Luck, joy without end
Today and always I wish you!
Let everything you undertake
Will turn dreams into reality.
A bright smile shines...
The warmth will melt hearts!
And the main thing is that every moment
There was a rush of love inside!

May the coming day bring with it
Success, luck, joy and love!
May it be deep and filled with meaning,
And positive thoughts only come to mind.

Everything that was planned for today
So that it will certainly happen by evening.
When the page falls off the calendar,
To make it clear - the day will not be lived in vain!

Have a wonderful day and good news,
Pleasant smiles from good friends,
I wish you now with warmth
And may all good things be with you.

May all things work out today,
And may the sun shine on you today.
Let all the long-standing losses be found,
And may order reign on your planet.

Don't have to strain yourself too much,
Solving all problems and tasks,
Let in the difficult rhythm of the day, as if in a dance,
You, smiling, spin with luck!

May this day be happy
Will give peace, love, warmth,
And may Fortune not get tired
Make you lucky again

And everything worked out wonderfully,
In any case, success awaits,
And happiness opened like a rose,
The one that is fresh and brightest!

May happiness remain your companion forever,
May your loved one always be by your side.

A new day comes again
Somewhere the nightingales are singing again,
And you shouldn’t stand still,
Breathe deeply and live,
Don't waste wonderful days
Start living without swearing at fate,
Well, me, my dears,
I wish you a good day.

Smile when there are clouds in the sky.
Smile when there is bad weather in your soul.
Smile and you will immediately feel better...
Smile, because you are someone’s happiness...

Life is beautiful, that's for sure
I'm telling you, friends!
Stand firmly on your feet,
Even if she’s not cute!
Don't hold a grudge
On friends and enemies!
There will be more positivity
And without any big words!

Let everything in your life be commensurate!
Let your happiness not pass by!
May your home be spared all adversity!
And joy does not depend on the weather!

Best positive wishes for every day

I wish you a lot of luck today,
And let the day go as you dream!
I wish you luck in everything,
And let any trouble be nothing!

Let the day start with kindness!
Not from the bustle, not from the toil,
Let there be more warmth!
Let the day start with beauty!
May your day be filled with things to do!
Will arrive with new friends!
And it is important to be yourself!
After all, tomorrow will be another day!!!

Let it be a successful day
It will awaken bright thoughts!
Let luck smile
The golden fish will fill itself with goldfish
And he will do what is needed.
Let boredom and sadness go away together,
Without spoiling the mood
Not for a moment on this day!
Have a good day and sunshine -
In the heart, in the sky and in the window!

Thank you for adding to:

Let there be a road without potholes in the interior of the car of your dreams. Nearby are those who deserve a lot, and far away are those who talk a lot and are of little value.

I wish you a vacation beyond your means and beyond your standards. Live an easy, interesting and beautiful life!

There will be no second life, but we cannot escape this one. I wish you to live it so that you can drink your fill of happiness!

May God grant you only money, health and joy until you grow old!

May you live until your retirement, as in the song: smoothly and in a major key, and all prejudices are nonsense!

I wish you a job you love, a feeling of eternal Saturday, not keeping feelings at a distance and not losing your charm.

May luck rush towards you at full speed, and may your health remain strong. The rest is mercantile nonsense and will not make you happier.

Vacation beyond your budget
Eat caviar, not biscuits!
Let the champagne flow
Foam decorates your mouth!
Smile, the day has come
When the world is at your feet!

Be more active, don't yawn,
Explore the huge world!
Whatever you want, get it
It's like being in heaven!
Without hiding happy eyes
Celebrate the holiday now!

Live with dignity and beauty,
Bloom in smiles every hour!
Let everything go well,
Fate will triple the good!

Cool wishes
I won’t go into detail for too long:
Let all your torment
They will stop tormenting you!

Let your face be smiling
And a plump wallet.
Breathing will be labored
Alone with love...

Dreams are supposed to come true
And I want to tell you -
There's no reason to give up on fate
Not in a year, not in five!

Capture pleasant moments
Every minute on earth...
Bloom like a flower from compliments,
What they sincerely give to you!

They are not tediously long
There are pleasures in this life!
I will not go the roundabout way,
And I will say with all my love:

Let there be no delay
In order for everything to come true,
What do you cherish in your dreams?
And what the heart secretly awaits!

How cool is your holiday?
Let it not be red on the calendar...
But briefly with all my heart

I wish I was okay!
To be able to do everything, to do everything -
And in response to “to” give!

Love and appreciate every moment on earth
And never forget about yourself!!!
Inhale full breasts, live this day,
Let it be cozy and joyful in it!

I'll say it more pleasantly and briefly,
Than thousands of lengthy phrases:
Do what you want, be who you want,
Don't hide your happy eyes!

I wish I had a huge wallet
And spending banknotes is easy and pleasant!
Don't think about the sad and inexplicable,
Mutual love, hot and beautiful!

Live every day in nirvana,
Let every moment warm your soul!
Swim in champagne, eat oysters, caviar,
Know how to turn all your problems into a game!
I don’t know the limit to my wishes...
Well, in general, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

* * *

I wish you don’t yawn from boredom,
Drive away your anxiety and fatigue!
Let there be no further reasons
Get upset in the most beautiful everyday life!

Love yourself not only for your merits,
Do not offer your services to your enemies...
Appreciate the friends who are few in life...
Be with those whom your heart has tested.

We wish neither less nor more -
So that the road goes smoothly
May you live simply wonderfully
And the work was like a song.

I wish you happiness and goodness,
May life be as bright as day!

May a star shine for you,
And it will never go out!

May successes in business multiply
And life, like a song, will work out!

I wish you happiness and warmth,
Good and kind friends,
Great hopes, drunken feasts,
Have a nice meeting and kind words.

I wish you sunshine in your soul
And the sky is soft blue,
Love and joy to you,
And the most earthly happiness.

We want there to be a sea of ​​happiness,
The smile was pleasing to the eye,
So that happiness is endless,
Health is as strong as a diamond!

Short good wishes in verse

Great luck in everything,
Fun, happiness, beauty!
And may always, without exception,
Dreams come true!

Let a beautiful and bright dream,
Like an airy moth, it strives upward,
Inspiration and happiness always await!
Like today, your whole life will be joyful!

Live with dignity and beauty,
Bloom in smiles every hour!
Let everything go well,
Fate will triple the good!

I'll say it more pleasantly and briefly,
Than thousands of lengthy phrases:
Do what you want, be who you want,
Don't hide your happy eyes!

We wish you very much
May your path be easy
So that you smile at us more often
And she always remained close!

We would like to wish you good luck,
Success in life, bright things to do,
So that you smile - not otherwise
We welcomed every new day!

We wish you joy in life,
In deeds - wisdom,
In friends - loyalty,
And in the heart - youth.

Short good wishes are the most beautiful

May your whole life be bright holiday!
Dream, smile, enjoy every moment!

May luck rush towards you at full speed, and may your health remain strong. The rest is mercantile nonsense and will not make you happier.

I wish you have everything, always and on time! Enjoy every moment that life gives! And the enormous possibilities of everything... and in everything.

I wish that today all your plans, hopes and desires become reality! Luck will follow you unquestioningly, because you are a real lucky one! I believe that you will be able to achieve your goal without any problems, and another one will be added to your collection of victories!

I wish you a sea of ​​goodness, an ocean of good luck, and a whole mountain of happiness! Let your money never run out, your health never decrease, and your mood always be festive. May fate sincerely love you, and may all the good things in your life grow day by day!

Short good wishes in prose

Christ is Risen! This is how before the Ascension we greet each other instead of hello)) The Lord is still with us on earth and we still celebrate Easter. Happy Holidays to you girls and all your family!
I haven’t been back since Christmas, I don’t have enough time, but I have a conscience, I remember my debts. Therefore, I’ll start publishing posts, I don’t want to cram everything into one post. I will try to keep the gaps between posts small, if not every day, then at least every couple of days.

I'm in order) At the beginning of December, I also won a wonderful openwork napkin from Sasha from the Handmade Box. She's truly beautiful!

It’s probably not fashionable these days to use napkins for their intended purpose - to decorate the house. Many people now keep this beauty for photo shoots or sew it on pillows. But I’m not fashionable)) I like it when this beauty lies on my dresser. I also have my mother’s napkins and now this one from Sasha. And it deservedly lay in front of my icons for a long time, then it was replaced with a friend...

Gallery of alterations. Let's put ideas together.

Every needlewoman has things in stock that need to be remade. They lie and wait for their turn, when the hostess’s inspiration will reach them.
So I had the remains of various fabrics lying around. And in the kitchen there was a curtain from the previous owners of the apartment. And I couldn’t find the curtain I wanted to hang instead of the old one.

And here comes spring! I want sun, lightness, fresh warm wind and delicate colors!

And since I’m sitting at home with my daughter on sick leave, a lot of household chores are being redone, everything is washed, cleaned, and my hands finally got around to the kitchen curtains. There’s only one problem - you can’t go shopping from home with a child with a broken arm and look for a curtain.)))

Where did ours not disappear)) I took out various leftovers, cut it, shredded it and voila!
My spring curtain!

Sewn from a piece cut from the length of another curtain (with a pattern), a piece left over from my mother’s tablecloth that I sewed for her (green), a piece cut off from another curtain to shorten it (white without a pattern), a piece left over from Eva’s board...