauty Day is a beautiful day!
Everyone is beautiful, no matter how lazy they are.
Beautiful people and dreams
Beautiful souls, thoughts, dreams.

Outer beauty,
The thing is very necessary.
But the soul too
Can attract everyone.

Let your eyes sparkle with beauty,
And let the congratulations be countless.
Let smiles swirl around.
After all, there is beauty and happiness!

I can’t help but congratulate you on International Beauty Day, because your beauty is impossible not to notice, difficult to underestimate, and impossible to remain indifferent to it! This “fire flickering in a vessel” transforms everything around, all living things strive for it, you can admire it endlessly. Happy holiday to you, beauty of beauties!

Beauty Day - which means
What a green light for women!
And how could it be otherwise?
After all, there are no ugly women!

May there always be a smile on our faces
Shines day by day
Let beauty reign in the world,
Let her strength only increase!

International Beauty Day - motto, beauty contests, celebration

The motto of this holiday was the words of the famous classic - “beauty will save the world.” After all, beauty, both external and internal, brings us only positive emotions.

In different centuries, standards of beauty replaced each other. Different cultures and nationalities found something beautiful in a person that simply could not be acceptable in another country. M. Monroe, M. Dietrich, S. Bernard, Nefertiti were considered striking examples of beauty standards in different centuries.

As part of official events, stylist assemblies and beauty contests are held, which date back to 1888. The committee is also the organizer of international congresses and exhibitions, during which the current state of affairs in the cosmetology industry and product manufacturers from around the world are discussed. Such meetings provide an opportunity to get acquainted with new products and the latest technological developments in equipment and the creation of cosmetics.

During congresses, CIDESCO presents special awards to companies that have shown the best success in developing new products in the field of cosmetology.

On Beauty Day, professionals participate in competitions, and ordinary girls and women participate in competitions in which it is not necessary to have the appearance of celebrities and actors, it is enough to simply show your originality, uniqueness, naturalness and grace.

World Beauty Day is a day when every woman can relax, leaving all her household chores and worries, and think about her beauty and individuality. On this day, a lot of entertainment and services have been thought out for them - visiting cosmetics exhibitions, free makeup and skin care consultations, and much more. And it is on this day that every girl can become a real princess, queen. It is customary to hold beauty contests on September 9th.

Don't forget to send to your colleagues, friends and family Congratulations on Beauty Day in poetry or prose for the international holiday, which is celebrated annually on September 9.
