According to ITAR-TASS, 37.8 million Russian pensioners have been receiving increased indexed pensions since what was probably a pleasant date for them, namely from February 1 of this year, 2014. The overall index was 6.5%, and its basis was inflation and the increase in the cost of the consumer basket in 2013. The Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) said: the average size of the labor pension (meaning for old age) after indexation will be a little bit 11.4 thousand rubles. As for future retirees, the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation considers it expedient to extend the period for choosing a pension formation system for those who are commonly called “silent people”. According to Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev, this period may be extended until the beginning of 2017.

Let us recall that at the end of January the Russian government met for a meeting, during which the thresholds for indexation of pensions in 2014, which caused a lot of controversy and disagreement, were finally noted.

The essence of the decision boiled down to the following:

  • Indexation will take place in two stages;
  • the calculations will use the indexation coefficient applicable to the insurance part labor pensions;
  • in total, the indexation percentage in 2014 will not be 15, as expected and repeatedly stated by officials, but 11.8%.

The state's social policy in 2014 boils down to the fact that financial support is provided to the least protected sections of society. We are, of course, talking about pensioners, as well as pregnant women and mothers of young children. These are, perhaps, the main categories that will not be affected by the mandatory abolition of indexation this year. According to the government's social strategy, the abolition of inflation-adjusted salary increases in the next two years will apply to all civil servants, as well as employees of internal affairs bodies. But for pensioners, the forecasts are indeed more comforting. The latest news is clear confirmation of this.

So, the main innovations at the moment are: from February 1 in the Russian Federation, all pensions are indexed by 6.5 percent, which is due to the new size of the indexation coefficient for the insurance part of labor pensions, which, as is easy to calculate, is 1.065, as well as the general size of the increase in inflation that took place in the Russian Federation last year . It is expected that from April 1 the second stage of indexation will be activated and pensions will increase by another 5.3 percent. Thus, the total amount of indexation of pension payments compared to 2013 will increase by 11.8 percent.

Previously, it was assumed that during the current year pensions in Russia would increase by at least 9 percent and maximum by 15 percent, however, it follows from the government’s decision that pensioners can count on support in the amount that is justified by actual changes in the consumer basket.

The downside is that, despite an active campaign launched by the media and apparently aimed at popularizing data on pension growth, both increases are unlikely to be enough to truly compensate for rising prices and the real fall of the ruble. According to financial analysts, in January (!) of this year alone, the Russian ruble fell by six percent. It is still difficult to predict how the country’s economy will behave after the Olympics, but many predict the national currency. If we take this into account, it becomes obvious that 11.8 percent is not such a large compensation, which in actual financial terms, an increase in pension can only cover a change in exchange rate or an increase in the cost of key products.

Nevertheless, the fact remains, and indexation of pensions is practically the only measure that the state can take in a difficult economic situation. About three hundred billion rubles from the treasury of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will be allocated to protect pensioners from inflation throughout the year. A government decree confirming these actions was proposed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and signed in mid-January. According to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, indexation will affect about 38 million Russian pensioners. These include approximately 37.5 million annual pensioners, the remaining half a million are mainly disability pensioners and pensioners who receive an old-age pension along with government benefits.

As for the actual size of pensions, the state of affairs for 2014 is as follows: on average, according to the government’s decision, payments to working pensioners across the country have increased by 665 Russian rubles since the beginning of February - this is the first consequence of indexation. Old-age pensions increased the most - by 691 rubles, disability pensions increased by 431 rubles. Pensioners who have lost their breadwinners now receive 430 rubles more.

The amount of payments to military pensioners has also been increased. Persons who are disabled due to injuries received, for example, during the well-known Great Patriotic War, as well as pensioners who participated in combat operations, now receive 890 and 1003 Russian rubles more.

Indexation of pensions from April 1, 2014

Let us add that already in a month and a half, that is, from the first of April, labor and social pensions will be indexed by another five percent, taking into account the increase in size living wage. In August, as usual, there will be a recalculation of payments received by working pensioners. The government assures that it will do everything possible to prevent inflation from catching up with pensions. But the average market value of the consumer basket, which in price terms has long surpassed official inflation, is not taken into account.

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But in fairness, it is also important to note that among all the CIS countries, the Russian Federation is currently in first place in terms of pension payments. Thus, in 2013, the average pension in the country was approximately $330. For comparison, in Kazakhstan pensioners receive 280 dollars, and in Belarus - a little more than 220 dollars; Ukrainian pensioners live on an amount equivalent to an average of 180 US dollars. At the same time, such figures are an order of magnitude lower (and this is a very common comparison) than in Europe or the States, where the average pension is in the range of $1500-2500. However, an increase in pensions in the Russian Federation is expected in the future.

A table of indexation of pensions by year will help you to clearly see the difference between how a non-working pensioner receives and a working one: table of indexation of pensions by year A working pensioner is not paid the full amount of payments due until he stops working. Data on the work of pensioners, in turn, comes to the Pension Fund from employers. They are required to report for each citizen working for them on a monthly basis. Thus, after the pensioner stops working, information about his work will no longer be received and the Pension Fund will restore the indexed pension, taking into account all missing indices. But not at once. After all, it takes time to transfer and process such an array of data. It also takes time to calculate and make decisions on the payment of indexed amounts.

From July 1, 2018, working pensioners will have their pensions indexed back


The authors of the initiative emphasize that this has had a negative impact on the financial situation of working pensioners. The response to the abolition of indexation was a decrease in the share of this category of workers. According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2016, there were 15,259,000 working pensioners, and the report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on budget execution notes that by the end of the first quarter of the same year, the number of such citizens had decreased to 9.6 million people.

It is important to understand that only a part of working pensioners actually stopped working; most of them switched to a “gray” salary. Accordingly, there were no real budget savings. Moreover, the Pension Fund had to allocate an additional interbudgetary transfer for compulsory pension insurance in the amount of 40.6 billion.


Indexation of pensions for working pensioners from April 1, 2018

I periodically receive letters from the Pension Fund to provide reports for previous years, this is when someone applies for a pension, but there is no data. And when I come to a Pension Fund specialist about my pension and they tell me that there is no data, because the employer did not report, it is useless to explain and prove anything, because... Those who work with organizations screwed up. Perhaps I personally have no luck with PF, I have been communicating with them since 1995.
, other than indifference, rudeness and unprofessionalism, I didn’t notice any other qualities in the employees, this does not apply to specialists working with pensioners, everyone there is polite and stress-resistant, as if they were selected.

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As I see, you yourself wrote the reason why employees’ information is untimely posted on their ILS. Unfortunately, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the form in which it exists now does not perform its functions very well, not only in administering contributions.

Indexation of pensions in 2018

Citizens who exercised the right to receive monthly benefits in connection with retirement, but continued to work, will not be able to claim an indexed pension until next year. READ ALSO: Will there be a pension increase for more than 40 years of service in 2018? Postponement of the indexation procedure is carried out according to the following rules:

  • Persons who retired before February 2016, but are still working at their previous place of work, will not receive an increased amount of pension payments from February of the same year;
  • Persons who retired after February 2016 will receive pension payments, taking into account all types of indexations made at the time they reached retirement age.

Pension indexation


The procedure for changing the size of pension payments, taking into account each missed indexation, also takes several months. This is primarily due to the technical side of the issue. But at the same time, when the pensioner receives a recalculated pension, along with it he will receive additional payments for the period in which the recalculation took place.


Important! The changes listed above apply only to those citizens who retired after 2018. In the event that the dismissal procedure took place, for example, in December 2017, changes in pension payments to the citizen will occur only from April of this year. That is everything pension bonuses for the period from the beginning of the year to March, it will lose.

Watch the video.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018: latest news

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018: last news Let us recall that earlier Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, answering questions from deputies after the report in the State Duma, said that the issue of returning indexation of pensions to working pensioners is not closed. Indexation of the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension and adjustment of the size of the insurance pension for working pensioners was canceled from January 1, 2016. As Dmitry Medvedev recalled, due to the crisis, the government “had to make a not very popular and difficult decision to change the indexation procedure.” The fact is that pensions should increase annually by the inflation rate of the previous year. However, the difficult economic situation forced officials to abandon full indexation of payments: in 2016 it amounted to only 4%, with inflation of 12.9% a year earlier.

Indexation for a working pensioner from January 1, 2018?

Therefore, the pensioner from our example, who retired on October 12, will receive an indexed pension in February 2018, taking into account additional payments for 3 months (November, December, January). Thus, the technological periods during which information about the fact of work is processed are now also paid. Why aren’t pensions for working pensioners indexed in 2018? If so far in 2018 you have not received the specified increase after indexation, then this is possible for the following reasons:

  1. You are currently continuing to work.

    This means that until the pensioner resigns, he will receive a pension in the same amount. If in October 2017 you were considered working for at least one day, then indexation in January 2018 is not allowed.

  2. assigned to you minimum pension. If the accrued amount does not reach the subsistence level, then the Pension Fund pays the pensioner the difference between them.

Laws of the Russian Federation 2018

Moreover, this measure affected only non-working pensioners. Those who decided to continue working were left without even 4% indexation. True, later the government decided to sweeten the pill for the elderly - the second indexation was replaced with a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles, which was given to people in January 2017. Moreover, both working and non-working pensioners received these funds. However, in 2017, the authorities returned to indexing pensions according to the law. In February, payments increased by the 2016 inflation rate - 5.4%.
The government has allocated 706 billion rubles for this. Thus, the average pension for non-working Russians was 13,855 rubles. But working pensioners were again left with nothing. The question of returning indexation of payments to them was raised by deputies on April 11 during Dmitry Medvedev’s speech in the State Duma.
When a person retires, he does not need to make a written application requesting funds and benefits. Remember! Every year, data on transfers is processed and recalculated. In this case, previously unaccounted points are taken into account, since the person continued to work.
After leaving work, he will receive his money in full. For example, in August of this year, individual pension points will be accrued taking into account points received from 01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017 (in accordance with clause 3, part 1, article 18 of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”). If the pensioner officially worked during this period, an increase in pension from 08/01/2018 will be possible due to indexation. Watch the video.

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You know, we were rather lucky with both the PFR department and the Federal Tax Service, because we have never had and never had any delays in reflecting the transferred data in the ILS of insured workers. After a maximum of a week, all data is reflected. In addition, my friend works in the Pension Fund, so I know well how and what is done in the Pension Fund branches, everything that employers transmit is automatically posted by the program on the ILS (for this, the Pension Fund employee must ONLY upload the report submitted by the employer into the system). The protocol is you You will receive it when submitting your reports, but only if there are errors and shortcomings, then you will receive the corresponding protocol. And until all the data in the report is correct, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will not accept your reports, and accordingly, it is assumed that the report will not be submitted.

The second is the ratio of average earnings per year to average earnings in the country. The third element is the average earnings per year, which will change due to indexations. And the fourth component is a coefficient that takes into account the demographic and macroeconomic situation. Citizens are already moving to non-state pension funds. At the moment, there are about 26 of the largest such funds in the country. In the future, the number of these funds will increase, and only they will pay the funded part of the pension, which is paid by the citizens themselves. At the same time, the size of the funded part of the pension will decrease from 6% to 2% Result pension reform 2014 is as follows: the size of the pension directly depends on the citizens themselves, the size of their wages and amounts of pension savings. Therefore, everything is in your hands! Algorithm for calculating pensions in 2013 and 2014

How to calculate your pension yourself?

For insured persons who were assigned a labor pension as of December 31, 2001, the amount of one established pension is taken as RR, taking into account compensation payments and increases due to the rising cost of living in Russia using the corresponding regional coefficient. If you are interested in the question “How to calculate a pension” and you want to try to determine the amount yourself social assistance, which will be assigned to you, then do not forget that the estimated pension capital and the amount of the insurance part of the pension are subject to periodic indexation in accordance with the current level of price growth and average monthly wages.

Algorithm for calculating pensions in 2013 and 2014

The full name of this part of the pension is “the fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension.” The fixed basic size of the old-age labor pension is a fixed value.


It is adjusted annually and approved by government regulations. For the bulk of citizens retiring in 2013, its value is equal to B = 3,610 rubles 31 kopecks.

For some categories, the fixed basic amount can be increased depending on the type of pension, disability group, age of the pensioner and the number of disabled family members dependent on him (see reference materials).

For life

From 01/01/2002 pension provision in the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”. The size of the pension of each individual pensioner depends on the duration length of service, the amount of his salary, as well as the amount of insurance premiums received into his personal account.

In connection with the entry into force of this Federal Law the assessment of the pension rights of insured persons as of January 1, 2002 is carried out by converting them into the estimated pension capital. The amount of the estimated pension capital is determined based on the total duration of labor and other socially useful activities before January 1, 2002, taken into account in a calendar manner ( Art. 30). My work experience for calculating my pension until 2002 is: 20 years 04 months 00 days.

The PF will have to provide supporting documents. If the period 2000–2001 is selected, then the average monthly salary coefficient is calculated by dividing your average salary for this period by 1494.5. KSZ = ZR/ZP = ZR / 1494.5. If it is more profitable for you to use a different period for calculating the ASC - any 60 consecutive months until 01/01/2002, then the calculations will have to be done independently or using our ASC calculator.

It should be borne in mind that the law imposes a restriction on the value of the KSZ - the coefficient cannot be more than 1.2. Less - please, but more - no. An exception to the upper limit of the KSZ coefficient of 1.2 was made only for those who worked before 01/01/2002.
in the regions of the Far North - depending on the regional coefficient, their level ranges from 1.4 to 1.9 Example 1. Let your average salary in 2000-2001.

We calculate old-age pension with calculation formula and examples

Since today (in 2013) the value of the indexation coefficient is 5.1845, to calculate the first part of the monthly pension assigned in 2013, you can use the formula: P before 2002 = RP * 5.1845. This is the first part of the assigned pension - “earned” by you for the period before 2002.


Calculation of the amount of valorization of pensions earned before 2002 (VP). Valorization is a monetary revaluation of the pension rights of all citizens with work experience before 2002.

From January 1, 2010, the estimated pension capital formed by employees before 2002 was increased by 10% and an additional 1% for each year of their work experience before 1991. Valorization was carried out for everyone on the basis of documents available to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Calculation of old age pension in 2014

If the calculation will be carried out in subsequent years, then you must first clarify the indexation coefficient of the estimated pension capital for the current year 3. Calculation of the part of the pension earned after 2002 (P after 2002).

To determine the amount of the part of the pension “earned” during the period labor activity after 2002, you need to know the amount of insurance contributions and other revenues to the Pension Fund starting from January 1, 2002 - or, in other words, your pension capital PK2. The size of PK2 can be found on the State Services website. The calculation of this part of the pension is the simplest - the amount of savings PK2 recorded in an individual personal account in the Pension Fund must be divided by the age of survival - T, measured in months: P after 2002 = PK2 / T. In 2013 T = 19 * 12 = 228 months. 4. Fixed basic part of the pension (B).

How is the old age pension calculated?

Some periods are not like during labor. a) conscription service in the army 1972-1974 - I heard that a year should be counted as two? b) 1981 - 5 months in seasonal industrial production, I heard that a season should be counted as a year? c ) north (Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk, Novomoskovsk) - approximately 17 calendar months - how will it be counted as 1 year: 1.5 g? Will there be a pension supplement or does this only matter for early retirement? Or does it not matter at all in my case? 5) Can I apply for recalculation of my pension using a different calculation system than what was calculated for me (or is this not my case?) 6) How can I check if the pensioner made any mistakes when calculating the pension that did not affect in my favor on the amount of my pension? Please, explain in simple language, a link to the law is welcome. But if the whole text is from the law, then it is for me, to the common man, not clear. Sorry.

How pensions were calculated in 2014

P after 2002 = (PC2 / T); 4. fixed base part - B. Thus, the old-age labor pension: P = P before 2002 + VP + P after 2002+ B.
Information you will need to calculate the amount of your old-age retirement pension - what you need to know:

  • Stag 02 - length of work experience up to 2002 (years);
  • Stag 91 - length of work experience until 1991 (years);
  • ZR - your average monthly earnings either for 2000-2001, or for any 60 months of work (for 5 years) in a row in the period before 01/01/2002 - choose what is more profitable;

Salary - the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same period (for 2000-2001 Salary = 1494 rubles.
In accordance with Article 30.2 of Federal Law No. 173-FZ, from January 1, 2010, the so-called valorization was carried out - recalculation of labor pensions taking into account the length of work experience earned in Soviet times. Pensioners with work experience before 2002 received a 10% increase in their pension capital formed before 2002. (This is an analogue of the insurance part of a labor pension, obtained by calculation, based on length of service and earnings before 01/01/2002). Also, for each year of Soviet work experience until 1991, an additional 1% was added.

For work experience before 2002, I automatically received 10% and for years of work experience during the Soviet period - 9%, because in the period before 1991, I worked for 9 years 04 months 00 days.). As a result, my insurance portion of my pension increased by 19%.

In accordance with Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 22, 2014 No. 220 and March 28, 2014 No. 241, coefficients were approved from April 1, 2014 indexation of social pensions at the rate of 1,171 and additional size increase factor insurance part old age labor pension and sizes labor pension for disability and labor pension for loss of a breadwinner at the rate of 1,017 .

Thus, Happy April, 1 this year, the size of all pension recipients will be increased, the number of whom in the Tula region is more than 546 thousand people. As a result of indexation, the average pension in the Tula region will increase by 346.37 rubles. from 10,366.19 to 10,712.56 rubles.

Let us recall that last indexing labor pensions were carried out in February of this year by 6.5%, and the indexation of social pensions was carried out in April 2013 by 1.81%.

Indexation of labor pensions is additional and is carried out due to the fact that the annual wage growth index in the country exceeded the coefficient of indexation already carried out since February 1, 2014.

Indexation of labor pensions will be carried out by increasing the insurance part of the pension, including a fixed base amount and the amount of valorization, and will allow increasing the size of labor pensions by 198.62 rubles. from RUB 10,997.85 up to RUB 11,196.47, including:

Labor pensions for old age - from 11,472.42 rubles. up to RUB 11,680.41

Labor pensions for disability - from 6,676.50 rubles. up to RUB 6,790.41

Labor pensions in case of loss of a breadwinner – from 7,325.04 rubles. up to RUB 7,449.56

Example No. 1. Citizen G. is a recipient of an old-age labor pension. As of March 2014, his pension amounted to 10,155.19 rubles, including: 3,844.98 rubles. – fixed basic pension amount, 1,455.50 rubles - the amount of valorization.

From April 1, the size of this citizen’s labor pension will be increased by 1.7% and will amount to 10,327.83 rubles. (10,155.19 × 1.017 = 10,327.83). Thus, the amount of increase in the old-age labor pension from April 1, 2012 for this citizen will be 172.64 rubles.

In addition to labor pensions, from April 1 of this year, social and other types of state pensions will be increased by 17.1%. Let us remind you that since 2011, these types of pensions are indexed once a year.

Social pensions are assigned to people who, for various reasons, have never worked, or have worked but did not participate in social insurance. Their pension is, in fact, a disability benefit, since this payment is in no way related to the person’s labor contribution. Social pensions are set at a fixed amount and are differentiated depending on the category of recipients.

As a result of indexation, the average social pension in the Tula region will increase by 993.62 rubles from April 1, 2014. and will amount to 6,804.26 rubles.

The highest amount of social pension is provided for people with disabilities from childhood of the first group and disabled children. The size of the social pension for these categories of citizens will increase by 1,515.32 rubles. and will amount to 10,376.86 rubles. The size of the social pension for disabled people of the first group and disabled people from childhood of the second group, as well as for orphans under the age of 18 or up to 23 years, if they continue to study full-time, will increase by 1,262.79 rubles. and will amount to 8,647.51 rubles.

The next group in descending order of the size of the social pension includes disabled citizens from among small peoples North, who have reached the age of 55 years (for men) and 50 years (for women); elderly people (women over 60 years old, men over 65 years old) who have not earned a retirement pension; disabled people of the second group (with the exception of disabled people since childhood); children under 18 years of age or under 23 years of age (students) who have lost one of their parents. The size of the social pension for these categories of citizens will increase by 631.39 rubles. and will amount to 4,323.74 rubles.

Disabled people of the third group receive the smallest social pension. From April 1, 2014, the size of the social pension for this category of citizens will increase by 536.69 rubles. and will amount to RUB 3,675.20.

In addition to social pensions, from April 1 of this year, some other types of state pensions will be indexed by 17.1%, as well as additional material support, which is established for special merits to the Fatherland.

In particular, the increase will affect citizens living in an area of ​​radioactive contamination and receiving state pension for old age, the amount of which will increase by 1,262.78 rubles. and will amount to 8,647.48 rubles.

The increase will also apply to disabled people and participants of the Great Patriotic War, military personnel who received disabilities due to military injury or illness, Chernobyl victims and a number of other categories of citizens.

Attention should be paid to the category of citizens entitled to receive two pensions. Both pensions will be increased for this category of recipients: labor and state. So,

the average size of two pensions for disabled people due to military injury will increase by 1,916.58 rubles. and will amount to 24,853.64 rubles;

The average size of two pensions for participants in the Great Patriotic War will increase by 1,849.64 rubles. and will amount to 27,300.25 rubles;

the average size of two pensions for widows of military personnel who died during the period military service for conscription due to military injury, who have not remarried, will increase by 1,470.97 rubles. and will amount to 20,756.99 rubles;

The average size of two pensions for parents of deceased military personnel will increase by 1,400.42 rubles. and will amount to 19,434.11 rubles;

the average size of two pensions of citizens awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad” will increase by 1,074.07 rubles. and will amount to 19,572.28 rubles.

We draw the attention of recipients of the federal social supplement to pensions, that after the indexation of pensions the amount of the federal social supplement will be revised.

Example No. 2. A child born in 2002, under 18 years of age, is the recipient of a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. As of March 2014, his pension amounted to 3,421.41 rubles, including: 1,922.50 rubles. – fixed basic pension amount. The size of the FSD is RUB 2,888.59. Thus, the total amount of payments is RUB 6,310.00. (3,421.41+2,888.59) and corresponds to the cost of living established for pensioners in the Tula region for 2014.

From April 1, the size of the labor pension under the SPC of this citizen will be increased by 1.7% and will amount to 3,479.57 rubles. (3,421.41 × 1.017 = 3,479.57). At the same time, the size of the FSD will be revised in connection with the increase in the size of the pension and will amount to 2,830.43 rubles. Thus, the total amount of payments received by the specified person in April 2014 will not change and will amount to RUB 6,310.00.

Expenses to increase the size of labor and social pensions from April 1, 2014 will amount to 1.7 billion rubles until the end of the current year and will be made within the limits of funds for these purposes provided for in the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Attention!!! Not subject to indexation from 04/01/2014 and will be paid in the same amount: additional monthly financial support established from May 1, 2005 in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2005 No. 363 “On measures to improve the financial situation of certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the 60th anniversary of the Victory in Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", additional monthly financial support established from September 1, 2005 in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 1, 2005 No. 887 for persons with disabilities due to war injury, pension payments non-working pensioners, living in the territory of the radioactive contamination zone provided for by the norms of the Chernobyl Law, compensation payments able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens.

Pensions and pension provision are a burning issue that worries, perhaps, every adult citizen of the country. A pension is the funds on which we will have to live in old age for more than a year or two, which is why it is so important to know how the final amount of the pension is formed and what it will be for future retirees.

In order to have a clear idea of ​​your own pension, you need to know all the intricacies of how pension funds work and carefully monitor all contributions. In this article we will try to tell you about what happened to pension payments over the past two years and what changes can be expected in the future.

How is the pension determined?

Responsible for the formation of pensions in the Russian Federation Pension Fund Russia, which receives funds from various sources, where they accumulate and serve to provide cash for all current pensioners. Responsible for how, in what amount and within what time frame pensions should be paid pension legislation, consisting of a number of acts that detail all the procedures for the formation, calculation and payment of pensions.

The period from 2014 to 2016 became special for the pension sector in Russia, as new laws were adopted that ensured the transition from the old payment system to the new one. During these two years, the Pension Fund gradually changed the calculation scheme and the amount of pension payments.

Until January 1, 2014, pensions were paid according to old scheme- the employer contributed a certain percentage of the employee’s salary to the Pension Fund, where two parts were formed from this money future pension, insurance and savings. The insurance portion depended on length of service and salary and was used to pay current pensioners, while the savings portion remained in the citizen’s individual account. Both parts of the pension were formed without fail.

From January 1, 2015, the scheme for calculating pensions has changed slightly, in particular, accumulative part the general labor pension ceased to be mandatory, and its size began to depend not on the employer’s contributions, but on the contributions of the citizen himself (the citizen could even refuse to form a funded part). As a result, the size of the labor pension has become much more dependent on the size of wages and length of service. The higher the length of service and salary, the larger the pension will be.

2014-2015 became difficult for the Russian economy, so the key point in the issue pension savings indexation of pensions began in connection with new economic realities.

Indexing - this is an increase in the size of the labor pension by order of the Government of the Russian Federation in order to compensate for the decrease in the purchasing power of pensions caused by inflation, rising prices and other shocks. Simply put, indexation should maintain pensions at such a level that a pensioner can buy the same amount of food, regardless of how much prices in stores have risen. Indexation of pensions does not have a clear time frame and depends entirely on the will of the Government.

In 2014, indexation was carried out twice, in February and March. In total, pensions were increased by 8.2%. Translated into money, the figures can be expressed as follows: the old-age pension increased by 192 rubles, the disability and survivors pension - by 120 rubles, social pensions (depending on the disability group) - from 530 to 1,500 rubles.

In 2015, indexation occurred in February, pensions increased by 11.4% and amounted to: insurance - 12,045.77 rubles (increased by 837.97 rubles), social - 8,479.29 rubles (increased by 901.73 rubles). Thus, the average pension will be 11,783.29 rubles. The average pension in 2015 was 162% relative to the cost of living for a pensioner in the Russian Federation.

What will happen to pension indexation in 2016?

Forecasts regarding the increase in pensions in the coming 2016 are ambiguous. The unpredictable economic situation does not allow us to give exact figures; in addition, the Ministry of Finance has repeatedly put forward a proposal to remove from the state budget the cost item for indexing pensions for inflation in 2016-2018, which could significantly reduce the growth of pension payments.

According to the latest data, pensions will still be indexed in 2016 and the amount of indexation, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, will be about 5.5%, which is significantly lower than the level of indexation in previous years. It should be noted that the figures may change significantly due to the economic crisis.