It is difficult for a modern person to imagine life without a washing machine. Therefore, its breakdown is akin to the apocalypse. But no less worry arises when, after washing, things emit disgusting odors. Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect your assistant 100% from the appearance of odor. Let's look at ways to get rid of unpleasant odors, as well as reduce the risk of their occurrence.

Why does the washing machine smell?

Household appliances do not involve any emanating stench. Their appearance is associated with a specific problem, the solution of which directly depends on the type of amber.

Table: unpleasant odors and their location

The appearance of odors is affected by both pollution and breakdowns. Having dealt with the factors that caused unpleasant manifestations, you can correctly build a fight against them. So, what causes the repulsive aroma?

Washing powder

Low-quality detergents leave residue on the walls of the drum and hoses. And since the environment in the machine is moist, the decomposition of these residues begins.

If the smell appears due to changing detergents, return to using proven powders and conditioners

Dirty tray

The main reason for the appearance of smell from the washing machine is a clogged drain hose.


Calcium and magnesium salts contained in water, dirt, and detergent residues settle on the heating element of the machine. As a result, the machine works worse and consumes a lot of electricity.

Faulty sewer

If the smell comes from the washing machine and the sink, then you need to clean the sewer pipes. Having corrected the situation, you can again enjoy the freshness of clean linen.

A blockage in the sewer pipe is the cause of the stench from the washing machine, sink and washbasin

Rational use of powder

You should not try to improve the quality of washing by increasing the dose of cleaning products. Excess will settle on the drum, hose, drain channel and cause an odor.

Video: how to neutralize the source of mold in a washing machine

Traditional ways to combat odors

Having decided on the source of the amber, we begin to remove it.

Idle wash in boiling mode

Boiling water removes plaque and mucus from the surface of working parts.

  1. In the machine without laundry, set the temperature to the highest.
  2. If desired, add 1 cap of powder.
  3. Let's start the wash.

Hot water is a good helper in preventing the appearance of unpleasant odors and scale.


A well-known enemy of mold, scale and limescale is vinegar.

Please note: the first use of water spills out, so it is better to add products to the tray after filling the machine with water.

Soda and vinegar

Using baking soda and vinegar, we destroy bacteria that spread a putrid odor.

  1. Pour ½ pack of baking soda into the powder container.
  2. We set the standard wash at 30 degrees.
  3. After the end of the cycle, pour 1 tbsp into the detergent tray. vinegar.
  4. We wash in the same mode.
  5. We select a cycle at low temperature, do not add cleaning products.
  6. We wipe the machine after use and leave it open for final drying.

This is interesting. In the same way, the smell of gasoline that appears if you wash a soiled item without first soaking it is removed from the machine.

Baking soda and vinegar - an all-purpose household cleaner

Lemon acid

Juice is not used to clean the smell of mold and remove scale, since the acid concentration in it is much lower than in the powder.

  1. Pour 100–200 g of citric acid into a container.
  2. We choose the longest wash at maximum temperature.
  3. After completing the program, wipe the drum, dry the tray and remove scale from the drain.

I once accidentally closed the door - the smell was terrible. Washing repair technician machines advised: about 500 g lim. acid, at 90 degrees, pause after an hour, let it stand for 3 hours, and then wash. The smell disappeared.

Soda Ash

You can purchase this product at hardware stores. Soda does an excellent job of cleaning the drum and detergent container.

  1. Mix soda and water 1:1.
  2. We wipe the door, drum, rubber rim on the loading hatch.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove any remaining powder.
  5. We run a quick idle wash.

You can buy soda ash in household chemical stores or at points of sale of household goods.

Copper sulfate

He is also copper sulfate - an ardent fighter against fungus. Manufacturers of washing machines recommend using it for preventive purposes.

  1. Mix copper sulfate with water 1:1.
  2. We process the drum and rubber cuff.
  3. Leave for 24 hours.
  4. Pour some powder into the tray and set the quick wash mode.
  5. We run the cycle again, but without the powder.

Copper sulfate actively fights mold

Radical cleaning method

If the smell in the machine is ingrained, for example, when the equipment has not been used for a long time, then you can run the wash at high temperatures with a sewer pipe cleaner. Only the rinse mode should be run twice. And one more nuance: it is strictly forbidden to mix the cleaning agent with chlorine-based bleach - the reaction will provoke the release of chlorine in its pure form.

Professional products

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer three types of products for removing fungus, plaque and scale:

  • powder mixtures;
  • liquids;
  • pills.

Fresh-active is a mucus remover in the powder tray and drum. Available in liquid form. Experts recommend it to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Magic Power is considered a safe cleaning product as it is based on citric acid. Available in gel or powder form. It has a gentle effect on limescale, allowing debris to freely exit through the drain.

Dr. Beckmann removes odors from the drum and pipes and has a disinfectant effect.

Instructions for use of the listed products are indicated on the packages.

  1. Place the powder or liquid in a powder container.
  2. We set the temperature to 60–90 degrees.
  3. Turn on the wash.
  4. Final stage: 1–2 rinses.

Another radical way to get rid of stench.

... My husband first washed with Domestos the compartment of the machine where the cuvette is inserted (powder is poured into it). There was mold inside because of the humidity. Then I poured a capful of this product into the powder compartment and ran a full cycle at 90 degrees. Then I opened the door to dry completely.


Photo gallery: special cleaning products for washing machines


As already noted, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid the appearance of odor - there are too many objective reasons for its appearance. But every owner of a washing machine can reduce its intensity. To do this, you need to follow simple rules for operating household appliances:

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of modernity are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improvement.

Having an automatic washing machine greatly simplifies life. After all, thanks to it, your laundry becomes spotlessly clean without the need for serious physical effort. However, over time, some of the appliances begin to emit an unpleasant smell of dampness and mustiness, causing significant discomfort to the residents of the house. Getting rid of it is not at all difficult.

Reasons for the appearance of odor in the washing machine

There are many reasons why a musty smell may appear in your washing machine. In most cases, they are associated with improper operation of the device. But even a seemingly clean car can be fraught with surprises. The smell of mustiness is most often found in “suffocated” cars, the hatch of which is immediately closed after use. Excess moisture accumulating in the device should evaporate. After turning off the device, it is advisable to leave the hatch slightly open for several hours.

In addition, you should not use the machine as a container for storing dirty laundry.. If the drum of the device is not properly dried, dirty clothes placed in it are a good breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

After finishing washing, it is recommended to wipe the rubber cuff dry, because it becomes the place where small debris and liquid accumulate. Black mold may appear in its folds, rapidly growing in all directions. In such cases, it may even be necessary to replace the cuff itself. When fungus first appears, you can get rid of it by using dish soap.

In addition to the cuff, the fungus can appear in other places on the machine. Quite often it can be found in a tray intended for powder and liquid detergents. The reason it appears there is a thin film covering the surface of the tray. Timely rinsing of the tray with warm water will help prevent the occurrence of such contamination.

How to remove dirt that emits an unpleasant odor from the washing machine tray - video

Low quality detergents

A rotten smell may also appear after using a low-quality powder or conditioner. Residues of these substances in the drum can cause an unpleasant stench over time. Also, you should not pour too much of even high-quality detergents into a special tray, the remains of which can also cause a similar effect.

Particular attention should also be paid to the channel intended for flushing detergents. Using a flashlight, look there after removing the tray. If traces of fungus are found, remove it mechanically. To do this, you can use a brush. Keeping the litter box clean will avoid this problem.

Over time, during long-term operation of the washing machine, unpleasant odors may appear from the old drain hose. Running the machine at maximum temperature and without laundry will help to cope with this problem. If this procedure does not help, you will have to replace the drain hose.

Clogged filter

If an unpleasant odor appears, do not forget about the need to clean the drain filter. After all, it is in it that the largest amount of garbage accumulates, as well as small objects in the form of buttons and coins. If cleaning is not done in a timely manner, objects found in it may begin to sour, becoming covered with a bacterial coating that emits an odor. In addition, such a filter may cause the water to not drain properly from the device.

Comprehensive cleaning of the machine and its drain filter - video

Stagnant water in the drum

Sometimes after the wash is completed, a small amount of water remains at the bottom of the drum. It may begin to “go out,” especially if the hatch is tightly closed. Often the cause of this problem is an incorrect connection of the device to the sewer, or a malfunction of the drain pump. To eliminate such problems, it is recommended to contact a professional technician.


No less troubles associated with the appearance of the smell of rottenness and rot can be caused by scale formed on the heating element. Typically, a strong odor begins to appear when washing clothes at low temperatures, however, even when the device is operated at high temperatures, a burning smell may appear. Specialized products designed for cleaning washing machines, as well as citric acid and chlorine-containing bleaches, will help cope with this problem, but only if their use is specified in the instructions for this type of household appliance. When using them, you should “drive” the machine with the chloride substance, having previously set the temperature to 90–95 degrees. If the procedure carried out does not provide the desired results, you should remove the scale mechanically by contacting a specialist.

How to rid a washing machine of an unpleasant odor - video

Folk remedies to eliminate unpleasant odor in the washing machine

There are quite a few effective folk remedies that can remove unpleasant odors from the washing machine. Almost all of them are present in every home and can provide reasonable savings on the purchase of more expensive industrial compounds.

Lemon acid

One proven remedy is citric acid. If you want to remove scale from the heating element with its help, you need to do the following.

  1. Take 100-200 g of citric acid powder and pour it into a tray.
  2. Set the temperature to 90–95 degrees.
  3. Turn on the car.
  4. At the first humming sounds, the appearance of which is associated with too large pieces of scale breaking off from the surface of the heating element, immediately turn off the machine. Clean the drain thoroughly. Turn the machine back on.
  5. After completing the washing process, carefully inspect the rubber elements in which scale particles may be stuck.
  6. Wipe the drum and check the drain again.

How to descale a washing machine with citric acid - video



Vinegar Table vinegar 9% also has a good effect.

  1. Start the washing mode, setting it to “boiling”.
  2. Then pour half a glass of vinegar into the liquid container

How to clean a washing machine with vinegar - video


If your machine begins to smell of gasoline or diesel fuel after washing clothes soaked in these substances, you need to do the following.

  1. Set the temperature to 30 degrees.
  2. Pour 1⁄2 pack of soda into the tray.
  3. Start the car.
  4. After completing the wash, repeat the above steps, replacing the soda with 1 cup of 9% vinegar.
  5. Then you should do another wash using cold water, without adding detergents.
  6. After finishing washing, let the machine air out by leaving the door open for several hours. If the smell does not disappear the next day, the series of “idle” washes will have to be repeated again.

Chlorine bleach

If you cannot get rid of the foreign odor, use chlorine bleach.

  1. Pour 0.5 liters of chlorine bleach into the detergent tray.
  2. Set the washing mode to “boiling”.
  3. Then use the extra rinse mode.

Dishwasher tablets

To remove unpleasant odors from your washing machine, you may find dishwasher tablets useful.

  1. Place 6 tablets into the drum.
  2. Set the wash temperature to the highest possible setting and start the machine.
  3. Then pause the washing process or simply turn off the machine in the middle of the washing procedure.
  4. Leave boiling water with dissolved tablets in the drum of the machine for about 3 hours.

Anti-scale powder for washing machines and dishwashers helped me. sold in supermarkets in household chemicals, sometimes even with lemon scents, etc. pours straight into the drum and is washed, I don’t remember which one I bought, but I was very pleased, because... there was a smell, but now it doesn’t, well, I try not to accumulate laundry in there and keep the door open after washing so that it dries and there is no mustiness


Industrial products that help get rid of odor

There is a whole line of specialized products designed for cleaning washing machines, presented on the windows of most supermarkets. Such detergent compositions can effectively remove scale from heating elements, pumps, tanks and tubes, as well as deal with residues of washing powders and conditioners, dissolve lime deposits, degrease the internal surfaces of washing machines, and also provide effective disinfection that prevents the development of mold. The most popular of them include: Merloni, Calgon, Lanar, Antinakipin. Before using any of them, you should carefully read the instructions on the package.

Gallery of industrial products designed to combat scale in washing machines

Calgon is the most popular product for removing scale from a washing machine. Lanar - an effective descaler Anti-scale will help get rid of scale in your washing machine

The above methods and means are equally effective for washing machines with vertical and horizontal loading. Using any of them, you can independently cope with the unpleasant odors that appear in the washing machine, without resorting to the help of professionals. Taking good care of household appliances, as well as carrying out preventive treatments, will significantly reduce the chance of unpleasant odors that appear for various reasons.

An unpleasant smell in the washing machine is the worst thing any housewife can face. And then the question arises, how to eliminate the smell in the machine yourself and what to do to prevent it from occurring again? There can be many reasons that cause the appearance of mold and a rotten smell, and they all indicate that the washing machine was not properly cared for, so fungus appeared there. Where should you first look for hot spots for mold and mildew in order to get rid of them? You will find out here.

Causes of a rotten or swampy smell

  • The most common one is The machine is not ventilated after washing. After the final stage of washing or spinning, you need to take out the laundry, wipe the tank with a clean and dry cloth and leave for a while to dry thoroughly. If this is not done, then moisture remains in the machine, in which bacteria appear and fungus develops. They cause odors and damage to equipment;
  • Using low-quality washing powder. Cheap and poor detergents do not completely dissolve in water, remain on the laundry fabric, stick to the walls of the drum and cause the development of mold;
  • Poor quality washing machine care. A musty, unpleasant odor may also appear due to a poorly washed tray on which particles of powder remain, if the drain pipe is clogged or the pump filter is clogged with small debris;
  • Incorrect dosage of detergents. If you add too much powder, it may not rinse out completely and will remain in the machine. After a while, a rotten smell appears there;
  • Frequently wash very dirty laundry at low water temperatures;
  • The washing machine should absolutely not be used to store dirty laundry.

A damp drum and dirt are ideal places for mold to grow.

  • The smell of stagnant water and mold stains may occur due to moisture remains in the rubber cuff. The sides of the drum and the cuff must be thoroughly wiped after each wash;
  • The rotten smell comes from washing dirty laundry with crumbs, leftover food, scraps of paper or napkins in your pockets. All these particles stick together into clumps and become an excellent place for mold to appear or bacteria to grow. After a short period of time you will notice an unpleasant odor;
  • Leads to the appearance of mold or mildew Excessive use of fabric softener or fabric softener, due to its thick structure, its particles remain on the internal parts of the machine and then their pleasant aroma can turn into a stench.

Why does the washing machine smell like sewage?

  • The problem is in the old communications at home. Sometimes the cause is not the car or improper care of it, but old, rusty pipes in the house;
  • The sewer smell appears due to errors when connecting the washing machine hose to the drain. When connected correctly, it should take the shape of the letter U, then a seal is formed, and the stench of the sewer does not enter the drum of the machine;
  • Scale from detergent residues, small debris and lint on the heating element can also cause a rotten smell. If you rarely use your washing machine or only wash at low temperatures, then over time this mixture will begin to smell;
  • The smell of sewage may appear due to the drain pump in the washing machine becoming clogged with small debris.

Where do bacteria most often live in a washing machine?

Mold or mildew can form anywhere in your washing machine. But experts noted some places where an unpleasant odor appears most often:

  • Tray for pouring powder or pouring conditioner and its rear or side walls;
  • Hose from the tray to the drum of the machine;
  • Rubber sealing cuff;
  • Drain pipe filter and its internal part;
  • The bottom of the drum, where some liquid remains;
  • Heating elements where scale forms;
  • House drainage that sometimes gets clogged.

How to get rid of smell in your washing machine

How to get rid of the smell in the washing machine if it still appears and bothers you? First you need to find out why it could have arisen, and then eliminate it. After all, some odor factors can also cause damage to the car.

  • Make sure the hose is connected correctly and in the correct position. If you cannot do this, call a specialist, he will advise and correct the error.
  • The technician can also clean the tube that leads from the detergent tray. Usually, dirty mucus with an unpleasant odor forms there.
  • Check if the pump filter is clogged and if so, clean it.
  • To be sure to remove the smell from the washing machine, you need to thoroughly clean the drum and the inside of the equipment.

1. Apply special disinfectants to kill bacteria and remove scale, and turn on the machine at maximum temperature.
2. Then run another wash cycle with an additional rinse, adding liquid powder or dishwasher detergent.
3.Leave the door open for a while and let the machine dry completely.
* This is the most reliable and effective way to remove odor.

  • If after all these measures the smell remains, then radical control measures must be taken. Pour half a liter of chlorine bleach or an entire packet of drain cleaner into the powder tray and run the wash on high. Then run an extra rinse to rid your washing machine of any harsh chemical residue.
  • Replace the drain hose if it is too clogged with dirty, smelly mucus that is very difficult to clean out of its corrugated walls.
  • If the sewer smell remains, then the problem is not in your washing machine, but in the old house sewer pipes, which are probably rusty and are letting the smell into your home. Only a complete replacement of the drains will help here.

Preventing bad odor

To avoid the problem of bad odor, you need to follow some important rules for using your washing machine. The main thing is to adhere to them regularly:

  • Do not throw dirty clothes into the washing drum. It’s better to buy a special decorative plastic basket for this - this will protect your car from mold;
  • Do not close the washing machine door immediately after removing the laundry from it. Let it remain open for at least a couple of days;
  • After each wash, wipe the inner surface and rubber cuff dry with a dry, clean cloth. Usually a little water remains there and all sorts of small debris accumulates; if this is not done, then black mold spots and an odor will appear;
  • Use high-quality laundry detergents - this will protect your washing machine from damage and keep things in good condition for a long time.

Carefully monitor the dosage of the powder that you pour into the tray.

  • At least occasionally, remove the powder tray and wash it thoroughly using a stiff brush;
  • Once every six months it is necessary to run a preventive dry wash at high temperature without adding powder;
  • It is recommended to occasionally call a professional to clean the pump filter. Small debris and crumbs often accumulate there, which become a breeding ground for the proliferation of microbes, which is why the smell appears;

To prevent the formation of scale on heating elements, you need to run a cold wash at 90 degrees and add a few tablespoons of citric acid or 9% vinegar to the washing machine.

How to properly care for your washing machine is written in the attached instructions. The main thing is to read carefully and follow all the nuances, then you will forget about the smell forever.

By following all the rules of care, you will not only protect yourself from the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it, but will extend its service life. What to do if a foul odor has already appeared from the washing machine? Clean the drum and insides of the machine using special solutions or improvised means.

Today we will talk about the appearance of odor in the washing machine and ways to get rid of it. If the washing machine stinks, then the unpleasant odor can transfer to the laundry you then wear. Today we will find out how to remove the smell from a washing machine.

Washed laundry that has been left in such a “smelly” machine for a while, for example, a couple of hours or overnight, becomes saturated with the smell and acquires an unpleasant aroma. And the stench that comes from the washing machine is not good and needs to be corrected.

The smell could have appeared quite recently and may not have existed before. Most often, unpleasant odors appear after several years of operating the washing machine without.

So, what to do, what reasons and how remove smell from washing machine:

  1. First, advice on caring for your washing machine. After and after you take out the laundry, do not close the door until it clicks, but simply close it. This will allow the moisture to evaporate from the washing machine. Also, do not accumulate dirty laundry in the washing machine for several days until you have the required amount to wash it, but buy a tub/basket for dirty laundry and store it there. Situations where the washing machine smells bad often arise due to dirty laundry being stored in it.
  2. Try changing the laundry detergent you use. Maybe, cause of bad smell in washing machine exactly in it. Also pay attention to the fabric softener. Its excessive use often causes a stink in the washing machine.
  3. Periodically pour one measuring cup of powder into the washing machine and turn on the machine to wash it idle (without laundry and without spinning) at a maximum temperature of 90-95 degrees. If it reaches this temperature, then there are clearly some problems with the heating element and you need to call a specialist.
  4. If the machine has been standing for a long time, you can change the drain hose, since it often stinks from there. If the smell comes from the hose, then most likely it needs to be changed. This can be done by connecting a good quality hose.
  5. It is possible that the culprit is the water in the washing machine due to improper connection of the drain to the sewer. Look carefully after the next wash - is there any water left in the tank?
  6. The filter may emit a rotten odor and stink if it has not been cleaned for a long time. You can entrust cleaning the washing machine filter to professionals and then there will be no need to get involved in this dirty business yourself.
  7. There are cases when the heating element (heating element) has not been changed for a long time and has not been replaced, and dirt, hair, threads, etc. settle on it, which begin to rot and emit smell from washing machine.
  8. It happens that the smell in the washing machine appears after cleaning the washing machine. For example, there are cases when a washing machine was cleaned with citric acid and after that a smell appeared. These were pieces of dirt coming off the internal surfaces of the washing machine. You can try cleaning it again or set the digestion program (see point 3).

We hope that it will not be difficult for you to overcome the smell in your washing machine after reading this article. We wish you successful washing and more smiles in life 🙂 See you again!

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If you have purchased an automatic washing machine, this is a huge benefit for any housewife. Remember, it requires constant care, otherwise, over time, it will begin to stink, parts of the machine will become covered with scale and dirt, which can cause it to become unusable.

If you smell an unpleasant odor from your machine, how to get rid of it?

The stench is formed from dirt residues after the washing process, in the rubber rim located at the entrance to the machine, around the drum. And also if washing powder and mold have accumulated in the tank around the drum, which remain when the laundry is spun and the bulk of the water is drained.

You can clean some machine parts manually:

  1. Rubber rim.
  2. A hose designed to drain water.
  3. Drum.
  4. Water filter.
  5. Compartment for washing powder and fabric softener.

Cleaning the gum and filter

How to remove dirt from a rubber seal? Conventional active cleaning products cannot cope with difficult-to-remove dirt, as it can eat into the rubber. Cleaning while idling will also not cope with it, but it is the main cause of the unpleasant odor.

Important: Before any cleaning, unplug the machine so as not to be damaged by electricity.

Rubber cleaning scheme:

  1. Choose a suitable fabric, sponge for cleaning, which should be dense and not fall apart at the first load.
  2. Wrap the fabric and sponge around your finger and clean the elastic from the back side. It is very easy to feel the existing plaque; it slides.
  3. To clean, use any cleaning agent, soda solution.

Cleaning is best done after washing, after the stubborn dirt has become soggy.

At least once every three months, clean the filter, which is located at the bottom of the machine behind a small door. It is carefully opened, then the filter valve is unscrewed and the filter is removed.

It usually contains quite large objects, such as lock sliders, coins, and everything that was not removed from the pockets. All foreign objects should be removed.

The filter may be covered with a white coating that forms from water. Plaque can be dissolved in an anti-scale solution or in a soda solution.

Important: After each wash, you do not need to close the machine door tightly so that the air in it does not suffocate, and the drum and other parts dry out.

Cleaning the powder compartment

Another place for mold dirt to accumulate is the detergent compartment and the reservoir under it, that is, the place from where water enters the drum. How to remove the smell from an automatic washing machine if it comes from the compartment under the washing powder?

It is best to clean these parts of the machine with a toothbrush, as these are hard-to-reach places. Any cleaning agent, including soda solution, is suitable as a cleaning agent.

Important: When cleaning, you should not use dry, hard, or abrasive products so as not to damage the working elements.

Before cleaning, the compartment is removed and washed under the sink. If the container is covered with a white coating, then use Calgon to deal with it. Particular attention should be paid to the compartment for the rinse aid, as it always contains mold, mucus, and dirt. Gently, using a toothbrush, wash all the small compartments of the compartment.

Cleaning the drain hose

Another place where bad smells usually come from is the drain hose that connects household appliances and the sewer system.

If you look at the dirt in the hose, you can see small lint, hair, and other impurities. What to do in this case? A descaling agent will help clean it; it can dissolve soap residue and dirt well.

To flush the entire water drainage system in the machine, you need to work hard:

  • Determine the position of the machine “lying on its side.”
  • Disconnect the hose.
  • Attach a brush to a small cable and rinse the hose. For easier cleaning, soak the hose in a vinegar solution.
  • Dry and return all parts to their place.

The hose must be attached tightly so that it does not get torn off during washing.

Causes of unpleasant odor from the washing machine drum

There are various reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant odors from the machine.

View Causes
Mold smell Mold spores form in the presence of favorable environmental factors: dampness, darkness. The fungus penetrates into all hard-to-reach parts of the washing machine.
Sewage smell It usually appears when the filter or drain hose is dirty. The deposited particles begin to rot, causing a rancid smell.
Musty smell Appears when the door is tightly closed; not completely evaporated moisture acquires the smell of musty dampness.
When draining water It is formed when there is a blockage in the drainage system, that is, obstruction of water. In this case, the smell of waste water comes back.
Burnt smell from wiring It often happens that there is a burning smell when the machine is running. It occurs from burned wiring.

To eliminate the short circuit, you need to contact a specialist and clean the machine yourself by rinsing it with soapy water.

All of the above causes of unpleasant odors occur in every home. You need to know all the ways to clean your “helper” in order to extend the maximum period of its use.

Machine cleaning products

You can clean the machine with improvised materials that every housewife has, or with the help of special means.

The easiest way to remove dirty deposits from the outside of the case is with a simple soap solution and a viscose cloth.

Advice! The cloth for cleaning the case should be damp, and not heavily moistened, so that moisture does not get into the buttons.

How to wash the machine so that it doesn’t stink:


To clean, take two glasses of acetic acid solution and pour it inside the drum. Start the machine at idle speed using a long mode at high temperature. Linen cannot be placed in the machine.

While the drum is running, press the “pause” button and leave in this position for one hour so that the dirt and scale dissolve.
Then resume work until complete.

Use of citric acid.

Citric acid will help cope with dirt, mold, and limescale. The application mechanism is the same as when using vinegar, you only need 200 g of acid.


A water-soda solution is used to treat and clean machine surfaces. The solution is prepared as follows: take the components in equal parts and stir until completely dissolved. Then apply it to a cloth or sponge and wipe the mechanism elements.

Modern cleaning products.

A sufficient number of cleaning products have been developed on the household chemicals market. The most common are Kalgon and Antiscale. Anti-scale and anti-odor cleaning granules are added to the washing powder. Capable of removing bad odor from the machine.

Useful video