Recommendations for parents: “Possible forms of joint recreation between parents and children. ”

If such moments in the life of your family occur rarely, and therefore there were no opportunities to think how to organize joint vacation, you can use the following forms of joint recreation between parents and children:

1. Joint intellectual activity: intellectual family games, solving crosswords, puzzles, riddles.

2. Joint creative activity: child and parents together they come up with and create some kind of creative projectdecor congratulations to relatives, preparing the apartment for the holiday, performing any creative work.

3. Joint labor activity: cleaning the apartment, planting and caring for indoor plants, landscaping the area around your home, doing work in the garden, caring for pets.

4. Joint sports activity: visiting the gym, swimming pool, sports activities at the stadium with the whole family, family ski trips.

5. Joint mobile, role-playing games.

Games are a great source information about the child's identity. During the game, you need to carefully observe the child’s behavior. In the game you can see how a child consistently moves towards a goal from the beginning to the end of the game, whether he is afraid or not afraid of difficulties, whether he can cope with the failure that befell him, how he copes with a loss in the game.

Joint activities of parents and their children can be carried out with the help of labor games, outdoor games-competitions, theatrical games (acting out literary plots that allow you to see possibilities child to develop creativity, find creative solutions to the given game problem. The main task of adults in this game is to maintain originality children, timely praise for something interesting.

If it still occurs conflict situation requiring punishment, then parents need to remember:

Punishment should not be a constant practice - it is an immediate reaction to an unacceptable act;

The punishment should be short;

- need to be consistent: it is impossible to punish in one case, and in another - the same act cannot be noticed;

You cannot stop talking to your child as a punishment;

No punishment should have as its goal the humiliation of a child.

“A child is a flower that needs approval from its loved ones. Without praise, he languishes and risks never blooming.” (Preobrazhenskaya E.)

MBDOU Kindergarten No. 12 “Squirrel” Kotovsk Zinovieva N.V.

Resources used: S. V. Chirkova. – M.: VAKO, 2010. (Preschoolers: teach, develop, educate)

Consultation for parents.

“Interesting forms of joint recreation between parents and children”

Prepared by the teacher:

Myakonkaya T.A.

The question often arises of how to organize a joint vacation with children, what activities you can do together with your baby in the evening or on weekends.

You can use the following forms of joint recreation between parents and children:

Joint intellectual activity; intellectual family games (lotto, dominoes), solving crosswords, puzzles, labyrinths, riddles.

Joint creative activity: the child and parents together come up with and create some kind of creative project - arranging congratulations for relatives, preparing an apartment for a holiday, performing some kind of artistic work.

You will tell me when you should do this; you don’t have enough time for this while doing household chores. However, the whole family spends a lot of time in the kitchen, especially women. Do you think it’s possible for a child to find something to do there? Certainly.

1. “Egg shells”

Crush the shell into pieces that a child can easily pick up with their fingers. Apply a thin layer of plasticine to the cardboard - this is the background, and then invite the child to lay out a pattern or design from the shell.

2. "Dough"

Sculpt whatever you want.

3. “Pasta”

Lay out fancy patterns on a table or sheet of paper, studying shapes and colors along the way.

4. “Semolina and beans”

Mix a certain amount, offer to choose beans from semolina.

5. "Peas"

Transfer the peas from one cup to another.

6. "Hercules"

Pour the cereal into a bowl and bury small toys in it. Let the baby find it.

7. “Various small grains”

Invite the child to draw pictures with grains. For very small children, use a spoon to pour the cereal from a bowl into a bowl.

8. “Whip for whipping”

Pour water into a bowl, some shampoo and place in the sink. Place your child on a chair near the sink and let him stir up the soap suds.

9. “Disposable cups”

You can insert one into the other, make pyramids of different heights.

10. “Breakfast cereal rings”, etc.

Offer to lay out drawings from them or string them on strings - beads and bracelets.

11.Vegetables and fruits.

Offer to name 5-6 vegetables, and then close your eyes and find out which vegetable (fruit) is gone; you can offer to touch and name the vegetable from a pan or net.

Joint work activity : cleaning the apartment, planting and caring for indoor plants, landscaping the area around your home, doing work in the garden, caring for pets.

It is important at this age that children not only have a number of responsibilities that will make your work easier, but also that they form habits for the future. To do this, you need to write down all the things that need to be done in order to keep the house clean and comfortable. Write everything down, even little things like “fill the filter with water” will come in handy. Even a 3-year-old child can successfully cope with this task; he will proudly fill the filter and consider himself an important member of the family.

Sample list of responsibilities:

Knock out a small rug by the door,

Watering flowers in the kitchen

Unpack your grocery bag

Display the shoes scattered in the hallway,

Fold pencils that are always scattered around the house

Make sure that the TV remote control does not leave the bedside table, etc.

Then you need to collect family council, where to inform that from now on you want to reconsider the things that are done at home. Invite your household (children and husband) to choose the things they will do. Please note, there is no need to force anyone, you are presenting your household with a fact. Now the bottom has responsibilities. And right now they have a great opportunity to choose a business to their liking.

Joint sports activities: visiting the gym, swimming pool, sports activities at the stadium with the whole family, family walks.


Many parents consider walking with a child a heavy duty, they see the benefit only in the fact that he moves around, gets some fresh air, at the same time, the child must develop, for which he is taken to various “development centers” for money; meanwhile, the child can be developed directly while walking. Develop his attentiveness, observation, thinking and speech.

What can you draw a child’s attention to during a walk?

1.Sky. If a child notices that the sky looks like a person’s face, the baby will be interested in watching it and how it changes. So, the child learns the words “frowning”, “gloomy”, “light”, “thoughtful”.

The color of the sky can be very beautiful. Here all possible colors and shades change each other. How to draw a child's attention to them? Tell him: between this house and that one, this will be our sky. Ours is with you, do you understand? Just don't tell anyone, it will be our secret. Well, look what our sky is like today? You can try to count how many colors there are in the sky by naming them

Clouds, there are clouds in the sky different shapes and sizes, they are often similar to something. (looking at the sky and determining what they look like). Invite your child to come up with a name for the fantastic creature, and then come up with a fairy tale or story about it (they either chase each other, swim peacefully, or seem to be sleeping.

But there is a lot of interesting things on earth.

2. Let's go to the park. Let's go to the trees: pine, spruce, birch, rowan. What if you photograph them for a collection? Collect cones, acorns, nuts, leaves? What rich material for tactile sensations, comparisons by size, games from the series “Find out by ...” shape, color, smell, etc. And if you take a photo of a baby to the right of a birch tree, to the left of a rowan tree, under a pine tree, in front of a spruce tree, behind a palm tree... You feel like we are studying prepositions when looking at photographs! And without sitting at a desk, we just look and find ourselves in the photo! Where are you? I am for, under, right, left.

3. From the collected material you can lay out geometric figures, numbers, letters.

4.You can listen to the sound of the wind. Determine what kind of wind it is: strong, weak. We not only develop the child’s hearing, teach him to observe nature, but also calm his nervous system. For children 4.5 years old, you can make “reading” cards. A small photograph, and under it the name of a tree, bush, flower. Printed or written letters. Showing a photograph with a plant familiar to the child from his “walk collection,” we run our finger over the inscription and read. For example, "BIRCH". And then, we invite the child to “read”. Recognizing the image, listening to your reading, the baby confidently “reads” - BIRCH. Having read it several times for dad, mom, aunt Masha, Glasha and 10 other friends. The child, firstly, becomes infected with the desire to learn to read, and secondly, remembers the outline of the word and finds it in other texts.
5.You can watch birds in the same way.

How they move, what they eat, suggest making bird feeders. Children have many questions: why do birds become ruffled and puffed up in severe frost? Does this help them, make them warmer then? The kid will be surprised to learn that such heat the kind he gets with a sore throat always happens in birds. That's why they can withstand severe frosts.

6. While walking down the street, look at the houses. They are: high, low, wide, narrow, higher, lower, very low, very high. Dads, you can take pictures and download logos of all car brands on the Internet. And then, when you go out for a walk, offer to find your child this or that car based on its logo.

7. If a child finds a stick, do not rush to throw it away. Find another one. Let the baby take his by the ends; if the handles are widely spaced, then the stick is long, now give yours, the handles are almost together - short. Remember the cartoon “38 Parrots”, invite your child to measure his shadow with a found stick, first his, then yours. And then you can try on something else. Fun math and no pressure.

Joint outdoor, theatrical and role-playing games.

Games are an excellent source of information about a child's personality. And during the game you need to carefully observe the child’s behavior. In the game you can see how a child consistently moves towards the goal from the beginning to the end of the game, whether he is afraid or not afraid of difficulties, whether he can cope with the failure that befell him, how he copes with a loss in the game.

Organize the conditions at home for your favorite role-playing game

When organizing theatrical games, it is better for parents to take fairy tales well known to their children. Before the game, it is advisable to re-read the fairy tale again, distribute roles among all family members, think over costumes, set aside time for preparation, and invite spectators.

Actual and tabletop theaters that you can make with your own hands. (showing varieties of do-it-yourself puppet theater.

One of family values- a good holiday together. General entertainment, games, excursions will show you each other in a new way and provide the opportunity to make discoveries even within your own family! Family vacation is a chance for parents to better understand their own child, to see and hear how he lives.




One of the family values ​​is a good holiday together. General entertainment, games, excursions will show you each other in a new way and provide the opportunity to make discoveries even within your own family! Family vacation is a chance for parents to better understand their own child, to see and hear how he lives.

If such moments in the life of your family arise rarely, and therefore there was no opportunity to think about how to organize a joint vacation, you can use the following forms of joint recreation between parents and children:

  1. Joint intellectual activity: intellectual family games, solving crosswords, puzzles, riddles.
  2. Joint creative activity: the child and parents together come up with and create some kind of creative project - arranging congratulations for relatives, preparing an apartment for a holiday, performing some kind of artistic work.
  3. Joint work activities: cleaning the apartment, planting and caring for indoor plants, landscaping the area around your home, doing work in your garden, caring for pets.
  4. Joint sports activities: visiting the gym, swimming pool, sports activities at the stadium with the whole family, family skiing trips.
  5. Joint outdoor, role-playing games.

Games are an excellent source of information about a child's personality. During the game, you need to carefully observe the child’s behavior. In the game you can see how the child consistently moves towards the goal from the beginning to the end of the game, whether he is afraid or not afraid of difficulties, whether he can cope with the failure that befell him, how he copes with a loss in the game.

The joint activity of parents and their children can be carried out through work-games, outdoor games-competitions, theatrical games (acting out literary plots), which allow you to see the child’s opportunities for developing creativity, and find creative solutions to the assigned game problem. When organizing theatrical games, it is better for parents to take fairy tales well known to their children. Before the game, it is advisable to re-read the fairy tale again, distribute roles among all family members, think over costumes, set aside time for preparation, and invite spectators. Adults should think about ways to eliminate difficult situations that arise. Any comments should be in the form of advice, starting with praise. The main task of adults in this game is to support the originality of children and to praise them in a timely manner for something interesting.

People who have children and are growing up are beginning to see their holidays in a new format. Family vacations take on a special look for such people. Previously, you could go on your own, wherever your heart desires and as far as it allows financial well-being. Now it is necessary to listen to every family member, even the smallest. After all, the best family vacation implies comfort and pleasure for the whole family as a whole, without exception.

Everyone in the family wants to relax in their own way. Mom needs to take her mind off everyday problems. Dad dreams of escaping from the stuffy office. Children have a dream to have a blast while they have the opportunity. That is why it is necessary to carefully choose a place for a family vacation so that everyone gets their share of impressions, positive emotions and charge for subsequent weekdays. Moreover, a family vacation can be not only during the holidays. For the basics family tradition You can take any type of holiday on weekends.

Types of family holidays

Any vacation can be divided into several subcategories:

  • active and passive;
  • winter and summer;
  • holidays in your own country and abroad;
  • outdoor recreation and cultural recreation (museum trips and sightseeing);
  • family tourism;
  • rest in a sanatorium/boarding house;
  • sea ​​cruise;
  • family vacation during the holidays;
  • hunting, fishing, entertainment clubs, bowling, etc. (this is already for relaxation on weekends).

Let's take a closer look at some of the listed types.

Family holidays abroad

This type of joint recreation has a positive effect on all family members, and especially on children. You give them the opportunity to broaden their horizons and become more sociable. After all, during the trip they will be forced to communicate with a large number of people, as well as with foreigners. It is necessary to plan a trip to a foreign resort in advance. You can buy a tour from an agency, or you can organize everything yourself using the Internet. Taking care of your comfort, you need to book a place to stay in advance and buy plane tickets. A trip through a travel agency will cost you a little more. However, everything, right down to leisure hours, will be organized. All you have to do is pay and enjoy your vacation.

Winter family holiday

Winter holidays can be divided into two types. This is a trip to warm lands at a time when there are severe frosts in your homeland. Or vice versa, enjoying winter landscapes during the weekend. For any winter vacation with your family, there are some caveats.

If you are traveling abroad with small children, remember that they endure sudden climate changes more difficult than adults. Closely monitor what your children eat and drink while on vacation.

When choosing a place to relax in winter, keep in mind that children need a warm room with all the conditions and regular meals. As a winter holiday option, you can consider skiing, mountain walking, skating, snowboarding and much more.

Family holiday on New Year I would like to highlight it in a special subcategory. In days New Year's holidays not only children, but also adults have a special mood. I want a small miracle for each member of my family. You can choose from several options. Go to warmer regions, visit the homeland of Santa Claus, buy a room in a boarding house for the holidays. In any holiday destination at this time there will be special New Year's programs that can satisfy the tastes of all your relatives.

It doesn't matter what type of holiday you choose. Let it be a family weekend vacation in nature, in a boarding house or a sea cruise. The most important thing is that you will spend all this time together, enjoying your holiday together.

What a child can do and what a child wants can be learned and understood in an atmosphere of goodwill, trust and mutual understanding. This environment is primarily created by adults. It is better to create such an environment during the holidays, when adults and children can be placed on equal terms.


Time spending: third quarter (March - May).

Form: round table.

Target: identify the need for joint recreation between parents and their children.

Tasks: analyze possible forms of recreation for parents and their children; contribute to the formation of awareness of the need for joint recreation between parents and their children; think over forms of joint recreation.

Event plan

  1. Introduction.
  2. Stage of pedagogical universal education.
  3. Stage of the “Me and my child” test.
  4. Analysis of the results of the Family Drawing test.
  5. Parents drawing their child.
  6. Discussion of the topic “Possible forms of joint recreation
    parents and children."
  7. Discussion of the topic “What forms of joint recreation does your family choose?”
  8. Summing up the meeting. Decision-making.

Progress of the event

  1. I. Preparatory stage
  2. Conducting a study of group students using the “My Family” survey (Appendix A). During the period of preparation for the parent-teacher meeting, the teacher thinks through and draws up a series of questions for children, the answers to which will help identify the main forms of rest for parents, rest for children, and the presence or absence of joint rest between parents and their children. Since the children are older preschool age do not yet have written language skills, the teacher conducts the survey orally, recording the children’s answers in writing.

Several oral responses of children to questions proposed by the teacher can be recorded for audio or video playback.

  1. Preparation of material for pedagogical general education. The information prepared by the teacher must contain reliable data confirming the possibility and necessity of joint recreation between parents and their children, and also contribute to the formation of parents’ responsibility for organizing the recreation of their children.
  2. Preparing a visual design for the parent meeting (children’s drawings on the themes “I am resting”, “We are resting”).
  3. A preschool psychologist, senior teacher, music director, and physical education instructor may be invited to the meeting.
  1. Organizational stage
  2. The parents of the students are seated, the tables are arranged in a circle.
  3. Blank sheets of paper, colored and simple pencils, pens, and tokens are laid out on the tables.

III. Introductory part of the meeting

The teacher - the leader of the meeting informs parents of the topic, the purpose of the parent meeting and the tasks that it is intended to solve; represents guests present at the meeting; communicates the plan for the parent meeting and the role of each person present at certain stages of the meeting.

Educator. We will conduct a traditional greeting with the obligatory use of the phrase: “Hello, I am pleased to tell you...”. Parents have the right to finish the phrase at their own discretion, but the beginning should be exactly like this. Participants greet each other in a circle.

  1. IV. Stage of pedagogical universal education

Educator. According to Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, during the first three years of life a person acquires more than in his entire subsequent life. Huge changes occur throughout preschool age, but by the age of 6-7 years he becomes a completely different person. A six-year-old child can carry a two-year-old child out of a room that is on fire. Refuse undeserved rewards. Sacrificing fun to help your mother. Over the years preschool childhood In the psyche of children, a whole series of traits and characteristics appear that were previously completely absent. These changes are external

less radical and expressive than the appearance of walking and speech, but no less significant.

From the first days of his life, the child begins to actively master the world with its laws and rules. He needs to obtain, process and remember a huge amount of cognitive information, master the rules of interaction between people, etc.

Anton Semenovich Makarenko emphasized that children’s memory is often burdened with all sorts of rules, which the child often does not remember, and therefore immediately forgets or tries to follow them very unsuccessfully.

If parents want their children to perform well any action that was previously performed incorrectly, they need to kind words and by persuasion try to force him to redo it several times until the action is performed perfectly. “If children repeatedly perform the same action until it becomes habitual for them, the execution will no longer depend on memory or reflection, but will become something natural (the child will develop a habit). If you have thus cured your child of any defect, you have cured him forever; and in the same way you can eradicate all the shortcomings in children one by one and instill in them any habits you like.”

Research shows that child development is influenced by:

  • 15% - heredity,
  • 57% - parents,
  • 25% - environment,
  • 3% - educational institution.

“We are greatly mistaken if we think that a child’s life in preschool and school age everything belongs to the kindergarten and school. It turns out that an educational institution (kindergarten, school) has only a very small share in the natural development of children, which is much more influenced by time, nature and family life» (Konstantin DmitrievichUshinsky).

Therefore, parents play the main role in instilling good habits in their children. And it is under the supervision and guidance of parents that the same action should be repeated many times until the children get used to doing it well. Using this method, you can see whether the requirements for the child correspond to his abilities, and whether your technique is suitable for the child’s natural abilities.

Who, if not the parents, knows all the subtleties of a child’s character? Only parents can decide how best to use what nature has given the child, as well as prevent those shortcomings to which there is a predisposition. We must strive to create all the conditions for the child so that he can do well what he can and what he wants. And what a child can do and what a child wants can be learned and understood in an atmosphere of goodwill, trust and mutual understanding. This environment is primarily created by adults. It is better to create such an environment during the holidays, when adults and children can be placed on equal terms.

“Rest is a break from work, time away from work to recuperate. Relax - recuperate, spend your holidays somewhere.” (Ozhegov S., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1993. P. 602).

  • Is it possible for parents and children to vacation together?
  • Is this kind of rest necessary?
  • What is the need for such a rest?

Each of you may answer these questions differently. But surely each of the parents present here will organize a joint vacation with their children.

  1. V. Stage of the test “Me and my child”

Parents are invited to complete the tasks of the “Me and My Child” test. (Appendix B)

Educator. Draw appropriate conclusions about the nature of the relationship between you and your children.

The role of parents in raising a child cannot be overestimated. You are the main “designers, constructors and builders” of the child’s personality. The test will complement your understanding of yourself as a parent and will help you draw certain conclusions regarding parenting problems.

The modern rhythm of life does not allow you much time to freely communicate with your child. Every free minute is filled with conversations, worries and troubles. And yet it is necessary to find time for accessible forms of spending time together with children.

  1. VI. Analysis of the results of the “Family Drawing” test

Educator. Having identified the ability to properly raise a child, let's try to find out how the child treats you - his parents.

Parents are provided with a general interpretation of the Family Picture test. (Appendix B) No definitive conclusions can be drawn from the results of this test. Moreover, children senior group They still do not have sufficient technical skills in drawing.

When reviewing the test results, the following may be revealed:

  • Is the family friendly?
  • whether all family members are obligatory for the child;
  • which family member does the child have a negative attitude towards?
  • what place does the child assign to each family member and himself;
    which of the family members is closest to the child, and who is distant from him;
  • whether family members are engaged in common activities in the child’s drawing.

A preschool psychologist can interpret the test in general terms. Drawing tests are given to parents; brief characteristics of the elements of the child’s drawing are given in relation to the real situation in the family.

Parents are invited to draw their child on a piece of paper. Drawings by parents complement the exhibition prepared for the parent meeting by the group's pupils.

VIII. Discussion of the topic “Possible forms of joint recreation between parents and children”

After listening to the children’s statements, it is appropriate for the teacher to pay attention to the connection between friendly family, the family’s interest in the child’s achievements and the child’s real success in kindergarten, in communication with peers, teachers, parents.

Educator. How does each of your family relax? What do you do when you get together? (Parents' statements.)

If such moments in the life of your family rarely arise and therefore there was no opportunity to think about how to organize a joint vacation, you can use the following forms of joint recreation between parents and children:

  1. Joint intellectual activity: intellectual family games, solving crosswords, puzzles, riddles.
  2. Joint creative activity: child and parents
    together they come up with and create some kind of creative project - designing congratulations to relatives, preparing an apartment for a holiday, performing some artistic work.
  3. Joint work activities: cleaning the apartment, planting and caring for indoor plants, landscaping the area around your home, doing work on your garden plot, caring for pets.
  4. Joint sports activities: visiting the gym, swimming pool, sports activities at the stadium with the whole family, family skiing trips.
  5. Joint outdoor, role-playing games.

Games are an excellent source of information about a child's personality. During the game, you need to carefully observe the child’s behavior. In the game you can see how the child consistently moves towards the goal from the beginning to the end of the game, whether he is afraid or not afraid of difficulties, whether he can cope with the failure that befell him, how he copes with a loss in the game.

The joint activities of parents and their children can be carried out with the help of labor games, outdoor games-competitions, theatrical games (acting out literary plots), which allow you to see the child’s opportunities for developing creativity and find creative solutions to the assigned game problem. When organizing theatrical games, it is better for parents to take fairy tales well known to children. Before the game, it is advisable to re-read the fairy tale again, distribute roles between all family members, think over costumes, set aside time for preparation, and invite spectators. Adults should think about ways to eliminate difficult situations that arise. Any comments should be in the form of advice, starting with praise. The main task of adults in this game is to support the originality of children and to praise them in a timely manner for something interesting.

If a conflict situation arises that requires punishment, then parents need to remember:

  • punishment should not be a constant practice - it is a non-immediate reaction to an unacceptable act;
  • the punishment should be short;
  • you need to be consistent: you cannot punish in one case, and in another - the same act cannot be noticed;
  • You cannot stop talking to your child as punishment;
  • no punishment should have as its goal the humiliation of a child.

“A child is a flower that needs approval from its loved ones. Without praise, he languishes and risks never blooming.”

  1. IX. Discussion of the topic “What forms of joint recreation does your family choose?”

On the table in front of those gathered are six boxes with inscriptions;

  • intellectual activity;
  • creative activity;
  • work activity;
  • sports activities;
  • play activities;
  • other types of joint recreation.

Parents are invited to place tokens, prepared in advance and lying on the table, in the box that indicates the most acceptable type of joint recreation for the family.

Then the tokens placed in each box are counted, and the most popular type of joint family recreation and the least popular are revealed. A decision is made to hold a joint event in the group in the form that, in the opinion of the parents, is the most popular, and at the same time to hold an event in the group in the form that is the least popular, according to the parents.

  1. X. Summing up the parent meeting

Educator. Dear parents! Ours has come to an end Parent meeting. During the meeting you received information not only about your children, but also about yourself; examined the system of relations “parents - children”.

Please answer in writing the question: what system of relations in our preschool institution Would you like to receive information at the next parent meeting:

  • teacher - child;
  • educator - educator;
  • educators - administration;
  • parents - children;
  • educators - parents;
  • child - child;
  • administration - children?

An approximate version of the decision of the parent meeting

  1. As a result of a survey of the group’s parents, it was revealed that the most popular form of joint recreation between parents and children is ...; least popular -...
  2. Therefore, the group needs to carry out activities using the indicated forms of organizing joint recreation for parents and children:
  • popular form -...
  • unpopular form - ...
  1. It is advisable to hold the next parent meeting
    on a topic that reveals the system of relations "..." - "...".
  2. Assign responsibility for conducting joint group events...

Appendix A. Survey “My Family”

An oral survey of children can be carried out on the following questions:

Continue the sentence:

  1. Our family consists of... (Human).
  2. She (what?)... (friendly, cheerful, good, etc.).
  3. Usually in the evening I... (I sit at home alone, read a book with my mother, watch TV programs with my parents).
  4. On weekends my family... (resting outside the city, quarreling and arguing with each other, each minding their own business).
  5. My mom... (trying to make everyone feel good, leaves
    about his business and does not return for a long time, cooks, washes,
    cleans the house).
  6. My dad... (helps mom do all the work,
    he is making something, doing something, lying on the sofa with a newspaper).
  7. I want to... (no one in our family quarreled, everyone rested together more often, mom and dad took me with them, not
    left alone at home).

Appendix B Test for parents “Me and my child”

Can you:

  1. At any moment, leave all your business and take care of your child?

c) I can’t.

  1. Consult with a child, regardless of his age?

a) I can and always do this;

b) I can, but I don’t always do so;

c) I can’t.

  1. Confess to your child about a mistake you made in relation to
    to him?

a) I can and always do this;

b) I can, but I don’t always do so;

c) I can’t.

  1. Apologize to your child if you are wrong?

a) I can and always do this;

b) I can, but I don’t always do so;

b) I can, but I don’t always do so;

c) I can’t.

  1. Put yourself in the child's place?

a) I can and always do this;

b) I can, but I don’t always do so;

c) I can’t.

  1. Believe, at least for a minute, that you are a good fairy (Prince Charming)?

a) I can and always do this;

b) I can, but I don’t always do so;

c) I can’t.

  1. Tell your child an instructive incident from childhood that presents you in an unfavorable light?

a) I can and always do this;

b) I can, but I don’t always do so;

c) I can’t.

  1. Refrain from using words and expressions that may hurt the child?

a) I can and always do this;

b) I can, but I don’t always do so;

c) I can’t.

  1. Promise a child that his wish will be granted for good behavior?

a) I can and always do this;

b) I can, but I don’t always do so;

c) I can’t.

  1. Give your child one day when he can do what he wants, behave as he wants?

a) I can and always do this;

b) I can, but I don’t always do so;

c) I can’t.

  1. Resist children's requests and tears if you are sure that this is a whim, an imaginary whim?

a) I can and always do this;

b) I can, but I don’t always do so;

c) I can’t.

Key to the test.

Answer “a” is worth 3 points.

Answer “b” is worth 2 points.

Answer “c” is worth 1 point.

If you dialed from 27 to 36 points, then a child is the greatest value in your life. You strive not only to understand, but also to get to know him, treat him with respect, adhere to progressive principles of education and the established line of conduct. In other words, you are doing the right thing and can expect good results.

13-27 points. Taking care of your child is of paramount importance to you. You have the abilities of an educator, but in practice you do not always apply them consistently and purposefully. Sometimes you are too strict, in other cases you are too soft, in addition, you are prone to compromises that weaken the educational effect. You should seriously think about your approach to raising your child.

Less than 13 points. You have serious problems raising your child. You lack either the knowledge of how to make a child a person, or the desire to achieve this, and perhaps both. We advise you to seek the help of specialists - teachers and psychologists, and get acquainted with publications on issues of family education.

Appendix B Family Drawing Test

“Family Drawing” is a technique that is aimed at identifying emotional problems and relationship difficulties in the family. There are many modifications to using the test and processing the results.

The child is asked to “draw a family,” or “draw his family,” or “draw all the members of his family doing something.” After drawing, a conversation should take place on certain issues regarding the content of the drawing. There are many different systems for interpreting the results of the Family Drawing test. Domestic psychologists often use schemes proposed by V.K. Loseva and G.T. Homentauskas.

G.T. Khomsntauskas suggests analyzing the family pattern at three levels.

  1. The generalized structure of the drawing is interpreted.

2. Graphic images of individual
family members.

  1. Analysis of the drawing process.

VC. Loseva gives 33 rules for interpreting a drawing, paying attention to the drawing process, to the signatures that the child makes next to the characters.

When drawing, use a standard sheet of white paper (A4), colored pencils and a simple pencil.


  1. Absenceor the presence in the drawing of the author or memberfor families.

Incomplete family composition in the figure is observed in cases where the author is dissatisfied with the family situation. Those family members who are least emotionally attractive or those with whom there are conflicting relationships are skipped. When asked about their absence, the child may answer “there wasn’t enough space” or “I’m afraid it won’t work out well.”

  1. The presence in the drawing is only of the author or a family member.
    Sometimes, in response to a request to draw his family, a child draws only one family member. This is how the author emphasizes its importance in his life. If the figure is small, drawn in gray and black tones, then we can talk about negative competitive relationships among children. If the figure is large, carefully drawn, with a large number small parts and additions, then this is the most important and most beloved person for the author, who understands him and works with him.

If a child draws only himself, in fantastic outfits, with large flowers, then this may indicate the presence of self-centeredness. The author, emphasizing his individuality, forgets about those around him. Such drawings are observed in children raised according to the “family idol” type.

A single figure of the author in a drawing may be small, negatively colored, against a dark background. This is how the author emphasizes his rejection, abandonment. This happens when a younger child appears in the family, when parents pay attention only to the newborn, forgetting about the older child.

  1. Body size of the author or family members.

If the author has drawn all the family members, then when analyzing the drawing, the sizes of the drawn figures are compared. They may be correctly distributed according to height, but there may also be distortions. If children and adults are approximately the same size or the author's figure is taller than the others, then this can be interpreted as a sign of competition for parental love with another parent or brother (sister). A big increase the author's carefully drawn details emphasize his significant position in the family.

A family member may be drawn taller than everyone else or only taller than the author, then the inadequate size of the children’s figures indicates the presence of competition between them.

  1. Arrangement of figures on the sheet.

On the plane of the sheet, family members are rarely located on the same line. More often than not, someone turns out to be higher and someone lower than others. In this way, children show their opinion about power in the family: the greater the power and influence of a particular family member, the higher his figure. This rule does not depend on the previous one, since a small figure may be taller than everyone else in the picture (for example, according to a child, a newborn rules the whole family). Power in the family may belong to one of the adults, but competition still exists if one of the children is located significantly lower than the other.

In cases of linear arrangement, the most significant character is located first (on the left). Most often, children draw their father in first place, mother in second, and themselves in third (from left to right).

The presence in the picture of all family members engaged in common activities, or doing their business next to each other (at a close distance), or standing close to each other, holding hands or extending their hands to each other, speaks of cohesion, emotional well-being in family, the child’s involvement in this situation.

In case of conflicts, there is a fragmentation of space or a violation of the integrity of the image of family members: the figures of the parents are separated by a large gap or another