There are so many different treatments and so many hair types. What to choose for your hair to get maximum quality at the best price?

What salon treatments to choose for healthy hair?

Your internal state and the factors surrounding you all the time have a significant impact on the external condition of your hair, and its growth and volume from roots to ends. Any drastic change in your life causes stress, taking away your happiness and showing it in your hair. But you cause just as much damage to your hair with your own hands. Constant exposure to chemicals from cosmetics, insufficient care, improper use of care products, poor diet choices, smoking and alcohol destroy the appearance of curls. Curls lose their silkiness, softness, airiness, shine and strength, and begin to split and fall out. Noticing that something is wrong with their once magnificent hair, the fair sex, clutching their heads, rush to the nearest store or pharmacy for medicinal creams, tinctures, masks and shampoos, which supposedly guarantee a 100% guarantee that your hair will return to its former appearance. And this is partly true, but having neglected the situation as much as possible, treatment at home will not be able to help you in any way.

The only thing that remains in this case is to contact a professional spa salon with specialists familiar with all the features and specifics of hair care. Today there is a huge range of a wide variety of services aimed at restoring the health and beauty of your curls. The most effective are the drugs that give curls long-lasting effects and protection. Most likely, you will not know anything specific about most of the services offered by specialists. In order not to get confused among the numerous incomprehensible “hairy” terms, we will analyze in detail the best, useful and well-known procedures with all their disadvantages and advantages.

Making your hair look more attractive

If the name of the procedure you like is too abstruse, this does not mean that it will provide benefits and treatment to the hair for root growth and volume. Some of them can only temporarily give the required appearance. But there is no need to completely abandon them, since in the process the hair is covered with a protective layer that helps against harmful external influences.


Salon hair treatments are just happiness! Hair salon lovers associate this, first of all, with lamination, which occupies a leading position in all indicators. The point is to cover the hair with a composition that is a protective film. Some women think that this process has healing effects, but this is far from true. After this, the hair increases in size and straightening occurs. There is no static electricity between the hairs, so the hair does not stick together or intertwine with each other. The hairstyle becomes more manageable, the care, styling and combing process is easier.

The most effective hair product, according to our readers, is the unique Hair MegaSpray; world-famous trichologists and scientists had a hand in its creation. The natural vitamin formula of the spray allows it to be used for all hair types. The product is certified. Beware of fakes. Hairdressers' opinion.. "

Biolamination is also popular. The whole process remains unchanged, except that the composition used contains biologically active substances that restore the cuticles of curls. The best prices start from one and a half thousand rubles.

The positive points include:

  1. Fast and convenient;
  2. A shine is acquired that keeps the hair color brighter;
  3. Protection from all kinds of external influences.

The negative ones include:

  1. Fragility;
  2. There is no effect of recovery and treatment;
  3. Contraindicated for weak, brittle hairs.


No, your hair will not be glazed. An “edible”, at first glance, operation with hair consists of saturating it with ceramides - the constituent elements of hairs. This is a kind of healing and polishing process. This manipulation makes the hair much more manageable and shiny. There is full glazing or partial, when ceramides are applied only to the roots. The effect usually lasts up to six weeks. If you wash your hair excessively, the effect will be even less. In terms of time – still the same hour and a half. The lower limit of the cost at the spa is one thousand two hundred rubles.

  1. If the glaze has color, you can change the tone of the hair;
  2. Some increase in hair volume. (Boost up).
  1. The effect wears off very quickly;
  2. There is no benefit as such. Procedures with partial therapeutic effect.

In an area such as fashion, you can combine business with pleasure and give not only the coveted effect of beauty, but also have a healing effect on the hair. Such operations will not give a big boost, but it will be enough to tidy up damaged or split ends.

Molecular gloss

The same procedure aimed not only at obtaining shine and beauty, but also at significantly strengthening and smoothing the hair structure. The product used is based on natural oils and medications. Under the influence of temperature, the drug molecules begin to react with the hair along its entire length, restoring damaged areas. The result is given on average for four weeks, sometimes a little more. The maximum duration of stay in the spa is about two hours. The minimum price is one and a half thousand rubles.

Why you should try:

  1. Silky, shiny curls.
    2. Therapeutic therapy, where the strands are strengthened and straightened.
    3. Counteracts hair loss and baldness.

And why not:

  1. Completely incompatible with coloring cosmetics.


The focus of this service is comprehensive hydration and nutrition of curls, necessary for complete hair care. The product is rubbed into the roots, forming a protective film of gloss. There are two types: transparent and colored. If we are talking about colored hair, then it does not dye the strands, but makes the color more expressive and brighter. The cost starts from one and a half thousand rubles. The effect will begin to disappear after a month.

This method will add volume to your hair (boost up), thickening each hair individually. Very popular steamed with lamination.

What's good:

  1. Strong, well-groomed curls in a short period of time.

What's bad:

  1. The effect is quickly lost;
  2. The price is steep.

We provide hair with a full healing effect

Usually, such measures go into battle only after consulting a doctor - a specialist in scalp problems, and even then only after a professional examination. For the correct treatment effect, you need to choose the right direction and composition of medications. Do not do this at home, otherwise you may harm your precious hair.

Few people know it under such a terrible name. Better known as mesotherapy. In fact, this is nothing more than a vitamin cocktail filled to capacity with all kinds of microelements, amino acids and vitamins - a real happiness for lovers of all sorts of useful things. The goal of this “hair” treatment is to normalize the glands responsible for the secretion of sebum (sebum), strengthen curls, accelerate root growth and increase hair volume (boost up). The process is very specific and not particularly pleasant.

One such procedure will cost the client at least one thousand two hundred rubles. According to statistics, at least four procedures are needed to see a visible result in improving the quality of hair. Not recommended at home.

  1. Very long lasting effect thanks to complex treatment;
  2. Treats even the most advanced cases where nothing else has helped.
  1. The process is very unpleasant, causing pain and discomfort;
  2. Repeated procedures are required, which increases the cost of treatment.


The technique of keratin saturation and hair restoration occupies a strong position among clients of spa salons. Hair is composed of an essential amino acid - keratin. The meaning of such manipulation is simple. Saturation of the keratin coating of hair with much-needed protein. Keratin is not only a structural element in the structure of hair, but also nails and teeth. Healing keratin oil is applied to the curls, creating a protective film of proteins.

After keratin intervention, the cuticles are straightened and smoothed, causing the curls to literally glow with a bright shine of health, giving happiness to its owner.

This treatment will take you a little over an hour and a half. The money is about two thousand rubles.


  1. Fast and efficient;
  2. Therapeutic and restorative effect;
  3. Long-lasting results last up to three months.


  1. High price

Olaplex drug

Olaplex was invented in the USA to create a means of protecting and restoring hair from endless curling and coloring, as well as to provide maximum care. At first, the product was very expensive and was available only to the elite of society. Soon, having refined the formula, it was possible to significantly reduce its cost. This is how Olaplex was born. After the invention, numerous tests were carried out. Olaplex has always performed perfectly. No matter straightening or curling, it was perfectly combined with polishing cosmetics and boost up technology.

In our country, Olaplex is just gaining popularity in spas. The line consists of two products. The first one is Bon Multiplier #1. Pre-added to the dye before application, it restores the structure of curls at the molecular level, increasing the rate of hair growth and, providing proper care and nutrition, giving strands natural happiness.

The second product in the Olaplex line is Bond Perfector. Used to preserve and fix color.

It should not be confused with conditioner and mask. Olaplex is applied after dye to create fixation and drying of strands.

First of all, Olaplex products are suitable for blondes and ladies who decide to change their color from dark to light. If the products are simply washed off, the hair will suffer irreparable damage. After this, your hair needs care, treatment and a thorough haircut. The Olaplex system is a buffer zone between hair and dye. Therefore, the curls receive such protection, and the structure remains unchanged during the dyeing and polishing procedure. After using Olaplex, you and your hair will feel happy and you will forever forget what hair care is.

Botox and everything connected with it

Recently, many girls want to get Botox for their hair. Botox is a beauty product consisting of proteins, amino acids, and vitamins. The developers claim that this Botox is capable of restoring the most unkempt hair. The molecules that make up Botox penetrate deep into the hair, sealing the structure from the inside, preventing beneficial substances from leaving the curls. Botox is actively used by spas around the world. Botox is a new technology, so it is not recommended to try it at home.

The average price for Botox is about four thousand rubles per procedure. It is not recommended to use the procedure frequently.

Botox has the following benefits:

  1. The hair becomes silky, acquiring a characteristic shine, as if the hair had just been polished.
    2. Hair restores lost health, leaving microelements and substances inside.
    3. Botox has a long-lasting effect of up to six months.
    4. Hair thickness increases.

Botox has almost no contraindications; there is only one condition - do not do it for wounds and diseases of the skin.

What is Boost up for hair?

Boost up is extremely popular among girls in spa salons, giving happiness to those who have tried it. This is a root curling technique that increases the volume of curls without affecting the top strands. The curl itself is invisible, the hair remains straightened, while the volume increases noticeably. The boost-up effect lasts up to six months. It is not recommended to use the boost up method if you have short hair, as it is unknown what may come of it. Also, you should not do a boost up at home; this requires special tools and training. The volume will last even if you use styling products. Thanks to this, you don't have to worry about your hair getting wet due to rain.

Japanese giant Honma Tokyo

One of the most famous representatives of cosmetic companies distributing keratin cosmetics is Honma Tokyo. Professional cosmetics from Honma Tokyo combine innovation and new technologies for root growth and volume. The Japanese brand is focused on straightening, smoothing and restoring damaged hair, bringing happiness to all owners of Honma Tokyo products. With Japanese cosmetics, you can take care of your hair yourself without resorting to spa services. Honma Tokyo products help women around the world reach the peak of their beauty, increasing it significantly. Honma Tokyo cosmetics have a wide range of applications, use them for polishing, straightening, boost up volume growth technology.

This list does not contain all procedures known in cosmetology. However, for an initial level and orientation in complex definitions and terms, it will be more than enough. Do not forget that it is not enough to go to the spa once to maintain the result; after that, you need to constantly maintain hair care through the use of all kinds of medicinal products, oils and masks, using new methods of achieving beauty.

This is the only way your hair will retain its length and beauty for a long time, delighting those around you and giving happiness.

Hair beauty

Healthy, strong, beautiful hair is the dream of every woman. Modern technologies offer increasingly effective and advanced methods. Our specialists use the most modern and effective restoration systems. Our salon employees are constantly improving their knowledge and skills. We work with proven and high-quality drugs. After assessing the hair condition, the specialist will recommend the best hair treatment option to obtain maximum results.

Absolute happiness for Lebel hair

LebelInfinityAurumSalonCare It is produced using modern technologies and from natural ingredients given to us by nature itself. The program includes a complex of 11 tools, each of which is aimed at solving the main problem:

  • Mousse to moisturize curls and scalp;
  • Protein-based hair activator serum;
  • Two intensive curl strengthening creams;
  • Gel that fixes hair;
  • Two concentrated creams to strengthen hair;
  • Four serums, each of which has its own effect.

Natural ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, bamboo extract, proteins and honey will help restore damaged hair and give it incredible strength and shine.

Lebel procedure cost

JOICO K-PAK procedure

The secret is in artificially created keratin molecules, completely identical to the keratin of human hair. They consist of the same 19 amino acids arranged in the same sequence. At the same time, the molecules in the composition of the complex have different weights and, depending on it, are distributed inside the hair, filling all its internal layers.

The lightest molecules restore the deep layers of hair, right down to the central hair shaft - the medulla. The middle ones are responsible for the part that provides the elasticity and strength of the hair; it is in it that all the main processes take place during coloring and chemical styling. Finally, the largest molecules remain in the top layer of the hair - the cuticle (yes, hair has it too!). Some of us have already heard about it - it consists of scales that provide smoothness and shine to the surface of the hair.

The results of this highly scientific approach are maximum hydration, increased elasticity and elimination of frizz.

You can get the much-desired feeling of healthy hair in Beauty Style beauty salons in Moscow.


If you have split ends, damaged hair, you can quickly and effectively solve the problem by undergoing a hair restoration and reconstruction procedure based on JOICO K-PAK cosmetics in Beauty Style beauty salons. The procedure takes very little time (30-40 minutes) and gives excellent results.

A high concentration of a special keratin complex, Quadramine Complex, which is similar in hair structure, ensures complete restoration and reconstruction of hair.

The procedure takes very little time (30-40 minutes) and gives excellent results.

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

The Restoration procedure takes a little time - about 30-40 minutes, depending on the degree of damage to the hair (it perfectly reconstructs and treats split ends, colored, overdried hair).

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

The effect after the procedure is amazing - shiny, sparkling, smooth and voluminous, and most importantly - the feeling of healthy hair. This is the optimal treatment and hair reconstruction for both women and men, the products get rid of all damage and are used to strengthen the hair and hair ends.

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

The Restoration procedure takes a little time - about 30-40 minutes, depending on the degree of damage to the hair (it perfectly reconstructs and treats split ends, dyed, over-dried hair).

Collagen hair restoration Adorn Collagen by Marcia Teixeira

a new word in hair care


    provitamin B5 (D-panthenol),


    quinoa oil

Collagen protects hair from all harmful external influences, retains moisture inside the cells. Therefore, the hair becomes elastic and deeply moisturized.

D-panthenol helps preserve the color and natural shine of the hair, thickens the hair and accumulates inside the hair shaft, so the effect will only intensify with each procedure.

Keratin Adorn Collagen easily penetrates the hair structure, filling empty spaces.

Quinoa oil contains valuable amino acids, vitamin E, lysine, calcium and other minerals. Softens, nourishes, gives elasticity, smoothes.

After restoration, you will no longer need many styling procedures, for example, straightening with an iron, since the hairstyle will already look perfect.

The Adorn Collagen collagen restoration procedure combines the effects of keratinization and collagenation. The main components in the restorative procedure are: collagen, provitamin B5 (D-panthenol), keratin, quinoa oil.

Cost of collagen restoration

The Adorn Collagen collagen restoration procedure combines the effects of keratinization and collagenation.

The main components of the restorative procedure are:


    provitamin B5 (D-panthenol),


    quinoa oil

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

Collagen in a salon treatment, Adorn Collagen helps turn back time. As we age, there is a natural decline in collagen production, andhair becomes fragile and thin.Collagen protects hair from all harmful external influences and retains moisture inside the cells. Therefore, the hair becomes elastic and deeply moisturized.

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

The effect after collagen restoration with Adorn Collagen will last 3-6 months. This variation is explained by the fact that the condition of the hair, as well as living conditions (frequency of washing, styling, air humidity, exposure to the sun) are different for everyone.

The procedure has a cumulative effect, that is, with each subsequent visit to the salon, the result will last longer.

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.



Olaplex - your confidence in the quality of your hair and new endless possibilities in creating ideal images. From a fashion photo shoot to work of any complexity in a beauty salon - realize your ideas, and hair health is guaranteed by Olaplex.

Olaplex formula reconnects and strengthens disulfide bonds, which are responsible for hair's natural strength, elasticity and strength.

The creators of Olaplex invited the world's leading experts - doctors of science in the field of materials science and chemistry. Dr. Eric Pressly and Dr. Craig Hawker had never worked on hair care products. Their experience, knowledge, and most importantly, a completely new perspective on the problems of the industry led to a real discovery.

Olaplex has received several international patents that protect the created formula and confirm its uniqueness.


The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

Speaking about Olaplex, experts highlight a number of important features:

  • The product is patented and has no analogues in the world.
  • Suitable for hair that is naturally dry, bleached or bleached, as well as damaged by chemicals and does not harm it.
  • Undosed use of the drug does not damage the hair, but only increases the duration of lightening or coloring.
  • Combines with different types of dyes (ammonia and non-ammonia), straightening, toning, highlighting and perm products. It can be used in lamination and hair shine procedures.
  • After using Olaplex, it does not accumulate in the hair, and the dye does not wash off longer.
  • Can be used when coloring hair extensions (standard precautions must be taken when treating areas where strands are attached).

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

Speaking about Olaplex, experts highlight a number of important features:

  • The product is patented and has no analogues in the world.
  • Suitable for hair that is naturally dry, bleached or bleached, as well as damaged by chemicals and does not harm it.
  • Undosed use of the drug does not damage the hair, but only increases the duration of lightening or coloring.
  • Combines with different types of dyes (ammonia and non-ammonia), straightening, toning, highlighting and perm products. It can be used in lamination and hair shine procedures.
  • After using Olaplex, it does not accumulate in the hair, and the dye does not wash off longer.
  • Can be used when coloring hair extensions (standard precautions must be taken when treating areas where strands are attached).

Olaplex - your confidence in the quality of your hair and new endless possibilities in creating ideal images. Free from silicones and oils, sulfates and aldehydes. It binds damaged disulfide bonds in the hair structure.

This is an exclusive procedure that is performed only in beauty salons.

. Does not contain formaldehyde

Contains 42% natural keratin;

The procedure allows you to eliminate 95% of frizz and “small demons”;

With proper care, the effect lasts for 3-5 months;

Keratin hair straightening significantly simplifies hair styling, but also helps solve the problem of weakened and damaged hair. The system also promotes rapid hair restoration after highlighting, perm procedures, or being at sea. Your hair will become healthy, manageable and shiny again. The process uses substances based on natural ingredients that do not have a negative effect on the hair. The basis of the keratin complex is protein, keratin and a number of nutrients. In a way, this is a liquid version of hair, since our hair consists of 88% keratin. Keratin molecules are small in size, due to which they penetrate deep into the hair cuticle, improving its structure and providing protection from external negative effects such as smog, UV rays, cigarette smoke, etc.

Cost of keratin treatment

KERATINCOMPLEXsmoothingtherapy - CHOICE OF STYLISTS OF THE WORLD - award for the best hair smoothing procedure 2010. The system promotes rapid hair restoration after highlighting, perm procedures, and stay at sea. Your hair will become healthy, manageable and shiny again. The process uses substances based on natural ingredients that do not have a negative effect on the hair.

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

Today Keratin Complex is the No. 1 hair care system in the world! Conceived by renowned stylist and salon owner Peter Copolla, all Keratin Complex products, including styling products, are based on a formula containing keratin proteins that care for all hair types and literally give it new life.

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

A unique product that has no analogues in quality and efficiency - high-tech "Keratin Hair Straightening" (Natural Keratin Smoothing Treatment) with a deep penetration formula. Due to the saturation of hair with keratin, it removes up to 95% curls, eliminates frizz and porosity.

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

Rejuvenates, revitalizes and heals hair. Gives hair well-groomed, unique smoothness and shine. Suitable for any hair type. Does not destroy disulfide bonds inside the hair. Contains 42% Natural Keratin.

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

Keratin Complex Blow Out Express

EXPRESS BLOW OUT was developed using advanced hair straightening and hair care technologies. The product contains 40% hydrolyzed keratin, collagen and many other components necessary for hair. Keratin Complex Blow Out Express provides hair shine, promotes hair restoration and, of course, straightens your hair.

Cost of hair straightening

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

In just one Blow Out Express straightening treatment, the coarsest damaged hair will be transformed into luxuriously smooth silk, filled with amazing shine and amazing softness. The high effectiveness of the product is based on a unique formula, including triionic keratin proteins and a complex of copolymers, which can act on the hair at the structure level, easily giving it the desired look.

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

In just one Blow Out Express straightening treatment, the coarsest damaged hair will be transformed into luxuriously smooth silk, filled with amazing shine and amazing softness. The high effectiveness of the product is based on a unique formula, including triionic keratin proteins and a complex of copolymers, which can act on the hair at the structure level, easily giving it the desired look.

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

Keratin hair restoration is considered one of the popular procedures. This procedure will help even the most damaged hair. The treatment complex, which includes keratin, does not affect the structure of the hairline in any way. Keratin will give the hair, first of all, elasticity, shine and strength. Keratin is a substance that protects hair from unfavorable environments.

Cost of keratin restoration procedure

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

The procedure for restoring keratin in hair is created using a unique formula, which includes a high PH for automatic opening of the cuticle and a system for deep filling the hair with keratin proteins. Restores, strengthens and restores strength to any hair type.

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

The procedure for restoring keratin in hair is created using a unique formula, which includes a high PH for automatic opening of the cuticle and a system for deep filling the hair with keratin proteins. Restores, strengthens and restores strength to any hair type.

The service is provided in the following salons: Salon on Plyushchikha, Salon on Krasnaya Presnya.

Vanilla bean conditioner

Vanilla intensive conditioner was developed in the laboratories of the American company Keratin Complex for deep care of hair of any type. This is truly a new word in hair care! The Keratin Complex conditioner is based on bionutrients and vanilla aroma oils, thanks to which this product not only has a magical aroma, but also deeply nourishes your hair, significantly improving its structure and restoring strength and a healthy radiant shine.
Vanilla conditioner from Keratin Complex will transform the traditional hair washing procedure into a real aromatic pleasure and after just a few uses it will return lost strength, silkiness and natural beauty to your hair.

To stop the damage and start the repair process, L'Oreal research laboratories have developed a revolutionary hair restoration system by creating the first renewable care product for sensitive hair.

Pro Fiber- departure of the new generation.

Revolutionary molecule APTYL 100 Absolutely new restorative complex Aptyl 100. Combines two molecules: a silicone silicon compound aminosilane to bind the inner layers of hair into a three-dimensional network (in other words, strengthening and restoring the hair structure) and a cationic polymer that covers the hair cuticle with a protective film and “seals” the restorative molecule inside the hair.

Sustainable results. Thanks to the properties of the new molecular complex Aptyl 100, the restoration effect lasts up to 4 times of using shampoo. In addition, the effect of Pro Fiber can be extended up to 6 weeks, although with some conditions, which are discussed below.

Salon care
The hair restoration procedure, as always, begins in the salon. First of all, the hairdresser diagnoses the condition of the hair and determines the line of L’Oréal Professionnel Pro Fiber products required by the client - Rectify, Restore or Reconstruct. Now let's move on to water procedures. We wash the client’s hair with shampoo from the line the need for which was identified by diagnostics. Then we “rub” the appropriate concentrate from a tube of the same color as the shampoo into the hair. And after that, without washing off the concentrate, we apply an activator mask directly on top of it. Leave for 5 minutes, emulsify, rinse, dry.
In the salon we use only special technical products (liter-volume shampoo, concentrate, activator mask). The activator mask is universal and is used the same for all types of care.

Home care
Products for home care are special, from the same Pro Fiber series and are similarly divided into three lines according to the degree of initial hair damage. Each line includes shampoo, conditioner, mask and serum.
If you use only a standard care package (for example, shampoo + conditioner or shampoo + mask), then the duration of the salon procedure will be limited to 4 hair washes. But if after every 4th hair wash the client uses a special product Re-charge with an additional portion of the Aptyl 100 complex (Re-charge is presented in monodoses of 20 ml, 6 pieces per package), then the hair restoration effect after the salon procedure will last up to 6 weeks. Salon on Plyushchikha

Millions of women and men around the world are thinking about how to restore strength and beauty to their hair, which may be lost for various reasons. Thousands of media advertising campaigns and Internet sites offer a solution to this problem. But are there really effective ways to restore hair? Let's try to figure it out.

Hair restoration is a complex of cosmetic and care procedures that allows you to improve the condition of your hair, give it shine and fullness, restore thickness, eliminate dryness and split ends at the ends, and oiliness at the roots.

For deep hair restoration, you need to use products that affect both the outer part of the hair and its roots. It is this complex effect that allows you to effectively restore hair thickness, restore its elasticity, smoothness and shine.

Hair restoration at home

Only low molecular weight compounds (small molecules) pass into the hair. High molecular weight substances remain on the surface of the hair shaft. This is what the action of most hair restoration products is based on. Their active ingredients are deposited on the surface of the hair and, as it were, seal its scales, smooth out damaged areas, prevent the loss of water from the hair shaft, making it thicker, smoother, and reflecting light. As a result, the hair is visually shiny, silky, thick, although in fact its structure remains the same.

On a note
Modern shampoos are a combination of cleansing components (surfactants), conditioning additives, compounds affecting the scalp (plant extracts, zinc compounds), preservatives, dyes, fragrances.

Folk recipes for hair restoration can be an alternative to synthetic hair care products. Most often, a variety of hair masks are used. There are a huge number of recipes, which usually include products such as honey, yolk, essential and vegetable oils.

Honey contains B vitamins, copper, iron, molybdenum, magnesium and other beneficial trace elements that nourish not only the hair shaft, but also the surface layer of the scalp. The yolk is rich in amino acids, fat-soluble vitamins A and E. Vegetable oils of jojoba, avocado, wheat germ, and burdock have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing effect, and soften the scalp. Coconut oil and amla oil extract moisturize hair, make it shiny, reduce fragility, sebum production and dandruff formation, reduce the rate of hair loss, fight split ends, and relieve skin irritation. Essential oils are also often components of intensive hair restoration courses. Bergamot essential oil will make oily hair lighter. Jasmine and ylang-ylang add shine. Tea tree oil will help fight dandruff. Essential oils can be added to masks or used with shampoo.

Do you know that…
...on average, a person has about 100 thousand hair follicles on his head. And from each of them, up to 30 hairs grow throughout his life.

Some masks that contain warming substances such as pepper or mustard increase blood circulation to the skin. As a result, nutrients begin to flow more actively to the follicle cells.

To grow hair and maintain its beauty, protein must be present in the diet, because it is the main structural element of hair. Protein can be obtained not only from meat and eggs, but also from fish. Seafood contains both a large amount of protein and microelements, which have a good effect on the hair structure.

Fats cannot be excluded from the diet either. It is the lipids that combine with the protein structures of the hair to form a protective shell on their surface, which ensures adhesion of the scales and protects the hair. Healthy unsaturated fats can be obtained from nuts, avocados, sea fish or vegetable oil.

For normal hair growth, you need to consume vitamins and minerals.

Hair preparations contain B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinic acid (B6), biotin (B7), folic acid (B9), cyanocobolamin (B12). Also, to restore the hair structure, you need vitamins A, E, C and microelements such as calcium, zinc, iron, selenium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus.

Salon treatments for hair restoration

The salon can offer several methods for quickly restoring hair. Lamination, screening, glazing, hair glossing are all variations of the same method.

At the final stage of these procedures, a composition is applied to the hair, which polymerizes under the influence of temperature (iron or hair dryer) and forms a protective film. Hair becomes smoother, shinier, appears thicker and more voluminous. But only if the procedure was carried out correctly, professional ingredients were used, the master followed the procedure exactly and did not dry out the hair.

At lamination A clear product is applied to the hair, which makes it significantly shinier and can last up to 6-8 weeks. Screening and glossing are carried out in almost the same way, but before the final sealing of the hair, a nourishing composition is applied to it, so that the procedure has not only a cosmetic, but also some therapeutic effect.

At glazing the composition may have its own shade. In this case, the hair acquires a certain color. Unlike paint, the composition does not eat into the hair, remaining on the surface. After about 2–3 months, the component will be washed off. Glazing is a good opportunity to try on a new shade without harming your hair.

Cauterization does not promise a luxurious and long-term result, but is considered a procedure that restores hair, and does not just temporarily change its appearance. Cauterization can be carried out hot, “sealing” the medicinal composition inside the hair, or cold, without heat. The effect of this procedure is less pronounced than with lamination and lasts only 1-2 weeks. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out cauterization in a course of 4–5 procedures.

Keratin restoration Suitable for severely damaged hair. Keratin products contain hydrolyzed keratin, broken down into small molecules. Unlike usual, keratin in this form penetrates into the deep layers of the hair and restores its structure. But for normal hair, this procedure can have the opposite effect. Too much keratin can cause hair to become coarse and tangled. Therefore, it is better to entrust the selection of a specific type of salon procedure for hair restoration to a specialist.

Methods for deep hair restoration in cosmetology clinics

All procedures for salon and home care only affect the hair shaft and have virtually no effect on its follicle. That is, they help temporarily restore a beautiful appearance, but do not promote healthy hair growth.

In contrast, hair restoration procedures in medical centers and beauty salons act specifically on the hair root. Thanks to such manipulations, you can speed up hair growth, make it stronger at the roots, and reduce hair loss. But such procedures will not add shine, nor will they solve the problem of split ends.

The most popular procedures for quick hair restoration include reflexology, mesotherapy, darsonvalization, laser and ozone therapy, and PRP therapy.

At reflexology biologically active points are affected by various instruments - microneedles, electric current, special devices. This effect allows you to improve blood circulation at certain points. This is a safe method that has virtually no contraindications. But most often it is used not separately, but in combination with other procedures.

One of the advantages is the complex effect, that is, when treating hair, the functioning of the body as a whole can be restored. The downside is that the result very much depends on the qualifications of the specialist. But finding an experienced reflexologist is not so easy.

Mesotherapy- these are the well-known “beauty injections”, only for hair. As we have already said, large molecules do not pass through the stratum corneum of the skin and do not enter the follicles. Mesotherapy allows you to bypass this barrier - introduce the necessary substances and vitamins directly into the follicles.

The drug for mesotherapy is selected by a cosmetologist depending on the problems that need to be solved. It may contain vitamins, peptides, microelements, extracts of medicinal plants and other substances that stimulate blood circulation and help the growth of healthy hair. These cocktails are injected into the scalp using a syringe with a thin needle or a mesoscooter. Whether mesotherapy will be painful depends both on the qualifications of the cosmetologist and on the individual sensitivity of the patient.

A full course of mesotherapy is about 10 procedures with an interval of 1–2 weeks. But the first results can be assessed after 3-4 sessions.

Darsonvalization And laser treatment- these are methods that affect the scalp. Both of them increase blood circulation in the skin, restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands, stimulate hair growth and improve its condition. They are often used in combination with mesotherapy or PRP therapy, as they enhance the effect of drugs injected into the skin.

At ozone therapy Injections are given into the scalp, as in mesotherapy. But instead of nutritional cocktails, ozonated solutions are used. It is believed that ozone improves blood circulation, oxygen supply to cells, activates dormant follicles and accelerates hair growth and reduces hair loss. The course requires about 10 procedures, which are carried out 2-3 times a week.

PRP therapy also called plasma therapy or plasma lifting. Here, the patient’s own blood plasma, enriched with platelets, is used as nutrients. Plasma contains a large number of biologically active and nutrients, growth factors, hormones and other useful components. It has a powerful stimulating effect and allows you to quickly restore damaged hair, improve its nutrition, and accelerate growth. Due to the fact that it is a component of our own body, plasma injection does not cause allergies or complications.

In order to carry out high-quality plasma therapy, the clinic must have special equipment and qualified doctors who know all the intricacies of this procedure. A total of 3 to 5 procedures are required per course. And the interval between them can be 1–3 months.

In what cases will hair restoration products and procedures not help?

Unfortunately, even a complex of home, salon and cosmetic procedures cannot always stop hair loss, increase hair thickness or make it strong and voluminous. There are situations when you need to seek help not from a cosmetologist or hairdresser, but from a doctor.

Hair may begin to fall out due to hormonal imbalance, as a result of androgenic alopecia, autoimmune disease, anemia or skin diseases. Therefore, if hair restoration products do not help, it makes sense to consult a trichologist. He will perform a trichoscopy and, if necessary, refer you for a blood test or other examinations. And after the cause of hair loss or health problems has been identified, he will carry out complex treatment, possibly together with an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist or other specialists.

Some diseases, such as androgenetic or scarring alopecia, interfere with the growth of follicles or cause their death. If the follicles are dead, then no amount of “nutrition” will restore the hair. In this case, only a transplant will help. Modern techniques allow you to achieve a natural effect, painlessly and reliably remove bald spots. As with any other hair treatment method, it is important to find an equipped clinic and a qualified specialist.

To restore the beauty of your hair, you need to act on it simultaneously from the outside and from the inside. Home or salon methods will help restore shine, silkiness and thickness, but this treatment only affects the outer part of the hair and should be done regularly. The use of cosmetic procedures allows you to nourish the roots, accelerate growth and help restore the health of re-growing hair.

Editorial opinion

Some “salon” procedures, such as screening and lamination, can be carried out at home; it is enough to purchase special formulations at a professional hair cosmetics store. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Unfavorable external factors negatively affect the condition of the hair. Not only home treatments, but also salon treatments will help restore healthy hair. But today there are many ways to care for your hair. Therefore, today we will highlight the best options that can give your hair a fresh and healthy look.

The most effective procedures for hair restoration

To restore hair, it is worth using not only salon, but also home procedures. Initially, we will highlight effective procedures that can be easily done in almost any beauty salon. So:

A special solution is applied to the hair, which should be absorbed into the hair within 30 minutes. After this, the hairdresser processes the hair with a special straightening iron so that the solution is completely absorbed into the hair structure.

The professional initially applies shampoo with proteins and lipids along the entire length of the hair. Then a specially prepared serum is applied, after which the hairdresser dries the hair. After this, the master uses a straightener and then the master rinses his hair again with the concentrate.

After the first use, this procedure gives a clear result, namely: the ends do not split; smoothness; easy combing; healthy and beautiful appearance. The main secret of this procedure is the use of natural oils, which are actively absorbed into the hair structure.

The name arose thanks to the developed product called Elumen. This mixture was created in Japan. With its help you can produce biological hair coloring ( contains no ammonia or hydrogen peroxide).

This salon procedure is the safest for hair extensions. The point is this: with the help of special tongs, invisible capsules are formed on the hair, to which the hair extensions are attached.

The main home procedures include the following:

How to increase volume?

In order to give your own hair additional volume, you need to follow these recommendations:

How to accelerate growth?

You can accelerate growth both with the help of a hairdresser and at home. Initially, we will highlight several effective salon procedures:

In addition to salon care, you can increase hair growth using the following home treatments:

Botox for curls is a drug that completely restores the hair structure using natural ingredients. This drug contains proteins, as well as: vitamins, B, E, C; aloe extract; keratin; green tea leaf extract; amino acids.

Main advantages:

  1. Gets rid of split ends.
  2. Gives additional volume.
  3. Helps with baldness.
  4. Accelerates hair growth.
  5. Restores hair structure after the first procedure.
  6. The effect lasts for up to six months.
  7. Shine and brightness of hair.

Important! The cost of the procedure is from 2000 to 3500 rubles, depending on the length of the hair.

Negative sides:

  • This is a young drug, so it is not recommended for use at home.
  • Cannot be used for frequent dyeing.
  • May harm skin.
  • With prolonged use, hair becomes dull and brittle.

Indications for use:

Botox is suitable for those girls who have damaged their hair due to frequent coloring, use of a hair dryer and other products. In addition, this procedure will be appropriate in the following cases: baldness; dryness; fragility.

Contraindications include: pregnancy: age over 55 years; menstruation; allergy to the drug; open wounds on the head.

Hair lamination is the covering of curls with a special film, which contains nourishing and moisturizing elements. The basis of the solution is a colorless dye that does not contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

The average cost of the procedure is 2500-6000 rubles.

Lamination has several positive characteristics, such as:

  • after application, the hair retains the ability to receive oxygen;
  • increase in volume;
  • color preservation;
  • getting rid of fragility and dryness;
  • the procedure has no contraindications.

Before applying this solution, you need to prepare your hair, namely: wash your hair; if necessary, cure curls; update color.

After lamination, you need to use shampoos that are intended directly for laminated curls. However, only two days after the procedure you can wash your hair.

Important! It is forbidden to use hair masks and scrubs so as not to remove the laminating agent ahead of schedule.

By polishing we mean the elimination of forked, brittle hair using a clipper and a special attachment. At the same time, the length of the hair remains unchanged. This procedure replaces a monthly visit to the hairdresser, which involves correction of split ends.

The main secret is a nozzle called “HG Polishen”, which is suitable for removing split ends. Therefore, when carrying out this procedure, you should contact a specialist.

The cost of polishing is 500-1000 rubles. The polishing period is up to two hours.

Main advantages of polishing:

  1. Well-groomed appearance for 4 months.
  2. Hair length is maintained.
  3. Can be combined with other procedures.
  4. Removal of 95% of split ends.
  5. Create the perfect cut with the right attachment.
  6. Hair fragility disappears.
  7. It is absolutely safe.


  • You can’t do it yourself without a special attachment.
  • Do not use if you have curly hair, fungus, or baldness.

Important! To maintain the result, you should take additional vitamins, make masks and not overuse the iron and hair dryer.

Shielding means applying a special composition to the curls, which makes the hair denser and more voluminous.

This procedure helps in the following cases:

  • frequent coloring;
  • dryness;
  • split ends;
  • hair loss;
  • frequent perm (or straightening).

Thus, shielding can solve the following problems:

  • Increase in volume;
  • Protecting hair from external influences;
  • Preservation of color for a longer period;
  • Hair is easier to style;
  • Acquiring a healthy glow;
  • Nutrition of roots from the inside;
  • Getting rid of dryness and brittleness.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Validity period – up to 1 month.
  2. Rigidity of curls.
  3. Electricity after washing hair.
  4. The positive effect is noticeable after several procedures.
  5. Development of allergies.

Keratin, protein and other nutritional elements are the basis of the keratin complex. With this straightening, cosmetics are used that have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the curls.

Let us highlight the main advantages of this straightening:

  • Is safe for hair
  • Adds shine and elasticity
  • Suitable for any hair type
  • Does not contain chemical elements
  • Improves the internal structure of hair
  • Protects from external negative influences

The straightening period is up to 4 months.

Important! The main drawback is the presence of formaldehyde in the composition, which (with frequent use) provokes the occurrence of cancer.

After straightening, do not tie your ponytail for 72 hours. In addition, during this period you should not do the following: wash your hair; pin your hair up with hairpins, clips and other elastic bands; apply styling products; carry out staining (within 2 weeks).

A new service called “Hair Happiness” was developed by the Japanese company Lebel Cosmetics. This procedure includes deep hair care, which has 7 products, each of which contains useful components and minerals.

This procedure requires at least three sessions. Frequency: twice a week. The first four elements are responsible for cell regeneration, the fifth and sixth elements are responsible for restoring the lipid layer, the last element nourishes the scalp and removes dandruff.

Main advantages:

  • efficiency;
  • the effect lasts up to one month;
  • internal restoration;
  • relieves fragility and dryness;
  • Suitable for all hair types;

Important! The duration of one procedure is one hour.

The main disadvantage is the price - from 1500 - 3500 rubles, depending on the length of the hair.

Thanks to external and internal factors, hair loses its former beauty over time. To restore hair, you must initially use homemade daily care products. If there are no positive changes, you should go to a beauty salon, where a specialist can choose the best way to improve the hair structure. But before going to the hairdresser, every girl should study the list of the most effective hair treatments discussed in this article.

Our hair needs constant care. But often shampoos and hair masks cannot cope with lack of volume, split ends and other common problems. From this article you can learn about hair treatments that will not be difficult to restore beauty and health to your hair.

Biorevitalization for hair

Injection biorevitalization for hair

The best hair treatments should be aimed specifically at restoring structure, nutrition and hydration, and injection biorevitalization is one of these. Using injections, hyaluronic acid is injected under the scalp, which helps restore hair from the inside. The result can be seen immediately after the first procedure, but the effect will last no longer than a month.

Laser biorevitalization for hair

Another method of introducing hyaluronic acid is laser biorevitalization. The procedure consists of 2 stages. First, a special gel containing hyaluronic acid is applied to the scalp. Then laser irradiation occurs, under the influence of which the gel is activated and all the beneficial substances penetrate into the hair roots.

biorevitalization using injections

Botox for hair

Everyone knows the popular Botox procedures for facial rejuvenation, but currently Botox for hair is no less in demand, which restores damaged curls, but not with the help of botulinum toxin as is the case with the skin, but thanks to the action of the Intra-Silane molecule, which penetrates deep into the hair and interacts with keratin. This chemical procedure is based on the action of 2 phases. The first helps to open the hair scales for better penetration of the therapeutic mixture consisting of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Phase 2 is the same composition with the Intra-Silane molecule, which is applied to the hair, providing it with a restoring, moisturizing and nourishing effect.

Glazing for hair

To give hair thickness and volume, hair glazing is done in beauty salons. The essence of the method is very simple - each hair is covered several times with a layer of glaze, which contains ceramides, oils and restorative components useful for hair. Very often the procedure is called silk glazing. This is because brittle hair becomes silky and soft, and the result can be observed within about a month. It is worth remembering that glazing in any case gives a coloring effect, even if colorless glaze is used. In this case, your color becomes brighter.

Hair glossing

Molecular glossing belongs to the category of modern thermal procedures for hair restoration, which can only be done in a beauty salon. First of all, the hair gets a beautiful appearance - glossy shine and thickness. But with the help of glossing, you can also strengthen your hair from the inside, thanks to the action of the complex of oils and vitamins included in the product for the procedure. Thin strands will gain volume, which can be observed within a month from the date of the procedure, will have a healthy shine and will be easy to comb. If you want to improve not only the condition of your hair, but also your scalp, then pay attention to cuticular glossing.

Darsonval for hair

The darsonvalization procedure uses a device of the same name, which, when applied to the scalp and hair roots, improves their growth. An effective method of treating and restoring curls can be used at home; you just need to purchase one of the Darsonval devices with hair attachments included. For example, you might consider purchasing one of the following:

  1. Darsonval Corona;
  2. Darsonval Karat;
  3. Darsonval GEZATONE BT-101;
  4. Darsonval ELAD MedTeCo;
  5. Darsonval Gezatone Healthy Skin.

After 10-15 sessions, you will see how your hair has become thicker, the growth of new strands has been activated, and the old ones have gained shine.

carried out by the Darsonval apparatus

Keratin-based hair treatments

Keratin hair straightening

With this procedure you can kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, keratin straightening is a real salvation for women who are trying to make their hair smooth by any means. Secondly, keratin is the main natural element present in hair. Enriching your curls with it will give you the opportunity to enjoy the chic appearance of your hair for 3-4 months. If you have long hair, then it especially needs a protective layer, which is formed thanks to keratinization. This procedure is ideal for split ends and unruly curly strands, but it is worth noting that the price of keratin hair straightening is quite steep.

Kerathermy for hair

There is another procedure designed to treat hair with keratin - kerathermy. From the name it becomes clear that, unlike keratin straightening, this is a hot procedure. Under the influence of high temperature, keratin penetrates into the hair structure. In this case, recovery occurs instantly, and the result can be observed for about 4 months.

Lamination for hair

Salon hair restoration procedures such as hair lamination and biolamination are very popular. The principle of action and how long the effect of the procedures lasts are not fundamentally different, but the compositions with which hair restoration occurs are different, which is easy to understand from the name.

Hair biolamination

Biolamination is a procedure whose effect is due to the use of only natural ingredients. These may include hops, plant extracts, vitamins and other biologically active substances. All these components form a protective, breathable film that envelops each hair, protecting it from bad environmental influences for a month.

Lamination of hair

When laminating hair, both natural and synthetic components are used. In addition to plant extracts, the medicinal composition may contain keratin and various active substances that help restore damaged hair. You should not worry that the composition for lamination is not completely natural, since all substances are hypoallergenic and thanks to them, the effect of the procedure lasts 1.5 - 2 times longer than from biolamination.

Mesotherapy for hair

There is no better procedure for nourishing and restoring hair than mesotherapy. Using special injections, so-called hair cocktails are injected under the scalp, which consist of a mixture of vitamins and nutrients that activate healthy hair growth. It should be distinguished that for mesotherapy there are allopathic and homeopathic cocktails. The former are used in cases of serious diseases, such as androgenetic alopecia. The second type of cocktails is suitable for dandruff, split ends and hair thickness.

Plasmolifting for hair

Hair polishing

Hair polishing promises those with long hair to get rid of split ends without having to cut them off. This seemingly miraculous method has both pros and cons. If you lack volume, your hair is thin and even falling out, then it is better to refuse the procedure. In cases where the hair is very thick and there is a problem with split ends, polishing should be done without hesitation. Using a special polishing attachment, the procedure is performed by a master using a hair clipper. Within 3-4 months after the procedure, you will be able to see perfectly smooth hair of the same length.

polishing gives the curls a well-groomed and shiny look

Root volume for hair

To achieve root volume, you can resort to special hair treatments, which are described below.

Boost up for hair

The procedure for creating volume is carried out using special pins. They wrap the hair at the roots, the effect is consolidated and then the pins are removed, but the volume remains and can delight you for 3 to 6 months. It is worth noting that the creator of the boost up is Elena Glinka, a hairdresser from St. Petersburg. She provides training in technology and on the woman’s website there is a special section where you can find and select your city or the one closest to your place of residence on a world map. Here you can choose any master who has officially completed training from the creator of the boost up. This is an undoubted guarantee of quality from the original source, which cannot be said about any other hair procedure.

Buffant for hair

When creating volume at the roots, the buffant technique is used to comb the hair at the roots. Then the volume is fixed with special means, and you can enjoy the root volume for 2 to 3 months.

Ollin up for hair

You can achieve root volume in your hair for up to six months thanks to the latest perm technology with Ollin Up. Using special products of the same name, hair is effectively curled. It is worth noting that after the procedure the curls become airy, there is a certain carelessness in the hairstyle, which is fashionable in the coming season. Ollin up is the dream of women who have always wanted to have Hollywood curls.

Flissing for hair

Creating volume at the roots using the flissing procedure is done with special means that create a permanent curl of the hair at the scalp, while the curls themselves remain straight. You can enjoy the results for 2.5 months, but first of all, check if there is a truly trained specialist in your city who uses high-quality cosmetics. Otherwise you may be disappointed.

root volume is a real salvation for those with thin hair, the technique may vary, the result is usually almost the same

Happiness Lebel procedure for hair

A new procedure for restoring colored hair, which has the captivating name “Happiness,” can cure curls after the aggressive effects of dyes, hair dryers or curling irons. The Japanese company Lebel is a reliable supplier of high-quality cosmetics for hair and scalp. A new product called “Absolute Happiness” allows you to restore health and beautiful appearance to your hair in 3-4 months. Once every 14 days you do the procedure, and in the first month the action of the complex is aimed at restoring from the inside, then you use products to restore the lipid layer and finally use a special mask that has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp.

Hair shielding

If your hair needs intensive nutrition and hydration, lacks shine and looks lifeless, it requires comprehensive restoration, which can be helped by an effective screening procedure. The effect of using special effective formulations lasts only a month, and therefore it is recommended to carry out courses of procedures for 2-6 months. It is worth noting that after shielding, hair becomes harder to the touch, which is normal.

screening for long hair

Hair elumination

Hair elumination is a beneficial hair coloring procedure using elumene. The revolutionary technology appeared relatively recently, but has already won the recognition of women. This dye is able to penetrate the hair structure without opening the scales. At the same time, the strands are strengthened from the inside, and on the outside, an incomparable shine of the hair appears along the entire length, which can be observed on average for 1.5 months. Another advantage of the procedure is color durability, because you can choose any shade if you want to change your image. For those who are not ready to repaint, there is a special colorless elumen.

Obviously, there are a lot of hair procedures, each of which has its own technique and technology, its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are aimed at treating hair, others create a cosmetic effect, but you can also find a procedure that simultaneously restores hair and improves appearance. What to choose is up to you.