What can say more about our feelings than a kiss? He encourages us when we are sad. He calms us down when we are worried. He is able to awaken a volcano of passion when we do not even expect it. A kiss can be light and gentle, or it can be hot and sizzling. in the cheeks and eyes - this is a manifestation of the most tender feelings, a declaration of love without words. But the chest or stomach are designed to kindle passion and desire. They increase sensuality and remove all psychological barriers. The right kiss can turn off consciousness and transport your partner into an unforgettable atmosphere of euphoria and pleasure. How to learn this difficult science? If you want, everything is possible.

How to kiss a guy on the neck

Kissing a guy's neck can turn him on in a matter of seconds. It has been proven that guys prefer gentle and slow caresses. Therefore, a girl should not rush and take the kiss lightly.

To sharpen the sensations, you can run the tip of your tongue along the guy’s neck, then lightly press your lips in several places.

Make your partner feel your hot breath, it's incredibly exciting. Slowly explore every centimeter of your loved one's neck with your lips and tongue.

And only when you feel that he has begun to breathe rapidly and show signs of strong arousal, move on to more

How to kiss a girl on the neck

Girls, although considered the weaker half, prefer assertiveness and even aggression when kissing. Most girls are crazy about kissing with light biting and sucking. A man should move his tongue more actively, which will make a woman’s heart beat faster. Kisses on the neck can drive a girl crazy and give unforgettable emotions and sensations. The most sensitive areas are under the chin, near and on the dimple near the back of the head. Once you place your lips in these places, you will immediately feel how your partner likes it. Start kissing her barely noticeably, every second adding confidence and assertiveness to the movements of your tongue and your lips. Gently pinch the skin with your teeth and play with it. Using such techniques, you are guaranteed to bring your beloved to a “kissing” orgasm. Women often describe their feelings as a shock running through their entire body.

Often people who have been married for a long period of time do not pay much attention to kissing. This is in vain! Kissing the neck can bring back those feelings that were there when a married couple was just starting their relationship. Recall those moments of carefree and all-consuming sex that brought only joy and pleasure. Sometimes spontaneous, sometimes clearly planned. Perhaps if they hit your neck, you will feel young, energetic and passionate again. Give yourself over to your feelings again and finally forget about all your everyday problems.

Kissing on the neck is a surefire way to bliss, intimacy and trusting relationships between a man and a woman. Improve yours, listen to your partner’s wishes and enjoy each other.

Meaning and decoding of various kisses.

From birth, humans are programmed to kiss. First of all, this is a kind of “oral” memory that arises in the womb. After all, this is where the child sucks his fingers to relax and calm down. Every kiss and touch of the lips has its own meaning.

Many girls are interested in the meaning of kisses, because the guy has decided on a subconscious level what his partner means. With a kiss you can determine how a guy feels about you.

Kiss options:

  • Sliding. This is a kiss by the way, which may mean that the guy did not intend to kiss you.
  • Seductive. Most often this is a kiss that involves the lips and tongue. Sucking may be present. This kiss speaks of sexual desire.
  • Teasing. This is a kiss when the movements of the lips are either active and sucking, then they stop kissing.
  • Provoking. This is a kiss that hints at sexual intercourse. At the same time, the tongue moves inside the mouth, just like friction occurs during sex.

The neck is an erogenous zone for most women. A kiss in this area causes a lot of excitement and sexual desire in the fair sex. The most interesting thing is that a US citizen was given a life sentence in prison for kissing a woman on the neck. This amounted to type 1 sexual harassment. Therefore, if a man kisses your neck, he wants to possess you.

A kiss on the cheek has different meanings. Abroad, it is customary to greet your acquaintances with a kiss on the cheek. This is an ordinary friendly smack that says that the person is glad to see you. But if you are in a relationship, then a kiss from a young man on the cheek means that he values ​​you and is glad to see you.

This kind of touching with lips is called an angel's kiss. It is believed that this is the highest degree of intimacy and only those who have serious intentions kiss the eyes. Although people believe that such a gesture promises separation.

This is usually how young children are kissed. The same thing happens with women. In this case, the man shows concern and is ready to support, look after and protect you. This suggests that the guy treats you like a little girl.

The attitude of women towards such a kiss in our country is ambiguous. In European countries, such signs of attention are considered the norm. This is simply considered a greeting. But in Russia the attitude towards such touches is ambiguous.

Older women have a positive attitude towards them, but young people are not very fond of them. But if you don’t know a man well, and he kisses you on the hand, this indicates his interest and attention. If they kiss your wrists, then the man worships you and wants intimacy. Kissing fingers indicates strong sexual desire.

The meaning of a guy's, a man's, kiss on the hand, palm, wrist - why do men kiss a woman's hand?

A kiss on the nose means a desire to attract attention and bring a smile to your face. Used by mothers who want to cheer up their children. Often couples in love who have been together for a long time want to improve the mood of their other half with a kiss on the nose.

This is a passionate kiss, it is often combined with biting the earlobe and indicates the partner's passionate desire. The man makes it clear that he wants you.

This kiss usually has no sexual connotation and expresses patronage. A man wants to protect and care for you in every possible way. This often happens in couples where the man is older than the woman.

This kiss is ambiguous. This is still on the lips, but no longer on the forehead. This often indicates hidden passion. The man wants you, but for now he manages to restrain his desire.

This smack is usually used when people say hello in a friendly company. In that case it doesn't mean anything. But if it was an accidental smack, then perhaps your partner is taking a closer look at you and wants more. He decided to evaluate your reaction and the ability to move forward.

This is a classic kiss that speaks of passion. This is how new lovers usually start kissing.


  • Tilt your head forward, relax your lips and touch them to one of the man’s lips.
  • It could be the lower lip. Next, hold your lover’s lip between yours and hold for 2-5 seconds.
  • If your partner is reaching out to you, you can suck your lip, run your tongue over it, or bite it

This is one of the most passionate kisses. Talks about a man’s sexual desire, which he is unable to restrain. At the same time, your partner’s tongue moves in your mouth like a master.

Causes of smacking with open eyes:

  • Wants to control the situation
  • Wants to see that you are having a good time with him
  • Can't relax completely
  • I read in a smart men's magazine that kissing with open eyes is fashionable

If a man closes his eyes, then most likely he is head over heels in love.

Initially, many will think that this is a manifestation of passion. But it's not quite like that.

Causes of lip biting:

  • If during a kiss your man bites his lower lip a little, this symbolizes that he is not sure of your feelings, and the partner is expressing jealousy.
  • If he slightly bites his upper lip during a kiss, then this is usually how he expresses his power towards you.

Often there is not a single kiss, but a series called rain. It starts from the neck and goes down to the chest and stomach. Talks about the partner’s passion and sexual desire.

This kiss is possible between lovers. Your partner is trying to tell you that you are close. After all, there are a lot of nerve endings in the lower abdomen. When they are stimulated, sexual desire is activated.

Such a smack speaks of the partner’s uncertainty. He is afraid that you will not reciprocate. Perhaps your partner doubts your interest.

A kiss on the knee speaks of the tenderness and care of a partner. A man wants to dominate you. He saw in you a little girl who needed care.

This kiss signifies the partner's uncontrollable and frantic passion. A man needs you as a woman and wants sex.

Girls flirt using an air kiss. This adds mystery and zest. Men rarely do this, because they are used to acting.

As you can see, there are many options for touching with lips, and they all have hidden meanings.

VIDEO: The meaning of kisses

What is a kiss

The kiss is familiar to everyone from early childhood. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. If we take into account the language of movements, these peculiar bodily messages that a person makes involuntarily, being under the influence of overwhelming feelings, then kisses at different points of the body can carry completely different messages. So, for example, a light kiss on the cheek means only a manifestation of friendly sympathy, and a passionate kiss on the lips means not only love, but also trust.

The neck is one of the most sensitive places in our body. Many nerve endings are concentrated on it (there are peculiar nerve “highways” to the head and back), which makes this area densely “populated” with erogenous zones. For those who are not in the know, these are zones, the impact of which brings sexual pleasure up to complete satisfaction. A person may not know about it, but the subconscious pushes him to kiss the neck if he wants intimacy. Although for girls, such a kiss may simply show trust in a man.

How to properly kiss a guy's neck

Any kissing is a real art. It’s not for nothing that teenagers train on tomatoes or soft fruits. Almost every guy in his life, while still very young, went through this under the supervision of more experienced friends. But a kiss on the neck is not at all the usual “hickey”, but rather a gentle touch of the lips to the velvety skin of this area. Moreover, the lips should be soft and completely relaxed. This creates an effect of tenderness, which brings additional pleasure. But this only applies to men.

How to properly kiss a girl's neck

But girls can show their feelings by adding biting or sucking to a simple touch with their lips. And the more furious it is, the more passion she will convey to her chosen one, and the more clearly she will tell him about the feelings filling her, which are about to begin to overflow. It is this kind of passion that becomes the culprit for the bruises that appear from time to time on the necks of representatives of the stronger sex - “hickeys”. But, oddly enough, most men really like such kisses, despite the pain they may experience.

Kiss on the neck. Meaning of sleep

But what about those who happened to experience such a manifestation of passion in a dream? A kiss on the neck given to a girl in a dream means that in a relationship with her you need to beware of rash actions, otherwise it can lead to a breakup. If a kiss on the neck was given to a loved one, then it means honor and respect from relatives and friends, especially if you kiss your mother in a dream. But if a kiss on the neck was given to a dead person, you need to expect misfortune. Which one and where it comes from is unknown. The main thing here is to take caution and remain alert at all times. If a stranger kisses your loved one on the neck, this will mean a loss of self-respect in the near future. As a rule, the meaning of such a dream is almost always negative.

Kissing is one of the most enjoyable parts of a romantic relationship. A neck kiss can be playful, romantic or sensual. Of course, you want the girl to like it. There are a number of techniques through which you can give yourself and your girlfriend a great experience. Don't forget that there are several components involved in intimate relationships. A kiss on the neck is just one of the factors with which you can impress your girlfriend and woo her.


Choose the right time and place

    Look for positive signs. The most pleasant kisses are those that give pleasure to both. Watch your girlfriend before you attempt to kiss her on the neck. You need to look for signs of whether this is a good or bad time for such a kiss. Typically, body language and facial expressions can provide important clues.

  1. Make sure you are in good company. Before you kiss her on the neck, make sure the setting is appropriate for the occasion. Many women are willing to show some degree of physical contact in public, but most are embarrassed if they are shown physical interest in public places. Be attentive to her mood. Is she relaxed and comfortable? Perhaps then this is the right moment for a kiss.

    • Discern your surroundings. Are your girlfriend's parents extremely conservative? Then it might not be a good idea to give their daughter a sensual kiss on the neck in front of them. Likewise, it won't be appropriate if you spend time with her boss and co-workers.
    • If you're relaxing in a public place, such as going to a sporting event or concert, a kiss on the neck may be appropriate. The main thing is to make sure that you do not show your relationship in public and do not attract too much attention to yourself as a couple.
  2. Take care of your hygiene. Women claim that physical chemistry influences the desire to kiss. Women are impressed by both the appearance and smell of people. According to most women, they prefer kisses from men who know how to take care of themselves. If you have a beard and mustache, make sure that they look well-groomed and neat.

    • Fresh breath also plays an important role. If you're looking forward to kissing, take a moment to freshen your breath. Then kissing will be more enjoyable for both of you.

Give a girl a passionate kiss on the neck

  1. Flirt and play. A playful kiss can be extremely romantic. This is a sign that you are comfortable with your girlfriend and enjoy spending time with her. In addition, this is a sign of your confidence in your desire to care for her.

    • Slowly move your lips along her neck, only lightly touching the skin. This is a playful and teasing type of kiss. He will make the girl anticipate what will happen next.
    • Moving up the neck, you can playfully rub the girl's earlobe. The main thing is to do it carefully!
  2. Approaches from the back. Approach the girl from behind and surprise her with an unexpected kiss on the neck. The element of surprise gives the kiss an aura of romance and spontaneity. Most importantly, do not forget to check the situation and do not scare the girl by approaching too quietly.

    • If your girl has long hair, gently move your hand to remove it from the neck area. And then cover her neck with quick and passionate kisses.
  3. Use a sliding kiss. Instead of a few quick kisses, try one long and sensual one. Start at the top or bottom of your neck and, without stopping, move your lips along its entire length, up and down.

    • Since this type of kiss lasts longer than others, it is better to use it at a time when the two of you are alone.
    • Put your arms around her waist or place your hands on her shoulders. Do what comes naturally to you. If it's a long kiss, you might feel more comfortable pulling her towards you and hugging her.
  4. Give meaning to your kiss. Kisses convey many emotions. The way you kiss a girl's neck can say a lot about your intentions. For example, through a kiss you can convey sympathy and affection. A brief kiss on the neck can mean, "You know, I'm really glad to be with you."

    • Kissing can also show that you are trying to excite her and seduce her. If this is your intention, increase the intensity of your kisses. Let them be longer and more persistent.
    • If you want to make the kiss even more affectionate, try massaging her arms and shoulders. You can also take her hand - this is a sign of special intimacy.

With kissing, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Considering the peculiar bodily messages that people carry out involuntarily under the influence of feelings, kissing different points of the body can carry different messages. A fleeting kiss on the cheek means a manifestation of friendly sympathy, a passionate kiss on the lips means love and trust. Likewise, a kiss on the neck has its own meaning. If you gently kiss the back of the neck, below the back of the head, this is a sign of trust in your partner. Aggressive kisses on the side of the neck are an expression of the desire to dominate in a relationship.

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The meaning of a kiss

The neck is a very sensitive area of ​​the body. It is here that a large number of nerve endings are concentrated, for example, peculiar nerve “highways” that lead to the brain. Due to this, this area is rightfully considered one continuous erogenous zone, influencing which can bring unforgettable sexual pleasure.

Even if not everyone knows it, with a kiss on the neck, everyone can feel that everything is happening right. The subconscious itself pushes you to kiss the neck when you want intimacy. But do not forget that for women such a kiss is often simply a sign of trust.

Gentle touching with lips from behind is a common occurrence among couples who have been together for a long time and have been able to experience a lot hand in hand.

Such caresses allow you to feel serious physical and spiritual intimacy, confidence in the durability and strength of the relationship. A man hugging his woman from the back in a dream and touching his lips expresses not only trust, but also a desire to protect. Not every man likes such affection towards him; someone calls kissing on the neck purely feminine.

If a girl likes to leave visible hickeys on a guy’s neck, this indicates a desire to manipulate, which is typical for distrustful and suspicious people. Mistresses often resort to such feminine tricks to make their legal spouse nervous and worried. In general, it should also be noted that men do not like aggressive kissing.

Kissing technique

For kissing on the neck, the same rules apply as in the case of mutual contact of lips. Many experts claim that they belong to a natural phenomenon and, by definition, they cannot be wrong or right, the main thing is whether a person likes this action performed by a particular partner or not. But it’s still worth asking your loved one if this gives him pleasure. This is done simply:

  • you can ask directly;
  • freeze for a moment, thereby provoking and inviting your partner to continue;
  • analyze the behavior of your spouse.

If after this type of affection a guy or girl immediately starts talking about abstract topics, then this should not be considered a good sign. Such an emotional action must turn a person on. In this case, you should resort to the general recommendations of sex therapists who will help you comprehend the art of sophisticated and passionate kissing:

  • Breath. He needs to be watched. Not enough chewing gum, toothpaste and mints. It is necessary to clean the base of the tongue twice a day - this is where bacteria accumulate, causing unpleasant odors.
  • Saliva. In large quantities it is good for digestion, but not for kissing the neck. You can reduce salivation by drinking cold water before petting.
  • Workout. The skills need to be brought to automaticity, so that when kissing there is no question whether your partner likes them or not.

Execution Rules

Any touch with lips is a whole art. But kissing the neck cannot be called familiar - it is more of a gentle airy touch, the feeling of breathing on velvety sensitive skin. On the back of the neck (the scruff of the neck), where the hairs on the neck of men and women grow thicker, it is enough to simply touch them lightly with your lips and tongue without touching the skin.

  • For men. During the process, the lips should be relaxed and soft, due to this the effect of tenderness is achieved, which brings additional pleasure. It is worth moving your lips slowly along your neck. This is a playful and teasing type of kiss. The girl is excited about what will happen next. You can playfully touch your earlobe with your teeth, but you must act carefully so as not to cause pain. All of the above is quite enough if a man kisses his partner on the neck.
  • For women. The girl has more opportunities. She can not only kiss the guy on the back of his neck, but also suck the skin and bite it. And the more fiercely she does this, the more passion she will convey to her chosen one, telling about her feelings that are overflowing. Men may even experience slight pain, but in most cases they really enjoy such kisses, as does the passionate nature of their girlfriend.

Both partners should start giving meaning to their affection. They can convey a lot of emotions, communicate intentions, show affection and sympathy. Just one short kiss on the neck replaces the whole phrase “I’m so glad you’re with me.” Kisses can show excitement: in this case, they should be persistent and long-lasting.

If you need to arouse greater sympathy, then you can kiss the neck and at the same time massage the shoulders and arms of your partner. Girls really love it when they are held by the hand or shoulders during the process.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to just the classic touch of lips, when there are so many sensitive areas on the human body. Having found them all, you can add variety to your relationship, learn to show feelings in a new way and please your soulmate every day.

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I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...