/ 25.03.2018

Hairstyles that visually make your face smaller. A wide face is not a death sentence. Detailed instructions on how to narrow your face


If earlier the word “chubby” was considered a compliment, today it can be regarded almost as an insult. After all, according to modern canons of beauty, a round face shape is far from ideal!

But how many famous beauties have a round face! Among their slender ranks are such stars as Catherine Zeta-Jones, Drew Barrymore, Kara Toyton, Kate Hudson, Kirsten Dunst, Miley Cyrus and Lizzie Cole.

Why didn't we notice this? - you ask. The answer is simple: because celebrity stylists know 5 ways to visually lengthen your face, which we will tell you about too!

1. Haircut.
Correcting the shape of the face begins with its frame, i.e. from hair In order to visually lengthen the face, turning a circle into an oval, there are several simple rules:

Give preference to long hair. An example is Kara Tointon's long hairstyle, which not only visually elongates her round face, but also lengthens her neck.

If long hair is not your option, take a closer look at the charming Kirsten Dunst. A multi-layered haircut on semi-long hair and flirty side bangs allow the round-faced beauty to look her best.

Speaking of bangs. Those with a round face shape should avoid straight pony bangs in favor of slanted, tousled bangs. As with hair, it will be very successful to cut your bangs with feathers.

If you are not at all happy with the prospect of wearing long or semi-long hair, give up short hairstyles “a la dandelion”, saying a strong “yes” to playful, short, sleek pixie-style haircuts or glamorous punk looks in the spirit of Miley Cyrus.

2. Hairstyle.
Cutting your hair is only half the battle. Once the hair is removed and prepared, the next question is: how to style it? Here are some possible answers to this question:

As already mentioned, long hair of any kind perfectly lengthens a round face. However, you should not chase a perfectly straight texture. Try fluffing up your mane a little, giving it that light, romantic look like Lana Del Rey.

Light, romantic curls and carelessly collected high ponytails are also suitable for chubby beauties. For example, like Kim Kardashian.

Those with a round face shape, rejoice! All sorts of bouffant and hairstyles will suit you. You can choose a glamorous bouffant like that of the chubby movie star Drew Barrymore, an aggressive “rock-cock” and even a retro babette! Any high hairstyle is your ticket to the heights of beauty.

3. Coloring.
Playing with color is also a great help for visual correction of the face. It is known that dark colors visually narrow and make the subject smaller. But don’t rush to grab dark hair dye and rush to the hairdresser: dark shades are very whimsical. Not only do they not suit everyone, but they also tend to visually... age! Therefore, before deciding to radically change your hair color, consult your hairdresser.

However, fair-haired ladies should not be discouraged either. Although light colors visually expand the subject, you can use a trick. Namely: make the front strands framing the face 1-2 shades darker than the total mass of hair.

A consultation with a specialist is also necessary if you dream of a fashionable ombre coloring. There are practically no prohibitions in this regard for chubby women with long hair. Unless the lightening should start from the jawline. However, if your hair barely reaches your shoulders, you will have to abandon the fashion trend.

Every woman wants to look attractive and catch the admiring glances of men. But not everyone is happy with their reflection in the mirror. Today we will tell you how to visually make your face thinner.

Chubby cheeks are always cute. However, fashion has its own rules: clearly defined cheekbones, slightly sunken cheeks and a chiseled chin are the main established trends of recent years. It’s easy to reduce your cheeks and lengthen your face without the help of plastic surgeons, you just need to choose the right makeup,

People with round cheeks want to get rid of them for various reasons. Some people don’t like the general appearance of their face, others follow fashion trends, and others consider round cheeks a sign of fullness. How to get rid of cheeks without resorting to plastic surgeons for help? First you need to identify the true reasons for their occurrence, and then consider possible solutions.

Causes of round cheeks

Heredity. You will have to work hard to get rid of chubby cheeks at home.

Wrong diet. Large amounts of fatty and salty foods retain water in the body, so the face swells.

  1. Cosmetologists have developed a number of exercises that will help reduce the size of your cheeks through simple manipulations. The effectiveness of the method has been proven more than once; the skin is tightened and nasolabial folds are smoothed.
  2. It is recommended to regularly use cosmetics that can tighten the skin in the problem area. Gels, creams and serums are auxiliary means; they will not completely get rid of large cheeks, but will help to quickly eliminate them along with other procedures.
  3. Get into the habit of using cosmetic ice made from medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile flowers, mint, celandine, linden flowers). In the morning, wash your face with cold water, then wipe your cheeks with ice.

Massage to reduce the roundness of the cheeks

Massage will give the best results if the procedure is done along with sets of exercises.

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of honey and heat it slightly in the microwave. Dip your fingertips into the jar, start tapping them on your cheeks, waiting until the honey begins to stick. Do a honey massage until your cheeks turn red. Wash your face with cold water and dry your skin with a hard towel.
  2. Wipe your face with lotion, then use a nourishing cream. Start pinching your cheeks, moving towards your cheekbones and chin. Carry out the procedure every other day.
  3. Take a hot bath, turn on the shower and run strong water pressure on your cheeks. It is recommended to use a contrasting water massage; it will not only smooth out wrinkles and reduce cheeks, but also tighten the face. If possible, perform simple manipulations daily.
  4. Buy a facial massage glove at any cosmetics store. Massage the chin and cheeks, but do not stretch the skin. The permissible number of uses is 1 time every 5 days.
  5. An excellent effect is achieved using a hot and cold cycle alternately. Take two towels, soak one in cold water, and dip the other in hot (but not boiling) water. Roll them into tubes and tap them on your cheeks one by one for 15 minutes, changing the temperature.

Exercises aimed at reducing cheeks

These methods will not only make your cheeks smaller, but will also help you get rid of the hated double chin. For best results, perform the complex every day 2 times for a month.

  1. Sit up straight and tilt your head back strongly. Pull your jaw out and stick out your bottom lip. Start moving your cheekbones and try to cover your upper lip with your lower lip. Perform the manipulations 25 times.
  2. Keep your head straight, tense your cheekbones, then relax. Do this 45 times.
  3. Lie on your back with your face relaxed. Now clench your teeth sharply to tighten your cheekbones. Try to stick out your lower lip as much as possible. Pull it forward first, then down. Repeat the exercise 30 times.
  4. Tilt your head up, turn to the left, rest your chin on your shoulder. Straighten your head, tilt it back again, but now lower your chin onto your right shoulder. Repeat the procedure 20 times on each side.
  5. Stand up straight so that your whole body and neck are tense. Stick out your lower lip and open your mouth. Do the exercise 50 times.
  6. Hold a thin, long object between your teeth; a felt-tip pen or marker works well. Say A, E, E, I, O, Z in turn. Pronounce the letters for about 20 minutes without a break. Don't like the method? Use words that contain the most of these letters (milk, porridge, apple and others).
  7. Sit on the edge of a chair so that your neck, shoulders and back are tense. Lower your chin onto your chest and move it towards your left shoulder along your chest. Fix your head for 5 seconds, return to the starting point. Repeat the steps, pointing your chin towards your right shoulder. Do 20 times on each side.
  8. Laughter is the best cure for chubby cheeks! Smile with all 32 teeth, because when you laugh, most of all muscle groups on your face are activated, and their number sometimes reaches 80. In addition to reducing the volume of your cheeks, the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, a double chin is eliminated, and the oval of the face acquires beautiful contours.

The masks have an excellent lifting effect, which helps tighten the cheeks and reduce their volume.

Egg mask
Beat 1 egg with a fork, apply to your cheeks and cover them with cling film. Leave for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day.

Egg mask with honey

  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.
  • honey - 30 gr.

Beat the yolk, pour in the oil and add honey. Bring the mixture to homogeneity, apply to the cheeks, neck, chin, leave for half an hour. Make a mask every other day.

Egg mask with cucumber

  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.

Peel the cucumber, but do not remove the seeds. Rub it on a fine grater or grind it in a blender, add whipped egg white and butter. Apply to your cheeks and lie down to rest for 40 minutes. Repeat the procedure 5 times every 10 days.

Egg mask with corn flour

  • corn flour - 40 gr.
  • egg white - 1 pc.

Pour the flour into the pre-beaten egg white. Apply the mixture to your cheeks and leave for 1 hour. If possible, make a mask daily.

Oatmeal mask

  • oatmeal - 50 gr.
  • baby cream - optional
  • baked milk - 40 ml.

Mix the ingredients to a viscous consistency, apply the mixture only to the cheeks. Leave for 40-60 minutes, rinse with melt water. Carry out the procedure 3 times a week.

Oatmeal mask with dill

  • dill - 20 gr.
  • corn oil - 30 ml.
  • oatmeal - 30 gr.

Chop the dill and mix it with oil. Combine the mixture with oatmeal and apply to the skin of your cheeks. Leave for at least 1.5 hours, remove with a tissue and wash with cold water. The course of the procedure lasts 2 months and gives excellent results if used weekly.

Tomato mask

  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 25 ml.

Remove the skin from the tomato and mash it with a fork without removing the seeds. Pour in the oil, apply to the cheeks and leave for 20 minutes. Use daily or every other day.

Blue clay mask

  • blue clay - 50 gr.
  • natural grape juice - 30 ml.
  • corn oil - 20 ml.

Dilute the clay with warm water according to the instructions, stir in juice and oil. Cover your cheeks and wait 25 minutes. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Homemade herbal lotions have beneficial effects when used daily. Prepare the product yourself and replace your regular facial toner with it.

Chamomile lotion

  • chamomile flowers - 50 gr.
  • celandine - 10 gr.
  • calendula officinalis - 10 gr.

Pour 300 ml of hot water over the herbs and leave for 24 hours. Strain through cheesecloth or a kitchen sieve, pour into a dark container and store in a dark place. It is recommended to use the herbal lotion daily in the mornings and evenings.

Peppermint lotion

  • rosemary essential oil - 5 drops
  • grapefruit essential oil - 5 drops
  • rose essential oil - 5 drops
  • mint - 20 gr.

Steam the mint in boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Add oil to it and pour into a closed container.

Citrus fruit lotion

  • grapefruit juice (freshly squeezed) - 200 ml.
  • lemon juice (freshly squeezed) - 30 ml.
  • orange juice (freshly squeezed) - 10 ml.
  • vodka - 30 ml.

Mix the ingredients and pour into an opaque container. Leave for 5 days at room temperature.

Tired of struggling with round and big cheeks? You will soon get rid of them! Do not forget about the daily set of exercises, and then do a massage. Choose mask recipes and apply them according to the instructions. Replace your regular lotion with a homemade concoction that is very easy to make. Follow a daily routine and get rid of bad habits!

Video: how to get rid of sagging cheeks

How to make your face thinner? Many representatives of the fair sex think about this, and not only plump ones. Often the owner of a slender figure has round cheeks, which visually enlarge the face and create a rustic, simple-minded image. To make their appearance more sophisticated, girls try to make this part thinner.

Do you need a professional?

Surprisingly, this is quite easy to implement. You just need to choose the right makeup and hairstyle. The easiest way to visually make your face thinner is to contact a professional makeup artist. But you can choose the right option without visiting specialists.

How to apply makeup to make your face look smaller

If the task is how to make your face thinner only with the help of makeup, you should follow some tricks. First you need to determine the correction zone that requires treatment.

The face tends to appear larger due to a double chin, large nose, round cheeks and close-set eyes. It is these shortcomings that should be worked on in order to visually make the appearance desirable.

It is best to apply matte and shiny foundations in darker shades to problem areas.

Cover the areas that need to be highlighted with a light, light texture. If the eyebrows or lips are lengthened, the face will appear wider. Therefore, if the question arises about how to make your face thinner with makeup, cover your lips with a gloss of a light or transparent shade. This will give them a natural look. When applying, you should work with their central part.

It is advisable to make eyebrows shorter. They should be upward and slightly curved. A special gel will help lift the hairs.

How to make your face thinner? If the cheeks stand out, the eyebrows can be left unchanged, and the main emphasis should be on the eyes.

Depending on your face shape

If you really need to make a round-shaped face thin, then you should apply makeup without rounded lines. Highlighted eyes and lips should not be round. You should be careful when styling your hair. In the image, it is better to exclude a fluffy hairstyle, a straight parting or curled curls. This will make the face even more voluminous.

The most profitable option is loose hair of medium length. In this case, you should darken your cheekbones and cheeks, and apply shadows strictly along the border of the eyelid. The blush should be close to the corners of the mouth in the form of an inverted triangle.

Those with an oval face should not lengthen it further. These beauties can afford any hairstyle. But for a more harmonious makeup look, you should use several tricks. For example, apply blush in a circular motion, and shade the shadows beyond the eyelids.

You can make a square face look thinner by styling an oval shape. This will visually remove the angularity. Sharp angles should not be found in makeup either.

How to make your face thinner if it is triangular in shape? To do this, you need to decide on the type of triangle. If the chin is wider than the forehead, then it is necessary to darken the bottom of the face. Apply blush horizontally - this way you can achieve proportionality. A voluminous top part (for example, curls curled up) is encouraged in the hairstyle. Thick and voluminous bangs are very appropriate.

If your face is in the shape of an inverted triangle, then dark shades of foundation are best applied to the temples and cheekbones. A high hairstyle is undesirable: it will place emphasis on the problem area. The most advantageous option is hair strands curled inside.

A few general rules

How to make your face look thinner with makeup? There are a number of simple tricks for this. Some of them have already been mentioned here.

  • Line your eyes. To do this, you need to add more mascara to make your eyelashes fuller. The shape of the eyes can be emphasized with eyeliner, and the lash line with a pencil. By focusing on the eyes, the illusion of a slender face is created.
  • Highlight the cheekbones. This way the face will become more “bony”, and therefore thinner. This can be done using powder a tone darker than the face and blush. Using a brush, you need to bring the cheeks diagonally to the ear. This will make your cheekbones appear higher.
  • Avoid double chin. Chubby women especially need to think about this. Self-tanning can help hide a double chin. It should be carefully mixed with cosmetics to be applied to the neck.
  • Determine the ideal eyebrow shape. Just plucking your eyebrows is not enough. They need to be lined with a pencil in a color one tone darker than natural hair. This will help focus on them. Don't make your eyebrows too thin.

What should cosmetics be like?

How to make your face look thinner with makeup? Much depends on the right foundation, which should be several shades darker than the skin. This is an ideal option for evening makeup.

If your face is full, it is better not to use a creamy consistency. A dry translucent powder, lighter than the skin, is suitable here.

  • or such a feature of appearance was passed on to you by inheritance,
  • or as the Rabbit from the unforgettable cartoon “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All” said, “this means someone is eating too much.”

If your face is rounded when you gain excess weight, then this can be easily dealt with. It is more difficult to get rid of the problem if the shape of your face is inherited from you. In this case, only cosmetology will help.

How to remove cheeks using cosmetology:

  1. Perform plastic surgery to reduce the volume of the cheeks
  2. Non-surgical SMAS face lift for cheek lift
  3. Thermolifting: laser or radio wave.

How do cosmetic procedures for cheek reduction work:

1. Surgical cheek reduction

Between the buccal muscle and the superficial muscles of the face there is a fatty formation, the so-called Bisha lump. The lumps have a very high density, so general weight loss through sports or special diets does not make them smaller.

The surgeon will suggest that you remove these lumps and reduce excess volume in your cheeks. How does this happen?

Under local or general anesthesia, the surgeon makes a small (1-2 cm) incision on the inner surface of the cheeks to gain access to excess fat. Excess fat is either removed completely or moved to the cheekbones to create additional volume. Next, the incision is sutured with a cosmetic suture.

The likelihood of complications is minimal. In rare cases, an inflammatory process may develop. The most important thing is to find an experienced doctor, since the facial nerves and ducts of the salivary glands pass next to the lumps. It is important not to damage them.

2. Cheek lift using SMAS face lifting machine

If you want to tighten your cheeks without surgery, then this procedure is ideal for you. Altera deeply affects skin tissue without incisions or violating its integrity.

The concentrated ultrasonic waves of the device heat up the soft tissues. As a result, the process of fat burning in the problem area is activated and blood circulation improves, the facial frame is tightened.

Altera will help remove “chubby” cheeks not only for young, but also for older women.

Altera is the only procedure that affects not only the skin, but also the underlying layer - SMAS. Also, Alter's ultrasonic waves trigger the process of synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers, so the results of the procedure increase over the course of several months.

Until now, many cosmetologists claim that this technique shows the safest and most long-term result of facial weight loss and skin rejuvenation.

3. Reducing cheek volume with

Another way to get rid of cheeks without plastic surgery. Different types of thermolifting lead to the same effect - heating of tissues, right down to the subcutaneous fat. At a temperature of 42 degrees, proteins denature (fold), and collagen fibers (the framework for the skin) become denser and compressed. Damage to collagen leads to stimulation of new collagen.

Many owners of chubby cheeks dream of an ideal oval face. However, is it worth dreaming in vain if it is possible to get what you want without even going under the surgeon’s knife? In the current issue we will introduce our readers to the art of make-up modeling. How to make your face smaller with makeup? Get tips from the world's makeup gurus.

To elongate your face and reduce the volume of your cheeks, you will need compact (combination and oily skin) or cream (mature and dry skin) products in two colors - light and dark, as well as blush. Correction of the oval face with the help of cosmetics is achieved by darkening areas that need to be reduced and highlighting those areas where volume needs to be increased.

1. Shadings

Shadings (from the English “shade” - shadow) are modeling products for the face that allow you to reduce its volume by darkening certain areas. As a result of applying shading, missing shadows appear on the face, making it more proportional and prominent. Proper contouring, as well as moderation in the use of darkening products, can improve the shape of the face while maintaining its naturalness. Excessive shading on the face is completely inappropriate in everyday makeup. According to the generally accepted rules of makeup, the following areas of the face are subjected to modeling with shading:

  • hairline;
  • temporal zones;
  • orbital ossicles (edges of the eye sockets);
  • wings of the nose;
  • areas under the prominent bones of the cheekbones;
  • chin;
  • lateral surfaces of the neck.
To start modeling your face, prepare a dark powder or foundation one or two shades darker than your natural skin color. If you wish, you can complement your makeup with blush and shadows from a dark beige or gray-brown palette (necessarily without any admixture of red and red). Give preference to matte and satin textures of cosmetics. To apply compact products, use angled brushes with natural bristles. As for cream shading, they interact much better with synthetic brushes, cosmetic sponges and fingers. To visually lengthen your face, draw in your cheeks and, using shading, draw a comma on the formed depressions - its head should be under the “apples” of your cheeks, and the tail should look towards the hairline. If you need to narrow a square or rectangular face, apply shading under the earlobes. If there is a need to “tighten” the oval of the face, shade the jawline and blend it towards the neck. Using shading to highlight its wings will help hide a wide nose. But to visually shorten a long nose, darken its tip and bridge of the nose.

2. Highlighters

Highlighters (from the English “highlight” - to highlight something, to focus attention), like shading, are designed to model the oval of the face. However, unlike darkening agents, they, on the contrary, highlight certain areas of the face, creating radiant highlights and light spots on its surface. The main purpose of using highlighters is to emphasize the winning aspects of one’s appearance and thereby divert attention from its imperfections. It is customary to highlight prominent areas of the face with highlighters, namely:

  • cheekbones;
  • center of forehead;
  • bridge of the nose and bridge of the nose;
  • center of the chin;
  • area under the eyebrows;
  • inner corners of the eyes;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • center, corners of the lips, contour of the upper lip;
  • the depression between the nose and upper lip.
There are compact, crumbly, liquid and creamy highlighters. For modeling the oval of the face, liquid and cream products are most preferable. Liquid highlighters are convenient to use when you need to apply thin strips, for example, in the area of ​​the lips or eyebrows. At the same time, cream products are good for treating large areas of the face - chin, cheekbones, bridge of the nose, etc. Highlighters with reflective particles have the best modeling properties. The color range of such cosmetic products is quite extensive - transparent, mother-of-pearl, white, golden, pink, lilac, etc. The application of highlighter should be preceded by applying a tone to the face. Now let's talk about the intricacies of using highlighters. To narrow your face, draw a light line in the center of the forehead and chin, as well as on the bridge of the nose and in the dimple above the upper lip. Highlighting the temporal zones and the area under the eyebrows will slightly “raise” the cheekbones. Highlighting the areas under and above the eyebrows with a highlighter is necessary if you want to make your forehead and brow lines appear visually higher. To make your eyes appear larger, lighten the inner corners or bridge of your nose. A light vertical line drawn along the bridge of the nose will create the effect of a shorter nose.

3. Blush

Another effective cosmetic product that allows you to reduce the proportions of your face. Blush with a slight pearlescent look on the skin is much better than matte ones. If you have fair skin, apply peach, soft or hot pink tones to your cheeks. For dark skin, blush in apricot, bronze, honey, raspberry or fuchsia shades is a priority. To create the illusion of a narrower face than it actually is, apply blush to the prominent parts of your cheekbones (the apples), and then blend the pigment towards your temples. It is important that the area highlighted with blush does not cross the hollows under the cheekbones and is not too close to the nose.

Photos: O4e4i, Rus-img2, Q-wel

Every woman wants to look attractive and catch the admiring glances of men. But not everyone is happy with their reflection in the mirror. Today we will tell you how to visually make your face thinner.

Chubby cheeks are always cute. However, fashion has its own rules: clearly defined cheekbones, slightly sunken cheeks and a chiseled chin are the main established trends of recent years. It’s easy to reduce your cheeks and lengthen your face without the help of plastic surgeons; you just need to choose the right makeup, the right hairstyle and accessories.

1. Choose the right hair style that suits you

Forget about high ponytails, buns and straight bangs. The best solution would be a multi-layered haircut - it will add volume to the hairstyle and visually narrow the face. Ideal styling options include loose waves and light curls that will help visually hide your cheeks.

2. Try to grow moderately thick eyebrows

Thick, beautiful eyebrows will make the face visually thinner and more expressive - they will help shift attention from the cheeks to the area around the eyes. Special pencils, gels and shadows will help you in daily correction of the shape of your eyebrows. To visually lengthen your face, slightly draw in the length of your eyebrows towards your temples.

3. Ombre coloring will help visually narrow and elongate your face

An excellent option to divert attention from the cheeks is to use the ombre technique. Light tones attract more attention than dark ones, so you should make the ends of your hair lighter than their roots, thus focusing attention on the ends, visually lengthening the face and making it narrower.

4. Adopt cat eye makeup

A well-made smokey eye will create the effect of an inverted triangle on the face - all attention will be transferred to the eye and eyebrow area. To create this makeup, you need to “stretch out” the corners of the eyes using eyeliner, pencil and shadows - this way you will lighten the lower part of the face, making it appear narrower.

5. Enhance your facial features with shading

Shading will help create subtle shadows on the face, thus hiding facial imperfections. When choosing powder, focus on soft peach and golden shades, and in order to highlight your cheekbones, apply bronzer from your temples to your lips and blend thoroughly.

6. A highlighter will help to beautifully and effectively highlight your cheekbones.

Highlighter will not only help to gracefully highlight the skin, but also effectively highlight the cheekbones. This kind of trick will allow you to switch attention from the cheeks to the center of the face. For maximum effect, you need to draw a sparkling strip along the cheekbone line, highlight the back of the nose, the center of the forehead and chin.

7. Choose long earrings and necklaces

Earrings that hang down to the level of your jaw will help distract attention from your face shape. The longer the earrings, the more they will contrast with the shape of your face, visually making it narrower. And a long necklace will enhance the illusion of a longer neck and elongated face than it actually is.

8. When choosing clothes, give preference to a V-neck

Give preference to V-shaped and round collars and try to avoid high ones. Clothes with a deep neckline will visually make your neck and face appear longer, while those with a high collar will visually shorten your neck and draw attention to your jawline and face shape.

These little tricks will help you make your look perfect. We will be very glad if our advice helps you!

Many interesting articles and videos on our

Girls with a round face or those suffering from extra pounds know the value of good makeup. It helps them hide imperfections and make their face more oval. Fortunately, not only makeup can correct the situation and help visually elongate the face. the site has studied the issue and shares some secrets that will help you look impressive and beautiful. Try to build your daily look taking into account our tips, and you won’t have to wait long for compliments!

Long earrings

When choosing earrings, choose long earrings with stones or original pendants. They will attract enough attention to themselves that it will not remain on the round cheeks. But it’s better to leave hoop earrings for posterity: visually they make the face even more round.


Hair color is of great importance, as your hairstyle can reveal all your flaws. First of all, it is worth remembering that if you want to hide the fullness of your face, you should wear long hair - it visually significantly elongates your face. Choose dark shades of hair: after all, light shades open up the face, making it even larger. You can use a little trick: make the front strands framing the face half a shade (or shade) darker than the bulk of the hair, and use dye half a tone lighter at the back of the head.

The popular ombre coloring should be used carefully. Light strands widen the face, so the transition to them can only be done after the jawline. If you have short hair (just below your shoulders), it’s better to avoid ombre dyeing altogether.

To add volume to your hair and remove volume from your face, backcomb the top of your head with a fine comb and straighten and style the ends for maximum smoothness.

In makeup you should use only matte textures. There is a trick: there will be two powders in your cosmetic bag. One is a shade darker than your foundation, and one is a shade lighter. The first should be applied with a wide brush and a thin layer on the lower jaw, sides of the nose and temples. Using light powder and a thinner brush, draw a vertical line from the forehead through the nose and to the upper lip. This way the face will be more elongated. Do not forget, however, that such tricks should be invisible, so both powders should be applied in a very thin layer and blended well.

Use a cat eye to visually elongate your lash area. Let all attention be focused on your eyes: then you won’t have to worry that someone will notice your chubby cheeks. But it’s better not to use emphasis on the lips in makeup.

The difficulty with everyday makeup is blush. It needs to be done in as many as three stages: highlight the upper part of the cheekbone with a highlighter, the lower part with a bronzer, and highlight the apples of the cheeks with a primary or pink shade. Blend the edges carefully to highlight your cheekbones as naturally as possible.

1. get a concealing haircut. If you want the face to appear narrower, then your goal is to make the face appear less round and more oval. While there is no perfect haircut that will make your face appear narrower, a few tricks can help you find the balance and proportion you need. Here are a few tricks:

The length of the hair should reach between the bottom of the ear and the top of the shoulder. A haircut that is too short will make the face look heavier, while hair that is too long will completely contribute to the loss of visual shape of the face.

Add cascades to your haircut. Soft bangs and strands can frame the face and make it appear thinner.

Don't make your hair too fluffy. Some volume won't hurt, but the hair should fall close to the head, otherwise the face will look too wide.

Hide part of your cheeks and chin with hair.

Thus, if you have bangs, avoid straight cuts. Instead, go for soft strands or jagged edges.

2. choose the right hairstyle. The right haircut can go a long way in transforming your face, but it won't work if you don't choose the right style. Using cosmetics and modeling your hair correctly, you can visually reduce the heaviness of your face. Here's what you can do: Comb your hair to the sides. A parting will make your face less rounded and more symmetrical.

Gather your hair up. Only if you gather your hair up can it make your face look longer. Just keep it within reasonable limits - a huge bun of hair will look stupid.

Pull your hair into a low ponytail or even small ponytails. This will give your face visual thinness and elongation.

Do highlighting. Highlighting will add contrast to your appearance.

3. Apply blush correctly. By applying lighter and darker shades of blush correctly, you can create contrast between the two colors and give your face more angularity. To use this method, you need foundation, powder, dark and light blush, and a blush brush. Here's what you should do: Apply foundation to your face. Then apply powder using a brush. Make sure the foundation and powder are the same color as your skin.

Apply darker blush above your cheekbones. Clean the brush after application.

Pull your lips into a tube to place more emphasis on your cheekbones.

Apply a lighter blush to your cheeks.

Blend with a brush.

4. focus on the eyes and lips. Drawing attention to the eyes and lips will also help visually remove excess roundness from the face. Judicious application of eye and lip makeup will do a great job of making your face appear smaller. Apply eyeliner and mascara to your eyes. Also use subtle shadows for greater effect.

Give your lips a light pink tint. Apply glitter powder to the cupid's bow (the v-shaped area of ​​the upper lip) and a more bronze shade to the center of the lower lip.

Don't put on a lot of makeup at once if you don't usually do so. Add makeup gradually. A drastic change in your makeup can make people look at your face critically.

5. Wear the right accessories. The right accessories can also help give your face a more oval shape. Here are a few options to try: Wear a hat with a high top or a small brim to make your face appear thinner.

Wear long dangling earrings.

Wear a long necklace that meets at the center.

Throw your hair up if you want to highlight your jewelry.

Avoid stand-up collars or bulky earrings because they make your face appear wider.

6. Wear the right clothes. Dress to make you look slimmer. This will help you look slimmer overall, which will make your face look thinner. Your clothing can also distract attention from your face. Wear clothes with longitudinal stripes to make you appear taller.

Emphasize height over width with long shirts, tank tops and dresses, and avoid anything that bulges or has too much embellishment at the waist.

Prefer monochromatic clothing and wear solid colored dresses or matching tops and trousers.

Wear long, tight trousers, avoiding capris or breeches. They will make your legs look visually shorter.

Don't draw too much attention to the width of your face. Avoid trimmed scarves or shirts and tops with intricate collars.

Girls are often dissatisfied with their appearance; they may not be satisfied with the shape of their face or the size of their nose, but most often chubby cheeks cause annoying troubles. However, if you apply makeup correctly, you can make your face look thinner and create the perfect look. The products used to apply makeup can have a dry or creamy texture.

It is very important to choose the right shade of a cosmetic product and apply it in strict accordance with the recommendations of makeup artists. By following all the rules, you can visually reduce even a round face, lengthen it, and bring it as close as possible to an oval shape. It’s good to complement your makeup with a hairstyle that matches your face type.

Makeup rules for a full face

Any horizontal line only widens the face. That is why, in order to make it visually smaller, it is necessary to eliminate long horizontal lines as much as possible. Eyebrows play an important role in correcting facial parameters. When modeling their shape, you should start from the natural outline, but straight eyebrows are not recommended.

It is better to make them raised, slightly shortened and thin at the edges. To make the face look thinner, the thickness of the eyebrows should be medium, and the hairs should point upward. You can get this result using a modeling gel.

Eyebrows can make your eyes look more expressive and your cheeks look thinner. This element of makeup should be given special attention. Also, to give expressiveness to the look, it is necessary to emphasize the eyes. To make them visually larger, it is necessary to apply shadows in natural shades.

Another horizontal line on the face is the lips. They also need to be highlighted correctly with makeup to visually make the face smaller. Small lips only further emphasize fullness, which means they need to be made voluminous.

It is better to focus on the central part of the lips, and not paint over the corners. In this case, it is very good to apply lipsticks and glosses in natural shades, light or transparent. Makeup with their help can visually narrow a face of any shape.

Applying blush in warm shades will help to visually reduce your cheekbones. They are applied at the top of the cheekbones and then shaded with a brush.

Choosing a cosmetic product

All cosmetics that are used to narrow the face are divided into two categories: oily and dry. Makeup will be flawless only if the type of cosmetic product is chosen wisely, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the skin.

The following recommendations will help you make your choice in favor of one or another product:

  • Oil-based cosmetics are an ideal tool for changing the shape of the face for those with dry skin. Also, such products are recommended for age-related makeup. They can visually hide small wrinkles, in addition, they can nourish and moisturize the skin. Foundation applies better and stays on the surface much longer than powder.
  • With the help of dry powder it is easy to change the proportions of the face for girls with oily and combination skin. This is an excellent option for everyday corrective makeup, and the use of foundation is recommended for evening and holiday makeup.

When choosing a foundation for correction, you should prefer a product that is several tones darker than your skin. At the same time, for correction with powder it is necessary to prepare two different shades - dark and light. A dark tone is used on areas of the face that need to be reduced, darkened, or distanced. Often the areas where dark colors are applied are the cheeks or the double chin. Illuminating light powder is applied to highlight, emphasize, enlarge or bring certain parts of the face closer. The main application areas are cheekbones and nose.

Makeup for a full face

Makeup according to face type

In addition to the general rules that help make your face thinner, there are also separate recommendations for applying decorative cosmetics for different types of faces. Chubby cheeks most often bother those with a round face shape. To lengthen the shape and visually reduce the cheeks, they should:

  1. Make the eyebrows elongated.
  2. Apply shadows so that they do not extend to the border of the eyelids. The optimal eye shape to achieve is elongated.
  3. Avoid rounded lips.
  4. Darken the contour of the face, starting from the top of the cheekbones.

An oval face shape requires the least amount of effort. In this case, it will be enough to blend the blush on the cheekbones with circular movements and apply shadows of a natural shade to the eyelids to visually lengthen them.

Square faces are quite difficult to correct. As a rule, it is necessary to darken all problem areas with powder or bronzer: a wide forehead and chin, protruding cheekbones. Using a highlighter to highlight the center of the forehead, chin, and bridge of the nose will help add elegance. Complete the corrective makeup by applying blush in a natural shade.

Girls with a triangular face shape need to make their thick chin thinner. To do this, it is darkened using a dark shade of powder or creamy bronzer, and the top should be made more voluminous by applying a highlighter.

A diamond or heart-shaped face requires applying a dark shade of powder along the contour of the face and on the cheekbones. It is important to remember the rule that dark color is always applied to protruding parts and those areas that need to be hidden or reduced. A light shade has the opposite effect.

Although not everyone has an ideal appearance, any imperfections can be corrected with the help of makeup. Corrective make-up can change the shape of the face, make it thinner, narrow or widen. Nothing is impossible. The main thing is to understand that every detail matters. Everything from the shape of your eyebrows to the color of your lipstick can be used to shape your face. If you apply makeup correctly, even the plumpest cheeks or thick chin can appear thin.