Scientists have proven that during massage touches on the body, the level of endorphin hormones in the body increases, which promotes good mood and prolongation of youth. We invite you to study how classic facial massage is performed, its technique, as well as the price of the procedure.

Principles and advantages of self-massage

Massage is an invention of Eastern sages, who used it 2000 years ago to improve physical and psychological state. Self-massage is called Tao Yin, it is part of the philosophy (or teaching) of Qi Gong. What is benefits of classic self-massage of the face:

  1. Migraines of any degree can pass - this has been proven; it’s just that, as Chinese scientists say, you need to know which point to act on;
  2. Immunity is significantly increased due to the acceleration of blood circulation, and consequently metabolism;
  3. Confident and precise movements help get rid of wrinkles;
  4. With the help of massage, you can remove swelling on the face, in particular in the nose and eye area.

Video lesson on how to do a classic facial massage

Eye massage

Classic palming eye is a form of facial massage that does not require any friction and can make you look 10 years younger absolutely free.

Main readings for this effect - “crow’s feet”, bags under the eyes. There are some contraindications to this technique: bruises in the treatment area, vision problems, diseases of the mucous membrane (in particular, conjunctivitis or stye). You need to act very gently: our goal is not to stretch the skin, but to stretch it. Hands must be sterilely clean (and this is a requirement of any massage), rub your palms against each other so that they begin to radiate heat, and apply them to your eyes. Hold for 10 seconds, then rub again with your hands, repeat the procedure up to 5-10 times.

Another technique or massage Abkhabadze- This is tapping with your fingertips along the “perimeter” of the eye socket. Execution time is morning. You need to feel the bones under the eyes and very lightly start tapping them with your fingertips, gradually moving to the eyebrows and back to the beginning of the treated area. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.

Technique and scheme of tonic massage

The main part of the face can also be massaged during everyday rituals, such as washing or applying foundation. Turn on the warm water, warm your hands under it and lightly slap them on the face (not too much, redness is acceptable, but not bruises) and begin to knead your cheeks. Just stretch them a little in different directions. Afterwards, wet your hands. cold water and repeat the action, go through 2-4 cycles. We recommend that you also do scrubbing during the session - this way you will get a double effect.

Cosmetic massage is an individual matter, if you have Vessels are located close to the skin, then you need to be very careful when stretching. In this case, we warm up our hands and begin to knead the face in a circular motion; it is recommended to move from the nose to the temples and from the chin to the neck line. From the neck we gradually move to the décolleté area, you can go back up, the main thing is to stroke the dermis with movements directed in the opposite direction from the treatment area:

  1. From nose to temples;
  2. From nose to chin;
  3. From chin to neck;
  4. From the forehead to the hairline;
  5. From cheeks to temples.

Photo – Massage technique

Classic massage is carried out in stages, after the preparatory period comes the turn of the stimulation effect. Stimulation will help increase blood flow to the dermis, energize, and tone the face for several hours. We start near the jawline, work with the back of the hand so as not to harm ourselves with the knuckles, move upward from the chin - to the temples and forehead, it is also necessary to stimulate the area around the eyes, carefully squeeze the fold between the eyebrows with your thumb and forefinger, release, repeat the same with all large wrinkles on the face. It is very important that before any procedure that involves friction on the skin, apply cosmetic cream to the dermis. It is better to move the lesson to the first half of the day.

This preparatory classic massage is performed by any plastic surgeon before surgery or laser biorevitalization; this medical procedure helps to warm up the surface of the skin or enhance the effect of painkillers.

Let's consider tonic massage scheme. We intertwine our hands on the forehead, clasp our fingers together, and begin to move from the forehead to the hairline, without separating the fingers. Next, rub your face from right to left, then change direction. Repeat the movements with the forehead 10 times and move lower to the cheeks and chin. By the way, you can work on your cheeks even more intensely using special massagers (it will give an effect much faster than a regular rubber roller, and you can buy it at any pharmacy), or improvised means - terry cloth, spoons, etc., almost anything will do. it has a relief, the main thing is that the item is hygienic and completely clean.


Photo – Massage line

There are some precautions before you decide to undergo a course of head, back or face massage:

  1. It is not recommended to do a classic massage for any fungal skin disease, as well as on the face with open wounds;
  2. With high sensitivity;
  3. You also need to be careful with thin vessels, dystonia, or capillaries close to the skin.

To enhance the effect, you need to regularly do exercises along with massage sessions.

Massage cosmetology is considered one of the most effective methods non-surgical rejuvenation, which can be easily performed at home and does not require special courses.

The rhythm of modern life leaves virtually no time to provide adequate skin care. Cosmetics sometimes do not have the desired effect on her, although every woman wants to slow down the aging process. A way out of this situation can be a classic facial massage, several sessions of which can be done in a salon, or you can learn it right at home.

Unlike other types of massage, classic is simple in technique and does not require much time. Therefore, all ladies who want to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible should familiarize themselves with his techniques.

The essence of classical massage

What is the essence of this procedure? IN modern cosmetology classic facial massage is a set of techniques of mechanical impact on the surface of the skin with hands in the form of rubbing and pressure along special lines. In addition, cosmetic, aromatic, and medicinal oils are used to enhance the effect.

This procedure has a complex effect on the skin and is carried out according to certain rules, the observance of which guarantees its effectiveness. If you want to experience all the delights of a classic facial massage, first you should familiarize yourself with the indications for whom it is recommended.

This is interesting! In Ancient Rome, classic facial massage was performed not for women, but for warriors after the battlefield. Its purpose was to eliminate bruises, abrasions, bruises and swelling.

Indications: who needs it?

The versatility of this procedure is that it can be performed by both young girls and older women. Its complex effect on different layers of the skin can solve a variety of cosmetic problems. Although there are special indications for classic facial massage, when it has the maximum effect. These include:

  • age-related changes (wrinkles, ptosis, folds);
  • decreased turgor;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • deterioration of complexion;
  • first expression lines;
  • "around eyes";
  • Bags, ;
  • congestion in tissues;
  • a blurry oval of the face that has lost its contours;
  • post-acne;
  • double chin;
  • shaved.

At a young age, classic cosmetic facial massage is recommended to prevent age-related changes in the near future. If you discover the wonderful properties of this procedure in time, the aging process of the skin can be delayed. In more mature years, it should be done by all women to preserve their beauty and youth and smooth out (if not eliminate) wrinkles and folds. All of the above skin problems can be solved in this unique, amazing way. Unfortunately, not everyone can enjoy the effect of this procedure.

Experts say that...
... the simplest, classic facial massage, due to reflex effects, has a beneficial effect on other human organs. According to their research, massage of the tip of the nose normalizes the activity of the heart, the cheeks - facilitates the functioning of the lungs, the forehead - improves the functions of the small intestine, and the chin - the genitourinary system.

List of contraindications

Classic facial skin massage affects various layers of the dermis and subcutaneous systems of the body (lymph flow and blood circulation). In some situations, this may lead to disruptions and malfunctions in their operation. Therefore, before carrying out this procedure, cosmetologists strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the contraindications for this type of massage. These include:

  • extensive foci of inflammation;
  • pustular lesions;
  • wounds, cuts, cracks, abrasions, scratches, burns;
  • herpes;
  • chronic dermatosis;
  • oncology of any localization;
  • high blood pressure;
  • exacerbation of somatic pathology;
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • thin vessels, dystonia, rosacea, capillaries located too close to the surface of the skin;
  • heat;
  • allergic rashes on the face;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • hemophilia;
  • large moles, warts.

If you are planning to take several sessions of a classic facial massage in a salon, a specialist will check for these contraindications for its implementation and tell you whether such a procedure is available to you or not. If you want to enjoy the effect of classic massage at home, that is, learn how to do it yourself, be careful. If you have the above health problems, do not take risks.

Stages of the salon procedure

If you want to save time and effort, but not money, it is better to go to a beauty salon, where a specialist will give you several sessions of classic facial massage. This is a guarantee that everything will be done competently and at the highest level. There is nothing scary or painful in the procedure. You can study its description in advance, which describes all the stages in detail, or see everything with your own eyes in the video. The sequence of actions is approximately the same in all salons:

  1. consultation: identification of contraindications and individual characteristics of the skin;
  2. cleansing the facial skin with a steam bath or scrub;
  3. applying massage oil according to skin type;
  4. massage of the lower part of the face;
  5. work with the upper part of the face;
  6. treatment of the area around the eyes;
  7. manipulations with the décolleté area;
  8. removal of massage product residues;
  9. final consultation with appointment of a follow-up session.

Typically, the classic facial massage technique performed by a specialist does not take more than 15 minutes. The number of required sessions is determined individually, depending on the age and severity of the existing problems. If up to 30 years of age only 10 sessions may be required, then the full course may already be 15. The interval between sessions is 1-2 days. If you are used to trusting only your own hands, you can learn how to do a classic facial massage at home without losing any results.

Really curious! In India and China, previously only clergy had the right to perform classical facial massage.

Basic Techniques

Before mastering the technique home procedures, you need to learn the techniques of classic facial massage and learn how to do them correctly. Experts advise conducting lessons on someone else's back before manipulating your own face. Make sure that you can do this, and then proceed directly to self-massage of the skin of the face. The main techniques of cosmetic classics include:

  1. stroking- mechanical impact with constant pressure, which should not exceed the weight of the hand;
  2. trituration- assumes constant pressure at the level of the pain sensitivity threshold;
  3. kneading- exposure to the skin with rhythmically changing pressure from a minimum to the level of the threshold of pain sensitivity, performed in a spiral manner;
  4. shock and vibration techniques- oscillatory effects with variable rhythm, performed longitudinally and transversely by the palmar surface of the hand or the edge of the palm.

When performing these techniques of classic facial massage, take into account the sensitivity of the skin - reduce the process of pressure and impact as much as possible. They should be light and weightless. In any case, self-massage should not hurt you.

Massage lines on the face

Classic facial massage is simply ideal for home use because its technique is extremely simple. You just need to study the basic massage lines and perform all manipulations strictly according to them:

  1. to the ears - from the corners of the mouth, the central point of the chin, the wings of the nose;
  2. to the temples - from the middle of the forehead;
  3. from the outer corner of the eye to the outer along the upper eyelid, along the lower - in the opposite direction;
  4. in front and behind the neckline from bottom to top, on its sides - vice versa.

The best option is to preview a training video, and one where this procedure is carried out by a specialist. A competent set of basic techniques and massage lines constitutes just the technique for performing a classic facial massage.

Execution technique

If you have studied the basic techniques and lines for performing classic facial massage and watched the training video, it is worth moving from theory to practice. The technique for performing this procedure at home involves the following steps.

  1. Make a steam bath for your face for 5 minutes.
  2. Apply some classic massage oil to your skin.
  3. Place the pads of your fingers (index, middle, ring) on ​​the middle of the forehead, lightly stroking the skin towards the temples. You cannot make simultaneous movements with both hands: this provokes the appearance of new wrinkles. Repeat 5-6 times.
  4. Make smoothing movements with both hands from the bottom up - from the eyebrows to the hairline.
  5. Place the fingers of one hand on your temple, and with the other smooth the skin along the forehead towards the opposite temple. Repeat the manipulation in reverse side. Do it 10 times.
  6. Place your thumbs on your chin and use the pads of your remaining fingers to stroke across the cheekbone towards the ears.
  7. Stroking the ears from the center of the chin 6-8 times.
  8. Tilt your head back, stretching your chin forward. Run your fingertips from top to bottom along your neck.
  9. Using the fingers of both hands, stroke the back of the nose from the tip to the bridge of the nose. Repeat 6-8 times.
  10. Place your finger on the outer corner of your eye. Use the middle finger of the other hand to circular movements along the upper eyelid (look at the direction of the massage line in this place), then along the lower eyelid. Repeat 10 times.

If everything is done correctly, the effect of the massage will be amazing: after 5-6 sessions you will notice how shallow wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic and firm, its color acquires a healthy and natural glow. And all this - without cosmetics and expensive drugs. Don't miss this classic chance to look a few years younger.

Contents [Show]

Classic facial massage is a type of massage characterized, in comparison with other types of massage procedures, by a milder effect on the muscles and skin of the face. Warm oil or a rich cream is first applied to the skin to make it easier for the fingers to glide. The main purpose of classic massage is to get rid of fine wrinkles. It is performed for fading facial skin that loses its tone and suffers from dehydration.

The benefits and effects of classical massage

In addition to its main purpose, as part of a complex of cosmetic restorative procedures, classical forms of massage perform hygienic functions and have a healing effect.

By regularly visiting a massage therapist and performing massage sessions, you can achieve the following positive effects:

  • Getting rid of small, facial wrinkles and preventing them;
  • Increased skin tone;
  • Improved blood circulation and drainage effect;
  • Increasing smoothness and elasticity of the skin along the cheekbones, forehead and chin;
  • Relieving swelling;
  • Improves skin color and gets rid of acne.

Improving blood circulation in the facial skin helps to make facial features more expressive, and massaging movements in the lip area make them more rounded and plump.

As part of a complex of cosmetic procedures, classic facial massage using special creams and compositions is an effective alternative to mechanical cleansing sessions, which may be contraindicated for many. The hygienic benefit of these sessions lies in the fact that the pores of the skin, under mechanical action, are released from excess fat and dead epithelium, which allows you to get rid of acne and the pimples they cause.

The rejuvenation effect of classical massage is:

  • improving skin elasticity and facial freshness,
  • toning muscles,
  • getting rid of stress.

Indications for classical facial massage procedures

Massage cannot be classified as a medical procedure; official medicine classifies it as a therapeutic and prophylactic one. Of course, a certain therapeutic effect is present after the sessions, but only in combination with medications or after complex therapeutic treatment. For this reason, it is impossible to talk about any indications for classical massage.

Meanwhile, some recommendations for its implementation are present. Thus, cosmetologists claim that the main types of massage procedures can be considered an alternative to expensive rejuvenation complexes and plastic surgeries. And due to the fact that in the last few years people have seen with their own eyes what expensive plastic surgery can turn into in a few years, classic types of massage have become popular again.

Classic facial massage can be an effective procedure for the following skin problems:

  • To get rid of scars and scars;
  • For dry skin, peeling;
  • For hypertension;
  • For acute somatic pathologies.

Classic massage is an alternative to mechanical cleaning.

Features and basic rules of classic facial massage

Cosmetologists warn their patients that results can be achieved and consolidated only by conducting at least 20 sessions of classical facial massage. This is explained by the key feature of classical massage, which is that all the influencing movements are very soft, affecting only the upper layers of the epidermis. This feature makes the massage relaxing, blood gradually flows to the skin, existing congestion slowly dissolves, swelling goes away, muscles return to tone, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Description of the technique: diagram

This type of massage is one of the gentle procedures. The technique of its execution is based on four main techniques:

  • Trituration;
  • Stroking;
  • Kneading;
  • Vibration.

The predominant technique is stroking, performed in the form of a soft and slow slide, which should not cause pain. Stroking is replaced by light rubbing. But kneading and vibration are present during the session to a minimum extent.

The classic procedure includes the following preparatory steps:

  1. Cleansing the face of cosmetics, sebaceous secretions and dust particles;
  2. Carrying out light peeling using a scrub, cosmetic clay;
  3. Apply massage oil or massage oil to your hands and face rich cream for face.
  4. This is followed by massage stroking and rubbing, carried out with the fingertips over the entire skin of the face.

In addition, when conducting a session, it is important to know and adhere to the basic pattern of massage lines, and study the description of the technique in pictures. IN classic version the process looks like this:

  • The movement should begin from the center of the chin towards the earlobes;
  • Next, you need to move to the earlobes from the corners of the mouth;
  • Then the cheeks are massaged: from the sinuses to the temples;
  • The eye line is massaged from the outer eyelid to the inner and back;
  • The nose line is massaged from the wings to the top;
  • The forehead completes the process, massaging it from the center to the hairline.

The session time can take from 10 to 15 minutes. This time is enough to relax the facial muscles with a light effect on the skin.

With pronounced age-related changes, a sculptural facial massage will help. This is a rather complex technique, and performing such a massage on your own is only possible in a simplified form.
Find out how to do facial massage for rejuvenation here. A course of massage procedure will be effective if performed correctly.

Technique according to A.F.Akhabadze

Antonina Fedorovna Akhabadze is a well-known specialist in the field of massage techniques. She has written many scientific works on this topic, developed her own techniques and created a massage school, which is actively working and is popular today. She improved the technique of classical massage, increasing its effectiveness.

The whole process consists of the following procedures:

  • The face is cleansed and lubricated with cream;
  • Thumbs both hands are fixed on the bridge of the nose;
  • The remaining fingers are located at the angle of the lower jaw;
  • You need to run your fingers along the side surfaces of the neck 5 times, bringing your fingers together in the center of the chin;
  • Then we stroke the face, making movements from the middle, while it is necessary that the lip line is between the index and middle fingers;
  • Next, we change the position of the hands: one is on the auricle, and with the other we perform massage movements clockwise around the mouth, then we change the position of the hands, making identical movements on the other side;
  • Then the line of the nose is massaged, 2, 3, 4 fingers are used: from the sinuses of the nose, we make three movements to the temples;
  • The line of the eyes and eyebrows is massaged in a circle from the outer eyelid to the inner eyelid with the index and middle fingers;
  • The forehead is smoothed index finger from the bridge of the nose to the hairline;
  • Next, the palm is placed on the forehead and vibration is carried out from the center to the temples.

The process is completed by a vibration movement from the center of the forehead to the sinuses of the nose and chin, each time diverging to the sides.

Massage in the salon: before and after, video tutorial

Classic massage can be offered in almost any salon. Salon procedures are performed within the framework of standard execution techniques. Sometimes improved classical massage techniques may be offered, but they are all based on the techniques described above.

Speaking about the effectiveness of the procedure, a visible result is observed after the first session, but will be short-term. It is recommended to repeat the procedure within 2-3 days. If we talk about the course complex, then there should be at least 15-20 sessions, depending on the condition of the skin. Procedures are recommended to be carried out 1 to 3 times a week.

The effect after the full course remains at proper care for skin care up to six months. In the future, to maintain the tone of the skin and facial muscles, preventive massage sessions can be performed once every 2 weeks.

The procedure can cause significant harm to the skin if there are:

  • open wounds,
  • abrasions,
  • deep cuts
  • active inflammatory processes.

You should not resort to massage for various types of skin diseases.

A video tutorial on how to perform a classic massage for young facial skin with explanations here:

In conclusion, it is worth noting that massage, regardless of its type, is quite pleasant cosmetic procedure allowing you to relax and unwind. At the same time, it not only relieves the effects of stress, but also restores skin elasticity, color and gives a fresh look.

You can find more information on this topic in the section Facial massage.

Classic facial massage.

To ensure the normal condition of the muscles and skin of the face, massage is recommended. Today, a huge number of techniques have been developed that are used to perform this task.

If there is a need for a gentle impact, it is recommended to use a classic facial massage.

The essence of classic facial massage

Classic facial massage is used by most women due to its universal effect. It helps to improve skin tone and prevent premature aging.

The use of manipulation is carried out to improve blood supply and lymphatic drainage. The procedure is aimed at improving skin color.

Features of the procedure

The massage is performed with hands. With its help, blood circulation is stimulated, which ensures maximum expressiveness of the contours.

Indications and contraindications

Manipulation can be carried out to improve skin color. It is also recommended for puffiness under the eyes. Massage is widely used to combat wrinkles.

If a woman has excessively loose skin, then she is recommended to undergo the procedure.

If the patient is diagnosed hypertonic disease, then it is recommended to conduct sessions to combat it. They are highly effective if dental pathologies worsen.

If a woman leads an overly active lifestyle, then a facial massage is indicated for her. This manipulation has a positive effect on health after experiencing stress and depression.

Despite the effectiveness of manipulation, it is characterized by the presence of certain contraindications. If a person has a fungal infection of the skin, then massage is not recommended for him.

High sensitivity of the skin is a contraindication to manipulation. If a woman has extremely thin blood vessels, then the massage should be carried out as carefully as possible.

The essence of massage

The process consists of influencing the muscles and epithelial surfaces of the face with the fingers, which helps improve blood flow and the condition of the skin.

Preparation for the procedure

To ensure the highest possible effect, it is recommended to carry out proper preparation for manipulation. It consists of cleansing the face of impurities.

It is first recommended to remove cosmetic products using special means. Facial cleansing can be done by washing or using a steam bath. The second option will be more effective, as it helps open the pores.

This video will tell you how to do a classic facial massage:

Execution technique

The procedure, when performed correctly, is an alternative option to expensive plastic surgery. But, unlike it, manipulation leads to complications in extremely rare cases.

In order to ensure maximum effectiveness, it is necessary to conduct at least 20 sessions.

In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the massage technique. To carry out the procedure, it is recommended to use 4 techniques:

  • kneading,
  • stroking,
  • vibrations,
  • rubbing.

The most common use is stroking and rubbing movements, which makes it possible to ensure the highest possible results. The manipulation should be carried out in stages.

After cleaning the skin, it is recommended to apply any classic massage oil to it. The pads of three fingers are placed in the middle of the forehead, which include the ring, middle and index.

They lightly stroke the skin towards the temples. It is strictly forbidden to perform manipulation with both hands at the same time, as this can lead to the appearance of wrinkles.

From the temples to the scalp, you need to move your hands using smoothing movements. The fingertips should be placed on the temple.

In this case, the second hand strokes the skin towards the opposite temple. The procedure must be repeated at least 10 times.

The bundles of thumbs are placed on the chin, and the rest are used to perform stroking movements. Next, stroking movements are performed from the chin to the temples.

The head must be tilted back and the chin pulled forward. The décolleté area is massaged using stroking movements. At the next stage, stroking movements are performed along the bridge of the nose.

Next, you need to massage the eyelid area. Stroking movements are performed from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner. By strictly following the sequence of all of the above procedures, a person can achieve the highest possible effect of massage.

Massage lines

The manipulation should be carried out according to the massage lines:

  • From mouth to ears.
  • From one corner of the eyelid to the other.
  • From chin to ear.
  • From nose to ear.
  • From forehead to temples.

All massage lines must be used during the procedure, which will have a positive effect on the result.

Stages of implementation

Carrying out massage in salon conditions requires going through several stages. Initially, a woman should undergo an examination and consultation with a cosmetologist, which will provide the opportunity to exclude contraindications.

The next stage involves cleaning the skin. For this purpose it is used steam bath or oil. Next, oil is applied to the skin. In this case, skin type must be taken into account.

First, the massage is performed on the lower part of the face, and then on the upper part. Next, the décolleté area is processed. After the procedure, massage oil is removed from the skin. After the massage, the specialist conducts a final consultation and schedules the next session.

Basic Techniques

There are several massage techniques. The most common method used is stroking. It consists of mechanical action and constant pressure.

It is also recommended to use the rubbing technique at the level of the pain threshold. During the manipulation, it is recommended to use the kneading technique. This technique consists of changing pressure from minimum to maximum.

Quite often, shock and vibration techniques are used - oscillatory effects that change the rhythm.

The technique involves influencing the palm in the longitudinal and transverse directions. When choosing a specific massage method, it is recommended to take into account the level of skin sensitivity.

For instructions on how to use massage, watch this video:

Where to massage

If the desire arises, a person can perform a massage at home.

It is recommended that he first learn the technique. To master it, it is best to use someone else's back. You are allowed to start massage at home only after studying the technique and massage lines.

Effectiveness of the procedure

Most women feel the result after the first session. But, it is short-term. That is why manipulations should be carried out in courses. After several days, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

The course of sessions should be from 15 to 20 times. The frequency of manipulations is 1-3 times a week. After completing the course of treatment, a long-term result will appear.


In order to eliminate the possibility of undesirable consequences of manipulation During its implementation, strict adherence to certain rules is recommended:

  • There should be no pain when performing the massage. When it appears, it is necessary to perform massage movements with less intensity.
  • The procedure should be carried out at a room temperature of 20 degrees.
  • To increase blood circulation, it is recommended to perform the procedure in accordance with the massage lines.
  • During the session, it is recommended to alternate strong and weak techniques. Each of them should be repeated 5-7 times.
  • The manipulation should be performed with maximum relaxation of the facial muscles.
  • During the massage, it is necessary to bypass the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Otherwise, undesirable effects may occur.

Complications of the procedure

If massage is performed incorrectly, a person may develop various complications.

The most common diagnosis is circulatory disorders. Damage to the facial nerve may also occur.


Classic massage is a universal cosmetic procedure that is characterized by a positive effect on the skin and muscles.

The procedure must be carried out in accordance with certain rules. If you were unable to master the technique on your own, then it is recommended to seek help from specialists at the salon.

Classics are always in fashion. This applies not only to clothes and music, but also to facial massage.

The classic massage technique is included in the price list of any beauty salon.

How effective is this procedure and is it suitable for home use?

Let's try to understand these and other issues in more detail.

Properties of classical massage

The main property of classical massage is the improvement of skin condition. This happens by stimulating blood circulation.

At the same time, the skin is saturated with oxygen, which leads to the acceleration of metabolic, regenerative, restoration processes in the upper layers of the epidermis.

Regular massage sessions provide:

  • suspension of aging processes;
  • increasing skin elasticity and tone;
  • improving drainage and functioning of the circulatory system;
  • change in facial features better side(the volume of the lips increases, the shape of the eyes becomes more expressive);
  • reduction of puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • even and beautiful complexion;
  • healthy teeth and gums;
  • relaxation of the eyes;
  • working out the entire facial muscle frame;
  • getting rid of acne, pimples, skin irregularities.


The list of contraindications for classical massage is practically no different from the list of restrictions for other types of facial massage. It includes the following ailments and defects:

  • ulcers, acne, pimples, rashes of inflammatory nature;
  • bruises, hematomas, abrasions, wounds and cuts on the face, scratches, burns and other mechanical damage to the skin;
  • herpes, dermatosis, chickenpox;
  • blood diseases;
  • malignant formations;
  • high blood pressure;
  • somatic pathology in chronic form.

Contraindications cannot be ignored, otherwise there is a risk of complications.

Face building or exercises for facial contours

will help you look 10 years younger: description of technique and effectiveness.

If you have long wanted to try the technique of facial massage with spoons, then read our next article on how to restore youth to your face using this procedure.

An unusual procedure for Spanish chiroplastic facial massage: what is its peculiarity and how to perform it yourself? Watch our training video.

Execution technique

Classic massage is the most gentle technique. This is what makes it one of the most common and favorite massage techniques among the fair sex.

The technique includes several the most important rules, which absolutely cannot be violated.

It is based on light but energetic hand movements, including stroking, vibration, rubbing and gentle kneading.

The client should not feel any discomfort, pressure or even painful sensations during the procedure!

The main movements are stroking and rubbing. Kneading and vibration movements are used extremely rarely.
The main tools of a massage therapist are the fingertips of both hands and open palms.

Before the procedure, do not forget to cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics. There should also be no heavy skin care products on the skin. The ideal preparation for a classic massage would be removing makeup, washing and cleansing your face with a delicate scrub.

During the procedure, a base is necessarily used, which can be a special massage oil or a non-greasy cream.

It is also allowed to use sunflower, olive, and linseed oil. To treat the entire surface of the face, simply remove one drop of oil from the container and place it on your fingertips.

These rules may also include the need to follow the direction of the massage lines during the session.

Massaging the lymph nodes should be avoided

Moreover, the order in which the procedure is performed is also of great importance. Massage lines are directed from the center to the periphery.

Training for cosmetologists

Before the procedure, it is mandatory to familiarize yourself with the patient’s contraindications and his wishes for the session.

Stages of the procedure

The full procedure of a classic massage lasts about fifteen minutes, during which time the massage therapist performs the following actions in relation to the patient:

  1. From the middle of the chin, strokes the skin along the lower jaw to the earlobe;
  2. Similar manipulations are performed from the corners of the lips to the earlobes;
    the same rules apply to the cheeks and nose;
  3. The skin around the eyes is very delicate and delicate, it is easy to damage or stretch; to prevent this from happening, place the fingertip in the outer corner of the eye and draw it along the lower eyelid to the inner corner of the eye.
  4. The same rule applies to the upper eyelid, only the direction of movement here is the opposite - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer;
  5. The nose is worked from top to bottom along the back and along the wings;
    the forehead is massaged from the central part of its entire surface to the temporal lobes and to the hairline;
  6. The décolleté area is treated delicately, without force or pressure.

At the end of the procedure, excess oil or cream with dead skin remains is removed from the client's face. In conclusion, the specialist will definitely ask if you liked everything and how you feel. A new session may be scheduled later.

The effectiveness of massage

After a full course of classical massage, you will notice visual changes in your appearance. This is due to the fact that during the procedure the upper layer of the epithelium is exfoliated.

Removing dead cells leads to a fresh complexion, improved skin condition, increased elasticity and tone

In addition, classic massage promotes the outflow of excess fluid, which causes a decrease in swelling. Blood circulation in the skin structures is accelerated, toxins and waste are removed from the dermis and hypodermis.

The effect of the procedure does not affect the condition of the deep layers of facial skin. The impact has a weakly expressed reflex nature.

Classic self-massage of the face

The classic massage procedure is ideal for self-use. An excellent time for a session would be the evening before going to bed.

Just first you need to take a bath or spend a few minutes under a hot shower. This will open the pores and help remove harmful toxins and dangerous waste.

It’s easy to learn how to massage your face yourself, but you need to devote a certain amount of time to learning.


If the procedure is carried out correctly, the first effect will appear after a week of daily classical massage sessions.

Without the use of expensive pharmaceutical drugs, the condition of the facial skin will improve, a healthy glow will appear, and shallow wrinkles will disappear without having time to really appear.

Women at any age want to look beautiful and young, for this they are ready to do a lot, especially when it comes to their face. At a certain period of life, every representative of the fair sex faces the question of choosing a product to combat wrinkles. Thanks to advances in modern cosmetology, we are offered a lot of rejuvenation programs - we can get confused. However, cosmetic facial massage is an important component of any set of measures in the fight against signs of skin aging, along with creams, masks and surgical techniques.

Concept of method

Classic facial massage is a type of massage, that is, a set of measures that has a gentler effect on the skin compared to other techniques. This is the most common, traditional type. Cosmetologists recommend its use for dehydrated, aging skin. The main function of this technique is to combat wrinkles and prevent skin aging.

Over time, the skin loses its protective properties, tone, firmness, and elasticity decrease, and lymph stagnation occurs. In addition to strengthening the musculocutaneous component of the face, the technique has hygienic and health benefits and performs a lot of functions:

  • Activates blood circulation.
  • Improves lymphatic drainage (swelling and puffiness are reduced).
  • Normalizes metabolism.
  • Helps open pores, saturating the skin with oxygen.
  • Restores healthy complexion.
  • Helps eliminate a number of skin defects.
  • Strengthens and tones subcutaneous structures.

Classic facial massage can be performed at any age. For young girls, it prevents wrinkles. Procedures started on time can prevent skin aging in the distant future.

From the period of maturity onwards, facial massage should be performed on all representatives of the fair sex to reduce the signs of age. This type of procedure is recommended to eliminate the effects of acne, for oily and problem skin. For preventive purposes, massage is indicated 2–3 times a year.

The face is a reflection of the state of health of the entire human body. The general appearance of the skin will tell an experienced specialist a lot. Each area of ​​the face is “responsible” for the function of one of the internal organs.

The interpretation of such connections is as follows:

  • Cheeks are light.
  • The tip of the nose is the heart.
  • Forehead (entire) – small intestine.
  • The area around the mouth is the genitals.

By influencing these areas, you can influence the functioning of the corresponding organs, and massage is used for this purpose. When massaging a specific area of ​​the skin, the impulse is transmitted to the brain, which is why the massage has a comprehensive effect on the entire body.

Execution technique

For this type of massage, special oils are used. They reduce friction between top layer dermis and the hands of a massage therapist.

It is important that before the session begins, the face must be cleansed of decorative cosmetics. The effects will be most effective if the skin is pre-scrubbed (remove dead cells). The technique of preparing for a facial massage also includes treating the face with a tonic according to its type in order to completely clean and prepare the dermis. Before starting the procedure, you must completely relax.

The technique of performing a classic facial massage involves a certain step-by-step approach and familiarity with facial massage lines:

  1. The direction of massage actions goes along the lower jaw to the earlobe. The same area runs from the corner of the mouth to the tragus.
  2. The further direction is from the wings of the nose to the curls of the ears. The epidermis around the eyes is especially thin, so the effects here should be extremely gentle. Massage guides run from the outer corner of the eye to the inner bottom and from the inner to the outer top.
  3. The forehead and nasal part are worked on last, from the area between the eyebrows to the temples.

The technique for performing a classic facial massage is as follows:

  1. Start with stroking movements. It is carried out 5-6 times along the lines and ends with light fixation. At this stage, no intense movements are performed. The masseur's thumbs remain in the middle of the bridge of the nose, while all other fingers move from the center of the chin to the ears.
  2. Next, one of the hands remains on the area near the ear, the other massages the area around the mouth clockwise, then we change hands. After this, mirror movements on the opposite side.
  3. You need to massage the wings of the nose with 2-3 fingers of both hands, starting from the sinuses to the temples.
  4. The periorbital area is massaged with the index and middle fingers along the perimeter. Tapping techniques are used around the perimeter of the orbit. Using the pads of the middle fingers, we feel the bony edge of the eye socket and lightly tap on it, moving from the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow and back.
  5. The forehead is smoothed with fingers from the bridge of the nose to the hairline. Second technique: the massage therapist’s fingers (index, middle, ring) are placed in the middle of the forehead and guided to the curls of the ears. You cannot move both hands in both directions, this provokes the appearance of new wrinkles.
  6. 5 minutes after stroking, the massage therapist moves on to more intense actions - kneading, vibration. The work of the muscular component of the face is activated, soft tissues are lightly pressed against the bones of the skull, massaging movements are carried out along lines, rhythmically, in a circle. Performed 5–6 times with fixation.
  7. The intensity of pressure should not change when moving from zone to zone. The process ends with stroking, as at the beginning of the procedure.

In classic facial massage, techniques are used, as in most types of influence: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. The first two are used in full, while kneading and vibration are in the light version. All techniques are performed with light movements, quite carefully, without effort, the main thing is not to stretch the skin.

A classic massage almost always includes warming up the ears, because there are a lot of nerve endings in this area. The duration of the entire session is approximately 15 minutes.

Classic facial massage, in terms of implementation technique and indications, cannot be considered a medical measure; it is classified as a therapeutic and preventive method of healing. A certain therapeutic result can only be achieved in combination with therapeutic interventions.


Not everyone can enjoy a cosmetic facial massage; this procedure has a number of contraindications. So before carrying out it, it makes sense to consult with a specialist who will select the optimal course of procedures and help achieve the desired result.

Classic facial massage is not recommended for the following conditions:

  • Pathological tendency to skin bleeding and bruising.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Extensive foci of inflammation.
  • Chronic dermatosis.
  • Massive moles, warts.
  • Functional disorders of the facial nerve.
  • Cutaneous candidiasis.
  • Oncological diseases of the skin.
  • Acute infectious and cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Pathologies of the facial nerve.

In case of swelling, the procedure is carried out exclusively with stroking movements. Eyelid massage is strictly prohibited in any case.


At the preliminary consultation, the cosmetologist should tell you in detail about your daily care behind the face, about habits (including bad ones). Besides the course itself cosmetic massage persons, it is necessary to stipulate the correctness of care outside the massage room. The cosmetologist will give advice on adjusting the diet, selecting products for home use and, in conclusion, a scheme of activities will be selected and a schedule drawn up.

But you should not expect an instant tightening effect; such an effect cannot work on the deep structures of the skin. Classic facial massage belongs to the category of gentle measures, so a visible and tangible result will be determined after 15–20 procedures, not earlier.

All effects of the course are superficial, affecting exclusively the shallow layers of muscles and epidermis. During the procedure, blood flows evenly and slowly to the massaged areas, congestion is dispersed, swelling goes away, muscle tone improves, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Warm-up removes toxins from the skin.

For a better rejuvenating effect, after a massage session it is possible to carry out complex lesson face building or other type of facial gymnastics.

Classic facial massage will help improve appearance skin, correct possible deficiencies, and lift the patient’s mood. This The best way restore youth to your face without resorting to the services of a plastic surgeon.

To prevent and reduce age-related changes, it is not necessary to attend expensive procedures or agree to radical surgery. There are massage techniques that give amazing effect and at home. It is an undeniable fact that facial massage can be a surprisingly easy and effective method of regeneration and restoration.

Facial aging is inevitable. It occurs mainly as a result of changes in the body as a whole and in the subcutaneous layers in particular. Factors influencing this process include:

  • muscle spasms;
  • incorrect posture and neck statics;
  • age-related decrease in the volume of bone structures;
  • skin type;
  • sun exposure;
  • facial movement and facial expressions;
  • improper skin care;
  • Lifestyle.

As the body ages, the elasticity and tone of the skin changes, which in turn occurs due to changes in muscle tone, poor circulation and loss of bone structure. The outer layer of skin becomes thinner, the fat layer decreases, which gives it a translucent appearance.

Exposure to the sun dries out and causes pigmentation, changing the color of the skin. Due to hypertonicity of the facial muscles and poor lymph flow in the body, the forehead and eyebrows droop, forming folds on the eyelids, the lines of the nasolabial triangle deepen, and the facial contour drops, forming a flabby double chin.

A decrease in the volume of the skull bones with age due to the leaching of calcium and muscle hypertonicity also contribute to the appearance of sagging and folds on the face.

What are the benefits of facial massage?

Facial muscle massage is one of the most important aspects daily care for the skin. It improves its texture, health, rejuvenates it, due to the fact that it stimulates blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer, starting the process of cell regeneration, relaxes muscles, and brings them to normal tone. The procedure helps relieve stress and tension. But it is important to choose a competent approach to it in order to achieve high efficiency.

With regular deep facial massage, you can achieve positive dynamics of rejuvenation and transformation of appearance.

Benefits of facial massage:

  • prevention and reduction of wrinkles;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • stress relief;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • natural oval tightening;
  • rejuvenation at the cellular level;
  • saturation with nutrients.

Basic rules of facial massage

  • Use natural oil compositions and massage creams;

It is necessary to choose products created on the basis natural ingredients. Be sure to select it for your individual skin type, combining it with hypoallergenicity. Basic cosmetic oils:

  1. Olive oil for all skin types;
  2. Almond oil and peach oil - for aging (high in vitamin E);
  3. Coconut oil for dry.

Adding a few drops of essential lavender or tea tree beneficial for problem skin;

  • Mandatory cleansing of the skin and hands;

This helps open the pores and cleanse them of impurities. This allows nutrients to penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin.

  • Perform the procedure strictly along massage lines, observing the technique used.


  • Acute sunburn;
  • Severe cystic acne with open pustules;
  • Open cuts or abrasions;
  • Bruising and swelling;
  • Active herpes lesions;
  • Conjunctivitis (“pink eye”);
  • Severe eczema;
  • Severe psoriasis;
  • Fungal infection;
  • Extreme allergic sensitivity.

At what age can you do facial massage?

Facial massage is a universal procedure not only for regeneration, but also for healing. Therefore, it can be used at any age, especially if there are therapeutic indications. But, as a rule, up to 25 years of age, skin tone and elasticity are high. Later they begin to decline. And after 30, massage treatments can be safely included in a regular rejuvenation complex.

How often can you do a facial massage?

How often you can massage your face depends on your skin type and age-related changes. Typically, courses are held 2-3 times a year. This is quite enough to get and consolidate the effect. At the same time, 2-3 sessions are held per week for people with sensitive skin; 3-4 for normal to strong skin.

Duration of effect

Deep facial massage can provide both temporary and long-lasting effects. When performed once, you can achieve increased microcirculation, relieve puffiness, and improve complexion. But this will not have a lasting result, which is only possible with regular implementation of the procedure. It is ideal to take a course of 10-15 sessions. Then, observing frequency, repeat it.

How long should a massage last?

The duration of the procedure directly depends on its execution technique. But the optimal time interval will be 30-50 minutes. During this period, the muscles will have time to receive the necessary relaxation and activation.

Schedule of procedures

To choose a massage treatment plan, you need to take into account individual characteristics: skin type and age.

  • The procedure can be started from the age of 25, when the skin and muscles begin to need additional care. 10 sessions, once a year, will be enough;
  • after 30, the cycle can be increased to 2 times a year, with a set of 12-15 repetitions;
  • After 35, the body needs intensive supportive care. And the cycle increases to 3 times a year, and the course to 15-20 repetitions.

Which facial massage to choose

There is a wide variety of massage techniques. Each of them is unique. The choice is based largely on preference. But the main preparatory stage is the same for everyone. It is very important not to forget about cleansing and using oils or creams for facial massage. This will help prevent stretching and irritation of the sensitive dermis.

Basic facial massage techniques

The procedure should be carried out strictly, using the pads of your fingers as a working surface so that the movements are soft and gentle. Allow rubbing and stroking with the back of your hand. But this should be done smoothly and carefully.

Any procedure must begin and end with light stroking.

Basic techniques:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • tapping;
  • pinching;
  • kneading.

More effective techniques

Perhaps the most effective methods include lifting massages. They immediately give a good visible result, which provides an incentive to continue the procedures.

It is especially worth highlighting buccal facial massage. It is the deepest direction. Its structural effect trains the muscles, restoring their youth and tone. An amazing characteristic is also the massaging of the lines through the internal oral cavity.

Individual schemes

Taking into account the type of each skin, an individual selection of massage techniques is possible. This helps minimize unwanted effects such as irritation and redness. With monotonous techniques, the skin and muscles begin to adapt to the effects, and the effectiveness decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically change massage approaches.

The most popular anti-aging techniques and facial massage techniques

Of the variety of types of corrective facial massage, Kobiko and Chiromassage stand out especially for their high effectiveness. The first combines rubbing and acupressure tapping of acupuncture points. This is also a procedure for the neck against wrinkles, since not only the face area is affected. The second is a more gentle technique. It is based on Eastern teachings about vital energy. It gives complete relaxation to facial muscles.

Classical technique

Manipulations using the classical method can easily be performed at home, without using the services of specialists:

  • Apply the oil to the skin with gentle pats;
  • massage the cheeks in a circular motion, smoothly rising from the wings of the nose to the outer surface;
  • to eliminate signs of aging around the eyes, oil is gently rubbed over the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the outer, and along the upper eyelid in the opposite direction;
  • further attention is paid to lifting along the lines of the forehead;
  • and lastly the contour of the lips is massaged with rubbing strokes.

Plastic or sculpture massage

This is a unique technique of deep facial massage. Capable of producing amazing results. Which will be similar to plastic correction of facial contours. Without resorting to surgical intervention, it is actually possible to restore the clarity of the oval and regenerate cells for rejuvenation. Your skin will be transformed with radiance from within.


  • Light stroking;
  • Superficial and deep kneading;
  • Pat;
  • Vibration.

Japanese anti-aging massage Zogan

Myofascial massage

This structuring facial massage uses stretching, twisting and squeezing techniques to help relax the muscular frame and restore muscle tone and position. This is a good prevention of age-related changes. Manipulations are carried out slowly and carefully, affecting connective tissues. For maximum visualization, oils are not applied to the skin. Then the effect has a strong corrective effect on the texture of the skin.

Spanish massage

The session is similar to a special mysterious ritual, as it combines not only massage movements, but also the use of aromatherapy, the use of additional tools, hypnotic music, and candles. This is a procedure for complete relaxation and restoration of vitality. The peculiarity is that one movement is not repeated twice. It removes toxic metabolic products, improves muscle tone and venous blood flow.

Honey massage

This cosmetic procedure makes the skin velvety, fresh, and elastic. It does a great job with blackheads and redness. This perfect choice for dull, tired skin. Honey contains many nutritional elements. By saturating the skin, they have a positive effect on the healing and rejuvenating effect. The procedure is carried out along classic lines using light stroking and rubbing techniques.

Chinese massage

This eastern practice is based on acupressure. With proper treatment of certain points on the face, you can not only achieve progressive regeneration and restoration of skin tone. But these effects also lead to the healing of all organs of the body. Ancient healers connected the vital functions of all functions and acupunctures on the human body. Thanks to the activation of its own resources, the skin is noticeably transformed and filled with energy.

Tibetan massage

Ancient manual techniques of Tibetan massage have a unique effect on the subcutaneous layers of the facial dermis. The procedure gives the effect of deep study of all zones. Thereby:

  • the structure of the skin is transformed;
  • the relief becomes clear and expressive;
  • the double chin decreases;
  • swelling subsides;
  • energy balance is restored.

This is a type of acupuncture session in which the muscle frame is completely relaxed and bioactivity is restored.

Modeling massage

This type of procedure provides clear contour correction, restoring normal muscle tone. It stimulates the work of facial muscles, relieves spasms that lead to creases and the appearance of wrinkles. It gives the same positive visual effect as a mesotherapy procedure or filler injections. Modeling massage includes: the following types: Spanish, honey, vacuum. All of them are aimed at correcting age-related changes.

Mimic massage and its results

This procedure combines massage techniques and special facial gymnastics. The effect is aimed at facial muscles. Like any muscles in the body, they also need to be activated through physical activity. Strength resistance exercises help restore muscle tone and elasticity. This noticeably tightens the entire oval. When performing gymnastics, cells are saturated with oxygen and collagen is produced.

Mimic gymnastics

Answers to questions about facial massage

Carrying out a massage procedure sometimes raises a lot of doubts. In order to make sure there are no contraindications or adverse effects, you can read the most frequently asked questions.

Facial massage for rosacea and rosacea

These diseases are characterized by redness, rashes and expansion of the vascular network. During exacerbation, massage techniques are contraindicated. But when remission occurs, you can use gentle and calming practices. They will promote the outflow of venous blood and improve lymph flow.

Facial massage and Botox injections

The best option would be to first carry out a course of massage and then injections. After all, massage increases blood flow and cell metabolism, which will lead to the resorption of the drug. Therefore, in order for the effect of injections to be lasting, it is not advisable to carry out massaging techniques in parallel. And also better than botox don't work hard at all.

Acne after facial massage

The cause of acne formation can be clogged pores or the penetration of impurities into the subcutaneous layer. To avoid this, you should monitor the hygiene of the procedure and choose the right oils and creams for your individual skin type.

The most effective massage technique for correcting facial contours

Perhaps the most effective corrective methods for the face are vacuum and biomechanical stimulation. Just as good Japanese massage Asahi Zogan. Eastern practice is aimed at restoring energy flows in the body. This starts the natural process of self-rejuvenation. And the muscles regain lost tone and elasticity.

You can learn how to do it in our next article.

In pursuit of eternal youth, women are ready to do a lot. Classic facial massage is the safest way to maintain your attractiveness, because ladies often subject themselves to painful procedures, use creams with dubious ingredients, fast, do all sorts of injections and even go under the surgeon’s knife. Meanwhile, the beauty industry has long and firmly mastered methods of maintaining attractiveness that do not cause pain and do not require the investment of huge sums, while their effectiveness has long been proven, and massage is one of them. This is a proven way to shake off fatigue and get recharged positive emotions.

Purpose of the procedure

In cosmetology, classical massage is traditional and is widely used to prevent early aging skin, maintaining its tone, oxygen saturation. Who will benefit from massage the most? Women over the age of thirty, because their skin requires special attention- during this period you can already begin to resort to the help of specialists to keep it blooming; those whose work is associated with high nervous tension (note how tired the employees of banks and government agencies look in the evening); owners of early-onset crow's feet, as well as ladies with problem areas and uneven skin color.

What effect can be achieved by regularly performing this procedure?

  • Relieve muscle tension. A large number of women are regularly exposed to stress. When we are tense, without noticing it ourselves, we involuntarily tense our facial muscles - we frown, purse our lips, squint our eyes. All these actions lead to the early appearance of facial wrinkles. You need to learn to relax, and massage helps a lot with this. That’s why it’s so nice to surrender to the hands of a specialist after a busy day at work or on your legal day off.
  • Relieve swelling. If the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues is not due to a serious illness, but is caused by lack of sleep, a massage will help remove the water and make the face fresh and rested.
  • Prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Any massage, even a relaxing one, involves a fairly intense effect on the skin. This stimulates blood circulation. Blood runs through the vessels and capillaries much more vigorously, and movement is life. Of course, it will not be possible to postpone old age forever, but a woman who carefully takes care of herself will always look better than a lazy woman her age, no matter how old they are.
  • Reduce the number of rashes. Active stimulation of the skin has some mechanical cleaning effect. Dead particles of the epidermis and excess sebum are removed much faster. As a result, the amount of inflammation decreases. Thus, classic massage also has a hygienic effect on the skin of the face.
  • Located on the face a large number of points, the stimulation of which has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs. Some women even claim that massage has helped them get rid of migraines.

Salon or home care?

Classic facial massage is the most common of all types of massage. This means that a large number of people know this technique and nothing can prevent a woman from learning how to carry out the procedure on her own - in this case it will be considered self-massage. The easiest way is to seek help from specialists and visit a salon. At the same time, a trip to a cosmetologist will bring a lot of positive emotions. Each procedure lasts about a quarter of an hour. A standard course involves at least 15 sessions, on average from 15 to 20. It is necessary to assess the condition of each woman’s facial skin individually, paying attention to its thickness. If the skin is thin, it makes sense to reduce the number of sessions. Do not be overly zealous and carry out procedures every day. There should be an interval of at least a day between them. If a woman performs a massage on her own, she needs to prepare for it. The best time to take time to care for yourself is after a hot bath or shower.

Execution technique

First of all, it must be careful and gentle. After all, we are talking about thin and vulnerable facial skin, which is easy to injure. All techniques must be performed carefully and easily, and no physical pain should be felt. The massage is performed with fingertips using sliding movements. The pressure exerted on the skin should be minimal. Naturally, the face is first completely cleansed of makeup. For better cleansing, it is advisable to use a scrub.

During massage, mainly four techniques are used: the skin is stroked, rubbed, kneaded, or the massage therapist’s movements can be vibrating. When applied to the face, movements should be predominantly stroking-sliding or rubbing.

Massage must be carried out along massage lines. Otherwise, there is a risk of stretching the skin. Massage lines originate from the central part of the face. They smoothly move towards the peripheral ones. Any person involved in massage should know where the main massage lines are located. This knowledge will also help women who trust their personal care only to qualified specialists, because even simple application of cream to the skin should not be carried out chaotically, but in strict sequence.

The following lines will be highlighted:

  • hands should move from the central part of the forehead in the direction of eyebrow growth to the temples;
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  • from the corners of the mouth to the glasses of the ears;
  • from the center of the chin to the earlobes;
  • when massaging in the area of ​​the upper eyelid, movements should be carried out from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and in the area of ​​the lower eyelid - from the outer to the inner;

The massage usually begins from the chin area, then moves to the cheeks, then moves to the eye area, and then to the nose. Complete the session by treating the forehead area. Each movement is repeated 6 to 10 times. This scheme is universal, but at the discretion of a specialist, it can be developed for each woman individual program. The main thing is that it be effective.

To give your face a full rest, immediately after the procedure you can apply nutritious cream, oil or any of the remedies that suit the woman best. If the massage was carried out at home, you can apply a mask made from natural ingredients: tonic - from cucumbers, nourishing - from yolks, tightening pores - from protein and lemon juice. The skin is well warmed and relaxed, so nutrients are absorbed to the maximum. For its final relaxation, it is recommended not to apply it on this day. decorative cosmetics, let your face breathe.

Contraindications to massage

Any cosmetic procedure has a number of contraindications, even something as universal as massage. Improper skin care can cause harm and worsen its condition, so you need to remember in which cases sessions are not recommended.

  • Mechanical damage to the skin. Sunburn, wounds, hematomas - if there are such injuries, it is better to postpone the session.
  • Any fungal skin disease.
  • Herpes, the so-called “cold” on the lips. There is a high risk of spreading the infection throughout the body.
  • The presence of large ulcers.
  • Cuperosis is vessels located too close to the skin.
  • General poor health - high blood pressure, temperature, infectious diseases.

If none of these points bother you, you can safely go to a cosmetologist. A classic facial massage will help heal the skin and give it freshness. It will maintain facial muscle tone, but is unlikely to replace surgical rejuvenation methods, such as a facelift or mesotherapy. In any case, do not neglect massage as quite effective way self care.