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It seems that the story with the dress is repeating itself

Blue-black or white-gold: flip-flops of an indeterminate color “blew up” the Internet

Almost two years ago, in February 2015: some saw a black and blue outfit in the photo, others saw a white and gold one. The story with this optical illusion has received a new round of development, but this time the object of confusion has become ordinary flip-flops.

The photo posted online shows a pair of flip-flops. As with the dress, it is difficult to determine the color of the flip-flops. Buzzfeed News polled its readers and found that 45% see white and gold flip flops, 21% see blue and gold, 18% see black and blue, and 12% see blue and brown. True, the manufacturers themselves, the Havaianas company, admitted that the flip-flops combine blue and dark Blue colour A.

Blue-black or white-gold: flip-flops of an indeterminate color “blew up” the Internet

In the story of the slippers of an “undetermined” color, an optical illusion played a cruel joke, just like last time. Blame it on the amount of light in the photo. Previously, psychologists argued that thanks to this light effect, each person himself makes a decision about the brightness of the light allowed on the retina of the eye, so everyone himself “decides” what color the flip-flops are.

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Thousands of social media users around the world cannot calm down, arguing about the color of flip-flops, a photo of which appeared on Twitter a few days ago. Some people think that they are white and gold, others that they are blue and black, and as in the story with, there are people who are trying to convince others that they have problems with their eyes.

A photo of flip-flops appeared on Twitter from a user from Portugal with the nickname Falsiane.

In the comments, people's opinions were divided.

Some people see shades of blue.

"Brown and blue."

“They are either gold-blue or grey-blue.”

Some people are sure that they are white and gold.

“The slippers are white and gold. Ban me if you think differently."

“White and gold!”

Just like last time with the dress story, some readers are taking everything to heart.

“- White and gold, how are yours?

“No, are you stupid?”

“- Black and blue.
- How? How?"

“They are black and blue. Shut up everyone who says - white and gold. And check your eyes."

Some users began to ask philosophical questions.

“So, I thought the dress was black and blue, but the slippers look white and gold to me. Now I have doubts about everything in life.”

Some users can't decide.

“I swear to God they were white and gold and when I scrolled back they were blue and black. What the hell?”

Discussions have already begun in the Russian-language segment of Twitter.

Friendship some already under threat.

Buzzfeed organized a vote among readers, in which more than 700 thousand people have already taken part. At the time of writing, the leading option is “white and gold” (45%), followed by “gold and blue” (20%) and “black and blue” (19%). 12% voted for the “blue-browns”.

Havaianas later confirmed to Buzzfeed that the flip flops are actually blue and black. People who see the white and gold flip-flops in the first photo, don't be upset - everything is fine with you.

In February 2015, the Internet has been on the Internet for more than one day: is it white and gold or blue and black?

At that time, scientists explained that the perception of color depends on the way the brain interprets color depending on lighting. It was found that the perception of a dress strongly depends on the age and gender of the person: older people and women usually saw a “golden” dress, while young people saw it as black. Scientists explained this by the fact that older people and women spend most of their lives during the day, when the light has a relatively bluish tint, while the eyes of young people are more tuned to working with “yellow” artificial lighting. When processing an image in the brain, a person involuntarily adjusts the perception of color in the direction he thinks is necessary.

Looking at the same photo, each person sees it a little differently

A photograph of flip-flops, the color of which different people perceive differently, even if they see a photo on the same screen. To some, the shoes seem brown-blue, to others, blue-black, and to others, white-gold or some other shades.

Initially, the photo was published on his Twitter page by an Internet user from Portugal, but it soon appeared on many other sites. According to the manufacturers of the flip-flops, in fact, the specimens in the frame are light blue on the outside and dark blue on the inside, just because of the lighting in the photo this is not so obvious.

The current controversy is not too different from when Scottish resident Caitlin McNeil posted a photo of her blue-and-black dress online, but because the photo was “exposed” in a similar way, most people thought it was actually white and gold. Some even noted that the item of clothing seemed to "change color" if they looked at it again after a while. As Jane Nitz, a neuroscientist at the University of Washington, explained back then, the reason for such disputes is that the human brain always perceives certain colors based on “context.” Therefore, different people interpreted differently what the lighting was like in a photograph, and therefore subconsciously “filtered out” different shades. According to Neitz, this is a very common phenomenon, although it does not often manifest itself so clearly.

From time to time, desperate disputes among Internet users are caused not only by items of clothing of unclear color, but also by some mathematical and logic problems- often in reality quite simple, but with an answer that is not obvious to many. For example, at the beginning of this year, social network users were unable to come to a consensus on what the solution should be simple example. Many did not take into account that multiplication and division should be performed before addition and subtraction and, as a result, received the wrong answer.

Around the same time, “” appeared on the Internet. Fruits acted as “unknowns” in it, the meaning of each of which had to be found out in order to get the answer to the last equation. The catch was that in this example, instead of four bananas, as in the other pictures, there were three drawn, and instead of two coconut halves, there was one. The author of the problem implied that for the correct answer it is necessary to adjust the values ​​​​corresponding to the fruit accordingly.

In September, social networks and many Internet sites flew around, largely combining the two published earlier. Horses, horseshoes and boots are used as “unknowns”. Unlike the previous problem, in addition to addition and subtraction, to solve it it is necessary to perform multiplication. Although the author's idea for this problem is clear and there is a "correct" answer to it, some were unhappy with the way it was formulated - if horseshoes can be multiplied by a horse, this obviously makes the pictures simply abstract symbols, and if so, the picture "one horseshoe" is not necessary should indicate a number half as large as the “two horseshoes” picture. In this sense, if you approach the problem very strictly, it is unsolvable.

More interesting is the problem “When is Cheryl’s birthday?” , published last year by Singaporean TV presenter Kenneth Kong. Although it was initially reported that it was intended for fifth-grade students, it was later revealed that the problem was designed for a high school math Olympiad.

    In fact, according to the manufacturer of these slippers, they are blue and dark blue, but due to the fact that the photo was taken at an angle and the lighting falls on the slippers differently, many people perceive the colors differently. For example, I see white and gold (sand) colors. Therefore, there is no point in blaming people for color blindness; it’s all about the lighting of the object, in our case the slippers.

    I saw this picture for the first time yesterday! It's incredible, but I can see very clearly that they are white and beige. My boyfriend sees grey-blue ones. When there was the story with the dress, it was exactly the opposite: he saw white and beige, and I saw blue and black.

    It’s actually an amazing picture, since everyone sees the colors of flip-flops differently. Personally, I see slides in gold or brown with a blue stripe. But according to this source of information:, the manufacturer of these shoes claims that one hundred flip-flops light blue with dark blue.

    At first I saw that the slates were white and gold (which I wrote about in the commentary). The second time I came in, I can already clearly see black and blue (as if the picture had been specially changed). I understand that this is an illusion, an optical illusion, but it’s still amazing =)

    Just recently there was a dispute on the Internet about the dress: some saw it as blue and black, and others saw it as white and gold. Now there are slates (flip-flops) on the Internet, the color of which is also causing controversy. Personally, I see slates as blue-black. The color we see in the photo is an optical illusion. In my opinion, due to the poor quality of the photo, everyone sees it differently. In fact, the manufacturers of these slates say that they are dark blue and light blue.

    I clearly see that the gray stripes are white, and the edges are golden, or beige. There is no blue, much less black, here. The light may fall differently, so the flip-flops may appear blue color. Just out of curiosity, I went on the Internet, and the manufacturers of these slates say that the real color is blue, with dark blue.

    These flip-flops/flip-flops are truly magical, since there is so much controversy surrounding them. First they discussed the dress, now this. I believe that it is impossible to say unequivocally here, what color are the flip-flops, as photography can be deceiving. It may be affected by lighting, settings of the device on which the photo was taken, and processing. Therefore, the question is initially misleading. If we talk specifically about photography, then the slates are light brown (closer to bronze) and some kind of cold bluish color. BUT the last color may well turn out to be pure white; a bluish background could simply fall on it (from shop windows, for example, or a large TV) from the side of the photographer.

    I see blue-gray flip-flops). This is apparently the same joke as with the dress - on the perception of color in certain lighting? By the way, in his case, my husband stubbornly saw white and gold, but I saw black and blue.

    By the way, my mother sees blue-gray slates just like me, when my husband comes home from work, I’ll ask him too, although I’m sure that with his perception he will see something completely different from what I see, as was the case last time . I’ll write about his vision later in the comments.)

    The color rendering turns out to be to blame, and people argue and rack their brains - What color are the flip-flops? What color is the dress? Etc. Strange riddles, aren't they?

    Now the truth has already been revealed and the manufacturers of these flip-flops have announced that the flip-flops are blue with a dark blue color. The dress turns out to be blue. Here come the puzzles!

    I see gray and blue, and my husband sees white and gold)))

    If this is again an optical illusion, then you just have to rely on the color rendition of your monitor and the color perception of your eyes))

    In my opinion, many people will see blue here. But there will be discrepancies in the second color. To some it will seem gray, to others grey-brown, to others it will resemble coffee with milk. But perhaps there will be individuals who will generally see black)

    In my opinion, slates combine blue and dark beige))

The story of the “dress of discord”, the color of which was guessed by the whole world, was repeated with another item of clothing: now Internet users are discussing flip-flops.
A photo of flip-flops appeared on the Internet a couple of days ago. The author of the photo, signing her photo, stated that she was ready to fight with anyone who called “these flip-flops blue and black.” The frame immediately leaked to all popular posts and discussions. In Stavropol public pages, the “slippers of discord” immediately divided Internet activists into two camps. Participants in the first prove that the slippers are white and gold.

Natalya Pavlova: “I see white and gold. What to do?"
Opponents of the “white and gold” see black and blue shoes.

Andrey Vasiliev: “They are black,yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...”

Vova Stasenko: “I don’t believe that anyone really sees it that way. And the majority too. There's a clear blue color there. White is not even close. The black is overexposed and it looks like it has a yellowish tint. What else can be called closer to gold. Although, again, he’s black there.”

Serafim Zaharin: “A couple of minutes ago they were white and gold in my eyes, now they are black and blue.”

However, there were other versions. For example, some see the shoes as grey-blue, others claim that the slates are brown-blue, and still others are convinced that the color of the shoes is black and yellow.

Madonna Kalandarishvili: “Definitely red, what’s unclear here.”

Vova Stasenko: “Black and yellow. Or black and gold. But for many it will be different again.”

Of course, there were those who tried to substantiate the phenomenon scientifically - supposedly the color changes depending on the lighting, or on the screen on which a person is viewing the image. Numerous surveys show that most people see flip-flops as white and gold, but this is not true: the true color of flip-flops is black and blue.

Serge Mikhailov: “It can’t be white there! It's not on the slippers. In real life they are light blue with almost black, one might say dark dark gray. In the photo, firstly, the dark gray is overexposed, the white balance is adjusted towards yellow, so they can appear with brown, dark gold, and even a marsh color. But about the light part. I know when you can see that there is white color there, when the monitor is black and white, or vision, but they still say that they see golden.”

These hypotheses, of course, are quite far from the truth, but still the vector of thought is correct. Scientists who researched the strange color phenomenon called it the “blue phenomenon.” white dress", which became the subject of controversy immediately after Caitlin McLain, a participant music group, posted it on Facebook in 2015 to get her mother's opinion of the outfit. Neuroscientists have found that the reason for different color perception is an optical illusion due to improper light output. This distortion most likely occurred during processing. Plus, the disturbed white balance distorted the colors of the fabric even during shooting, which also played a role.

Due to the overexposed background, the human eye sees blue as unlit, and the brain does not perceive blue shades, replacing them with white. Scientists call this chromatic adaptation. However, this is only one of the versions - other experts are convinced that the color of the dress depends on how a person wants to see it, and still others even say that “night” people see the dress as dark, “day” people - light.

We cannot reject the version that such a move is some kind of commercial initiative of the manufacturer. After all, as the story with the dress shows us, after such passionate discussions, sales of this textile product increased incredibly. Within the first 30 minutes after publication, all the dresses were sold out from the seller, and the designer immediately decided to release the outfit in a white and gold version.

Another Internet chameleon, who, however, became famous a little less dress is an Adidas sports jacket that has been seen in both white and blue and black and brown. And more recently, the list of Internet illusions was replenished with a photograph of “oily” legs, looking at which it is not entirely clear whether these are real highlights or drawn ones. The subject of discussion was also a bag of a controversial color - either white or blue. We open the veil of secrecy: the jacket is black, the bag is blue, and the highlights are still strokes of white paint.