As the young pass, they are sprinkled with grain, coins and rose petals.

We throw grain at our feet,
Let it grow with happiness.
We throw copper coins at our feet,
So that you don't be poor.
We throw rose petals,
So that you don’t know either grief or tears!

The entrance must be blocked with scarlet tape.


The border is not simple:
Behind is a single life.
You have a pass, friends,
To a house called Family?

The toastmaster asks to show the newlyweds a marriage certificate.

Part 2: Table

After the guests have taken their seats, the toastmaster offers to fill their glasses.

Toastmaster: Dear guests! You all probably know the phrase: “The most important thing is the weather in the house.” Therefore, while you are filling your glasses, I suggest listening to a short weather forecast for this evening. So, according to weather forecasters, the average temperature of the contents of your glasses is 30 degrees, the atmosphere is cozy. Storm possible positive emotions, accompanied by a continuous stream of pouring alcohol. There may be some fog in your head at night; expect it to clear up in the morning. Well, now I propose to drink so that the heroes of our occasion will always have a quiet, cozy haven where they can hide from any adversity!

Dear newlyweds! As the host of this wedding, I want to present you with a very important document. (Reads the operating instructions and hands them to the young ones).

  1. Eye color – ________________
  2. Weight is stable.
  3. Hair color is the latest fashion
  4. Appetite is moderate.

Safety instructions:

  1. Do not hit, do not scratch, do not shake - it is fragile.
  2. Avoid overloading!
  3. Do not heat until it sizzles.
  4. Do not bring to a boil.

Uninterrupted operation is guaranteed for 100 years from the date of issue, subject to compliance with all operating rules.

Groom's operating instructions:

  1. Date of production ___________
  2. Eye color – ________________
  3. Can be used as a dishwasher, food processor, and also as a caring, loving husband.

For proper functioning, the husband needs:

  1. In three daily meals.
  2. Clean clothes and daily walks in the fresh air.

Rules of care:

  1. Protect from dampness and increased voltage.
  2. Clean periodically.


  1. Use excessive force when cleaning.
  2. Wipe with a damp cloth.
  3. Saw and throw.

If all the rules of use are followed, both husband and wife will serve for a long time and without breakdowns. Yes, by the way, neither spouse can be replaced.

While the guests are sitting at the table, the young people are invited to write 5 animals on a piece of paper. Then the toastmaster enters them into the prepared form and reads them out.

Toastmaster: All the guests probably want to know more about the bride and groom, and they agreed to help us with this. So, here's what the bride thinks about her husband:

· Affectionate as _______

· In bed behaves like ________

· Handsome as ___________

· Caring as _____________

· Kind as _______

The same thing is read about the bride, but with options for the husband’s answers.

Toastmaster: So, I propose to raise a glass to a beautiful, caring girl and a reliable, strong man who today before your eyes have become a strong and happy family!

Toastmaster: Friends! I propose to move smoothly to the competitive part of our event. And so that all guests feel more relaxed and not embarrassed by each other, I suggest getting to know each other better.

Competition "Meeting the Guests"

The toastmaster approaches each guest with two hats, one of which contains pre-prepared questions, and the second contains answers. The participant takes one piece of paper with a question, reads it out loud, and then a piece of paper with the answer. Even if the answers do not coincide with the questions, it is not scary. Here is a list of approximate questions and answers:

How often do you allow yourself to drink too much? – Every week on Fridays.

Do you tend to be violent? - Only when I drink.

Did you come to the wedding today just to eat and drink for free? - Definitely yes.

Have you ever woken up in an unfamiliar place? - It’s possible, I don’t remember.

Do you like to communicate with strangers? - Yes, especially after cognac.

Are you a jealous person? - You know better.

How do you feel about alcohol? – What kind of ambiguous questions are you asking me?!

Are you capable of extreme and rash actions? - You can also try.

Are you ready to dance a striptease today? - Only to the applause of the audience.

Can you answer the question: “What do women want?” - I don’t know myself.

What is your attitude towards marriage and family life? - Definitely positive.

Do you like today's holiday? -100% yes.

Toastmaster: Well, now, as they say, let’s drink to getting to know each other! For meeting two wonderful, loving people who brought us together at this holiday! Bitterly!

Part 3: Entertaining

The toastmaster invites guests to dance and participate in moving competitions. Below are the most popular and entertaining competitions that can be included in wedding script for toastmaster .

“I’ll sing now”

You can invite guests to compose and sing funny ditties. To do this, the participants are divided into several groups, each given the beginning of a verse that needs to be completed. When all groups have completed the task, one participant is invited to represent their team. The result should be a fun song.

Examples of the beginning of ditties:

Oh, we walked at the wedding
A whole month and 3 days...

We congratulated the newlyweds
We wished them a lot of happiness...

The groom is no longer happy
He also wants to have fun...

And the bride is young,
Lights up the dance floor...

We sang ditties for you,
Is it good or bad...

"Guess the hobby"

For the competition, viewers choose the most active and cheerful wedding participant, whom the toastmaster takes out the door and tells the rules. He supposedly has to talk about his hobby (for example, football), answering questions from guests, so that they guess what it is. Guests are first asked to imagine that their hobby is kissing, but at the same time they are warned that the player will talk about his real hobby, unaware of the conspiracy of the audience. When a participant enters the hall, he is asked questions, for example:

· How long ago did you start getting into this?

· How much time are you willing to spend on your hobby?

· Are you doing this alone or with someone?

· How do your relatives feel about your hobby?

· Which your favorite a place to do this?

· Who taught you this?

“Write a congratulation”

Guests are invited to name any adjectives that the host enters into a pre-prepared congratulation template. After this, the text is read out.

"_____________bride and groom! Today we have gathered here to ____________congratulate you on this ______________event! Just a few years ago, the groom did not suspect the existence of such a _____________ girl, and she, in turn, could not imagine that she would soon marry such a _____________ man. We all witnessed the creation of a new, _______________ family. And on this occasion, we want to wish you ___________ family life, _______________ love, ______________ children and, of course, ______________ happiness! Bitterly!


Each guest must take turns coming up with a congratulation word for one of the letters of the alphabet. If someone wants to skip their toast, you can come up with a fine, for example, putting 50 rubles in the newlyweds’ treasury or telling a joke, singing a song, etc.

"The Road to Love"

The bride and groom are taken to different ends of the hall and asked to take turns taking a step towards each other, while saying 1 compliment or affectionate nickname. Can't be repeated.


The competition is held among men. The players are given a piece of paper, and music is playing in the hall. In 1 minute, participants must run around the hall and invite the girls to leave a lip print on a piece of paper. One girl can “kiss” one participant. The winner is the man who managed to collect greatest number fingerprints. He is awarded a comic medal"Mr. Macho."

"Boy or girl?"

The purpose of this competition is to determine who will be born into the family. To do this, two guys are invited and each is given one pink and blue color that need to be inflated. If the pink balloon bursts faster, a girl will be born, if the blue balloon bursts, a boy will be born.

Dear guests! Do you know why family quarrels most often occur? (Guests begin to offer their options). According to statistics, most young couples cannot share basic household responsibilities. And so that our young people live happily and without scandals, let us together help them with this.

One man each from the bride and groom is invited to participate in the competition. Each person is given a helium balloon and is asked to take one piece of paper out of the box one at a time, on which their chores are written. Before reading the text, participants must inhale helium from the balloon and begin each phrase “The Bride/Groom undertakes...”. Below is a sample list that can be expanded:

  1. Cook regularly romantic dinners, and if desired, also lunches and breakfasts.
  2. Bring coffee to bed every morning.
  3. Without further ado, go to visit his/her mother, love her and give flowers on all holidays.
  4. Do homework with children.
  5. Take out the trash independently and without reminders.
  6. Wash dishes every day.
  7. Respects the cleanliness of the house and maintains order in it.
  8. Let them go to the bathhouse/club with friends without quarrels.
  9. Give your wife/husband compliments every day.
  10. Bring home a paycheck every month.
  11. Give to your loved one expensive gifts not only on holidays.
  12. Carry your other half in your arms or, if you can’t do the first, drive an expensive car.

Bride and groom! Now you know how much you have to do to make your family strong and friendly! But your most important responsibility is to love each other, support each other in all situations and respect your choices. Let your family not know bitter disappointments, let it be bitter only now! Bitterly!

“What can I wish for the bride and groom?
So that they will always be together.
We slept, ate, drank together,
We would take the children to kindergarten.
So that there is no reason for the quarrel,
The man will always give in first
Guard your love trustingly and vigilantly.
And only today may it be “bitter” for you!”

Part 4: Final

An integral part of any wedding is the presentation of gifts from guests.

After this, you can hold a competition among girls to see who will get married the fastest. To do this, the bride traditionally throws a bouquet into a crowd of unmarried friends.

To start a family journey
Forever, and not somehow,
You must resolve the issue here,
Who will do all the work
And to solve this question for you
Please try this loaf.
He is magnificent, he is beautiful, he is delicious,
It has the aroma of our native land...
And more who will bite off a piece,
That's what it's like to be the head of the family.

The newlyweds treat the guests to a loaf of bread and invite everyone to the festive fireworks.

Wedding script.

A new family has appeared
And they couldn’t be happier today.
I invite them to the guests’ hall,
We are happy to meet young people.

Young people come in.

Dear newlyweds! A rainbow on a wedding day has always been a harbinger of happiness, goodness, and prosperity.
We greet the bride and groom,
We wish you good luck on your journey!
Under the rainbow of family happiness we ask
You, young people, pass!
May it encourage you and give you hope,
Every color will protect you from evil.
And let every color become your favorite,
Good things will come to you for a hundred years.

RED. Let love intoxicate you with red wine,
The tenderness of scarlet roses.
And the blood tirelessly warms
Even in the bitter cold.

PINK. So that you don't get tired of life,
So that the sparkle does not fade in the eyes,
Take a moment and wander around
In your pink dreams.

GREEN. May the freshness of spring not leave you,
Let the nightingale sing to you.
Let in your hearts, scattering flowers,
Spring lives forever.

YELLOW. Yellow will warm you as a sunny color,
He is in a hurry to give you warmth.
And you only have a little left
This is to keep warm.

BLUE. peaceful overhead
Gives you the color blue,
So that your children grow up carefree,
Peacefully under my native roof.

VIOLET. The color purple is an eternal secret,
It beckons with its mystery.
You are a constant secret for each other
And a permanent magnet.

WHITE. The color of nobility, purity of relationships,
White is today's color.
May you be able to save it
For many decades.

Shoot up the champagne
Fortunately for the young,
Fill them with shine
Sparkling, golden!


Expensive _________________________________________.
I ask you to drink this glass between two of you as a sign that from now on you will share all your sorrows and joys in half.


So be it, let evil not dare,
Enter your home and stand at the headboard.
May it bring happiness to your home,
The bread that is baked with love.

We always greet the newlyweds with a baked loaf of bread,
You try his piece of your happiness.
For joy and happiness for many years to come, accept the blessing of your parents.
Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and salt it well. You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, add more salt!
Now swap pieces.
And now the way to the couple -
Let only happiness await you in life!
Come in, hurry up!
The wedding feast is calling you!
Guests are seated
Make yourself comfortable, dear guests, because a wedding is a long affair. Choose a more cheerful neighbor, and a prettier neighbor. Men are closer to the snack, women are closer to the drink.
Attention! 3 times. Every fifth commander is at the wedding. Pay in order of numbers!
Well done! Get up! You are the commanders of the festive feasts, your responsibilities include: pouring, refilling, not forgetting everyone’s neighbors and not spoiling yourself.
Dear guests! We were all gathered here today, for this festive table the most revered, most beloved holiday in Rus'. Its name is wedding! So let our wedding begin.
Let the warmest, most heartfelt words be addressed to the bride and groom.
Let the wedding “Bitter” sound louder than a thousand fireworks!
It's time for us to have a drink
A friendly “Hurray” for the newlyweds!
And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear the explosive anniversary fireworks!
Well, guests, stood up together,
They raised their glasses cheerfully,
Let's wish them great happiness
And let’s shout “Congratulations” three times!
Our first toast, friends, to our couple,
For the happiness and love of these eyes!
And we will drink only then,
When lips merge together.


So that they have complete happiness,
Drain the glasses to the bottom!


Dear guests! Dear fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles!
Friends and girlfriends and other friends!
Greetings to everyone who came, flew and just arrived,
And he found his place at the table!
Today at the table are the most devoted and Dear people young family, therefore, let me address you - “Dear friends!”

From ancient times, from forgotten legends
The wedding ceremony is coming to us -
In your arms, as a sign of endless love
Wedding rings are burning.

And the tears shine on the eyelashes
Mothers crying with happiness
Fathers have pride on their faces
For the fate of their big children.

And wish happiness to the newlyweds
Old and new friends,
And we are sure that the marriage is successful,
Distant and close relatives.

So raise your glass of intoxication
For the union of two loving hearts,
For their pure, holy love,
For the shine of golden rings.

Now everyone, bon appetit!
By the way, dear ladies! If you are afraid of breaking your diet, drink another 50 grams, they will definitely dull the feeling of fear.


BE READY! (for guests)
Dear guests, are you ready for the wedding?

We, friends, are together today
Let's say a lot of kind words
To the groom, his bride...Be ready!..

We congratulate the young
We have fun again and again.
Let's dance, let's play. Be ready!..

And part with the gifts,
Without sparing wallets,
And have a great time, Be ready...

Get ready to sing songs loudly,
Sparing no votes,
And shout “Bitter” more often!
Be ready!..
Let me remind you of some features of a wedding evening!

1. Friends are known through food! Eat yourself, feed your neighbor!

2. A glass drunk quickly is not considered poured. Drink less, but more!

3. Hold your chest - say something! Each of you can congratulate the newlyweds in person, in cash or non-cash!

4. A large glass makes your mouth happy! As people say - the soul is the measure, as long as there is a peaceful atmosphere!

5. Steal the bride only once! For the second - a fine of 25 thousand rubles!

6. The newlyweds’ chairs have a special magic today! Whoever sits on them will not suffer from crisis. But remember! Magic is a great thing, but it is not free! Sit on a chair - pay grandma! Dachshund – 500 rubles!

7. Dear guests! Be the nails! The highlights of our wedding program!
Sing, dance, play, and get prizes as souvenirs!
In a word, it's easy to have fun, hard to have a hangover!
Have a great mood and sweet alcoholic intoxication everyone!
Wedding report

KALEIDOSCOPE. (dating game)

Dear friends! let me introduce myself
Those who are entrusted with leading the wedding.
I'll start with myself, my name is Natalya.
I will host the entire wedding program.
And my partner is known throughout Gubakha.
_____________________ is our best DJ!

We give an ovation to the first ladies,
What about the bride and groom - mothers!
Let the young fathers stand up
we applaud in their honor.

In a motley family kaleidoscope
Newlywed sisters fit in!

And we must pay tribute
Who are the bride and groom's brothers?

Not for the sake of glory, for the sake of honor
The newlyweds' uncles will stand up!

And we don’t mind welcoming
If the newlyweds' aunts stand up!

Let's play ok together
We are to our beloved grandmother!

Let them stand up to be noticed
Witnesses of the newly formed family!

Do we have godparents?
We applaud them now.

We would like to see more
Nephews of the newlyweds!

I will say simply, without any pretense:
Applause is for friends!

Are there any among you, please answer,
Neighbors of the heroes of the celebration?

Let's clap our hands
For all the guests, for you good ones!


And I want to check whose half of the table is the loudest, the friendliest.
GAME “You have to drink to this”
- The wedding is already in full swing,
Let's start the fun.
- Today is our holiday,
We all know about it.
- Praises to you,
We compose in chorus.
- With love for the young,
We give gifts.
– Happy days, be patient,
We wish you more.
– Come to the golden one
We wish you a wedding.
And now I propose to find out who came to the wedding for what purpose.
Dear guests, guess any odd number from 1 – 9. Did you guess?
1 – these are guests who came to show themselves.
3 – these guests came to give gifts
5 – find a new sexual partner
7 – came to drink and eat
9 – and it was just boring to sit at home.


Our dear guests!
I suggest you lift the veil of the future a little. Let's try to find out what awaits each of us on this anniversary, and tomorrow we'll check your forecast.
1. Will sing the most
2. Dance
3. Drink
4. Give number 5 shoes
6. With joy, he will give number 7
8. The most beautiful
9. The most smiling
10. The hungriest
11. The loudest person will shout “Congratulations”
12. Eat whatever is left
13. Will shake hands with everyone present
14. At 22.00 he will fall asleep
15. He will already wake up at 22.30
16. Now he will kiss the neighbor on the left
17. Kisses the neighbor on the right
18. Kisses the neighbor both on the left and on the right
19. After 2 hours, he will shake hands with everyone present.
20. Will lend without giving back
21. Tomorrow he will invite everyone to improve their health
22. Will come to him with a box of beer
23. Now he will drink to the health of everyone present
24. Kiss the hero of the day
25. The most fiery
26. After the feast they will carry you home
27. In 3 hours he will say that he is cool
28. After 2.5 hours he will say that he sneezed on everyone
29. After 3 hours he won’t say anything.
30. Give everyone a belly dance
31. Today most people will smoke
32. He won’t go home alone
33. He will be a super star today.
We are plus minus 32.
Is everyone ready for a toast?
There is no reason to worry.
All men approve.
Well, and women in response
Is there vodka in your glasses?
Everyone's ready for a toast
The guests are there.
Bitterly! To the bride and groom!


If there is a veil on her, she called the guests.
Sits in a place of honor
So, her name is BRIDE

If a boy is at the parade,
In the best holiday attire.
But he looks timid
But he doesn't look at girls
Only one got quiet,
So, his name is... GROOM!

Look, guests, at the red place!
Look where the bride and groom are!

She is smart, and funny, and just a beautiful girl,
The entire meat processing plant is very proud of her.

And he is a guy, young and sharp.
Everything is fine with him.
And the whole Metastroy is happy with them,
He deserves our beauty.
Both are young guys
The lips of our children are dear.
And today they have united, united into one family.
And fate brought them together for a reason.
Lena and Andrey are the best couple!
And young people at a wedding can’t really eat or drink!
And now a mini-exam is being announced for them!


Questions for my husband:
1. How will you peel the potatoes?
But in vain. Better than an electric razor. A thin cut and preliminary massage give it an irreplaceable taste.
2. Do you drink coffee in the morning?
Right! The one who drinks coffee in the morning does not get tired all day... helping his wife with the housework.
3. Will there be a division of labor in your family or will you do everything together?
Right! Take on the honorable mission of earning money, and leave the less noble but necessary one of spending it to your wife.
4. Can you: compare your wife to a musical instrument?
Yes, the wife didn’t play the harp; after playing, you can’t hang it on your back.

For the wife:
1. What do you like more: bread or cake?
Strive to be bread for your husband, not cake. The cake is delicious, but gets boring quickly. However, remember that man is not satisfied with bread alone.
2. Will you always tell your husband the truth?
Right! Be moderately truthful and do not demand more from your husband, as they say - truth is good, but happiness is better.
3. Will you always tell your husband the price of things you buy?
Right! The husband has no need to know the true price. This will save his nervous system from shocks.
4. Will you always obey your husband?
Right! Cross the street where your husband wants, but take him where you want.

I was a bride, I became a wife,
And she took possession of such an eagle,
Ringed, tied,
Well, it serves him right, it serves him right,
And he noticed the swan,
The predator, the beast, did not miss her,
I know the husband will be friendly with his wife,
What remains for him now?
Live together, newlyweds,
Improve your nest
Produce princesses and champions,
And we all drink to you together!


Traffic jam - a big booze awaits at the holiday
Candy - there will be an unusually tasty treat
Chewing gum - the holiday will be very long
Matches - the holiday will be full of bright moments and exciting entertainment
Condom - the guest will be sexually anxious
Now let's greet each other.
Let's cheer up.
We raised our hands together,
They waved their right hand.

well and left hand goes down for now
On your knee. Not your own, but your neighbor's.

Right hand is hot
We are the neighbor's shoulder
We hug indecently.
Did you like it? Great!

We swung left and right.
You're rocking great, bravo!

Tightened up my whole stomach
We stretch our hands forward.

Everyone bent low, low,
We straightened up and stretched.

Everyone stroked their belly
They smiled from ear to ear.

We'll push our neighbor
And lightly pinch.
Are you in a good mood?
We played great.

And now, good people,
Clap your hands together!

Let's shout "Congratulations" to the newlyweds!
Let's raise our glasses again!
And again applause for our young people!
In love and beautiful! And the most expensive!

We wish you a happy life,
So be happy, friends!
Now let's check the power of the hall
Let's shout to the young people "Hurray!"

Let the wine sparkle in the glass,
Let the blood play in your veins.
Let us be bitter, let us be sweet,
Advice and love for you!
We wish the newlyweds happiness
And let’s shout “Congratulations” three times!

So that the wine does not make the guests bitter,
It needs to be sweetened.
And newlyweds kiss so much
As long as they keep asking for it!

Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

Well, the newlyweds kiss, and everyone else sits and licks their lips!
Let's fix this mess! After all, today is the universal day of love!


We'll fill our glasses again
And let's drink together to LOVE!

Toast to love.

But now our wedding noise subsides,
It's time to get up from the tables,
After all, the sounds of beautiful music
We are invited to dance.
But the first dance will be theirs,
Lovers, the most dear ones.


Guests, we can’t sit here forever,


Today you can’t be sad and gloomy!
Today should be light and easy.
And if Andrei married Lena,
So he was the luckiest of all.

In life, where there are many doubts,
Only the one who knows how to love is happy.
You can live without wealth and money,
But it is impossible to live without love.

Today you can’t be sad and jealous!
To hell with separation, betrayal and evil.
And if Elena goes for Andrey,
This means that she is the luckiest of all!


Today is a special day for young people,
From now on they will go the same way.
Go about your first wedding without regrets,
And meeting anniversaries along the way.
I would like to wish us young people
More than once they will celebrate a wedding together,
But know, wedding anniversaries
They have their own names.

Let's give these two lovers a hint
What wedding day is today? GREEN
And in a year? CAINTON
And in five? WOODEN
And in ten? PINK
What about 25? SILVER
Every wedding has its own deadline,
Who will get the honor here?
To be generals at these weddings?
To find out I ask you all
Don't be lazy, in your places
Find treasured hearts.
Take a closer look at the chairs
You found hearts, come out!

Here are the generals in front of you,
And who is which, look for yourself.
And I want to ask you:
“Are you ready to hold weddings?”
Amuse guests with toasts,
Sing and, of course, dance,
Are you ready to take the test?
I have a task for you.
Sing a song for us
Let's see who is the best among you.
There is nothing better in the world,
What to do now at this wedding!
How beautiful the bride and groom are!
Let's wish them a happy life!

Your guests are cheerful, not drunk,
The guys are daring giants,
Russian beautiful girls,
So let's sing and have fun.
May your life be as full of joy as this glass! So let's drink it to the dregs!


Today a wonderful event happened - on our good blue planet
a new family was born!
Two more hearts merged together!
Two more people have found each other!
Let's wish: Elena and Andrey on this happiest day
their day - endless love, tenderness for each other, mutual understanding!
And may the sun shine brighter today. May this October day
will be the beginning of creating a strong and friendly family!
We are happy to congratulate the young people!
There is no more wonderful couple in the world!
Live happily and richly
Not 100, but as much as 200 years!
Let in the long-term noise of everyday life
The voices of children are getting louder and louder!
May the door always be open
For both family and friends!
Face difficulties with steadfastness
And always defeat them!
Let them shout to you today<Горько!>
Like no one ever!
Bow to the guests of the glorious bride!

So that the beauty of our bride
You could admire it.
And now all you need is

Everyone whom the groom greeted
We ask you to rise from your seats,
The best groom
You could admire it.
And now all you need is
Shout “Bitter!” Bitterly! Bitterly!"

Who wishes the couple happiness,
We ask you to rise from your seats,
To the bride and groom
You could admire it.
And now all we ask is
Shout “Bitter!” Bitterly! Bitterly!"

Well, guests, don't skimp!
Share your generosity!
Our royal wedding sparkles brightly!
It's time to give you gifts!

Treasures are allowed to be opened!
There are so many treasures that they can’t be counted!
Treasures are words of the heart,
Their brilliance makes your head spin!

For you, newlyweds, everything is for you!
Raise your glass higher
Wish the young people happiness!
We're starting the show -
Presentation of wedding gifts!
Presentation of gifts
Created new house,
The house is big from small.
It's built brick by brick,
Yes, stronger, isn't it enough?
How will the construction proceed?
Never seen
It all depends very much on
Builders' skills.
Here you go, friends,
The unbeaten path,
Hello new family,
New story!
Here's a brand new album for you,
Imprint in it
And look later
Whatever you can do.
It's fun to walk together
Bright spaces
Start creating
A new story.


Dear Andrey and Elena! A lot of good words you will hear addressed to you today, but I suggest you find out who actually came to your wedding and for what purpose.

1. I didn’t want to cook dinner at home.
2. They cried and begged me about it.
3. I simply had no other choice.
4. For me on Earth they are the most dear and beloved people.
5. Tomorrow I want to borrow money from them.
6. I have long dreamed of having a drink with them at the Brudershaft.
7. I promised them that I would never reveal this secret.
8. I have long dreamed of communicating with them in an informal setting.
9. Today I have nowhere to sleep.
10. They have so much delicious food here!
11. Without me, this holiday would not have taken place.
12. It’s impossible to resist the groom’s charm.
13. They promised me an unforgettable evening.
14. I really want to invite all their relatives to my birthday.
15. I promised them that after the guests left, I would wash all the dishes for them.
16. Today I decoded.
17. Hiding from the police.
18. I need an alibi for my wife.
19. I secretly love the bride.
20. The groom is a magnificent man.
21. I want to find a new sexual partner.
22. They are the most reliable friends.
23. They always have fun.
24. I want to find new friends.
25. I really wanted to drink vodka.
26. I'm tired of being alone.
27. I have long wanted to show off my new outfit.
28. The groom is the wisest man in Gubakha.
29. I want to kiss the beautiful bride.
30. I haven’t sung drinking songs for a long time.


Comic test “You are like a beast”.

Affectionate as...
Strong as...
Sociable as...
Authoritative as...
Independent as...
Smiling like...
Neat as...
Amorous as...
Brave as...
Beautiful as...
In transport like...
With relatives how...
With work colleagues like...
In the store it's like...
At home it’s like...
In a cafe or restaurant like...
With the boss how...
In a friendly company like...
In bed like...
In the doctor's office it's like...

May life be as blue as the sky
Will pour light into the house,
How beautiful you are -
Bride and groom.

We will drink to the bottom -
It was, oh, it wasn’t -
For the white swan,
Here's to the glorious eagle!

For your happiness with splashes,
For joy over the edge,
For devotion, for sincerity,
For your family paradise.

For the little third
We'll drink with dreams
So that we all meet together
Gold at the wedding!

She is of unprecedented beauty,
He is dashing like a hussar...
Oh how we envy you.
Bride and groom!

"Kiss the bridegroom"
Oh, what a wedding
brought us together!

At a huge table
There was enough space for everyone
Guests: Tili-tili dough, kiss the bridegroom!

You couldn't find a better pair!
Let's tell you without flattery.

So live well
Together, honor upon honor!

Joys and difficulties
You meet together.

And so until old age,
About two hundred years...
Guests: Tili-tili dough, kiss the bridegroom!

- Dear guests! There is an aphorism: “Gold is tested by fire, a woman by gold, and a man by a woman!” Let's try to verify the truth of this statement.
1. Golden, will you give me huge bouquets of roses for every holiday?
2. Honey, will you ever be able to believe that “a wife on the sofa is gold in her pocket?”
3. Darling, would you like to become a gold miner in the future?
4. When buying a gold ring, can you decide to give it to the first person you meet?
1. I secretly dream about it.
2. You can’t figure it out without a bottle.
3. This can only happen.
4. Easy! But then blame yourself...
- Thank you! May God grant that your family always has answers to all questions, and that gold is not a stumbling block.
Poems are good
And the music is better
Isn't it time for us to dance and sing,
Show yourself, look at others.
Dance break
If two people fall in love,
They have already gone to the registry office,
This couple, friends, is called FAMILY.
If immediately after the wedding
She was in tears, he threw the vase,
Well, who guessed it?
It's called SCANDAL.
Although you are mutually loved,
And you are united forever,
Your union is one way or another
They call it the word MARRIAGE.
If suddenly a dream comes true:
Nearby is a tie and veil,
If guests are waiting at the estate,
So this is your WEDDING.
If you can't get through the house,
There's always someone on the way,
There’s no need to guess, come on,
GUESTS are waiting for you at home today.
Dear guests!
I hope that in any difficult moment you will come to the aid of this couple, because family life is not only happy serenity, but also a piercing wind of misunderstanding, bitterness and tears.
So that our young people don’t have to deal with it alone, I propose that the whole world come together. A sip each, and our young people will experience less bitterness and tears.
I propose to raise a glass to the young,
For their parents and relatives,
For relatives and friends,
Let's have a quick drink.
But before you drink the wine,
We need to sweeten it.
We can't do it ourselves -
Let's entrust this to the young people!
TO LOVE ardently.


Well, the newlyweds kiss, and everyone else sits and licks their lips. Let's fix this mess. After all, today is the universal day of love.
If you think our kissing games are over, then you are wrong.
Who got married in the summer, get up and don’t spoil,

Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who got married in the fall, get up and don’t spoil,
And in public, give your wife a big kiss!
Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Whoever got married in the winter, get up and don’t spoil!
And publicly, give your wife a big kiss!
Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Those who got married in the spring, get up and don’t spoil!
And in public, give your wife a big kiss!
Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!
Attention! Auction!
The only lot is being executed today.
An exclusive prize from the young!
Who wants to buy?
Starting price 50 rubles.
A greeting card was sent to our newlyweds.
Did you drink to the young?
Did you drink to your parents?
To become closer and dearer to everyone, let's drink to the guests!
"Vodka, beer, cognac"
"Music track"
Guests, we can’t sit here forever,
Time to stretch your limbs!
Dance break
Choir game “It’s Me!”

Which one of you is ready now?
Howl your glass to the brim?

Which one of you sings a cheerful song?
Will it enchant us all together?

Which one of you, brothers, tell me,
Will there be any undressing during the dance?

Which one of you is wearing a new suit?
So similar to Casanova?
Which one of you, with your mouth open,
Tell a joke here?

Tell me which one of you, brothers,
Will it be lying under the table?

Who's having an intelligent conversation?
Will you have a drink at your neighbor's?

Tell me which one of you, brothers,
Will you have a hangover tomorrow?

When you wake up early at dawn,
Already alone, already together,
And remember the cries of “Bitter”!
At this wedding table.
When the alley is confused
The sun will peep through the window,
It will become clearer to you,
That both of you are already one.
May the joy of this moment
It will pass through your entire life,
So that happiness is not exchangeable
On the copper of random little things.
So that no partings
Didn't stop you from saving,
All the freshness of a first date,
All the tenderness of your first meetings.



The men guide the ball with their feet, passing like a snake between the ladies. When passing by a lady, you need to kiss her. Who is faster.
"Newspaper Passions"
Couples. Newspaper sheets are pressed between their stomachs in an unfolded form. Task: with the help of body movements, crumple the paper at a certain point. time. Whose lump is the smallest wins.

The groom in front of the registry office, everyone knows
He gives flowers to his bride.
And our bride has
A bouquet that you can’t take your eyes off!
But in order to become a wife forever,
You have to part with the bouquet,
Yes, and it would be interesting to know
Who will be the next bride?
Now we know the answer,
Who will get the bouquet!
So come out, girlfriends,
But only those who are unmarried!

So, the girlish system is ready,
Throw your bouquet, bride!
The bride throws a bouquet
Guests! We have a reason
Please also contact men:
Middle-aged or young,
Come out, whoever is single.

And we will know at that very moment
Who will be the next groom?
There's just a little bit of waiting left.
Take the bandage off your cute leg.

And now the denouement is approaching.
Who will get the garter?
Give it up, groom, but don’t be cunning,
Wait for the command: one, two, three.
The groom throws the garter
Wedding parable
Happiness decided to leave one house. But first it decided to fulfill one wish of each family member. The hostess wanted mink coat, daughter to marry an overseas prince. And already on the threshold, happiness saw the owner and asked about his desire. I want the light of the family hearth to never go out in the house. And happiness remained to live in this house, because happiness lives only where the family hearth burns.
The custom came to us from our grandfathers
Bring fire to the newlyweds' house,
To make them feel welcome and familiar
The hearth of family is the key to great love.
And so that the fire gives him warmth
And the light of love and joint work in life,
So that everyone in your house is warm,
And life was happy and interesting.

Option 4

We meet the young people at the porch. Guests stand on both sides of the path from the car to the porch. Everyone should have rice and coins in their hands. While the young people are walking from the porch, in the direction of travel, shouting “Congratulations!” they are sprinkled with cereals and coins.

They are met on the porch by the presenter and parents.
Dear newlyweds! By tradition, the people dearest to you - your parents - meet you here. Mom is holding a wedding loaf in her hands as a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and salt it properly! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, add more salt... Now exchange pieces of bread. Look at each other with tenderness and feed each other!
The newlyweds feed each other.

And now we will see who will be the head of the family! Come on, bring the glasses here! And now on the count of three! drain the glasses to the bottom. Whoever is first is in charge. Once. Two. Three!
The newlyweds are drinking. All the guests are sick.

-What kind of barrier is this?
- The border, but not a simple one:
family life ahead,
behind - single.
You have a pass, friends,
To a house called Family?

The newlyweds show their marriage certificate.
Let me tell you briefly - the document is in order!

Come on in, hurry up
The wedding feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to the feast,
For wedding hospitality.

Everyone goes into the hall.

Today there is joy in this house
For family, friends, acquaintances.
Today there is a big holiday here,
Because two are cute
Two loving, beautiful
They became husband and wife.

Make yourself comfortable, dear guests, because a wedding is a long affair! Choose a more cheerful neighbor, someone you can talk to, and a nicer neighbor, whom you can look after. Men are closer to the snack, and women are closer to the drink. Everyone’s responsibilities include: pouring, topping up, not depriving everyone of your neighbors and not forgetting yourself. Now, get the champagne ready!

I ask everyone to raise their glasses,
Congratulate the young standing,
To herald the beginning of the wedding
And a new life for two!
May this day be like a bright holiday
Will flow joy into your home
And your life will be decorated forever
Hope, Happiness and Love!
And let love dawn
Doesn't go out for many years
Just let it be “bitter” at the wedding,
Never in your life!

And now, dear guests, do not be shy, gain strength before the festive program. Help yourself while we read to you

1. You can't be bored, you can joke.
2. You can’t be sad, you can sing and dance.
3. Look at other people's wives and husbands,
Don't forget about your own.
4. We forbid you to swear,
Fight, argue under the table.
If you've had a little too much to drink,
It's better to go to sleep in silence.
5. To everyone without further explanation
Keep your place
Pouring into your neighbor's pocket
Juice or wine is prohibited.
6. Don’t grumble or swear,
Don't go kissing everyone,
Don't get angry under any circumstances,
Everyone has fun from the heart.
7.If someone makes a mistake
I took my sadness with me,
Put it in the refrigerator immediately
For cutlets to the cook.
8. If you are about to leave
Found slightly
Wear other people's things
This is really not a problem.
But we strictly prohibit
Go home then
When next to you
Someone else's husband or wife!
10 minutes for a feast

Guests, have you taken your glasses?
- Yes!
Friendly, did you have fun?
- Yes!
Then "Bitter!" - let's shout to them -
"Bitter! Bitter!" - young.
Kiss, newlyweds,
Let those kisses be countless,
Otherwise, the poor invitees
It’s bitter to drink and bitter to eat!
Let's go for this couple
Let's drink a full glass!

Meeting the guests
Today everyone will sing more than ____.
____ will dance the most.
Everyone will shout “Bitterly!” the loudest. ____.
Everyone will drink more ____.
Today ____ will give ____one hundred rubles.
____ will happily give ____ his TV.
And ____ will give ____ herself.
Now ____ will lend money to everyone. No recoil.
The most beautiful today is ____.
The most shy person today is ____.
The hungriest person at the wedding is ____.
After the wedding, ____ will leave on foot.
____ will leave by car.
And ____ and ____ will have difficulty leading ____ away.
In an hour, ____ will say that he is cool.
After an hour and a half, ____ will say that he sneezed on everyone.
In two hours ____ won't say anything.
____ will fall asleep at 10 p.m.
____ will fall asleep at 11 p.m.
At 23:30 ____ will already wake up.
Tomorrow, improve your health, ____ invites everyone.
____ will arrive tomorrow with a box of beer.
____ undertakes to bring dried fish.
And ____ and ____ will be cooking fish soup from 5 am.
Everyone drinks ____ to their health.
For the health of the young and everyone I have already drunk ____ seven times.
A word to the parents.

Toast to parents
Let's raise a cheerful spell
For those who raised this glorious couple.
Who in life knew neither sleep nor peace,
Forged such happiness for them.
The parents are sad, a little sad.
We will not judge them harshly for this.
After all, this has long been their eternal destiny.
Each of us would like to support them.
For your work and worries, for everything you could,
Let the children bow to you to the ground.
And we, in turn, are good guests,
For your parental work, we will simply tell you:
Let time fly, but don't grow old
Let your grandchildren grow up, make you younger at heart,
Good luck to you, a huge increase in health,
We raise a festive toast to you.
Presentation of comic documents
- young,
response to young parents,
Let's raise our glasses!

Presentation of comic documents
- parents, others.
The floor is given to grandparents.
First dance of the young

Oh, how the bride looks in love,
Oh, how excited the proud groom is.
The first waltz is for you young people,
First dance for you two.
Those who do not want to sit still to the sounds of a waltz,
Feel free to join the bride and groom.

Competition for witnesses
The witness lies down on chairs, candy is scattered over her, and the last one is placed on her lips. The witness must collect them all with his hands tied.

Toast for witnesses
For those who took honorable care,
From now on I must for many years in a row
To follow with desire, with joy, with eagerness,
So that there is peace and harmony in the family of friends.
So that the wards walk together
Dear bright, sunny, big
Before the wedding, before the silver one,
Well, then - golden until the wedding!
We drink, as you noticed,
For young witnesses.

Table game for guests.

Envelopes for the bride's guests:
1. Honey, should we buy a mink coat?
2. Zolotko, will you give me your entire salary?
3. My sun, will you serve me coffee and a bun in the morning?
4. Dear, will you buy me outfits every day?
5. Darling, do you want us to have three girls and no boys?
6. Good, will you help me with the housework?
Envelopes for the groom's guests:
1. Dream, dream, my beloved.
2. If wages allow.
3. As you say, my only one.
4. Everything depends on you, dear.
5. I only dream about this, my dear.
6. Well, you say the same. Wait and see.

Lighting up the family hearth.
Happiness decided to leave one house. It's hard to say why, but it decided. “But first,” said happiness, “I will fulfill one wish of each member of the family in which I lived for many years. What do you want?” - happiness asked the hostess of the house. And she replied that she did not have a mink coat, and the hostess received a fur coat. Happiness asked adult daughter housewife: "What do you want?" - and she replied that she wanted to marry an overseas prince - and she married an overseas prince. Happiness asked the owner’s son: “What do you want?” “I want,” he says, “a bicycle, I will be happy if there is a bicycle,” and the boy got a bicycle. And already on the threshold of the house, happiness saw the owner and asked: “What do you want?” The owner thought and said: “I want the warmth of the family hearth to never leave my house.” And happiness fulfilled the owner’s request and did not leave this house, because happiness lives only where the family hearth burns!”

At a noisy wedding table
Like a beacon of friendship and kindness
The two of you will light it up now
Star of hope and dreams.

Let's raise our glasses to this small and still very young hearth! But he will grow up, get stronger and be able to warm both the young and their children, and their relatives and friends.

Competition for guests

Distribution of duties ( air balloons)

Competition for mothers
Mothers can tell by their voice:
1. The bride’s mother identifies her son-in-law among other guys who take turns saying: “Mother-in-law, I love you.”
2. The groom’s mother identifies the daughter-in-law by her voice among the other girls, who take turns saying: “I can’t bear to get married.”
3. Mothers together determine the voices of the young among other couples, who take turns saying: “Mom, it’s us!”

Dance competition for couples (with a balloon).
Each couple is given balloon ik, which partners must hold between their foreheads (backs of heads, backs, bellies, shoulder blades, butts, knees, at chest level - at the discretion of the organizer; during the competition, the method of holding the ball at the command of the leader can be changed), couples dance, preferably to fast music and preferably in the nature of the music. The pairs that drop the ball are eliminated.
Table competition for guests
And now the color competition. Dear guests, take a look at what color clothes you wore to the wedding celebration. Pay attention to your neighbor's clothes.
Who came dressed in red? These people are joyful, beautiful, independent, and value the fullness of life. Always ready for love, in the sense of a great feeling. They prefer to spend their holidays in the south. Let's drink to the red one.
Who's in clothes white? Often naive, honest people, with an untarnished reputation, kind and decent. They prefer to relax among snowy plains and polar bears. Please note, even if you drank for red, if you also have white in your clothes, you will have to drink again.
The black color of clothing indicates that we are dealing with talented people who are capable of bewitching absolutely everyone. They love black caviar and black coffee. Sexually attractive, fertile in everything! They like to relax at their lovers' dachas.
Cloth of blue color guarantees their owners a noble origin and romance. These are loyal, nice people, they worry about literally everything and everyone.
They like to vacation everywhere, just to fly on a plane.
The green color of the outfit indicates that these are people overwhelmed by hope and dreams. Always fresh and attractive. For relaxation they prefer the nearby forest.
Who came dressed in yellow? These people are pleasant, warm, romantic, but... treacherous. Gold is preferred for jewelry. They strive to take a place in the upper class. They like to relax on “Golden Sands”, they like to listen to “Golden Ring”, they like to be called “Zolotse”.

Determining the sex of the child.

Word to the witnesses

Presentation of gifts (to eat by witnesses)
Order for a new family.

Determination of the groom (by ear, by hand),
Definition of bride (by the elbow, by the knee).


For couples with tennis balls. (drive through partner's trousers).

Hospital (on the sheets write “maternity home”, “hospital”, “bynya”, “registry office”, “bedroom”, “work”.
-how often do you visit this place?
-how long have you been there?
- what are you doing there?
- Who do you go there with?
- what do you take with you?
- Do you enjoy going there?
- Who would you dream of going there with?)

Competition for young people "explanatory and justificatory" competition. You can call it “I believe - I don’t believe.” The situation for the competition can be set as follows: “Three months of married life pass, and the young wife comes home at three in the morning. What will she say in her defense, and will her husband believe it? So, the husband opens the door, first looks sternly at his watch, then he looks at his wife and asks the question: “Darling, why is it so late?” In response, the bride offers her own options for excuses, and the groom accepts them or not, saying “I believe!” or, conversely, “I don’t believe!”

To attract the parents of the young couple to the sweet kissing moment, the presenter can ask the bride and groom questions: “Tanya, was there at least one subject in high school, a lesson in which you were taught to kiss?
They didn't teach Tanya how to kiss. Let's ask the groom. Alexander, did the institute’s program include classes where you could master the art of kissing? No, there was no such thing in the institute program. What to do? Who will teach you a kissing lesson? Probably, as always, parents. We ask the parents of the bride and groom to rise and kiss each other firmly but tenderly. And at the wedding feast we will shout to them a friendly “Bitter!”
Newlyweds' vows.
In the midst of the wedding fun, the host offers the guests a game of Spin the Bottle. Brings out a large inflatable bottle of champagne that will spin during the game. On the tray there is a place with words. The guests stand in a circle, the presenter is in the center.
Whoever the bottle points to takes a card with a word, and I explain the meaning of this word in our kissing game. The bottle is spun and the cards are sorted out during the game.
Here are the words and their meanings:
Fur - kiss everyone's neighbors.
Pipes - kiss your neighbor on the lips.
Period - kiss whoever you want on the cheek.
Arrow - let the girls kiss you.
Fingers - let the boys kiss you.
Verse - the groom will send an air kiss.
Bride - kiss the one whose place is next to you.

Competition for young people - to dress a doll with tied hands.

-Did you drink to the young people?
All: -Drank!
-Did you drink to your parents?
All: -Drank!
- To become closer and dearer to all of us,
Let's drink to the guests!

Bouquet and garter toss.

Well, you can escort the newlyweds from the wedding along a corridor of burning candles held by the guests. The presenter will say that let so many happy stars illuminate their life path together, that let so many lights light up in the homes of relatives and friends who are always ready to help and give the newlyweds the warmth and joy of meeting.

The guests stand in a circle. Everyone takes turns singing a couple of lines from songs about weddings and everything connected with them. Such songs include “Oh, this wedding-wedding sang”, “Wedding flowers”, “Someone else’s bride”, “ Wedding ring- not a simple decoration” and so on. Those who cannot sing are eliminated from the game. And the remaining three guests, who showed themselves to the fullest and remembered the most wedding songs, are awarded prizes.

Test of strength

In this competition, the time has come for the newly-made husband and wife to prove themselves. The toastmaster gives them boards, nails and a hammer. And the task of the young people is to put together their first chair. The work must be fast, coordinated and of high quality. It will be interesting for guests to observe how the couple manifests themselves in joint housework.

Dating engine

At weddings, it sometimes happens that some guests do not know each other. To correct this situation, the toastmaster can hold such a competition at the very beginning. The driver comes out first - a friend - he calls his name and passion for life, and then he goes around the hall, attaches the next carriage to himself, that is, any of the guests, who in turn says his name, relationship with the bride or groom and passion for life, for example, I am Uncle Kolya, the uncle of a beautiful bride, an avid fisherman, and so on until the whole train is assembled. This way all guests will be able to meet and get to know each other better.

My second mother

The competition involves son-in-law and mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. The toastmaster asks questions that children should answer about their “second” mothers. For example, date of birth, favorite movie, profession, favorite dish, and so on. Whoever gives the most correct answers knows his mother-in-law or mother-in-law better. Whoever wins gives his dance to the guests. A mother-in-law and son-in-law can, for example, dance a waltz or lezginka, and a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can dance a gypsy dance.

Large and small

When all the guests have danced and eaten, when you just want to relax a little, the host can hold a fairly simple but interesting competition in which the guests do not need to jump, run, and so on. The presenter announces that in this competition there will be 2 winners from the audience: the one who has the largest bill and the smallest one. And as prizes you can choose, for example, a bottle of mineral water for the owner of a large bill, so that he cools down a little and slows down the pace of work, because you won’t earn all the money, and a toy shovel for the owner of a small bill, so that he, on the contrary, increases the pace of work and can shovel money.

Charity dances

They choose 2-3 couples who will have to prove themselves in dancing. For the competition, the presenter prepares songs and melodies in styles such as rock and roll, hopak, lezginka, pop, striptease, waltz, samba, and so on. Each of the couples in turn is invited to the dance floor. For each couple, you must also choose one person from the audience who will collect money from the guests in a hat. So, the host turns on the music, the couple dances, and one of the guests collects money, each couple must dance at least 3-5 excerpts from different genres. In the end, the couple who collects the most money wins. And the collected funds go to the budget of the newly-made family.

The house where the newlyweds will live

The toastmaster declares that a house needs to be built. He has blanks, that is, a base, roof, doors, windows, pipe, and so on cut out of colored paper. To win one detail, guests must complete a certain task, for example, we dance the dance of little ducklings and get the base of the house, which we attach with a magnet to the easel. Next, we sing a funny song in chorus and get a roof, show a “star” figure (that is, all the guests should become in the shape of a star) and get a window, make a rainbow of guests (that is, the participants with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and violet color of clothing or its element) and we get doors. This way, guests will be able to build a new home for the newly-made family.

Lariat on the neck

The leader should have several (depending on the number of participants) ropes approximately 2 meters long. 3-5 pairs are selected: a man and a woman. The men stand in a row, the women are given ropes from which they must make a lasso. Women stand opposite men at a certain distance. At the command “start”, women try to throw a lasso around the man’s neck. Whoever can do this faster wins. The couple is awarded a prize.

An interesting article for future newlyweds. Several scenarios for a wedding.

A wedding is one of the most unforgettable events for a couple. Therefore, I want to celebrate in a fun atmosphere with friends and family. Nowadays, European-style weddings are in fashion, which are held without the participation of a toastmaster. But you shouldn’t think that the celebration will consist only of a modest feast. You can take on the role of leader.

Comical original script for a wedding anniversary

Of course, a wedding anniversary, and especially an anniversary, should be spent in the company of those closest to you. To make the holiday fun, you can arrange various competitions and games.

Approximate scenario for a wedding anniversary

It is not necessary to tie the script to a specific date, but you can mention it. It is advisable to choose two presenters for the celebration. It is best if it is a man and a woman.

Leaders' words:

Greetings, dear guests

Throw away all your sorrows

And get ready to have fun

To enjoy your wedding to the fullest.

Don't forget to fill your glasses

And drink together to the newlyweds.

Questions and Answers Competition

Address to the couple (heroes of the occasion):

Now you have a task

A very responsible test

You go out to the center of the hall together

Choose your answers to the questions well.

For this competition, you need to prepare two bags with questions and answers for the groom in advance. Questions could be something like this:

  • Honey, do you want a lot of kids?
  • Will you call my parents "Mom" and "Dad"?
  • Shall we get a dog?
  • Will you buy me a fur coat?

The bride takes out pieces of paper from the first bag, and the groom takes out the answers from the second. The answers should be:

  • Only after the silver wedding
  • Dream on baby
  • If salary allows

Thus, the groom chooses the answers to the questions at random. It turns out very original and fun.

Fun lottery

After this competition, the couple sits down and takes a short break to have a snack and drink. Guests are sure to shout “Bitter”! When the invitees and the husband and wife have a little rest at the table, the second presenter asks the guests to purchase a comic lottery. You don’t have to name the price; let each of the invitees give as much money as they see fit.

Leader's words:

“Dear guests rested, drank a little, had a party

Now we ask you to come and purchase the lottery.”

A basket of papers is prepared in advance. Each of the guests must take out the package and read aloud what is written inside. For example:

  • Don't be sad, crunch it. We give you a cracker (a pack of crackers is handed over)
  • This thing may be useful to you. You will have to recover from your hangover in the morning (you will be given a bottle of beer or low-alcohol drink)
  • Our gift is modest and is called a pencil (I give pencils to the guest)
  • You will soon say thank you, and the best gift is a book (the guest is given a magazine with crossword puzzles)
  • There is a lot of fun going on right now. And our present will save you from a hangover tomorrow (they hand over Aspirin)

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to give guests a little break from competitions. The invitees and the heroes of the occasion drink and eat.

After a short break, the heroes of the occasion are presented with gifts. This needs to be done as a joke. It is worth making an agreement with one of the guests in advance. The presenters must prepare a large box of broken bottles. The box is beautifully packaged. One of the guests criticizes the gift for the newlyweds and says that this set is incredibly expensive, and it took him a long time to choose it. When presented, the guest drops the box with the “gift” on the floor. Everyone hears the sound of breaking glass. After this, the guest announces that this is a joke and gives the couple his real gift.

Bride kidnapping competition

It is necessary to quietly lead the bride out of the hall during the dance. After this, the presenter says that the bride has disappeared, and in order to ransom her, the groom needs to dance a striptease. After the groom's dance, one of the invited men comes out, dressed in the bride's dress, and sits on the groom's lap. The guest says that he will return the bride if the groom gives him a bottle of Hennessey. However, you don’t necessarily need to buy this elite drink. You can stick a drawing on a bottle of cognac quick hand Hennessy label. After the ransom, the couple dances one last dance by candlelight. The guests eat the cake and leave.

Scenario for a wedding banquet

Increasingly, newlyweds are trying to save money on their wedding. Most young people prefer to go on vacation abroad rather than spend huge amounts of money on luxurious banquets. But this does not mean that the holiday will be boring. You can prepare interesting competitions and a scenario for the celebration in advance.

During the wedding celebration you must:

  • Thank your parents
  • Congratulate the newlyweds
  • Organize a bride kidnapping
  • Thank guests
  • Cheer up your guests using contests and lotteries

Fun competitions for weddings

They can be announced by one of the guests. It is best if it is a close friend of the bride or groomsman.

  • Competition "Attraction". To conduct the competition, you need to pack items in large boxes in advance. At the same time, there is no need to say that it is packed. Required in in a comic form describe the subject. For example: milk storage container (bra), egg tray (family panties), washing machine(grout) sewing machine(needle and thread). Guests must bargain after the auction is announced. The starting price can be 5-10 rubles. The money is put into a bag for the newlyweds. After purchasing items, guests are asked to unbox prizes.
  • Competition "Casanova". It is necessary to choose several cheerful men among the guests. The music turns on and the man must collect more kisses within a certain period of time. The count is based on the number of lipstick marks on a man's face. Women should not give up immediately, the participant wins the kiss
  • Competition of questions for guests. This is a traditional and fun competition. It is necessary to prepare leaflets with questions and answers in advance. They are put in different boxes. The questions should be like this: do you like alcohol? Have you ever danced a striptease? Are you hiding your extra income from your partner? Do you have connections on the side? The answers may be: knowing me, you don’t have to ask, I get pleasure from it, only at night in bed, I’m ashamed to admit it in front of everyone. Usually this competition is accompanied by laughter

Modern wedding scenario for a wedding with unusual and fun competitions

This scenario is ideal for young guests. All competitions are fun and active:

  • Portrait. Several participants are selected for this competition. Each competitor is given sheets of paper and pencils. Everyone must draw someone invited. On the back, in small letters, you need to write who is depicted in the portrait. Then these drawings are distributed to the guests and they must guess who is drawn in the portrait. Whose drawing gets the most correct answers is the winner. Portraits are given to the person depicted in them.
  • Who was born? Several are selected for this fun competition married couples. Women stand opposite their men. The presenter gives the women information about the newborn baby. On the sheets of paper you can write: a Chinese man with sly eyes was born, a black baby who screams all the time. In this case, the woman must show her partner with gestures what is written on the piece of paper. The man who most correctly solves the encrypted information wins
  • Competition "Drunkard". This competition is built on the principle of the children's game “The odd one out.” For this, 5-6 participants are selected. One less glass than the number of competitors is placed on the table. The music turns on and the participants walk around the table. As soon as the presenter claps his hands or the music stops, you need to grab the glass and empty it. Whoever doesn't get a drink is out
  • Competition "Baby". To do this, several men who love beer are invited to the stage. Each bottle comes with a nipple. Whichever participant empties the container the fastest wins

Scenario for a small wedding party with friends

It is advisable for matchmakers to take on the role of leading. If they are elderly, then it is possible for the celebration to be carried out by girlfriends and friends of the newlyweds. Before the newlyweds arrive, the hosts offer guests snacks and champagne in the restaurant lobby.

After the couple arrives, romantic music is turned on, and the children sprinkle rose petals on the couple. One of the presenters suggests that the bride say goodbye to her maiden name. To do this, the girl is given an armful of balloons filled with helium and a marker. The bride must write her maiden name on each of the balloons and release them into the sky.

  • Competitions for the bride and groom. This is a kind of test for newlyweds. It is necessary to seat several men in the center of the hall. The bride is blindfolded. She must use her hands to feel the ears of each candidate and determine where her husband is. The groom won't be bored either. He is blindfolded. Several girls sit on chairs and bare their legs. The groom must feel his legs to determine where his beloved is
  • Competition for guests. It is necessary for the presenter to select several active couples in the hall. Men sit on chairs, and something is placed on their laps paper napkin. Women sit on their partners' laps. The music is turned on and the participants must rub the napkins with their buttocks and legs
  • Competition for invitees "Clothespins". Traditional and very fun competition. Several pairs are selected. Men are given empty tin cans on ropes and clothespins. Participants are blindfolded. They must pin jewelry on their chosen ones. Then you can ask them to remove the jewelry without using their hands with their eyes open. This competition brings people together if they are not married
  • Dance competition. Couples are given balloons and lively music is turned on. Partners must burst the ball while dancing, squeezing it with their buttocks or chest

The wedding ends with the ceremony of removing the veil. To do this, romantic music is turned on, the groom takes off the bride’s veil and dances the first family dance with her. Next, the newlyweds thank the guests for congratulating them. Spouses cut a wedding cake and distribute to guests. At the end of the evening, everyone enjoys the wedding fireworks.

Scenario for a wedding evening with competitions for the toastmaster. Wedding celebration script for toastmaster

Typically, the scenario for a wedding with a toastmaster is divided into two parts: introductory and table. At the very beginning, after the newlyweds arrive, they are sprinkled with wheat grains and rose petals.

  • Affectionate as
  • Beautiful as
  • Caring as
  • Smart as

After each proposal, she pulls out a piece of paper with an animal that the groom wrote. In the same way, a competition is held with the bride’s answers. Laughter echoes throughout the hall.

Voting for the gender of the baby born in a couple is considered traditional. For fun game The toastmaster brings out two people to the guests, one blue and the other pink. Each of the guests must put some money into the chosen little man.

Accordingly, if one of the invitees wants to vote for a girl, he must spend money in pink clothes. The gender that collects the most money will win.

The toastmaster can prepare a bottle of champagne with a photo of the bride and groom in advance.

IMPORTANT! The lovers will have to open the bottle in exactly one year.

  • Competition "What's in the glass." Fun competition for all guests. To carry it out, 100 g of vodka is poured into a glass. You need to put a straw in each container. The toastmaster announces that there is water in all glasses except one. Guests need to determine which glass contains vodka by the grimaces of the participants. At the end of the competition, the presenter admits that all the glasses contain vodka
  • Nodules. A fun competition that will allow you to have fun with the participants. The toastmaster invites several people of different genders and ages to participate. Each participant is given a rope 1 m long. Each participant must tie as many knots as possible. After everyone has done it, the toastmaster announces that the winner will be the one who first unties all the knots
  • A fun competition for men. The toastmaster invites to the stage several men who have passed military service in the army. They are given neatly folded T-shirts and asked to quickly put them on. After this, participants are blindfolded and given family underpants. Men will try to put on briefs, thinking they are tank tops.

Original wedding scenarios with competitions at home

If the wedding is celebrated at home, then most often the closest people and friends are among the invitees. Everyone has long been tired of the usual noisy feasts. It is worth taking a responsible approach to organizing the celebration and thinking through every little detail.

An essential part of any wedding:

  • Newlyweds meeting
  • New couple's first dance
  • Congratulations and toasts
  • Competitions, games and competitions
  • Presentation of gifts
  • Dancing and disco
  • Farewell to girlhood and bachelorhood
  • Eating birthday cake

To prevent the wedding from seeming boring, it is necessary to dilute the traditional part with fun games and competitions. At the same time, you need to try so that the guests do not get bored and do not have time to get pretty drunk. To do this, after drinking 1-2 glasses, they organize some kind of competition.

Competitions for weddings at home

  • Stuffed cabbage rolls. A comic competition in which a man is invited to participate. They blindfold him and announce that there is a woman lying on the sofa with a sweet candy in her mouth. He must find the candy and eat it without using his hands. But a man lies down on the sofa without candy, while the music “Blue Moon” plays
  • Appetite. Couples are invited to the competition, they are blindfolded and swapped. Participants need to eat a banana; a different participant bites from each edge. Thus, the contestants will meet lips. It's fun if the participants are of the same gender
  • Pregnant wife. A fun competition for men. It is necessary for the witness and the groom to glue the balloon with tape at the level of the stomach. A box of matches is poured onto the floor, and the participants must collect everything and not burst the ball.

Scenario for a wedding evening in a narrow circle

The scenario depends on where the celebration is held, at home or in a cafe. In a restaurant, you can organize mobile competitions that require a lot of space. At home, people mostly choose games and competitions at or near the table. You can even arrange quizzes at the beginning of the celebration while all the guests are sober.

  • Striptease. A circle is made using chairs. 10 participants are selected, the same number of chairs are taken. The music is turned on and after it is turned off, the participants must put any thing on the chair where they stopped. The number of items taken depends on how close the contestants are. Next, the music turns on again and the participants are already putting on the item from the chair where they stopped
  • Fashion boutique. For the competition you need to take a large bag and put funny clothes in it. This could be size 58 panties or a size 10 bra. Each contestant takes an item from the bag and puts it on. It is necessary not to take off your outfit for 30 minutes
  • Kamikaze. A fun competition to improve your mood. A glass is placed on the table, each person sitting must pour a little strong drink into the container and pass it on. Whoever has a full glass must drink it

Scenario for a Russian wedding ceremony. Costumes for Russian weddings

A few centuries ago, our ancestors observed all the subtleties of Russian rituals. Now many people are trying to organize a European, maritime wedding. But still, some newlyweds want to observe traditions.

The main stages of the Russian wedding ceremony:

  • Matchmaking
  • Collusion
  • hen-party
  • Wedding
  • The wedding night
  • wedding feast

It is on the wedding day that the celebration begins with the grooming of the bride. A friend helps her get dressed. In this case, the groom is at home and should not see his beloved. Next, the man comes for his lady. The bride's relatives ask for ransom. After this, the newlyweds go to get married in church (at the registry office).

It was considered traditional in Rus' for newlyweds to meet with wheat sprinkled on them, but now many couples are abandoning this tradition. Newlyweds choose rose petals or bubble. The newlyweds are always greeted with a loaf of bread and salt. There is a belief that whoever bites off the most will be the head of the family.

Previously, after the arrival of the newlyweds, their parents lit a fireplace; this was considered a sign of a family hearth. This tradition has now been replaced by lighting candles at the end of the evening.

Costumes for Russian weddings

Clothes for a bride's wedding are quite complex and varied. In Rus', a shirt with an embroidered ornament was originally worn. A sundress with wide straps was put on top of it. A similar outfit was decorated with a festive apron and a beautiful belt.

The bride always wore a kokoshnik on her head - a hat with an open back. It was believed that a girl herself should embroider an ornament on a shirt, but now you can buy clothes with machine embroidery.

The groom put on a shirt with long sleeve and trousers. Moreover, all ornaments had to be made from the same threads as the bride’s outfit.

A wedding is a day that will be remembered for a lifetime. So that you remember this celebration with warmth and trepidation, make every effort to organize it.

VIDEO: Wedding Script