Even a person who is not interested in space has at least once seen a film about space travel or read about such things in books. In almost all such works, people walk around the ship, sleep normally, and do not have problems eating. This means that these - fictional - ships have artificial gravity. Most viewers perceive this as something completely natural, but this is not at all the case.

Artificial gravity

This is the name for changing (in any direction) the gravity we are accustomed to by applying in various ways. And this is done not only in science fiction works, but also in very real earthly situations, most often for experiments.

In theory, creating artificial gravity doesn't look that difficult. For example, it can be recreated using inertia, or more precisely, the need for this force did not arise yesterday - it happened immediately, as soon as a person began to dream of long-term space flights. Creating artificial gravity in space will make it possible to avoid many of the problems that arise during prolonged periods of weightlessness. Astronauts' muscles weaken and bones become less strong. Traveling in such conditions for months can cause atrophy of some muscles.

Thus, today the creation of artificial gravity is a task of paramount importance; without this skill it is simply impossible.


Even those who know physics only at the school curriculum level understand that gravity is one of the fundamental laws of our world: all bodies interact with each other, experiencing mutual attraction/repulsion. The larger the body, the higher its gravitational force.

The Earth for our reality is a very massive object. That is why all the bodies around her, without exception, are attracted to her.

For us, this means, which is usually measured in g, equal to 9.8 meters per square second. This means that if we had no support under our feet, we would fall at a speed that increases by 9.8 meters every second.

Thus, only thanks to gravity we are able to stand, fall, eat and drink normally, understand where is up and where is down. If gravity disappears, we will find ourselves in weightlessness.

Cosmonauts who find themselves in space in a state of soaring—free fall—are especially familiar with this phenomenon.

Theoretically, scientists know how to create artificial gravity. There are several methods.

Large mass

The most logical option is to make it so large that artificial gravity appears on it. You will be able to feel comfortable on the ship, since orientation in space will not be lost.

Unfortunately, this method is unrealistic with modern technology development. To build such an object requires too many resources. In addition, lifting it would require an incredible amount of energy.


It would seem that if you want to achieve a g equal to that on Earth, you just need to give the ship a flat (platform-like) shape and make it move perpendicular to the plane with the required acceleration. In this way, artificial gravity will be obtained, and ideal gravity at that.

However, in reality everything is much more complicated.

First of all, it is worth considering the fuel issue. In order for the station to constantly accelerate, it is necessary to have an uninterruptible power supply. Even if an engine suddenly appears that does not eject matter, the law of conservation of energy will remain in force.

The second problem is the very idea of ​​constant acceleration. According to our knowledge and physical laws, it is impossible to accelerate indefinitely.

In addition, such a vehicle is not suitable for research missions, since it must constantly accelerate - fly. He will not be able to stop to study the planet, he will not even be able to fly around it slowly - he must accelerate.

Thus, it becomes clear that such artificial gravity is not yet available to us.


Everyone knows how the rotation of a carousel affects the body. Therefore, an artificial gravity device based on this principle seems to be the most realistic.

Everything that is within the diameter of the carousel tends to fall out of it at a speed approximately equal to the speed of rotation. It turns out that the bodies are acted upon by a force directed along the radius of the rotating object. It's very similar to gravity.

So, a ship with a cylindrical shape is required. At the same time, it must rotate around its axis. By the way, artificial gravity on a spaceship, created according to this principle, is often demonstrated in science fiction films.

A barrel-shaped ship, rotating around its longitudinal axis, creates a centrifugal force, the direction of which corresponds to the radius of the object. To calculate the resulting acceleration, you need to divide the force by the mass.

In this formula, the result of the calculation is acceleration, the first variable is the nodal speed (measured in radians per second), the second is the radius.

According to this, to obtain the g we are accustomed to, it is necessary to correctly combine the radius of space transport.

A similar problem is highlighted in films such as Intersolah, Babylon 5, 2001: A Space Odyssey and the like. In all these cases, artificial gravity is close to the earth's acceleration due to gravity.

No matter how good the idea is, it is quite difficult to implement it.

Problems with the carousel method

The most obvious problem is highlighted in A Space Odyssey. The radius of the “space carrier” is about 8 meters. In order to get an acceleration of 9.8, the rotation must occur at a speed of approximately 10.5 revolutions every minute.

At these values, the “Coriolis effect” appears, which consists in the fact that different forces act at different distances from the floor. It directly depends on the angular velocity.

It turns out that artificial gravity will be created in space, but rotating the body too quickly will lead to problems with the inner ear. This, in turn, causes balance disorders, problems with the vestibular apparatus and other - similar - difficulties.

The emergence of this obstacle suggests that such a model is extremely unsuccessful.

You can try to go from the opposite, as they did in the novel “The Ring World”. Here the ship is made in the shape of a ring, the radius of which is close to the radius of our orbit (about 150 million km). At this size, its rotation speed is sufficient to ignore the Coriolis effect.

You might assume that the problem has been solved, but this is not the case at all. The fact is that a full revolution of this structure around its axis takes 9 days. This suggests that the loads will be too great. In order for the structure to withstand them, a very strong material is needed, which we do not have at our disposal today. In addition, the problem is the amount of material and the construction process itself.

In games of similar themes, as in the film “Babylon 5”, these problems are somehow solved: the rotation speed is quite sufficient, the Coriolis effect is not significant, hypothetically it is possible to create such a ship.

However, even such worlds have a drawback. Its name is angular momentum.

The ship, rotating around its axis, turns into a huge gyroscope. As you know, it is extremely difficult to force a gyroscope to deviate from its axis due to the fact that it is important that its quantity does not leave the system. This means that it will be very difficult to give direction to this object. However, this problem can be solved.


Artificial gravity on the space station becomes available when the O'Neill Cylinder comes to the rescue. To create this design, identical cylindrical ships are needed, which are connected along the axis. They should rotate in different directions. The result of such an assembly is zero angular momentum, so there should be no difficulty in giving the ship the required direction.

If it is possible to make a ship with a radius of about 500 meters, then it will work exactly as it should. At the same time, artificial gravity in space will be quite comfortable and suitable for long flights on ships or research stations.

Space Engineers

The creators of the game know how to create artificial gravity. However, in this fantasy world, gravity is not the mutual attraction of bodies, but a linear force designed to accelerate objects in a given direction. The attraction here is not absolute; it changes when the source is redirected.

Artificial gravity on the space station is created by using a special generator. It is uniform and equidirectional in the range of the generator. So, in the real world, if you got under a ship with a generator installed, you would be pulled towards the hull. However, in the game the hero will fall until he leaves the perimeter of the device.

Today, artificial gravity in space created by such a device is inaccessible to humanity. However, even gray-haired developers do not stop dreaming about it.

Spherical generator

This is a more realistic equipment option. When installed, gravity is directed towards the generator. This makes it possible to create a station whose gravity will be equal to the planetary one.


Today, artificial gravity on Earth is found in various devices. They are based, for the most part, on inertia, since this force is felt by us in a similar way to gravitational influence - the body does not distinguish what cause causes acceleration. As an example: a person going up in an elevator experiences the influence of inertia. Through the eyes of a physicist: the rise of the elevator adds the acceleration of the cabin to the acceleration of free fall. When the cabin returns to measured movement, the “gain” in weight disappears, returning the usual sensations.

Scientists have long been interested in artificial gravity. A centrifuge is most often used for these purposes. This method is suitable not only for spacecraft, but also for ground stations where it is necessary to study the effects of gravity on the human body.

Study on Earth, apply in...

Although the study of gravity began in space, it is a very terrestrial science. Even today, advances in this area have found their application, for example, in medicine. Knowing whether it is possible to create artificial gravity on a planet, it can be used to treat problems with the musculoskeletal system or the nervous system. Moreover, the study of this force is carried out primarily on Earth. This makes it possible for astronauts to conduct experiments while remaining under the close attention of doctors. Artificial gravity in space is another matter; there are no people there who can help the astronauts in the event of an unforeseen situation.

Bearing in mind complete weightlessness, one cannot take into account a satellite located in low-Earth orbit. These objects, albeit to a small extent, are affected by gravity. The force of gravity generated in such cases is called microgravity. Real gravity is experienced only in a vehicle flying at a constant speed in outer space. However, the human body does not feel this difference.

You can experience weightlessness during a long jump (before the canopy opens) or during a parabolic descent of the aircraft. Such experiments are often carried out in the USA, but on an airplane this sensation lasts only 40 seconds - this is too short for a full study.

In the USSR, back in 1973, they knew whether it was possible to create artificial gravity. And they not only created it, but also changed it in some way. A striking example of an artificial reduction in gravity is dry immersion, immersion. To achieve the desired effect, you need to place a thick film on the surface of the water. The person is placed on top of it. Under the weight of the body, the body sinks under water, leaving only the head at the top. This model demonstrates the support-free, low-gravity environment that characterizes the ocean.

There is no need to go into space to experience the opposite force of weightlessness - hypergravity. When a spacecraft takes off and lands in a centrifuge, the overload can not only be felt, but also studied.

Gravity treatment

Gravitational physics also studies the effects of weightlessness on the human body, trying to minimize the consequences. However a large number of The achievements of this science can also be useful to ordinary inhabitants of the planet.

Doctors place great hopes on research into the behavior of muscle enzymes in myopathy. This is a serious disease leading to early death.

During active physical exercise, a large volume of the enzyme creatine phosphokinase enters the blood of a healthy person. The reason for this phenomenon is unclear; perhaps the load acts on the cell membrane in such a way that it becomes “holey.” Patients with myopathy receive the same effect without exercise. Observations of astronauts show that in weightlessness the flow of active enzyme into the blood is significantly reduced. This discovery suggests that the use of immersion will reduce negative impact factors leading to myopathy. Experiments on animals are currently being carried out.

Treatment of some diseases is already carried out using data obtained from the study of gravity, including artificial gravity. For example, it is carried out treatment of cerebral palsy, strokes, Parkinson's through the use of load suits. Research into the positive effects of the support, the pneumatic shoe, has almost been completed.

Will we fly to Mars?

The latest achievements of astronauts give hope for the reality of the project. There is experience in providing medical support to a person during a long stay away from Earth. Research flights to the Moon, where the gravitational force is 6 times less than our own, have also brought a lot of benefits. Now astronauts and scientists are setting themselves a new goal - Mars.

Before queuing up for a ticket to the Red Planet, you should know what awaits the body already at the first stage of work - on the way. On average, the road to the desert planet will take a year and a half - about 500 days. Along the way you will have to rely only on your own strength; there is simply nowhere to wait for help.

Many factors will undermine your strength: stress, radiation, lack of a magnetic field. The most important test for the body is a change in gravity. During the journey, a person will become “acquainted” with several levels of gravity. First of all, these are overloads during takeoff. Then - weightlessness during the flight. After this - hypogravity at the destination, since the gravity on Mars is less than 40% of the Earth's.

How do you cope with the negative effects of weightlessness on a long flight? It is hoped that developments in the field of artificial gravity will help solve this issue in the near future. Experiments on rats traveling on Cosmos 936 show that this technique does not solve all problems.

OS experience has shown that the use of training complexes that can determine the required load for each astronaut individually can bring much greater benefits to the body.

For now, it is believed that not only researchers will fly to Mars, but also tourists who want to establish a colony on the Red Planet. For them, at least for the first time, the sensations of being in weightlessness will outweigh all the arguments of doctors about the dangers of prolonged stay in such conditions. However, in a few weeks they will also need help, which is why it is so important to be able to find a way to create artificial gravity on the spaceship.


What conclusions can be drawn about the creation of artificial gravity in space?

Among all the options currently being considered, the rotating structure looks the most realistic. However, with the current understanding of physical laws, this is impossible, since the ship is not a hollow cylinder. There are overlaps inside that interfere with the implementation of ideas.

In addition, the radius of the ship must be so large that the Coriolis effect does not have a significant effect.

To control something like this, you need the O'Neill cylinder mentioned above, which will give you the ability to control the ship. In this case, the chances of using such a design for interplanetary flights while providing the crew with a comfortable level of gravity are increased.

Before humanity succeeds in making its dreams come true, I would like to see a little more realism and even more knowledge of the laws of physics in science fiction works.

If you are looking for console commands for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, then here you will find all the console commands for the CS!

You must enter console commands in the developer window using the key "~" (Yo). But before that, do not forget to enable the option in the game parameters

Thanks for the information provided ❉| RusOne |✔ .

Are these cheats?

Absolutely not. After all, these console commands are officially in the game. They can only be used on a local server you created with bots or friends. You can practice your skill or just make fun of your friend 😀

Where to enter commands (cheats)?

All commands are entered using the console, which opens by pressing the “е” or “~” key.

These commands can only be entered on the local server; in matchmaking these commands will not be valid

Here is an example of how to enable wallhack in CS:GO:


  • sv_cheats 1 - the main command, activates the ability to enter “cheats”.
  • sv_cheats 0 - prohibits the entry of “cheats”.
  • mat_wireframe 1 - wallhack, allows you to look through walls.
  • mat_wireframe 0 - disables the ability to look through walls.
  • r_drawothermodels 2 - allows you to see players through walls.
  • r_drawothermodels 1 - disables this feature.
  • r_drawparticles 0 - ability to see through smoke.
  • noclip - flight through walls. Re-entering the noclip command disables this feature.
  • thirdperson - third person view.
  • firstperson - first person view (standard view).
  • cl_righthand 0 - changes the hand to the left with the value “0” and vice versa with the value “1”.
  • god - immortality.
  • kill - kill yourself.
  • disconnect — exit the server to the main menu.
  • weapon_recoil_scale 0 — turn off recoil
  • sv_infinite_ammo 1 - enable infinite ammo.
  • sv_showimpacts 1 - show the cross.
  • sv_showimpacts_time 5 — shot time in seconds.
  • sv_grenade_trajectory 1 - show grenade trajectory.
  • sv_grenade_trajectory_time 20 — grenade trajectory time in seconds.
  • mp_maxmoney 16000 - money limit.
  • mp_startmoney 16000 — issue starting money.


  • give weapon_awp — give AWP
  • give weapon_aug — give AUG
  • give weapon_ak47 — give out an AK-47
  • give weapon_m4a1_silencer - give M4A1-S
  • give weapon_m4a1 — give M4A4
  • give weapon_galilar — give Galil AR
  • give weapon_famas - give FAMAS
  • give weapon_p90 — give P90
  • give weapon_ump45 — give UMP-45
  • give weapon_mac10 — give MAC-10
  • give weapon_xm1014 — give XM1014
  • give weapon_elite - give Dual Berettas
  • give weapon_fiveseven - give five-SeveN
  • give weapon_deagle - give Desert Eagle
  • give weapon_usp_silenser - give USP-S
  • give weapon_glock18 — give Glock-18
  • give weapon_m249 — give M249
  • give weapon_tec9 — give Tec-9
  • give weapon_negev - give Negev
  • give weapon_scar20 — give SCAR-20
  • give weapon_sawedoff - give Sawed-Off
  • give weapon_nova - give Nova
  • give weapon_ssg08 — give SSG 08
  • give weapon_sg553 — give SG 553
  • give weapon_cz75a — give CZ75-auto
  • give weapon_hkp2000 - give out P2000
  • give weapon_taser - give Zeus
  • give weapon_knife - give out a knife
  • give weapon_knifegg - give out a golden knife
  • give weapon_hegrenade - give a grenade
  • give weapon_flashbang - give a flashbang
  • give weapon_smokegrenade - give out a smoke grenade
  • give weapon_molotov - give out a Molotov cocktail
  • give weapon_decoy - give out a decoy grenade
  • give weapon_healthshot - give out honey. syringe (first aid kit)
  • give weapon_tagrenade - give out a tactical grenade
  • give item_cutters - give a demining tool
  • give weapon_с4 - give c4
  • give item_assaultsuit - give out armor
  • give item_heavyassaultsuit - give out heavy armor
  • give weapon_taser


  • mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1 - instantly resurrect a CT after death.
  • mp_respawn_on_death_t 1 - instantly resurrect T after death.
  • bot_add_t — Add a bot to T
  • bot_add_ct — Add a bot to CT
  • bot_defer_to_human_goals - with a value of 1, bots will do what they are supposed to do on the map according to the scenario: plant a bomb, defend a plant, rescue or protect hostages. At 0 they will not do this and will behave unpredictably.
  • bot_defer_to_human_items - at 1 the bot will take a bomb, and at 0 it will not do so.
  • bot_difficulty - bot difficulty. Value from 1 to 3.
  • bot_dont_shoot - with a value of 1, bots become vegetables that simply stand rooted to the spot at the sight of you, but do not shoot. You understand what scope this opens up for experimentation. The easy way get achievements, by the way.
  • bot_freeze - at 1, bots instantly freeze where they are. Convenient to check for lumbago, etc. For convenience, you can bind it.
  • bot_quota - the total number of bots that can be added.
  • bot_knives_only - at 1, bots run with knives. At 0 with any other weapon.
  • bot_pistols_only - at 1, bots only use pistols.
  • bot_stop - value 1 instantly stops bots and prohibits them from shooting.
  • bot_show_battlefront - set it to 1 and see where the bots will meet according to the game’s calculations. Again, very convenient, especially if you are training to take different points - All where you can know in advance where they will contact you.
  • bot_crouch - set to 1 and bots will move around the map on their haunches. Both fun and useful.
  • bot_chatter - set it to 1 and no longer hear any easy peeps from bots. The command prohibits bots from using radio chat.
  • bot_join_team (T or CT - which team the bots will join.
  • bot_join_after_player 1 - bots join after the player.
  • bot_take_control - take control of the bot.
  • mp_solid_teammates 1 - team players pass through their own
  • mp_limitteams 32 — limit of players in a team.
  • mp_autoteambalance 0 — balance of players in the team.
  • bot_kick — kick bots from the server.
  • mp_free_armor 1 - give everyone armor.
  • mp_teammates_are_enemies 0 - make allies enemies.
  • bot_stop 1 - bots stand still.
  • bot_knives_only - bots only use knives.
  • bot_pistols_only - bots only use pistols.
  • bot_all_weapons - bots use all weapons.
  • mp_warmup_end - end warm-up.
  • mp_warmup_start — enable warm-up.
  • mp_warmuptime 350 — warm-up time (in seconds).
  • sv_gravity 500 — enable reduced gravity.
  • mp_restartgame 1 - restart the match (the value 1 determines the time after which the match will restart in seconds).
  • mp_buy_anywhere 1 — enable the buy zone throughout the map.
  • mp_buytime 20 — time to purchase weapons at the beginning of the round.
  • mp_freezetime 0 — freezing movement at the beginning of the round (in seconds).
  • mp_maxrounds 30 — number of rounds in the match (0 disables the limit).
  • mp_roundtime_defuse — maximum round time for de cards (in minutes).
  • mp_roundtime_hostage — maximum round time for cs maps (in minutes).
  • mp_roundtime — maximum round time for other maps (in minutes).
  • mp_timelimit — maximum match time (in minutes, 0 disables the limit).

Client settings

  • cl_draw_only_deathnotices 1 — Turn off the interface.
  • con_enable 1 — Activate the console
  • crosshair 1 — Turn on the crosshair
  • cl_language russian — Game language
  • cl_autohelp 0 — Turn off tooltips
  • cl_allowdownload 1 - Download maps, models and decals from the server when connected.
  • cl_allowupload 0 — Disable uploading of maps, models and decals to the server when connected.
  • cl_autowepswitch 0 - Disable automatic change of selected weapons.
  • cl_chatfilters 63 — Chat filter
  • cl_class default — Select player skin (default)
  • cl_clearhinthistory 1 - this command clears hint memory. Sometimes it helps to raise a few FPS, but rarely.
  • cl_cmdrate 128 — The number of packets that the client can send to the server.
  • cl_observercrosshair 1 — Display crosshair in observation mode.
  • cl_dynamiccrosshair 0 — Enable dynamic crosshair (expands while moving and jumping.)
  • cl_fixedcrosshairgap 0 — New crosshair size
  • cl_scalecrosshair 1 - Enables the ability to change the crosshair size.
  • cl_crosshairsize 6 — Crosshair size
  • cl_crosshairalpha 200 — Crosshair transparency
  • cl_crosshaircolor 5 — (0 — Green; 1 — Red; 2 — blue; 3 — Yellow; 4 — Light Blue; 5 — The crosshair color is assigned by RGB commands.)
  • cl_crosshaircolor_r 60 — Crosshair color (Red)
  • cl_crosshaircolor_b 80 -Crosshair color (Blue)
  • cl_crosshaircolor_g 240 — Crosshair color (Green)
  • cl_crosshairdot 1 — Dot in the center of the crosshair
  • cl_crosshairstyle 1 — Changes crosshair types
  • cl_draw_only_deathnotices 1 - hides the interface. 0 turns the HUD back on
  • cl_crosshairthickness 0.5 — Crosshair thickness
  • cl_crosshairusealpha 1 - Enable/disable transparent crosshair.
  • cl_debugrumble 0 - Disables/Enables Rumble debugging.
  • cl_detail_avoid_radius 0 — Object drawing distance (1)
  • cl_detail_max_sway 0 — Object drawing distance (2)
  • cl_disablefreezecam 1 — Remove the death screen
  • cl_downloadfilter nosounds - Select which files can be downloaded from the server.
    (all - Download all files. none - Do not download files. nosounds - Do not download sounds).
  • cl_forcepreload 1 - Load information about textures and models at the beginning of the map.
  • cl_interp 1 — Time interval through which interpolation occurs.
  • cl_interp_ratio 2 — Number of intervals between world interpolation.
  • cl_lagcompensation 1 - Compensates lags on the server side.
  • cl_logofile materials/vgui/logos/t1.vtf — The path to your spray
  • cl_playerspraydisable 0 — Enable display of player sprays
  • cl_mouselook 1 - (1 - to look around using the mouse. 0 - using the keyboard.)
  • cl_predictweapons 1 - Predicts weapon effects on the client side.
  • cl_resend 6 — The time after which the packet will be sent if the previous one did not arrive.
  • cl_righthand 1 - Weapon in the right hand
  • cl_rumblescale 1.0 — Rumble effect sensitivity scale.
  • cl_showerror 0 — Close the prediction error window
  • cl_showfps 0 - Disables the FPS indicator at the top of the screen
  • cl_showhelp 1 — On-screen help
  • cl_showpluginmessages 1 - Allows plugins installed on the server to show you messages (advertising, etc.).
  • cl_soundfile sound/player/jingle.wav — Jingle sound file
  • cl_spec_mode 1 — Spectator mode (4 — From the player’s point of view; 5 — Linking a flying camera to the player; 6 — Flying mode)
  • cl_team default — Select a team when connecting to the game.
  • cl_timeout 30 - Automatically disconnect from the server if it does not respond.
  • cl_updaterate 128 — The number of packets that the client can receive from the server.
  • closecaption 0 — Subtitles
  • closeonbuy 0 — Closing the store after purchase
  • clientport 27005 — Client port
  • cl_teamid_overhead_always 1—shows a small triangle above the teammate
  • +cl_show_team_equipment - shows information about which weapon, how much hp, how many grenades, etc. This can also be seen through the walls.

Voice chat/volume

  • voice_enable 1 — enable Voice chat.
  • voice_scale 1 — volume of teammates’ voices.
  • volume 1.0 — general sound volume.
  • voice_modenable 1 — voice chat is in mode.
  • windows_speaker_config 1 - speaker type - headphones.
  • voice_forcemicrecord 1 — enable microphone recording.
  • voice_recordtofile 0 — turn off microphone recording to a file.
  • voice_loopback 0 — disable voice playback along with other players.

Graphic arts

  • muzzleflash_light 0 - disable dynamic flash lighting.
  • mat_autoexposure_max 3 - Screen brightness to maximum.
  • mat_autoexposure_min 0.5 - Screen brightness to minimum.
  • mat_disable_bloom 1 - Disables glow.
  • mat_queue_mode 2 - Enables multi-core rendering.
  • mat_savechanges - Saves your settings to the Windows registry.
  • mat_setvideomode 1280 720 1 - Allows you to change the screen resolution to any value.


  • dsp_enhance_stereo 1 - Enables stereo sound.
  • dsp_slow_cpu 0 - Maximum sound quality.
  • dsp_volume 1.0 - Volume to 100%
  • snd_mixahead 0.1 - Audio buffer size.
  • snd_musicvolume 0.2 - Music volume. (here it is 20%)
  • suitvolume 0 - Reduces the volume of shots.


  • sensitivity 1.200000 — Sight movement speed
  • m_customaccel 0 — Custom mouse acceleration
  • m_customaccel_exponent 0 — Disable acceleration proportionality coefficient measurement.
  • m_customaccel_max 0 — Maximum acceleration proportionality coefficient
  • m_customaccel_scale 0.04 — Custom mouse acceleration value
  • m_forward 1 — Sets the mouse forward speed sensitivity multiplier
  • m_mouseaccel1 0 - Windows mouse acceleration, initial threshold (2x movement)
  • m_mouseaccel2 0 - Windows mouse acceleration, medium threshold (4x movement)
  • m_mousespeed 1 — Mouse acceleration factor in Windows
  • m_pitch 0.022 — Mouse inverted (Disabled)
  • m_rawinput 1 - Direct mouse connection, ignoring OS control panel settings.
  • m_side 0.8 — Sets the mouse movement speed sensitivity multiplier
  • m_yaw 0.022 — Sets the speed sensitivity multiplier for left-right turns


  • fps_max 300 — Limit the number of frames per second (FPS) (0 - no restrictions).
  • func_break_max_pieces 15 — Number of fragments from boxes, bottles, barrels, etc.
  • hud_scaling 0.85 — Menu settings for displaying time, life, etc.
  • hud_showtargetid 1 — Display his nickname when hovering over a player.
  • hud_takesshots 0 — Auto screenshot tab at the end of the map

Binds in CS:GO

Bind- this is the assignment of a specific key to execute a command or a series of commands. Binds can be used both to purchase any items and for console commands (so that you don’t have to register them each time, but just press a key).

To bind a key, you need to: open the console with the “~” key. (You don’t need to enter them every time, because the game will save them). Enter the command for the bind: bind (the key to which we want to assign the purchase of the item) “buy (what we buy)”
For example:

  • bind f2 “buy ak47; buy m4a1; buy vest; buy deagle; buy flashbang; buy smokegrenade; buy molotov; buy incgrenade; buy defuser"
    With this command we set the “f2” key to buy: AK-47, M4A1, armor, Desert Eagle, flash grenade, Molotov cocktail, incendiary grenade, Defuse Kit.
    It is worth noting that the purchase of an AK-47 and a Molotov cocktail will only be available when playing as terrorists; and M4A1, incendiary grenade and Defuse Kit - only when playing as counter-terrorists.
    Another example:
  • bind v noclip - this entry means that we bind the noclip command to the “v” key.

Names of NumPad keys for binds:

  • kp_slash ("/" key)
  • kp_multiply ("*" key)
  • kp_minus (key “-“)
  • kp_home (key "7")
  • kp_uparrow (key "8")
  • kp_pgup (key "9")
  • kp_leftarrow (key "4")
  • kp_5 (key "5")
  • kp_rightarrow (key "6")
  • kp_end (key "1")
  • kp_downarrow (key "2")
  • kp_pgdn (key "3")
  • kp_ins (key "0")
  • kp_del (key ".")
  • kp_plus (+ key)
  • kp_enter (Enter key)

Here are some good examples:

  • bind kp_home “buy awp”
  • bind kp_uparrow “buy g3sg1; buy scar20″
  • bind kp_pgup “buy ssg08″
  • bind kp_leftarrow “buy ak47; buy m4a1″
  • bind kp_5 “buy sg556; buy aug"
  • bind kp_rightarrow “buy galilar; buy famas"
  • bind kp_end “buy p90″
  • bind kp_downarrow “buy bizon”
  • bind kp_pgdn “buy mac10; buy mp9″
  • bind kp_minus “buy deagle”
  • bind kp_plus “buy tec9″
  • bind kp_enter “buy p250″
  • bind kp_ins “buy defuser”

To unbind a key, you just need to write the command:
unbind (the key we want to unbind)

In this article you will find fun teams in CS:GO, they will be more interesting to play with, and you will be able to relax after a hard day!

All of the fun commands below cannot be used on official Valve servers!

To begin, enter into the console " sv_cheats 1«

If you want to play with "wh" enter " r_drawothermodels 2"(see picture)

The following commands set the game speed:
"host_timescale 1" - normal speed
“host_timescale 2” - 2 times faster than usual
“host_timescale 0.5” - 2 times slower than usual

The following command will change the gravity on the map:
"sv_gravity 800"
800 is the standard gravity value. The lower the number, the higher you can jump.

The following commands will remove your scatter:
"weapon_accuracy_nospread 1";
"weapon_debug_spread_gap 1";
"weapon_recoil_cooldown 0";
"weapon_recoil_decay2_exp 99999";
"weapon_recoil_decay2_lin 99999";
"weapon_recoil_scale 0";
"weapon_recoil_suppression_shots 500"

« r_drawparticles 0" - this command will give you the ability to see through the smoke

sv_airaccelerate 100- Essentially, this is the speed of flight in a jump. The more the number goes into minus -100, -200, -1000, the faster you will fly in the air. To fix everything, just put sv_airaccelerate 100(i.e. +100) A small addition to your article)

Well, at the end, let me remind you once again that these commands DO NOT work on official servers, BUT they work on the servers you created! Enjoy your game! Enjoy!