How long does instant tan last?, perhaps the most common question from site visitors and clients. To answer briefly, here is my answer: “ Instant tan lasts from 7 to 14 days».

In fact, the answer is very comprehensive and there is no clear answer for all clients. It would be more correct to say that an instant tan will last as long as it takes your skin (the topmost layer) to renew itself . This renewal period is different for everyone.

We have clients who stay tanned for 3 weeks. So, some of them, in order for the tan to last longer, reduce water procedures to a minimum. I would, of course, not advise doing this, because... Not completely rinsed off lotion can lead to uneven results, repeated skin reactions to lotion residue, and also stain clothes. But they like it and, as they say, it’s good for their health.

Two of this group lead a normal lifestyle - without limiting themselves in any way and not particularly caring for their instant tan. Their tan lasts so long simply because their skin is like that..

The main problem is that many do not prepare for the procedure and do not take care of their tan, so their instant tan may not last long or fade unevenly.

When you're wearing an instant tan, you have to be very careful with your top layer of skin. It is necessary to moisturize the skin, wear loose clothing, avoid stress on the body and situations that lead to prolonged sweating (baths, saunas).

The longevity of an instant tan can also be affected by the lotion used during the procedure.

Let's get a look, How does lotion affect how long an instant tan lasts?.

How long does it last? How does it come off? Lotion category
1 day washes off after 1st shower premium
3-4 days smooth premium
4-5 days smooth premium
4-5 days spots economy / premium spoiled
7-8 days smooth premium
7-8 days spots economy / premium spoiled
7-14 days evenly/unevenly premium

There are premium lotions whose tan lasts only 1-5 days, i.e. by the 5th day it is practically not noticeable. These are expensive lotions and the price for the procedure cannot be cheap despite the short duration of the tan. For example, I have a lotion that is applied on the day of the celebration and washed off after the first shower. The lotion consists of a special formula, thanks to which a one-day tan is resistant to sweating and does not stain clothes. Convenient for those who need a dark tan urgently and who are afraid of uneven tanning.

And there are lotions that are very tenacious and very difficult to get rid of. An instant tan created with this lotion can last up to 14 days or even more on certain areas of the skin. And this lotion is not suitable for every client!

I would like to highlight cheap lotions that don't last long and comes off unevenly. This group also includes expired/spoiled premium lotions, which can be used by studios and craftsmen who either have few clients, or store lotions incorrectly, or have bought already spoiled lotion, or all of this combined.

Expired and spoiled lotions lose their working qualities and can lead to unpredictable results.

The wear time of an instant tan can also be affected current state of the body. For example, you paint a regular client with the same lotion, and the result may turn out lighter or darker, last less or longer. Most likely, some processes are occurring in the body: menstruation, hormonal changes or the client is taking any medications or something that we don't know about.

If you want your instant tan to last a long time and look like Hollywood, then be sure to:

  1. Prepare for the procedure in advance.
  2. On the day of applying the lotion, there should be no cosmetics, deodorants, residues of creams or moisturizers on the skin. The skin must be dry, clean and oil-free.
  3. Do not take a shower right before the procedure and do not steam your skin under any circumstances. Some believe that if they wash themselves properly before the procedure, it will be better. No! Skin saturated with moisture is poorly receptive to lotion and may have a slight skin reaction to the lotion. The tan will appear weaker and fade faster, because... will look lighter.
  4. Sweating or light perspiration will also prevent the reaction from going through fully. In areas where you sweat, the tan may fade very little or not at all. Overweight clients always have this possibility!
  5. Take care of your tan.
  6. Follow the rules of tanning behavior.
  7. Choose a good tanning specialist or studio whose main specialty is instant tanning.

How to choose a good master:

  1. Read real customer reviews.
  2. See how long a particular master has been working.
  3. Check when the site's domain was registered. For example, here:

If you are looking closely at the instant tanning business or are looking for high-quality lotions, then we will be happy to share our secrets on the website:

Your questions about instant tanning!

You can ask your question about instant tanning through the form on the right, by e-mail [email protected] or by phone 8-925-075-9-222.

We publish the most pressing questions and write answers to them.

Question : how long does instant tan last??

Answer : Instant tan lasts at least 5-7 days. It depends on your skin type and care. And there is another feature - the more often you do instant tan, the longer it holds on. Some of our regular clients get an instant tan when good care lasts for almost 3 weeks.

Question : I am pregnant. Will instant tanning harm me and my baby?

Question : I'm graduating. What is the best time to get an instant tan?

Answer: We recommend doing instant tan 1-2 days before an important event. If you are afraid of something, you can conduct a trial session a couple of weeks in advance. In addition, for graduates we have discounts on instant tanning!

p/s: and not only for graduates. Get an instant tan at a discount We can have birthday people, models, dancers, and of course regular customers)

Question : It is not convenient to go to the master. How does the procedure go when a technician comes to your home?

Answer: Call us to order an instant tanning specialist to come to your home. We will discuss the time, your skin tone and the desired result. All you need is 2 sq.m of space for the session. We will do the rest)

Instant tanning experts They bring with them a protective tent, a mat, a tanning machine, 3-4 lotions to choose from, as well as all related materials. You don’t have to worry about your room getting dirty; the awning will protect the walls and furniture.

Question: Will my clothes get dirty?

Answer: We recommend wearing dark clothing for your session. After a shower, you will wash off the bronzer and your clothes will no longer get dirty. Tested on numerous bride clients)

An exception may be girls with profuse sweating. But it's no longer the lotion's fault

Question: Can an instant tan become patchy?

Answer: The key to good smooth instant tanning It helps in 3 things: good skin preparation and care, as well as high-quality tanning lotions. We are professionals, we have been tanning for 4 years and guarantee quality lotions, and the rest is in your hands! Instant tan goes away due to the renewal of your stratum corneum. It's different for everyone. How better skin moisturized, the longer the tan will last and the smoother it will fade.

General Tanning Information:

(taken from internrt)

What is instant tanning?

Instant tanning is a new way to tan your skin without exposing it to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Instant tanning is an innovative and fast way for those who cannot get a tan, so to speak, “naturally” due to various reasons: lack of time, medical contraindications, etc. A trained technician can perform an instant tanning procedure in just a few minutes. People very rarely have time to pay attention to themselves, juggling between work, leisure and family. With the instant tanning procedure, they can finally look great in their busy lives.

What's in tanning lotion?

The US patented lotion is based on aloe juice extract (other similar solutions are water based). 70% of the lotion consists of plant extracts. In addition, it contains a powerful moisturizing vitamin complex. Therefore, as a result of the procedure, the skin not only darkens, but also becomes healthier. The light texture of the spray-bronzer promotes deep penetration of the solution into the skin, the pores are not clogged (the solution is not visible even in enlarged pores). Moreover, the lotion tightens enlarged pores, having a slight lifting effect. Spray for instant tanning is ideal for oily and problematic skin, masks its defects, and makes it possible not to use foundation.

The tanning lotion also contains an enzyme bioactivator and tyrosine (a complex of amino acids). As a result of their reaction, tyrosine turns into MELANIN, forming a natural tan on your skin.

It’s not for nothing that a Hollywood tan is called a miracle tan. After all, it helps strengthen the skin, thanks to the proteins included in the lotion, which stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. New collagen fibers are also formed due to the influence of vitamins A, B, C, E and D. They also protect you from the formation of free radicals, thereby maintaining youthful skin.

Please note that the DHA solution itself is completely transparent, dark color The lotion is given a bronzer, which serves only to enable the master to apply the spray as evenly as possible and does not in any way affect the color of the skin after the procedure. You will wash it off the first time you take a shower, but the tan will remain, fixed in the top layer of the skin.

Thus, when using our quality lotion, tanning occurs naturally.

Moreover, all components included in the certified lotion are absolutely harmless and hypoallergenic.

How long does it take for the effect to appear?

The effect is visible immediately after applying the lotion. The skin darkens several tones thanks to the bronzer included in the composition.

Within 8 hours, the tan darkens, appears completely and becomes permanent. Water procedures can only be used after this time has elapsed.

How long does an instant tan last?

Your beauty is in your hands! Human skin is constantly renewed, dead cells give way to new ones. It is the regeneration (renewal) of the skin that causes the instant tan to wash off. This process takes 1-2 weeks. But you can help your skin stay hydrated longer, which means your tan will last longer. An experienced specialist will help you choose the moisturizing and tan-prolonging cosmetics that are right for you.


Does an instant tan stain your clothes?

Clothes may only stain before the first shower, while there is still excess lotion on the skin. But don't be afraid of it. The lotion only interacts with the skin and is easily washed off from clothes. Your manicure and hair color will also not be affected.

After the shower, the excess lotion is washed off the skin and all that remains is your beautiful chocolate tan. You can safely wear white clothes!

Instant tan or solarium?

Instant tan

Number of sessions

Duration of the procedure

~ 150 min. in general

Manifestation of the result


Possibility of skin damage, burns


Effect duration

Skin condition after the procedure

Silky, moisturized, healthy skin

Feeling dry and red

Health Risk

Safely. Hypoallergenic

Skin aging, early wrinkles


We are sure that solariums are a thing of the past!

Instant tanning technology has replaced dangerous solariums

The harm to health from visiting a solarium has been proven by hundreds of scientists. different countries world, this is an indisputable fact. And the entire conscious society of the USA and Western Europe has practically abandoned their use! Only fanatics can claim that solarium is useful, but when the disastrous result appears on the skin - terrible age spots that do not respond to any treatment, then it becomes too late to change anything!

It’s not for nothing that the technology is wildly popular among “lovers of tanned bodies” and gathers its fans all over the world!

How long does the tanning procedure take?

It takes approximately 5-7 minutes for the specialist to cover your entire body with lotion. Add 10 minutes for drying - and you have a tan! In 15 minutes a week, you can have a beautiful golden or chocolate tan all year round- and all this without dangerous ultraviolet rays!

Are there any contraindications?

Although lotions are safe, we strongly discourage patients with psoriasis and eczema and other dermatological diseases from this procedure.

Is instant tanning a protection against sun exposure or tanning in a solarium?

The tanning lotion does not contain any sunscreen and can be used in conjunction with natural tanning. The result will be a deeper and longer lasting effect. It is necessary to remember that instant tanning is not protection from the sun and use sunscreen cosmetics.

As you know, ultraviolet radiation is harmful to the skin and increases the appearance of wrinkles, but, on the other hand, it gives it a beautiful bronze tint.

Instant tanning is the right solution to the dilemma. This procedure has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Persistence. Naturally, everyone is interested in how long an instant tan lasts. As practice shows, the effect of the procedure is quite long-lasting. In some cases it reaches three weeks, but, as a rule, it lasts at least 10 days.
  2. Naturalness and benefits. The instant tanning lotion is almost 99% natural. The dye is an extract from sugar cane, so the procedure in question is also called instant cane tanning. By acting on the surface of the skin, it does not enter the blood and deeper tissues. In addition, the lotion contains a complex of vitamins, hyaluronic acid and caffeine. These components not only intensively moisturize the skin and saturate it with beneficial microelements, but also slow down the aging process. Therefore, any doubts about whether instant tanning is harmful or not are not appropriate - it is certainly useful.
  3. Rapidity. The instant tanning procedure takes no more than half an hour: 10 minutes of applying the lotion and 20 minutes (maximum) for its absorption. After this, you can safely return to the normal rhythm of life.

Instant tanning at home

The ease of express tanning allows you to apply the lotion in a convenient environment. The simplest and most reliable way is to call an instant tanning specialist to your home. The specialist will bring with him necessary equipment and will help you choose the right shade.

Convinced fans of instant tanning use it almost constantly. In this case, it is advisable to purchase a booth, a sprayer and express tanning lotion for personal use. Calling a specialist will cost much less, and in the future you can teach this simple procedure to someone close to you.

Instant tanning in the salon

Instant tanning in a salon is preferable for several reasons.

How to do instant tanning?

Preparation includes removal of unwanted hair, peeling (one day before the procedure), avoiding the use of any skin products and perfumes (immediately before the procedure). Next, the master selects a Hollywood tan and suitable shades individually for the client. Having agreed on the choice of the desired concentration of the dye, the express tanning specialist applies it evenly to the body using a spray machine for 10 minutes. In this case, the client is in a special tent (booth), which limits the spray angle. Now you need to let the lotion absorb into the skin and dry, this takes 15-20 minutes. After the required time has passed, you can get dressed (loose clothing is preferred), get instructions on how to increase the duration of the effect from the specialist, and feel free to return to your business.

When it's sunny summer days will not come soon, but I already want to get a tan, people are starting to look for all sorts of ways to make their desires come true. The article will tell you what instant tanning is, how long it lasts, and what its benefits are. At the moment, many offer similar services, but their prices vary. Therefore, you need to find out in what cases people do the “instant tanning” procedure, the pros and cons, as well as contraindications.

Advantages over similar procedures

Instant tanning has quite good advantages over self-tanning or other procedures of this type. Among them:

  • instant results;
  • painlessness;
  • safety;
  • the effect lasts longer.

Thanks to all of the above advantages, instant salons are rapidly gaining popularity and include many special salons where professionals do their work efficiently and clients are always satisfied.

Many girls having thin skin or a large number of freckles, they are afraid of this procedure, because they believe that it will harm their health. In fact, an instant tan, the price of which is affordable for everyone, is not traumatic. Despite the type of skin, its color and thinness, no burns or other unpleasant marks remain after the procedure.

Instant tanning lotions

Before sunbathing, as a rule, a special lotion is applied to the body. Thanks to this procedure, the subsequent tan will go on smoother and much faster, and the time spent in a sunny place will be reduced.

Instant tanning lotions consist of moisturizing natural ingredients, and they also necessarily contain vitamin E, which can penetrate the skin and nourish it. Natural ingredients quickly moisturize the skin, saturating it with useful microelements and slowing down the aging process.

These lotions also contain sugar cane extract. Once on the skin, it interacts with amino acids, after which a tan appears. The extract does not penetrate the blood or deeper tissues, but only affects the very surface of the skin.

Such lotions are hypoallergenic, therefore they have no contraindications and are suitable for all skin types.

Before going to the sea

Not long ago, instant tanning became a new trend before a trip to the sea. How long does it last in this case, and is it possible to sunbathe with it at all - the most common questions.

Initially, celebrities took advantage of this innovation, and then their fans also picked it up. After all, few people want to look like a pale and tired person among those who have been basking in the warm rays of the sun for a long time and have a perfect tan.

Before you find out whether it is possible immediately, you should understand whether such a procedure is necessary before going on vacation. As you know, a natural tan does not suit every skin type correctly. Often people have to wait 4-5 days for the tanned effect, and as soon as the goal is achieved, and a beautiful tanned body can be shown to others, then it’s time to pack your bags and return home without colorful photographs from the sea. It is in such cases that people tend to get an instant tan, so as not to spoil their vacation and bring home good memories.

Now you need to look into the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe with an instant tan. In fact, many experts claim that it is possible to do artificial tanning before going to the sea, but you only need to apply it professional products, which are definitely available in any specialized salon. High-quality lotions that give the skin a darker shade do not block the sun's rays, so you can rest easy, and the instant tan (before and after in the photo below) will gradually turn into a natural one.

Gorgeous body

An instant tan, before and after which a person experiences completely different sensations and emotions, always beautifies the body. Some people even claim that it will visually remove some excess weight. Thanks to this, there is an incentive to get an instant tan. Moscow, as mentioned above, is full of specialized salons, including:

  1. "Infinity" (Chistova Street, 16).
  2. "Lilami" (Yuzhnobutovskaya street, 61).
  3. "Vesnushka" (Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya street, 9).

Each of these places has many positive reviews, as customers always leave them happy and moderately tanned.

How does the procedure work?

There is no special technology for applying the product to the skin, so the procedure can be performed both in the salon and at home. A special coloring agent is evenly distributed onto clean skin using a sprayer. This procedure is carried out in separate booths so that the product does not scatter throughout a large room.

For 6-8 hours after this manipulation, it is strictly forbidden to use a washcloth and take a shower. It is for this reason that instant tanning, the price of which varies from 500 to 2000 rubles, is usually prescribed in the morning. During this period of time, the skin has time to absorb as much as possible all the necessary coloring particles, and therefore the effect will linger for a long time.

8 hours after the procedure you can already take a shower. Please note that the epidermis absorbs only 85% of the product, so colored water will drain during water procedures. There is no need to be afraid of this, since the shade itself will not disappear.

There is another option for acquiring an instant tan - using lotion. It must be applied using special equipment, which also sprays the components evenly over the skin. It is best to purchase such a product in professional stores.

What to do before visiting the salon

The day before visiting the salon or performing the procedure yourself at home, you must carefully prepare for an instant tan. For 24 hours, it is prohibited to use body creams, perfumes and all kinds of moisturizers.

To ensure that the dye is absorbed as much as possible, experts recommend doing laser peeling right before the main procedure. Thanks to this, the tan will lie more evenly, and there will be less product left unabsorbed.

Instant tanning: how long does it last and what effect does it give?

The time during which the tan will last depends on the type of skin, its preparedness, the amount and density of the special substance. As a rule, the tint does not fade within a couple of weeks.

In order for the effect to last as long as possible, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not wash under hot water;
  • do not use too aggressive detergents;
  • try not to sweat too much;
  • do not wear warm clothes.

How to get rid of a tan

Situations often occur when the client does not like the result, because untanned skin looked much better. Fortunately, the tanning effect can be removed right in the salon immediately after the procedure. For this, a special lotion is also useful, which is rubbed into the skin, and then the body needs to be soaped and taken to the shower.

How to maintain shade

When you know what an instant tan is, how long it lasts and why it is needed, you can figure out how to maintain it for a long time. First of all, it is worth saying that in the cold season you do not need to wear too warm items of clothing, because excess sweating contributes to the disappearance of the dark color from the skin.

In addition, a tan made in this way does not tolerate saunas, peelings and other similar procedures. Those with an instant tan will have to postpone such procedures for a while, otherwise the beautiful dark shade will not last more than two weeks.

During the cold season it lasts because sweating is reduced. Therefore, most masters and already experienced clients recommend doing this procedure in winter.

Harm to health

The instant tanning procedure is practically safe. It is worth saying that doctors even allow pregnant women to do it, since neither the mother nor her fetus will be harmed.

Only the presence of freckles or a large number of pimples can negatively affect your tan. Although there are still no absolute contraindications in this case. If the client himself doubts the harmlessness of the procedure specifically for his skin, then he should consult a dermatologist before performing it.

Quite rarely, the components of the main product cause allergic reactions. Today, many manufacturers produce lotions that do not have any negative effect at all. In addition, even if a person has ever suffered from skin allergies, it can be used special remedy, intended specifically for sensitive skin.

Real reviews

Of course, it can’t be better than natural, but still the reviews about instant tanning in the salon are quite good. By following all the rules provided above, people get a great effect that lasts for quite a long time.

As a rule, the first thing customers express is their enthusiastic opinions about the fact that instant tan does not leave any marks on clothes after absorption. In addition, the product that colors the skin does not give it any unpleasant odor, even if it itself has a slightly specific or unusual aroma for the average person.

1 625 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about instant tanning. We will also tell you about its pros and cons, how long an instant tan lasts, how and where it can be done.

Have a beautiful and even tan all year round - every woman's dream. But what to do if summer is still far away and there is no opportunity to go to the sea, but you don’t want to abuse the solarium? Fortunately, modern cosmetology does not stand still. Today, beauty salons offer a new service for lovers of an even golden skin tone - instant tanning.

What is a quick tan? Its pros and cons

Instant tanning technology involves tanning without ultraviolet exposure. Using a special sprayer, apply an instant tanning lotion made from cane sugar to your skin in a thin, even layer. The whole procedure takes no more than twenty minutes, and the result will please you for up to two weeks.

The main benefits of reed tanning:

  • speed of the procedure. Applying an instant tan will not take you much time;
  • safety. The composition of the lotion is absolutely natural and is suitable even for sensitive skin;
  • the entire procedure for applying the lotion is completely painless;
  • A wide selection of lotion shades will allow you to choose the color that best suits your type of appearance;
  • durability. On average, a quick tan will last from seven to ten days;
  • Another obvious advantage is that it does not cause burns on the skin and does not provoke the appearance of tumors.

Despite the obvious advantages, quick tanning has its own flaws:

  • the lotion may stain your clothes immediately after the procedure, so it is better to dress in loose clothing;
  • There are restrictions on water procedures. If you often visit the sauna or swimming pool, then a quick tan is not for you, as there is a possibility of uneven color removal from the skin;
  • Careful skin care is required before and after a quick tanning procedure.

Photos before and after the procedure

Instant tanning at home

The quick tanning procedure itself is quite simple, which allows you to do it at home. At first, it would be better to call an instant tanning specialist to your home so that he can show you how to properly perform the tanning technique and help you decide on the shade of bronzing. In the future, you can teach this simple procedure to one of your loved ones.

The procedure for carrying out the procedure in the salon

  1. The day before the instant tanning procedure, do epilation and peeling. Cleanse your skin well using a scrub and a stiff washcloth. This is necessary so that the tan goes on more evenly.
  2. At the salon, the first thing you will be asked to do is take a shower and wash off all your makeup.
  3. Next, you put on a cap and swimsuit.
  4. Then, using a special sprayer, the master applies the bronzer and lets it absorb for several minutes. Good master will take into account all your wishes and so that you are satisfied with the result and the shade of your skin.

The application procedure itself does not last long, so after 15-20 minutes you can safely return to your business. But do not forget that after the procedure it is better not to visit the pool, sauna, bathhouse. For the first ten hours, it is generally advisable to minimize contact with water. Also, do not apply any cosmetical tools on the body.

Instant tan during menstruation

Experienced specialists do not recommend that women undergo a quick tanning procedure during menstruation or a couple of days before menstruation, since a hormonal surge occurs inside and there is a risk that the tan will become patchy. For the same reason, it is better to refrain from the procedure if you are taking hormonal pills.

Instant tan during pregnancy

Agree, even during pregnancy, every woman wants to look attractive, be well-groomed and have a beautiful golden color skin. The reed tanning procedure is very suitable during this period, since bronzing does not use ultraviolet light and there is no irradiation. The reed lotion that the master sprays comes into contact only with top layer skin. In addition, the composition of the product is not capable of causing harm during pregnancy - a quick tan on the skin is formed due to the action of natural substances.

Are there any contraindications

Although quick tanning is suitable even for sensitive skin, in rare cases it can cause allergic reaction. It is best to do a simple allergy test first. To do this, it will be enough to apply a bronzing agent to a small area of ​​skin and wait for the reaction. If no rashes appear on the skin within half an hour, you can safely begin the procedure itself. If a reaction occurs, the specialist will need to select a bronzing agent with a different composition for you.

Also, the instant tanning procedure is not recommended for people suffering from skin diseases (for example, psoriasis). If you have any inflammation on your skin, it is also not advisable to do the procedure unless you want to get harmed from an instant tan.

How long does instant tan last?

It is impossible to give a definite answer, since everything here is quite individual. On average, the effect of reed tanning lasts up to ten days. The reason is that the bronzing composition that the master applies does not penetrate deeply. Therefore, the reed tan washes off quickly enough.

Of course, you can prolong the effect of reed tanning if you follow all the recommendations, but even under these conditions it is difficult to say that the effect will last longer. The thing is that each skin type has its own characteristics. For example, if you are the happy owner of smooth and even skin, any tan, including reed tan, will last much longer. If you have dry problematic skin— the tan will disappear literally in a matter of days. This is why it is so important to exfoliate and exfoliate your skin well shortly before visiting the salon.

Your hormonal background also affects the duration of a quick tan, because, as you know, the condition of your skin largely depends on this factor. So if you want to see the effect of visiting a quick tanning procedure for as long as possible, try to monitor your health.

Instant tan before a trip to the sea

Recently, many women have begun to sign up for an instant tanning procedure if they know that they will soon be vacationing at sea. What's the point of this? It's very simple - no one wants to walk around with pale skin, standing out from those who have already acquired a golden shade of tan, basking in the rays of the sun. In addition, a natural tan does not apply evenly and beautifully to all skin. Agree, it often happens that the skin first turns red, and only then acquires a bronze tint. In other words, while you are relaxing at sea, your instant tan will gradually wash away, leaving behind a natural shade.

In conclusion, I would like to note that such a procedure as instant tanning is popular for good reason. Quick tan It applies to the skin much smoother than self-tanning and does not harm your skin, unlike a solarium. In any case, the choice is yours.

Video review about the instant tanning procedure.