I receive armfuls of letters in which people complain about postal workers.

Katerina from Nizhny Urengoy writes:

“I received a parcel from my daughter from Germany, and when I opened it, I sat down and cried. All the sweets and chocolates were broken, they opened a can of coffee - apparently they were looking for money in it - and didn’t even bother to close it. Everything in the package was stained with coffee. It’s even unpleasant to eat at the thought that someone’s unclean hands were rummaging through my things and spoiling the food.

I took the sin on my soul, lit a candle and cursed those who did this, who ate the food stolen from me.

I am an old person, I couldn’t leave the graves of my relatives, I decided to die in Russia. The daughter left with her husband. We love each other very much, but fate separated us. Every news from my daughter is such a joy. I can imagine how lovingly she packed the gifts, hoping that her old mother would enjoy the holiday.

After all, we are essentially half-starved; we don’t see a pension for six months. The daughter tried to help a little with money and food, but some bastards, having forgotten about duty and conscience, consider themselves entitled to steal and break other people’s things!

Don’t these people understand that the curse of those they rob will be passed on to their children and grandchildren? The Lord, He sees everything.”

Rimma F. writes:

“I received a parcel from Kyiv and was delighted. My brother called and said that he had sent me warm clothes for winter. I can’t buy it myself: the pension is small, and they don’t give it out for a long time. I have no children, no one to help. What grief and resentment I experienced when instead warm clothes I found old, torn things and soldier's trousers with paint in the parcel. I still couldn’t believe that this happened. After all, how vile it is to get into a package and steal from people who hope that postal workers will fulfill their professional duty for their money. And what cruel hearts these people must have to put old rags in a parcel instead of new things, which are not even suitable for washing floors. I should take their hands away for their vile deed!”

Letter to a soldier's mother:

“My son serves in the army, and it’s no secret that they are half-starved there now. The guys are young, healthy, and they want to eat. My son writes that he dreams of my buns and cabbage soup, and when he comes home, the first thing he will do is eat his fill. How, tell me, after such a letter can I sit down at the table and eat in peace? I can't get the piece down my throat. I tried to send food to my son, but everything was stolen along the way. Letters are opened and money is taken out of them... May my mother's curse find those who do this. Let them and their children have a piece stuck in their throats! And I don’t regret saying so.

There is no forgiveness or mercy for them!”

Here is another similar letter:

“Please, publish my letter. I think that people who work in postal delivery read your conspiracies. I want to tell them: “You are a bastard with a capital B, just like the earth carries you!” How many times I tried to send food and money to my mother, but nothing ever came through properly. Don’t doubt that cancer will devour you sooner or later, just as you ate the food I sent to my sick mother.”

Well, here is a letter from one of the perpetrators of such experiences:

“You may not answer me, but I hope you won’t judge me. In confession I would not be able to admit my sin. I confess to you because I don’t see your face. It's easier for me to tell. In addition, I hope that helping people is your calling. You must understand me and give me a helping hand... I have two children, but no husband. Maybe that’s why I decided to commit such a sin. I work at the post office and have used my official position more than once... I opened envelopes and looked for money, and having found it several times, I could no longer stop. I did the same with parcels. When you see the joy of children, bringing them tasty treats and things, you no longer think about what is good and what is bad. I told myself: I am a mother and no one needs my children, even if it is a sin, but I will suffer for my children. Maybe God will forgive me for this. One day, when I opened the envelope, I found money in the card. The card was beautiful and musical. I gave it to the children to play with. After some time, my eldest daughter called me and said: “Look what is written here.” I started reading, and I felt unwell. There was a conspiracy written on the card - a curse on those who steal money. Opening the letter, I paid attention only to the money and did not read what was written on the card.

After reading the plot, I tore and burned the postcard. Now I don’t remember verbatim what was written there, but obviously terrible wishes to those who dared to take the money. After hesitating, I decided to keep the money for myself.

Within two years I lost my job, my children started getting sick. Doctors say I have cancer. I am sure that this is retribution for my sins and the result of the curse of the author of that letter. But I didn’t make much money by taking a few bills and a postcard, is that fair? When a neighbor brought me your spells, I read there that children are always the first to suffer. I'm not asking for your help. Let this letter be read by the one who cursed us for her insignificant good. Is it worth the health of me and my children?”

I am completely on the side of those people who ask to punish the thieves. There is no forgiveness or mercy for such people. I always considered my grandmother a model of kindness, but I remember how she punished those who tampered with her letters. That’s right, the postal people were very curious that so many people were writing to her from all over the world.

I remember how a postal worker came to her for treatment. After listening to her repentance, her grandmother sent her back and did not treat her.

“Go,” she said, “maybe someone after me will begin to treat you, but I seriously doubt it.”

I asked:

– Don’t you feel sorry for her?

- And who should feel sorry for those who entrusted them with their letters with the hope of healing, and they were there looking for a ruble and throwing away the last hope of a dying person. And don’t bother me, I’m already sick of it.

How can the guilty be punished?

Need to read the following CONSPIRACY. They read quietly, with a lit wax candle, until it burns out completely. It is not necessary to know the name of the person who opened your mail. CONSPIRACY he himself will find the culprit and help punish him. The words are as follows:

Get up! Get up! Wake up!

Get up, get up, wake up!

Hey you, mocking, invisible, silent spirits

Find and track down my offenders,

Let their minds and intellect stumble,

Let thoughts and thoughts become dull.

May they confuse night and day,

Let fear and pain entangle the thieves.

Let their hands not rise,

Feet do not leave the ground.

Each one receives seven coffins,

The sentence is seven years.

Each coffin has seven wells:

Blood, bone, vein.

A thief sits down and doesn’t get wet,

A thief lies down and does not rise,

Ten healers won't get off.

Tear, stab, and slash him, and flog him,

Without giving rest and breathing.

Damn him, thief, on burning ashes

A muddy swamp, a mill dam.

Dry than grass, extinguish worse than ash.

Oh, you, my archers, unclean fighters,

Find and seek out the name of my enemy.

Pin his shadow, incinerate his heart.

Let him be stunned, numb.

How can he not be reborn again?

And don’t pray

So he will not escape my word,

Bad conspiracy.

I harness it with a noose,

I will perform the funeral service for him with kutya.

Like a dead man tied to a coffin,

So his path to treatment is blocked.

I lock it with seven locks, seven keys.

Water in the river, business on the ground,

Conspiracy on the shutter.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Today I fulfilled the request of many, many people who were brazenly and, as the scoundrels hoped, robbed with impunity. Let such people know and remember that they will have to pay for everything. Everyone is responsible in their own time, and everyone should be able to stand up for themselves.

There is a popular saying: “If you don’t want to quarrel with a friend, don’t lend him money.” However, if the loan of money was nevertheless carried out, and the borrower is not going to return what was borrowed for some reason, you will have to act decisively and comprehensively, resorting to simple but effective methods, such as a conspiracy to repay the debt. If you don't believe in magic, then we recommend these simple tips about how to repay debts and legally increase money.

All rituals for good luck, ritual and ceremonial actions associated with material goods, their receipt, return or distribution, relate to everyday magic, which has existed from time immemorial and during this period has already managed to form a number of subtleties and features of witchcraft. Let's look at the main ones.

If you need to attract money to yourself (no matter your own or someone else’s), you should perform rituals on the moon of the growing type. It is with it that the probability of growth in the money supply, receiving unexpected profits and old debts is maximum. Don't lose your chance to increase the likelihood of a successful outcome!
When the controversial issue of returning money arises (including receiving it from malicious debtors), you should never rush, because it is unknown what kind of situation a person has, maybe he really does not have free cash yet. In order to optimize your actions in this direction as much as possible, you need to ask to repay the debt three times every week or two. If you receive a harsh, unreasonable refusal or vague promises to “pay back tomorrow,” then you should think about reading a conspiracy to repay the debt.

When choosing specific means for obtaining lost or loaned property, you should give preference to “white” methods that do not threaten the debtor with violence. Any magic leaves its mark on a person, and if you use its “black” varieties for every trifle, then you can take on an unbearable karmic burden. Think about it, do you need this?
Upon successful completion of any monetary ritual with the receipt of the desired amount of money, you need to mentally turn to the person on whom this money depended, thank him for the successful resolution of the situation and wish him all the best. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to pray for him in church. This way you will let go of the situation and destroy the tangle of your own anger.

Funds for returning what was borrowed

The bulk of magical tools aimed at repaying debt appeal to the debtor's conscience through intimidation on a subtle level. However, these methods are not considered the most acceptable, since what is desired in them is achieved through causing harm to other individuals. Therefore, in order to get your hard-earned money, it is better to use conspiracies, although less effective, but also less destructive.

Magic spell for a candle

You can return the lost money by influencing your attraction of financial resources, calling “money to money” or performing a simple candle ritual.

To implement this method, it is enough to buy one tall, thick wax candle (with a good, clear wick).
At midnight, the candle should be set on fire and, as soon as it begins to burn, cut it in half with one blow.
Now you need to light the second half of the candle and connect it to the burning first half with the wicks facing each other.
During the process of reuniting the elements of the candle, you need to pronounce the following spell to repay the debt:

“Everything that is separated returns to each other. What is cut is united. What is lost comes. So my money will come back to me.”

The candle should not be extinguished immediately, but should be taken to the debtor’s house and only extinguished there.

A bad broom for a refund

The simplest way to “get” your money back can be the broom method. It is especially relevant if a person lives in a private house (as was the case in the old days).

First, you need to take a good, kind broom or broom and sweep the threshold of the house of the debtor and his family, saying to yourself, “I sweep with a good broom, I sweep away my money for myself.”
Then you need to take a bad, emaciated, old, dirty broom and dig it into the ground in front of the entrance to the debtor’s hut, casting a debt spell on him

“I place a thin broom under the house so that he doesn’t let him sleep and drives other people’s money out of the house.”

It is important not to forget to dig up a broom after receiving the money and thereby free the house from the curse, even if it is weak and temporary.

Money conspiracies with 100% effect

When simple magical means have been tried, it’s time to get out of the bins a strong conspiracy to repay the debt. Methods of this type practically guarantee results, but also require specific investments in their effectiveness. For example, some of these curses need to be read 100 times, others are fraught with consequences from inflicting temporary damage on a person, etc. Here we present several powerful spells that cause minimal damage to the side using them.

Very strong ones are associated with food or water, into which a certain program is whispered. You can repay the debt using one of these methods in the following way. Take any food (from confectionery to ready-made hot dishes) and salt it very thickly so that there is no possibility of eating it.

During the salting process, say:

“As this food is salty, so will everything be salty for the servant of God (say the name of the debtor). He will not drink water, he will not forget about his duty. I’ll hurry up and return everything I borrowed.”

The enchanted food must be quietly thrown to the person who owes money.
Another conspiracy to pay off a debt can be read very simply, on a new moon on an empty wallet:

“Whoever borrowed money from me will pay it back. He who made my purse empty will fill it. And whoever has forgotten what he should do will not sleep until he remembers.”

Carry the enchanted wallet with you until the returned money is placed in it.

The ritual with any existing piece of furniture will help you return what you borrowed. An old stool or table is suitable for this. You need to break off the leg from it and break it completely into chips, which are then laid with emphasis on each other and read over the resulting structure:

“If anyone asks for anything, the devil brings everything to him. I gave what was mine, the debtor took it for himself. Let him worry the hell about it, and give me back what’s mine!”

Read this text once from left to right, another time from right to left. The wood chips should be immediately thrown out on the street, in a place where two roads meet.

A set of rituals for returning money to a friend

If the money was lent to a friend or just a good person, from whom you don’t want to take the latter, then you can use a complex of two simple rituals and the magic of numbers.

The first of them is a technique for attracting money to a specific person. To implement it, you first need to find a good photo of the individual who owes you. Under " nice photo" refers to a photograph where a person smiles, looks happy and satisfied with life. You should also stock up on several large bills of money (preferably dollars or other stable foreign currency). It is recommended to perform the ritual on the waxing moon in such a way that its light illuminates the room where the plot is being read.

The magic plot to get rid of debts will consist of the following passes: place the photo on the table, image up (try to let the moon illuminate it too), then take a stack of banknotes and, slowly passing them over the photograph, read:

“As a glorious boat rushes across the seas, all luxuriously sewn, dressed in gold, a hundred treasures in it. So a good fellow (say the name of the debtor) would become rich and generous so that money would start in his family. Gold, silver and chervonets, a hundred treasures from ships. I lure money with money. Amen!"

The second ritual consolidates the first and is designed to appeal directly to a person’s conscience, so that after he has acquired “a hundred treasures,” he will share from the heart with his family and friends, and simply pay off his debts. As part of this event, you need to go to church, light a candle for this person and sincerely pray for his health and well-being, and upon returning home, read out loud or mentally on his photo:

“Faithful friend, I trust in you, I pray for you, I wish you the best. Don’t forget about me, help me in a moment. Amen".

In addition to prayers and rituals, it is also worth additionally recommending books to such a person on how to get rid of debts, or suggesting options for solving his financial problem: from part-time jobs to obtaining loans from specialized organizations.

About energy debt recovery, watch this video:

Lending money to someone, if you have it, is a good thing. Thus, a person helps another, and helping is always a positive act. But it happens that a person who borrowed a specific amount is not going to pay it back.

Reminding someone of a debt is not always convenient, especially if it is a loved one.

The issue of money in general is very sensitive and the topic of debt can cause unpleasant emotions and the like. Many people are unable to remind the debtor of the debt at all; they literally “cannot help themselves.” What to do in such a situation? Wait for the cancer to whistle on the mountain? "or say it directly? Of course it's better to say. But this needs to be done gently and, as it were, casually. Although, all the same, not every person will do this. Therefore, there is a third way out of this situation. You can use a spell to repay the debt.

Of course, there are few supporters of this method. This is due to the fact that not all people believe in the effectiveness of conspiracies, or in magic in general. To repay the debt, the conspiracy will need to direct the energy sector in the right direction. This ritual, in fact, is no different from other magical rituals.

Since the conspiracy gives everyone the opportunity to repay the debt, you just need to learn how to do it correctly.

In order to return your money lent to someone else, you should purchase a candle. Just not a simple one from the store, but a church candle. Next, you should wait until sunset and light a candle. It is best to carry out the conspiracy late in the evening or at night. It should be held in your left hand. At this time, you need to repeat a specific phrase: “If you (the debtor) do not repay the debt, then you will melt like this candle. As soon as you repay the debt, you won’t melt again! Then let this word be fulfilled! I confirm everything said by fire (my own name). Moreover, it must be repeated exactly thirteen times. But the whole ritual is not over. Now you need to go to church and light the same candle there for the debtor’s health, or rather what’s left of it. At the same time, you should say the following words: “I forgive you forever and wish you health. God sees everything and for centuries only he (name of the debtor) is your judge. It is not given to me to judge you, the Lord God is a witness, I only ask God (my own name) for help. Amen. "

Such a conspiracy to repay a debt is best carried out on the fourteenth lunar day, that is, on the growing moon.

There are also many other methods, conspiracies and rituals. Here's another one.

You will want smooth and uniform potatoes. It should be cut into two halves. You need to rub the plate with the first half, and your hands with the second. Next, a coin (of any denomination) is placed on the plate and the words are spoken: “I’m taking everything that’s mine, leaving someone else’s.” The copper is mine, a slave to me, clean from me.” Now the same coin is taken from the plate and clamped with two halves of potatoes, and then tied with white thread. At the same time, while tying potatoes with thread, you need to say: “On the hills and hills, under stones and holes, water flows, the juice is starchy. Debt will also flow to me, ringing coins. But for a slave this debt is empty, all the coins are extra. For me they are loud, for my wallet they are full. When the sun hides, then the slave will have coppers. He will bring them to me, he will not borrow them.” After this, you need to put the potatoes on the same plate and leave it there until the debt is repaid. And when the money is returned, the “potato” coin should be given to the debtor with the words: “For the debt, so that it will be in money.”

It is worth understanding that you should not get carried away with such conspiracies, otherwise it may cause the opposite effect - the performer will suffer losses and monetary losses.

The best thing, of course, is to cope “on your own”, without using such rituals, but by cultivating in yourself the ability to talk about what can cause awkward situations.

When we lend something or a certain amount of money to someone, we hope that this person will return everything as agreed. In practice, unfortunately, everything happens differently and you have to reclaim your property or money lent to others with great difficulty or even say goodbye to it forever.

Everyone knows that debts should be repaid and that this is a matter of honor, but when they find themselves in a similar situation, they often act differently. Is there a method to force a person to repay a debt? Yes, of course, it’s true, not all methods of influencing him are acceptable at the legislative level. It also happens that you do not have witnesses to claim the debt in court, in addition, the debtor may simply be hiding from you when there is no one to file claims against.

In such a situation, it is worth using the magical power of a conspiracy to recover money from the debtor. Some of them turn out to be quite effective in practice and force the debtor to return everything that was borrowed from you in the shortest possible time. Money magic and a conspiracy against a debtor is a very effective measure of influence, as you will be able to see for yourself one day.

Money magic: properties and features

Any of the rituals or conspiracies used to repay a debt or associated with any material things falls into the category of household magic. Man has been practicing it for many centuries, identifying the features and honing the nuances of each of its rituals. You should familiarize yourself with the most interesting and effective of them in detail.

  • Strong conspiracies should be carried out only during the Waxing Moon, as well as rituals associated with attracting or increasing money capital.
  • Before using strong magical spells/rituals, you should make sure that the person is not repaying the debt not because of his difficult financial situation, but simply does not want to repay it at all or is maliciously avoiding his obligation.
  • Even if there is a deliberate desire not to repay the debt, use only White magic rituals against the debtor. Remember that Black magic is not so safe, both for the one against whom it is directed and against the one who uses it.
  • Having received a debt from a debtor through a magical act, always mentally thank him. This simple trick will eliminate all negative energy, which surrounded both of you during the entire process of returning things or money borrowed from you.

By following these recommendations, you can not only quickly repay your debts, but also destroy Negative consequences, sometimes arising after the use of magical spells.

Examples of a conspiracy to return money

Ritual spell with a broom

This is one of the most effective rituals with the reading of a conspiracy against a debtor. The effect of fighting the debtor will be especially obvious if he lives close to your home.

What is needed for the ritual:

  • a completely new broom;
  • a used and fairly old broom.

With a new broom, you need to cleanly sweep the threshold of your debtor’s house in the direction from his threshold towards your threshold, repeating the words of the conspiracy:

Good broom! I sweep with you, I sweep with you, I take the money of my debtor (his name) from him!

Old broom! I sweep with you, I sweep with you, I leave you on this threshold, so that my debtor (his name) will not be allowed to sleep or eat, will not be left alone, will annoy me with thoughts of me, so that he will pay me the debt!”

Having completed all the steps and read these conspiracies, you should go home without turning around and without speaking to anyone, without entering into conversations with anyone. The debt will be returned to you within one month.

After receiving a debt from your debtor, for several days try to think positively about him and mentally thank him.

This will help you get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste that forced you to turn to the power of magic.

Ritual with a box of matches

Work while mentally imagining the debtor in front of you

What is needed for the ritual:

  • church candle (thin) – 1 pc.;
  • new matchbox.

Every night, starting from the day you purchased these items, you should light a candle and light one match from it, place it on a saucer and watch it burn. At the same time (while the match is burning) you must pronounce the following spell on the debtor:

My friend, my brother, Fire! Make God's Servant (his name) pay back my debts. Torment his conscience, burn his soul so that he cannot sleep or eat until he returns his debt to me!

It is better if you pronounce this conspiracy several times, from the beginning of the ritual to its completion.

Place the ashes from each match in another (empty) matchbox or leave it on a saucer without removing it until your debts are repaid. After this, it should be dispelled at the intersection with the words:

Wind friend, Wind brother! Unlock the locks from the four gates, spread the good news in all directions that the debt has been returned to me, that there is truth!

Also, return home along a different road without engaging in conversation with anyone. Don't forget to thank the person who repaid your debts.

Ritual with a coin

This ritual belongs to the category of light magical rituals and is intended to influence those people with whom you would like to maintain friendly relations. Such a ritual does not cause any harm to the person, but only slightly pushes him to quickly return his debts to you.

What is needed for the ritual:

  • medium denomination coin made of white metal – 1 pc.;
  • spruce or fir tree that grows outdoors (outside your home or yard).

A charmed coin will get rid of debts

Having previously chosen a suitable tree, early in the morning you should symbolically bury a coin under it, saying:

“Take, Mother Earth, a coin for a while!
Let the Servant of God (his name) wander around the Light!
Let your feet hit the Earth aimlessly,
Until my debt is paid back to me!
How does this spruce guard the coin?
So let my image hang over him!
Let him know neither peace nor sleep,
Until he pays me back in full!”

This conspiracy should be pronounced three times and go home without turning around, without entering into conversation with anyone and without answering questions from passers-by. It is advisable to call the debtor in a few days to remind him of himself at a time when he will no longer have peace of mind.

This technique will make him fuss with repaying the debt. Under no circumstances think anything bad about him or wish him harm, otherwise he will not be able to repay the debt. After you get the desired result, go to the place where the coin is buried, dig it up with the following words:

“Hello, Mother Earth!
I came with gratitude!
God's Servant (his name) returned my debt in full,
I don't hold it against him."

Having taken the coin, you can store it in a wallet or box, as a talisman against losing money or to increase it. After the debt has been returned to you for the enchanted coin, it acquires twice the value magical properties for the safety and increase of your capital.

Ritual with a burning green candle

If all leverage and methods of influencing the debtor have already been used, use the following magical ritual to return what belongs to you.

What is needed for the ritual:

A decorative candle from a regular store will not work, nor will a green scented one. A candle for this ritual must be found in a specialized store of esoteric goods.

Green is the color of money, and a candle is an indispensable attribute of magical actions. Together with the conspiracy, this will become a powerful message to the debtor to return the debt to you.

Every day before going to bed, you need to light a candle and read this plot in front of it once:

“My money, I command you to return to my house!
From someone else's pocket, from someone else's threshold
Return to your master!
Let my debtor be God’s Servant (his name),
Does not solve important matters, knows no peace,
Lives the life of an outcast
Until he gives me back what’s mine!

Ritual with a church candle

For this ritual, you should purchase a wax candle from the church (without bargaining or change!).

When the sun begins to set, holding a burning candle with your left hand and looking at the burning flame, say the words of the conspiracy 13 times in a row:

“You, God’s Servant (his name), are my old debtor,
You don't want to pay me back,
How will this candle melt?
While this candle will burn for a long time,
your life will slowly decay.
If you pay me back, you will live well!
My words are sealed with fire. Amen!"

The next afternoon, go to the nearest church, where you light a candle stub for the health of your debtor with the words:

"Almighty, be my witness,
That I forgive my debtor - the Servant of God (his name),
tomorrow afternoon
And so - for all the days of his life.
I won’t judge myself, I’ll pray to God,
To punish him with his Court,
I was obliged to repay the debts.
I am the Servant of God (your name), baptized and praying,
For his debtor
I pray before our Lord.

This ritual and conspiracy against the debtor is initially somewhat reminiscent of a ritual from Black Magic, but in fact it belongs to the category of White rituals.

It is imperative to observe the condition of working according to the phase of the moon
An ancient conspiracy “To get the money back”

This ritual has come down to this day from antiquity; it is performed on the Waxing Moon after the order of the Sun. With its help, you can not only repay the monetary debt, but also speed up the process of paying off wage arrears.

What is needed for the ritual:

  • candle (green) – 1 pc.;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • saucer - 1 pc.;
  • paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • Matchbox.

Before performing the ceremony, you must close all doors in the house and windows/windows, turn off the lights in the room where you will perform the ceremony. Next, you should coat the candle with honey, place it on the table and light it with a match (do not use a lighter!).

The next step is to warm your hands over the hot flame of a candle and say:

“How much honey sticks on a candle,
How very sweet the sugar is in it,
So let it come to my hands
The money always stuck
never came off!”

Now, after reading the plot the prescribed number of times, take a sheet of paper and with a simple pencil Write on it the amount of money you are owed. Below, under the numbers you should add:

“What is mine, hurry to me,
Don't be afraid of anything or anyone,
Don't linger anywhere!

After completing this magical ritual, the ashes from the burnt paper should be poured under the mat on the debtor's vice or scattered in his yard. Very soon your debtor will show up and inform you of his intention to repay his debt. As soon as you receive your debt from him, go to church. You need to light a candle for his health by reading one of the prayers you know for such an occasion (reading the “Our Father” prayer is allowed).

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From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

No gun will be taken. There is a road, across that road lies a log, along that log Satan himself walks, carrying a bag of sand and a tub of water. The gun is loaded with sand and the gun is filled with water. Just as sulfur boils in your ear, so gunpowder would boil in your gun, and he, my protector, would always be kind.

From the book Philosophy of a Magician author Pokhabov Alexey

Don't betray your heart How many times have we said the wrong words! How many times have we caved in to the conditions of the outside world. And then they convinced themselves that it was necessary. And perhaps we even won in some ways, but something in our chests remained inconsistent with our

From the book The Secret of the Name author Zima Dmitry

Realize your “I” To understand the importance of a name in a person’s life, you can simply turn to the direct meaning of this word - name, have, property. The ancient Slavs had a custom when a child was given the most unpretentious names, for example Crooked-legged or Red-haired, but when

From the book Multidimensional Model of Man. Energy-informational causes of diseases author Peychev Nikolay

Programming your future Everything that is in your life, you attracted yourself with the help of the power of mental images that are in your head. You are a transmitting television station, a television tower, and your power is greater than the power of any transmitter created by man. You are the most

From the book Meditations for Every Day. Unlocking inner abilities author Dolya Roman Vasilievich

From the book Secrets of a Modern Sorceress author Kriksunova Inna Abramovna

From the book Ancient Mexico without Crooked Mirrors author Sklyarov Andrey Yurievich

Alien knowledge In the “arsenal” of the Indians of Mesoamerica, meanwhile, there was also knowledge that does not in any way fit with the level maximally achieved by any of the known civilizations of this region. For example, among the names of Venus there is one that is translated

From the book Your Name and Destiny by Vardi Arina

How to “Hebrewize” your name Do you want to change your name to Israeli, but in such a way that you do not completely abandon your previous name, but use it as the basis for a new name and for your new life? Here are my suggestions that you can use, or you can use them

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From the book I Can Do Anything! Steps to success. Transurfing practice. 52 steps author Samarina Tatyana Gennadievna

Step 31 Your credo The most correct answers are within us. Motto of the week: I live my unique life! What question do you think is most often asked by participants in Transurfing Center projects and programs? Perhaps you have asked it more than once in your life.