Organization of subject-development environment in 2 younger group.

There is no side of upbringing that

the situation would have no influence,

there is no ability that is not found

in direct dependence on directly

the concrete world surrounding the child...

The one who manages to create such an environment,

will make your work easier.

Among her child will live and develop

own self-sufficient life,

his spiritual growth will improve

from oneself, from nature...

E. I. Tikheyeva

One of the important conditions for educational work in preschool institution– correct organization of subject-developing subject environment. Right organized development environment will allow each child to find something they like, believe in their strengths and abilities, learn to interact with teachers and peers, understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what lies at the heart of developmental education.

Developmental subject environment is the main means formation of the child’s personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience.

Wednesday environment surrounding children in kindergarten should ensure the safety of their lives, promote health and hardening the body of each of them.

Organization of subject-development environment in kindergarten carries the effectiveness of educational influence aimed at developing in children an active cognitive attitude towards the world around them items, people, nature. It should be formed taking into account certain principles, developed in the works of leading teachers, in particular, taking into account the age of children, since each age group has its own specific psychological and pedagogical characteristics.

At the organization of the developmental environment in the younger group must be taken into account that children of this age react poorly to spatial changes in the environment and prefer in this sense, stability (M.N. Polyakova, therefore, you should not often rearrange the equipment in group. It is important to remember that in younger age, the child’s sensory abilities are formed, therefore subject-development environment should create conditions for the development of analyzers.

Creating subject-development environment in the second junior group, we relied on the principle of activity, stability, flexible zoning. IN group conditions have been created for children to interact with the teacher and with each other. There are also corners of solitude, which gives the child a sense of psychological security and helps personal development. We are trying to enrich environment with such elements, which would stimulate the cognitive, developmental, motor and other activities of children.

Functions subject-development environment in the second junior group:

Cognitive – satisfies the child’s need to master the world around him, stimulates cognitive activity;

Communicative – stimulates speech development, allows the child to learn the basics of communication and interaction;

Wellness – stimulates motor activity, enriches motor experience, introduces to the culture of health;

Creative – introduces children to creative activities, promotes self-development and self-realization.

In our group subject-developmental environment divided into micro-centers for independent activities children.

Equipping a theater corner for the 2nd junior group

1. Various types of theater: picture theater (“The Three Little Pigs”, “Kolobok”, “Hedgehog and the Bear”, parsley theater “Hare Hut”, shadow theater (“The Fox and the Hare”), toy theater and “finger” theater for acting out works of small forms of folklore.

2. Costumes, masks, theatrical and play attributes for acting out the fairy tales “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”.

3. Small screen for a tabletop theater.

4. Attributes for mummers - elements of costumes (hats, scarves, skirts, bags, umbrellas, beads, etc.).

5. Attributes in accordance with the content of imitation and round dancing games: masks of wild and domestic animals (adults and cubs), masks of fairy-tale characters

6. To create a musical background in the process of theatrical and gaming activities: audio recordings of musical works, recordings of sound and noise effects, the simplest musical toys - rattles, tambourine, drum.

Equipping a book corner for the 2nd junior group

Equipment and materials that we have in the corner: bookcase; books according to the program, children's favorite books, baby books, toy books; albums for viewing: “Professions”, “Seasons”, “Kindergarten”; an album with family photographs of the group's children; sets of subject and subject pictures; games for educational and speech development etc.
In the group’s book showcase, I usually display 4-5 books, usually already familiar to children, with bright, large illustrations. The length of time a book stays in a corner is determined by the children’s interest in this book. On average, her stay there is 2-2.5 weeks. In the corner, I give children the first lessons in independent communication with a book: I introduce them to the corner of the book, its structure and purpose, teach them to look at books only there (take books with clean hands, leaf through carefully, do not tear, do not wrinkle, do not use for games; after I looked, always put the book in its place). My kids love it when we read books and look at pictures with them, so here we have a lot of bright, colorful and interesting literature on the program.

Equipping an ecological corner for the 2nd junior group

1 - for the simplest experimental activities there is: sand, wood, polystyrene foam, various flasks, magnifying glasses, strainers, pepetkas, cups...

2 - a variety of waste natural material: bones, seeds, various cereals, feathers, seeds, cones, acorns, leaves with different trees, bark, pebbles, shells...

3 - different didactic games: For example, " All year round", "Where is whose house?", "Who lives where?", "Seasons", "Associations" and many others.

4 - various visually - didactic aids: “What did the artist mix up?”, “How does a butterfly appear?”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Inhabitants of the seas and oceans”, “Amphibians and reptiles”, “Migratory birds”, “What grows in the garden, vegetable garden and in field"...

5 - a selection of a series of books and encyclopedias about animals and plants: “Planet of Wonders and Mysteries”, “Riddles about Animals and Plants”, “Stories about Animals”, fiction about animal life in different time of the year", "Riddles about everything in the world"...

6 - files of seasonal observations

7 - albums for viewing: "Birds different countries world", "Birds through the eyes of artists", "Domestic birds", "Poems and songs about nature", "Wild flowers", "Poisonous plants"...

8 - there are also various posters depicting wild and domestic animals, wild and domestic birds, various plants, mushrooms, flowers...

Equipping a patriotic corner for the 2nd junior group

1-visual teaching materials (posters with Russian symbols, flags, booklets, samples folk art, photographs of significant and memorable places in your hometown, region, village);

3 folders with creative tasks;

4- dolls, toys;

5-creativity of the students themselves (crafts, drawings);

6-text didactic material (books with illustrations, printouts of fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes, etc.)

Equipping a sensory corner for the 2nd junior group

1.For the development of fine motor skills

· Pyramids painted in primary colors

· Stringing rods with colored rings, mosaic

· Volume inserts, nesting dolls

· Frames – inserts, cubes with slots of different shapes

Screwing set (box with lids of different colors and shapes)

· Canvas frames with fasteners (laces, buttons, Velcro)

2. For the perception of shape and size

· A set of geometric bodies for seriation by size

· A set of planar geometric shapes for seriation by size

· A wonderful bag with a set of geometric shapes, vegetables, fruits.

3. For color perception

· Set of colored sticks, mosaic, pyramids.

· A set of cubes with colored edges (Nikitin cubes)

· Beads, ribbons, clothespins, rings, bracelets, hair ties, etc.

· Dolls wearing clothes of primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue) and multi-colored objects for playing with the doll.

4. For the perception of sounds

· Sounding instruments (tweeters, rattles).

5. For tactile sensations

· Panel toys made from fabrics of various textures (rough, smooth, fleecy - sandpaper, Velcro, silk, satin, cloth, fur, fluff, etc.)

· Natural material (cones, acorns, pebbles, chestnuts, shells)

Construction corner (construction corner), although it is concentrated in one place and takes up little space, it is quite mobile. Contents of the construction corner (construction sets of various types, allowing children to cope with them without any special difficulties and the help of adults and show their creativity to both boys and girls; cubes, a set of large soft modules, diagrams and drawings of buildings, sets of toys (transport and construction vehicles, figurines animals, people, etc.; allows you to organize constructive activities with large group Pupils, in a subgroup and individually, unfold the construction on the carpet or on the table. Children, especially boys, always enjoy building buildings, playing with them, combining them with other types of activities (in role-playing games, dramatization games, manual labor).

Bright, cheerful, with a non-standard design solution, non-stencil equipment physical education corner fits succinctly and harmoniously into the space of a group room. It is popular among children because it fulfills their need for physical activity. Here preschoolers can study and consolidate different types movements: jumping along a winding path, crawling under an arc, playing with a ball, throwing at a target, etc. An increase in physical activity has a beneficial effect on the physical and mental development and health of children.

One of the most important conditions for the successful upbringing and education of children is the developmental environment (subject-spatial) in the group and in the kindergarten area. In order to find out what the subject-spatial environment should be like in the 2nd junior group, what toys, teaching material, zones (corners) you need, you can refer to the following documents:

  1. SanPiN, where you will find sanitary requirements for the placement of equipment.
  2. Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education, requirements for protecting the lives of pupils, principles of constructing the PRS, comprehensive equipment of the educational process, accounting for health and safety.
  3. The program your preschool operates under.

Subject-spatial environment in the 2nd junior group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard

Board game “Patch the Mat”

The “Patch the Rug” game is very easy to make. Glue white geometric shapes onto sheets of colored paper and pass them through a laminator (once upon a time we simply covered the cardboard with tape), use a hole punch to make holes and make a fringe, and separately cut out geometric shapes of the same color.

Children enjoy patching rugs.
Carpet - irreplaceable thing for the second younger group. In addition to the theater, you can place any benefit on it. In our case, these are geometric shapes and multi-colored droplets (you can work individually).

And here is a modern version of the game “Collect a flower”. If you take the flower apart, you can assemble a caterpillar, tumbler, etc. from knitted circles.

Touch panel “Underwater world”

We also equipped the “Underwater World” panel in the sensory zone, using which you can develop fine motor skills hands different ways. The panel is attached to the back wall of the shelf, which separates the study area from the play area. For the background we used a regular shower curtain with a marine pattern, but you could find oilcloth, self-adhesive film, or just paint it and varnish it.

For creating underwater world We used different materials: we made fish from sandpaper, dish sponges, knitted fish and starfish with beads look great. The seaweed is made from pieces of felt, to which ribbons are sewn for tying, and the pebbles are made from simple cotton pads. Lots of tactile sensations, right?

An interesting underwater inhabitant is the octopus. To make it you only need different ribbons and cardboard. Try making a great tutorial for kids.

In the math corner, kids are greeted with a cube, a cone and a cylinder. By the way, there should also be manuals like “Many, One, None”, handouts, various nesting dolls, insert cubes, etc.

In the active speech zone you will find breathing simulators, card indexes lexical topics, a mini-library and games that broaden children's horizons, such as "Who Eats What?"

The natural area has everything you need to experiment, care for plants and observe nature.

The model “Grandma’s Compound” allows you to expand children’s knowledge about the characteristics and benefits of pets

Our kindergarten uses a multicultural education program in its work, according to which in the 2nd junior group we introduce children to folk toys. Therefore, we put together a mini museum of wooden toys and designed it like this:

I hope you already have an idea! Great!

Yulia Myslyvets

Hello dear colleagues!

The new school year is coming. Congratulations to you!

We, educators, try to bring something new and unusual into the reality around us.

In my group, for new guys, I tried to create favorable conditions for mental, mental, physical, moral and aesthetic development every child.

Kindergarten is a second home for children. And each of us wants to decorate this house, make it cozy, original, warm, different from others.

Subject-based development environment is an integral part of the development environment preschool childhood, it involves the development of a wide range of children's interests and forms of activity.

We all know that the environment should perform educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organized, and communicative functions.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the following subject-development environment was created in our second junior group:

1. Center for theatrical activities;

All costumes and attributes are arranged so that it is convenient for children to take them and use them, and they will unite in subgroups based on common interests.

In the corner there are props for various types of theater: finger theater, tabletop, flat, masks for acting out scenes.

2. Center for “Dressing” and role-playing games “Grandma’s Chest”;

In our group there is a corner that all children, without exception, love. Everyone chooses their own image, according to their sympathies and feelings living in their soul here and now. This provides psycho-emotional release and lifts your spirits.

3. Center physical development;

In our kindergarten group, the motor activity center is designed as part of the play area. There are balls of different sizes for kids; balls - hedgehogs; bags filled with peas for hands; massage mats; massage mittens; skittles; dumbbells; hoops; jump ropes; ropes, cords; Children are constantly in active motion and use the toys offered at their own discretion. In the sports corner there are devices for organized activities of children: for sports games and exercises.

4. Center of the book

The most accessible and effective way children's development is reading. For many parents, this is also a very cheap way to keep their child busy. The educational potential of a children's book is limitless. Thinking, speech, memory, attention, imagination - all this is formed through communication with a book.

5. Game center.

IN play area There are a variety of games for children, taking into account age and gender education.

6. Center for educational games

The center for educational games is aimed at developing speech, sensory perception, fine motor skills, and imagination.

7. Center for Nature and Experimentation

Our nature center serves not only as a decoration for the group, but also as a place for self-development for preschoolers. Indoor plants are selected according to the age of the children and placed so that it is convenient for teachers and children to care for them. Everything is available necessary equipment: watering cans, loosening sticks, buckets, scoops, spatulas, spray bottles. In the corner there is a nature calendar, board games, the content of which corresponds to the natural theme, as well as children's fiction with colorful, accessible illustrations.

8. Center “Our Creativity” (for the exhibition of children's drawings, children's creativity);

Creativity in the broad sense of the word is an activity aimed at obtaining something new and unique. In the design of the reception room there is always a place for children’s work and creativity.

9. Center "My Motherland"

Moral habits and skills begin to form, the experience of moral and patriotic values ​​is enriched, the task is to select from the mass of impressions received by the child those that are most accessible to him: this is the image of himself, family and immediate environment, kindergarten, beautiful places of his hometown, familiar objects - a store, hospital, street.

10. Security Center

How the boys want to grow up quickly and get behind the wheel. Therefore, our “Safe Traffic” corner is primarily of interest to boys.

It is equipped with the necessary attributes for road role-playing games and activities to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules. These are vehicles of different colors, sizes and purposes, a traffic light, a traffic controller's baton, a street layout, and educational games.

11 Music center

The music center is equipped with musical instruments, such as: metallophone, tambourine, drum, guitar, bell, piano, saxophone, balalaika, etc. Folk toys: noisemakers, wooden spoons, bird whistles. The children's favorite is a music box with discs of Russian folk art. Many items are made by the hands of teachers, which arouses greater interest in children in musical activities. There are also educational games with musical content in the corner.

12. Information blocks.

On the wall in the hallway we placed a stand in which we place interesting and useful information for parents.

The equipment of the corners varies according to thematic planning educational process.

Every child in his development experiences the undoubted influence of his family, its way of life, and cultural preferences. In a kindergarten, the furnishings of all rooms serve one purpose: for the upbringing and development of the child in a team. Creating such a favorable environment is a great art, which includes a reasonable and beautiful organization of space and its elements. In the developmental environment surrounding the child, there must be the possibility that the child becomes the creator of his own objective world, in the process of personal developmental interaction with adults and peers, he becomes the creator of his own personality.

Publications on the topic:

Developmental subject-spatial environment of the second junior group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard“Developing subject-spatial environment of the second junior group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education” “Our kindergarten is the planet of Childhood” and.

Organization of subject development preschool environment in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard Goal: to construct a multi-level multifunctional subject.

When arranging a subject-developmental environment in a group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the implemented preschool educational program, we, the adults, the group staff and parents.

This year I will be working with children 3-4 years old, I decided to make the group as interesting and useful as possible for the development and stay of children.

The subject-development environment in the younger group must be functional, rich, it is necessary for children to develop and learn.

Subject-based development environment in the 2nd junior group.

The organization of the developmental environment in our group is structured in such a way as to make it possible to most effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his interests and level of activity.

It should be noted that competent construction of the environment gives children a sense of psychological security, helps the development of personality, abilities, and mastery of different methods of activity.

My work begins with the morning reception of children in the group. Children are received in the group locker room, where there are individual lockers for children. There is also an information corner for parents where the necessary information on kindergarten, consultations and advice to parents; stand for children's creativity.

The presence of educational (intellectual), play (creative), household and recreation areas allows the group premises to be used in the best possible way. The walls in the group and bedroom are painted in pastel colors. This creates a positive emotional mood for children and contributes to a pleasant rest and peaceful sleep for children.

The study area is located in such a way that the light on the work tables comes from the left side. Tables for classes are placed in accordance with SanPiN standards. The board is at children's eye level.

When creating a developmental environment, the age and individual characteristics of children were taken into account. The tables in the learning area correspond to the height of children of primary preschool age.

The training area contains: a creativity center, a nature corner, a sensorimotor development corner, an experimentation center, a corner musical development. This placement is due to the fact that nearby tables and chairs allow these “functional rooms” to be used both in classes and in free activities, in individual work with kids.

The goal of the creativity center is to form creative potential children, development of interest in artistic activities, formation of aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and creative abilities, independence, activity. In this center, children usually spend a lot of time drawing and creating crafts from plasticine.

We display the children's work in the locker room at the creativity stand.

Part of the learning area is dedicated to a workshop, where materials for construction are located, as well as games for spatial orientation. Construction materials are classified by shape and size and stored in specially designated boxes. Large floor construction material placed in the play area, in a rack, since the free space on the floor makes it possible to build structures that children love to climb into and play. To play with ready-made buildings, there are sets of different toys.

Corner of nature located directly next to the window. Goal: enriching children’s understanding of the diversity of the natural world, instilling love and respect for nature, introducing children to caring for plants, forming principles ecological culture. Here we create conditions for observing indoor plants and teach children proper care after them. In the corner of nature there are local history materials (herbariums of plants typical of our area, board game“Animals of the steppes”, animal figurines).

Designed to provide a rich sensory experiencecorner of sensorimotor development,also intended for the development of fine motor skills and tactile sensations. Here children learn to fasten buttons, tie ribbons, shoelaces, etc.

Mini library It is a table with shelves for books and illustrations for fairy tales and works. All books and illustrations are updated 1–2 times a month. New books are displayed in accordance with the reading program.

Modeling a developmental environment, we allocated part of the learning area for an office, where we placed materials on the surrounding world, mathematics, speech development, and sets of didactic games.

Music Development Cornerpromotes interest in music and introduces musical instruments. Children learn to play simple melodies on various musical instruments. Our group has created a music library that contains recordings of classical and folk music, sounds of the forest, sea, and various fairy tales.

Game Zone allows you to create conditions for the creative activity of children, the development of imagination, the formation of gaming skills, the implementation of gaming plans, and the cultivation of friendly relationships between children.

In the center of the play area on the floor there is a carpet - a gathering place for all children.

The play area is equipped with corners and attributes for role-playing games, selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, dolls, cars, toy wild and domestic animals.

The furniture in the play area is functional and easily transformable, which allows you to vary the space of the area

Our developmental environment suits the interests of boys and girls.

For example, for girls there is ironing board, irons, dolls, baby dolls, bath for washing dolls, hairdresser;

for boys – sets of tools, soldiers, military equipment, railway

A physical development corner has been established, the purpose of which is to develop motor activity and physical qualities of children. The subject content of the corner is used in outdoor games (in a group and on the street), individual motor activities, and in the free activities of children.

All toys and play material are placed in such a way that children can freely play with them and put them away. Playing material and toys correspond to the age of children and the requirements of SanPiN.

In our developing environment there is a cozy place to relax. In the bedroom there are beds for children to sleep during the day,

When creating our developmental environment, I tried to make it informationally rich, which is ensured by a variety of topics, a variety of didactic and informational material. All components of the developmental environment are combined with each other in content, artistic design, and ensure meaningful communication between adults and children.

During the period January-June 2016, the theater corner was updated and replenished.

Ramazanova Galina Yurievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 1 "Rucheek"
Locality: GO Zhatai Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Name of material: ARTICLE
Subject: Subject-developmental environment in the 2nd junior group "Fidgets"
Publication date: 26.09.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Ramazanova Galina Yurievna

Teacher of MBDOU No. 1 "Rucheek" GO Zhatai Republic of Sakha


“Developmental subject-spatial environment” 2nd junior

group "Fidgets"



under construction







cares for both





physical activity of children, as well as opportunities for privacy. According to






education, the developing subject-spatial environment is organized with

taking into account the principles:







training (including technical), materials (including consumables),







cognizance of vatelnaya,



experimenting with materials available to children; motor

activity, including the development of gross and fine motor skills, participation in

outdoor games and competitions; emotional well-being of children




opportunity for children to express themselves);


(Both baking



subject-spatial environment depending on educational

situations, including the changing interests and capabilities of children);

multifunctionality(Possibility of various uses




multifunctional items);

variability(availability of various spaces, as well as materials,

games, toys and equipment that provide free choice for children.

This includes the periodic change of game material, the emergence of new





Variability should also be manifested in the variety of materials,


ready made



high quality



are confirmed





materials provides, among other things, a high level of sensory

child development);




pupils, including children with disabilities

health, to games, toys, materials, aids, stimulating




principle, the number of toys and aids plays an important role: their

there should be enough for everyone. The child should not “stand in

queues" to play or exercise);





spatial environment requirements to ensure reliability and

safety of their use).





is organized in such a way as to ensure:




pupils, handicrafts with materials available to children;

motor activity, including the development of large and small

motor skills.

emotional well-being of children in interaction with subject-

spatial environment;

opportunity for children to express themselves.

The group has created a natural environment, harmonious in color and

spatial solution. Light pastel colors predominate






furniture were in harmony with each other, decorated in uniform style. Furniture

for children corresponds to furniture groups for younger children.

complied with




spatial environment for the life and health of the child: compliance with the children's

furniture, gaming and teaching materials for age and sanitary

hygienic requirements.

It is important that all content of the educational process contributes to





enrichment personal experience, independence and gave the child a feeling

single friendly family and the joy of communicating with peers and adults in


Locker room:

Information stand for parents

Expert advice (consultations);

Advice from educators (consultations);

Stand “List for cabinets”, “Menu”, “Sports page”;

Stand “Our Group”; "Our creativity"

Individual lockers,

Benches for changing children's clothes,


Physical Culture Center

Objectives: create conditions for physical exercise in a group,





To instill in children a conscious attitude towards their health. Strengthening



flat feet;






spine, prevention of scoliosis.

Equipment and materials of the physical education center: smooth and ribbed boards,

mats, massage paths, including homemade ones, balls, a basket for

jump ropes,


short, ribbons of different colors; attributes for outdoor games,

morning exercises.





subject-development environment.

Physical education corner

1. Rubber balls, plastic balls (of different sizes);

2. Small tambourine;

3. Jump ropes, dumbbells for children;

4. Skittles (large and small);

5. Cubes, flags;

6. Didactic material “Sports. Sports professions";

7. Sandbags;

8. Hoops of different sizes;

9. Massage paths and mat;

Book Center




Formation and expansion of ideas about the environment.

Equipment and materials: bookcase, table and two chairs; books

according to the program, children's favorite books, baby books, toy books;

albums for viewing: “Professions”, “Seasons”, “Kindergarten”;





speech development, etc.

Corner “Books for babies”

Thematic selection of children's fiction;

Portraits of writers and poets;

Toys “On the roads of Russian folk tales.”

Sensory Development Center

Objectives: development of thinking and finger motor skills, mastering operations

inserting, superimposing, connecting parts into a whole; visual development





familiarity with geometric figures and shapes of objects; education








the ability to use speech to determine the meaning of one's actions;

developing the ability to group objects, compose sequentially





describe and name objects in pictures; familiarization with traffic lights.

Equipment and materials:








modeling and substitution, lotto, paired pictures and other desktop

printed games.

Typesetting cloth, magnetic board.






forms, counting material.

Various small figures and non-traditional materials (cones, pebbles)

for the account.

Cut (folding) cubes with subject pictures (4-6 parts).

Sectional subject pictures, divided into 2-4 parts (vertically and


Materials on the development of speech and cognitive activity.

Sets of pictures for grouping, up to 4-6 in each group: home

animals, wild animals, animals with babies, birds, fish, trees,

flowers, vegetables, fruits, food, clothing, dishes, furniture, transport,

household items.





for various reasons (purpose, etc.).




(fairy tales, social and everyday situations).





Series of 4 pictures: seasons (nature and seasonal activities

Large format narrative pictures (with various themes, similar

child - fairy-tale, social-everyday).

Nature Center

Tasks: environmental education and children's education. Nurture love

and respect for nature.

Equipment and materials: the group contains pictures based on the seasons,

dummies of vegetables and fruits; crafts were made from natural materials;

material for organizing manual labor: yarn, colored paper, plasticine,



boxes; collection natural materials; cones; shells;

beans; walnut shells; dry leaves.

Labor Corner

1. Equipment for canteen duty: aprons, hats, scoops, brushes.



clothesline, clothespins, soap, oilcloth aprons.

Entertaining mathematics corner





math games.

2. Sets geometric shapes, numbers;

3. Sets of numbers and mathematical symbols for a magnetic board;

5. Math workbooks;

6. Magic clock;

7. Didactic games: “My first numbers”, “Fascinating geometry”,

“Geometric shapes”, “Everything for counting”.

Fine Arts Center










surrounding reality.

Equipment and materials: easel, sets of colored pencils, sets

felt-tip pens, watercolors, colored wax crayons, etc.; brushes are thin and

thick, jars for washing paint brushes, drawing paper

different formats, stencils by theme, plasticine, stacks, signets, napkins

from fabric.

Children's creativity corner





simple and colored pencils, crayons, pastels, water jars, stencils

for drawing;

2. Material for modeling: plasticine, stacks, individual oilcloths;

3. Material for applique and manual labor: PVA glue, glue brushes,


corrugated paper;

4. Samples for application and drawing;

5. Types of painting: portrait, landscape, still life, art paintings;

6. Album “Gzhel”, “Khokhloma painting”, “Great artists”;

7. Unconventional technique drawings: signets, wax drawing, spraying,


Musical and theatrical center









literary works.

Equipment and materials: a set of noise boxes, sounding toys,

contrasting in timbre and nature of sound production (bells, tambourine,




musical didactic games, table theater, small screen and

sets of dolls (finger, flat, etc.); ready-made costumes, masks for

performances of fairy tales, homemade costumes.

Music corner


3. Rattles;

4. Guitar;

5. Accordion;

7. Microphone;

8. Didactic material “Musical instruments”;

9. Attributes for mummering: hats, beads, sundresses, skirts, scarves.

Construction Games Center

Objectives: develop ideas about the basic properties of volumetric

geometric, mostly large, shapes (stability, instability,

strength, roughness - smoothness of their surface, in the acquisition of skills

recreate familiar objects on a horizontal plane (paths, ladders,

chairs, etc., develop co-creation skills with adults

independent creativity, develop fine motor skills of fingers, hands,

acquiring the ability to build furniture, slides, houses. Teach to understand

mutability, design variability, buildability

not only horizontally, but also vertically. Be able to analyze an object,



buildings, structures


creating them from various forms.






Lego constructor, construction kits with details different forms and sizes;

small toy characters (kittens, dogs, etc.), cars, for

playing out.


1. Designer small and large “Lego”;

2. Plastic floor constructor;

3. Mosaic;

5. Origami paper construction;

6. Toys with laces and fasteners;


playing out


animals, tree models;

9. Transport small, medium, large: cars and trucks.

Center for role-playing games.

Objectives: to promote the emergence of the game; develop the ability to choose

role, perform several interrelated actions in the game; formation

communication skills in the game; development of imitation and creativity

abilities. Learn to use building materials in games.

Equipment and materials that we have in our corner: attributes for playing





wild and domestic animals; sets of kitchen and tea utensils; kit



telephone, steering wheel, bags, buckets, iron, tools, etc.; doll strollers;

fun toys; clothing for dressing up.

The main activity of our kids is play. At the game center

“Living Room” contains toys that introduce children to others

their household items. Kids get acquainted with new objects and




everyday life.

Development of gaming activities

Main goals and objectives:

Creating conditions for the development of children's play activities.

Formation of gaming skills, developed cultural forms of play.

Developing children's interest in various types games.





(emotional-moral, mental, physical, artistic

aesthetic and social - communicative).










to interact,

d o g o v a r i v a t s i,

independently resolve conflict situations.

Role-playing games. Encourage children to develop games on themes

from the surrounding life, based on literary works (rhymes,

songs, fairy tales, poems); enriching children's play experience through

combining individual actions into a single storyline.

Develop the ability to choose a role, perform several






Learn to interact in stories with two characters (driver -




with substitute toys, play the role for yourself and for the toy.

Show ways of role-playing behavior using educational games.

Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular

to complement














toys. Teach children to use building material (cubes,

bars, plates), simple wooden and plastic constructors,

natural material (sand, snow, water); act differently with them

(build a slide for dolls, a bridge, a road; sculpt from

snow fence, house; float toys on water).


to interact

a short game together.

Outdoor games. To develop children's activity in motor activities.

Organize games with all the children in the group. Encourage play with wheelchairs,




are developing

climbing and crawling skills; games with balls, balls, developing dexterity


Gradually introduce games with more complex rules and changing types


Theatrical games.

Arouse children's interest in theatrical performances

game, create conditions for its implementation. Develop the ability to follow



dramatization games



created by adults and older children.

Teach children to imitate the characteristic actions of characters (birds fly,

the little goat is jumping), convey the emotional state of a person (facial expressions,

posture, gesture, movement).





accompany the movements with a simple song.






collars, etc.) and attributes as external symbols of the role.

Develop the desire to improvise on simple plots of songs and fairy tales.

Create a desire to perform in front of dolls and peers by arranging

performance space.



behavior of people in the auditorium).

Didactic games. Strengthen children's ability to select objects by color

and size (large, medium and small balls of 2-3 colors), collect

a pyramid of rings decreasing in size, alternating in a certain




(“Our dishes”, “Toys”, etc.).





increasingly complex rules.


Role-playing game “Beauty Salon”:

Drape capes for dolls and children;

Hairdresser's kit;

Hair magazines

Role-playing game "Shop"

Calculator, abacus;


Bakery products;

Household chemical products;

Baskets, wallets;

Substitute items;

Vegetables fruits.

Role-playing game "Hospital"

Medical gowns and caps;

Doctor's kit;

Vision test chart;




pipettes, cups, spatulas. Recipes and cash register.

Role-playing game "Family"

Set doll furniture, table and chairs,

Toy dishes: kitchen, tea, dining room;

Dolls, clothes for dolls;

Strollers, doll bed,

Set of pastel accessories for dolls;

Ironing board, irons.

Role-playing game "Chauffeur":


Various machines;

Traffic controller's cap;

Rod, whistle;

Traffic light.

Role-playing game "Mail":

Postman's bag;

Postcards, magazines, envelopes.

Theater corner

Small screen for tabletop and puppet theaters;

Puppet show;

Tabletop theater;

Theater on flannelgraph;







learn to interact with teachers and peers. Subject-










takes into account






creative experience, application of one’s knowledge and skills in action situations








promotes children's emotional well-being.