
For a wish to come true in 1 day, it must be very strong and motivate you so much that you will not find a place for yourself until it comes true. There is even a special visualization technique, when a person continuously imagines that he has already achieved what he wants, for example, driving the car of his dreams, being in a relationship with the girl he is in love with, etc. Some people believe that thoughts have a basis in reality, and the universe is able to obey a person and give him what he wants.

If you want to make your wish come true in one day, try to make a wish that can really come true. For example, a girl may want the young man she likes to pay attention to her, and the desire of a person with financial difficulties may be the emergence of a much-awaited source of income. Thus, first of all, it is important not just to want something, but to set a specific and achievable goal.

Don’t expect a miracle and for your wish to come true in one day by itself. First of all, think about what actions on your part would lead to achieving your goal as quickly as possible. For example, if we look at the examples already given, a girl can commit just one act that will make her young man pay attention to her and even admire her. It could be beautiful Foto or, a poem or song of your own composition, posted on the Internet. And sometimes, to express your feelings, you just need to pluck up the courage and call or write to the one you like. A person who wants to earn money can easily post his detailed resume on the Internet in one day, look at the methods of earning money available to him both online and in his city, and this will also bring certain results.

Gather together all your knowledge and skills that will help you quickly achieve what you want. This could be advice successful people, friends and relatives, colleagues or teachers at school and college, etc. Over the course of his life, a person accumulates simply a huge amount of knowledge, and if you constantly organize it and try to apply it in suitable situations, you will have practically no unattainable goals.

It is important not to despair and not to give up, even if it seems that what you want will not come true so quickly. If you put in even minimal effort and take effective action, you can still get at least minimally close to achieving your goal even in one day. And if you continue to move in the right direction again and again, the final result will not be long in coming.

When you want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.” Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"

Today, on a beautiful sunny Sunday winter day, I again want to talk about happiness, joy and fulfillment of desires.

If you think that life is full of more important and serious things, such as rising housing and communal services tariffs and corruption in Russia, assessments of the consequences of the global financial crisis and the role of the United States in inciting discontent and protests in Africa and the Middle East, and all these desires, joy and happiness are not for you, but for people who live in a world of illusions, then I dare to disappoint you.

This is the big question: who really lives in a world of illusions?

But this is a topic for another post. And today I will do what depends on me (is within my control). Corruption in Russia and US foreign policy, unfortunately (or fortunately for me) are beyond my control. And I can influence my inner state and mood. And I will be happy if I can influence yours.

I have already written that I found a very interesting page on the Internet, where you can find a lot of useful things to make your life more joyful and happy.

Today I read an article there about how to make wishes correctly.

Let me remind you once again that all these tools have a scientific basis. I say this for those people who are proud of their logical mind and its “iron” logic. I'm also fine with this matter. Only I am learning how to shut up this voice of “reason” in time and give myself the opportunity to learn something new and start doing something differently.

“Everyone has desires. It is a fact.

Someone just believes in their performance.

And someone says that there are no miracles in the world.

Well. To each according to faith. Each has its own Universe.

Wizard SURE in your desires.

He knows that nothing is impossible.

Miracles EXIST.

Desires PERFORMED. Always.

The question is: do we know what REALLY do we want? And can we understand that what comes to us is the answer to our desires?

More often than not, no.

Author of the photo torontofotobug

By the way, FEARS– these are unfulfilled desires. They reflect the wrong way of thinking (for example, when a person experiences fear of being abandoned, although it would be more correct to want to be with his loved one). It's like two sides of the same coin.

Fears are realized in the same way as desires. Do you know why? The key word here is ATTENTION.

Because energy SHOULD for attention. For what DIRECTION attention - there is more and more of that in your life.

Therefore, the Wizard always remembers that there must be a desire CLEAN.

It should ABSENT admixtures of fear, doubt and greed and PRESENT calm confidence that everything will be as it should.

We have already talked about fears.

Now about doubts.

They are the ones who push back the moment of getting what we want. Because the Universe will give you what ABOUT WHAT You think.

If you want a million dollars, but doubt that it will come true, then pictures will often flash on your external screen when money looms, but constantly disappears without ever reaching you, thereby saying: “We exist, but you NOT READY accept us."

But greed is a different story.

As soon as you said: “I want a star from the sky!”, immediately think about whether you can answer the question: “A FOR WHAT Do you want a star from the sky??? FOR WHAT?"

Wanting a million dollars is not greed. Greed - wanting a million dollars and DONT KNOW, what to do with him. That is, put it in the nightstand and let it lie.

well, like this FOR WHAT What do you want so passionately?

Next point.

Before you fulfill your desire, think about whether you really want what you think you want? It turned out to be tricky, but the meaning is true.

This is what people often try to accomplish NOT YOURS desires.

They go to college to become an accountant when the Soul wants to heal people. Only because dad said it was easier to earn money for retirement this way.

Or they marry a reliable guy. In which, apart from reliability, nothing else warms. But his mother and girlfriends like him.

They go into business for big money, when in fact the Soul strives to paint pictures and give people beautiful masterpieces. But the wife nags. And there seems to be nothing else left to do but to fulfill HER desire.

Has this happened to you? Do you know what I mean?

LISTEN TO YOUR SOUL! She will tell you YOURS wish.

Wizard NOT AFRAID follow your desires.

Desires are not given to us by chance. They are not a temptation at all, they are our guides. Like a beacon that shows the way.

So don't be afraid to dream!

Nobody WILL BITE YOU for this.

Imagine ALL whatever you want.


And don't forget about MISCHIEF in the eyes of the Wizard.

By the way, ACTION to make a wish come true NO ONE CANCELED!!!

You can lie on the couch, but not for long. After all, fulfillment of desires is the WAY. And it must be passed.


Any desire is given to us along with the strength to fulfill it.

As a practice, I’ll give you an article that describes very well and in detail WHAT needs to be done to make your wish COME TRUE.

Fulfillment of desires is the art of systematic thinking. In order for your wish to come true, you need to decide on your system of values ​​and the system of your needs. The fact is that we often tend to deceive not only other people and pretend that we are not what we really are, but also deceive ourselves.

How often do we hear our friends moaning: “I can’t afford to rest, I work so hard, there’s no time for rest, but I would really like to go on holiday.”

Stop. Do these people really want to relax? They have a passionate dream of being needed, irreplaceable - and therefore this very desire comes true. We all know very well that people who angrily ask: “Why should I do everything for you?” - as a rule, this is exactly what they want, and with their behavior they provoke others into irresponsible behavior.

When a person has several wishes, the stronger one comes true.

If you want to be indispensable, there will be no rest. If you passionately wished for rest, the opportunity will come, and perhaps from where you don’t expect...

And here's another tip: do not limit the ways in which the result you are looking for can come to you.

Author of the photo phatpuppy creations

Imagine that you have a dream - to go to Thailand. What needs to be done to make this dream come true? Not just to want, but to want it correctly.

The first rule is that you cannot drive yourself into a narrow corridor with the restrictions that we impose on our desires. “I will work hard and earn money for a trip to Thailand.” This is an incorrectly formulated desire. Of course, if the goal is to earn money and not go to Thailand, then everything is correct...

But think about it, is there really only one way to “make your dreams come true”? By setting a restriction (“I will only travel with the money I earn”) you are prohibiting other possibilities.

Opportunities go where there is open access.

If you insist on a way to fulfill a wish, this complicates the task for the powers that fulfill wishes. The example of one of my friends is very instructive in this regard. She really wanted to be well off and for some reason connected the fulfillment of this desire only with work. But suddenly her husband became very rich, became a typical “new Russian” and demanded that she, as all “new Russian wives” should, stop working. Of course, this was not what she had in mind, but what she asked for. We will talk about the correct formulation of desires later. In the meantime, let's start understanding the technology of making wishes. Yes, this difficult art has its own algorithm.

Step one is analysis.

It is especially effective to make wishes on New Year, Birthday is when you experience a special emotional uplift, when, as in childhood, you have no doubt that miracles are possible... But, of course, we have desires much more often, so this technology is suitable for any day of life.

The first action is to prepare yourself emotionally for the fulfillment of your desire. To do this, you need to analyze what good things have happened to you lately. Remember the cases when you really just had to think: “Wouldn’t it be nice…” - and it happened pretty quickly. In this way we adjust our perception to the good and the real. It can be important to remember how you used to receive small gifts from fate and gain confidence that this is not only possible, but that it is normal and correct. I was late, but managed to jump into the carriage... I thought about the right person- and he appeared... I remembered a friend’s birthday in time - and received an offer from him for an interesting job...

It is very important to try to see life positively. Folk wisdom says: “What I was afraid of happened.” People who fear something the most send these messages to the Universe - and as a result receive an adequate “response” to these “letters”. The more positive our attitude towards life, the greater the chances of fulfilling our desires.

Step two - formulation

“The Lord punishes us by fulfilling our desires.” Eastern wisdom

After this, on an emotional high, you need to formulate your new desire. There are some very important rules here:

1. It is important that the wording of the desire sounds positive! You can’t – “I don’t want this to happen.” Tell me what you want WANT TO. Not “I don’t want the child not to get sick,” but “I want the child to be healthy.”

2. It is advisable to try to formulate it in such a way that the fulfillment of the desire depends not on other people, but on you. Not “I want the prince to come,” but “I want to make the prince fall in love with me.” However, even if the wording is “to be so charming that he falls in love with me”, that’s also not bad, because in this way we program ourselves for the charm of this very prince - and something will work out...

3. You need to formulate your desire according to your real life values. A friend of mine who, as a source of wealth, got the role of a new Russian wife, if she wanted to earn wealth herself, the desire had to be formulated differently. For example, “I want to work for big money, be in demand and enjoy it.”

4. You need to formulate your desire either very, very narrowly, carefully specifying each “condition”, or very broadly. Imagine that your wish is accepted by some worldwide computer. Remember how to search on a computer? Either a very precise wording is needed, or the request should be as broad as possible.

Let’s say a girl formulates: “I want the prince to come.” What if the prince comes to her office on business and leaves? She adds to the previous formula: “...and fell in love.” Perhaps the wish will come true, but there is nothing more terrible than an unrequited prince in love. Okay, he adds: “...and I would fall in love with him.” But then he realizes that there is nothing more terrible than a prince in love and beloved who is not free... And so on with variations. These conditions should not be discussed too much at one time, better - no more than 5...

Here's a funny incident: two girls “asked” for a husband. They wrote, as expected, no more than 5 characteristics of the expected beloved... And the beloved came - as requested, and smart, and beautiful, and rich... One is from Nigeria, and the other is from the United Arab Emirates. Everything was fine, only in their requests the girls did not indicate that they would like “Russian-made” princes.

In some cases it can be useful to give a "broad request". For example, do not make wishes about the prince or about your neighbor Vasya, but simply ask “for my personal life to be arranged in the best possible way.” However, we must again remember the rule that we have already mentioned: when desires contradict each other, the stronger one comes true. If a girl wants both a family and a career, it is possible that the “best way” for her would be not to have problems with her family in order to have a more successful career...

Here is the time to talk about consistency again: when making a wish, you must definitely take into account possible consequences, so to speak, to observe the “ecological friendliness” of desires.

That is, we must not forget that the Universe understands us LITERALLY.

Conducting joyful experiments in making wishes, I very quickly became convinced that this is also a huge responsibility. At some point I suddenly thought: “Why am I not ordering money?” And I decided to “order” an amount that at that time seemed astronomical - 5 thousand dollars a month. A week later, a friend wearing black glasses and with 2 guards came to my training. During the break, he called me back and said: “You are suitable for us. We offer you a job for 5 thousand dollars a month for 2 years. You will live on our territory, advise us on negotiations, and then whatever you want, but the information you receive will not have the right to disclose.” I felt bad. Yes, that was what I asked for. But only for this money I would like to have fun, and not a bullet in the forehead in 2 years. I am still glad that I managed to get out of such an acquaintance then. And I added to the wish the word “so that I like it!” ...True, it took not two weeks, but five years to realize this desire with the new amendment.

There is another very important circumstance here: there is a concept of the mission of each person. And if a person follows what he was “sent” to this world for, he receives gifts. If inexplicable streaks of failure suddenly began in your life, it’s time to see if at some point you have veered off the path.

A very striking example of such a “turn” was demonstrated by a friend of mine: he was working on getting alcoholics out of binge drinking, when suddenly the idea came to him to go into “serious” business. He organized a company, but after some time he began to get sick, things went wrong in the family, and the culmination was his arrest. He spent 2 years in prison and, thanks to the work of a lawyer, was released. Contrary to expectations, he came out happy: in prison he had the opportunity to think about everything, read books, he treated people, that is, he did what he was good at. And after leaving, he began to treat again - he himself explains this by saying that “he was returned to what he was supposed to do.”

Step three – “movie ticket”.

After the desire has acquired the ideality of a mathematical formula, you need to imagine this desire, immerse yourself, plunge into it. To see with your inner eye a “movie” in which this desire has already come true. Maybe a wedding with a prince or family holiday with your common children... The boss’s office with a heavy paperweight and a beautiful secretary bringing coffee to you, the boss... A view of Paris from the Eiffel Tower... Your photo on a brand new student card... A press conference about the release of your new book... This is a “cinema” you should really like it, and its reality will make the desire almost “tangible” and help it come true.

The most important! You must be the main character of this film!

Because otherwise, you may come across the office you saw, but it will have nothing to do with you... In such a “movie” there must be confirmation that it is yours!!!

Step four - “After all, I deserve it”

We need to find some formula: “Open Sesame”, which will constantly tune us to positive mood- such a supporting belief. It can be anything you like.

For example,

I am the beloved child of the Universe

all the forces of nature exist to fulfill my desires

if God created me, then he created for me everything I need

no desire appears in a person without the means to fulfill it

I deserve a good life - and I always get what I'm entitled to

The universe is a friendly environment full of resources.

You must accept this formula with all your heart, pronounce it to yourself, convince yourself. At the same time, if you are religious, then this is a prayer to your god. If you do not connect what is happening with higher powers, then the statement must be completely materialistic. For example: “I am able to notice good things happening to me.”

Our life beliefs are like a flowerbed: there are nice flowers, and weeds. Harmful beliefs (“you are worthless”, “you are not worthy” better life") must be mercilessly weeded out, and the good ones must be nurtured and watered...

To practice, when going to bed, try to visualize the chosen formula: for example, imagine yourself as the beloved child of the Universe. Here you don’t have to be shy: no one will see your movie, you can imagine anything you want - from the gentle look of God to the welcoming waves of the tentacles of green men or just a stream of light.

It is important that this “love of the Universe” gives you confidence.

Photo by cutiepie06

Step five - times, terms and signs

When making a wish, be sure to discuss the timing of your wish. After all, how often does it happen that a wish made long ago still comes true - but it is no longer needed. Accordingly, when making a wish, you need to set a period during which you wait for the wish to come true. There is only one limitation here: do not wish for fulfillment in 15 minutes if you do not believe that this is possible.

Follow the signs that accompany you through life.

If you are thinking about a difficult task on the way home, you formulate a desire in your mind and, at that moment, raising your eyes, you see a large inscription on the wall of the house: “Why?” - answer this question for yourself, it is most likely not accidental.

You leave home, incredibly late, and your car breaks down, ground transportation is poor, but, overcoming all obstacles, you arrive at an important meeting, and the meeting is cancelled. Is this a familiar story? But it was possible to predict it - you just had to follow the signs. A person who listens to himself and to the signs will next time do what he should have done at the first moment: call and find out if the meeting has been cancelled.

The films “Blinded by Wishes” and “Route 60” can be a great instruction on how to make wishes and what happens when you don’t follow the technology.

Step Six: “If he leaves, it’s forever”

You must not only be able to make a wish, you must be able to use it.

There is a parable on this topic.

A certain man went to heaven and, since he was used to working, he asked for something to do. He was assigned to sort out a file cabinet from the creation of the world. At first he mindlessly sorted it out, then he read one of the cards... There, next to the surname and name of the resident of paradise, it was indicated what benefits were due to him in earthly life. The man found his card and read that he was supposed to have a great job in life, a three-story house, a beautiful wife, two talented children, three cars... And he felt that he had been deceived.

He runs with a complaint to the heavenly authorities, and they answer him: “Let's sort it out. When you finished 8th grade, we prepared a place for you in an elite school, but you went to a vocational school around the corner. Then we saved you a beautiful wife, you were supposed to meet her in the south, but you decided to save money, and asked for a wife “at least Lyuska from the next door.” We couldn’t refuse you... You had the opportunity to have a house, when your aunt asked you to come - you refused, but she wanted to leave you an inheritance... Well, with the car it turned out completely funny: they even slipped you lottery tickets, but you chose Zaporozhets "...

There are many people who make wishes, but are still not ready to fulfill them, and either devalue these wishes, or, when they come true, begin to doubt, even resist.

If you have made a wish for a meeting with the person you need, then be ready to meet him, and when you meet, do not run past, because there may not be a next time, let your wish come true.

Know that “love at first sight” exists - love with a person, an organization, a thing. Do not resist what is coming into your hands, because then it will be more difficult to fulfill your desire.

Those who understood or felt that fulfilling desires “according to our order” is possible or are still in doubt, but are ready to try, need not read further. Romantics better believe it's just a magic spell! This is a recipe for a miracle! Try it and see! If you think that there is too much magic in our algorithm, well, here’s an expose of the magic.

Author of the photo Katarina Eriksson

We all know that a person who drives a car crosses the road differently than a simple pedestrian: he is able to predict the behavior of drivers and traffic flows.

The focus of attention of our consciousness is the focus, sorry for the pun.

A person, with his thoughts, words, and behavior, programs his brain for something. If we want to buy shoes, we will come across shoe stores all over the city. As soon as we buy shoes and move on to something else, we will encounter the opportunity to purchase this other thing.

Our subconscious mind selects exactly the information that is of value and interest to us now. Our task is to create conditions to help consciousness grasp the necessary information. Any manager knows that in business it is imperative to set specific goals for yourself. Why? If there is no goal, it is difficult to allocate resources and it is not clear when the result is achieved and how the result is measured. If we don't set goals for ourselves, we won't be able to achieve anything. Why are we more attentive to business than to our own lives? If in life we ​​learn to set goals (and what are our desires if not the formulation of a certain goal?), then we will better understand both our resources and the ways to achieve them, we will better see strengths and weaknesses, we will concentrate and look for ways to achieve goals .

Whether we explain the fulfillment of desires by our painstaking systematizing work or by the intervention of some higher powers, it does not matter: desires can come true! And advice for the future: if you make a wish, make sure it comes true. In order to clearly summarize these results, it makes sense to record your desire in writing and hide the piece of paper... Man is a greedy creature: you wished for “the arrival of a prince,” but he came to see you on business and is generally married. Don’t blame fate later if your wish didn’t come true - it’s better to check what you made. Having your wishes come true will greatly help you make them in the future - for the first step, “artillery preparation,” such examples of “dreams coming true” will be very useful. The more experience of fulfilled wishes you accumulate, the easier it will be to make them every next time. Let yourself be surprised when your wish comes true!

Author of the photo Atif Muhammad

It turns out that FORMULA FOR FULFILLING WISHES is this:

Positive attitude - formulation - visualization - maintaining the image - execution - catch it, otherwise it will fly by.

Many people wish that their wishes come true in a few days. But why don't they come true? Probably because you guessed them incorrectly, so you need to know - How to make a wish correctly so that it comes true!

How to make a specific wish correctly so that it comes true very quickly?


First of all, learn to correctly formulate your desire. Don't use negations "not". For example, you say “I wish not to know grief,” but it would be worth saying: “I always want to be happy.”

It is also best to say the wish in the present tense, as if it had come true.


The desire must come from a pure heart, it must be real, significant enough for you. Open your heart and say your wish with all your heart!

The power of thought

Imagine and believe that your wish has already come true. Feel it and inspire yourself with it!


You can write or draw your desire on paper, depict everything in as much detail as possible. It should not be for life, but should have a time frame, that is, its own deadline.

Your wish

The desire must be only yours and should not be directed at any of your friends, relatives or other people. Everything is just for you and no one else.

Spells and prayers for the fulfillment of desires


In the morning, fill a small mug or bowl of water. Leave it until the evening and when you go to bed, read the following plot on the water 3 times:

“The water is clean, the water is from a well. You carry secret power within yourself. You fill what you need with life, but you drown what you need forever. Give me the strength to fulfill my dreams and get what I want. Fill me with strength and revive me, don’t drown my innermost. Not for harm, but for good, not for someone, but for me. Amen".

Then drink 3 sips, wash your hands and face.


Pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker so that your wish comes true in a short time:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, help me with my mortal desires. Do not be angry at the impudent request, but do not abandon me in vain matters. Whatever I wish for good, fulfill with your mercy. If I want something bad, turn away adversity. May all righteous wishes come true, and may my life be filled with happiness. Thy will be done. Amen".

Magic rites and rituals

All ceremonies and rituals must be carried out in full moon, since on the full moon they will emanate enormous strength, and the wish has every chance to come true very quickly.

For the ceremony you need to have:

  1. Paper.
  2. Medium size plate.
  3. Thin church candle.
  4. Pen.

At midnight, say your wish while looking at the full moon. Then, you need to write it down on a piece of paper, pronouncing all the words clearly and distinctly. Light a church candle with matches and place it on a plate.

Hold the paper over the flame and say your wish until the paper burns completely. You need to make a ball from ashes and wax, hide it in a regular cloth bag and always keep it with you.

When your wish comes true, these attributes need to be melted and poured into a bowl of water. Then throw the water out under the window and thank the Higher Powers for your help.

Your own mascot

You can make your own talisman that will always be in your pocket. Believe that it brings you good luck and success, endow it with magical properties, and your wish will definitely come true.

Remember! You must always be confident in yourself and your abilities. Make only those wishes that have a chance of coming true. Do not make negative wishes that will be aimed at causing harm to others or other people, such wishes can only harm you!

How to make a wish correctly - video

As they say in the fundamental book on the fulfillment of desires, “The Secret,” in order for a desire to come true, you need to start the process of creation, consisting of 3 consecutive steps.

The process of creation used in The Secret is taken from the New Testament.

The process is extremely simple and will have you creating what you want in just three steps

I will give this book its due and say that, despite its popularity and mass appeal, this book contains really the right things.

Important! The creation process is really simple. And if you apply it exactly, you can get everything you dream of.

Step 1: To make a wish come true, you need to ask

Lisa Nichols:

The first step is to ask. Give a command to the Universe, the Universe responds to your thoughts - tell it what you want.

Bob Proctor:

What do you really want? Sit down at the table and write down all your desires. Write in the present tense. You can start with the phrase: “I am now happy and grateful for...” And then explain what you want your life to be like in every detail.

Not only do you need to choose what you want, but you also need to have a clear idea about it. That's your job. If you yourself do not understand what you want, then the law of attraction will not be able to give you what you want. You will emit an inaccurate frequency, and the results will also be inaccurate. Think carefully (perhaps for the first time in your life) what you really want. Now that you know that you can become anyone, have and do anything and you have no limits, what do you want?

Your request is the first step in the process of Creation, so learn to ask, make it a habit. If you need to make a choice and don't know which way to go, just ask! You will never find yourself in a dead end, you will always know what to do next - just ask!

Joe Vitale:

It's incredibly exciting. It's as if the Universe is your catalogue. You look through it and say, “Oh! I would like to have this experience, and also have this thing and meet this person.” You place your order in the Universe. It's really that simple.

You don't have to ask again and again - just once. It really is like ordering from a catalogue. After all, when you order something, you are not tormented by doubts whether your order will be accepted, and you do not repeat it again and again. You do it once. It's the same with the process of Creation.

The first step is to clearly understand and choose what you want. When you understand everything clearly, you have already sent the order - you asked.

How to ask the universe to fulfill a wish? The answer is in this video

Step 2: To make a wish come true, you need to believe

Lisa Nichols:

The second step is to believe. Believe that what you want is already yours. Let love nourish your faith and make it unshakable. Believe that your wish will materialize.

Complete and absolute faith is required. You must have unshakable faith that you have already received what you want. You must know that what you want became yours the moment you asked for it. You have sent your order and have no doubt that you will receive it, so you can relax and enjoy life.

Imagine what you want is already yours. Know: what you want will come to you upon your demand. Don't worry about him, don't worry. Don't think about how much you miss him. Think of it as yours, yours, already in your possession.

The moment you ask and believe, when you firmly know within yourself that the desired thing or event is already yours, the whole Universe changes so that it manifests itself in the reality around you. You must think, speak and act as if you are already receiving it.

Because the Universe is a mirror and the law of attraction reflects your dominant thoughts. Therefore, you need to imagine how you already accept what you want. After all, if your thoughts are filled with the consciousness that you have not yet received your “order,” you will continue to attract non-receipt, absence.

You must believe that you already have what you want, that it is already yours. In order for the Universe to reflect the pictures of your imagination in the form of life events, you need to emit the frequency of receiving what you want, to create such a feeling in yourself.

And when you do this, the law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances, people and events so that you get what you want.

When you book a vacation, buy a new car, or buy a house, you know in advance that these things are yours. You will not book another tour for the same time, or buy a second car or house. If you win the lottery or receive a large inheritance, you know that the money is yours even before you pick it up. This means “believing that what you want is already yours.” This is the feeling of having what you wanted. Believe and feel that whatever you desire is yours.

Then the law of attraction will powerfully set in motion all circumstances, people and events so that you get what you want.

How to bring yourself to such faith?

With the help of imagination.

Be like a child: fantasize, believe in what you imagine. Act as if you already have what you want, and you will begin to believe that you have it. The Genie answers your main thoughts all the time, not just when you ask. That's why after you have asked, you must continue to believe and know. Believe that you already have what you want; unwavering faith is your greatest strength.

Once you manage to believe it, that's when the magic begins!

You can get what you want if you know how to cast the mold of what you want in your own thoughts.

There is no dream that will not come true when you learn to harness the power of Creation and allow it to operate within you.

If a method works for one person, it will work for everyone.

The key to power lies in using what you have... freely, completely... and thus opening channels through which even more of the power of Creation will flow into you.

Joe Vitale:

The universe will begin to rearrange itself to make what you want happen.

Jack Canfield:

Most of us never allow ourselves to want what we really want because we have no idea how to get it.

Bob Proctor:

Even a little research will clearly show you that everyone who has achieved anything did not know how they would do it. He only knew that he would certainly do it.

Joe Vitale:

You don't need to know how it will happen. You don't need to know how the Universe will rearrange itself.

How this will happen, how the Universe will give you what you want is not your concern. Let the Universe do everything for you. When you try to figure out how this will happen, you emit a frequency of lack of faith - you don't believe that you already have what you want. You think you have to do everything yourself and don't trust that the Universe will do it for you. The “how” is not your part of the Creation process.

Bob Proctor:

You don't know how - but they will show you. You will attract the way.

Lisa Nichols:

It happens that we don’t see what we asked for and get upset.

We become disappointed and begin to doubt. Disappointment gives rise to doubt.

Recognize your doubt and replace it with unshakable faith: “I know that everything is going the way I need.”

Step 3: For a wish to come true, you need to accept it

The third step and final stage of the process is acceptance. Be in a great mood about this. Feel the way you will feel when what you want comes to you. Do it now.

In order for your wish to come true, you need to be in a good mood throughout the entire process, to feel happy, because when you are positive, you reach the frequency of what you want.

Michael Bernard Beckwith:

Our Universe is a universe of feelings. If you believe only in your mind, but do not have the corresponding feelings, you will not have enough power to realize what you want in life. You have to feel it.

Ask first, then trust that you have already received what you want, and now you just need to remain positive. How to do it?

When you are in a good mood, you are tuned to the receiving frequency. You are on a frequency that attracts all good things and you are receiving what you asked for.

You wouldn't ask for it if you weren't going to enjoy it, would you?

Then tune in to the frequency Have a good mood and accept what you want.

A quick way to tune into this frequency is to say to yourself, “I am accepting now. Now I accept all the good things in my life. Now I accept (insert what you want).” And feel it. Feel as if you have already received what you asked for.

My wonderful friend Marcy is one of the greatest materializers I have ever met. She feels everything. She feels what it will be like to accept what she asks for. Marcy materializes everything with her feelings. She doesn't try to figure out how, when or where she will get what she wants - she just feels it and everything appears.

So feel great now.

Once you have succeeded in making your fantasy come true, you will want to build ever more grandiose fantasies. And this, my friends, is the process of Creation.

Gospel of Matthew:

And whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will receive.

Gospel of Mark:

Therefore I tell you: whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be done for you.

Feel like you have what you want now

The Law of Attraction, its study and application, is simply figuring out what helps you feel like you have what you want now.

Take a ride in this car. Go to the store and buy something for the home you dream of. Try to get into that house. Try to create the feeling that what you want is already yours, and remember this feeling. Everything you do to get closer to what you want will help you literally attract it to you.

When you feel as if you already have it, and the feeling is so real that you believe in having what you want, you will certainly get it.

Maybe you will wake up, and what you dreamed of is already nearby. It showed up. Or you will have a brilliant idea of ​​what you need to do to get it. Of course, you shouldn't think: "Okay, I can do this, even though I hate it!" This is the wrong way.

You may have to do some things, but if you are in alignment with what the Universe is trying to bring you, those actions will be enjoyable. You will feel joyful and revitalized. Time will stop and you will be able to do your work all day long.

Action is a word that for many people means roughly the same thing as “work.” But inspired action is not at all like work. The difference between inspired and ordinary action is this: if you act in an effort to get what you want, it is inspired action.

If you try to force something to happen, you move away from him. Inspired action is effortless and feels great because you are on the frequency of acceptance.

Imagine life as a fast-flowing river.

When you try to make something happen, you are going against the grain. You feel it as hard work, as a struggle. But when you act to get what you want from the Universe, it is like being carried along by the flow of a river. It doesn't require effort. This is the feeling of inspired action and being in the flow of the Universe and life.

Sometimes you may not even realize that you have “acted” until you get what you want because the action feels so good. Then you will look around and see the miracle - and understand how the Universe brought you and what you wanted to each other.

The universe loves speed

To make your wish come true, you must not put it off, don’t hesitate, don’t doubt. When there is an opportunity, an impulse, an inner feeling - act. It's your job. And that's all you need to do.

Trust your intuition, because the Universe itself inspires you.

The Universe is speaking to you on a receiving frequency.

If your gut feeling and intuition tell you something, follow it and you will find that the Universe, like a magnetic field, is pulling you to receive what you asked for.

You will attract everything you need

If you need money, you will attract money. If you need people, you will attract those people. If you want a particular book, you will attract it.

You should remember what you are striving for, pay a lot of attention to it: as long as you hold images of what you want in your mind, you will be attracted to it, and it will be attracted to you.

But what you want comes into physical reality with your help, in accordance with the law.

Remember that you are a magnet, you attract to yourself. When you clarify in your mind what exactly you want, you become a magnet that attracts what you want. It, in turn, attracts you.

The more you practice The Secret, the more you will begin to see how the law of attraction brings you everything you want, and the more powerful a magnet you will become, because the power of your faith, conviction and knowledge will grow and strengthen.

Michael Bernard Beckwith:

You can start from scratch, and from the void an opportunity will appear, a path will open.

All you need is you and your ability to materialize things from thoughts. Any inventions and creations of human hands began with a thought. From a single thought a possibility was born that became a reality.

Imagine that you are driving on a night road.

The headlights illuminate only fifty meters in front of the car. You can drive from California to New York in the dark, and all you can see is fifty meters ahead.

In the same way, life opens up before us. If you believe that the next fifty meters will open up to you over and over again, your life will unfold before you like a night road.

And it will lead you to your desired goal, whatever that goal may be.

For your wish to come true, you need to trust the Universe.

Believe and keep the faith.

I had absolutely no idea how to transfer the knowledge of the Secret to the silver screen. I just strove with all the strength of my soul for the final result, which I clearly saw with my inner eye, which I felt with all my might, and everything necessary to create the film came to us, writes Rhonda Byrne.

Take the first step by believing. You don't need to see the whole staircase - just step on the first step.

And if you want to learn more about my experience in visualizing desires, come to

Remember: for your wish to come true, you only need to sincerely believe and take the first step towards it. Ready?

It was good for the old man from A.S.’s fairy tale. Pushkin! Without any mental flows or affirmations, I received what I wanted from the goldfish practically without delay. True, he was not pursuing his own desires, which is what let him down in the end. We are interested in how to make the wish come true, but gold fish at the same time, she didn’t leave us with nothing in the end.

There are many techniques that promise to achieve the unattainable. Most of them are aimed at achieving fulfillment desired by force thoughts. The main mistakes on the path of novice wizards:

  • There is no belief that you can simply and without any conditions get what you want;
  • A person does not believe that his thought has power;
  • The connection with the Divine principle, the Absolute, the Universe (call it what you want) is not felt.

To work with the subconscious, which serves as a guide to the world of abundance, you need to learn to give it commands, and for this you must go through several stages.

Learning to focus on what you want

The main condition that you need to fulfill before realizing your dreams and desires is to learn to direct your attention to the positive and good things that you would like to receive, and not think about what you fear and do not want. Creative thinking is activated with the help of the subconscious. It knows how to fulfill a desire, but the trouble is that it takes all thoughts at face value, without distinguishing whether they are good or harmful to you.

We can grasp these differences with the help of our inner wisdom, which we know as god or guardian angel. You need to ask God or an angel to stand guard over your thoughts and desires and not let negativity in. Yes, there is nowhere to escape the negativity in our lives! - you say. Nobody encourages us to look at our surroundings through rose-colored glasses. But everyone can not let everything into their mind by the power of thought.

A beautiful landscape, a house, a monument, a charming child, a tastefully dressed woman, animals and plants - carefully consider what pleases the eye, think about what positive thoughts appeared at the same time, try to remember them. Such training will gradually accustom the subconscious to positivity, it will carry out only positive commands.

Mastering visualization

The visualization technique is not as complicated as many people think. We must always remember that the language of images is the language in which the subconscious mind easily and pleasantly communicates with you. It is the picture that it perceives first and tries to materialize, while relegating words and thoughts to the background. Repeat at least a hundred times: “I am healthy,” if in your imagination you see a picture of how illness overcomes you - this is the instruction that the subconscious mind will accept for execution.

If you asked God or an angel for something every day, and your prayers were not fulfilled, it means that in your imagination you were scrolling through completely different pictures. How to realize your dreams and desires with the help of visualization? The technique is simple - you need to imagine that your dream has already come true and create in your imagination what you really want to receive. These images will become to the subconscious what a house drawing is to an architect, or a production modernization project to an engineer.

Techniques on how to correctly formulate your desire for the Universe:

  • You need to place yourself in the center of the picture that appears in your dreams in order to perceive everything from the inside.
  • Complete the picture with imaginary sounds, smells, tastes and motor sensations, make it brighter and more specific.
  • The feeling of pleasure that arises while using this technique is an indicator that you are on the right path, and your subconscious is ready to fulfill what you want.

By practicing visualization, you can eventually learn to enter a state of meditation, and this will further speed up the process of achieving what you want.

Affirmation formula

The affirmation technique is another step towards how to correctly formulate a desire. An affirmation is the essence of your dreams, enclosed in words. This is a symbiosis of imagination and thought, here they enhance each other’s influence. It is advisable not to use other people’s affirmations, but to compose your own phrases that touch the soul.

They can be written on paper, they can be memorized, the main thing is to comply with the following requirements:

  • Do not use the particle “not”, the words “nobody”, “nowhere”, “nobody”, etc.;
  • Avoid negative words and words that cause unpleasant associations;
  • Use more positive words: love, happiness, health, etc.;
  • Feel what is being said, clearly imagining what is behind each word;
  • Try to say them out loud or at least in a whisper - this way they are filled with more energy. Although mentally pronounced affirmations also work.

The technique is used several times every day. Positive statements should be said for 5-7 minutes. Regularly following these simple rules will help you quickly materialize your desire.

Taking advantage of the moment of falling asleep

How to correctly formulate your desire for the Universe? You need to use the moment of falling asleep. The border between sleep and wakefulness, the moment of light drowsiness when falling asleep and during awakening from sleep is the most convenient option for solving the problem of how to make a wish. The fact is that it is at these moments that the conscious mind is not active, somewhat inhibited, and will not interfere with the work of the subconscious with its arguments.

How to formulate your desire so that it comes true? Any technique used:

  • Affirmations
  • Arbitrarily formulated desires
  • Prayers for god or angel
  • Visualization technique

It is impossible to work productively on a desire that has arisen right now while half asleep. You need to prepare in advance, decide which desire you have chosen to fulfill. You can write a phrase that describes what you want on paper, put it under your pillow and refresh your memory before falling asleep.

Just before you fall asleep, imagine a picture of your dream coming true and slowly say the prepared phrase. You can even sing it to yourself instead of a lullaby until you fall asleep. In the morning, do not immediately jump out of bed, imagine again that what you want has materialized, and again say the phrase that describes this picture.

Magic Scroll of Wishes

The “Scroll of Desires” technique, designed to help those who are thinking about how to realize their dreams and desires with the power of thought, is named by analogy with an ancient ritual. Previously, wishes intended to be fulfilled had to be written down on parchment, rolled up to form a scroll, and tied with something. Where this scroll was taken, history is silent. We can’t get parchment, we’ll have to make do with a notepad, let’s call it “Scroll of Wishes.”

This notebook cannot be shown to anyone; only you will write in it. It is written down in the Scroll of Wishes as if it had already come true. “With joy I met love for my well-being,” “With gratitude I accept from God (or the Universe, or an angel) recovery from illness.” At the same time, it is quite possible that you have not yet recovered, and love is not even looming on the horizon.

How to formulate a wish to make it come true? You are allowed to write down only what relates to your life in the “Scroll of Wishes”. If you really want to wish something good to your loved one or to a loved one, you need to write as follows: “With great pleasure I received joy from God (angel, Universe) about the well-being of my husband!” All dreams recorded in the scroll cannot be written with the particle “not”. For wishes to come true, you need to write them as if they had already come true right now.

When you have achieved what you want, be sure to thank the Universe (God, your guardian angel), you should write the following words in the scroll: “I thank the angel (God, the Universe) for making my dream come true with your help.” Then the wish that has already been fulfilled must be crossed out and the next two written.

If new dreams appeared before the previous ones came true, they still need to be written in the “Scroll of Desires”. This list can be replenished whenever you see fit. In order for the “Scroll of Wishes” to work, the notebook playing its role must be “activated”, that is, it must be made clear to higher powers that this is where dreams are located to be fulfilled. To do this, you need to write in it something easy to do, something that you yourself can do right now. “With a feeling of gratitude I accept from the Universe (God, angel) a new dress for my well-being.”

Then you need to purchase what you put in the “Scroll of Wishes,” quickly put it on, and write your gratitude. Then you need to make two new dreams to fulfill and write them down. That's it, the scroll is already working for you. It is better if this activation occurs on the waxing Moon.

Calculating the golden minute of the day

There is another technology on how to realize your dreams and desires. In order for them to come true, there is a golden minute of the day. Every day, for only one minute, the channel that exists between us and the Universe opens. During this direct communication session, you can ask for anything, make any wish, and it will definitely come true. If at this moment higher powers hear you listing a list of claims to life, then, supported by the power of thought, these claims will remain with you, or even double.

After all, the Universe always fulfills your message, and it’s not its fault that it often hears only negativity. The golden minute of the day is calculated using a certain technology. On any day you need to pay attention to the date, its designation on the letter and there will be this magical minute when you can ask the universe (God, angel) for anything. For example, 23.02, which means that on this day the golden minute of the day will be at 23 hours 2 minutes.

It is at this moment that you need to make a wish. It should be clear and specific, not vague, and contain clarifying details. The amount you need, the location of the desired housing, its area, the gender of the unborn child, hair color, height, age of the one who will bring you new love - this list can be compiled in advance to make a wish quickly, in one minute.

From the 25th to the 31st of each month, the day and month numbers are reversed. That is, on 10/25 you need to make your wish at 10:25 am, and on 1/31 – at 1:31 am. You can make a list that you write on each day when the time comes to release your thoughts into the Universe.

Make a wish come true with a glass of water

There is another opportunity to make wishes come true with the power of thought. This is the “Glass of Water” method, proposed and tested by the famous esotericist Vadim Zeland. To complete this you will need a piece of paper and a glass of water. You need to pour spring or at least melt water into the glass. You need a sheet to write on it what you are going to ask or wish for. This does not have to be a whole list; the desire is expressed as an affirmative and positive thought form.

The leaf should be placed under a glass of water, after holding it between closed palms and concentrating on the contents. Then we rub our palms until a feeling of warmth appears and then move them away, then bring them closer to each other. You need to get the feeling that there is something between them balloon. You can try to squeeze it forcefully and release it, twist it, feel the heat or cold coming from the ball. This energy ball must be quickly released into a glass of water. Then voice what you want out loud and drink a glass of water charged with your power.

This ritual should be performed in the morning and before bed. A glass of charged water has a special power, under the influence strong feelings, emotions it changes its structure, in in this case serves as a conductor of your energy.

If the wish list is large enough, it doesn’t matter whether you use the power of thought, the “Glass of Water” technique, the golden minute, write and make wishes in a magic scroll in order to release them into the Universe. The main thing is to use these methods regularly and choose the one that suits you best.