Women often frighten men with their unpredictability and changeability, so choosing gifts for them is very difficult, especially if the lady is Gemini according to the horoscope. They are ruled by the element of air, changeable and fickle, and people under its protection are the same - light and slightly windy. Therefore, it will be difficult to decide what to give a Gemini woman for her birthday without the help of astrologers. But we have collected their most popular tips and will help you choose the best gift for the beautiful birthday girl.

Character traits of Gemini women and gift choice

Ladies born under the zodiac sign of Gemini are unpredictable. This is the first thing that catches your eye, but at the same time they are very smart and resourceful. Although representatives of this sign are slightly flighty, they have a very balanced attitude towards purchases and acquisitions, carefully consider their necessity and often doubt the correctness of their choice. That’s why they like gifts that are functional, interesting and modern.

Gemini women love adventure and a change of scenery. Ladies love traveling and often visit various events and cultural institutions. They really value the element of novelty and surprise. For them, the moment of presenting a gift is very important, when it is not yet known what is hidden in the package, there is intrigue and mystery.

Geminis almost never compromise their principles. Such stubbornness can be annoying, but you shouldn’t forget about it when choosing a gift.

To please Gemini, your gift should be:

  • Interesting. They love everything new, unknown and mysterious, so every thing must have a “double bottom”, carry some kind of secret, surprise, surprise, etc.
  • Smart. A complex device, a book, a puzzle are excellent gifts for a Gemini.
  • Non-trivial. A simple souvenir, of which there are plenty in every store, can offend the delicate nature of this lady.

As for the usefulness of the gift, it is desirable, but not required. Geminis love gifts that can be useful, but vivid impressions are also important to them. But some things cannot be given to them, for example:

  • Money. The birthday girl might like a financial gift. But money is not of great value to her and will very soon be spent on various little things that will be forgotten or lost. It turns out that your gift will not be useful and will not be remembered.
  • Large or bulky items, which have no practical application. Active and mobile Geminis do not like to clutter up space. They are ready to endure inconvenience for the sake of benefit, but a huge fragile vase, statue, painting and similar things will definitely not please them.
  • Presents that were packaged too pompously and intricately. For Geminis, the main thing is the inner essence and unnecessary obstacles in achieving it in the form of ribbons, pieces of paper and pins will only spoil the mood.

When choosing a gift, you should not forget about flowers. Typically, representatives of this sign happily accept any bouquets, from the simplest wildflowers to pompous arrangements of roses. But the best option for them is an armful of very different and very bright flowers, which you can look at for a long time, noticing the beauty of each of them separately. But you shouldn’t give plants in pots as a gift - slightly uncollected Geminis often forget to take care of them and are burdened by this responsibility.

TOP 10 birthday gifts for a Gemini woman

  1. Decoration self made
  2. Pocket mirror with unique engraving
  3. Flight in a wind tunnel
  4. Unusual umbrella
  5. Wine glass with engraving
  6. Night light 3D
  7. Shower lighting
  8. Unusual alarm clock
  9. Robot vacuum cleaner

What to give a Gemini woman for her birthday for home and everyday life

Representatives of this sign do not favor homework. The daily work of maintaining everyday life seems too boring and prosaic to them. At the same time, they love comfort and carefully create it with the help of interesting decor. Therefore, you won’t be able to please them with simple household items like frying pans and pots. A good gift for Gemini should be original, modern, light and, preferably, multifunctional. Good ideas:

  • Robot vacuum cleaner. This is an ideal housekeeper; he will do the most boring and uninteresting work for the birthday girl, and will always help maintain perfect order and comfort in the house. Another gift of this kind - Dishwasher. This is not at all interesting, but it will save the flighty Gemini from boring work, for which she will be very grateful.
  • Unusual alarm clock, for example, flying, running away, with a target or a light signal. Such a gift will definitely come in handy for a disorganized and slightly absent-minded birthday girl.
  • Waterproof radio or shower light. A cheerful and romantic lady will definitely need such a gift.
  • Convenient devices powered by USB. A compact fan for hot days, a mini-fridge or a mug warmer will make working on a PC or playing games more comfortable and will delight those who love coziness.
  • Unusual bed linen. Can choose beautiful set with a 3D drawing or photographs of the birthday girl.
  • Stylish lamp. Choose something unusual, for example, a projector or a 3D night light that seems to hover in the air.

Astrologers believe that gifts made of glass and crystal bring good luck to representatives of the Gemini sign. Just avoid things that are too bulky or old-fashioned, such as glasses that look like they came from grandma's chest. It is better to give a modern piece of Murano glass, illuminated glasses or a chic engraved wine glass.

Geminis are very fond of modern technical innovations. Therefore, a new smartphone or tablet would be a great gift. This is not exactly a gift for the home, but the birthday girl will definitely like it. You can also give an e-book as a gift. Most representatives of this sign like to read and learn something new, so this device will definitely come in handy.

What to give a Gemini woman for her birthday for beauty

Ladies born at the very beginning of summer are true women. They can be romantic and charming, light and slightly eccentric. Therefore, they sincerely rejoice at classic women's gifts. The best options included:

  • Perfumery. Typically, representatives of this sign do not have one favorite perfume, which they can remain faithful to for years. They love light, weightless scents and frequent experiments, so the chances of pleasing are high.
  • Stylish accessories. Usually Geminis do not favor business style and prefer different things - romantic, unusual, original. They love bright handbags, belts, hats – everything summery and juicy. The lady will also wear an unusual umbrella, a light airy scarf or a pareo. Please remember that your gift should never be too large or bulky.
  • Jewelry. Geminis love interesting, intricate jewelry. Therefore, a simple gold chain, even a very large one, or a string of pearls will not please them. It is better to look for a designer product with intricate patterns and, preferably, with amulets such as jasper, tiger's eye, and rock crystal.
  • Bijouterie. Gemini will be pleased with something original and unique. A great idea is a handmade item, for example, a pendant with a dragonfly or with real flowers in epoxy resin.

A good gift, useful for beauty and health, would be a trip to the spa. Give the birthday girl the opportunity to choose her own procedures, and she will definitely be satisfied.

The Gemini woman will also like various cute little things that will help her look better and lift her spirits. Our list included:

  • Pocket mirror with unique engraving on the lid;
  • Ionizing comb;
  • Convenient travel cosmetic bag for the tireless traveler;
  • Handmade shower and bath set;
  • Tabletop mirror with backlight to clearly reflect all the beauty of the birthday girl.

What adventure to give a Gemini woman for her birthday?

An unusual event and fresh impressions can also be an excellent gift. Geminis love adventure, so the birthday girl will highly appreciate such a gift. But it must be chosen correctly. The element of this sign is air and all the entertainment associated with it will cause real delight. Best ideas:

  • Walk on hot-air balloon;
  • Skydiving or hang gliding;
  • Helicopter or light plane ride;
  • Fighter simulator piloting lesson;
  • Flight in a wind tunnel.

But don’t forget that not all women, even Geminis, like heights. If the birthday girl suffers from acrophobia, choose something more down-to-earth, for example:

  • Romantic evening in a restaurant;
  • Riding in a limousine or carriage;
  • Horseback ride;
  • Invitation to a master class;
  • Participation in the sand show.

And to remind the birthday girl about the elements, you can complement any of your gifts with a composition of balloons. And don't forget to come up with original congratulations– Geminis love a good sense of humor and creative talents.

Choosing gifts for men is a task that should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. And not only because pleasing the stronger sex is not as easy as is commonly believed. Simply, in order for your gift to “hit the mark” and make the right impression on its potential recipient, it is worth taking into account many different factors. Including belonging to one or another zodiac sign. For example, in order to answer the question: “What to give a Gemini man?”, you need to have a good understanding of the characteristics of this sign.

Character, habits, individual characteristics of the sign

People born under the auspices of Mercury are truly unique and extraordinary. They can be called a kind of “mystery of nature”, because this is exactly the case when two rather contradictory natures coexist in the body of one person, sometimes radically different from each other. In general, you won't get bored with them.

They are very dreamy and romantic, however, sometimes these incorrigible dreamers are somewhat frivolous and fickle. By the way, Gemini men, like no one else, love holidays, know how to organize them and gladly take part in events of various kinds. They are sociable, open and cannot live without society, so even short-term loneliness is a real test for them. They are always in action, not afraid to change places of residence, work and even friends.

In addition, men born under the sign of Gemini do not tolerate conservatism and love to enter into discussions on various topics, and at the same time talk quickly and a lot, often without listening and interrupting their opponent. And, such a peculiar manner of behavior is not explained by a lack of respect for the opposite side, but rather by the character traits of this sign, characterized by some incontinence and impatience.

At the same time, Gemini men have quite bright charisma and charm, thanks to which they easily find a common language with others. Therefore, in order to choose the “right” gift for a Gemini man, it is worth showing a lot of imagination and creativity, taking into account all the subtleties and specifics of their bright and multifaceted nature.

Passion for novelty

Gemini men are constantly in search of something new. In order to receive the necessary energy, they must receive fresh impressions and vivid emotions. The same can be applied to gifts.

Don't try to surprise Gemini with any gadget or technical device that appeared a couple of seasons or even a season ago. In general, they treat everything ordinary and everyday with a certain degree of criticism and skepticism. Want to make an impression? Then start looking for something extraordinary, spectacular and exclusive.

Impulsive and changeable nature

Despite their outward lightness, Geminis are quite hot-tempered and emotional. They are very restless and energetic, and at the same time they are always in a hurry somewhere, are late and do not have time.

Men of this sign are very talkative, so they can easily find a place in any company. It is customary to say about such people that “they have seven Fridays in a week.” Yesterday they liked one thing, but today they don’t want to hear about it, so this must be taken into account when choosing gifts for them.

One more distinctive feature The character of a Gemini man can be called an almost complete lack of romanticism in them. That is, they will perceive gifts with such a note more critically than enthusiastically. It is better to choose for them something useful and functional, but at the same time, quite original and unusual.

Originality and extravagance

Considering the character traits of Gemini, it is better to give him gifts that maximally emphasize his uniqueness and individuality. At the same time, the price does not have global significance. Men of this sign will be very happy to accept gifts that are not very valuable, but interesting and targeted in nature.

That is, what you give to Gemini should be intended for him, and specifically for him. They simply will not understand the standard and “standard” options. So, you are unlikely to be able to “get rid of them” with traditional options for congratulations. Here you will need to show all your creativity and invention.

List of “correct” and appropriate gifts

To ensure that finding a gift for a Gemini man does not become a real nightmare for you, we recommend that you pay attention to the list of gifts of various types that will definitely “be right at home” and will make the right impression on the representative of the air element.

Equipment and gadgets

When choosing a gift for a Gemini man, you need to understand that he must have a specific practical use. He will perceive positively any thing that can somehow make his life easier and make it more interesting.

In addition, Gemini men really love gifts that they can always have with them. That is, if you plan to purchase something from the field of technology for people of this sign, it is better if it is a personal item, for example:

  • Latest model mobile phones or tablets. When purchasing these tech devices, always pay attention to the model and year of manufacture.
  • Photo or video camera. A wonderful gift for a person with a sharp mind and a special perception of the world. The main thing is that this thing is quite modern and functional.
  • MP3 player. Suitable for music lovers. Included with it you can also present good, high-quality headphones.
  • Laptop, computer or accessories for it. Moreover, it is better if these are the latest technical achievements, released in a limited edition.


Since Geminis are highly inquisitive, gifts in the field of literature are ideal for them. However, here too it is worth taking into account some of the “subtleties” of the mentality of representatives of this sign. Men born under the auspices of Mercury will not read what is not interesting to them. Therefore, the choice of books for them should be taken seriously. Good options:

  • New-fashioned glossy publications. These can be magazines with various topics. When choosing, you can focus on Gemini’s taste preferences and area of ​​his hobbies.
  • Books by contemporary writers. It is better if it is interesting, discussed literature in a bright, exclusive binding.
  • Encyclopedias. It is desirable that they are well illustrated and informative.
  • Books of aphorisms and wise sayings. As a rule, men of the Gemini sign are distinguished by the gift of eloquence; they are very talkative and sharp-tongued. Therefore, they will not refuse such a gift. Still would! After all, after reading books of this kind, they will definitely find an opportunity to show off their newly acquired knowledge, demonstrating it to all their friends and acquaintances.

When buying a book as a gift, you need to pay attention to its packaging. It should be beautiful, impressive and attract attention.

"Trainers for the mind and intelligence"

Despite the fact that men born under the sign of Gemini are naturally versatile and erudite, they will never miss an opportunity to further hone and develop their intellectual abilities. Therefore, they love to receive all kinds of devices as gifts that contribute to their self-development and improvement.

These can be various puzzles, as well as backgammon, chess, checkers and other games that promote the development of logical thinking and memory.

Accessories for tourism and recreation

Since Gemini men are energetic and wanderlust, this character trait is reflected in their hobbies and interests. They love to go hiking, travel around the world, getting a lot of new experiences from this that make their life truly fulfilling and interesting.

Therefore, as a gift, you can present them with all kinds of recreational equipment, including:

  • A functional backpack or bag with many pockets and compartments. Such that you can fit a lot of useful little things necessary for a good rest outside the home.
  • A folding tent, necessary for any “outing into nature”. It will be good if it is both quite practical and original. For example, it may have an unusual design or color scheme.
  • Thermos or thermal mug. A good option: a set of several containers with a heat-saving function, where you can place the first, second and third.
  • Sneakers. An indispensable attribute in the wardrobe of any athlete or traveler. But, in addition to their practicality and convenience, they must also have a bright, expressive design in order to match the character and personality of their owner.

Souvenirs, presents from the field of Feng Shui and astrology

Lovers of everything extravagant and unusual, Gemini men will respond positively to all kinds of gifts from the field of astrology.

It is desirable that they be unusual and mysterious, have some unusual shape and design.

Surprise gifts

Representatives of the sign of Gemini, who by nature are very far from everyday life and everyday life, are suitable for presents and gifts of an unusual nature. These include:

  • Certificate for hot air balloon travel or parachute jump. This version of congratulations to people born under the influence of the air element and who strive at all costs to soar above the earth and reality will certainly appeal to them.
  • Leisure trip. An ideal gift for Gemini men who love changing places and experiences. And it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive tours to spa resorts. He will be delighted with simpler things too. For example, from a trip for a few days to some interesting country and a not very distant country located in Europe.
  • Certificate for a scuba diving course. Such a gift will delight the Gemini man and make a lasting impression on him.

When buying a gift for a Gemini man, it is important to remember that people of this sign are great originals, therefore, in order for it to please its potential recipient, it is necessary to package and present it in some way in an unusual way. Then in response to its delivery you will receive a whole sea positive emotions, joy and positivity.

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, born under the auspices of Mercury, are very bright and extraordinary personalities. They cannot live without surprises and are delighted with everything unusual, exotic, out of the ordinary! A trinket brought from overseas islands, a watch whose hands go in the opposite direction, a designer suit produced in a single copy - a charismatic person will like everything extravagant and original. To guess with a gift for Gemini men, you will have to use all your imagination and ingenuity.

Character traits

It should be borne in mind that the sign leaves a “double” imprint on the personality of Gemini men. Two contradictory natures coexist in one body, which are sometimes so strikingly different from each other that a gift will need to be given to each of them.

A small amount of romanticism and daydreaming coexists with an active, active position. Wherever they are, they immediately become the life of the party. Any, even a short period of loneliness turns out to be a difficult test. They love to argue and unrestrainedly prove that they are right, and the restless spirit of adventurism constantly pushes them to search for new sensations. This quality can be taken into account when thinking about the upcoming surprise. A gift in the form of an “experience” - be it a hot air balloon flight, diving or breaking dishes in a specially equipped closed room - will certainly remain in memory for a lifetime.

The cost of the gift does not matter to Gemini men. The main property that a gift should have is to emphasize the exclusivity of a man. The targeted nature of the surprise will make it exclusive in the eyes of Gemini. Forget about the stock versions, they will end up somewhere far away in the closet on the far shelf. It’s unlikely that a freshly baked gadget will surprise you: expensive toy in their eyes it turns into an everyday thing of no particular interest. But they will appreciate the gift into which you put a piece of your soul.

Stop list

Don't even think about giving money. In the hands of the birthday boy they will flow like sand through his fingers. Under no circumstances try to find out the direction in which to give a gift. The element of surprise will be lost, and the very fact of the presentation will lose its meaning. You can always easily find out the scope of their preferences, leading the conversation in the right direction. They value communication very much and during the conversation they themselves will tell you about their hobbies.

It's not worth spending a lot of effort on gift wrapping. If you suddenly decide to give a piece of furniture, give up this crazy idea. They don’t like to fill the apartment with anything bulky, and it’s quite problematic to guess with a small detail that will fit perfectly into the home. They will like a stylish accessory - a belt or lighter - much more to their taste. It can be easily flaunted in any company and be the center of attention.

A win-win

If you intend to defeat the passionate nature of Gemini outright, present it. Such a gift would be especially relevant for a birthday. Self-esteem will be gratified just by the thought that an exclusive item belongs only to him, and to no one else in the whole world!

Make sure the surprise is not too massive. Gemini belongs to the air element: they like everything light and weightless. Elegant masterpieces made of glass, steel or clay will be more than appropriate.


If you don’t have time to study Gemini men at all, but it’s getting close New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day or professional holiday, try selecting an option from the list:

  1. Book. Gemini men are born intellectuals and cannot imagine their existence without her. By plunging headlong into the wonderful world of books, they reboot their overly restless consciousness.
  2. Adventure. Whether it's a parachute jump or windsurfing lessons, those with an adventurous nature will be happy with any pastime with an element of risk.
  3. Jewelry. Vintage, limited edition, exclusive work - these are the main criteria when choosing a product. The quality of the metal does not matter; focus on the unusual shape and originality of the product.
  4. Perfumery. Choose a cologne that is not available in the mass market. The perfume should be light and fresh, like a breeze. And it must be long-lasting, able to stay on the skin throughout the day.
  5. You should not accompany a gift with flowers. Gemini will not understand the meaning of such a gift and will not appreciate it.

In fact, pleasing Gemini men is not that difficult. The main secret of success: try to emphasize their individuality and make them feel unique. If you cope with this task, you will surely see their shining and grateful eyes!

Gemini women show abilities in many areas of knowledge. What they value most in other people is a sense of humor and a cheerful disposition. Women born under this sign are dualistic and incredibly changeable. The main traits of their character are frivolity, romance, sophistication, frivolity, sentimentality and cheerfulness. Only the newest and most fashionable things are suitable for gifts for Gemini women.

Expensive gifts

Gemini women easily spend money on a variety of nonsense, but often spare money on personal care or truly useful, functional things. Therefore, a great gift for them could be:

  • elite set of decorative cosmetics;
  • a world-famous perfume (astrologers especially recommend scents with notes of lemon, cucumber or menthol for twins);
  • shower set from a fashion brand;
  • Handmade soap;
  • a certificate or subscription to visit a spa salon or cosmetic or perfume store;
  • expensive tea or coffee combined with big box sweets with different fillings (“assorted”);
  • household appliances from a well-known manufacturer (for example, an electric kettle or a TV with cable TV connected for a year);
  • robot vacuum cleaner;
  • dishwasher;
  • blender or food processor;
  • branded lighter;
  • an original and stylish accessory from a fashion boutique: bracelet, belt, sunglasses, etc.;
  • trendy necklace or pendant;
  • original comb or hair clip;
  • brightly colored clutch;
  • fashionable decoration in ethnic style;
  • a branded bag, wallet, gloves or even a pen with a gold nib;
  • stationery of the highest quality;
  • rare book edition;
  • glasses with Swarovski crystals;
  • jewelry with a stone matching the horoscope (amethyst, pearl or agate);
  • phone of the latest model with a variety of additional functions (more would be better suited a phone with two or three SIM cards or a smartphone) and a SIM card with a corporate tariff;
  • if a woman already has a good phone, you can give her new accessories for it;
  • shower radio;
  • mobile furniture on wheels;
  • sectional, easily moved and modified furniture;
  • Mp3 player;
  • computer mouse with original painting;
  • Webcam;
  • photo frame (antique or handmade);
  • eBook;
  • a set of CDs with her favorite TV series;
  • relaxer;
  • tablet or laptop.

At the same time, Gemini women only like sudden gifts, so you should not ask them for a long time about their preferences. If questions cannot be avoided, they should be asked unobtrusively, as if casually. And the most important rule for choosing a gift for a Gemini woman is novelty. You should not give her perfume that you have ever seen on her dressing table: most likely, she has long been tired of it.

Adventures and travel

The best gift for a Gemini woman is something that cannot be touched with your hands, that is, new impressions and emotions. You can give them:

  • skydiving;
  • hot air balloon flight;
  • a trip to a reserve or to a farm where ostriches are bred;
  • a trip to a resort or boarding house with an open date;
  • a picnic with barbecue or her other favorite dish (the woman should be able to enjoy idleness);
  • scuba diving;
  • excursion tour to exotic countries (possibly a culinary tour or sommelier tour);
  • horseback riding (you can add a beautiful lush dress to it);
  • dinner at a trendy restaurant;
  • an invitation card to a costume party at a notorious club;
  • a gift card to a café-reading room;
  • candlelit dinner on the roof with live music;
  • ticket to the premiere of a film or play;
  • a trip to the Bolshoi Theater.

Sports gifts

If a Gemini woman prefers an active lifestyle, then she will certainly be delighted with gifts that she does not allow herself to buy. For example, you can give her:

  • a spacious travel bag or a women's set of travel bags;
  • bike;
  • roller Skates;
  • umbrella from a well-known company;
  • tent, backpack or other camping equipment;
  • thermal mug or thermos;
  • binoculars.

Romantic surprises

For a Gemini woman, romantic surprises are one of the most desired gifts. This woman, who values ​​everything sublime and beautiful in life most of all, will certainly be pleased:

  • sentimental poems dedicated to her (especially if read in the pose of a knight);
  • a trip to a monument of art or an art gallery;
  • a touching handmade trinket;
  • a bottle of new wine, famous for its exquisite bouquet;
  • bouquet of balloons;
  • cute keychain for a mobile phone;
  • a subscription to her favorite women's magazine;
  • a pillow with a romantic pattern (astrologers consider gray and purple to be favorable colors for twins);
  • original hairband with veil;
  • an outlandish figurine;
  • a lamp that projects drawings onto the ceiling and wallpaper with glowing stars;
  • a designer lamp with her best 3D photographs;
  • a large and original box of chocolates (it’s best if they have different fillings: for example, “Assorted”);
  • many useful and pleasant little things in colorful boxes (for example, a necklace, perfume and a cookbook, or a mirror and a photo frame with rhinestones);
  • a deck of Tarot cards or a trip to a famous fortune teller (even if she tells fortunes using cocoa beans);
  • a subscription to a tea party or to a beauty salon for a “Cleopatra bath”;
  • decorative decoration for the bedroom in ethnic style;
  • a glamorous suitcase containing a manicure set;
  • expensive and necessarily filled with deep meaning jewelry;
  • personalized calendar or gift diploma with an individual design;
  • a photo magnet for the refrigerator, a collage or mosaic of photographs, or a cup with a portrait;
  • a billboard opposite the bedroom window with a sensual greeting;
  • a newspaper printed in a single copy in her honor;
  • amulets, amulets or talismans (for such a gift, a clear justification should be thought out in advance);
  • with a fairly close relationship with the giver, a Gemini woman may be happy with a functional sex toy;
  • aroma lamp with aroma oil or relaxing tea.

Dynamic Gemini women will rejoice at something that seems unusual and original to them.

At the same time, its cost is not always of decisive importance; it is much more important that gifts reveal to the twins the feelings and affection of the giver for them.


If a decision is made to give a twin woman a product made from precious stones, then its choice should be approached with all possible attention. Astrologers recommend choosing jewelry for such women from:

  • topaz (protects from dangerous passion, harmonizes emotional state);
  • tiger eye (responsible for clarity of thoughts, prevents rash actions);
  • sapphire (helps overcome fear and gives the courage needed to achieve the goal);
  • onyx (necessary for those women who have had to experience a nervous breakdown, and in addition, stimulates the aristocratic and artistic beginning and helps to achieve prosperity and success in all areas of life).


Gemini women adore flowers more than representatives of all other zodiac signs. You can give them any flowers of bright colors: from pansies to luxurious and pretentious roses, but most of all the twins love:

  • asters;
  • gladioli;
  • carnations;
  • peonies;
  • violets.

These women give preference to bouquets composed of different flowers or herbs.

Gemini women simply won’t notice luxurious packaging, so it’s not necessary to pack a bouquet. You should also not buy flowers for them in pastel colors: the twins do not like pale blue or yellow flowers.

If a woman has a weakness for indoor plants, exotic flowers will suit her: for example, vines or palm trees.


Astrologers believe that birds are the main talisman of women born under the air signs of the Zodiac, and images of birds have a particularly strong influence on the aura of twins. For Gemini women, bird figurines made of metal, stone or wood can bring good luck, and in some cases they even protect them from trouble. The most common ornithological gifts for Gemini women are:

  • owl figurines (protect from unreasonable waste and help maintain well-being);
  • figurines of storks (help restore lost mental balance);
  • paintings: mountain, forest or sea landscapes, where there are birds flying, sitting or swimming on the water.

You cannot give twin women:

  • small souvenirs and trifles;
  • light (yellow or blue) flowers;
  • what she can see from her friends and acquaintances;
  • huge floor vases, large paintings and other bulky gifts;
  • money;
  • stamped jewelry;
  • classic style jewelry;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • pets;
  • boring and boring gifts.

You should definitely take into account that Gemini women are irritated by long congratulatory speeches and toasts, so after such an introduction, gifts may not please them. If the main advantages of twins are sociability and sociability, then their most serious drawback is the absolute inability to wait even for a short time.

Finding a gift for a woman is not easy, and if you know little about her character and hobbies, then the mission threatens to become impossible. Don’t despair: if the birthday girl’s birthday falls between May 21 and June 20, you have a sociable and active Gemini woman in front of you.

Fortunately, representatives of this sign are not capricious, and it is quite easy to satisfy their requests. The most important thing is to be able to surprise, and we will tell you how to do this.

Geminis are always cheerful, cheerful, inquisitive and very active. At the same time, behind the adventurous and sometimes frivolous façade hides a complex dual nature with remarkable intellectual abilities.

Gemini women are sociable, open to everything new and truly dependent on communication and constant receiving new information, and an optimistic nature often coexists with vulnerability. Gemini women adore everything mysterious and unknown, which is why they themselves are surrounded by a veil of mystery. They make decisions, even the most important ones, guided by emotions, and in relationships with people they prefer not to dominate, but to manage gracefully using their minds.

  1. The main criteria when choosing a gift for a Gemini woman are novelty and originality. Representatives of the sign do not care about its size and cost, but a banal, conservative or heartlessly chosen gift will at least not impress, and at most offend the birthday girl.
  2. Money is not the best gift for a Gemini, unless they themselves have asked for it. In other cases, they will spend it quickly, with pleasure, but absolutely unreasonably, and your gift in the envelope will not leave any memorable impressions.
  3. Gemini women value comfort, but never turn their home into a museum or warehouse for non-functional things. That is why you should not give them useless and bulky items such as vases, large figurines, grandfather clocks and paintings. If your birthday girl loves art, she will be much more impressed by a ticket to the exhibition.
  4. Don’t get hung up on the packaging: it interests Gemini in the last place (or it would be more correct to say that it doesn’t interest him at all), since the main thing is the gift itself. Of course, you shouldn’t give a gift without any packaging at all, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to impress your Twin with the intricate decoration of the gift.
  5. It is not difficult to find out from Gemini what they want to receive as a gift: they are quite talkative and easily reveal their desires in conversation, without always noticing it. Be inventive (a Gemini woman will never speak about her desires directly), and you will definitely learn useful information about the right gift.
  6. Gemini is the same sign that loves new emotions more than material things. That is why the best gift for them there will be a surprise picnic, a trip to an amusement park, a hot air balloon flight and, in principle, everything that will provide the Twin with vivid memories of the holiday.

What to give to twins?


Geminis hate banalities, so you won’t be able to get away with a boring gold chain or ring with cubic zirconia. Geminis need to be surprised, especially women and especially if you are going to give jewelry. To do this, you will have to spend time and find something truly unusual: a bizarrely shaped bracelet, handmade earrings, a necklace from an antique shop or a ring with an unusual stone.

Take into account Gemini’s dislike of routine: if possible, buy not just one piece of jewelry, but several - different designs. The most suitable stones for Gemini women are emerald, moonstone, agate, alexandrite, topaz, amber, onyx and cat's eye.

Cosmetics and perfumes

Geminis definitely cannot be called homebodies, so the cosmetics or perfumes they choose as a gift must be durable. A Gemini girl will definitely not appreciate airy aromas that dissolve an hour after application to the skin; the perfume should last all day. The same goes for cosmetics. Geminis do not have any specific preferences in scents: they adore novelties and are always ready to try something new: from a heavy evening scent to a fruity youth scent. Cosmetics should also not be banal: it is better to leave the standard set of black mascara and eyeliner for another occasion, and surprise Gemini with something unusual and bright - representatives of the sign are not afraid to experiment.



Geminis are the children of summer, which means you can’t do without flowers. A dull bouquet in a cellophane cocoon will not impress the representative of the sign: even if it is a modest bunch of wildflowers, they will be bright, fresh and fragrant.

According to the horoscope, Gemini's mascot flowers are daisies, jasmine and bluebells. Any climbing plants with lush foliage are also welcome. Packaging for Gemini is not of fundamental importance: it may not be there at all; in any case, attention will be focused on the flowers themselves. However, packing the bouquet in beautiful craft paper or tying it with a ribbon will not be superfluous.