Tatars are the second largest people in Russian Federation, so a Tatar wedding is not uncommon. The website will reveal all the secrets and features of this celebration.

Tatar wedding and other customs

Every nation in the world has its own special wedding procedure. And almost everywhere you can find such a ritual as matchmaking.


It all starts with the groom's proposal and the bride's viewing. If both parties agree, then before carrying out the bride price, Tatar customs imply setting the size of the bride price, which is paid either on the wedding day or earlier. This can be not only money, but also dishes, gold jewelry, bed linen, and fur coats. After the bride price is appointed, the engagement must take place. It is carried out on the day of negotiations, if the newlyweds know each other well.

How do Tatar weddings take place?

Tatar weddings are a ceremony called Nikah. It is conducted by a mullah - a Muslim priest - in a mosque or at the bride's home. At the same time, besides the young people, only witnesses and the father of the groom are present. After Nikah, the ceremony of illuminating the marriage bed is performed. Each guest touches the bed and places coins in the prepared saucer.

Wedding celebration - Tui

After all the traditions of the official part Tatar wedding are observed, a feast begins for the whole world, to which they invite a large number of guests. The celebration takes place for four days in the newlywed's house, then she moves in with her husband. The moving process is of particular importance. In order for there to be a good relationship between the daughter-in-law and the groom’s parents, upon arrival, a fur coat or pillow is placed under her feet, and she is also treated to bread and honey. The rest of the relatives offer to dip the girl’s hands in flour for prosperity, then they give her animals as a gift. The party continues. A festive feast is not complete without baked goose. This same dish is also used to pamper guests at Old Russian weddings. They also serve gulbadia - a traditional closed pie with filling, which guests buy. At the end of the evening, according to Tatar traditions and customs, chak-chak, the national wedding cake, is brought out.

But all this happened before, but now the organization of Tatar weddings, as well as their holding, may look different. The groom's parents do not go to the bride's party, but simply meet the bride's parents. The newlyweds organize the engagement themselves and choose the wedding date. Parents discuss financial issues: who pays for what. The celebration is most often held in a restaurant. But what has remained unchanged is Nikah - it cannot be excluded from the Tatar wedding script. By the way, in its rituals, the Tatar wedding is very similar to the Kazakh wedding, read about this on our website.

The traditions and customs that are embedded in a Tatar wedding create a special culture. And like any culture, the Tatars have their own national costumes. They are characterized by bright colors, the presence of velvet and ornaments, mostly gold. Wedding dresses were no exception.

National wedding costumes

The traditions of a Tatar wedding also include the bride’s attire. It, as a heritage of the culture of the people, reflects its originality and authenticity. Most often in a bright color, such as emerald or red. Floor-length skirt embroidered with gold threads - main element image. Sleeves are long, straight or flared. The neckline is covered with a stand-up collar.

Tatar wedding attire includes an interesting headdress called a fez, borrowed from the Turkish people at the beginning of the 20th century. The veil is attached to the fez in such a way that it can be moved forward and cover the face.

One of the components of the bride price, i.e. kalyma, at a Tatar wedding there can be openwork ichigs (boots) and chuvyaks (ballet shoes) made of natural colored leather embroidered with golden ornaments and patterns - they are national shoes and are part of the wedding dress.

Modern Tatar wedding dresses

Modern outfits are somewhat different from folk ones. For the most part they white. As for the cut, it is predominantly A-line - skirts have become fuller. The composition of the fabrics has also changed: velvet is not used, and the addition of synthetic fibers to natural materials makes dresses practical. The following fabrics are used:

  • brocade,
  • jacquard,
  • thick satin,
  • duPont.

The fez headdress is worn less and less; it is replaced with a hijab or simply a fluffy veil, wanting to show off the hairstyle. When it comes to footwear, girls prefer low-heeled shoes.

If previously a bride could not even think about an outfit with open arms, now this is happening more and more often. Moral changes allowed girls to expose a small part of their body, thereby introducing a dose of femininity and attractiveness to the image.

But what has remained unchanged in wedding dresses is Tatar embroidery: golden ornaments decorate the hem of the skirt, sleeves, hijab or veil, which gives the bride and groom a unique look.

It is worth noting that Tatar brides are very lucky, because they choose their own outfit. And the peculiarity of a Turkish wedding is that the groom chooses the beloved’s dress.

A Tatar wedding is a magnificent celebration rich in rituals. The portal site has revealed the secrets of the marriage of this Muslim people, who sacredly honor their traditions.


    Identity Tatar people has survived to this day, despite the assimilation of various nations. A modern Tatar wedding takes place taking into account the basic traditions.

    Caring attitude towards one's own people is conveyed through the revival of rituals that have sunk into oblivion.

    Traditional stages of a wedding

    A Tatar wedding begins long before the wedding day.

    The traditions of a Muslim wedding firmly cement the union of two hearts. After all, both sides of relatives participate in the preparation of the main ceremony. It is they who take upon themselves the solution of the first everyday issues that can become the cause of discord in new family. So, the customs of preparing for a wedding.

    • Matchmaking takes place without the participation of the future newlyweds. Future relatives agree on the ransom amount - kalym. It also turns out whether the future spouses have relatives up to the seventh generation.
    • Kalym in the customs of a Tatar wedding is a serious rite. The groom must give gifts not only to the bride, but also to all relatives. The bride, in turn, prepares her dowry. It usually includes clothes for the spouse, towels and rugs.
    • The bride's viewing is when the groom's relatives, during negotiations about the wedding, watch and evaluate how the bride pours tea and looks after them.
    • The bride must also express her consent to the candidacy of her future spouse. Modern young people, of course, have discussed everything for a long time and agree to have a wedding. However, the bride must nod her head to the mullah's questions about the groom's candidacy. In the old days, the bride had to cry loudly - and thus express her consent.
    • An engagement is an announcement that the bride is now a girl of marriageable age who is getting married soon.
    • After the engagement, preparations begin for official registration and a long feast.

    Official registration precedes the rite of entering into an alliance before Allah. All couples first register with the registry office and then contact the priest. Nikah or nikah is a meeting of young people with the mufti. The ceremony is carried out either in the mosque or at the bride’s home. The young people either read the oaths or repeat the words of the oaths after the clergyman. Interesting fact– the mufti asks the bride what gift she wants from the groom. It could be gold decoration, building a house, whatever. And during the ceremony, a deadline is set for the fulfillment of the wish.

    After registration on earth and in heaven, a feast begins, which lasts at least two days. According to tradition, the first day is celebrated in the bride's house, without the groom's relatives. On the second day, the groom takes the bride to his place. The holiday continues without the bride's relatives.

    Modern Tatar wedding

    The wedding of modern Tatars is a simplified version of an ancient ritual. Often a wedding takes place without matchmaking and payment of bride price.

    But saving religious traditions Necessarily. Without the Nikah ceremony, the union is not considered registered.

    A modern bride can afford a dress of a European style. Although many brides dress in traditional attire. You can only open your face and palms. A scarf is put on the head. The outfit is traditionally white. If the choice falls on a dress in the European style, then usually the bride wears a caftan embroidered with Tatar patterns over it. And on the head - a fez (women's headdress).

    The groom must be dressed smartly. On the head is a skullcap. At the waist is a traditional red sash.

    Interesting traditions during the feast. The toastmaster who conducts a modern Tatar wedding must include the following in the script:

    • The newlyweds enter the hall only after all the guests have taken their seats.
    • Traditionally, Tatar weddings take place without alcohol. Therefore, toasts are said over a glass of fruit drink or juice
    • The tradition of money making usually lasts about 2 hours. Each guest must pay money to have a song played for him and dance to it.
    • The dance of the bride and groom must be included in the script.

    • The presence of an ensemble with a traditional button accordion is the culmination of the banquet.
    • It’s good if you have the opportunity to hire an ensemble national dance. Paying tribute to traditions, many newlyweds do not hold a noisy and competition-filled wedding. A Tatar wedding is a feast with songs, dances and live music.
    • Chak-chak is a traditional sweet dish that the bride should prepare. At the end of the evening, each guest must pay for a piece of chak-chak.

    Crimean Tatar wedding

    Wedding Crimean Tatars– this is a big event for the entire peninsula. Arriving guests may not recognize the bride and groom by sight.

    However, every guest Crimean Tatar wedding expensive Because a wedding is not only a union of two hearts, but also an occasion for a meeting, acquaintance, and discussion.

    Tatars pitch a large tent if it is not possible to rent a cafe or restaurant that can accommodate all the guests. No one knows in advance how many congratulatory people will arrive, so the feast is prepared for at least 200 people.

    Modern young people always include the ritual of tying a scarf to the bride. After the first day of the celebration, the bride's father ties a scarf around his daughter's waist as a sign that she is an excellent housewife. Upon arrival at the groom's house, the groom's father takes off this scarf as a sign that he is welcoming his daughter-in-law into the house.

    The groom's mother breaks the loaf over the bride's head and dips the piece in honey. This symbolizes the beginning of a good relationship between two women. The daughter-in-law brings her dowry and begins to lay out rugs and hang hand-embroidered towels.

    Otherwise, the traditions and rituals of the Crimean Tatars, despite the difficult times for the nation, remained preserved. Many couples opt for a wedding in accordance with all ancient customs.

    Russian-Tatar wedding

    An interethnic wedding is always a mixture of traditions. Young lovers are ready to do anything to stay together for life. The eyes of love are blind to difficulties.

    But the relatives of the newlyweds are always eager to fulfill the traditions of the original Russian or Tatar wedding. How do lovers get out of such situations?

    • Couples agree in advance with the toastmaster about all possible pitfalls. A professional toastmaster will help you avoid difficult situations.
    • In the traditions of Russian weddings, the newlyweds are greeted by the mother of the bride with an icon of the Mother of God. Tatar custom - the mother of the groom buys the Koran, which he will bring Small child together as young people. These two rituals can be performed. One is in the bride's house, the other is in the groom's house.
    • A Tatar wedding is often a non-alcoholic feast. While a Russian wedding is a feast with lots of alcohol. In this case, the newlyweds must find a compromise and decide what their wedding will be like. After all, this is a holiday of two lovers.

    Wedding videos

    Tatars are one of the few peoples who carefully protect and observe traditions and customs. Despite the fact that the assimilation of peoples has been going on for a very long time, the identity and many canons of the most important events in life remain the same, this is how the identity and stability of the Tatars as a people and nation are expressed. A Tatar wedding is a very long and strictly regulated ceremony. It differs in many ways from the usual Russian and European weddings.

    Traditional Tatar wedding

    The entire ceremony consists of several mandatory stages and lasts several days; there are no strict regulations here, time is limited only by the financial capabilities of the parents of the bride and groom.

    1. Preparatory part of the wedding;
    2. Registration in the registry office;
    3. Nikah ritual;
    4. Wedding at the bride's parents;
    5. Moving into my husband's house;
    6. Groom's wedding.

    Preparatory part of the wedding

    The preparatory part of the wedding includes matchmaking (the newlyweds do not participate here, the parents do everything) - at this stage, the family ties of the young people up to the seventh generation are clarified, and if they are not relatives, then the wedding becomes possible. Then they agree on the dowry, in monetary or other terms, the timing and methods of its transfer. Kalym is very important point, the groom showers gifts on all the bride's relatives, herself and, of course, her parents. At this time, the bride prepares a dowry - these are carpets, towels, clothes and jewelry for her husband and herself.

    Bride's wedding

    The bride's viewing takes place during the matchmaking process, the groom's relatives evaluate how eagerly the bride cares for the guests, and what kind of character she has, this is determined by how she pours the tea.

    At the bride's viewing, the bride is officially asked about her consent to get married, and it is not the parents who ask, but the mullah. He is invited specifically to witness the consent and agreement on the dowry.

    After negotiations, the mullah announces to everyone that the future newlywed is getting married soon - this is called an engagement. After this, the meetings end, and full-scale preparations for the wedding and feast begin.

    Marriage registration

    On the appointed day, registration takes place first at the secular registry office, then the “nikah” ritual is performed. It is conducted by a mullah in a mosque or in the bride’s parental home. The ritual begins with prayer, with the bride and groom praying while standing, with the young witnesses asking for consent to the marriage, and the bride is asked three times, twice she must remain silent, and agree to the third. Then the newlyweds take a marriage vow, and the mullah proclaims them legitimate husband and wife. The mullah asks what gift the wife would like from her new husband for the wedding (you can ask for anything, from a ring to building a house) and sets a deadline for the wish to be fulfilled. Next, a prayer is read, the mullah is given gifts and the newlyweds are congratulated.

    Wedding celebration

    After this, the wedding is celebrated in the house of the bride’s parents for at least two days, during which time the groom must hand over the bride price to the bride’s parents, if he has not done so before. Only after the transfer of the bride price does the bride move to the groom's house.

    The bride is greeted at the groom's house with bread and honey, she must eat a piece so that good relationship with the female half of the family, the male half lays a fur coat under her feet with the fur facing out or puts a pillow as a sign of a warm welcome. The bride dips her hands in flour to attract wealth to the family and accepts gifts in the form of various animals. This is where the customs almost end, and the feast begins in the groom's house. The toastmaster entertains the guests and makes sure that the newlyweds are presented with the following dishes: gubadia, ochpochmaki, belyashi, goose in a suit (prepared by the groom's relatives), and traditional chak-chak (sweets are prepared mainly by the bride's side).

    Crimean Tatar wedding

    This festival is distinguished by its scope. Not all guests know each other, and maybe even the bride and groom by sight. It is never known how many guests there will be, so the banquet is held for at least 200 people. This wedding is very big celebration, it serves as an occasion for numerous families of Crimean Tatars to meet, get acquainted and communicate. If it is not possible to rent a restaurant or cafe, then the wedding is held in tents built on the street, as the ancestors did.

    Among the special traditions, a ritual is still preserved when the father ties a scarf around his daughter’s waist (a sign of an excellent housewife), and the groom’s father films his feast when the bride moves to the groom’s house (he accepts his daughter-in-law into the house and trusts her to help with the housework).

    The groom's mother greets the daughter-in-law with honey and bread, and the daughter-in-law brings her dowry and hangs hand-embroidered towels and lays out rugs. Each of these procedures brings peaceful, good relationships to the family and symbolizes prosperity and fertility.

    Russian-Tatar wedding

    A Russian-Tatar wedding usually takes place as a mixture of traditions and a professional toastmaster must skillfully avoid difficult situations. It is better to discuss all the pitfalls in advance and then it will be possible to combine any customs. The most controversial are two points: religion and alcohol.

    At a Russian wedding, the newlyweds are greeted by the mother of the bride holding an icon. And according to Tatar customs, the mother of the groom must buy the Koran, which will be brought by a small child who arrived with the newlyweds. These two ceremonies can be separated and one can be held in the bride’s house, the second in the groom’s house.

    Although for both nations a wedding is a feast, alcohol cannot be shared so easily, so you will have to seriously negotiate the presence or absence of it at the holiday not only with the newlyweds, but also with the guests.

    On the Internet and in this article you can watch several videos about traditional and modern Tatar weddings, see with your own eyes the performance of rituals and the observance of traditions.

    When planning a wedding celebration today, couples are increasingly choosing to return to traditional rituals.

    A wedding in the Tatar style is a very symbolic and spectacular event, thanks to the rich national traditions ancient people.

    It should be noted that in different groups of Tatars, rituals, rites and treats differ in name, although in essence they are similar. For example, among Christians the ceremony is called “wedding in a church”, among Muslims it is called nikah, and among Orthodox Christians it is called Kryashen.

    Organizing a wedding ceremony in the Tatar style consists of several stages: from choosing a color scheme to decorating the hall. So…

    Color scheme

    When choosing a color scheme, you need to focus on the main traditional colors of the Tatars - red, blue, white, green, yellow and black. They can be present in the image of the bride, in the decoration of the feast, and in the invitations. But you need to choose a few color solutions so as not to overdo it and the design has a harmonious appearance.

    Images of the bride and groom

    The images of the newlyweds correspond to the chosen wedding color scheme. The bride's dress should be chaste - with long sleeves, without neckline and to the floor. Groom's suit of a classic cut with original embroidery. The outfits use traditional headdresses - skullcap and kalfak. But increasingly, when organizing modern wedding newlyweds opt for more conservative outfits. Fantasy is welcome!


    Invitation cards for the celebration can be different depending on the preferences of the couple. It is preferable to use national Tatar ornaments and colors to emphasize the theme of the holiday.

    Design and decor

    Boutonniere, bride's bouquet, wedding procession, decoration of the hall for the wedding banquet - everything should be organized in accordance with the traditions of the Tatars. When choosing fresh flowers, fabrics and other decorative materials, all the wishes of the newlyweds are taken into account.


    Preparing for a wedding feast is a very labor-intensive process. Previously, all dishes were prepared according to special recipes of Muslim cuisine by experienced cooks. At the banquet, guests are traditionally treated to fried meat with vegetables, baked goose, pilaf, national Gubadiya pie and sweet chak-chak cake.

    Ideas for a photo shoot

    Weather plays a major role in a photo shoot, but whether it's snowing or raining, sunny or foggy, a professional photographer will take plenty of high-quality photos that will remind you of the wedding celebration. The use of various props is encouraged; you can arrange a photo session on horses, on a boat, whatever your imagination dictates.

    Today there is a unification of wedding ceremonies of different nations, but it is common for Tatar families to revive the traditions of celebrating weddings. This makes the celebration unforgettable, original and original.

    Tatar wedding is an important event for the future Muslim family. This is a unique celebration with rich national rituals. Compliance with the Muslim traditions of the ancient people makes the Tatar wedding original and truly colorful..

    Matchmaking: the beginning of preparations for the celebration

    Parents on both sides find out the family ties between the young people up to the seventh generation. If there is no relationship between the bride and groom, the wedding is possible.

    After this, the matchmaking process can be divided into three stages:

    • bride's viewing,
    • stories about the groom,
    • negotiation.

    At the last stage, all material issues are discussed, including the size and components of the dowry. The bride price, according to Tatar traditions, is paid in full on the wedding day or earlier.

    An interesting fact is that the size of the bride's dowry is not discussed. If both parties agree, the bride donates a hand-embroidered towel or woven tablecloth, and the groom's relatives donate money. The matchmaking ends with a magnificent feast.

    Wedding ceremony Nikah: wedding in Tatar style

    Nikah is an official part of a Muslim wedding, one of the most beautiful ancient traditions. Tatar weddings take place 1-2 weeks after matchmaking, in the bride’s house or in a mosque. At the Nikah ceremony there are male witnesses, the groom's father or his close relative and a Muslim priest - a mullah.

    Required condition religious rite- The bride and groom must be Muslims. Nikah begins with the recitation of a prayer and lasts about an hour. By ancient tradition the bride must keep her face covered at all times, but nowadays this is practically not observed.

    Young people can register their relationship at the registry office after Nikah.

    Tui is a multi-day holiday among the Tatars

    The celebration of a Tatar wedding does not take place in one day and can last several days, or even a week, in the houses of the bride and groom alternately.

    There are several stages of celebration:

    1. Feast at the house of the bride's parents.
    2. Wife moving to her husband.
    3. Partying at the groom's house.

    Nowadays, Tatar wedding celebrations are increasingly being replaced by cafes and restaurants. And thanks to the Tatar wedding scenario, the holiday turns out to be especially cheerful and bright.

    In the design of a banquet hall they can be used as standard decorative items - balls, ribbons, garlands, flower arrangements, as well as national attributes, for example, plates with Tatar symbols, embroidered tablecloths, objects with ornaments.

    Traditional Tatar wedding dishes: an abundance of taste

    No Muslim wedding is complete without a goose. Its removal is accompanied by the presentation of gifts and money. Only a man is trusted to butcher a goose.

    In addition, at the beginning and at the end of the celebration, tea with sweets is served. As for alcohol, according to tradition, mash is allowed.

    Another traditional Tatar delicacy at weddings is chak-chak. It is a sweet dish made from dough, it surprises with its ease of preparation and has a delicious taste. This sweet is traditionally prepared by the mother of the bride.

    The wedding table contains an abundance of compotes, fruits, vegetables, soups and meat dishes.

    Musical accompaniment and first dance

    The choice of music for a wedding celebration is based, first of all, on the tastes of the young people. Compositions performed in Tatar and Russian are considered popular. Around midnight, the newlyweds perform their first wedding dance, usually in a traditional style.

    Going to the bathhouse: the end of the wedding feast

    The Tatar wedding feast ends in a bathhouse prepared in advance by the bride’s mother. While visiting the bathhouse, the newlyweds must try special pancakes, for the preparation of which the son-in-law must pay. This is a symbol of good luck in a newly-made family.

    Meeting the bride at the groom's house: interesting traditions of the Tatar wedding

    According to Tatar rules, the meeting of the bride is accompanied by a particularly warm and hospitable welcome. Special honor is given to the guest by placing pillows under her feet. Then the bride is treated to bread and honey in the name of good-hearted relations with her mother-in-law and the groom's sisters. And if the bride dips her hands in flour, prosperity and prosperity await the newly-made family.

    Deserves special attention rite of home consecration bride Hanging up new towels and curtains, as well as laying out rugs, gives the bride the right to get comfortable in the new home, and the groom's relatives to look at the dowry.

    The move ends with a magnificent feast.

    Traditional wedding dresses: Tatar wedding dresses

    The bride has special requirements for her wedding dress.- a symbol of modesty. Tatar long wedding dresses, not necessarily white, should cover the entire body: arms, décolleté and neck. The bride's head must be covered. An alternative wedding dress there may be trousers with a tunic.