The desire of women to improve their own appearance is due to the desire to please men. Starting from childhood, a girl sees the standard of beauty: a thin, fit, flawless Barbie doll. But there are people in the world who have become victims of such an exaggerated idea of ​​the ideal of beauty. These girls remove ribs, enlarge their breasts, and apply kilograms of makeup to their faces every day. We present to your attention 10 people who made themselves into living dolls.
Valeria Lukyanova

Valeria became famous due to her resemblance to the Barbie doll. In order to look more like a doll, Valeria uses contact lenses and specific makeup. The girl admits that she had surgery to enlarge her breasts by two sizes, but denies that she changed her appearance by processing it in Photoshop. Valeria gained fame all over the world by publishing videos about her life.

Venus Angelic

The girl lived in Japan for 2 years, which left a visible imprint on her. Angelik has a very interesting voice and accent, and can also speak five languages. She is known to YouTube users for her videos where she shares secrets and gives tips on applying makeup. Angelik claims that a doll's appearance is not a gift of fate, but big job above oneself.

Dakota Rose

American Dakota blew up the Japanese Internet. This girl has the appearance of a typical Japanese doll. Using the nickname Kotakoti, she is active on social networks. Many tried to convict Dakota of using Photoshop when processing photos, but they could not prove it. Japanese and Chinese teenagers listen to tips on applying makeup and have a hard time believing that a living doll actually exists.

Alina Kovalevskaya

Another living doll lives in Odessa. Alina does not strive to bring her body proportions closer to those of Barbie, but she pays a lot of attention to her face and hair. The girl is studying to become a psychologist and loves active recreation and travel. Previously, she was friends with Valeria Lukyanova (another living doll), but their paths diverged.

Anastasia Shpagina

Anastasia is known to her fans under the name Fairy of Flowers. She often does outdoor photo shoots, claiming to hear the voices of trees and animals. The girl spends at least two hours on makeup every day. Anastasia constantly follows a special diet to keep her figure slim. She dreams of having several plastic surgeries: eye enlargement, nose correction and waist reduction.

Olga Oleynik

Fans of this girl consider her to be an alien from another planet. Her external data, corrected by plastic surgery and makeup, really makes you think that Olga is an alien. The girl herself is engaged in esotericism, is an artist and fashion designer.

Wang Jagong

Wang studies and lives in China. After adding her photos to the network, she gained worldwide fame. Wang's cute appearance has made her the darling of the Chinese internet. The tandem of huge children's eyes and not childishly revealing neckline in the photo is her own way of achieving fame.

Angelica Kenova

Angelica was born into a very wealthy family and was spoiled by her parents from childhood. She claims that it was the overabundance of clothes and toys that aroused her interest in changing her appearance. Angelica is known throughout the world as the Russian Barbie doll. According to her, the girl is leading glamorous look life, prefers pink in clothes and has no problems.

Vanilla Chamu

The Japanese model spent about $102,000 on plastic surgery services. Her desire to change her racial identity and achieve appearance, similar to a porcelain doll, led to colossal changes in the girl. Vanilla's ideal is French dolls, and the girl said that she will not stop before becoming a copy of this toy.


Mestizo Alodia was born in the Philippines. She became famous for her love of dressing up as characters from computer games or animated films. The girl combines a lot of talents: she is a model, an actress, a singer, and a TV presenter. She claims that she has never had plastic surgery, but uses only makeup and her imagination to create her costumes.

Bonus: Justin Jedlica

Not only ladies strive to change their appearance beyond recognition. American Justin Jedlica spent more than $150,000 to become a copy of the world famous toy, the husband of the Barbie doll. Justin has undergone 100 plastic surgeries, including breast augmentation. Now he proudly compares himself to Ken, showing off his new suits to the public.

As little girls, these beauties first played with dolls and then grew up to become dolls themselves, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, months of effort and dozens of plastic surgeries. Living Barbies of our time. Meet me.

Valeria Lukyanova

With a height of 172 cm, Valeria weighs 46 kg and has model parameters - 88−50−88. The girl claims that she is not yet 25 years old, likes to call herself a goddess, hinting at extraterrestrial origin, and categorically denies any participation of plastic surgeons in transforming her appearance. She only admits that she enlarged her breasts to make her figure more harmonious.

However, if you look at the photographs of Valeria before and after turning into a living Barbie, doubt creeps in that her appearance is the merit of nature alone. Surgeons believe that Lukyanova not only enlarged her breasts, but also removed ribs, had a nose job, eyelid surgery, lip augmentation, corrected the shape of her cheekbones, and also underwent liposuction. Internet users were not too lazy to find old photos of Valeria and compare them with the current ones.

Valeria herself explains her transformation as the result of spiritual practices, genetic factors, proper nutrition and hard work in the gym. The Barbie girl adheres to the child-free ideology and says that she is not created for motherhood. In one of the interviews, Valeria stated that family values It’s not at all important to her. However, she married the owner of a large construction company. Internet users suggest that it was her husband who helped Lukyanova realize her dream of a doll-like appearance.

In conversations with journalists, Valeria likes to focus on her spiritual qualities, talents and cosmic origins. The doll girl generally loves to talk about mysticism, metaphysics and past lives. He says that a person is not just a pile of meat and bones, but a spiritual substance that should strive to become a Superbeing. Valeria even opened an esoteric school called the “Temple of Infinite Unity,” in which she teaches people supernatural abilities and helps open the third eye.

Despite discussions about the importance of internal freedom, Lukyanova earns her living mainly by modeling and participating in various photo shoots and events. Thanks to her doll-like appearance and ambiguous outlook on life, the girl has a lot of both fans and haters. on her VKontakte page 440 thousand people subscribed to Instagram account- more than 130 thousand.

Hannah Gregory

22-year-old Sheffield University student Hannah Gregory has the proportions of a Barbie doll, a 55cm waist, enlarges her eyes with contact lenses and does not leave the house without makeup and outfits that match the doll's image. Hannah claims that she has not had plastic surgery and does not hide photos taken before she became an Instagram star.

According to Hannah, as a child she was very shy child, and this timidity prevented her from keeping up with the times and dressing the way she wanted. Because of this, she suffered from self-doubt and felt unattractive. Already at the Institute, her classmates began to notice her resemblance to Barbie, which prompted the girl to become the living embodiment of the doll.

Now Hannah spends up to three hours a day creating an image: applying makeup, choosing clothes and putting on huge lenses that imitate an empty doll's gaze. The girl does not go out in simple clothes, claiming that behind the Barbie image it is easier for her to hide from people. “I have a lot of complexes, so it seems to me that no one needs the real me. When others see me as a doll, no one is interested in what I really am and it’s easier for me to communicate with the world,” Hannah once admitted in an interview.

Unusual appearance, figure with a thin waist, bright makeup and pink outfits made Hannah Instagram star, more than 40 thousand people subscribed to her page, who proclaimed the girl “British Barbie.” The girl herself admits that she is upset that guys perceive her only as a doll and do not try to learn about her inner beauty. But nevertheless, she is not going to change her style and believes that she will definitely meet a guy who will love her just like that.

Vanilla Chamu

Japanese model Vanilla Chamu is the champion of our list of “living dolls”; a radical change in her appearance can be seen with the naked eye. According to some reports, the Japanese woman spent 10 million yen on plastic surgery services - that's about 102 thousand dollars. Over the course of several years, the girl underwent more than 30 operations, trying to achieve the appearance of a French doll.

The famous French dolls were made from “bisque” porcelain, which gave their faces noble pallor, sophistication and elegance. Lush hairstyles, large languid eyes and thin eyebrows combined with fashionable outfits attracted the attention of children and even adults. Real porcelain French dolls are now valued at thousands of dollars on the antiques market and are a source of pride for collectors.

To become such a doll, Vanilla Chamu radically changed her appearance through plastic surgery. The girl underwent double eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, liposuction, eyelash implantation, facial reshaping to create dimples, breast enlargement, and skin lightening.

The girl hides her real age. It is only known that if at the age of 17 Vanilla looked like an average Japanese woman: dark skin, black hair and traditional eye shape, then already at the age of 19 she appeared to the world as a red-haired beauty with fair skin, wide eyes and an absolutely European appearance.

In her native Japan, Vanilla is a celebrity - the girl is often invited to television shows, where she talks about the reasons for the transformation of her appearance, answers questions from viewers and shares secrets. Vanilla Chamu also shoots for fashion magazines and periodically participates in concerts as a singer.

Angelica Kenova

Angelica, a native of Kurgan, moved to Moscow several years ago. The girl does not like to talk about her family; we only know that her mother is a doctor, and her father is the owner of his own business. It was her parents who played a significant role in turning Angelica into “Russian Barbie,” as the blonde herself calls herself.

“I didn’t choose this doll image myself, my parents did it. Mom started buying me collectible dolls Barbie started dressing me like one of them when I was six years old. My mother was also very beautiful, in her youth she looked like Brigitte Bardot,” says Angelica.

According to Angelica, in adolescence her parents hired a personal trainer for her, who helped the girl achieve ideal parameters. The result is obvious: Angelica has a figure that any model would envy - an amazingly thin waist, long slender legs, large elastic breasts. Angelica still enthusiastically trains in the gym - five times a week for 2-3 hours. Likes to be photographed, leads popular Instagram and communicates with fans on VKontakte page. By the way, the girl claims that she is against plastic surgery and is sure that beautiful body you need to create it yourself.

Despite the impressive appearance, young man Angelica still doesn't have one. The girl complains that her parents forbid her to communicate with men and control her daughter’s every move. She goes on dates with her mother, clothes that emphasize the dignity of her figure are chosen by Angelica, who is also her mother, as well as decides all other issues for her.

“My parents raised me like a princess and didn’t allow me to go out alone, date boys or act like other girls my age. As a result, I'm not fit for real life“I’m like a living doll,” admitted Anzhelika Kenova in an interview.

Julia Vince

“Barbie with the body of a Hulk” - fans around the world nicknamed the girl. What made the Russian woman famous was her unusual combination of an angelic, doll-like face and a muscular, athletic body. Yulia became interested in powerlifting back in school and says that she wanted to become more self-confident. And she quickly achieved impressive results: with a height of 165 centimeters, she increased her weight from 48 kilograms to 65 due to muscle mass. The volume of her biceps is 40.5 centimeters; in a squat, Yulia holds 200 kg, lifts 115 kg, and deadlifts 190 kg. The girl also repeatedly became a powerlifting champion both in Russia and abroad.

Julia started an Instagram page to share the story of her sporting achievements with the world and, of course, post new photos from the gym. But after foreign media learned about Julia, the girl became a real celebrity. Now on her Instagram account Almost half a million people have signed up.

Julia willingly shares her secrets of success. He says that in addition to working out in the gym, nutrition plays a big role. Previously, the girl ate 2-3 times a day, which is why she had no visible results for a long time. Changes for the better became noticeable when the athlete increased the number of meals and began to eat better. Now her standard diet includes chicken breast, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, buckwheat, rice, vegetables, fruits and special sports nutrition.

Thanks to her increased popularity, Julia found new friends, but also acquired haters and envious people. But the girl treats attacks against her with humor, you know, she lifts weights together with her boyfriend Sergei, denies any use of steroids, and recently opened her own fitness center, where she works as a trainer.


Dakota Rose

Dakota Rose is the girl who runs the blog KotaKoti and looks exactly like a Barbie doll. Her uncanny resemblance to Barbie made her very popular in Japan and China, where she was featured on several news channels. Having a large number of fans, Dakota says she dresses the same as always and doesn't mind when people look at her with a smile.


Venus Palermo

At the age of 15, Venus Palermo became the doll of her dreams. If you're a fan of this girl or want to look exactly like her, she has a YouTube channel with beauty tutorials in this style. But that's not why she's the star of viral videos, she just looks like a living doll.


Lily Cole

Model and actress Lily Cole is known for her porcelain doll-like appearance. Maybe thanks to this, she achieved considerable success at such a young age.


Lin Ke Tong

Lin Ke Tong was born on September 20, 1988, has a height of 175 cm. She appears mainly in commercials. Very popular due to her doll-like appearance.


Alodia Gosingfio

She has won many times in cosplays. Known not only for her awards, but also for being more attractive than the characters she portrays. She has been participating in cosplay since 2003 and has been a judge of these competitions since she was 18 years old. Alodia shows all newbies how to cosplay correctly!


Wang Jiayun

Chinese student Wang Jiayun has become popular on the Korean Internet because she looks like an inflatable doll. Wang Jiayun's height is 164 cm and she weighs 42 kg. Born in Hong Kong, currently lives in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. Her name is among the most popular search terms on various Korean websites.


Charlotte Hottman

Barbie dolls are usually interesting to little girls. But Charlotte, 24, was so obsessed with her doll collection that she spent £10,000 on plastic surgery to look like Barbie. The girl had her nose fixed, her lips enlarged with collagen and repainted blonde hair, so that she turns into a living Barbie. And she spent the remaining money on clothes to complete the doll's image.



The member of the Korean girl pop group “Girls Generation” impresses with her doll-like beauty. Recently, a photo of Jessica on the set of a photo shoot for a magazine was uploaded to the online community. Jessica truly looks like a doll, with a perfect profile and shoulder-length hair.


Valeria Lukyanova

In second place as the most doll-like girls is a popular Ukrainian woman who has undergone a series of plastic surgeries in order to resemble the world-famous Barbie doll. In 2012, Valeria gained worldwide popularity after she was featured in Jezebel magazine.


Angelica Kenova

Angelika Kenova, or “Russian Barbie,” dispels doubts that it is impossible for a living girl to look like a doll. She rightfully ranks first in our ranking “ Girls who look like dolls «.

With parameters 87-54-87, Angelica is the living embodiment of the popular Barbie doll. Surprisingly, there is very little information about Angelica - everything that is known about her is collected bit by bit from various laconic sources.

And it is very possible that Angelica Kenova took such a pseudonym for herself, because her surname and image are very compatible (“Kenova” - that is, Ken’s friend). Or is this a coincidence?


Please express all your thoughts, preferences and wishes, as well as outrage and desires, in the comments at the bottom of the article. Thank you for your attention.

In March 1959, the Barbie doll made its first appearance at the New York Toy Fair. 57 years have passed since then, and the popularity of the plastic lady has only increased every year.

All Barbies are German by origin. In the early 1950s, a Lily doll appeared in German tobacco shops, created by a cartoonist based on a popular comic strip for adults. Ruth Handler saw it in a kiosk in Switzerland. Then she bought three “Lilies” at once and remade the doll into a version acceptable for children. Before going on sale, Lily received a new name - Barbie.

Barbie is the favorite toy of millions of girls. True, sometimes it happens that girls grow up, and their love for dolls grows stronger. Then grown girls create Barbie themselves, only from themselves.

Valeria Lukyanova

Among Russian-speaking girls, Valeria is probably the most famous “living Barbie”. Wasp waist, long slender legs and wide open Blue eyes- the girl really looks exactly like a doll. According to Lukyanova, plastic surgeons participated in the creation of her image only once - with their help, Valeria enlarged her breasts.

Cindy Jackson
This woman is the very first “living Barbie”. Now Cindy is 59 years old, of which 25 years she has been compared to a doll. According to Jackson herself, she did not at all strive to become the embodiment of an “old-fashioned toy,” but over time, after a series of operations (of which the woman had more than 50), journalists decided that Cindy looked exactly like Barbie.

This is how Cindy looked before numerous surgeries.

The woman spent more than 100 thousand dollars on plastic surgery. All the money is part of the inheritance Jackson received from her father.

Angelica Kenova
Despite such a telling surname, Angelica does all the manipulations with her appearance not at all in order to find her “Ken”. She stubbornly denies any surgical intervention and assures that the resemblance to the doll is a lucky coincidence and a gift from nature.

Anastasia Shpagina
Anastasia herself does not consider herself Barbie. The girl is sure that she is a fairy and brings light and goodness to the world. It doesn't seem to be collecting nectar yet. When looking at Anastasia, the first thing you notice is her huge eyes. Now Shpagina is 22 years old; the girl has been wearing similar makeup since she was 15 years old.

Karina Barbie and her mother

Living Barbie from Karaganda, who has long settled in Moscow. The girl herself really looks like a doll. Recently, her mother began to support Karina not only in words: the woman also dressed in pink clothes and became a blonde. Frankly speaking, Karina bears little resemblance to the real Barbie, but the girl considers herself ideal.

The biography of Valeria Lukyanova before creating the image of “Barbie” is full of gaps. In her youth, the girl was interested in various subcultures, had a lot bad habits and did not strive to gain good knowledge.

Later, she became interested in esotericism, wrote poetry, traveled and participated in beauty contests, becoming “Miss Diamond Crown of Ukraine.”

After working on her appearance, popularity came quickly, and the girl was already invited to federal channels. But after declaring her extraterrestrial origin, the blonde stopped communicating with the press personally and banned photography.

But some photos of Valeria Lukyanova still leak onto the Internet and raise a lot of questions among users about the naturalness of beauty. It’s hard to believe the words of the Odessa “Barbie” that she had only one operation to enlarge her breasts: “I am presented as a doll who achieved this appearance thanks to plastic surgery.”

The girl calls the rest the result of spiritual practices, genetic factors and hard work on herself. Lera Lukyanova looked attractive and beautiful before the operation, but after plastic surgery and an obsession with the Barbie image, not only the size of Amatue’s breasts (Lukyanova’s nickname) changed, but also her waist size.

The girl says that she got her “wasp” waist in the gym and with proper nutrition.

In one of her interviews, “Barbie” stated that family values ​​are not the main thing. This did not stop her from becoming the wife of the owner of a large construction company. Internet users suggest that it was her husband who helped Lukyanova realize her dream of an ideal appearance.

Valeria Lukyanova after surgery

Ukrainian “Barbie” does not deny mammoplasty - breast correction. She increased her breasts two sizes to achieve the look she wanted. In one of social networks The Internet star regrets not having had her breasts enlarged even more. The girl justifies mammoplasty very simply: with the help of the operation she wanted to balance her body: “In an effort to balance my hips and emphasize my waist, I made my breast size somewhat larger.”

Valeria Lukyanova looks completely different before and after the proposed surgical intervention. Changes are noticeable in the girl’s facial features and figure.

Plastic surgeons are sure that Amatue, in addition to breast enlargement, performed rhinoplasty and Botox injections. IN childhood Lera’s nose had a small hump, which completely disappeared in later photos of the Internet star.

A frozen “mask” on the face and lack of facial expressions may indicate numerous Botox injections. Amatue believes that all means are good to match the doll's parameters. There is an opinion that Valeria Lukyanova had surgery to change the shape of her eyes, the shape of her cheekbones and eyelids. The star categorically denies all journalists' assumptions about plastic surgery and focuses on spiritual qualities, talents and extraterrestrial origin.

I am presented as a doll who achieved this appearance through plastic surgery.

Valeria Lukyanova before and after operations: assessment of appearance

Some experts, when viewing photos of Valeria Lukyanova before and after, have no doubt that she used the services of plastic surgeons. Before plastic surgery, Valeria Lukyanova did not have model appearance, and after surgery and numerous experiments she turned into a “living doll.” Along with her popularity, Lera became the owner of an unnaturally thin waist, a straight nose and too large eyes.

Others believe that the effect of a doll's appearance is achieved by skillful makeup and the use of photo editors. On the beach or on television, in his video blog or on the streets of his hometown - everywhere Amatue appears with spectacular makeup. She willingly shares with fans the secrets of applying tone and gives recommendations on choosing cosmetics.

Valeria speaks negatively about plastic surgery and tries to attract attention with her hobbies and diets. The girl doesn't like being compared to Barbie, but everyone possible ways tries to improve her doll-like appearance. Even some of Amatue's outfits are similar to those of the popular toy.

There is no doubt about mammoplasty and correction of the shape of the nose, but the rest of Valeria Lukyanova’s plastic surgeries still remain a question mark.

Valeria Lukyanova looks different before and after plastic surgery. People have ambivalent perceptions of the girl’s thoughtful image, admiring it or calling it madness.